Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 1 Jul 1909, p. 3

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Lon cup. _ {Aniston lAl`thuf La... 'Ac`ton Burk s Falls Bracebridge . . Bolton . Q .- . . . . . . Brampton . . . . . % : Beavefton` . . . . Bradford . . . . . .. . Clarkb/urg . . . Cookstown . .. . Emsdale . . . . . . . Gore Bay Halibmjton Huntvil_le _.v..-__ _ __v..v-- _----v-. 17 To II.-Jo< `Hunt, 'Mhrgaret Harris, Lurene St"orey,Haro1d`.; Smith, `Arthur "Ellis `Eddie -ChoW,n. Ibe` Fos- C-an \Kf3I...'A lf`.....1........ f`_'-..4. t"-_.__;. - .u C] '.l.H`_ll1l141l,V Llcucv ouuxcrs. _ ` l.. .`]?o. It. II.---M!u:iel `Leslie, Aaron I.S_tnith, Percy Hobley, Verna $homp- "son, Bruce King, Marguerite 'M. c- Kfyfey, Kenneth `Currie, Arthur T 0I1l`t\0| UnnnnA 117:1--- AIL_AL 4;;-, \aLEIr\IJ\.I Avall { To `It. II.I.-1\`/E-:J:.g'gie_1\_IicDer1 i1Vic`1, yG:d=3. .\I3 4 "_`:I.`-c;-Jr. II.+-Eva Haste, udson iSmith, M- orley Somers; Gerald But- tery. -' 1-5 . 71' 11 \Y -11 1'1 A"; 1`4o_`i\-"c )`."v-II.-Jack Haste,` Alb}? 1CIi\fton, Katie Manning, -Mamie Mc- i_D'rmid, Olive Tuck. . 1 Lakeselci ..... .. i'Lindsay .. . . . . 3 Newmarket .. .. New Liskeard . . Orangeville . . . . Oro . . . . . . . . . . Owen Sound . . . Orillia. . . . . . . . Powassan . . . . . . Parry Sound .. . Sundridge . . . . . . Sturgeon 1Fallso . Shelbume . . . . . . Sprucedale .. . . . *Schomberg . .. . Toronto . . . . . . . Utterson ' . . . . . . . Woodbridge .. . . E `B:-ownlee, the Auctioneer. Barrie, handles credit sales of farm stock and `implements promptly end satis- factorily for $5.00 and `iipwards. Dates can_be arranted for at THE 'ADIANCE0F\FICE. - Llll nu , 1.\\.u'.u\.l.-It uux I It, 111 u1u.1 if nston, Horace Wilson. Albert iGoodson, Edna -Cooper, `Olive Scott. 136- T'T R'-...a.l,. `LI!!! A....!..-__ `IL- BAzR-_1j2I[E7 FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS. Dates for I909, " New and A Artistic Qsigns in `Spia_%|7V:;$lu_es at 5c, 10c, 15c and 25 per roll. Bordeis same, price. Svin Le sngaua to gnaw A ypu ainples, _ -----1 dflxbols` . . . . . . .. 'Sep't7,8r288, 29 . . . . .. Sept, 28, 29 Sept. 23, 24, 25 Sept`. 29,'3o. Oct. 1' . . . . . . .. Sept. I6,.I7 Sept. 23, 24 . . . . . . . ., Sept. 22 Sapt. I4, 15,216 Sept. 23, 24 . . . . . .. Sept.` 28, 29 `Sept. 29, 30, Oct. 1 Oct. 4, 5 . . . . . . .. `Sept. 22, 23 . . . . . .2` Sept. 28, 29 . . . . . .. Sept. 27, 28 Oct; 14, 15 Aug, 30 to Sept.` 13 . Sept. 3o,.'Oct.__1 . . . . . . .. Oct. 12, I3 . Sept. 22, 23, 24' Oct. 4, 5 Sept. 21, 22 Oct. 5, 6 Oc't. I9, 20* Sept. 30, Oct. I- Oct.l 5, 6 . . . . . .. Sept 30 .. Oct. 4, 5, 6 . Sept. 27, 28 ' uczull. Wncll he 'Wa`Sg_;-"-;5I,.c|F.!!i; mt, an u=_ttuck of vpleua-isy *atfd ;9i ` .%i.01Ha wh1ch conned 11i1A"1f_1;.,;a-ti) 8` i)"e_Junc I. The d_ e' -. - w 1r'11 U1 t|1c:vicini,ty L; te "6 the remainsw"ere? take] .5 `uerpTif)t (;l1\the ma. 5' :1` n . " f ` year 0 1xdlandH1g_ r` " ' ap 1."`v`{ ` $``I>al. He died_`:afF,?.ghg I ...2... Oct. 7,8 ...Sept. 22,` 23 . . . . ..`Oct. 5, 6 Sept. 23, 24 Sept. 27, 28, 29 V Sept. 30 29 The bonds will bedated 1st June. 1909. and pavable on the 1st June, 1939, in denominations of $1,600 each. with coupons attached for inter- eat at the rate of four per cent. per annum. ya_ble half-yearly on the 1st June and hat ecember in each year at the office of the D-A.-Innanl 7| .u............. 'IV.........a-.. .... ..L 51... ..$...... THE GOVERNMENT OF` THE PRO- VINCE OF ON FARIO. under the authorit. of Qhapter 8, of the Statutes of Ontario. 1 invxtes subscriptions from the public for a loan of__500.000 on bonds of the Provinceof0nt- arm, or Ontario Government Stock." ]ll._UlB nan-yearly On ([18 IBE JIIIIC Illll 13` jstacember Provincial 'lreasurer, Toronto, or at the omoea of the Bank of Montreal. in: Montreal. Canada. and in New York. N.\'.. at the holder`s option. Bonds will be made payable to bearer. but on request wili be` registered in the oloc oftno Provincial Treasurer and endorsed as payable only to the order of certain persons or corpora- tions. and on request of holders will be ex- changed for Ontario Government Stock at any time. PBSVINBIAL [MN Ontaria Government Stock" will bear in- terest from the lat day of June. 1909. principal payable on the lat day of June. 1939, and inter- est at the rate of four per cent. per annum will be paid half-yearly by cheque on the 1st day of June and 1st day of December in each year. Ontario Government Stock may be subscribed for in sums of $50 or multiples thereof. and will be transferable in the books of the Treasury Department` only bv the holder or his attorney in similar manner to tranfers 0! bank stock. The issue price durin the_month of June, 1909, will he 1 2-f0!`.8.C l00, and after the 30th day of June. 1909.the xssne. rice will be llazloand intexest accrued from e 1st June, - L _ - A ALL BONDS AND INSCRIBED STOCK ISSUED UNDER THE AUTHORITY or THE sun AC1` ARE FREE FROM ALL oNTAR,I_o PROVINCIAL TAXES. CHAR GES, SUCCESSION DUTY AND IMPJSI. [ moss WHATSOEVER. s % Orilia C - - * 9emea m" `aS*V"Wec` '1; ~`gie 9 9*Yer% ' 1. Of $.[2 5co f0r. .e Library. " the V~M,a;;e | Purchasers of Stock or Bonds wm be required to send certied cheque with the-_application. :D.I.V.able to the, order of t.h_e-"Pro\'inc1al'l`1'ea8~ urer of Ontario. ' This xoaziks raised upon the credit or the -Consolidated Revenue Fund of Ontario. and is chargeable thereupon ` . . Subisoiibrs should state xibethr they desire i bcndsor "Untafiu Government Stock. I , .,Example: A subscriber for $1,u0o will have the option of taking either a bond or Ontario Government Stock." A subscriber for 8750 will be given Ontario Gov;-rnment Stock. as bonds are only in the denomination of $1,0w. A," J. MATHESON. Provincial Treasurer. direasilry heearinicnt. Parliament Buildings. Toronto, 31:1 June, 19.29.. T Ncwspap_ers inserting` this advertisement without mlthority (rum _lhe l)epm-nuent, will nnt hn nnid fur it V'll.IJUUla 3.1!/lIUl'lly not be pan! for Lt. ;W. C." Andrew MA`NU_FA.C'I`URER 01-` Budggies, Carriages. Wagons i ` Sleigh: gnd Cdtters. % S1-mew Plcnsomls. An-mu-urrunu D; In I` i J.i u _Ti $`.$`z?:.`.,"rn. Horsesboeing , , , _ _ . -_J ... _- _ _ I At the zmnual meeting of. the West Simcoc Women s Institute in Creemore the following A ofcyers were elected: President, M'rs.; J_.~ B. Ketchem, New Lowell; vi'ce4presi-_ 11-nt., .\1rs. F.}. Webster, `C1-eemore; secretary-tr_-:1surer, Mss _ Amelia Ovens, Duntroon; auditors , M'rS. Kctchcn and Mrs. Smith; directors. Mrs. 'l` and Mrs. Buie, Sing- ha.n1ptm; Mrs. Gien and .Mrs`.. Ross, Sunnhlalez M`prs. D. Mk:Grc- =E0Vr zmtl .\Ir.s. Campbell, Dunn-oon:' MISS (T):u~kson and M`iss Brillinger, .Batte:1u; .\lrs. James Prosser, NCW Lowell; Mrs. Webster, ~Creem0ff fXIr:s.'C)len1;111. Ban(la;v Mi'S.- L_Ott.V, juo.J55 Bnmsw ST. .At South Berwick, Maine,_ Miss `S_arah._Q-me Jewett, Litt.; D., author "of man) . b..ooks_`and-1fgarde_d3cas`o V of the foremost` women wrxtets :V;AAxne.rica, ,agge,di died June `V Trogress Brand % Clothing. Tailored and `Guaranteed by !I. Finaborg &' 00. Limited, lontrodf Sold with a Guarantee by E0 To .ho.ii6a j ` ifould .t`hiVnk"5f`~~~ a`a8oo_ia.tingwithd.i__- 1To7{e}'Y Elma" ' air`. 8&3?! `&y7: Yet think of the men ' who `associate with dishonest ole? Tht` TwI'ul1t() News Of June 15th tat':(l: "The Toronto &;Y07rk Rad-. la] Rzli1w;._v Company has" ab:}ndon-_-:' 1 S 1"1'j of a radial: 1ine,a ]ons the w<.-~1 shore of` Lake SiII1CM(3,-filfld 901111}-ctix1,g Toronto with Ba~rrj"e, ,_'and cont_muin;,-' c~vc11tua1lj to O-ril'Iia.`7` Preliminary survey has been made -and the idea was to use; the Metro? gfikp l .r.ulf_)r(l. and go =tthetn`c.e,f`tO .,,i1rrre. hm this has been_gi1fem:`uv-* ,m`l`-H. uml arric wotnd not ...W3f'?i7 ,w_` "1_`|)c extencled,beyond Sutttgny, .33 the (,;m:u.liu11 Northern` nOW'-DIG-E`. " ` ` 'A ' %Schoo1. took place -at thasttnotme:%in Dfllitan Iinv tp Newmarket, andtthent d"F`. <> tn the northwest` so as 10 We h.'1\'_- decided that the,` :Zi`bsncej 0 `H13 large towns .between- `Nc,W-' M W` cust of co-nstructionf . 53.13, Mr. Clmrlcs ],_ VVi]5Qn., ias/sVi`s'tl.gint.r_ {{I1er;1l mnnzxger. The M`et #opo11tat)`; Vi(,1]E*]s for l C;1vcrton, . . we (lcuth of Ernstein .]Si'I11'.I[>,`%0,`:;; `B A-, principal of the `Midi 1itT ?`Hi'h`: Midland on June 2`oth,__giLd7 a great surprise . 'at11'd`Js`h*$'<`3lt'i`--V':'t 'Si`I`T'1`Y friends and a'cAqi1a.`il1tz};1'i'; 1t:.f.t % - ).` I`! * ` ` ,": t T. I -1'-31x:m1`111;;ldSab?)%1:a;s?t!Sa? 4% is (ICZIHI urhnn ` I `for two-tirs oi their lives! Be honest with _y_o1__1rselAf-a,s _weII as West clothing that is honestly made- thst. gives you honest value for ..your honestly -`earned money. ophosur Ross 51'. 3011.` BARR,'S OLD STAND 01` 0119 50111` :!4331E~` UF $3,500.00!) 32 john Hcwson, a practical farmerl of Duntmon, has been placed in charge of the new Governmenit Ex- pcrimental larm of 640 acres at D`riftwood. (',)nt., on the T. & N.- 0., Railway. I I The Provincial Health depa1'tthnt report. that the smallpox outbreak in the Port Severn and Go Home Bay district is now wholly nder Control. There were 44 cass and all were effectually quarantined. The Provincial Board of Health has two `sanitary police continuously `on duty, and rlcclurcs that the situation is now conipletcly in hand. - . I ull`- U) Avenin_LI- r[` 7333:: ::-:v2u-wjj '`:'~++-:~+~:~-:+-:~+-3--3-so-1--2--3--:.+a~+a.~z-+-:~++ -+:-+4---++----:~~~+-:-4-:~-~~:-!-++-1-y:-3:-9:-:- ' DISTRICT g i%H.A?PPN!NG. and " 3' u 1 I L n :1 Hour 3-; *; I ]}.`l,`J_ll,l.'fl_ -.~".1'.I\_-ft.)-_. 011111. when he"Vwais;;7js_triC_1$!1" `In u-ttuck of-pleurisymid PM. .which him,J;t;9f';;=;hi.'T` June dedseji_1 `I1 l_,. '_ ', .,A' l'5?--`_ ... la y y`J. big 3ur_ we btly all good_b;,-and, `Then we ble .d th ~ n a. best` brands. sift and te t 1-,}, V L. . e a dough that will stistaiz: theetl1l:i1(li:K;t;;;,:':t9d Expensive !" Yesgbut . . of to :;:.'::: ` t , - _ t ` lg .- standards. . Every ingredient ant ` - !\v .t. ' 4 is the purest and best wcflg our bakes? a \.... 5` -7....L-.... rV________\" " V`_'Z'e;>`!1; r~'5;'e;9:!`!'i-"';?S,.I _1_<.Vi ;."s_:gruhed` in cream, or fresh milk, certainly do `make an excel- lent light breakfast. Youtest them AT YOUR GROCI-:R.'S Christie; B1-own & Co.. Ltd.. Toronto have more original goonsa. - m;I6t};e~r. manufactured on this continten-t, K More than- that . the original goodness `of .:Qhrit-iea ::Bi3c.ts._; ~ lasting. The avor doeS`n6t`vary,`~ _ . , AH Hi'a-.hi:n11i+ Tdbnuh `l...-.-...'- -.'.s ~.-_ T. '.,~ 1 .. - &.:r'-v V VT?` or fresh, sv~e;1_:~ Sold in bulk, or in snqll family tins} dalp and `dint-proof. -i ~~-' """""I "'-v'"'" 1 Theipioneers of Mledonte are not all gone yet. Joseph` :1-Iorton, Eady; .recently cornpleted his - ninetieth year. He has lived in Medonte. from the age of thirteen, seventy-seven years. `I011 the adjoining farm is living another old settler, Alexander Miller, who also-is in his ninety-first year, and has lived in thel township eighty-one` fears. A -an-I.-v urn ...-an--my ass-vvu IW'hen Dr. R. W. .Be1'l, Provincial Health Officer, was at Port `Severn, where he vaccinated 262 persons, the feeling 'am.ong`French `Canadians was so strong against vaccination that a number of young,men`v attack- ed him and-drove him ou_t; _There werev26 cases in a temporary .hos- pital there but the disease is under .control. - ' ` ` `and the kb( )ok stcks oice. .--A V . E)ocl1a_ng'es. from neatrlys every county :11 the province report acci- dents resultmg from horses becom- ing" frightened at the sight of auto-_ mobiles. _ " Frosts did serious damage Week before last in sections surrounding Huntsville many potato elds suffer- ed"severely, and som.e of the spring grains were` badly cut. The fruit crop was not materially injured. Tl... ..:............ -: mn__u-,_., , ` Two thousand ' homing pigeons were liberated at Nlidland on June 19, in a race. The lofts of the birds` are located in 18 cities from W'ash-{ ington to Laurence, Mlass., all about four hundred m,ile's' from Midland. This was the rst test un?ler- the At,- lantic Combine Race. ' ' __._ __ j. _. lily ~._J_I._ruuu lJ`lGLl'_l\.L,'] vtuo nluyu ug. the latter place. on Ju"ne 23rd. It appears that Todd who worked in Athe.mill had thrown off the belt andi -was in the act of changing -saws when his arm got caught `infthe shafting and he w'a$-`whirled round and . round, his legs s_ma.shing through a ;.two inch plank. ' Finally his arm was "torn f~outr,.a.n.d' poor Todd sbody was ` hurled eight feet' away tofjthee ground`; "-Hi`s.`-*.ribis and both legs` w'er_f'.broke:n_and his body horribly` mangJe d;; and yet he, was conscious" ,This" _t.e,rrible -accident oc- curred at nine. o g1;bck' in-the morn- .iEs:""bi?t}>?it !',W,=i.s "thr...eeT0 c1 0.c_ in the " afteri3g;;on..Abeore`Av"dfezpthL en ed. the .sufei`i'i1:rs .of'~`the `mtfortunate ; young. .`ma!_1.:.r ,:."1";l1_-der-35 gnmains :wer:_e',\eony_eyed {by j 't1_'fz1ii1i`V'*s"*t _\il1sd._11e f'og,..itt'1i11e11t. '_.... - gr. .3, J, `_ Thomas Fred 1VIJc'Ca11n}_{,a '1`.si,dent of the = Scotch ,'VSet_;t-leim_'ent,. Eli`_cd;__near Lcftoy; O ~.J`$` ;.I.7 ~ain' ibis` 19th `year; On ~ace"o`i3-11$ of 1H-health he wa"fs,.*.Ts_tay- ing ;ne)ar_ t_l_e. 1ake.__ He _had. be,nfail- _-ing.j.Sin u'rhen his legqvas gbrqkenf-`by `a "kick {pom 5,11`.-/_1i,`.51, i S`e, `which st:?mc'd `t`o 2t',_t._ his f-yi;hole - system.-;H~ea1`t.3gt_ 59l!`}?l set in" and ,death enqgd`"!'`s', _1`1Jf'e"" ggurney. ' 1151- `I" IGeorge T'odd, `a young. man from near 1-lillsdale, an employeeof _the Highlancl Lumber_`C_o., Berridale, in Pu-ry S_Q.und Distr.-i_ct,i, was killed at latter-place 'Ju"ne appears that, who worked A31... `A311 luau:-I llnonuna rum 1nn H1511` ant` }!UL'(lL'1I \.au:v.`\.... ..-_ ` _.`__,I V H _y` _ ` IM'idland." F1`;'* Press :4-L-M'.r. W: J. Parkhill ' Collector of cu_sto_ms, ;;`}'1j1as Keep graptedFa'jtwo,% *mon ths leav_,L_t3`z':A.T;V of I absence ,by,..-`the .'-Govgrnment tQgke .a .tri_p"` to VLivverp`o_ol. "_;IW't'A. _VP:a'j!khill will leave; , ab`9ut ..1;h`_:rst `of : `July. -V,Wh il e..,in>LivepoolV:= .will - attend. the .Trie1'1nih, -~_C1ou_n_;i1-;` "_th9 .L_yal-- 9'-50tiig!z7pl.i_AS}9i=i&10n:tQ be. held ,(~er%e :;?ilnJ (:1-y;u~ " e .The,J.t'Il'y._n.u_mb..e_.:j of the Caf` M-a`gazine_ Tmight. %almost, be ca` C`onfedsr.atin~..%Ariumher, '% ss>n;1e' A ' ;b'. `n;';.'g`2z:r1:.nn.i t'. to NEW: * ' __he rtarticics ,,en`i`-_ my at good &bran`dT*o J T 7 3. Then we blend jzhg `f '- .- LI --- .1 '- .. in reax of -the. s . `K Qliiet-.:butif-pretty . Juue.;wtedding -was sol`_emniz'ed' on} Wednesday, June 23'1`d_, at ,two o c_lock \at the residence of Mr.`; and},-Mf's.. Fowlie, Oril- Iii, When -Mildered E., daughter of Mr.;, and Mr?s.;-,F. Olive`r,-Udney, was.-married, to Mrl`:_Charles- A.- Sar- Jeaflt, formerly oh Bar.ri`e',. and Sec- retary-Treasurer of ,t.he__Sarjeant Co., Limited. ',..{T.h*e `-Acerrnbnji was per- formed in the d_ra,wing-.;ro,,onr-, under a beautiful 1.-wed"d_ing_- bell `of - _Margu'er- ites~and~ Smilax; hung`, frdmjfhe ceil- ing ,by -'_"strings~ `offthe l's iI,=rirL'es.s`- -Rev, Alf.` J. -~`Fowlie` of_ -Waub'ausihene, -"oi- ciatd, and M rs....vA. Fowli e,played the iwedding.-march`. The bride was given awaygby her fathenand` wore white .`m_ull ' with ' sleeveless lac-e' i coat, of whtelithe `trim,rr'_1in_gjs Iwere panels of tucks and insertion "and-"white satin bands, she carried `a bouqubt of white rosesand maiden hair fern, and was'unatte'ndc;d. After the"cere- mony about twenty-ve guestssat down `to the usual wedding lunch in 2 the diningroom; Mr. and -Mrs. Sar- jeant let on, the 4.25 train for 'De-_ trait and Niagara, and will be gone about two weeks.` They will reside in Orillia upon their return .and~will occupy Mr. Samuel 'Sarjeant s resi-3 dence, Brant street, for the summer,[ during the latter s absence in the[ West. The young couple, received a large number ofgifts from their many friends, and also a beautiful Limoges china dinner set from the Sarjeant Co., Limited. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold watch and fob. Among the guests -from out of town were `Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Oliver. Udney; `Mrs. F. Sarjeant, Barrie; Mrs. J. `I-I.`-`Stephenson, bf -Markdale; Mr. and'-Mrs. Walter Sar- jeant and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sar- ljeant, of Barrie.---Orillia Times. centennial celebration of the war. of 1812 was discussed at a well attend- ed meeting in th_e,Toro_nto Military Instute last week at which were represented: `Daughters of the Em,- pire, the chiefs. and warriors. of the Six Nation Indians, the United Em- .pire Loyalists Association of On- Lario, the Canadian Mlilitarv Insti- tute, veterans of 1866,. 1885 and South Africa and the York Pioneer and Historical Spciety, Lieut.-Col. Q The proposal to {hold avnational T-llamilfnn .Ml9rr1tt 'nom1nil>rl the CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION. It was proposed to seek tfle o`ic- ial cooperation of all the govern- ments as well as that of the public .generally. It was suggested that the` 'chief scene of the celebration should {be the frontiers of Ontario and Que-1 bec, where`-the historic attack was met and repulsed. On motion of ex-Ald. Lamb of the York Pioneers, Lieut.--Colonel Merritt, J. S. -Car-` tairs,} B.A., Lt.-Col. Ryerson, `and R. S. Neville, K.C., were appointed a committee to. draft and submit `a general plan or, scheme for` the ap- proval of a future meeting. cuts ? , ._ '.re`;i1<>,fV/ed A Ro_l") e:t: .Nxxon, ',Tecu`m~seth, onr.June_.17th,t 'ats\t.he age o;82- years ancf 9 months. Deceased was born in the County Leitrum, Ireland ,_82 years ago and -came, to this Acountfy about 1844. _ She Was married to`-Robt. Nixon_ on January 2nd, I850, and lived sn_1ce that dates in the locality "in _.wh1ch shedieg. A . -oi; :Tue,s<'la)". June/22nd, Gertrude,` eldest daughter of ?MII`. _- and Mars. Robt. `Kneeshaw was married `to `Wilfred Thorpe of Hiaileybury, _`-.sTon of_ ex-counci1lor Robt; Thorp_e._ n_..s_ ---'- .11 s " , ;cha.1r. jT?;1>r?o3 Se11:tii1'1:etntL;.: A .5 W`-_ ,1 :- -.Newo,u1idl an`d"f is; t,ti`L ; title _of fan are. tide` VbyT ,Frajxci `A,'ury `C'arm`en',`j -Which cIaitI;s.jth`e`existence of `a feel- ing `in favtuigof confederation with C_a`nad:i. V 1 ' O ANOTHER ` . wom cums 131110115 IIIQIIVLILIM LU; vvunuvu I h I 1'. thirty rovedto be th -1:331: qvaluablo nie. reneweb 0; : the female ~orgs_n1un. A Wo,mon"resid- 1 dnggin almgpt every cigyand town in \ the United States A wil `testi- ; mon totthe'w9ndorLul vlrtue'o Lydia : : ukhIun I`. Yciubkw Oo1npp1?g.- Lydig E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound. Gardiner, Maine.- -AI have been a great sufferer from organic troubles; ~ anda.severefema.1e' `~ '" weakness. The doctor saidl would have_ to go _to the ; hospxtal for an I -* -operation, `but `,1 e _ H - could not bear to :g" think -of it. Ide- cided to try L dia V E, Pinkham s eg- '2 etablet Com ound andsanative ash." '-and was entirely '4 cured after three IIIUIIUIIB um: UL vuuuu '-.LuLu.- no. 4;. ` Wn`.r.1Ans.+ R; ID. No. .14. B015 39; Q$zrmr mimould sub t to a surgi- - calopef1:at1on,'wh1ch*ma mean death, utitll she-ha : given Lidia` E. Pinkham s n-..~..4....m. `nnmamnn ?mndd exclusive. nut Snell! 817011 lull me I Lunuanu 5: Va table -_madqexclusive- ly tom root; a.nd,h.er . `a fair. trial. `This famous medicine; for women 1.--`-.. u..u-up can-A nfnvddtn b9 the 1 'UulUll 98 VIII ULILUU months of them.--`Mrs. S. A. co,_*..._._-_. 11- `II 'I\ ll 11 uh? Q0. J lI3l.\J'I Ibal h1J\v.I\}LJ_, L4I\:|Iln'%\Jl- H`amx1ton. Mferrntt occupned the`! SARJEANT-T-OL'IVER. Em? VIII!- Jaiiueport No. Standing Committee` on Roads and Bridges recommend- ing payment of the following sums was received and adopted: _ . Inc C....n..I.; ....- Ln: ,..-.z..1. r-._._ l.l.1llJUlC, uvr. um:u,au, L4. uugcuuna. , .. . . I % To Jr. III.-- Cla._rk..Eva `Par-`~ \yl\I-J, LIIIIDLUIIQ Moved by Mr. Banting, seco1/uded by `Mir. Miller, that the -Clerk be in- structed to communicate with mes Sharpe, `Barrie, with reference toi purcgasing a gravel pit or by the. yard. D4|t\r\aoL `\l' Ca.....A2...... /-`.~....._.':LL....' _To S1-,_\,III.--`G. Mitchell, Bee`-l croft. G. Hayward, G. Mleeking, `Smith, .M'. Hill, `C. Curtis, P. W"'rd- man, 0. Craig, M. Crodker, W. ` ar- `risf; `C. `W`reggit,V. Pullbrook, E`. ?f1`ribbl,,_M`. Metcalf, E. Bogardis. 1-71- V The Council metepursuant to ad- journment on \M;'n`esday, the 23rd of June at A1I`xstOn,d-with all Tchel members pyesnt. Minutes of last` meeting read and conrmed. T 5 '!\If~.\....A k.. R/IL. I\.....l. ... _......'.._-.!...l m:"If~r:I.--C). `Glennie, Ln. Keeley, A.` .West`,iL. Nash, M. Kelcey, R. Mil- _ler, E. Sanders, Pbtnerf. ` .West W. . To Sr. IV.-E. Averill," I.'Shan-V non E. Stewart, Thompson, 0; Gallagher, F. Scott, W. 'Sotr_Lervi1le, E. Leslie, S. -Cooper, -P. -Garrett, E. Hammer, F. Foster, R. Carson, M1. Grey, A. Kilgour, J. `Hill. `I 1'`? `I1 Howard, `VV. Aike{1head, A. B1 -ownlee. . -T_0` 5!. .II1-*"G- .M5h91_1. 323 All'\.\.I-Ills I CGU GIILI \.\ll.l.IIl IIICLI Moved by Mr. Dundas, -seconded by Mr. Miller, that a grantyof $20.00 be granted to the Agricultural So- ciety, Alliston. Lf-.....I. t.-- L1`- `D.._.i:.... ..---_/._1__1l W43 ICQCIVCU auu USIUPLCU; ' Jas. Sproule, rep. hill on'6th Con. line," $15.75; Wm. Harris, opening ditch on 8th line, $1.50; Issac J. Jennett, cedar for bridge on. 5th line, $21.30; Wm. Ingham, rep._bridge~ on 10th side line, $1.25; Robt. ~M:oone.y, for cedar and rep. culvert; $3.75; Robt. Addis, for -cedar and rep. cul- vert on 3rd line, $6.40; A. Miscamp- bell, for rep. culvert 0n~25tli side line, $2.50; Mlark -McMaster,~lling washout on 7th line, $2.00; W. E. Baycroft, Beeton, for burial of Thos. Grip, $6.00; Albert Bone, rep. cul- ivert on nth Con. line, $4.50; Joseph |Graham, opening road for funeral, $2.00; `Samuel Gordon, rep hills.o-n lth Con. line, $18.00; M. ML Bell, teaming tile from Barrie, $3.00; Wm. Graham, claying road and grading on 5th side line, $26.25; Wm. 'I_`egart, cutting down hill and build- ing cut'2nd line, $I29.64; James Wil- son, rep. hill on Ioth sideline, $27.- 75; W. T. Banting, repgriyer hill, $24.90; W. J. -Corrigan, grading and work on west town line, $46.25;| Hugh Hayes, rep. culvert on 11th! (Con. line and 60 rods wire fencel lbonus I5 cts. per rod, $8.90; Jasper Beckerton, opening ditch and 60 rods wire fence bonus I5 cts. per rod, $10.50; Robt. Speers. 42 rods, d0., $6.30.; James Ellis, 72 rods,/-ldo., `$10.80; Thompson Jennett, 60/rods. do., 3800; Jas. A. Miller, 57 `rods. Af\ EEI DAM auvurln bang ,"."1'.l3E7'T';;} 1; 7'1"r1_i_t_!;,- D. ,Otton, G. Burton}, W. Butler, "Ml Leigh, R. Stewart, I. Whiting, ._ML ,ShaW- ~ Nash, H; Miller," R. Fowler, M}. Love, 1 R. Fisher, -Watllaee, Leece, L. A ..- . - ou- _'Jr. III.-- F. Manuel, E. Davis, N,` DeHp.rt,.'H. Hixbbert, Jones, Wood,_ H. Urry, J. Noland, *M'.'Jones_,| G. Reeve, E. Stoddart, L. ,-McLart ~ L. Reeve; H.`OWens. A. _ ~ Sr) II.--F.*'P1axton, D; M1ac;.a;en;,! F. Wyles, L. Ba`r-wick, K. Brown,-M`. M'crMIanus, J. Shepard, 'M'. Love,/ I- Knapp, -M. Leigh, N. Reid, J. Scott,- N. Tooke. ` ` ! [rWJr-.;-.:'.-I. Ambler, L. vvy1es, M 3 iBrown,`-B. Ingram, V... Strange, ;ShrubsoIe,,_L. -Hurst, E. Raynor. ` '1 1-\ ` f'"Cn.t1?31.$,hool. , . 3 `Jr. IV.---W.,A_ult, G. ;Fowl , E. .Anderson,- Justice, S. Stat n,~"G., Lyon,;.R.G,ordon, M. Smith, V. T:{,$- lot, I. Hart, ML eSo"m`ers,` L. Love, " V. .Zeihr,I. Drur. . L e 7 X !Sr. III.--;L.- ooke, F. Mon-en, L. Home, A. Reid," H} Hunter, 1M`. Car- ley, R. Hurst, B. Ness, Boag, K. .Kennedy.. E. Aiken-,. L. Warner, J, }eD1",ckey, G. Ness. ` ` ` ' Irv:-' 7` _1i ' `T 11:: ;To the Edit\or of\TheyAdvax'1ce: I ah`: vnn rnpni-inn 4-ha T\lIn_l ; &\l luau J.4uILU1 Ul.\ AV? -IIUVCILILC 9 _ - L I see you mention. the Mic-Mac . excursion of I906 to Barrie as_.a_ joke one onaccount of the small num- ber who got off at Barrie. T was. sure a joke one "one on Barrie." The town "has as prett a bay as there is in4 the_-_world.,b ;t from. A1- :1zmdal'e to Kempenfeldt Point show me one publicfbathing house or park with access. to the water. At the he-ad,of the bay there is a. ne bath-' ring beach why not erect a, few bath-_ .i x*.g sheltersthere, where a. -visitor_ o-`resident might hatigkhis hat` and `ck.g,,,he's wh.i.1,s.ty_;besportin' in `the `I'.tna' 1Ifl|`a`a I\: `snag-'J-:4:-a` o\noQ::\ Dunc: ' Y \l\.'vl_;VA&\-57 IV IIQIQF IIVJKKJI `III III LI :'r(:s11 waters of beautiful arrie Bay. There_ is `St. Vint:ent s Park.in thc ezgst end which migghtbbe turned into a water resorf, by simply widening the passageway which now "exists 61' 1' did.e2;istV under` the` `track, tearing: down a few" yards__'of the. fence and `erecting a fewbathing, shelters in.- side the f> ark..f.;_. `, " ' ` "V `V ' V is . . ~ I I By advocating the a.bove_p1anAyou - will be doing. something towards making theV1`)rettyftowx_1 of Barrie more att r_actwe_~ or_ qxcu-rsionists `than it is at -present. a11d._give the. lie; to the knock_ers,;who.dccry:-Barrie xas. plag,e_ ._not ,~-1\t 1ma_..tura.l.l5r_ attcagtive.a ': -_,ch Qbkgeli; .;Edn!Vr;..f.0t YIOUI` ~ V ;; Yj(1u:A ,. l:_n.b:vor = ;_th,` ~ will ~2..is`a2ipxz ; n9_,c:k gar, So'.v.h.er_=ss-.~ rn.ronn.ea1.ghg;a'%;gsg'n.u1es% LETTER To THE EDITOR. ESSA COUNCIL I'ke1v,_ `Katherine L3tt,' Mil ll-:1 Law.- " ence , Lldyd: Thomfpson, Hazel 1Hors- .eld, Grant,_'MbL.a_rty, George Fal- coner, Annie Bebb, Wa da Bowman, Vera. Tribble, Nellie annen; Dor- othy Landon, . Nellie Goodson, -Roy Bogardis, ,Ja'cl_< lMonkma;n,V Arthur |-Robinson, Helen Turner. V -.a 1.1: Luuu. .|..'4u.1:I, Aauulc '\.;llUW,ll, JUC FUD" ter,' :Wilfrid Wardman, Gfant Guest, [Louise Pearsall, Russll Mc=Quarry, `Dora. Leslie, Kaireen Brownlee, Au- .~di'ey -Firman, Irene `Sdmers. 1` fl`. `1 . T1` ' 1\.n....:..1 1.._2:L A-,,_[. uuvuouln, LJJLILIG '\.a,UU[)\'.x, \J11VU v.JbU|.L. ` Pt. H.--Myrtle -Hill,,Audrey Mlar- .tin, vWillie, Hines, Thelma Edwards, Snpwden` Beatty, `Flor nee Todd, Reta Bell, -Clifford Robi 5011, _Mayo rbel Poacher, lessie Reid, 7M|ay Long= h-urst-, Reta Russell, Jeanjohnston, Eddie Lewis, Eldred, Carruthers, ;George Wiseman. Gordon Myers, {Reggie Gibson, Pearl Salter, Bert Reid, Clarence ,- 'LHob1ey,, Archie Longhurst, Drucilla Poucher. East Ward. To Jr. IV.-Irene Dalley. , To `Sr. III.--Louie Clifton, May [Ball, Gladys Marlin. 0 1'1 ? I 11': 1'\ Neilly. \IUTUUll3_ 9llUCl'bUll To Sr.` II.--Rh.oda,` Mizen, Harold Cliftom Irene Archer, Irene M'arlin, Walter Clifton, Alex. Watt, Grace a `P1 `IN - 'I'T . T1 1 .v..,. To Part II.-Norm-an Neilly; Har- .vey Neilly. ' `I T 1 1'1 . ; AI` . ,....-.`

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