Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 1 Jul 1909, p. 2

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V. D:\i1`]\.lQ.l-l'4l\, ` basin:-. V- `tor, P;-actor, Notary, Cqnveyancer, ec. . Special attcntion in drawing arid 15:-obating wills, obtaining let- tops of administration and guardian- ship, -collectin-g accounts,` etc. Of- faces, Ross block, Barrie. Money to fDR. MORTIMER`LYCN, 31 Carl- ton St., Toronto, late of.Brook1yn, (N.Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Disease! Eye, Ear 1 Nose and Throat. Consultation hour`s II a._m. to 5 p.m., and'by ap- pointment. ' Dr. J. A. C; EVANS, P-HYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe V County, .Oice ' and Residence: William Street, Allandale. Tele- phone so a. At Stroud Office: 2 to 4 p.m_ Monday to Friday. ~ iw.A.LEw1s. I I. I a n m xwyal uondon hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Haggis], Br-into : and Birmingham Eye H ital.` in ham : former Mhzber Britiahoyphthalmologgoal Society. 0FFICE-78 Dunno? snuurr. BARBIE. Phone 54. P. 0.80:. 96. ford Street, $70,000 FOR good freehold security at lowest 1-ate of int,erest.` No principal money rcqufred! until end of the term: H. _H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., ._ Barrie. - ~ INVESTMEN'-I` ON G; G. S`M'IT-H '& c;o., ESTABLISH- -aed: ;.-.Open day. and night. `Collier " an 6 Clapperton Streets,` ;Barrie. {Then 82. | L.R.C.P_. 3; s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. as s. Ghuagow '--SURGEON-- 7 Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in 81-1 ` Hospitals and havin served as Clinical Ass` t in Golden square . Throat & Nose Hospital, London; Royal London Ophthalmic Hosp: al (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident 8 n in Royal London hthalmlc ! grlstgl 3:9 1_{o_gpital. B}-lsto :_and Birmingham No. 70 arrives `at? A1 lan'dal' _I;5o 9.111., from Pcnetang for Toronto. ' r10 20 L ONTIRIO LAND `SH VKYOR. .INK OF TOIONTQ IUILDING. IAIIII. ' RESIDENCE TILCFHONE 149. -,_ Blllll, bvlavv ces, Ross loan. IEN LU'VV l\lV G DL\\J vv 5`, , Barristers, `Solicitors for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and adminfstration, and `general `Solici- tors, Notaries, Comreyancers, etc. Oices, Hinds block, No.6 Dunlop street, Barrie. Money to loan at ../ _...I a ...a ..-n> Ru-an:-I1 n-`mes tors, Notarzes, L0IIVcyu.u\.cnu, W.-. loan 4% and 5 per cent. Branch offices at Creembre and Alliston. 'Haugh- ton Lenno;c,nA1e'x. Cowan, G. E. J. `l1---...._ 7 ll LACIITIUA, LII lBUrown, L L.B. 2's':"?' s. LT. ARNALL, M.DE.`M., OFFICE in Bothw3:11 s block, Allandalc. On .31.- -..........-.. .; ..:...I.o. All Dutuwcsla usvwn, 45;` the , premises , at night. kllll. \llHLC an l\vl\L\pll\a\u Jvunl at near co}-net Ehzabeth. PhoneV2I3. --*D U IKUDU Eye; Ear. Nose 5 -'l'hroat, : T -n-Bid me; ixgzia an be fadgedto the Sub; Oonption not until the money _ia.nid. T ' Subscribers. now in arrears for threemontha` 4 and over will _be.charged $1.50 per annum. , AULT, BARRISTER, SOLICI- - TI`. .1... KT.-sba o-11 r(iVV3nCCf. (`V 1! ;LV 1v1Ul\1"I'1 1 & E5'1`Eh.Y, ON` tano Land `Surveyors, Engmeers, eve. Established 1852: Oice, Med- ical Building S.vE.. comer Rich- mond and ay/Streets, Toronto. Telephone,. Main, H 1336. Instruc- tions leff with Strathy Solicitors, Bank of Toronto Build- ing, Barrie, will be promptly .at;- tended to.- ' I-CI Illa 1'4 Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS `MANUFACTURE-RS. UNDE_R'rAxERs. pHYs;g1ANs. sunvsvons. TH: Non-rusnu A'D\!.I'\N,c'E %_u'a Fun 48 (`omun lrwupcpdr. Published from the ,ol'ca. 128 Dunlap Street. Bu-rlo. inlhr Coungy_-ot Bimooe. the Pro- _ noe ot On;ano.`6wadu. every . Thursday Morning. by WCILIY t CREW, PROPIIITOIS `LEGAL. [:??:`{lBoi|er&Engine `fT` For Sale. msunniucs AGENT, - ' CONVEYANCER, ETC. FIRE AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE Private Funds t_o loan on first mom H CB-Res. Gorresvonaence solicited. Office. Bank rvf Toronto Building. Owen Street. Ban-'e. Ont. Advance 3'." J I ' _rs,,,A1 '1 ` . . }"`ri$'K nhoudg fact d , V V emonstrates the .1 :patr9ns; If you ha. , -`luht it with the papex:"t3hz:: :yr::iz:lc:l::.gr:ff1h8 mm ot`afra.HidAtp pay, the price. '3 Deon, Ad? ` menta are charged accord. ` epugate measure make on ighui " A '.l'RA!l_81llNT ADVER'l`XS)l\'G. . ._ IA- ... far the largest subsc M D 2 Notices. Auction Sales, A per Ime `hoe Itentinsert1on5cents persin , ' *5 `aueaing noti C h , iniertipn of the same matter. All itcm:ouent 5 ines ew__.Firpt insertion 10 cents ces. 10 cents per line insertion : 5 cents per line for each su J of this character, charged um` Obituarv Poetry 50 Der line. B5 "W D a I Obit 01 uuu cnuracwr, c uarv ne_r line. No. 5% .. 754nm 56... Spm ' notice of intention to chan _.\$ ZP1-eferred positions for local adv xnentsin the paper wxll be sold at uni a`(l(:-13:` `of one-third on above rates, and on no 91 acconntwill specialpositions he give I rule will be strictly carried out. n' m` CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind um _ e advertiscmenu mustbehand mto theo ce not later um Saturday at! o'clock, and the copy form` change must be in THE ADVAN(:l.` olce not um: than 12 o clock noon on 'M0nda_v in N, week, otherwise the ad Vertiscr 8 annonncem , may not be made public until the week fella! . g_ ,12 changes of Advertisements allowed W M . If more are required, composition mm o .x'_}1r_be _ cha1'8`9d- . . . Fi?.f}i..\. 11 - -. wxu oe cnurgea._ ""' Advertirers W111 not be allowcd toueethei; space for advertising anything outside um, own business. Should they do ,0 transient. rates will be charged for suchuj vertxsementsag ` vv- -_-.__7 _.- ._-- v . - n r I.-AIll`1|\]u. Condensed advertisements on rs: pagcgm as wanlaof all kinds, lost and round, prom, for sale or to rent,_ specic articles. 0lc.. etc must be acconnvarped with the cash. una wig. be innerted-rst msertion 2 gums per woni each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word. . (namesnddresses and xzures counu-d ma u...a.. De 1uIu.I.'u:u-uA3I. Auacruuu Z C(`I|IH .- L-en: Wm namesmddresses figures counted as wonjg, at a reduction or one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions ofaama matter exceed four out: for advertisement: mun! In our case be mounted on solid melnl bun _ Dwc-.lling_ 1 rooms). stable}. drive house. shale and nearlyr of acre of land m garden and lawnq Corner of Peel and Wellington Streets, Harm welling--6 rooms, stable and shed. Large oton Peel St:-ee_t. Double dwe.l1ng. 6 rooms in each, on (`lap perton Street. . Vnnnnt `mt. E of an acre. nn Ponr:mmni.xl..m. perum Duyeb. _ Vacant wt, 3 of an acre, on Ponetangllxslucne St 1:. A t we `paw OF. M. MONTGO.\I}I}l\'. [our (1.. ..z. `Ivy _ -v-v-vu n;:.. ...*;..'.'.'. " 55.... 7.50pm V JOSEPH 1-1. SWAN. LICENSED AUCTIONEER An 8-horsepower Boiler and 3' .horsep6w,cr Engine, made by *1 Poison Co. Toronto. capable of power and heating. Can be seen at the Barrie Foundry. Brad- --_9 n-_ , V. uci::asis'xaa~;om;.;. '|'*|-I- : ' +-I--H-I--l-I--I-+4: J. rbn Tn-iEE3u'N--rvv or snmcgtm Most reasonable terms g1\'C 0" Stock Sales ADVERTISE m Advance Barrie Propey For Sale. TH9.%-.s]M~TH J ghn J ennett, MAKES YOUR sxm [LIKE VELVET T MoNxuAN's GLYCEDONIA. i HIS I mlrvolloun eecz un rouxzbi skin. One or two applications Ayill_ remove the roughness, and by 4. nuoouuionoi use the skin acquires: the Ifnootbneu and softnws 0? * bath '5. : '-. . Gvceouia in not sticky. 9'-d-P :.,V.9` may be worn n few momenll , Vlfl-_or: Ilinit. P P o n 0 3 I n n 5 I u1\Iv g Druggiut, INVITATIONS- OOKIKRCIAL CONTRACT RATES. r column } column L column GEO. MONKMAN. Ezmucuunsr, om. FOR COUNTY OF SIMCOE. Address BARRIE P. O. The government has let the con- tract for the constructionbf a plant gt Ottawa to experiment with peat in the manufacture -gf gas. CONDENSED ADVERTISEM I-ZNTB. -..-...I __2---...4:..-_. -_._ A rioo 15c and 25c. Delightful nfter ihavimI- I 1W"'l. 0 ll" .10 00; next to the Tan-nery. |lMo.3Mo.; :1" 5 2!!!! I0`) 1200 on no Tums or Svnsomxmox. 81 per Jvmum on Adminoo. .4--Cg II 1. __Is_3.L_ AI_-l5__I_ .`6Mo.1Yr . xi... II 11351 .? The extension of" the Temiskam-A mg `and Northern Ontario Railway, from its presjat terminus at Charl- -ton to Gowganda, will open `up a mining region of illitnitable possi- -bilities. It will. also make available for settlement extensive tracts of {good farmling land. This railway is being constructed by the Ontario Government. ' Barrio. `I\ 1 . Barrie The United States Senate placed the duty on sawed lumber at $1.50. per thousand, and reduced the duty on bituminous oal to 60 cents a ton. Theysoiprpcity clause in the House bill was eliminated. ` Scientists representing all learned institutions of the world gathered last week" at Cambridge, Engi, 'on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Charles Robert Darwin. The celebrations be- gan Wednesday evening and lasted" for three days. `A total of 235 univer- `sities and learned `bodies, including 30 of the most: famous :` institutions of..Arnerica,V and an equal number _;in Germany sent representatives," and the -leaders of each delegation pre- sented ftheir addressesto the Chan- cellor of the University, Lord Ray- leigh. Subsequently a numberof de- grees were conferred. Among the recipients were `Oliver W. Holmes, /associate justice of the .. Supre_me '-=`Court ' of: the United,'.'.States_3. :..E,(.ar1_. Grey, 9 Governor-Genera.l . of Can'ada`,= 1-Ifai1;-yo": Caliior-2* -`jj_ 1g!ia,.who were `given the degreeaof? ` and `George. _Ellery dogtor of science.*, ------a- the The bulky report of the Georgian Bay Ship Canal survey shows what a_ difficult undertaking it wou1d_be as the distance from Mbntreal \to French River village on Georgian" "Bay by way of the Ottawa River is 440 miles. The survey` estimated that a 22-foot waterway can be es- tablished for the neat sum of $100,- 000,000 in 10 years, `and with an an-_ nual maintenance charge of about $900,000. Much of its course is through rocky ground... '. ' J'- _ W , . - Rt BARRIE/RAILWKY ' iv 23, um . nun a.m..co$a1t Spcial .. mlsam. I` `la m.,Bu1!hlo Express... "twp m` 83 pim..Muskoka. Express 1.! p In I.llpm..Nort.hBay..--- 12.16pm Ilnm (Inn vnnhnv-at _-. _ ` lmo. xn..'l`oronto & B. Biv'er, 181: m Toronto 8: Midland 74! a In . 'Collingwo9d and Medafojrd. V T0` ` V Trnouf - _53....10.27g1m 1s'o.51....7.am M8..,.. Ilpm 42 ..1.pxn sou `.. M1000.`-`pm -3`. "Jun: .a.vg\-no-rvu: -uq------- .-.. - .- . ' Gravgnhurst 9.85am` Daily incldding "Sunday; " T ` Main` Linen Penetang. W . AI-Ia`rnilt_oVn. No.h3.. 10._:25aVm 55....'l45p'.u;= .nuu No. A J` El : ~;`r.~.~ e7,Wi`.;?.113t `}d.s 1.: . A thh;_iTarm`f-th6`oughIy. . ngetts, who has charge "of the .f1`1iit branch-- -of ~ the --agt.icu.ltur'a1, 'depart- ment. acdcompanicd 1 tbs ,'P"ar!-'35. -`* .W'..hih.*. inc luded H n., J. J._` Fpy, ' att9rn`_e*y- ' general; Hon; Dr. 'Pyne,A'rniniste_r.6,f V eddcatiohii `Hon.."Tho`mas Cravnf:-rd,` sneaker; Dr.'.A. R. Pyne,`T...White-' sides, M.L.A., and t,`he,'legisla"tive re- polrten-s of the local newspapers.` The tour also afforded 'the minister of education _an [opportunity to inspect the cultxvated gardens? at Vinelands and Rittenhouse schools, which "reg; eet great credit on the industry and` ingenuity of thewscholars at those places. W, ,4 9.. ., -m-rr- , `...-.-..,-.. i_Th Newmarket Express-jHerald I ,has,.t is to '-say about .notori_ou~_s ` `Newmarketf'_Canal; Thelrs no pub- lic , `work _ of the present Z time that 1 has received anything .A like .the amount of public. attention /that has been given to -this canal.'v) It has been discussed in`, the House of Commons, reviewed on xthe public V platform, criticised in the press, and-` talkedabou_t inthe public thorough.- faresvand in the homes. We have looked diligently for any reasonable. argument in its favor and have fail-_ ed to finda single one. Conserva- tives denounce it and Liberals who have carefullylooked into the case condemn it as a wilful waste . of pub- lic money. Senator"Campbell,,form- erly Liberal for West York, declared that it was a foolish nder- taking and should never have been commenced. Even the Toronto "Globe is sigxiicantly silent on,.this I question and has not a word to say iniits favor. `It has been said that V there are two sides to every ques- tion, but` the canal seems. to _be'a i notable.exception to the rule for it seems to have but one side and -that-\ the one opposed to .it. ' ` - A bill wasintroduded in the Brit- ish' Parliament to allow women to practice as law agents in Scotland. Theq1.1es_t'ion came up about ve years ago and was decided against women" in the profession. Sincethat time the Scotch universities have `thrown the oors of their 7la.w' schools open_ to women, and now several women trained as lawyers are waiting'for permission to prac- tice their profession. `A Toronto exchangere_marks_: \It is announced tha t* t_he`re is something _ defective in the tjr Abvy-law iwhfh prohibits the littering -~-ofv the streets V with waste paper.*.4'lV`woV mien , who J were chaifg,;d\Fndei'7it`, tlieir offense Bieingv thiavt, they . '.'wieAr_ e' `distributing tra.c,t-s`, were acquittedg` by. the; mag- . istrate., Tho. evidendeh ..showed. that ' _ they ~h.nde_d .'t_tat's tjo ;nIen;" and t'h'a`tf `me omen.) aftr_,_raIi?1_8~ `1th;em, ' rim.-wi them on "the foiaawikgu Wold it'no;t' `-have ? beenf awe 1L-;aaAo:1`a,l>_.1c_..-to h`a_"v_.. irchargii .`th"e;. n b;:agj;ui1;g~cmgyy n I The reduction of the price if pub; lic school `readers by the Ontario government from $1.19 for the set to 49 centshas-`just resulted in fjthe separate school readers being cut from $1.15, the old price, to 62 cents. The revision of the public, school books has also given rise to a move- nient for revised Catholic re"aders. This `is likely to` be complied _with in 19:1. - There is _"not the remotest chance of the protest against. Hon. J. R. Stratton, member for the west rid- ing of Peterboro, be_ing__ dropped. There have been 200 subpoenas is- sued for witnesses to `prove corrup- tion against himself` and his now- ers, `and an attempt will be_ de"to `disfranchise hia, Liberals have `surn- mons for.near_ly 100. "The trial has been xed for September 7, before -Judges Mac-Mahon and Anglin; ' \ . The `early appearance of forest res this season turns attention. again to the question of further re- ducing the` risk on this aecount. `In recentyears the measures taken _to protect the forests of this province against re have heen made more and more eieient. The -Government has increased. the iiumber of re rangers a_nd in their owninterest the lie-ense-holders have redoubled; their precautions against the danger. It is understood that the old reek`- lless ractice of `leairing the debris of lumbering operations inj,s_u_ch_'a state as to serve for 'th_e_kindlin ogim`-' ber-destroying `r es is less fcomrnon. By at least some ofthesowners of [limits care is taken to dispose fofv {this irubl5ish.--Mail` and Empire. ,,electorat;"e oni7.the_rqu`e.s`tion of Con; federation would be qisastrously de- vfeated. "jBut [on the day -when the leader of.-"a party in the Island Col-' ony makes up hismind to risk tem_- zporary defeat for the purpose of ac-' .~ complishing `Confederation, that day brings union. between Newfoundland and `Canada within the horizon of the proximate future. A That leader must--unless the nancial exigencies of the'Is1and bring him extraneous r aid--,face an arduous campaign of ! : education but it will be a campaign . crowned _with victory:--Francis As- bury `Carman, writing on `~`Pro-Con- federation Sentiment ,,in Newfound- land in the July Canadian `Maga- zine. ` URBAN SUBURBAN g ` C3oooooommmpomo6ooooO ooooooooooouooonooooo M'rs. E; WiI1i_a_m _has returned` from a pleasant'v1sit_ In Toronto. 1 -`pr -r r-r" an n t\.. J."rl1?'i{o:i{;;},x1"o{ 6&3; is holidaying at Mr. W. R. King's. ---..-., - v--.-. v.. w---- w---wvvaJu The` marriage takes place early ' this month of Miss'uM'ay.M`aude Gra- : ham, youngest daughter of Mars. ~-Alex.` Graham, "'Courtvie,w, to Mr. ,ic:seph Howard Bradford of Quincx, June 22.--.,'[. R. R.'Secord. a- wellj` Im_ov`m farmer and fruit-growci of v_VGra`_tlntham township, died `very sud-' denly. He was a great-21": 'dson ,of~-' ; . the famous ALau.ra .Secord.V ` \Bec_ea,sed' ben on a: shii1g- t_.1fip' to. -Lewis-A Vurlnoaatn uh I&\|lvtI \ ` . .. . s `:h8fi9i1Ao-_:._nt?;;_ang`. _.to'} ` cox} --V.---uvJ ---= uuv --.`-. .--. -----.= -. `Miss -Rose Pae 'l'e`aves this week fpr . Philadelphia. % ' `II? I P 1`| . ' . ` -vMiss `Wright of ~Pex_1etang is stay- ing with Miss Eva Rlchardson. r 1Y1 I M1-. W._ `Bennett returned last week to Midland, after his sojourn" at fBht_tle Creek,WMIich., and a visit! with `Mrs. Bennett to _,/her Irelftives -at C'argi1I,_.Ont. Theri is a`mark_ed' ~impro`yement '_in_ his `health; though" is s`tillw iufferin {,smewhat. from V " ` 1a 1 g.tv._.,;j, - A . 3-.,._ ; N-.".. ,;'* ' '?'fi4s;;"L3Li}: E{i1w1g_ I;.'{'}"1Z1}1s`iion as" holidaying at her home on Bradford Stfeet. ms Anveasm `-7-- v--. Miiss Young of_ Torontd is thel [guest of .Miss Isabel Laidlaw, Blake` l Stfet. O ` ` Major and Mrs. Peuchen of _Tor- onto` are occupying "Wood1ands foxf the summer. `/ . ` ' Torrid w ea.the:r began here onl ._Wednesday 'of last week when the ;Fa_hx-enheit .thermometer- registered 89 degrees about noon. At` Mont- real and -in the Ottawa Valley, the- heat was even gregter, the ,tem.pera- `tute `a,t;sey`er_a1 points running:-l5c >ve ..,99.desrcs.. -V I - ` " VI%.V.m 13Z<`>(11'ne:ll vis endixmg :11 m'onth_ in Haileybury with 1v1:rs.`4 Graham; ' -.. ._ .. . 1 V -arr:iva1sM a.1_1d dgpartres _gt. nndlfrom Barrie are as follows : I _ }Mr. a-nd Mrs. `Ross Beattie. spent` -the week-end with the former s mo- ,Tr_out Creek. 3' ` ther on theirway to their.home at I 73*` After a lingering illness, g-Miss Mzany M. M'alkindie_d `on Wednesday of last week, in her" 25th year. The 'f 1'1neral took `place Friday morning to 'St.VMary s "Church and cemetery. -Dr. `C. Gi1`christ, Orillia, who was elected Grand `Chief of-the Sons .of Scotland in* Toronto -last week, was a former `Ora "boy. `In the e1e c- tion for Grand Chief the vote stood log` for Dr... Gilchrist to 102 for Mk`. o'Meams; A Tuesday, .Wednesday and Thurs- day _of last week had equal amounts ofesunshine, and were the longest days of the year. ' ,I.,A' -1` 11-1 `oi-Jul V- u `-Oliver B. Patterson, chief of Bal- moral camp, was the tow1i s repre- sentative to the Grand Camp in To- ronto, last week. `V .a `A - .0 II J www-- At the Northern `Association `of Baptist Churches in session last week at_cMidland, Rev. John Elder of Barrie preached the annual ser- mon. ' g J. Hallett, on leaving town last `week, presented to the Barrie Public Library Ij volumes "of various work; I _on history. _ Dr.\R. Orokr/has leased a resi- dence in Cookstown, and expects to move there about July 1st, to prac- tice his` profession. The first wild. strawberries,_ were on the Barrie market Saturday morning. __A fair grop is in_prospect, as the ram came at the right time to bring them forward. 'II, ' I '11 0 'I` I O. J . .The:...:=L'a-1dies " -('}`t1'i'l of Trinity` Church held a picnic across the bay on Thursday last, and presented Mrs. `W. J. Hallett with a. pearl cres- cent` onithe occasion of her depart-' ure from the town. f` \t `of Helleville public schools, " who "fj. `C. Morgan,'-.l"oronto, inspector entrance examinations, wa taken went to Belleville to conduct the s'"erio'usly ill at the Hotel uinte. I \J\ Ill. BANK F TORONTO this 'VeAry 1 T , not; yOu"-_s'HQ(d begin right` away .)to_ laji .aSid';; ` `urn. SAhoi1ld iknes's_-anvd adversity o_ve?-take yet, you; . _wiil thenoney. One of t imfaortant _objects of this.` ' `Bank is} 1:6 afely a're_ for small savings. '\ ':s;mns RN AD`vANc%E mags aid ALLANDALEA nmincuns n.1,,AnuEn. Managgr. l*'The marriage Qf Miss fChri's;ina ,"A., daughter" of M!i's. %Petet'~,Wiggins ` of `Toronto, formerlyvjof Ba :-rie,.tool_<` `A a`.c.: in Winnipeg o'_n .VVeg`nesd;y; ' \ istoomboni Bummer sailings now being backed. Represt-.nta- Best E lish, American` and Canadian Fire Co`. s. xcelsior Life, London glamgwe and Accident. New York Hate as o. T Mr. crson will Still be found at the oce-0 EN 81".. IAIIRJE. 5-17 The commodious new waiting- room at the Barrie railway depot was opened for use. last week, and is a great boon _to the public. It ais- Iprovided with a smoking room and a ladies room, each tted up with 'a lavatory. The new cement platform and sidewalk a.p1')roaching the sta- tion at the east are great conven- _|_ iences. j There are loud complaints about boys robbing birds nests in the northern part of th town, and it_eis stated that. the depr dations" are of frequent occurrence. The boys-are perhaps not awareof the seriousness of this offence, for which a very se- vere penalty may be imposed. I They should take warning and discontinue the practice as the birds are useful c1('1catures' and should not be disturb he . Of; {his number about ffy were prepared at the Central School, and twenty at the South Barrie School. ` No.-.5;:..10-2'l;1m " M2,... Ilium Dr. J. Glen Crookshank who died in the hospital atv:Chatham on June 22, was a grandson of the late Dr. J. S. Crookshank of Barrie. His re- mains were-_-taken to his V father s home at Blenheim, Ont., for inter- -~men.t. `He was an MB. of Toronto University in 1906, and in London, :Englanq, in I907. In 1908 he took the degree of M.R.~C.S. and L.R.C.P. During the past few months he has been associated in practice with..-'Dr. iG. T. l\/L cKeough, Chatham. on Tuesday, Jx`1ne_...2znd; 7 "the burial The late Joshua Clarkson, whose death took placeat Victoria` Harbor on Saturday, June 19th, as stated in last week`s- Advance, was a long time resident of Barrie as` the owner of the -`Clarkson `House. His manage- ment of thishouse. was favourably known far and near for goodorder and the best accommodation to all who had the_ pleasure of enjoying his` hospitality. -`By niany 'of the people of Barrie, `and vicinityf his agreeable .face `and kind manner, will be remembered. with pleasure, and a. sigh of regret. comes now._.that, he_ has. gone from us -fd1`,ever`.'All; classes willingly pay` a=.;t'ribute' -of respect to the m_emory`of"_Joshua{ Clarkson. His `rer`m_1ins`T were _i'nte.x;-` red inVte Barrie `Union cemgefery servicesi 'bein"g\; conducted at `-the chapel of Q: G. Smith and Sons, and at the grav'e,j by the Rev."W.`$1`hor'n_-; ley 'an_d. `by 2 the Inde'pcndent` Order 5 l of.- Oddfllows; Mir. *w'Clarko-nyv-saw oi`sh s,hin.e_: antijshade V. in lifei._, I. A settlement was suggested to lend vM'r. J. W. Garvin s suit in Tor- onto over a\power -deal. I will withhold judgment until `Friday to give the parties a chance toimake a settlement between. themselves. It seems to me to be a case where `sub-. stantial copcessions might be made on both s1des, remarkecl Mr. Jus- 9;:-A Tonfunl :01 4-114: an Inn...- aauu U: a vuc-Auu: uuclcat nu. Ulti stock of the Erindale Power _'Co., from `Messrs. E. S.- "Edmondson, Chas. Holt and J. Kirkes-Meyers, the two latter of London, England. The action arose out of `the recent pro- motion of the company. -Mr. J.` W. Garvin said he brought the various parties together and arranged the -promotion of the company on the understanding that he was to receive .a one-fth interest,- and his `Lordship said he was disposed after hearing, "the evidence and argument to accept the statements of Mr. Garvin and-. `his witness. ` M A.__;: _.5._ _1g5Lg OMs9N. uu UULII DIUCD, rcmarncu 1\ .ll'. JUS- tipe Teetzel in the non-jury court last week, at the .,close of the suit broughtrby Mr. J. W. Garvin of To- ronto, who, sough to Qbtain posses- sion of a one-f intrest in {the} .....;.l. .: LL.` I'.`_:...!_1-' `n.'____ `ALLAu_ LINE umn_c. P. R. I MARRIED 1N vixnnxpa. LENNOX, COWAN %& BROWN. -n_...:-.-_.. C.-.1l..:4-nee I-'nr nhtainimz ...' ` A RADENHURST, Bai-rister, `Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Of- ce--Ist oor Bank (`of Toronto Building. Money to -loan at low- _-L -mu`-n ORESWICKE is; ALEXANDER.-' Barristers, Solicitors cg the Su- preme Court of Judicature. of On- Yario, Proctors, Notaries, Convey- ancers, etc.` Money to loan. Of- ce, Ross Block, Barrie. A. E. H. _ Creswicke, K.C.. Arthur Alexander. - > 7` 7 V ' I STRATHY .. & ESTEN BAR~RIS- 'ti-', Solicitors in Higfn Court of Justice, _Notaries Pub1i__, Convey- anccrs. Offices over fhezBank of Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at - lowest current rates. H.H- Strathy, KC., G. H. Esten. . __l..__j. --_.._.:j. DoNALi3 os`sT`fI_.".B., BARR1~. ter, Solicitor, etc. `Bank of T own- to Building, Barrie. Money to loan. DR. A. T. LITTLE, late of Churc-ii-11. Ont. Ofce and residence John St,` .-..W ___..-.. I71I_..L..LI- 131...-.. nu DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, `Surgeon, etc-, L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R. C.P-, London._ Oice and resi- . deuce, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- phone; 77. *`:*T` "THE BALL PLANING _ MILL `Company. Carpentering, building, . and:manufact_uring of doors, sashes, blinds;-_mouldings,~ etc. Planing of all kinds `done promptly and satis- factorily; Hot blast-' drying kiln. District "Agency .- for grained `duru- ber. .Fqcto_ry, Ba eld street, Bar- _ rie. ` Rodgers & allie, successors DR.` ROBERT s. BRo7u::,5 PHYSI-I cian, Surgeon, etc. Specialty-?-Eye, Ear,` Nose and Throat. Oicc and residence, cor , Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone I05. Box X56. .*_>'-' `W V ILVV I\\'al_~ , All I-J.\` "r_:ste'rs, *;S,q`lic;to'rs, - N otarxs Public, and Conveyancers. Money to. loan in `any. vsutns at 5 per cent. .0icg,L I3 O.wen,tree_9,'Ba.rrie. I-I."_'DA.` Stpwf tart, LL.D.,-':D'.` M. `Stewart. ~` " t M. n.. c. M. rror.) _ Late of Toronto General Hospital. once of me me Ur. smith. Collier St- ` Phone GI. T V ` 32.2y "28....1016nm V ' 22...q'I58{a mV .. mung. ` vvoI`p>m No. -69 leaves Allandalez 1.50 p.m., fox'.Penetang.' V '- .

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