Kin-{ ' _-y-V,___ _._ -,- 3`. fan .'II\" sausu Ill. ;os.y- V` The`. Sun; or `V `Scotland Benevolent `scciety decided to. ihrease the. rateIS~. FIVI, 1; 0'." - -` -- -- '- OUR OTTAWA LETTER. :TH.F-:1.N0R'THELRNfA was Ottawa, un 21 st. A cei\{e;ifa_. igmrfent,;-~ju`te `- LAND PLASTER ,is good for Clover, Oats, Wheat, Botatoes, Tur- nips, Beans, Peas, Com, Fruit Trees, `Grape-vines, ' Vegetables and other crdps, ~ .. `- _ -. ` and `get a circulaxg, givingll information of ;whet'a an how to ap ply it. 1 _ 60., T"83a?i5am.,....... ye:ars ;,th after; `We li a`\5e` just i-e9 " V-The .accession_ of` :-Mr. Mackenzie Kingto ministerial rank calls atten- tion, to our growing and reckless multiplication of ofces. The depart- ment buildings at Ottawa are c` gested with civiljservants and .t are increasing rapidly. Wehaxe six- teen cabinet ministers. for 7,000,000 people, while the United `States with '8o,oo0,000 requires but `one half that number. That all these ministers are not needed isclearly shown by the fact that for weeks at _a` time tl__1e; country gets along with only one or two of them at Ottawa.` And it is fair to surmise that at -least_ two more ministers will be created soon. The Minister of -Mines is now the Minister of Inland Revenue. It will not be long before there is'one man for each portfolio. ' Neither is it to be doubted that we shall. soon have a Minister of External Affairs. It must be borne in mind, moreover. that every time anew minister is created "he calls into being a number of oicials such as deputy ministers, secretary of the department, secre- tary to the minister, etc.` ,'M3ore money is frittered away on unneces- sary offices. and junkets than the people generally are awaregof. K There is much `dissatisfaction over theiway in which the money voted for militia is diverted to ornamental purposes and {taken from -the boys throughout `the country who.are wil- ling to go into camp and drill'.and' who are the real militia. flBrigadier generals are becoming snumcr ms as cabinet ministers w staffs and brass buttons galore. `But all this is at the expense of the men in the ranks; e'S_ev eral regiments E Eastern- Ontario refused to go into camo this year on account of the n.iggard- ly way in which they were treated by the department. a ' " a A - ._.v ..v`.--. --..-v-gvu \- -Parliament votes $7,000,060. for militia-, but the bulk of itiis wasted upon a standing army :with- more ocers thgni men, and the true mili- tia ar_e bemg starvedout. D Cm.-`CO llL\l_L\.I.J.'4 .. .. /racebridge . Bolton Brampton Beaverton Bradford C-larksburg Cookstow_n Emsdale . . . . .. Elmvale` . . . . .. Gore Bay Haliburton Huntsville Lakaeld Linday Newmarket New Liskeard I Oranggville V. `(X-A r1_g_>NA |'cof1er little -bnet upon the"trade }and commerce `of Canada. \JI\) u o o u o u o o u u n 00 Owen Sound Orillia ~ Powassan . . . . . . . /Parr `Sound ' Sun :-idge Sturgeon Falls. .. Shelburne . . . . . .. Sptucedale .. Schombeg . . . . .. Toronto, 1 Uttersqn . . . . . .. Woo.dbfidg'_ ;. . FAIRS AND EXI-II-_DfI_ ;IONS. `cab:-silauto % Igmd master %o9 A % Cqlebrte3- _ ENGH>W%A Oice? 4i Duhlop St._ Yard`--Foofvqf Mary St. f V CiIsty'b` utcs, i Dates for 1909. REX: J1 vvs . IIIIIII ' 1 M'utton `IT- 1' _ fore` `Lamb, per Oa_t`s _ . . . `D 4.2` _`B a1V-ley . . . Flour Be`f,. hid: `A-A Sheep V . . . . . o. o . , . u o - o . .9 . ......i u o o o c u o a o Rye B ckwheat Hay, -Timothy . . . . . .. Straw, bundled . . . . . . Dressedhogs, cwt. .. Eggs per doz. . . . . . .. Butter, per lb... . . . . . .. Chickens, live, per lb. . ( ,1...........I 1 . _ - cunt. anu IIICU. Sprmgers Calves .. . . . . . I Sihefp, ` Vexport ewes-~ . . L.--1-_ D. r"__11..' ..-.. vv. -- -. .- u u vuvugan 2 r IS_traw.~be;'ry -'S ho;'tv `Cake.-To' pints `of our add three teaspoo-nfuls .of cream of tartar, thoroughly sifted through with `a tehspoonful. of salt. Rub m with the -ger tips two ta- blespoonfuls "of, "butter - and one of` lard. Mix a teaspoonful of soda with a`pint of'milk,_ or use half and half erea.m, Make T rather a soft dough, roll out half an inch thick and bake in two cakes in, a quick fdven for_about twenty'minut-es. As soon `as done split` the cakes oven in t_he.-ofollqwmg manner: Mark around the edtre` vgfVt\h;'a{eknif'er. and then pull h'_'e_ cake ianaft "Wi1_ the ingfers, as cdingv ,`wi11i- make . it; `rheayy. .-Butter vbothf ;t`of,':_' `and? "botiom Lcaikes, . spreafl % `eI;e`;t`.1."ViIV?1>e` 1:1`i'es`V on 4.the lower one, %`:*;ikfy with Thcmfvdered sun- _,; .the-.y_._t&p emqt pin,, the berries gj tabie. -_wjhr_~s1r`gar;and A `Vi `- -a;_ect=i,on `*5 1?-5 ". : Q VI .' bles IJVJ.IIIpI-`III. O I u ;. % gss, lugs. Wheat, fall ' ` crnna - UT CBSCU Potatoes, per bag 0` Carrots, I Onions, crate . . .. .'. Toronto, _ Tuesday. V To express the opinion of an old and well-known dealerregarding the trade at the City Cattle Market this morning, business was exceptional- ly good a-nd prices strong, in consid- eration of the large quantit of in- ferior stock that wasoere . The run amounted to 68 -cars, including 1,100` cattle, 860 sheep and lambs, 300 hogs, and 201 calves, and the en- tire lot was sold o` before noon. A great many grass cattle, mainly cows, were received, and continued to be sold at low prices. The better class of butchers and exporters, how- ever, were possibly bought at higher was not diicult to pick the choice material- As, for instance, the high- est priced transaction on the market to-day was the purchase by Mr. Geo. 'Rowntree of 3 loads of select export gures,'because'of their scarcity., It| cattle at $6.55 per cwt. They weigh- ed-an average of 1.300 lbs., and were fed by Mr. `Shields, of Mt.A1bert.I A `an. l'Dl\l\A I\..a...`I..._ --LA1-I ICC Dy Mr. bmelds, 01 Mt. Albert.` A few good butcher catt1e|_a)so` sold as high as $5.80. . ` I Butcher 1"13`s"" Heavy feeders Stockers, choice 1 64 `:--I-1. [ 116111. . ;Ca_nners .,. ;M1l`l`-rers, `choice Ar;-an ..._ iuaalvwy, Vunyvlb cvvca` -- > ' bucks & Culls. `Lambs, grain-fed _ `common Spring lambs, each .. Hogs .. _ . . . . . [1 r1cg;,FRnnng`;i:;;;'cha;~ gag .'1`or-- y f . onto v`llIark..fL&;.T>LtItin_z` the Week. { Strawberries With Rice Balls.-' Boil onecup rice in plenty of water` for .veminutes_,v then drain, rinse in cold water andcook in three cups of milk with halfa tablespoonful of salt,` and a little shredded candied orange .peel until. tender and the milk is all absorbed. Add -the yolks`-of three eggs; beaten, `two tablespoonfuls butter, and two tablespoonfuls each of. sugar and rich cream. Turn o_ t to cool, then form into balls wit . one or two ripe strawberries in the~ centre. Dip into egg and bread- crumbs and `fry in deep fat until a [dainty _.brown. `Serve-`each ball on a. round of angel food ..spread with` _sweetg'ned crushed, s,t_rawberri_es and pass goojd, rich, sweet `Bream with it. .6._.L,, H ..m:,rs% s'rRAwnEi2`RY ns,' I 50.. Live Stock Mgtfkets. r, pct lb. . p1ck.sV -hides Hair washed. unwashed .. skins ..... .. , \--Jvawy-oun--a com. and med. \.a_.|.tn\.` medii L In "1ig'i{tw -0 v \r, ybl I dressed /. . " - lien Much-nccd<:(I rams h`,w'cif`.` - H. the \W(.`St. [, { e'oDd I The gm. Cana` was r _ Saturday. D1 Barrie, J mile Rncxpms. 45 30 30 3 75- 4 25- 3 50- 2 75. 3 50- 4 25. H `l\ 30, IQ_ E0 001 Dual I0 75 19 '12. I5 93! !9=.?`*-*` * _gradu_a_l1'y {e bea eAn_+_vvlg1t,_c'V. , I~ _eg'Qs'and cbntinue to befut` ` _,- :,_ ` `~ me 9 W,` mix;ute- xir1~1..keepf its `sai _ chi1I.d T 'ea;;tl_'Ien 61' chiria `bdwl -with. str2twbe1`-i`ies' cut` in-% 'h`a.Ive's 'an d"di9- pad in partially congealed gelatin. Then turn in the sponge and set away to harden. Turn from the bowl and garnish with a border of whipped` cream. V .u- Cream. Etc. VWheu a ydung man reaches the an of nineteen he begins to appreciate. the dear girls," said the sweet thing inthe pink-zpeach basket. |I`7__-DI ...l._L-.| A`__ -.;n __-_,;n_ __n.__ L_n - --. ---- r--- ..r-rcuv nruuuunwvo . Yes, sggbed {he um youth who had` been taking long detour: to avoid Ice cream. ngns, _`'It 19 then that he be- gun to appreciate how `dear thaw, ate."-`chvleigo Ngwa. 1 I O , And_ strdxhtway target it former. .'rho_Iamootanerror in moralulstruo. But an error in center eld-never! `Su- `nu I$.A-I--. M -__._ _ --- v-.v 'vv---, -v--cc-`I .BmT wn--Why aonrt he sit (Jud, awhile!---Smart Set. u -V-`rt-v' 1: I u-v--'- "Pm lure," said the fond mother. that Willie is designed for I bril- liant career. -.u-- 11.: `q - - - - - -.. U vubnvwn "Well." rejoined her bachelor broth-_ er. youmlght hlp it along by getnt him a Job in an imitation diamond hctory."-Chl ca`o News. Ivqvvv I hilt: ' , 2 `Yet? -tifwe At-um; rice; =,-V vInt:4tne=v%`:t,l%;%n9n.':' ' .2. 3.. 1 |;.A.'a.4.c..nh`::.'.Aa.*.'n..-.3 1 "n-.'-?_.7_._~,_~ ..:.m:..-_ Five hustler-s were bt4'0n.cdA t_o: dczgh in u re at Duluth. ` _. '7 deslx :ujtQ1nobi1es were practically aggtroysed by `ne {in a Toronto Raf; The most scriousAof thnorthcrn Q , - . c`**0 forest res are now.--under Ontrol. _ . 2 v-- v gv--: f "Not unreiervcdly. It looks an rum wasp.-New York sun. - , I-lad. Earned 1 Root. Yes. my `brother is a an 9! twentryearg standing. - Was she hurt when she was thrown tom the automobile?" Nope? She landed -on her head." Without suffering any damage?` Well, it smashed a roll. a double row of pulls and seven rats!"-Olev land Plain Dealer. _ ` An Easy `Pnovontivo. A medical writer recommends the eating 0'!` young raw onions by chil- dren. It is found to be the simplest way of avoiding kisses,,with their at- tendant dangers.--Pnnch. lnld the weather't~eportI ev,r:- jmdn-mug."-m-own1ng'n Inga- LIIV . C `II T?` SI"; "Aha!" "Now I've With ' - -Lluplncotfs Magazine. Our Way. `rho world will totzlve a man : error OQQKA . W` [I you've \ MAR qww-I ww . G1} "k;n-Yes. dear. it's almost an \hl f as you:-s.-Chlcago Trgbuno. I Each lluy we've movod from not to at. But now we'll have no more of that. , Ten pcr+(ans wm Lkilled andf9"> Injured in :1 tr0H-CY c019i n,:,' South Bend, Ind. hF0r-st res In New Bmsww {WC -nnlc gale. ' stzmc-(1 up again fan'neA(.!` lhuty dhThe British crqjgcf `'l!)rnu` ' Each ay we've nutter-ed. and endured. But now that annual 111.1: cured. We've mt upon a splendid plan- We've settled in the moving van! _.lI\Innann I 1`: all the Iduon through allo. come up Int. L " ` -aouon Globe. V` Frqpkmg, l.!}Immda-on. whafa darling hut |1niil-` . numb I. ' f`Ki`toToo1 Oh. goodness known 'rhpu'otoeua.nd`toooI 'FI|GIQ`C nlhk-D Qnnn nun! aim; - And -u the smack roaoundod an-ouch The nuu-oh, moment trantht with `rue!-4 _ .1 found, to my complete surprise. Her father hhd`a.toe mcewiae. _tln-L... l\...|.a n_.n. 1.. u...n... "rhow: mighty d|!f'l'nnt noun- 4 and the mac; any 1. _ the "biggest one" (its Iooqonod All nap: hfll gall "coodby." ' V. __u1|II-Gnu Daub VVIIVII - UVIZ IC IVVI - VVRUI 1 guess some fellows take it- 'But ould it come around my way I k I'd like to shake It. _`-nA -4n'In "A----I icon: xuowwn.nnesm:nuau- `i c,...a.`" sr.;;."";;a;a:'n..- Poet ' With Others Like` 5`--- HJIIAA and h - Socialist leaders in yea ' r , , .. ' .-,,. % ""*"; 7E sent to est}-9't:?i9:; male `}]}1 cruigcy V 'S`app",ho`* way 3`; In a collusaoq {near -Dover M to be bcachedt ; ' ' ` . .4 1' .. . thc visit cfK""18I!1g the .`orthcouinA;- `J ; the Czar to Ad::]'i1t`S.111rl`>, Who led".h'igf `h Into the 'Can`ad:a`u4svo%s`t* Year: I,. r whin a Jqk." lo Nof a Joke. A.A..ll |.._._-_..__.p-AAL_ I-nn-_n_c. - llI\JlV.'.' HUI! 5 J09 IIKEWIIQ -Hoi"aoo Dodd Galtlt In Judji. "Tho rubh that Han-led Belle _Bmlo." said LIIIIII. Wu simply bpcsuu to was rated 3 million. "'.l`lI`o panic. cum on In 1 very short ueapon. Thou hm loot ma cub. . - And Belle lost her anion." 3.4. Saved by Her-' coiuro. . ..I_4 I___._A .__I.A.. _I._ __.__ I Making an Exception. [in condemn the `cusp waist, nt ` An Uplifting Poem. us` 13]]... HI- 2...: O D 1 Her Bacon. In u-murm. nun In |pmgn An 39'" ."9 . gen. `Mixed Emotions. `Two gm, .`n.n' "An; _ Ill {THEFT IIUIUTEVTI -Bumno Evonnz News ' Solvpd. _ _. --_$ I3` IV DIIGBC II: -dllnnupolu Journsl. `It Along. I LL- J`- A .IlUIl|I . -Houston Pout. IUVIII` vuu -ChIcao.Pbct. `U0 -`Boston gsm th, \I.Y;, . ;.. I in ingit ` ]g!_$roops to 1 :yQar Urder at , ` J01] Ye 1t(~_qi%>, V O `ed `Ca A".l6* & `1;!(lNI`}::::%aif] ar aK ()` Va! 8 Ent t .0 V Dfig"" ~ L ; _k a -3 front styles, regular 1.75 and 1.50 values 'for.. \ Waists, .beauti'fuliy-trimnied with an er e broidery and ne insertion, long sleeves, open WAlSTS,$1.49 %A the} - who ~' the T ym~ aye ; . %mBBONS New PRINT! LINWAY. ,7 Our N 'ationf1VAl _.V.H`Q1`1day;Tr;s__; assist _) 0 t0 " eJ,Y-` 5" - very lxttle cost. : WASH . .`. MQNDJAEY, JUNE `am. (Continued from DI-K0 3) a ne all-over " Embroidery and nd Iai#n*Waists, ewest styles, a beautiful waisffor any, at 2.00 and 2.25 values fan. . +3 _ DAY mi DAY. reaps Ladies White Lawn and M`u11AeTWa'ists. emprbideredzand pleated fronts, collar and long_ sleeves,` trimmbcd with lawn .(1'I1`no I An nnlnfg. :5- A special p chase f Ladies KLawnV Wa._istS` nabi`es_ us to ive you the {OH 'ing lues: - Q them. Only . .. All Silk Rxbbnns, 1 eight inches wide, Ladies Lo Silk and tan, reg l. LADIE ` AISTS AT ,ABoufrA ALF PRICE ] Prints were never so h'onab!e"f6r. Wa sq;g as ii???` 0?]??? .`3'{g." ._ . %"f"%"."" [5`* %*W?-E See 1 lar up to 1.50-and 2. Clearing Out ;.t,h;..Ix`win` Price: " ` A }* Ladies and Misscsf, also Mi ' A . these, a cool. serviceable ` sh J; c. IRWIN.) Iutcumzasous 1. E. sUTcLx1j`I_=E, Manager, H stripes just to- BARRIE. |_| vv nu :llv\ha ` ?. also :eable -_ 1k, sky", white, brown,navy,six and lar 25c yd.,' fox-.....4 .... .. rI\IV V ya, BI Dl fol-....`.. .. Slaves, cream, white, black, brown_ far, pasR use. tent ` rch era! I .1" C'lIll:`Ul.Illu_l.y ther-.1n'-lziw, . a, Lpaxjdon. 3 _ -`._--1 8 Datum). , Thsc. pc>pulati6n of5th;e P xii ;-' ie? Provinc*_':has_ in_creasv;dg" a guy three; . hun'dred.~..'.thouaand.: in. 5' ih e;.~.2last u-ee'_ yparsgfaoxtti half ,of`thq:":n'qyv: settlers. VV~ib*3= f`m;%* ;,fhi{L`%4U#?i!99 . ._s_ { `does K. rsudln1y_ {K a. .p91,ice cell. Af,-Calguy.-'._:He r`gaye' V elffz g {dined by the -Canadian I' `Win- nipeg ,v ' 1'1- _ I11 1- \:,,_I_, ._,- 1)-, . in ~' I T Mir. D. 1,01-ne' %McG*ibbox,1-of Mont- reaI_.' has given $100,090. to {build a samta1ji'um~for `consumptivcs gt Ste; Agathe. ` * V -- V-=-" , Prof. G. B.vFoster of Chicago Univ` vcrsity` was _vQted, qut 9_f_ t'h_e_I,C'1_1ica;to. ._`*Minist'e'rs ~. V Confercg" j yes-g i f `Glasgow ` University j conferred` the * dfpgree of ,L_L._I).__ on .`several pte_ss dlegat'es`,j" including Sgt ~. Iugh _ 1 ha5im:and- Mr_.` A.` -Mbc`, ' 4 r"'fj;%,r;;.% m.;o., jag ma by my i0ttawa`pfolice`.on a" charge of as- Vsauitih -/Mtas. --Miifn-nd-he d31.1Rh' : .1- I .. 'lA`...'-on. ha uni avnaofod tn i 35?. F I_V. H`-Y" . 3 -Elzear Mann, who ;~Wa_s 8fV"19~'; 3_ ; life .aentence= .m. -. Stu Vmcent fde -Paul ' % ' f murder-inR*his"`m' l'.e.Tt:?.-E.`.';.!..'y:..;?.:' I..`.'m? in-'iv'.Ipasd with! L. `Mackenzie King,` ister of Labor, was `returned by ac- clamation for North Waterloo. - `The charges against the Vf_orty-fotir Woodbine bookmakers _ .wVer'e~' dismis- sd,~by the Police M?gitrgt"at Tor- dnto. j 4 .; . ` "' ' xcs tner. ~ alt- `LL- - y T1;.i",% iiI?`7ci{{`:?an'Z?a'5v$1"a3fT"; `i`e1: "vZ'ci to `ave kill_c.d Elsi`e' _'S_ig'e1 `in .Ne.yv I `I-.. .. ] VII II V V 'qDaII_H.\o auuuuv vs --u - - v v-yr Xork. ged another. fty minutes .off ` "her 4 . `record. V _ g 1. ., . - _ `II... `I'\ `l -'....-- 'IA'nf'JI\Iinn A` .Mnn0; The bteanier -M'aurct'ania' has c'1ip%-, est .previou`s' eastward transatlantic` es Shoes, tan and black. fox` summer wear, regu- . ,ea.r only V _ I oopooo . ; 0 4' ' _ uuvvw _No'.frae has beeh of .Lcoii L`__ f`I.._-_..-_. __-4L_!.. `L-I2----.I of _ Oxfpr' at _t}_is 'ridicuTolis ` .m, white,,. f _".'f`:' " LVLEB. -y'$V1.|CT`Lu.IIl' IIIIQU . 'IlVI wluyunl" rs. Martm Is not expected to I01 I`LlKlCl"lll IIID uvu 4 Vhhs`_ bgeni `.r'b>le;sed % Am} J 08;!-IAWA. ri1;`3*: 5'96 "t`t`nly. ;` ices ibis The cabinet ministers are arrang- ing for European trips at the public expense, Some of these may -cessary, but "all the~same this annual junket is growing" into a scandal. It will cost. the country this year at least, $50,000. 'M'r. 7Graham, ,for ex- ample, will go to Germany ostensib- ly~.-to study government operation of -;railways.- He would learn- more at fNorth Bay and by riding up and : down the Temiskaming and North- erni . Ontario Railways. He would thus nd how a railway can be` man- aged. with economy and prot even we--uuvvyu, J50-D\v ---too I I though owned and- controlled by a provincial government. Sir Frederick Borden and Hon. Mr. Brodeur will cross the sea as military and naval experts, and will take part in an Im- tperial Conference upon the subject offdefence. M`r. Fielding, who has become a familiar figure in Lombard Street, returns, to borrow more `money. H_e expects"t0 oat a loan of $50,000,000, and judging from his past experiences it` will cost the country at least $1,000,000. This statement is made advisedly; a, re- turn brought down at the last ses- sion showed that it~co'stVthe` Govern- ment $600,000 to. borrow 5,0oo.0o0. A Sir Richard -Cartwright" is not iro- ing abroad.. It will require some care on his part to retain his port- folio; the Western members, espec- ially from British Columbia,. are crit- icising his administration severely. The steamship subsidies` paid by this lV(\1I1`I*~IIIr I1(\IIv- t"'!IfI!II\IIo\` 64` Qv on 1 0.... KC The subsidies paid country nowcamount to $1,854,800.66, andtheir distribution and adminis- tration is conded to the Trade and Commerce Depanient. In many cases the subsidy} paid is. "money thrown away and; the service render- edtherefor is siinply a farce, Where the Government has made contracts with old` established lines. like the Allan, the Elder-Dempster and the C.P.R., there is less to complain of, but in other cases it would appear thatthe steamships are merely tun; for the subsidies and that the sub- sidies are paid for the mere sake of `paying them_.'Take, for example, the Canada and New Zcaland service for which this country has been paying. $50,000` per; annum. The report of the Department of Trade and Com- inouin dl\uivn' 414:4.` A....3..... AL- -_I-4- vus. -avyun on-I\_-us. VA LIQUC d'UU DU!!! merce shows` that, during the calen- df year [908 not a singiepassenger was carried. either way. In 1907 there were 19,613 tons of freight car- ried, making the subsidy equivalent t7'q neay $6_pe_r ton, including New .ea1aud s -contribution. `* Just `now `New Zealand is refusing to contri- bute further. ' Lupus vuuaaua vvul ya] V/;y,UUU dllu` Mexico willmpayv nothing for the ser- ' vice-hetween the two` countries." On the Atlantic coast -we `ate paying}. $50ooo"per year and Mexico pays a like amount, but; although this line is subsidized by the Canadian Gov- ernment, it isinot a direct service to Mexico, but an the .con-trary is p r.- mitted "to call at `Cuban ports; is xhlause ju the co.r,;tract' is so peculiar ithat :it is `worth reproducing from tlie public vjccordsi-=:_' . _ A = ~.` w, . . _ v`.`*It is4 und`rstood and agreed that the .steamers"so~ empldyed .-may` c,;.ar'ry and} {and in_`Cuba on. south bound voyages; Vcargp {and . passengers, ~. .. and may take-`.ou' bo`a_r`d at` C. }I>I>,_I'ts bofth cargo_ __a_r)d "giAi.s s`engers , =fo`r_ afny. ~cub:an port. '.b'nt? H.111 amt takc 'ar.z9- %io:":anada;*%Z** 1 1 A The `Canada-Mexico line cm. the _ Pacic Coas; should be one of the `best in the 1;vorld,ebut our Govern`- `ment, for some reason} has -perm:'t~ ted it to decline to such a point that Mexico my - refuses to pay -`her. Ashare...`; Dunng I908 this-li_ne carried both ways less than 20,000 tons `of freight, all told.'. During. 1907 . the subsidy actually equaled a- bonus of $10 per ton` for every ton of 4.f;_-eight `carried. Iejs pr9posed., not only, to` contmue gayinng ` our` $50,000 `on uncut `nut lug 4.1` Rn:-nan. `..-` l'Uu|y mu wuuuuuc ygsylu. UB1 3U,l.IXJ :2. year, but to _ d to` It $25,000, so` - that Canada wxl pay $75,000 ` and nanny LL- _`__ Vs`; '1,`he_ contract directly . discrimin- ates -~agai:_1st Canada 'and'.*fa'vors Mbxicb_.a1ad `Cuba; which is not . even ,.a.:contrib1_3tprj.f go` thy-subidj1.~:_ VI;-y.i11 VVl;e!l.;irj{p -- p;gL&'0n: tdVs S, gijfdi `a-A, % % % zed iChon,g Sing, room-matei of Lebn Sing, vwhois, believed to have slain Elsie Sigel, confessed to the New Ydrk police that he -saw the girl's dead body in.Leon s room before it `was put into the trunk.- `ft wauvuuug auray In `LOIUIIIO. - - tj_~I~.';I*` in; the British` army have been awarded to this Lyeas :gg,raduats- of the -'>Royalu- Miili-' taryt College. . ` V `WY _`<-8- V . . . The Qovernment has let the con- V;trac`t'f9r the constniitti of a. plant at Ottawa tb- perimen with `peat in. the.-%rn`anufa`ct re Qf gas. , __ tMiss Nellie` Daly jumped into Pike Lake, Wright county, to save a. boy .name_d-McCrank, who had fallen i, andboth were drowtned. .` A _ The engineers` `of the C.N.R., who are dissatised vvfth their t eatment `at th_e hands of the comp y, have app1ied'to `:Otta,wa)f`or the appoint- mex 1t"of -a Board of Conciliation. -A.C. P. R. train` was held `up-at Dueks, B.-C., .by six_' masked men,` armed with Winchester ries. It. is supposed they `were `after a. valuable shipment of silvexgzbut they got the wrong train. ` " ` ~:5:'4:\V'"?f:iftie1_1`f-i.iio1~:fi1x.solcAl':ciid $4; .at-' 3a1'ly'=stung at Holland,*~Mich., by begs. that _,sy'a,rmgd* On: in 4,; 2;` ~col"lisionv,=! o. -Thunder `Bay -1 s- ml, in` Lakq Huron. l, - ;' man is~in_1der7..arr_est,a1`.1d-an- other `in thl-hospital as._the?.resu1t of 33 `shooting ax-a_y in Toronto. .|p;.1rn ,1-t\o|-so-an: aaaaa an 1.. LL- 'D-1L2-L o the gag sank we V ' of r Igifgwill-"be; 'h'eId7 in : Italy.` ~ ~. _- '5--_,. `-nrvof`\v\b A|.\(` au\..a_ noisy but IB|~\r.-`H 1the~jUnige=r}- siazes ~ fSe`na.t' .f>35'_ pIac.'cd_ Va d_u'ty K/gf; 15 Apcr cexit`. fon hi_d_"f'3t_ L `RC-` " .