Line ings connected with Victoria Uni-. I ?F$aday Hall; one of the old build- versity .at Cobourg, is to be torn. ldogvn. _ ' Queen Elena of.-Italy has declined to wear the great hats which French milliners are seeking to impose _on Italian Women` of fashion. ' . `.Cholera is `rapidly icreasing `in| St. Petersburg. \ ' ._ _ Z`VLxi1:a_1"<`:-`1-.';1`=< ;: of oil a1$peared' `in thc Gulf of Mexico. - boarded\it'he Tun- +isian at -Montreal last night, and [sailed for Liverpool this morning. 5 IV `I Wilson was-dro,wned_/in Rice -Lake, St. M!ary s, by t e upset- ting of his Vcanole; ' `A '7 i _;u5 U1 U1 pw%E5 .V .. . T . "Rio: 1 TTHURSDAY, Jame: mu ii use, shed; andin I FRIDAY, J!UNE 18th.` _3st: ms woksimr. wAun'zn_..nau.. .~.4. ee,.t: agkaihj `~`_:_.I1`ourfeen. hundred boys took part .in -the` annual review of school- cad- ets, at Winnipeg, and thirty thous- and people `witnessed the spectacle. A`-VRusia-n torpedp boat red on a `British _vessel {which v entur.ed' too `neat t e point in the Gulf" of Fin- `land w ere th *Czar and the Kaiser lmet yesterday. ` ` u ~ v - vn --llllAlb\JI'- `/ . ' `- Lord Cha.r1e_s_ Bexfesford _ts commg to `open- the *-Toron1;o Exhibition. `bec for England) , Q Mr; Bb'rdeVn isaiied frofn Que- -. _ A _run_$yvay horse in Toronto in-I `Jured st}; `people -anAc_1 damaged a str/eet can`, b ` `-* Palitzir `was `killed in a balloon? accident at St. |' Petersburg. ` P,.O` '1`. -1V6._ntre`al had a Hvely. little snow.- `.storm yesterday,`and frost was re- ported at `London and Kingston. 'l`|__' _-.__A_, ,, I . - `_.-.`....v.. `nol\.n A\A|I5J|.\Jllo oongtegation of Trinity Meth- odist Church, Toronto, presented `Rev. Dr. W. F. Wilson with $500. A__Y ____1'!_-;! p __. ._. ....--.. .,,_,w. i An application to cancel` the liquor license` af` Fort"-Erie race track was postponed- by Judge Wells at Wel- |lzgnd. x . - ' - rehffernoorary repairs to the Soo ;Canal are ,so far advanced thag it is ihoped to open the locks to vgssels -to-day. . ` - `-Glasgow University will. confer the `honorary degree of LL.D. upon ISir Hugh "Graham and M'r. J. A. Macdonald.- T ' `ya . Judgment V was. giixjen against the Toronto Club in its action against `several banks arising over the Har- lbottle defalcations. -. -At the meeting of the German and `Russian Emperors in the Gulf of I . {Finland pledges of continued friend- lship were eifehanged. V ......---..-.. . As. mercury will surely destroy the sense` of smell and completely derange the whole_ system, when entering it through the mucous sur- face, such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from re- , putable . physicians, as `the damage ithey will do is tenfold to the good gyou can"possibly derive from them. IHaIl s Catarrh Cure. manufactured |by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., u A . 1 . Dflflfifle O`Il'\ frlnnnuouuv no` on 0.: -A... On a chafge of` doing grievous ,bodily harm George Sea,ger,a chauf- feur, was sentenced in Toronto to lsix months imprisonment. A , . 7. I , ___ . .._y......vvu ___-_-----, ---.r ; - u V n A J nnygny The sentence of death passed on} `Salem Asseley, who killed his bro- ther in a quarrel at Hawkesbury, has `been commuted to life imprisonment. 1.. 1.1.- TY._!L1` cw. . r- _-.._ w\l -.-\. nnAnkfllI\IlllIL\pIl.Iyo In the United States Senate Sena- tor Aldrich stated that_ an amend- ment would be drafted to secure re- taliation for .Cana.da ~s restrictions on the export of pulpwood. ., .. ,. {contains no mercury, and is taken linternal1y,' acting directly upon the blood and mucons s faces of the system. In buying . all s Catarrh "Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is. taken internally and. made in 'I`-I-.I- I'\I__'- I.-- T 1'.` f`L~-..- , o I`__ `.4-av--VJ Us \/V. L\Jl\.-\.lv\J, K/o, *.cSao`i3wl;`}:I)r:;gc;sts. -Pi-ice I b0't'E1?. T7 DID UV 0. 1\Ia '_U`:'ia-1'l~ Hall's Family Pills for `on-l sttpataon. - infernalfy xiiade $oledo, Ohio,`by J. F. Cheney & Co. . . Acfnonnnuala. 9-no ` L'\l`\-\l\l, \I|Il\F, II J Testimonials free. (`-11 I *r\,, ---.-J,-~_v-- -y~-vv---- - .pTe1'.rn-_it1;e_.d "` to chat` `I p. m.; dunng July EWARE OF,OINTMENTS _FOR "CATARRI-I THAT CONTAIN ` . MERQURY. T 4 SATURDAY, A JUNE zgth. Continued on Page Five. i Der" 3 `:3 ~.vfou`r-tablespoonfuls of tapidca in't1I`d lis`a,-; - ~ r_, _ _ ig"'s_,trai.7 1rberx`i" es ' is" `.3 A, ` tapioca; ~==made"`1 `by this` recipe: hcupsv of _hw a,ter with .a cup of sugar and "a teaspoonful of butter until clear. Hull and wash a pint strawberries` and cut each berry in" ha,1I',Vhcrushing slightly with a fork` to make the juice run.` 'S_tir this through .the tapioca (without cook-h ing) and set to chill in _the ice .chest. It becomes a lovely-pink color and 3: A-1:..:...... ...........x ...:..1.. \...L:.......a 1|. IJCMIJIIICB a.1Uvc1_y-puns UUIUI. ill (1 ,is7"de}i'ciou_s served with `whipped; cream. If `the berries_`are very tart" `they can be sprinkled with `sugar and` allowed to marinate in their juice % for half an hour. . - `l1_-_`l__._,, . 1 v - - u--, .- uwr vu V - -cw`-v ---v-vw-w-w- `V. the Heart's Walls. . According to tradition, it was mo. . 30s. the blind Fury with the abborred shears. who slit the thin `spun lite; and many . of, Milton's readers may` . nave wondered whether there was lint. thread in theiauatotny of man the severance of which would be immedi- ztely fatal. Injuries to the brain and heart, in both of which the principle , at litehas been supposed to reside. may he survived for shorter or longer `periods; but. as an article by Dr. C. E. Lea reminds _us. physiologists have 0!" ate (years discovered a nerve or bun. ileot nerves which might well be do- ' scribed as the thread-,of life. One 02 :he developing sciences of our, time is; 1.-ardiogrnphy. the science of the heart . (beat. The heart. as most people are zware. is divided into ituricles and `.enti'ic_les. The yeoiricles are the pumping chambers; the anricles are :he collecting chambers of the blood` Il_l_d,L like the stroke of a racing eight. `tel ihe rhythm of the he:.1rt,(.beut. A .ittle instrunlent called the 'sp_hygtno- `zruph is [l|:l(.'Pd on the wrist pulse and zmtguities its movements and traces hem with a recording pen in a zigzag -:urve. telling the observer what the ven- zrit-les are doing. Another instrument, the pulygl`:l[)h. mu-ed on the jugular. records the ore delicate vibrations )f than uuricle. With the aid of these :wu instruments the physit-izm can lind. what all the i'our t-hatnhers of the heart are doing. Now, the auricular con- traction acts as n stitnul:-int or start- ing shock to the ventricular contrac- ziou. Most stimuli are conveyed along nerves. 'I`herei'ore :1 little nerve in the heart to act as u telegraph wire oetween auricle and ventricle was to be expected. Such a thing has been found by physiologists: but. rather than I nerve, it is a specialized sensitive por- tion of the heart muscle itself. it is a little wisp of tissue not an inch long and only one-twelfth oi` an inch thick. On this delicate communicating wisp. called the auricnlo ventricular bundle. hangs existence itself. Evolution has arranged that it shall be so small and -so sheltered in position in the hesrtthat ' ltis rarely damaged even by large in- juries to that organ. But if it is sev- ered then the ventricles must stop and -life must instantaneously _cesse.-bon- don Post. av: uau au uuul. _ . . `Raspberry tap1oca'-..1s made In 8.` sxmnlar. way, but wnthout crushmg. .the b_erris. It may beh served with ,soft custard as a sauce. I ! Seemotl to-Bo Located in a Rather Lonely Plaeo. A veteran stagecoach driver in Idaho used to tell of an incident that hap- pened when he drove the stage over to Boise City from the Union Pacino line. He had on one trip only a single passenger. a little teuderfoot of a New England schoolmalam going to take zharge or a school in that town. She had .never before been farther from Boston than the Hudson river. Along about dusw one evening as spa sat on the box by the driver and the team wound" its way around the shoulder of a bleak mountain a highwziyman sud- denly stepped into the middle of the road and held up his hand. A cocked rie rested easily in the hollow of his arm and its muzzle pointed straight at the driver s head. He quickly pulled pH ul'l!I._-_. -___ .rt1..n,. n\........o.. I...-III . Uncle Joanna" picked It up. inspectoc Ttetltleany mama It dwn again. ; 1`; I ,hIun't my use for it." hqrult` ,a A u. I'In.concerned. It : too !V..9II1lI't ea: plextth its. .4 - .` UIXILZ Q Vvil-Iv Ualxwo For rely the driver swiftly kicked = It overboard. ~A1l right, said the man on tho g'ronnd'1n'aable tone; you can drivt 911 now." `For-halt a mile they rolled along in silence, schoolmafam and driver. Tho former seemed to h in deep st1ldy.`.Al last, turning to the driver. she said. I don't know anything about the west. of course, but that certainly "does seem to be an .'awfully lonesome place tn have 1:. postomce."-Washington Post. . A Useless Implement. Aunt, Ann Arkwright. the bustling spouse of Uncle Joshua Arkxirrlght. proudly showed him a silver imple- ment which a` friend had given her as a birthday` present. It was shaped Iomethingllke a spatula. but broad,- englconliderably toward the -handle. 'Unclo~Joohu`a inspected]: with some `' hninalum ..... A Throw over `Wells-Fax-go's box!` sald,the man with the gun. '.l`heTdrlve r reached down and mine the `box 1nto`th,e-road; then he started to gather up the reins. |AI'I -I.I -_I AL- _L|...- -..I-.I l_.-.`LIA-& -V uovzvu -I uu-w -v:-. .-Hold on! the other cried impatient- ly. "Where's the man bag? Don't you think I want that? cage, |_n_L-_l >t_-Vkuu-3-gt ".WIIat_hf,1t2" he asked. , ' _,"Bnven' any idea? she-_ said. `_'No.4. no't the least In the. world;-, .`; `fWcIl."- and Aunt an. "iv: 3 pl Tiny Wisp of Tissue lmhddid In AI__ I_l-__AI_ IAl_lIA REAL THREAD or LIFE. jsmmw%m33y_. mamogca; LT THE WPOSTOFFICE. --- p-uvvlli `ts, Barrio, Lnnn b. on Cup. L km 1 t and mqnn ERY. Ran- Emncn Eb mort Warden Bell has inaugurated a more expeditious system of trans- jicting the County s business. eThe January session was conned to less than five days` work, and the June session showed equal despatch. This, of course, has meant a lot of hard work, but hard work usual-ly brings out a man's best efforts, -and the county councillors have again succeeded in getting through a long`. and heavy docket in jig time. The labors of the Finance -Committee and of the Committee on Ro`ads-and Bridges were particularly onerous. Finance. i The `Saturn of $20 was "granted to lhe Sick Children's Hospital, /E`/>r0!1_ -' to. ` ~ 1 -- nu, \.\'u1IL_y. ' _ - . ` Debentures of the Tow of `Bar1'l '10 the amount of $40,000 were guar?- . antecd by the County. ' ~ ' xv- .~ ' vvu-\l\.II` Q`)./` P.1\. DO` am111atirm~, rn. ,, 3,. __,_,__ V _ . The usual aHowan ce of $500 was _voted 10 cuch of the four `hospitals In the County. ' 1' T\1 . ~. pi! I `pr: ,1. uni ]>L`[ \Vasl1:1,:;== _tntcrtninua 1:v.111ici1>a1ities .V vv')i`11v-7`;,:j?t`$ T H -`xx rate l>eing A"29:{;_~=f%f1T!ii4_!A3` 9}` .`lil1izw`~. ::~~cSS1nl1t) ,1 . , ,.._.` A grant of $25 was made) to ithe ;\hssissaugu Horse. . '1`: . .. N" p , ied Simcoe s Councillors pcli I IWD bl` 6tO.."| . Sll'il'l* Christie. Bx-ow`n%& :Co..:Ltd.r. Toronto `milk, delicious cream and. ffesli `_eggs'.. _a`,11` gxed . _ '.with our special lilendof `flout in V VERY V parciicurgg:;i.3;_eti " wife in . Bisc,uit3 ;.ai_1-elf mi?7,muh;;2:t%` i?~ 2; ` modern, biscuit ;fac'to1?-y L In * th`e ~` .,;;__ " i A Every Pmmd f}i=<>ur' enmmg bakes is the best mii1ted;.,wf,% 1; brands, thefn sift agd _. ounce o ra.wA niaterial isIanalygeq;bpsgveral H inspectors. A Pure, fresh .b`utte`I"-, ' nw? wet . ; e ` ; `I scientic way ,y ie`ld_s'that u'_m`raryingl {avo"r--- that crisg delicious a'iidi_ 1a,$tig-. 2 .. which has? made A` H i pg` goodngSS- the joy of every. hou sewa'-f`e. in Indeed you dp no: know -biscuit `g'ood'nssf'until y9u have enjoyed Christi's. ` - Mice Ville Wis `not -" `,- F . `Q! . __v it` E 5 mm for. 1nQ;-p_o_raf1On%..Df U: Luv rvyv Sold in bulk. by anyone. or in -going.-... and dust-ne! -' ' Christie S? `HAVE Busy wzmgi VIII: 5530}. v v u -- .. ----_-_._ _. . .R S.;B're,wster and others? were granted a_ similar privilege Dover county roads in Adjala, Tecumseth, Essa. and W.`G*willimbury. z ' Henry J: Coey and others were! accorded privilege of erecting, com-1 plating and operating a `telephone system on county ,.roads in Tecum- `seth and W: Gwillimbury. = 1 4 cally remains the same as last year. Orillia Township's residen.t la.ndwas increased from $13.95 to $19.10. per] acre, the `equalized assessment under the change being $1,287,840. _ V Roads and/ Bridges." - A. W. eConnor s?accou1_1t for $150 for preparing plans (or. oor of` y,Edenva1e bridge id October, 1907, was cut` down `to $35, owing to the eunsatisfactory--result -of the work. I` t'\__4_,_,_ f`-_.I ......... ...... ..._, ........... -- 3 The resolution of -Ontario Good` [Roads__Association that the Govern- ment mcrease grant to county sys- terms from o'ne-third to one7half of cost was endo x_'sed.. \ _ 4 1 I-.'43d. allu vv . \Jvv n-an---.,..._,. - V` 'Coux_1_s. Martin: _and Simpson with Engineer Jupp W111 make inspection of bridge over Nottawasaga River on 4th"-C_on. of Flos,_,and, report, at n_ext sessxoin, V ' ' L '1 [J u.'.'.; '..'n ll._C4\L DC-`.Ja:u;uo, V _ _ It, was recomx_`ne.nde,d. that 5.11 bridges on county roads, where `cost . of re15a4'r;or of`b1_1ilding entirely new ` bridge does not iexceed $500, be paid 1 I for out of _.appropriati'o'i1 ttg munici-' ipality `wherein such bridge-`is situate.i ' and`t1,1a_; C_Qt_1_nty} stand. COStgOf- qxcgss where 'Sar e`x'eped's $500, 7 . a ` `- - v--- ` `.I_-.'-. -:1: `';.`;m.V"'i'.`.. 1 !.'03.(1 D`CtWCeX.1 1US(QI"Ul|L||.l'-_ cunu tau" 13121, on cqdxtnoh that Aeaclrtownship supplemerit this amount_.- v. `~~_. . . =G;;ant'._o'f, $100 will. ;be? giv-n;f"Tto b1ii1d- roadwon Ce`ntre-j Stu`-e'e't" iri . Vi],- Iage of .B`ecto_r1,.providc,;(i -thzlt .rrruni~ cibality \,Vsuppleme,ntV gj_1;ant'.~2- . Prdvision vas "t;na'l" for building ` off cognvty r_oa}_4d_\bet vc`?en,_Md1and and % V `:Tge ;19,;cp'9tt- o Ta s`p* Viu cbihmiitee _-.....'-- 11:11 nnad"X.1 w%1s addoted, "`v'hfere"S"arii`expieeds $500. ` __ _ _ ` County wil_l_ give 3gran_t 'of_ $2oo_"'t'o f assisf in cuttmg dovyn, h1I_1 .`o'nj'cj@u-nty ` `road b`etwce_`n Tosso_ront1q._ and Ad: :41. -.. ..-.d'.1:O:n| mgr` mph-'mwnshio THBA CHRISTIE GIRL--She il'r0Dl'8eII9.I' tin at tho aao girl: in spotless white. omployod in tho Qhrlotio factory. They are supplied wivnh two uniforms 1 wookgond ihcse. with handker- -chiofl. towdo. gtc.. no loundricd on tho premiooo. ~!='.re`c i :i.cont:act.. `WA couple of: ;supp1e_m e;gt-. .The work of publishing History! .of the 'Co.unty- o_ Simcoe being` 211-] rmost cod plete, `it was recommended that "-100: `copies, be ordered. The #5816 Aprice7j,wilVl be $2 per set,- tea for delivery. about Aug. Isf.`-` ' Van.Vlack Bridge. . ' 'It= v'va_;_r3porte.d that the `ext:-`3 `in I` coimectfgn` with the 'wo_rk~g of this bridge amountcdjto $1098.20. The 'datef'.`.,xed fog com'pletivon" "of super- `-us ructu're*is.].Oc_t."; 1st; The substrucc.-_ s` uno vg' comglete. : - _~ `~ I 3'-.`1 fB,1'id'ge.' f _ ' 'T.l,`h`isfa-b_ridge 'was:`,_e'p'1oi-ted an .;~no.w jbeing _ =con _1pletedu according. to 'a'ryf' i_t.ems[ of; `V Apegdituye; .w6i-e _r_e'-, 4 .o:;,pamgnt.{ Thea wdrk `e'<'Ezn jA-'-sy job. 5 ff; *;9m1!3*idu,, ., , sejis*`c~1>rne'W` i 1 3 dy` ..-,.....<.. .. `Essa _:FlOS . . W._ Gw=i.l1imbury Innisl ._m..`~ . M`atc hedash . .. _,6 -Medonte . .' Nottawa-saga .. Orillia Tp. .. Oro Tiny . Tgcgmseth Tos`ox`,'=. / . ,,___Vespra_ . . - . I E ,,_`.L`L_ \.IlU - . . . op.` . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. q./.yy lOr'illia Tp. .. ............ .. 191.39 isunnidale . ., . . . . . . . . . .9 55.05 Tecumseth .. ..J. 343.59 _Tay .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 95.95 Tiny . .;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 6.29 Tossorontio . . . . . . . .. 46.67 Vespra... " . . . . . . . . . 47-58 [Alliston ... ....".5 . . . . . . .. 95.95 yBeet_on....;.. 15.73 Ba1-tie . . . . . . . . . . . . 265.17 :=Collingwood .. V .. 58 Orillia Town . . . . . . . .. 130.05 ` The sum `of waspecomrriencied go be paid to 'Rev.~:W. G.. `G. D-`reyer `Midland . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $370 or his servipes. ` There are 62 inmates now .1n House, of whom 4:. ate male_s. The nnumb_er ofdeats smce beginning of year `xs 9. `' ' " Mdonfe N ottawasaga` n.. .. Grants of. $25;each were,made to the Teachers Institutes of North, East and Wgst Simcoe. ' Public School` Graduation Exami- nations wi~ll be held at: `South Sim- coe~-AIliston and Ar";_ East Sim- coe-Hawkestone and ,Waubaushene; .NortTlk= "`Sirncoe-h-Creemore and Elm`- ,, 1/:2 `I3 ylvllvu--vvso vv -v \---.-'-- - ,,--. Cpecmnxqt Budge. - , _ I ;_)mfprQycments ...We`rg: r_ecomm_end'd <'ataa%*.cost<.of%'$!5a-. -~ V . 0 1 Q ,._ ,_._ t` Treasurer wais autfiorized to pay $709.33 to Barrie [Collegiate Institute, amount of?--grant. Orillia C. .1. will : receive $473.38; TL`- ~.\.-.-... '-'Qn-Oa'L.... 1.- I..- The sum .'of'2583 has to be levied` on ,the township municipalities, be-' ing an hmoun't-- equal to the Govern- ment `Special Grant. They `will pa} accordipg to the `following schedule: Penetgnguishene .. .. 12.98 Adjal . ,.i . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 129.00 `D-um-4. 61.1 Ar. Tflis Yrrposes Jtq jcfevelop, rgyver. on f;I}e;.SV 1:n.` ;Ri'v_er #?*h`*~ B :GhutAfnr~~ $3"-5m!S?S.1Qn _tj 1 Ri1i!hene..~an`d?a_h_,_ gsaga . . . . . . . . 145.88 . . . . .. 47.99 Tp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . le . . eth ` . . . . . . . . . 343.59 . . . . . mtto . . . . . . . . . . .. 47.58 1. ...J`. . 95.95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V 15.73 .. . . . .. N OOd . . . . . . .\. . _. L . . 179.70 Town .... . . . . . 5 ER .A_Dy:A%N gig 'oi.}{y ii{s'o?s.' Education. . --- -..-- -v17v ----Yv,~- --.. , A custo"ms Ofh'cial' is sealrqhing 10-` tcomotives at St. Thomas, ,as therel are complaints of articles being smuggledpin the `enginecabs. A/` I _n'_ r L`- 0...- - -_-- I ualawllln v\.ll. LVLlll|L\rCbl, la \l-V-v\lo .sW'iliat1i4"Whea1 `Was ruh over it; _._ 1`oronto `-by" a`iwa.ggon and killed. `The execution of Walter Bljrthe has * been Po.stp__on'ed unitl Octobdx w "The" fwn naintinQ's- stolen from ' The" two paintings stolen from`l University, `Quebec, were re- turndjby a; priest. ` ' _ " V The question of assistance for Bishop __Sweer'1y_ wasve satisfactorily {settled by the `Synod. - ` I n J _._:! ____._`I--_- ["Sheri &' pf M.ont1fea.l., is .d_ad. own . 1 ., wHon.' 'Se1.1aior ,`J.1 Thibeaudegu, at U16 cnu U1 uu3 u1u1,u.u. _ `_ / `Mr. Winston eCl1u1;chi1l` prbposes the establishment. of an imperial system of labor exchanges. ` rru L ..1.-l_!__ _f -ad wuv-o- V. .-.-...y. v--`__ The ke_e1s~~of _foLirT`bS;.;t'ieships -of { the greater `Dreadnought type were laid at St. Petegfsburg yesterday. The Gov_ern`zr1ei.1-t'~;;e::i<{e'c17 Vtio T the charter .1inde11 which the Dutfer- -in` Park ra, meets hqve been rim. A ....nLA"oyun '\C6-Qn:;\I :5 eon`:-nI'I.Ar1rr In... ``'`'`r""- -'.r- ---~- ~.r---_-- . ~. Ten thousand skilled st_e1 workers threaten to go on stnke in -Pittsburg ; at the end of'thisV month. ' w--_--V-$5-vu. ---- v-----' _.. _ Tenders_;forv*283 -of the 870 acres` iof mining -lands mthe Gilhesv limit- oered for sale were accepted fo_r_.. the` aggregate sum... of $74,643. = . ` A .- .4 u L 1 u . 7 . Lulu uaannauov IJln_aAn.__\/5 Y,-"--rd. Australia, through her c_1e1egate"i0'y the Defence Congress,` W111 express her-readiness to undertakethe re- `spdnsibility of po1ic\ing"the Pacic. t 3y\JI-IDIIJIIILJ UL yvxnuxsxs Lu. as uvvnnavo ' The report of "the Conciliation Board is not satisfactory to the freight handlers at Owen Sound, and only about ninety of _them`; returned` to work yesterday. V ` 1 fCapt. Via,u" or the Mo treal re} brigade told the commi sion that he had received .bribe money for the promotion of men on the brigade. In` one case` `he `got $200, and as`he! had a Wot of hard work in it he kept- the money. , ~ -V . ' providing. for the imposition of an x President. Taft sent a message to Congress yesterday, recommending a two per "cent. tax on the income of` corporations and the adoption of an amendment to- the. constitution income tax, ' - ! jI;1;ewe`ry' Waggon was prevenggdl from ' entering London camp grounds, : under the new `prohibitive regula- |tibn`s. ' I aiii i3_re-.r1_x1:r_1:'$rardmaster of I the Grand Trunk at.Ottawa, fell off an engine and was killed. rs Ivvnn - - I V __ . v- '7- V--_- ---v.-.---.5- Two London seedsmen are beingi prosecuted under the pure. seeds act! for keeping qnclean seeds for sale.` i A 1 Ow bx;