G. _A. RADENHURST, Barrister, Solicitor, Nota Public . &c. Of- ~` ce--Ist oor an}: of Toronto Building. Money to loan at low- I `-5 -an`-a -oREwiEKE & ALEXAN.DER.i "_..._f_L__- c -'-::_:.-..- -1: .1... c STRATHY & ESTE_N..- -BAR-R.IS- ' ters, Solicitors in Hugh Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers.` Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. H.HL Strathy, ' ~K .C;,' G.'H. Esten. ..-._.?_. ISONALD RossjLL.B., BARRI'S- tcr, Solicitor, etc. " Bank of Toron- to `Building, Barrie. Money to loan. H.T; ARNALL, M.D.~.c.M., OIFFIC :.. D'n.6L...-I`l - LIAAI- AII.....I-I` I1- I-DR. A. T. LITTLE, 1?}. of chu?cEi_11. nfl` ant` E` DR ; *W. A. `ROSS, PHYSICIAN, _ `Surgeon, etc-, L.R.C.S., E'din., L.R. C.P., London. Ofce and resi- . deuce, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- phone, 77. DR; ROBERT `S. BROAD, PHYSI- ciau,_ Surgeon, etc. Specialty--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oiceand residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. __________.._..............._...___.__ `DR. MORTIMER `LYON, 31 Carl- `tonVSt.,5Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N.Y.,) -Eye and" Ear Hospital, y will be at '67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturda . Diseases Eye, Ear Nose gnu` 1-oat. Consultation hours II am. to 5 p.m., and by ap- _ pointment. cc: In. 1.1 Barrie. ' ma. LENNOx's GOOD L wonx; .-. gnu, PLANING MILL mpany. ~._Ca1-pen_.tering, building, audamanufacfuring of doors, sashes, blinds, mouldings, etc. Planing of .all- kinds dbne.-prompt? and sagis- :- ato.` Geo. Ban- factorily. Hot blast . District Agenc for grained lum- iber. A Factory, tie. ;Rodgers & 'i". - '. . v. AUIf13.BA`RRI.S_TER,- SOLICI- .tdr.i' `P-`E-octor,1 Notary, Conveyance:-, 7" Special "attention ` in drawing `*3 -`-A"--I4`-Irv uyind. nhtaininn let III lllvvalaa and Vprobating` , ills, obtaining _let- ters of administration and guardian- ship, collecting accounts, etc. Of- :-Ae Dana RSITTIC- nave 'l\UUsCl's to. Ball. azuy, Lvlnwv Tces, Ross N.UA, L \ LVV_l'1lV W Ll1\\I.v I. 51 , Barrastexs, 'So}xc:tors fox; obgammg szprobate of wills, guardianship and -sadmmistration, and general Solici- gtors, Notaries, Convcyancers, etc. Oices, Hinds- block, No.6 Dunlop st:-Ieet,'~`Barrie. Moncg to loan`; at .2. -*_.. `no ..-_ .-goal rant-H n (`DE . 4 l.l.\ul`l 11.414 1u..J.II .\;.Lu ., \J.l.' 1' 19174 `iii, Jzothwclrs block, Allandaie. On gthe/premises at night. ' - ... J. n, x., 1".V.'1_1\'a, 1'51-1'b U.;1AN,' Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. `Office ' and Residence: William Street, Allandale. Tele- phone 3o a. `At Stroud Office: 2 to 4 pm, Monday to Friday. -.--`---------------- 1111103` UIULIS, JVvo\l aru--av str1eet,- Bame, Money to loan a V41/5f2nd43.per cent. Branch ofces at C1-eemore and Alliston. -Haugh- ton Lennof, 1-,Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. D--_-.. T FILED VV L`\.al.\I'J ,. ll` IlL4J.b(LJ La`-.|J .|.4J.\o Barristers, Solicitors of the Sn- ,preni`e Court of l1dicatu're of On- tario, Proctors, ' otaries, Convey- ancers, etc. `Money to loan.. Of- fice, Ross Block, Barrie. A. E. H. (`1-esvricke, K.C.. Arthur Alexander. -r.. No. '-s3-1o.2.5 `a}ni, 2:` a-35 M- n:\' non I.Ull .4ClIuUlb, an: town, L L.B- :;;f';;.':s; ; MANUFACTURERS _M1u,wmc'rUn,n:11 or ' \ j . cxlnp sunymgons. PHYSICIANS. FINANCIAL. T ' W3-Ifblorl hers no; `in ' "' " ' """ '.:.:'m... .....A.u;. and over will be chars 31.50 per umum. ` lug iccuuusag `vU\U `I block, `Barne. Money (0 ~. ....-`A- 13114---- ~ .AnvANcn.. 13 move t / cifcnlati n of any paper inm*a6~u;M L t. ._ Z . l b 1.311;` by far the largest ham 1 `.,13W51' hot demonstrate W Egon have any ad"vf,1,;`;h, no , fXIiA1t0"pa.ypt?1I:eXrlrH:1:an reaches the '10 versementa `are chin-ged ,.,,,,__,_ k JUNE :1 Notices. `A etc.---F`_h-at inserti cu uent insert! ` notices, 10 ' insert 0218:, 5 `inane nta on_ot4 _ese uction Sales, on 10 cents on 5 cents per cents per per line for eac me matter. All :. msulnlcz AGENT. - coouvevnuczn, no FIRE AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCR Private Funds to loan on first room cages. Correabondence solicited. Office. Bank 01' Toronto Building. Ow en Sm-net. Row A (Int, An 8-horsepower Boiler and 3- horpepovzer Engine, made by th0 Poison Co. Toronto. C`P|b1e `of power and heating. Can ` be seen It the Barrie Foundry, Brad- f0l'd Street, next to the Tannery. N<;:v54+-7.3o a.'m; N52,, 53-;1o.:38._";i1j. 56-5.25, pm. `* ss-- 8.05% mn- ew.`--1-_1rlt Insertion t"` `%me ue_1_1_t insertion cerftesnpzr Yfe ""6. $2` in: per mm f on : ma each on of t ca name matter. All im 0ue., Qbituurv Poetry be per lme. Mines, of this charactgr, Chargedtem1l VT"-'5-"9-I `Ill V I3-'\l jtm Coniensed advertisements on as wants otall kinds, lost and romtip `M for sale or to rent, specic articles 'etc pm mustbe accompanied with the casfi. mifiai be i;uerted--1-st inset-t_ion 2_ cents per mm. each subsequent insertion 1 cent per `-0 glamemaddresses and gures counted as word In a reduction of one cent. per word will i`. made when the number or insertions of matter exoged tour - ' -lhnn- (nun -Au--cl--__--..- _ , JOSEPH H. SWAN. LICENSED AUCTIONEER r CRAIG!-IURST, om. ucl-;Ns1-:0 AUCTIOI'EER' %-72- viii nnj--_ ran THC coumv or suitcas- Most reasonable -terms given on all account will Ipecial rule will bestrictly carried out 114-suntan. . .._. ___ - ~--v-v- VIM. ` I . CONTRACT CHANG I-LS. Advertisers will please bear in mind notice of intention to chan e adx-enigma mnstbe handed into the 0 cc not late, Saturday at 10 o clock, and the copy go, change mustbein THE ADVANCE ' later than l2o c1ock noon _on Mond week, otherwise thoa.dvert1ner's ann may not be made publi ' in . . changes of Advertisements allowed year.` It more are required. composition m, will be charged. Advertinrs will _not be allowed to usetheg, space tor advertlsxng anything outside M own regular busgness. Should they .1 t:-auplent rates will be charged for suclm.` lverubemenua N `Outs for advorllu-menu mun In cm can be mounted on uolld menu 5.... Dwelling :1`:-ooms). stable. drive house. sheds and nearlyzi ot acre of land in garden and lawn; Corner of Peel and Wellington Streets. Barri; Dwelling--6 ro'oms. stable and shed. Large | loton Peel Street. I'\:n1I\In' I`uvnlI`nn A -Ann... 3.. .\..,.L ,_ I\. .some work was done in. the session; some work_ is done every session.` For the _;nost part it"-`falls into the category of routine im- provement of adrninstration. The best thing done was the inaug-A uration of a policy of extinguish- ing the level crossings nuisance. With regard to this conside_ra'ble improvement it is to be noted that the driving force was the agitation with which. the name of the Conservative Lancaster is honorably associated; that the practical plan adopted was thought out `by the--Conse.rva- tive Lennox ; and that the `part taken by the Government was to adopt the result of the efforts of V these two of its opponents. -. A severe critic might mm final- IUIDII 1'-C931 DIIESI Double` dwelling. 6 rooms in each. on Cup. pen-ton Stxgoet. Vacant not, 3 of an acre, on Pcnc-tanguishens Street. Apply to T F. M. MONTGOJIEPN. l9|*f . n.....:. Bnilerszfngine For Sale. j` ADVERTISE N 3 3 Advance THOS_,__ smrru-T John J ennett. Barrie" Properv For Sale. . Anvnvcn. .1-cant cimnlntinn nf ..... INVITATIONS. ; U DIIIIK A 0. %tree . ran oounrnr or smcoa. I Address BARRIE P. O. OOHHIRCIAL CONTRACT j I CONDENSED ADVER1'ISEME.\"rs_ onnnul n: t7nu-Hon-.-.....s.. _._ n positions for mar will has -an!-` JIJUU D Ont. Oni. J1 I o Barne. X1101` acn Janu than -sessi 'This hard brh1 the succ and labo and 4 Brku the 10. To to t ante `f=}3 4` Mass th_c'1 `fof I-is ld -cred Sch Z . K3. +er;b%1t;S.iiai`%` 633- ?o?s`?`3... % -?-I3ortl1pFay*. 5"` ' 3.so,p>mi` j%%-Jith Witt: 67-v-.8.oo":p;m.-`--Frbhi 'Tbw"nio .to. f .`- ' Mea.'fo1:dv 55- 8.05 pm. .--.Orill`ia Gains "445 am. --Cobaltfs Jcial % 54- 7.30 mm.` -`--Fr'orh rillia 62- .8.oo a.m.` --Ftou;_ Neqfgtlfl ' i% F ' 5? T'1;m? 44-9.35 a_.m.- rom ; raven urs ' to. A1landale,(mix'cd.) ; 64-12.50 p.m.--gram Noyth Bay f 68-5.I5 p.m.-- tom Nbrth Bay. `A IU- : Met ` 7 I-nni n;o wou- "33-A--I0-25` Mn. V22--7.55 mm . 27- 7-50 pan. 26-535 pom. Daily `including Sunday. comngwooa ma u..:.. 66 From No. 62-7.55 a.`m.- 42--1.o7 p.m.:` lI`._ll all on on From 7.55 am. FAD -no-Q From In Simcoe, as `elsewhere. one can- - not go far without hearing an im- , ,pressive lesson on the need of the adoption of. a more `vigorous forestry golicy for. old, Ontario. When. the oystons moved up to the Nottawa- saga Valley, and that was only some thirty-ve` years ago, what is now a sandy common,` up north of Bari rie,_-was covered with alpine forest. ' `A y.ear;orv two. later_,, re swept over fthis bush,` and the owner: at once ghad the amber, taken , off.` `A few ' years later `a fresh growth started up": had re sirnply beenkebt-_ out the` secofid` crop would now `be al- most ready-fbri harvest. vj- tBu'tV re \was not kept, out ; the! young [trees ; were 'burned;;,e.`even _t_h'e_r `-seed was ,_de`-\ strayed in thearmad-'and--i19w;r-What mxght ha_ve*been an i.mm,ei;;ly; ya1g; -able. P'7RTt3Ti'f'-l9":3 $lf?1'.l-.."ll"" ` an On. Thursday afternoon last, Vhis st'a..and the: pupils of Central School presented Principal. Hallett with `an address~' and a gold time-piece, as `aw slighttribute to his work and worth. The avddressgspokelof the deeD`re- gret felt--by the staff and" pupils at the severance` of the tie,vad` of the high esetem in which `he was held by . them. ~It congratulated him, on_' his ;new. appointment, and concluded" with best wishes. for himself and `family. . . %1y.s_Ia'vnd foribly ipresehied A by `Mr, :I..enn.ox3 'at_tl}e la_st_ session of *_Pa.;-{Ilia-V sment}: .a`pol'iey" iviichb 'he-- had ,-the 5 sat: _isfa`itio`ns .~ofi' seeiiig` `in. `very large" ' measure adopted by the Government before the `House qjgljdurnd. -this, "as" upon aii Euestibns, _KM__Lenhox has kept` s tea.dily in view the imp,_`or.t,- gangzer of. safeguarding _.;the interests of the people-I of the rum m unici.'-T- palities. . * 1.} 15.}. Id &:;.I..'.u uau.pm;. -`vuuunoa trash the 011100 123 Dunlo1')4,8't:"eet. Darrin. in the County or 8lmooo,,th'e Pro- vince ot.-Ontario. cumin. every ` Tlmraday Morning. by h wtutvacasw. PROPIIITOES; `Pants on Bbgzscnlrrxox. ` ` ' / '01 nu-I Jnqaupg _0n ..- . - -- ---- -~_..--v -I-iouse` of Industn-- Statistics for the Province -are i teresting in` that they show the County of Simco_e s average cost ' per week per jnmate, viz.,' 91% cents, to be lower than the reported average cost forany other county.,___, Larnbton comes next to Simcoei with ,$1.'oo, and Lanark. njext again` with $1.04. V The gugesr` run as lhigh as _`$2,8I._ ' ' |-.- ,-: 1'. an URBAN SUBURBAN ` OooouooQopddoQo6ooogoo0 M:-is. C. H. Bos.nko*.has' r..etur-nedl from New .York.\ ` V H __ -__A I -v_ -- wvv.r-' v M. St:-itch anc-l L-1\:Il;1-s-t e-1'Hughie, were in Toronto for .a couple of days last week. They were accom- panied home- by Miss Loyla, who has completed her_ school duties*for the term at St. Joscph s Academy. 0 ---7~ .. ._-- .,__.r__ _.-v_.-'---_,. mgxnmong the successfui -students of the first year at the University of, Toronto was Miss C.A. `Harper, who obtained high honors in English and History in `the =Moderns department. `Miss Harper is a. daughter of _Mr. \ IJ'.._...... A: TA-Amt` A.`A n.` an-an.` } LVJIDD -IJGIPCI I G NIGIIEIILCI Ull .$V1-In } Alex.` Harper of_ Toronto and a mece ;of Mfr. M11ne. The 35th Regimental Bugle _Band, Collingwood, under the.` , leadership of Bugle Major-'M'. Gaughan, will go into camp herewith thexr regiment, on Monday, June 28th. . Mrs. 'J. W. .'Speers`of the Canadian `S00 is visiting..h:er father; `Mr. And- rew Cunningham, Small Street, and her sister, Mrs. Meaford Webb, Elizabeth Street. East Simcoe Farmers Institute will hold meetings the coming win- te_r at - Hawkestone`, Or_o Station, Shanty. Bay,: Edgar. Rugby. .-War- Fninster, A-rdtrea, Uhtho and Ori1- za. ' ' - V.."M'r. Gordon Gallic returngd last week from a month"s stay In New York. He left Monday for Toronto where he will" act as relieving house- surgeon in the Sick -ChildrenT s Hos- pital for a couple of months. ` III II 3 Y1 to; C R Mr. Lancaster s proposition from i year""to year is that in thickly set- tled portions of cities, `towns and villages the railway trains should slacken speed." to ten `miles an `hour or, alternatively, that there should be bells, watchmen, gates or some other protection for the public. `Mr. Lancaster does not propose to rtet rid of any of the deadly level cross-p ings, but merely to use them` more `carefully or improve them; nor does he propose to _carry these benets out into the country; The slowing fdown of trains is almost universally admitted to `be impracticable, but the alternative `provided for in the Lan- caster Billswould undoubtedly eect ` an improvement in railway,` legisla- _tion. ` i i 1 T . M;rs. _Munr6 an?! Mr. G. Mfunro ;of Toronto` are staying` with friends ;in-__TW*1-"3. -_ g . JUUEW V15`-VV>D-\JlI IVIILIJVVKL IlI~l-GIll._I.I; ` tb :Gore._ ay on. 'Soi._tLl_1"day. V Then-I; many friends here wxll regret. their departure. '-u|- 1 . 1 .1 _ I nu"... --- A" delicious a_} su;t a`!lI`_l1I1 toad; _Frag _t. A 4, ecqnomlcul.` ; This 'e;oellent Co_caa maintains Atlleg `systggn In ferqhnst lmlth, gm: enable; itxttb xbsist. .. mrmousy and` V r A ` A.` Luck has: retu}ned af- ` ter_ an extnded visit with` her daugh- `ter, Mrs. Gordon Walker of London. Hun "I"nn.-;' mama` 5:3 A '"i4;}f "71v1o}}i' \%t3i5"a;:{& 1i} '{..L ter, Mrs.` Speers, ,were in Toronto `for ka coupleyof days during the wee . . _ uuvruuu --- v Orillia. has voted` through a $55,000 Asewrage, by-law. In addition to this sum, there will be. spentv_$15,ooo`for cement sidewalks and $3.000 for park improvements. "VI, ' L I _ 1- r\' on- 'I`-he gneighboring town of Orillia. does not .se'e'n1 to be hot foot after Andrew Carnegids bouixty. just car- rying the library by-law, by a. narrow majority of,34.` ' 1 1" I '1 - vvouu Judge Hewsbn renioved his` fainily K (1)-sag; navy no-u ':.nl>Iuu-'1`:-nap 3:` A`.`rdRns'n`zv -LEss'ox. _ Mr. Lennox, however, [whilst giv-'1 ping the Lancater Bills his warmll. support `on all occasions, wants `something broader "and more gen.- crally applicable, something _ that will reach beyond the conrnes of cities and town's-'--safety upon all- `highways, and prptection for all ;the people. The ' policy (worked, out by I-Mr`. Lennox "and laid `before Failing _ ,ment at thepbeginlningp of -the-`s_es_; ion, and in the_`main}-adopted the Government, airn attthegcut;t1`ng_l I . ffzout of -a, large` percentef" `of : i:zr'ryin_gj the _Vral'lw%t3f_Vo\{c;jA V .- -`y ._,or' -the -hifglmay. ,'pv,_erft`II'e.? 3 V e :.,u.1e ; e bpbgrpphy *of%.i Chief `Engteer Mountain of the Railway V_CQmmis_sion arrived` in town at noon to-,da`y,f' for the purpose` of .meeting-' th. re r.j_qse n'.ta:tiJres, :'of' the Grand ;Trunk,; .`na di_`an Pacig and ` * , J}Rai1wzws.%.. %:frr;e . . . W .`__ It is not oftenthat a company` is satised to leave fourteen hundred dollars lying in a bank to the credit of a_ corporation for the period of four years without making a formal demand `or even a polite request for the handing over of V the money. Such, however, is the statement of fact connected with the Forest .City Paving Company s contract entered into with the town a little over four _ .years ago. Thecompany, is it will be remem ed, wasgiven the-contract of co structing asnumber of grano- lithic `sidewalks in the town, _ the agreement pr'oviding_ .fo 3. ve-years" guarantee of permane cy.' After. the _ compl_eti,o_n_.of,'the co`nt'ract, serious . ` defects :_were' d_iscove'red," in. somefof the 'Walls_,_,.1,and .- thee ~g:on{:pany'.. _wa.s Jafslgedj toj 'vcar`r_y _out A jtis "agreement satisfactorily. '\ I`his, `howtver, it fhile edjto` do, and A.thie_-..-lCounfc_i]` thereupon :`resolv_ed .,t`o hold back ,,$1I4ooA.,-_._of -* the ;.id,?:wa'Jk:`-`.mo,` tunti1- such.3.tim.e -18 ~th_e'..'comp_an;y o"3nigh,t; to come plete :_;1the__K work according to _agree~`_ :-tr}'ept.'Al.l`-Since . -.then-` nothing has been ly{earsl'?rOf;::thhe,cdmpa3n&$` while the ins- t}ete:.s.t;`_ Lon _~..:'.t}.I< money has? ~`:raise_d:. the '. . .`.f.rr'~1`7'.. I" *;-`,-."";- .A;~:`.: . i_"? 7: ll`. ALLA nouns AND INSCRIBED STOCK ISSUED UNDER THE AUTHORITY or THE sun AC1` um FREE `mom ALL onmmo PROVINCIAL TAXES. cmm. ems. SUCCESSION DUTY A_ND' IMPOSL TION8 WA'l'$OEVER. M v . V I ' A` joint meeting of members of the Presbyterian congregations of 'Beet_on and Tottenham was held -in Tottenham on Monday evening for the purpose of` extending a call to a minister to ll the position which has been .vacant for more .-than a year." The name of Rev. T. H`.. -M'.c- Cuaig,"a recent graduate of `Queen s. fCo_llgge, Kingston, was [presented and unanimously chosen,- and it is `understood that -he will `take charge of .- the __uties after next `Sunday. -Mr. 'McCg.ui is an unmarried man and hissalary` is to be $1,000 per year.--l Beeton `World. ~ - l Purchasers of_ Stock or Band: will be req aired to send certied cheque with the up lication. payable to the order of the "Provinc lTre9.s- urer of Ontario." \ This loan itraised upon the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Ontario, and is chm-geahle thereupon. . ' I - ,-,-_V -7 . '------v--v vwvv-- ' Exe1nple:'A subscriber for 315000 will have the option of taking either a bond or Ontario Government Stock,. A subscriber for $750 will beglven Ontario Gov rnment. Stock.a.s bonds are only in the deno ation of 81,060. Al. J.`MA_'1`HE8ON. _ ' Provincial Treasurer. I l'l`reasury De rtment; Parlidment Buildings. Toronto. June. 1&9. Nlewspavpex-s Inserting this advertisement without authority mm the Department will not be paid for it. . o Subscbera should tate whether they desire bonds or "Ontario Government Stock. 4 . " arrivas mm Banjo arch: flldws _!__, QC_.AI_ The issue mice durintbe month of June, 1909. will be M . for eac ` I00, and after the ath dag of June. .1909, the ssue rice will be 113399 interest accrued from e 131: June, `ran eovrnnmmn-r or .'rHm mo. v1 cm or on umo. under the author}? 0 pter 8, of the` Statutes of Ontario. .1 ; 0 500,000 0 on bonds of th erio, or Ontario Government Stock. ' - I ii. bscriti fromth 1311! I W "' D :`:.m:c:*o:3:2l The bonds Awillbe dated 1st June. 1909. and` pe. able on the let June, 1939, in denominations of .000 each. with coupons attached for inter- est at the rate or four per cent. per nnnum. yable helf-y ly on the let June and let her in en year at the olce oi` the Pmvinoiel 'lrveuurer,, Toronto. or at the oiiicee `at theank of Montreal. in Montreal, Cangda. `end in New ork. N.Y.. at the holder's option. Bonde will I) made payable to bearer. but on request wilibe registered in the olcc of the Pmvincinl Trees rand endoreedu payable only to the order El certain persons or corpora- tions. and on nest of holders will be ex- ohm for "Ontario Government Stock at Imv me- Ontario Government Stock ? will bear in- terest trom the lat `day of June. 1909. principal payable on the 1st day of J une,- 1989. and inter eat at the rate of four per cent. per annum will he paid halt-yearly by cheque - on the let day of June and at day of December in each year. Ontario vernme htStook_maybesubscribed {or in sums of 54! or multn lee thereof, and will be transtera le in the boo of the Treasury Department only hv theholder or his attorney in similar `manner to tranters of bank stock. prnoynucm mm Preasury P4 Toronto, June, 1&9. BANK on TORONTO ,l3,o`siblyT you `have xiibriey "in=-"tjhis? Bank. ` 'Vcx_'y` ' %tr`%?n;;1,A*.,eau` bgin am %;my `to `1ayf';saae' mguj afid ad\versity overtaice ydu, you _ Wi1l`.`[) gd' the rfzoney. One of the . important objects of this. I . Bank i;t9'isafg1y care for small` savings. BARRIE .94 ALLANDALE L`nRANc[HI-:5 % c. n. umunn. Managei. - N7}(3RTHl1Nh %AD_V%ANCE% " (dew name will be; nd-l`-cjoivtavs jorlption Lint until the money it paid. dn--IL... _-_. 1.. -.n..-___ 3-- 4|.-- ...__`LL'-' or $3,500,000] T o . r 19 5 ` Yo. . nd `I1- a"- Tho .DDartmnz ol lhas the best of the bargain ivhen itl comes to settlihg these things. There is not likely to be any difficulty as to the right of way, the three lines par- alleling eac other -from the Nar- rows in. T e G-.T.R. is in favor\of all the lines using one bridge, and this will be the probable solution of thlig "item. The Union station prob- le interest in the cutting up of the park will. be brought up by the council, and every effort made to retain the `park in its entirety,_.the railways be- ing asked to `shift stheir lines a few feet further west. 'keepin`g-the IC.R.-R. tracks at about the same level as the other `tracks vwill be introduced. The" tracks are planned to be ,several feet higher than the T.` R". tracks, and this would make the lakefront somewhat -unsightly. The conference is being held t_`hi_s_- afternoon.-,-cNews-Letter. is more complicated. T e town s' The matter of` I '` isteaimboai t uencu: 8un\ner sailings now being booked. (1-ascents--. Best Enngixch. American nd nadian Fire Co. a. oelsior Life. London e Guarantee-and Accident, New York Plume `Glass Co. - ` Mr. man will am he found -at the R o`ice--0 EN 31'. IAIIIIE. 5-17 1'1 : neecare that makes ne hair! Use Aver : Hair Viior, new improved` fo_nnula,_ sys- .t_lnItiIllYo., coneeiendonsly, `and you will get retain. eWe knew it stop; falling hair, care: audrul, and in most elegant] dressing. Entirely new. New eNewJeo_nten_u%. . , be-an-t~ .11-ll!c"&Iir; ` Fine Care Fine Hair AZ'F.7f.'MA_13coMsoN. Will be ggegsed `to show` you samples. u-you nvu us at: up UIICIIIS. V severe critic might add that - part of Mr; Graham's work was to `water down Mr. Lennox s plan. But we must acknowledge that obstacles have to be over-' come, powerful reluctances have to be overbornega-nd so we may be content with what he actually did. Only it is clear that this legislation was planiged, drafted and `forced by the Opposition.- Toronto Ne-ws. `` - It may be well to point out that, whilst both these Opp`osit_ionis't`s are aiming at greater protection for the publici, M'r. E._A. Lancaster and Mr.` Haughton Lennox are working along essentially different lines. SCOTT S Neiw Artistic L De%signs in ;Special Value: at Sc.` l0c, ` Borders same price. ALLAN LINE Aubic} P`.l-1.. A - 15c and 2`5cper'1g_oll. Boofcstore ?;;.& `STEWART, A . BAR- ; j ristets,';_Si'i)iicitors, Notaries"Pub1i`c, an -xxcers. `Moneyvgto loa,n ~ `_ in.;6n'y:s11ms at 5 per, cent .OFc"e, 2 13.; wen street, Barrie, H. Stew- ` argg LL.D.,~ D.- M. `Stewart; ' ' - ..4_ mg`: y 141 J 4.1.413, Id-LC Us puu; CIIIIIOJ ice and residence John St., \ _near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. K M . n.. c. M. rror.) T Lat of Tornto General Hospital. Olllce of the late Dr. smith, Collier 8!. Phone II. a 32-ly -:-yuuv L.n.c.4p. & s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. .2 s. Glugc ` --SURGl0N-+ % Ey. Ear. Nose 6 'l'l.x%1-oat, Ciimpaxiy. r*"aE BA `x Carnennu-in... l'\..:1 .12- _ `LENNOX, coyvAN & BRO N, n.....:=+..-e `Rain-itnrs for obtaining I10 ilu ounmo LAND ` sunvzvon. mum: at `roman-ro Iujmma. unmc. nnuuucc -rcuruouc tip. 4._____________.._____ UNWIN, MURPHY & ESTEN,.,0N- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, `etc. Established 1852. Oice, Med.- ical Building, S.E. corner Rich- emond and Bay Streets, Toronto. "Telephone, _Mairr, I336. Instruc- ..tion'.s left` wnth Strathy & Esten, So1i_cjtors, Bank of Toronto Build- , ih_g,e,.B'hrrie, will be promptly at- '-tended," to. / -so __________________._ $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT ON good freehold security at lowest frate of interest. No principal `money required until end of the .. term, H._. H; Strathy, Solicitor, ete., -.T_H_ _NVon`m:nuA: wna:c: