Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 24 Jun 1909, p. 1

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vylh 31-: {rA};UABLm ,-.__ Al. vote "on"M|ond_ay' ` was in ; many :respects' un1que.- Not `for n'1any.a day h.a_s.th e Town carried all the by- day _tl'_Ie1.propertyx owners were in --a mumcent,_.; `mood, and everything `gent, -and went . . well. .. 'An`_ analysis g;gf"th e `gures shows that the vqards ysteoodl by` each` other; without_` .any Scmblance of I fa1'for_ or hsectionalisrnl. The tannery by`-law was accorded a -very. hearty measure of support, and `came through with a splendid mar- 'n. This was the only by-law re~ _uiring a three-fths..vote. and the '_c_ontest`waxed warm. The result is particularly gratifying to the Barrie Tanning - -Co. . A Another good ~ .. thing was, to`see' tlie way the Town in general Lralliedv to the cause of sew- erage extension. This means better health and more comfort for the citizens:. . The othersby-1aws.. too. re- ,ceiv_ed large majorities. Following _la_.ws subinitted?`-to it." But-on Mon ag'e_ the results : N".-.._-..'. 9V.=;"d% Wrdi T.I;A V.`/aird The Su_nnidale`Dra.inage case was resumeddat New Lowell on Friday last, Judge,Wismer presiding. ~ -Mr. John H'ood_represente'd some of `the appellants, and Mir. W. A. `Boys oth- er appellants. The day was pretty mtich. taken. up by further witnesses called forthe appellants: M`r. Hangzh- 'ton Lenndx,` K.`C., cross-examined these orr'v.'l7:.ehealf `` of the Township, :-and called one witness for the de- fence before the `Court ro-se. In all aAbou.t~-ten witnesses were examined on` Friday, In order to have a l'ong- er day, it was` arranged to hold` the next `sitting, which will be to-m-or- row, at Barrie. BARBIE, ooumy OF i*$IMCoE, .oN1`ARiO.` JUNE `24, ,%19og. Gm? QPEBA %__!1o9%sF-' RUSK.---At" AlIa;1:i;l;.-.; on` Wednes- day, June 23rd; 1909, Mzinni, be- V loved Awifx of Mr. Wm. Rusk, A4:- %[L f_x-ed St., fir`1_her 4131:` `year. I `Plciu;-s `lair . 8_ln and Dance. ' The biggest. brighten lemon andgrandeat ' "picture ow ever seen. `your toVvn_'fb1- the money. Illustrated some to-date, and clean life the greater: novelty in the -buntnessw 3 H; a ` , " - Come early and _stay as tang cdntlliuous Shdw. 8.05 p.m.`VV UVAI nosooo '20- * of the Estate of Margaretlunt, ` nahip of .Esa.~ in the County of ; who had :on or about the ch; A.D. 19 9; are` required their ciailns to the under- e ton: dull of al113m' e adminlsttatritfx ssebp 101 the estate thereto. `ind will . to 8-11! M1303 11` ,1_1}ceis'edj es by th` tiiiggm :it 1' ~.en. ?R'uah?s 3:r the said 3 whose tcloimehell ngt have. q1;etieuge'd1:distrlb\gtiqn.~`- `_ " `_ . co ant Bro . ,1`.o`l`i'cizto1:Tsf0I7 Admen '1 oh- .111; Ann `a filing, "ll. . I V B.y_-%-VI.[aw`s Cvl'l5lVfY.-Willi! % ` ~ ]L:ai*ge% Msjorities. J gyglllllg IJUVVIIIQ Drown ` . Solicitors fol: Adm , Dufetythe:-19th day 9;.)}tne.;19xI9.- `u 1 Notie ` _{-r . h lalllil; v'r`n-'n" <`:jow Itv or smco: mo =1!-1-c:oo|n`Iu'Io_u hr cuuamrioun` cnlrtmou. sUNNn5`ALE DRAINAGE. 'F;5;;3;; 'i5";;.`a`i;f' Monds "mine icz to Tqniinrronsi [iii or Manon; June astij III. IV. 'IV-, VI. rank hgackrs Original 5 _ Igw York , A AI 9' C 9 Sidewalks. V 1 Sewgrs. ` - _Dv'P- % 9I8 649 "631 1&5 I II 75 I26 141 I3 1. u-.---..1 Notice is hereby given ptirsuantsto R. S. 0. `kill 1'29. phat all `reditors and others having` claims against the estate of Miss Sarah Eliza Stewart. late of the town of Barrie. who died onor about the 17th day of May. 1909. are `re- Qllired on or before the 30th J une, 19$. to send "Most. prepaid. or otherwise deliver to G. A. Radenhurst. Solicitor, Barrie. their names. and `Bddresses, the full particulars of their claims. thestaxement of their accounts. and the nu. taro 0fAlhe secunries. if any. held by them. Dd nmi:-r is hnrphv fin-fhnr rrlvnn Inf. alter Agint ' I2 - I2 ` 332 IO 39 7%" 30 3S 52 92 47 5? muuaecqrmcs. If new by mem. . nomrc is hereby further given that alter 'lI1dda!e,the Ex:-uutor Will proceed to distribute lheasscts ofthc deceased among the parties `milled thereto, having regard only to` the `Claims or which they shall then huvehad notice. And that the Execntors will not be liable for the said assets or any part theraof 30 Y Person or persons. of whose-claims notice ` |h_nlln'ot _huvc been received at the time of Iuld dlsmbulion. . "' Dated this ~.>wm, May. A.-D. 1909. E G. A. ADENHURST. Solicitor tor the Bxeoutcgsyn nnlhn, 39 I8 .I' It was` recommended and adopted .\that an incandescent light, be instal- 'led at corner of Kempenf-eldt and Duckworth `Streets. Report 24 on Finance,` which dealt with accounts aggregating -$441.52, was -adopted as amended., AReeve `Garden secured" an amendment in- serting an item of $7.50 in favor of J. Binghame & Son for sheep killing bydogs. This was carried on a. vote of .8 to 6._ ' " Tere .was" 'vry` 1itl doimlz` at` ; Mtondagy night s meeting of the Town` ;Fathers. ~ ` E -. 3`.--E3."'=Lat_!g arA 1d=`vother .'resV`i e `John North asked for sewerage on lthat street. " ` . ' w-go ` CI` V- -v -V Walter` Richcrdsdn received the pos1t1on of _Town Teamster and ,Caretaker of -Fire 'uI-I.'a._ll, at ca `s_alary .of $60 per month` wxth perqmsites, duties to commence July Ist._ - Ald. Beardsley endeavored tothave `the '-name of William Graham substi- tuted, but the amendment was lost on a. vote of 4 yeas; and- I0 nays. Reeve Garden and Alds. Garrett and }Ball alone supported the mover. V On'h ihotion of 'Stp1eton-Spi'ott, `the Fire and Po1iceComm.ittee was pointing him. ' instructed to report on the duties of Town Teamster, and these as den- ed will be inserted In the bty-la.w`a.p- {.0 q 1 . 1 I The use of Agricultural Park was ?,gra;1ted to the Tennis `Club Jointly igith the Baseball Club for Dominion` ay. - " 11 ..u . c '9 _- ,__'_ H J, G. Scott stencVl<*;rT for 25 tons ,coal at $6.65,was accepted. - " Lake Simcoe. open for season. G063 shinft and pleasure grounds. For terms and further mtripulars apply to MRS. G. H.JORg-(t)tN. 1e. . Miany parets and others" attended the closing exercises "of" the Kinder- garten on Friday morning last, and were greatly tal the.exhibi- tion given. Under the supervision of_ {Miss H038 . the Directress, the little tots have made rapid progress, and the different departnfents. of work-play were illustra-ted in a, man.- nerithat would have gladdened the heart of Froebeli himself. Deep mean- ing lies in-child play, and this was. easily mani'fes_ted throughout A-the various exercises. ` v ' The Board of Education naturally feel much elated at the success in Barrie of` the Ki'nd erga.rten system, placed invogu-e here a-`little over a year "ago. There is no institution of such great importance to"children who are too young to enter the j.prim.`a`ry rooms in the public schools. D. J. Tuck's tendr for cement Vculvcrt at Queen s Park secured` ac- ceptance. ` V I i The pupils oi Miss Claxton gave a. most interesting piano recital in the school. room of. Collier. Street Meth- odist dhurch on Saturda`.y__afternOon.. About `seventy-fute; neople were in `the audience. Fe`at'ures' of; exectition noted and commented upon` were the time and. xgythm sustained through- out `the various numbers, and the pre- cision of attacks and memorization. T and `A11 -5 B`II"\ nra-e `no-rnnrI'arnrxna~ LIDIUII I a.u.a\.n, auu. llnyunvtnunsnvnnu Lastvfallva. club was formedamong the children, to meet" fortnight1y,at 'the"different homes. This club was divided into two parts-the seniors, those who aiready knew a little ,about music, and the juniors, com- pos of the veriest beginners. A priz wasofiered to each portion, under conditions of practice and perfect lessons each week, and -amount of work covered and under- tood by end of teaching year, -`Miss ' 'd.'e11'a Ferris of the senior division `won the prize, though Misses Gladys Firman and Maargaret `Grey were close seconds. Miss Olive Sa_rfeant' "in thejunior division had the honor "of being first, her work winning ad,- miration` from time to `time from the othericlnb _members.v ` ` ._ A feature` Vo,f the recital was the splendid contralto singing~`of Mrs. Chester May, both of whose num- -bers were particularly pleasing. Mrs," My becomes. more popular with hgach. appearancc.. ' ? l `-0 IV (V ..' , . -9 41-, 4v_\~`I_--. -yr v u . u - . v wu - o Miss '~Fr;_mces Scott," one of the senior pup1Is,; who was expected to {take part `in. the_ plrogram; was um-` favoidably absexft inm Toronto. The r_pnograxn*~: V ` b . `1-I Kinderganetn closing \4 L}--'\`vA 0 I o u 0 hrs .II )\` "-I 1.-"DUHUlIl3lIll. . . 0 o o . o a u o o . _ - B)---So1d1er s M~atjc__h - Miss Gladys `Fin-man. . 2`.--Fischer ?\``In :der `Senhut'i Miss Edith" Smith." ' 3.-D uver`n._oy .. .- . _. ; ' Bluette Vals`e' ` ' M_is Margaret Grey. _- 4.;-_HOrnemann.'4 . . .`._~. . . . _PapiIliot3s T. Miss Ed%ella'. Ferris. 5;-_-4... The Butterqt1p* .`.. --;i\,{,94:al' - M-rs . May. ' = 6;-"f-;4B.rown A",Nigh; `ii:% v}e:gaae Miss+=Haze1:% Smith % ] ` - 'n.;..1.;.:`..` . .4 ~ I 9II $111: &Ih -I:-w - U That desirable property formerly known as. 1 tlneslaten Sanitarium. situate at the head of Bueld st. Bprrie. .bein hot. 6 comm-ism `23 acresotlnnd. bp_lenmd bu ydings. and wing: or Imost attracuve locanon. Apply B. PARKER. Allandale P.0. 23-tt I .1 .l10l,0vlCIo ,4 : ..Miss VQ1'i{r T Sarjefa1_1t.v - `L ` 4 ij " :.":'Paft` (T ` % i983-:9:-}\"7:7':1ich,c }. ., . . *`Ib 3feiix% `c&ari11i? % % `ujoc-I-nnno a.n\u||.o\n-Ir . W ` 3 `Tow;i_l}ounciI Paurtj I; - :_ (A)'*C$ffOi 1 ouV1_u.u/. .3} .. . . II ' . . . . . V . V . - V V - v v v v v v v v wvvvvvv '3 B_a}rie- Tanning Co. employees 7th annual Vexcursxon on I1\/Donday next to Toronto.` _ See) _post.ers. niu 1w as vn>vanuv ` . uJ\-yi .'1f\-It-7t.\,-l_ V-`h_. _' ' The. E_`.n trancc ;'Ex_ammat_1on- began yesterday and will contmueh until Friday.` % " xBo3:1"v;*anted,A~ to . distribute papers In the East end ofthe Town. Ap- [py gt :I`he_ Advance Ofce. --- - --v - -- . --_ww `r no-`-`yo Op'eration's on the tannery exten- sion will begin almost immediately, and the company is now arranging for the various contracts. at" is - 1 .M'essr`s`.`-Robt. I. Orr, J. Ba:-rand, Mc'vM.i1lan, J.J. 'G1'bv.son and Miss `Thurlow were up from Toronto on . M.o_nday`for `the by-Vla.w` vote. An. `NOTICE TO cmznrrons K ,St. Andrew s S. S`- and Bible Class! will `hold an excursion to Big Bay Point on Wednesday, July 7th, per Str. Islay. Three trips,` the last a moonlight. Wait for this event. Strawberries for preserving. Don t ya"; until all the best_Pe_rr_ie are ovr, "II!" Botl'mre1l s. gmith &_ Co. have special `offerings in furmture. See advt. By doing their own upholstering this rm is now able to compete even with Toronto houses. V --..- - v-v--vv -.v----v To-morrow evening (Friday) the fast'ICollingwo.od nine will play here on Agricultural" Park `grqunds again- st the local ball tossers. Sib -Rowe will be on the ring "line for Barrie. Game called 211.6, p.;n.1 "1 I I 7}` I F T1 11 l Sl_abs: 55%` A-rn;',._ `gnu-I uinnh Q21 3.-2'13" Z':`s3`f&" B'?'E3"r% loads. ` LICHJ 3LJCC\LIl-. ' ' The death at Victoria Harbor on Saturday,` June 19th, of Joshua - Clarkson, aged 78, removes from the scene one -who for many years held a prominent place in `Barrie. Axway back in the late sixties, Mk-. Clark- son kept the old Commercial Hotel `. on. Dunlop Street. ' Hie afterwards L ran` the house on Mulcaster Street- which istillibears his name-.3 Quitting , the hotel business, he. for a` time was engaged -eine the manufacture of soda wa'ter._ About ten years ago, he re- moved from. Town, "Clarkson 1 Wa-szmquiet, Vun~as,$1_1ming gentleman, ',and- was highly esteemed. His..wife 'l5__1`;e'1e_`e;e:'zs'e(l_.hi'xI1. .by several years. _{.i `C-11,At`._; gtlndst. .the...`ausp_1C_es of the " 0 L. _,_F;,-'WaS~._ made in `Union ceme- `-3.. `-. r,'I`..-;L4 4l).`L`. -Attg-nnrxis V ` v------ v---_- cvv-v.`v --_--u i oM*r`. Harold Knowles of Holly, }who refereed a recent football game between Holly and Thornton in lwhjch it wasclaimed that the latter `had won by I--O, writeseontradict- King the report. `It should ha.ve_1-ead a draw, I-I. [ 3 I4 .1 I 0 .1 C 5 I - _Se;ds-this is the we_ek for turnip sowing. All the standard vat- ie at Bothwel1 s. Go to V Wilkinson s for all kinds of .D?m.I'1fd and Sgft Wood, also nun- . .'.'.'..`z`z<.1~ua..n~....1.._ ...... 1......1. ...... ---4O`.wing to other attractions on July 1st, and the late ripening of berri" ,~ e Congregationalists have postpone ' wberry `Festival, to be held in-Mr.. . to Tuesday evening, July ome and enioy Mizen s. best strawberries and pure country cream. I 'I"\ II `T 3| 8.30a.m.-I= 11 --Open for the season. Little Lake Summer Resort.= Boats for hire. L provided at all hours, also soft drn ' cream,_etc. Board- ers talgen. _ Post Office _-- V 'v---- -.J -- -_.__ Inrtlie case of Donnelly vs. Ves- ~'p.ra., `tried at the County Court, and k . I already reported, Judge -Wismer has given judgment -for the plaintiff for two`-hundred dollars and costs of suit, and orders that execution do not issue for 30 days; Hat1g.h- ton Lenno-x,. K.C.,. for plainti. Mir. W. A. Boys for defendants. `I Y I I l\.l\g\.A GI Gil ll\q|alL .7, Oboav etc. taken. Bus Office every Monday and Fri ings at 7 o'clock and Wednesday a noons at 1.30 o'clock. Miss Lawrence. tf. ;--A steal nose, picked and put through a chemical process, which tqrns it into metal, then made into a hat ' --what a beautiful idea!`. -'So novel an tiful a thing- should not escape the n ' fthose look- ing for a personal gift lune lbride-.. Sold in pairs or singly, hat pins` make. very acceptable gifts for brideor bpidesmaid. Reeve, the leading jeweler`, Barnje,- has them in a variety of. lovely colors. AASII, -_-_-_2-_ '- _ ' t-l'`'i` '- " " "5 Y " " ; -Reeve Garden still` occupies a 1-warmicorner in the hearts of his confreres of the -County Council. On Friday evening at the Wellington Hotel, after the business of the ses- sion was `over, an impromptu gath- ering took place, when the genial A. C. found himself the central gure in a presentation function- A hum- orously worded address was accom- panied by the gift of a handsome, gold-headed cane. Councillor -Garden gave expression to his thanks in a neat speech.- rm..- .:.....1. ;`.`.`\n...,.i.:.. Lr....1.,... f\'| ` {k,\J_u\.Iu_l 0, '17 G0 nnnauw an; \.I unv-n tery on-'-.Tuesday. aftrnodn. I't]1e prgence_:"of., the immediate!` V_fa.:`iK1"3`lifes; at 85; d cl_`oke Wednesday ;~eve'ning;.I%_1I1Ce.I6th,* at the`. home of t `.`t,_>ifide s.. p_`8,.f'_tS,1th8, mgrriage was ` i_el yV'l3`s;$1ge;j;1.riized. by. Rev. George i'.o%v'n-,if'`of , I;yI1ianl,- gdaughter , of `Mr. .M'r..f_'John` 'W5ckett, -`Berkeley -street; 'Tofbn t6`. toPI`Rv; Albert` Ed- " . W ` .rtiiej:;}y.'of; ;Thorntoh. n1d"a.nts,.jand the . ' 'dre_ss}.of- and . owENA-vfxclijizri. `$31.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE . . b omen coma `ml: cm-rs in8 vet) and WELL MANUFACTURED Mtfacturer : Paces . J. J. THOMPSON, Mlnllncf n n mom: in. Manna. M1r.l'John Smith of Edgar is the guest of his brother, Mr. Jas. Smith. Mn`. and `Mrs. T.. H. Redditt leave to-day for a. trip to England. _IM'rsL S. Barkley, and children leave to-morrow to jciin Mfr. Barkley at Calgary, Alta. Mr. J. R. G1`ey and daughter,4Cora, of Thornton, have gone on` an ex- tended trip to Seattle, `Wash. Mfnss Jennie Thompson of 'St.yner is vnsiting friends in. Town for a` few days. - . -..,..--nuns:-J5. s1v1lissMEuvni<{:e Brown returned on Friday from ,a pleasant holiday in Toronto and Niagara Falls, N.Y. .1 ..- 1 `I ' " A cur _..J -. r Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. F. B. ,Smith of -Coldwater are staying with ;Mts. W. O. _fM)cKinnon. cw ,- _._-... -v-.-aunnu. .n. unto, L1. 1. g -M}. and Mrs. w. J. Hallett will leave on Sathrday for their summer home at St. Elmo, Muskoka. l 1:" r`- ._..a ...'-.\.u uu t\/Ala: AULLK; bJLl.CCLc_ Vivian Simmons has jo`lne{i the Fraser Highlanders Band of Jamestown, V3,, as cornet player, and will spend the next three months touring the Southern States. --.-.-v, ~.u.uun\.u\a- ` Mi_ssC;<;.tty of Seaforth, and her \niecve,.Miss Angela -Crotty, of Both- ,well, were week-end guests of the iMisses Stritch. - I { IMrs. Anderson, formerly of New `Lowell, but now" of !Bracebridge, is visiting friends on `Charlotte Streetg, `NIL. 1T2-,!- , F`, V, _._--- ---=u-.u----..u..; AJ(All\L UL Jamestown, W111 } C. H. Glassford leaves to-day for ,a two or three weeks holidayat New York and Long Island `Beach. A. F. `Hunter, MLA., will have charge of the editorial department of The Advance during his absence.- .Ir /1`; \ in var won , -_. .._--_ ..-....3 unit) may u w I A u we` `Mrs. (Rev.) -F. H. I-liarron, accom- panied by her two children, `Master Chalmer and Miss Edith, of Min- neapolis, is spending the summer months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. AR. Little, `Charlotte Street. The marriage ~ took place at St. _Anne s ..Chu`rch, Toronto, yesterday, _Iune 23rd, of Miss Carrie Lois, iyoungest daughter {of Mr. e and M\rs.. }J~ohn Culverwell, James Street, and. iMr. Dalton Milne. `to be padled in heats. To-night at 7 p.m. in front of tha- G.T.R. station the Barrie Aquatic- Club will hold its first weekly reg'at-.- ta. The people of Barrie are famil- iar with the brand of `sport providei by this club, and it is hoped, weath- er permitting, that a. goodly numbes of citizens will witness the `competi~ tions, which consist of club doubles. 0- 1 V -' r----- --- --'---. j The crews to take part are as fol~ lows : 2 Bassett--H. Dyment. _ Young--,King. t R. -MacNab-Tyrer. Ross-$Tobey. 1 -Came:-on--A. Dyment. M'ilIer--Bird. ' ~McLean-Hasrison. l Powel1--R. T. Banting. Bingham--M. Banting. L. MacNa_b--Lake. It is the intention of the club to` hold_ these races every Thursday "night throughout the summer sea.- son, and a'_voluntary collection will be taken up to help defray" expenses. It is hoped that the club will have the hearty cooperation of the citi~ zens of Barrie in` this, the most healthy of Canada s summer sports. "Next Thursday night (Dominion Day) a. special card will be arranged for, and a good night s sport -is an- ticipated. . - o---_--.:- Take your gristing arid chopping Ito Wi_lkinson s Mill. Chqppirig every `day? 5c per 100 lbs., weighed in and _`--4 7 out! ANYTHlNG YOU WAN1'.lN - : -j T 311.1. TIMBER. smnnns, roars, suns on cpnnwoon. 6.1. , siding within one hundred mum f o lilllln " 3'` I 33 Highest "1. s - ` -~ le boIxx:::m<`ielin\'3El1 fidagggezggdafedar ` any 301". J- H.` CLAN, ' ` Bar?1`:2.Ont. 5" 511111816 Manufn.0`art\'. `lash . `week and we rnnvuu. . Our ,buver visited the trim-keta ave agam loaded our June Bargain Tableo with goods bought at gx-pa sucrm as. C - - tingn 1-gains in all Men sx(1)nd Bog? 32331353; and {tarnish- bin at Goods are sold for cash and at _O V price to all. A_ca;\,sev-T-whdtsqeverf `, And moneycheertuuy refunded for an - ` -_-4-. _4,- .._.._ ju _ciu- June sale Ends wedndau. ,Jun'e 30th. at 8 o'clock In _ ` the Evening. -. . 'n'N'l'_IL the above date werwillloontinue - '. to. sell at Greatly REDUCED JUNE bpmcps. A 0 7 , ,,g__,u.-1 LL-` _..'..-Tonia AQUATIC CLUB wEi=:KLY. HiJNTER_ zm?ns.,un., mm: 3303 Sale closes June 309: at I p.m., FARMEE ! uruvuu T8!" MIDHURST P.O. Tnnzsijmns 1 ;, % FARM! -%3%?'%:. 5 ,_a.---------'-`-"-'-" 5' EACHER VVANTED for S- `7 duties to commence after an: hmlv atutimz salary to_ ER iwvnuuoooooo, New Machine; *5 :N+++++ooo9;.,9;._9*5 K EACHER \vA.\"nuu I0!` 3.. 5,. no -~ T summer hgil 1 M` g to ERWIN SP3: $13 %rl:as.. Holly R0. 3; I --*-r. `g-.'.~'?.vr"" "2 ; _' 0 - ~i* ' W annma BRANCH A j w. n. MORTON. Ma1ujge_ |-,- TRINITY CHURCH SEB\_IIcS- SUNDAY. JUNE 2Tf|'.H % ..m _H.\l.4 I'n......_-.._:-... m"'f?F'! }?!!i'1,'."TF"'Af' IN THE ESTATE OF MISS v SARAH E. STEWART, L ATE OF BARRIE. ' -_.._._..._ ........... . ....-._.. .. .c---n- Qhurh of Englaliil -Wealth. `$1.00 is sui' - ` \ account. and. (lleeggsito 0 '31-fan-. or upwards are r.- 5_ o ,` $1.00. terest paid at higehceexved. Tn ,._ ~ `. . ' . ., ent rate. And other Users of. when m Barrie call and " " - Ngw Anvznrrsnumnfrs. ___.._.__'- Harry a4EiItetn_:_. so n-..a-._. g...._. '3. as "`.VJ) Vsae. cone v. No. 215 '- LtVI _cnI:w lino;-,m_ `Apply R. v. HOSP!` FWY equippeti F . Drill, qtg " ' ""' \'5l'H" Klll\| UCI IIIUIIC -egasmn Rciner will preach at both 1 --vuuruu. uvlvuo u-,_u I-r- m.-IIoly (`ommunion. .~.\Ia.tins and Sermon. `S`"311.V School and Bible Glass. Nhluin lad hu tho A-unhnfli, uuuuu._V CCHOOI EHO H1013 U|BH3o _ Music led by the orcheatr5.__ --I\'c-Ixsulng and sermon; l`nm.... I : ~ on _-_ _L -3 L-` A 11 Welcome. For mNAnAT-4Ti%;v:~ j, Rat and Undivided s5,ooo,ooo FOR SALE OR RENT. A-_... -..I__ I. CEDIR WANTED 3.. --..L _..:.I `A- WENT ESTRAY. MAN WANTED. ....--..u u . run: It A` beats Free. . S. No umn-nun I e zxeourora, Barrie. P. O. house maid. inn... 1!!` OK O -No. '4: `as O No. 7107!! O afrnntage .0: frontazep 10 There '1: - modxous t` 7 Thialot sltesin Ba l IVII`fI I3 &3F" We have a large amount at mony to loan at lowest current raus.eithrin small or in large amounts. on the neon:-ltv of grand lm-m mm-r. III: Iuvvcau uurnsul. l."lI&sIIl_l\3l' HI Blllll 0].` ID. 18130 amounts. on the security of ood term mom I Sages. MCAR(l`KY. BOYS MURCHISON. unloplscreet. But-tie. T ., | l` . -Under instructions from the Executor-s of the late.M1ss harsh E. Stewart. there will be.c'er- ed for sale by b`-lo Auction. at the Queen's Hotel. Barrie. to Pride 9 Sill: June. 1 , at 12 o'clock noun.b)` Ale _nder Brownlee. .. Auctioneer. that ,very utitul residence of the late Miss` Stewart with the ornamehtal grounds and Premises aogertegning thereto. ` ntn Non. '1 d onthe North Inn I-nnl-tn nf WHO I306 I133 Cvcvvult vvauu mu. vouc- rounds remlses Van rtainlng tl-ye`;-`EH ng?t`;ts'of 9 Nos. 1 d zonw North sid'e`o ' senia Streetin said town. 'l`hn1-uni Anon inn. nommaaious brick 110088. A along Eugeni \ Street. K1,!!! [19 VI uuou . sideoriu nia Street in The reel ence is a oqmmoaious brick 2; storeys in height. -with cellar. -bath room. water, 3 xtures. &c.. beautifully situated oven-loo ing the bay. in one of the ohoiccst residential uartera of the town. centrally situated. and s surrounded by extensive lawns. with ornamental timber.t`he prgpert extending` about 150 feet on Berczy Street bya ut 100 feet IVVU` I IDI IO 3 .\III vs` ow Irc run I 1r.......:u..o- nnnoanll nan he uivan` to the] I Iloll nugeru. I auuv Immediate possession" cn given to the purchaser. . . .. 'l`k`.RMS-'l'en percent. down and theqbalance in one month thereafter with or .wlthout`intex- est according to the dateottakin possession. The property will be put up `sub eat to a re- served bid _ V = 4 V . For further partieuiare apply to D. Stewart, Eeq..Uaohe Bay. or to {he undersigned Ven- dors Snlicitor. . . _ Dated thi3.1stda_y of J une. A.D.. 1909. G.`A. RADENHURST. 22 25 . _ Vendor? Soiieiwg. Bertie. , --som bv--, ,r%R r-:0. 3I3_o_oKs Tu In pu;mx`enee.ot the nowexexvested in him. there -be offered for ~eale by Public Auction by time sole surviv executor of the Estate of t lute`. Adam . uust-tong ut. the , neon : Hotel. inthe 'l`own.ot.Bome.on Shin:-` tube can gun or Junedloo. at 12 o'clock , noon. by Max. rownlee, Auct nee_xj,2vth'e` tol- b t rt! - 1 : ``."3J`c";`e39r'.%YY;'%o%_ :p?sg.g' :'$a'r'c`7 3} u lot < -_- n|n\ 4.. 0 M VAb_lJAn_1,m Tovz.Pr9Hertv 4&1 Q13 IIHWIE Pa 1 ' . of` mun 1' one hundreds and_twent one `(12l)on thesouch side not Mconald, root . n said Town at Barrlpi-Vacoonding to, 1'ec|au=:r3d plan descnbed In % tor Inst_rument 1. ountyo Simooe o.nd__ho.v1ng "No. 71071 Iortt . 4-....nmae on" o onalgl 'Stret_ of75. feet and a` nu. nun-_`_ ~ Iondalssohh iiinis.` III IVS` `-`.- ...9.` !3imr119Dnwsno0%u. jZ1-jT I Tit? Zttjj V ~_ L or v_ALU.mLI: Resndential Property tn th . Town pf `Barrie. % V C C u-u---_- __ _, V _` _m was ;`l'0Wll,0l""lAl=lB. IN 111:: couwrf or smear. % uvvv Iii I ' i.'o`couneu. P'r;prietor" '. I":.;!l!1'I'Y nuaxn -` F1:-at. Swen? ` ntunnm nnn iu'.'-'.'c':1'.1':a o .o'. ..'..`.'.uo.I. ' 2E'o'a'SxTe?1 ' and Relurntshed Throughout. p Wmm '-l`nAvvII.t,xxa' Wnsr. 3:: Sun: AND amp A'l'- um -gL n.:x.a..: -- -1*}. STIFF - HATS. To See and Feel them . is to wonder at .the ' / `PR1E`$2.00 le is" one of the Five Brands we c'a.rry.. EXECUTORS SALE I'll.` `I? A ! `[1 A HIKE EXE9!'T9.'i`f. ._SA'-E . ` "7 7" 2 E UTTUC` mama Mgn Action and Tone iiegulistoxj. " ` ` T "Piangs Always on V Hand For sale. as JOHN STREET, BA`RRIE.' m ` 1i1=:V`(`.1.'xL1_u5 .'ro I MONEY TO Loam. I-.._- ___-_-..a. -1 ____. TU?` * 'i3XaRu-2, ONT.

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