`-`c..`|`6uld`V IIIICCIJII8 U1 _ lllc .lUCaJ --W.'C*.T.Up was held Monday, June '7th, with" a .large~attendance.- The unln-ished~' business from. the annual meeting ;in May .was satisfactorily "disposed of. _'Repor'ts'ofA the _year s "cases. The evangelistic report show- ed that" many visits had been made to hospital, jail and the _gh_om',4esofi `sickness . The scripture had, been read 78 times and lit_erature had been distributed. Several - men in the jail `had taken: the pledge, and tickets to `theirrespective homes had been pro- ..vided- for: several when they `were, discharged. M`onthly services -"had -`been; held in the jail. The lumber- "'men s work had been attended ,to,'. and ve parcels of literature sent out. The press department reported 41 articles and-notices for the press. Several parlor meetings had been held, one in the interests of lumber- ykmen s work, one to interest the Lyoung ladies of the town with the -.purp'pse'.of forming a Y Union, and one for the promulgation of -scientic temperance,_ when` the `teachings `staffs of"the |Collegiate and `Public "Schools were entertained by the ladies of the union. The flower mission department had given away to the sick 72 bouquets with 57 texts. -4..tistic decorations for the provincial conv-ention, and presented large `clusters of owers to the three chief ;-speakers. The treas'urer s report "showed an income of $119.05, .with. expenditure of $118.55. The scienti- c temperance department had dis- `tributed Isooleaets and kept a box :.~supplied_._ with papers in the market. -1-In the anti-narcoti "department good :work was reported, with a hundred {members in the West Ward School. ;The railroad department also was "ga'ctive._ The: union` had, during the 5}year, entertained the provincial _con- ibention "which numbered two hund- red` delegates. The names of the `daughters of property owners had `been placed `on the voters list.` Of- cers for the present years are: Pres.--Mrs. Thos. 'M:cKee; Vice- Pres.--M`rs. Wm. `Smith; `Cor.-Sec.--V M.rs. N.B. Johnston-; Rec.-Sec.-Mrs. Smith; '.'Dreasurer--M'rs. J. K. .work`were very enco'ura'gingin"most ` j_;They supplied` the dainty and ar-' Live hogs ,met with an advmtced market. again " to-day. ` About 300 ` were.~so1d at $7.60 f.o.b.Ato $7.85, `fed -,and~.-watered;-a_` rise of IOC per ewt. Export `cattle sold':'a.t $5.85 "to $6.25. ' . Butchefr,j cale; choice and mediqny at $5 etof~~ $$89- A Light stock, comprising calves, sheep and spring lambs, also sold below the prices previously quoted. The" run showed increased r,eceip ts ` of :both, sheep add calxies, and the sales indicatd -a decline of fully 25:; below lastday s pices. * `- Cows, Acholicie and c6m.mon;~ Ksotvo $4.75. - ' ~ * wthtk `.iatres*t; *sir`np` an;d%. mos:A%%hc1::tm eve:-_ _'c_>Ecr`ed.' `You simply.j~_comef' tb Vjus, VselLect`- what goods` y."ou.1thi1_'1k' `Suit- _;,abl, t.1l_us; how;,it_wouId h :.C9;,!.1VZen-V xentwfor yoix `to pay, eithf virelkly, "eve; _ ~:two`~ :weeks`, or. ;once ` `I.;f:x pbnth,5- ; C01! dganythin L _be `more -_ just,--M'bf,.. reaspnable? he_'se1cct_io1'1 -isi truly `.g"rat;,'=:=consis.ting' of Dry `Goods, Car- `pets, Rugs, Linoleums, Oil,_;Cloths, `Lace, '-Chfenilfe and T/Iapestry Cur- tains, Chenille and -T1apestr Table Covets, -Men s` and Boys glothihg, Gents . Furnishings, etc. Don t miss the sale of Ladi`es .:Suits, Skin-_ts and Spring Coats, as we have great'bar- gains in them. V Business vstrlctlu cone-mtlal. uouse?&`r?.a?.? now; D. G- DAVIDQIIN- Donn:-Inihr An easiness was noted in the price of_cows, which was due possibly to the large number that were offered. There, were not so many choice but-- `cher or expdrt co'ws," but the medium and common , classes were more `plentiful and Sold from, 2oc'to 30c below the previous `market. 303mg. % which a'n..2.- '. Toronto, Tuesday.- One of the best. markgts of the season, and the bqst (within the last month, was expenenced this morn- ing at the City ,Stock `Yards. The run amounted to 123 cars, which in- cluded 2,300 Acattle, 30 .sheep- and -lambs,`_3oo hogs" and 660 calves, and the entire lot of stock was sold 01? _b_e_,fore noon. ' x _.v-v_- --vv--u . Considering the large run of cat- tle, prices were remarkably rm and steady. The reason for 'this is two- `-fold. Receipts for the past two weeks` have been very scanty and buyers have not had the opportunity of tak- mg as much beef as they might have `wanted. Then, `too, the quality of the cattle to-day, outside of asmall numiber of grass-fed animals, was very good and ,helped'to maintain a high level of prices. . . s toss. -The; regular` meeting bf _the local U'("`.'I"`fT --...... 1....I.: .1/r......a--- 1.--- 5.. ca ounnsbnj ii? ten}- '33 Elizabeth St. dmia lock.) , _-h op_ens 8 a`. 111., classes 8 pan. Live Stock Markets. `i1_`T6wnIilI ':'(C_c`onti;i'ued frdxr}`Page ..One.) _rst`. iJge:t:) ent , of what it was > going to"do; an_d`r_would, `nor boast now. But `it- `hadya-lways more. than._1ived up `to its , guarantees. He `showed ."that`the company had not got equal gr.ax._1ts from the; Tow with-. Othf 4. companies, 11, as compared 1\i_.,. . -. ..--_. _-.-.-.5 -vv -___r..p-qvnn ,. ` , .u, , ; D'eptitjr-'Ree {re -'Littfe made refer- .ence to. thfej;-btncte oj:`~in'dustries to :thje- .worki_x`1gn'1an. .He then took up tlge sewerage by-lavq- The cess-pool `nuisance rwas severely commented up o'xi as` a menace `to the public health. A sewerage system-in Ward Six_ was simply a necessity. In re-* gard"to`cement walks, he'said that the taxes would be increased this year `if thatvby-law were defeated. I `The chairman took occasion to_re- }mAark, here that to` keep up our repu- 3atip;;`,La}sa_`T31`ealthy town `we must s'upport the. `sewer by-laws, `I'll `I ? .(\. A" ._ .___ -vi .-vu-- H. H.~j'S-trathy said'tlia.t as 3. heavy tax; payer he -was-naturally in- terested in the Town s welfare. He 'showe('l~the value of industries as a material factor in- a town s, progress, and gave .,a' concrete illustration of what Barrie would gain by voting for the tannery "by-law. We couldn t expect to secure r manufacturing con- cerns unless. we offered" inducements. The" question to decide inieach case was - whether the industry would `likelybe a `benet to the Town. Coming to " the sewerage problem, he claimed that we should.tr,eat the -Sixth `Ward as brethren. The pro? perty owners of that quarter would pay two-thirds of the costof laying the sewers, and surely the rest of the Town could assist with the `re- maining one-third. A ~, rjn `Ar 11 . u n T{'-E;L'iiay5} i;;;;ea began `by l in'g that hetwould always stand by Barrie. He would" su-pport the tan- nery by-law; ' With `regard 'to`" the sewerage by-law, he was quite in fa- vor."lo'f sewers, -but thon'glit7' there ~ was no deniteinformation as to what streets were to be included. Referring to the disposal works, he blamed-the Local Board of Health for its. inteference. There. was no denite information here, `either. `He was` prepared to vote for this by- law, if he had that information. As to the f Cl_apperton St. drain it was not a sewer, and while he was May- or he had opposed7anyone. connect- `ing with*it for that purpose. The by_-law wasn t worth the paper. it was written on, as it spoke of Bay- . eld St. sewer. ~ Ald. Stapleton believed the tax rate would have to be increased con- siderably if we were to- lay down sidewalks out of current revenue. Accordingly, he urged the ratepay- ers to support this by-law. The walks should be placed where neces- .sary,`- independent of ward bound aries. `- | Ex-Mayor Boys also declared tori the tannery by-law. He thought Mr. Strathy l1_`.1d.`put the case very aptly in`. _the illustration he had Igiven. There was no guess work about the; men who'were' behind -that `scheme. Taking the _past history of the-tan- nery, "we must believe that the com- pany would employ many more hands than the 25 per cent addition- al sguaranteed, ' The more factories we had the better railway facilities `-we should secure. He claimed great: credit for the tannery directors in bringing v that `institution through a severe period of depression. This company'was the only company in Town paying interest onits loan. -mEnginee} Mitcrhell was " the fast .-tem in Wards Five and Six; speaker. He gave a detailed `ex- planatxop `of the disposal works in connectxon` with"the sewerage sys- ') V- w---V -wcurv --- _v Ex-Ma$ror. . Wells` wivas oping .-- ion that-` the -last vote had-':`sti enevd. up the` business interests of the: Town to a large. extent. *'-Ifrwe"-coul`cl secure increases in _the.employment- of labor, we should soon have `C.P. R._' connection, and this would_ be greatly to the advantages of the Town. We had to, maintain our re- putation as the leading business town of the. county. He thought we: couldn t deny the tannery so,"lit- tie when we had given the Weber people so much, and he urged the citizens to go out and work hard be- tween now and polling" day. ' - `to. I The chhirmn denied ,th'cf'; ghcgracyl r of this Igsf statement, 'Ald.` Poucher spoke very briey.l The sewerage system was-a neces- sity. In regard to sidewalks, we were poorly equipped. Something, he thought,.should be done for the Clapperton St.'drain. The tannery V-by-law he would not endorse, as the company was now fairly established. Indirectly, the company was asking, for money. It would -create a bad- precedent if we bonused an institu- tion a, second time. He claimed that the Town `Solicitor (Mr. D. M. Ste- wart) was. opposed to this agree- ment and had refused to'- take tl_1_g=:_ platform in its support. ' II`! c ` .u~ -` HATS !l %':i;.0j000 h}sty s . _ icelbrated % ENGL1sH VIi%A*rs% L - vvvv U1 J c J." . 1\fl. staying with. her Worsley Street. ,:M`i's. Morley Duff is holidaying in, Toronto.` ` ' .y..aa `xuanx usuuy 15 v1s1_i_gngI.ljt;_!_10S` in" Peterboro. T , * '- ';.::Miss 1 Mae Knight is` vi Vi"9fi".'tn'g."- friends (in Owen Sound. .~ _ ;l)r._ Victor :Ross was up '-"-j"_1" Hamzlton for tho week-end. .1. ' M}rs. _Chas. .Kelcey has returned after :_a_ month's stay in Toronto. Mrs. D. Haugh of Toronto is staying wxth _her parents in Town. "M.r. J.C. Morgan of Toronto spent a_couple of days here during the week. ` % at single fare be `V '_ _in Canada; good `and July Ist.'. Re- _- 1 .__A |:.;,..u;,.;{_y 2nd, 969.` '_&}i??{ urday from `Toronto. f M.'s. s. M. l . "Mrs. Anderson of Gravenhurst has been visting. M*rsZ R. Paton for .a few days." _ 'M}iss'May Graham of Quiricy, UL, 1s..staying with her mother at Courtvicw. - Mr. and Mx's . H.`MetcaIf of Tor- onto were week-end visitors at Mn . -T. '1\'etcalf s. Amonth in Toronto VMrs. `S. G. Beckett. .Mi1`.;- and Mrs; _'Iames. McBride of Mulcaster Street are spending a few weeks at Egbert. "Miss Olive Fletcher is spendingla `Miss Sheppard has severed her -.c`o nnection .w1th Barrie, and left on Monday for Grimsby. with her sister, ` 1 " On Wednesday, June 2nd, 3. very `pretty wedding was solemnized at St." Paul s church, Innis-l, the con- tracting parties ~beingb 'M:r. Robert [Scott of Penetanguishene and Miss Ethel Johnston, youngest daughter of"M!r. John Johnston, of the nth Con. The knot was tied precisely at 11' o'clock. rie oiciating .minister was Rev. E. J. :M'cKittrick, it being his la st"oicia,l act before leaving` the: parish for his new station at King -City. The bride, who was at- tired in hand-embroidered Persian lawn, was v_en away by her broth- er -in-lhaw, r. Edwin Robinson. The bridesmaid was Miss Mhggie Robin- son, wearing white mulle, while Mr. Edwin Johnston supported the groom. I15! 0 7' W: 1 r. 0 The hap y couple left in the even- ing for a rip to Toronto and other cities, after which they will make their home at Penetanguishene. They. carry with them the best wishes of the whole community for their future happiness and prosper- ity. ` ` ' Mlfs. Andrew Pears(')n and son of Pqterboro. are guests of Mt. and Mrs. Fred Marr. .. | (Mr. W. J. iM'cLarfy, :B.A., Collier =Street, has oassed his examination Iin -`Law at` Osgoode -Hall. vv ccK,_ `M.P. | If\I1l'nn I E. L. B;'eretonV retu Algonquin Park on Fri much benetted in health. The Misses` McLean of Orilli. were guests at the Jamieson---M?c- Lean wedding here yesterday. Miiss Lillian `Hall of Syracuse. N. Y., is staying in Town for a few `weeks, the guest _of Mrs.` S. Wesley, Epworth. `Rev.Dr.-McLeod is in New York at- tending the Pan-Presbyterian Coun- cil. Delegates from all parts of the world are gathered there. The pul- pit of St. Andrew s will be occupied on Sunday, 20th, by `Rev. F. C. Har- per of Niagara Falls, and the fol- lowing Sunday by Rev. Mr. Syming- ton of Knox College. . 'Mrs. `How (nee-Freek) will receive with Mrs.Wm. Freek at Windla- hurst on Wednesday, June 23rd, and at her own home, on Peel St., [the third Tuesday of each month, kbeginning with September. I A marriage of interest to the groom's many friends in Town took place on Wednesday, Jnue 9th, in Chicago, when Miss Eva -Caroline Smith, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith. Toronto, became the wife of Mr. Thomas S. M-cCabe. 'MIe$rs. W. J. McLarty of Toronto Land R. W. McLarty of Elk Lake ;were. at the home of their parents, Collier `Street, over Sunday. i Mirs. Brid-gland and Miss Ross ar- grived here from Calgary, A1t_a.. dur- mg the week and will spend the summer at -Mr. C. A. Perkins . sxctt Miss -Mary Biiaby is visiting fgiends 1 Peterboro. ' " .. - ~ ' nu Inll Sept. mu. nu. netnyugyult oc_t_.;._alst.,Ino.V_ . SCOTT--JOI-INST-ON. \d' {.113 %NPAClFIC nxposrrxox pw rates. I. Wlls returned oh Sa_t- ` a three. weeks stay 1n `Yia Attractive Rutes. Breretonv return ed from p0 FL I\.` J - *7 iATTLE UL LdVl5[UCK IS "'5. sister, M'rs. -Kester, ...v-av I you: IICU IIUHI Friday very I I199]!-H. 26) CCU. 6., W-. 1: CW 9. conrmed; 01 20. Con. 11, taken .f-rgm. 05- P-3`; Pt. of "2'Of %`-. 4. (76 acres), _redue 06. Drury assessed for -h` esprah ques 11- the y but He re cross- vvhcre nidagle: drt bout-a t, and. Bishop Williams of H`uron' DiO' cesc in his charge to the Synod sup- l>0r.ted the three-fths clause;_of_th local option act as xigh; in Pf,|*I$.|Dl- 5m_d..a protection against "'th `demo:-' allzmg effects that followed )3. *d9Dti0n of the law by a bare_`I_na-_- Jorlty, vssmm comm o1=rR`Ev:s':1`c. The "_ldj0urncd sitting of the" H Revxsgon was held at the Town 3, .\hdh.urs.t, on June nth. Alla.` :*h,e members were prgqex;t.{_e.xc,cvJt C0111`! \\;'s}\|-\ 'D..-4:...- .....-.-gnnn (if; V'-""' ' 5" III UIIE \uII\I\III ' Fofcst res are doing great dam- -gc in Quebec. ' - 4' h` I . . . . _ .. - __ up 'i-- -V D...`.-.-. y-urwvvyvv-v--v- After a contest lasting over six weeks William Murray of Toronto was declared insane and was com- mitted to the asylum. v _= ' ' D. 1\ n u o .9 . ,!,___ , \.II\. can IUIIIIO E. IVDcLarn`is"0i8- t0Athc old country in Search of me?! for the Presbyterian missions in the: west still unprovided for. TL [N . . v 0 I -- ..-nan t-Oll'JI\JVI\J\vu .\J`O y The Society of Friends will by _de- Dutation protest to the Domtngwl Government against the intr0dt1tl0 Of militarism in the schools. V` T` It is :}i{l that the arri'oi1nts-offer- ed for (nlhcs limit mininglands are O1 P to general expectatuons. Ar. 0 . Evi-. at the a dc `It that the Canadian? 500 Canal will be navigable by Sat- urlay.- - 1.. \ ..1..___ I-.. LL- _........A.. .4...` he. plans for the waggon_ road from Elk Lake to Gowganda have been completed. - ' , (V4. ,. The Board of Conciliation `has re- ported in favor of increasing the pay of the Owen Sound longshoremen employed by the Canadian Pacic Railway Company. ' ' -Iunvnunnvunlius A -- CDOQVOI o.I, 7r'1{e"'CIn{a}}1" }2rx}2r"'7i$,vonia, which grounded o t"heAAzores, will be.a'tota1 loss. - The Grand Trunk Pacic train service between Winnipeg and Scott, 569 miles, was rinaugurated yesterday; The service will be extended to Ed- monton soon. _,v...r....._,- _v--WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16th.. The longshoremen On the great lakes have voted not, to strike. .....,-.v. -- - ------_ .,-----__ . ? The emergency dam at the Soo has been completed, and the `repairs to the canal can now, he proceeded with. I A nlb llIJux no. A pest commonly lcnovyn as L-tlilee "elm bark woolly arphid 1S destroy-` ing the young elm trees. ` An association has been organized in Berlin to promote better trade relations with Canada. The rst cabin passengers of the wrecked Cunard Liner "Sl'a,vonia reached Gibraltar yesterday. _ U, r"~-ina -_- ICdLII\,u \avv-u---- _,~-.----...._,. _ The Governors of Knox -C'o`llEg`e appointed .a commxttee to select` a successor "to Professor ,Kenne_dy. Sixty Eng1is_h clergymen vs./ere ye- ccived in audxence by the German Emperor at Potsdam yesterday. .i.,__ -4 LL- 5-; cm: A HUIIIUCI un \.a-nuns... ... _V___ . viere bitten by dogs. lBllSh res are reported. as. causing some damage around Kenora. . Twelve native soldiers died from thirst in Morocco. A - A rich nd of gold and silrer is reported near Paynton, Svask. ' . Geo. Trcpo.,`who was.run. over in -Toronto by an automobile, died of his injuries. -------..I.. 1 .... .. .. .1... The P909 . as Sentenced to prison 6: use; w 1c of Natal ,2, against 3.701 toupzn nth African Union. " . ' soCharles Chaeev ."it.d N_Y,, of .steal1_ng_ ch:ckns_`,#. rted that Premi ` _""Clem-.' It gfplgraxace will .s_hor l_y'. retiref "`3evo1e himself to lxte;at,ur e. ~ an ` (11 t.es to The cfmc{g::ence- 'w1tnessed"- -Vithei Pfgeuvres of the home _cet,` gmithcad on Saturday. - \ ?TWc,,,y Russian -_ .sailors_ are/'im'-1 .0ned.1n a submarine "which was Pmk during manoeuvres In the ifiick Sea. There is no hope vi sav- ' them. . . .e .' V mg-IL- Tnnlln CamD.' he Lonuuu \_.,.,,P . , vv;.,.` H..V ` teen eliminated, is e .? ' armng th C re; putation of the most 0 rderly `an - d cleanest Heights. TUESDAY, JUNE I-Sm. % V j can 1}) ever held on Caings --\. \.U.ur1, Assessment :_m M r' - HeighE1%UESDAY. JUN E.isth-j T , President Penna of` Brazil is dead. `A number of children in'T_oronto -u__ `kn Ana: 1 The ...;u'uu:x 3 WCTC prgapcup, . Vfliluby F- NV abb. Parties? appealmx _0.f; Drc-scn'.t.a.tives were .haI'd. Court decided as fol O'Vs . `SSL S:Q11`M'>11f A` nan-Ir 94 cm. " 7" 3 H L London cam!-'a'W1th the .3. ,:A_..;..A in onrniha 1-I'In'Ii`n.'~ Ian Eniperor_ wili M `to sxxty British` hill! I155 \v- w.-- ._ , V, ` Hic%ly:l'ing--Catne`1'o,:1--_-That. a.m_'s.' _"Coutts be ._grantgd $3`o.bo.-9; c" aying and g;-avelmg h111'pn- 5.2-.` 12 --afnd 1'3, wamznigigzsng-+1:psatzcea, Tfiiaw`-_ -`ght bh, aiq.p;>`j:nt_ed 9'w:f;sgr",9i,;.Mine- :1. . . .-.~ ._ _` `. - sningvgrave A I.-`-..._._,.._ . R. 0. Bell .. Of'U0i'O Sfatibn and Frederick 'Ca1dwelI of. Crown Hill. fintcrviewed` the C6,u:.1cil,Tre the pas- . singvdf a,7by-lawv~b`er`n1itti'g the 01-0` Teleghonb =,:Co'mpany`: "to erect poles ` the_ highways .0! '_,th_e township. I ` hey ._~po11tcd out that-.;i1,t _ was __very 'x-..-..o:.I-+h:f- such'.`a `by-:]9',w _"be` pas-s ! ! H1? 35 CIISIHCCI U1 tut: Lvuvvuaunp, \Io S. Burton, `Clerk of Tp. of Flos, re acreage of S. `S; No. 10, _Vespra;~Un- ion Bank of ,Canada`, -Barrie, advis- ing that $53.10 interest had `been placed to the credit _of the township accoiant. ` 4' ' ` -~4JL_ _____ _ _ `Theye-poxnteu Out uuu, .,. ...... .-._, essential that such"a by-1ai`u:v.'be sed to enable them to obtain` _a char- . ter . from the .Ontario V Government, and that it was in no way binding. Some, amendments were suggested by the Council to the -propdsed by- 1`aw"presjentAe_d` to which; they readily a`gre`ed;' - Accordingly thekby-"law.-`was ` *three'~r`adings_and passed. ! given -its: . I The Council adjourned to meet" on Ipne 28th, AaAt_:-`1o;a.m. ' L~ _. . _ A e .-A.-};B-. VCQUTTS.` Ckrlc ._. .( I V * A ' L V.-. _ . V... -9 9119 LU [QC agam ,after_--; her. recent zllness.-V Mrs. D. \_C. Camsrdp is hdxtkyfrqm a visit: to_1`xer- sistr xn,Sarn_ia.i,, *1VIsss.Mabe'l;.Ridriell` bf Tottnham was an. `over-Sulndaya vi_sitor here. _ Miss rVi'61etA1Mi1}ga.y A spent: tire `week-end "at Lbngfrg and Qrillia. ; x V Hoover -;is'_ muovingz, from ' Essa` St. .to. ..Ms_.a; .G'r,;een.el s`_'. _h'o_us'e. `L s Miss ~S"l_'eg'dV "f'r`<:om `tire West _.is' "visit- ing her sister, _ Mrs. "I-.Iewso.n, Bay .Street._,: ' Rev.`J`. Bedford and `Mrs. Niiss Bedford; of Lakee1d_ swer"recent visitorsAh_:re.- * L _. `A A ' Mhf s.- J. .'Lowe of 'Sudbury is stay- _ing `with her. m'9ther,~ M`:-s. `Ross, Burton Av._ ' ` lnvwvvuuu The following accounts were ~pas- sed; A. Jar , refund taxes error in, assessment, $4.00; John Wattie; re-` pairs tosigrader, $4.80; I. F .Cavan`-' ash, do., $2.59; D. ,Wood,` opening road in winter and winter road s.r. 5 and 6, Can. 9,. $5.00; Allsopp, equalizing union schooi sections and taking schdol census, j$I5.oo' S. Johnston`, repairs, to grader, $.75; A.B. Coutts, half-year's salary, $200- Hickling-Wattie-That `/the Reeve! sign the petigion for, township -`Are Spring Creek Draina'g'e.-,. . .~ , 1'-r:-I_1!.... r'......z.-.`-... _'."l`il -am-. Iarris.` T`T1\/I ~rs; D. C. Cameron, Mrs. Kstej M`iss Wilkinson and MissICatcher are c_ic1egat_es_ to the Barrie Pres- bytenal wh1ch- met `in Orillia yester- day._ ' T` 7 on do . as -A In in, riving, rift" in what e drift m `t_w_o `f'i`he Canadian Pacic is justicom-4 pletmg the biggest l locomotive ever built in -Canada... It was designed by Mr. H. H. Vaughn .and.built at the Angus shops, M!ontreal., This mon- ster locomotiveis 70 feet'fr_om end to.,end, and, with the`loaded tender, weighs nearly two. hundred tons. The boiler, which is about the size of two ordinary boilers, contains the equivalent `of 4,000 .feet of heating surface, and will develop 2,200 horse- power. The engine is of the Mallet articulated. type, andis practically two engines under one bigboiler. It will be tried out this week, then be sent west for `use on the heavy Vllulla . ,Communications- were read from : -Edward` B. Merrill, `re considering hip _as engineer of the township; C. Q `R111-fnn Clerk Of TD. Of F103. re ..-vpo nave `Mrs. Taylor has`1fet_urned to Tory- onto, after a. week s stay here "with M-rs.VD. Bell. , . . . . . 'Mr,s.,I.Gr,eeneld,` a resident of. this Ward for"thirty' -years, moved to To- ronto lastbweglg. . ` "Only tl`ijr_ee".<`5f the large` nqenfber" `of candidates offeringwere rejected at the recent- air-brake exa1i1.in'ations,- Rev. A; J. Paul` has: been ,tranfer- {red to ' Sudbury by` the" 'Stationing,g ;Committee of -Toronto .fConfe;rence.- l * DI. Evans aqnd.-1VDr.. W. B. Taylor were the lay delegates from Burton IAve. Methodist `Church to .-To_ro.nto' ` Conference. \ . I The 'C'ouncil"met'on.Ju'ne i1. All 3the members` were present except Clclnuneillor Webb, the ,_Reeve in the `c air. ` - . . 1 P - ------ ---_.,.. \. 5 . .` . Two wins in one_"week for the} Shamrock _B.B._C. is a. pretty good- record. They defea_t'ed the Halfways by 9-3 and Trinity Church by 12- 10. ` 1 - V ' BVusin_ess _ gs; . ..`I 1`. ` _ u.-. VESPRA `COUNCIL. I\;r,e'1'__3._{ iu11'liii [is `visjtiqg rethrxjd 1 from ho::ie%[irni {tvol [be out ; ina rsumed vua .v\--; be` - ALlu. argue ouoconvuoouug. .B_nc klhps_t`.. .- . -. . ..".-.`.=. .`. -9.0.0 0 u 0 0 `o.n`3` .` _8_mv. hnndlodi.` :._: 1*.`-i ` Droo`ed.hm; o1n:-. . .T.` .g?.`_. 1 I 1 CC FQIII-I lg, DVD fe ., A Reeve and D/eputy-Reeve will in-' spect ditch complainodof by James Johnston and act as they think best. D 71' 9 .-v v---- -- r---- - houncil adjounied to meet` August 4th next, at 10 a.m. L ` H. J. TUDHOPE. uC1_e.rk.l _- The `funeral_ of. the late Jacob-. M. Hall took, place `on '_1`hur;-sdayf last -fr_o_ms.his late residence near M.inett s_= Point `to the G. R. station. and thence. by` the morning train 'to Harnilton. The pall-"bearers _were lglessrs. John Blrunton, Sr., John `- runton, Q Jr -., , Duncan. McMillan, Oliver. Walton, Alexander Clark and James Gilchrist, all of whom, with _the. exception! of Mr. Gilchrist, ac- companied the remains to Hamilton. _The funeral at Hamilton was under the. auspices `of the Canadian Order of Odd Fellows, and was a` very?` large one,` many of NIX`. '-I-illa'll s.com rades on theold Great Western_and G,rand_T-runk Railways being pre- sent-to pay a last tribute of respect. Mr. Hall is survived bye his widow, two sons. and `live daughters, `they being: Jacob `H.-, of` Drummond, Mont.;'John _P., of Spokane, Was_h.; Miiss Dorothy; -Mlrs. M'cMlann,' of H-amilton; Mrs. George Lutz, of Yonkers, N.Y.; Mrs. E. Brunton, of Hamilton, and Mlrs. J. A.,=McNeil, |0f Toronto. Another daughter, Mrs; "Alexander `Young, of H am;ilton, died two months ago.` Of Mr. Hall's six brothers, John`, Hall, formerlyloco-. _mitive foreman at Hamilton, is" "the sole survivor. ` - 91` `Was- ,ed to. 'zhWay~ - horse` _ L-..` ``Where s the top of this grade, Anderson? th superintendent ask- `ed the conduct, 1-. That pine sir, said` the con., pointing to :1 tree__ on the crest` ahead. |by-1aw No. 281 where necessary and have it ready for next meeting. The Reeve, and the Deputy-Reeve were .-appointed to ptovide plans and spe- cications for bridges, ask for tend- ers and have `work completed, atthe following places, na.me1y.QLine be- tween Con. I and 2, lot 7, Con. 2 and 3; lot I4, Con. 2, Con. 4 and 5, lot 18, Con. 12 and 13,/lot I4. ; - ' ' ffhg} 3? I336. Eattii imio,` Ear erection of fence on west and south .s_ide of Town Hall `grounds, was ac- cepted-,` 'work to be completed by 10th July. Councillor McArthur,.was appointed" to oversee this work and procure necessary material. A,,_.!,,,,,',. 1- ...' 4'1 _-~v._.v ----v----, - - - w v - - - - -. Apportionment of statuto labor _was' completed. C` hi ` % THE mnxzrs A Pticca RuIing...in the `Barrie And; Tor- onto h_la rket_Durir_x the Week. b I Mr. Tiin. and the mac. 0' - `f|M.r.. `W. R. Tifn, the 'G.T.R. sup-. erintendent at Allandale, has a di- vision of heavy grades. One. Sun- day, being in a. hurry to get home, [he was going up from Toronto on a `freight train. There] are no pas- senger trains up the Northern` on Sunday till evening. ' The long train was slowly crawl- ing up the ridges of King to roll `down toAAllandale, and M5`. Tiin {from the top of the caboose was im- jpatiently viewing the pufng loco- }motive labqriously making the as-{ opnf ' ' ` . I ll' have it `moved down-~ this; way, announced the lord of the di-' [vision withivdecislion. ` 1 '"1.5.I{{ ii ?:i}Z't.-Toomo sat: urday Night. ' _ v T . 1A'c<:"<;.1_1vr-1rt;.'-Vtvcamthc`: amount of "$197.21 i were ordered paigl. T . T ] 1 . . A ..-v--- .7)? granny. -The eig{h'te` d_1eg`a.'tes .`.fretrvx' "i_;.O.I..'.` 432% to Inni-sil District meeting on Saturday last at Thornton` `were: Messrs; Geo. Leslie, W. J; Patter-T son, ,A. Little, Geo. Stundin, M`. VCaiIn`pb'e'll, `W. Carson, Thos. Looker- "and Jas. 'H.ubbert;` It `was decided `to celebrate the Izthin this Ward; It is .13 years since there was a sim- il_ar demonstration. A. number of ledges are expected from other dist.- ricts. ' " . . ......q up Luv .I.\u\;ny -.Luounta.ms. ,1!` ,1t- proves a- success` a ._number of - sxrpj v\ ilar oneswiu he luilt:f V , ,"lL'_ {siads {in}. trio Rocky -MoAui1ta.in;. Jr! hrnvnc 2| EIIIIJVAJIQ D; ..--..._`L_._ At -1...` Tohqxro, Jun: 1! _oI0 00:90)`! gin. 1 `Sun: 17.1909? `IOK `I9 mm 1;, 1992}