Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 17 Jun 1909, p. 4

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CASSELS-KEANEY. MIDHURST. In this action, which was tried in the County Court here last mi" Mr. I-Taughton Lennox, K.C.. .\l.P._l counsel for the plainti`. Thom Donnelly, a farmer of Vesprav brought up some interesting qugg. tions of municipal law. On the night of the second of _lanuar_v lail, the plaintiff and his son, while re- turning home from Barrie, in cross- ing the north concession line where it is intersected by the Sunnidale Road, collided with a snow drift which had rested there for about a week. The cutter was upset, and plaintiff sustained; a dislocation of the shoulder and other injuries. The immediate cause of the accident was v that the drift had been allowed to remain on the part of the highway usually travelled. and. the horse turning sharply o` to follow a tem- porary road leading around the drift. DeWitt Donnelly, who was driving, pulled him partly into the drift in an effort to make him keep on what he supposed was the road. The drift was variouslv estimated at from two to three and at half feet deep. Evi- dence was given to show that the diverted road was unsafe. The de fence mainly relied upon the cor.- tention that persons had driven safe- ly across the drift and that Donnelly could have done so with safety. The safety of a passage'across the drllt was, however, a matter of doubt. and the strong point made for the plain` tiff was that the condition of the lroad was not known to the plainti. that Donnelly had suffered Sel'l0ll5 injury without any neglect on his part, and that the defendants could have made the road absolutely sate and have averted the accident by the expenditure of from 25 to 50 cents. The case was heard by His H_00-` Judge Wismer, who reserved Judit- ment. M`r. W. A. Boys was counsel for the Township of Vespra. will go further and give you ` "better results than anyothef Paint on the market. It's 100 cent. pure. That's Wh)` -l!*l~t:I-I--IFH-3:-+-1-1-1-+++-:~+~:~1~+:~++++ 1.` }Kea.ney -of Toronto, and Mr. Geo, -Waindross of Beeton was groom? man. After the ceremony, V.-hid; was witnessed by about. forty gum all proceeded to .\Irs. Myers` met hotel on the lake shore, when _a wedding breakfast was servcd_ Th, newly-married couple arrived in Bea: ton on the evening C.P.R. train aria will reside on Centre street oppom; the Methodist church. - Beem World. Martin- gyguarantee 100 p6? 05` 'p;a_int- arid MuresC0 `O :`*st~ifation. or, mom? . "W ' 1 ':=.TheV most ` beautiful. econom` -'t'.ia1l and sanitary wall coatillg ;_;4_' . V ' ._m_ade. ` walls of Cdllner SW35` ;.ir?c:,sby:erlian Churcl'1_3d are all mshed "._MpreSco colors. 4iM5Odist Ch.. St. Andre ` *vi%c% V `A Mk. `MI-s>""tL'erii1 .8"`;<.i,.f', Z "enour s Mixed Paint Muresco Wall Finish DONNELLY VS. VESPRA. 179' {OM} kill Per ..;Rv. cg B. J;c :ff_1-cg;h.`btij.atfe11d; rfirgg 'nCone1*ef,Ice~1n Tomato. .3? . ` - {i:.M;;;;;f :BiaL ';.;a 175;: ' (I' amp`be'l'l` left on Monday for India. Head, Sask: ' " * `A L ` .MrissT M'arga'ret, #95 .To;-`on-T3 _._f_o` is_ -_l1oli`_iayiA!.|`8:gre;*""'~`":5;if j % V 5 cIzowN 1-IILL. % The rain on Sunday was thankful- Iily received here. * ' ' -' III-` T_._,- A I " `I `I i m;;. .G. m moi: is viitin'1f;'iend{l injccollingwiood-_t_his `week, H J "Inn 4. "` Jno}_ Buuie nd '*-M`is_s .-M~inni'c:.A, spent `Sunday: in Collingwood witli` Mrs. -% Base, who is in `iii `the `hdwitgl: thfnie. _ T ` I Tivi?.7'1.}{+%~ J-.'.;1-1n`1T1i'..s-I-'.ii'l._:Vt theo-home. bf hisodaughtcr, M31-s. oWice.~- ~- `_9Moiss Mair Thompson is home, af- ,Ner over tw.e1ve_months Astay in. the, .est.`=1. .* V p - ' Mtrs. Fred Panner is visting her; home in Stouviile for a Jouple soi weeks. % A ' ; `Mr. Jnof Bu.ie :ind" M`is!s .-M~inLni:;:H `Sunday: in on ,' ..'....`.X 3A` :1` 521. u.I. ;. `L ,?_._ _'v-- -awn VI Mir. Issac Acmnley has purchased the Clarkson farm. ' A Mlrs. ~Wa.lker' -from the/` -United States is vigiting her daughter, Mrs. Jas; Rix. % 2 a % 2 Mir. Chas. _Part'x'-idge ',.reached the ripe old age o_f, eighty-four years ,last Wednesday. We wish. hirry. maxgye happyrretums` of the day-._ ` ` 9111:-.. 13.11. is 1 `st: ` '7i4?s.{Tia'iIZ fl-lo-1.>'i`r 1s<`>`2'1-H and mzss, jHewitt left for Muskoka. this-fveek. the support of every otherward._-ItV s la case`of hanging together or hang- ing singly. VOTE -FOR-'I`-I-IIE BIY-`I T A 117.3 I The manufacture of cut insoles is practically exclusive tothe United `States as far as this country is cbn-. cerned. The directors of the 'Barrie-\ Tanning` Co, want to create and de- velop that industry in the Town of "Barrie. Are youwith them?. Then; {vote for `the by-law, .4. and their guarantee imder the `new agreement virtually means a_ pay-roll "of nearly $40,000 per annum. ` SUANNIDALEV .CC)R2{ERS_.` - '_`::On Saturday evening, June 5th, :1 t1-Jibe of Tgipsigs`, composed of =M.exi"- ghnsi -at'I'(,l, Roumanians, numbering _gaib0ut,,7o women .and,j child:-"en, Apitcwhfed, theix: t_.e_nts nLeAg.,r.. he:-e., `The- ""."'wa'1" d " -the, c" ``t',rbl_.df"Vchief ,. "G _ qrturie,1;` te`lli}i1.8`.=. ;cp,rdy ieati-n `aware " :__,,_____,_ . . V . ',Mnrs. Thos. Goodfellow, `Niagara 5{`F3.l1S,, will sp_enc_1&t~he summer months jwith her sister; at `Matchbu,rn, `L dur-`L gi_nfg- the` abseqe. of her -1V1usband,.w11o ' sf 'on Wan extended `trip to-. Scotland. 7*%1vi'f5aa}:'%'if.; Mtthw n..m..o; `Otillia we're [guests at- thc home of; Mrr. David . Mil_!.er on St_uv1.da.y._ If you dQn .t wvant-the Councill to. build cement gidewalksi out of cu`:--. Jten'tV revenue (and '_that swha"t;die `L;_Mayor says` `he will dd "in `t1;e[ey`e_n4t_; aidvelrse vote), `yot1;V_`will;~'.\;:;a'at,-< .e.:ib#n?i. baxlorain Jqvot. % om my %znatnereu>y% miii V; '3:rstrr"`=`wifre%% &ar; 1 her` A V Blaney of CoAldwate1-' `wa .the guest of his? sister, Mfrs. Lee Russeil, on . Sunday. , Vii? . 1- xussell, onasunday. V *-We. are.-sorry to learn that Mr. Wm. --Langman had _'the` misfortune to get kicked` by a coft on Saturday`;| yibieaking his armabbve the` wrist. - I . Norman` Caswell, Gowganda. aqd his sister, M1-s.'C`.,_!H. Eplett, :. angdlittle son, Aryg1e,`of Coldwater, visited at Mr. James Bla.ney s on 1'Sa.turda3g=_. , ~ ' 1! ' '9 cc. . ,\.9o John Peacock occupied _n.thh:e' pulpit in the Ma'eth'o`dist church here on Sunday morning. ' ` ' .11-.A_A. 11- in no i n ur- of `.'Barrie is. spending a few days with her. da.ug_h`-, ter, `Mrs. IL, I. Vstewart. ; time of writing. we are _'so1-rny foreport that Mk-._ Stone `id senously all, but hope `for, his `recovery. - and vMr.s. Jdhn \Buchanan from the West are spending a few day_se with the fox-mer ,s` parents here. V___Th~c1-gps lareflookxng very well ; an thss locality. .. ;` "If I -n -rm .,.A: vs 2.. '-I ; ..~Mrs Rofand Little of. Micvllahd is L.tl1`_e..,gust of.`-her sister; Mrs. Wm; _"Wilson, St? ' ` 3 . ' cud '- ' n An` .- We are ht See that Mr. J(',)Vh`l".L" Dausel has returned home from Tor- lo; 1tc_>. V - " `A T The Clapperton Str.eet_ drain. pipe shpuld have bee placed lain, degper Wa tf years 'ago.'V"I'-h od1tlet 'a.'t.the foot of ._ Strce; i_s_ a. public ' nuisance . calling ~,fdr llmnzediat, aba- fment. V A_b9ut Qneathigtccpth Moi. , ha` a` mill 'a*dde"ds`to yc,>,`;11': f`.:-'a,jn1rm :al,,Tt_a_'::V,c5-will _ jay {of `this impxdvcment.` ` I A very exciting football match was played `Saturday night at Mid- hurst; No score was made. Both teams played a clean, gentlemanly, match `after which the Mddhurst ladies jserved lemonade and cake. The Dalston boys return many thanks for-the way theypwere used.` and hope to return the compliment in the near'futux'-e. ' \l\u\rl\lIIl6 an I-I-I |.llC_ ualc UI`tnCll' an- nual_ garden party, which was set for July 7th.. ' pmrnov. 'EADY. .:u'1;The _ home of Ostrander, ; on W W;df}e3d=1ujr" ' ';~[ 5=1"`aI..$._ ` way the ,s.cen __e; " V `VW..; ,'?*:..';':!9?Tfh9`R ` H `The residents of Eady and Cold- water do `not appear to.,~grow cn_~: thIisiastic,avx: the name if "`Gip's,y.- - `Toronto went `wild over `-`Gipsy .*Sm_ith-;_ VB.ar,ri_e Thad _ a; ' rival, in f -Gipsy. I'_Iav_rki_IS., ._ Eady;ar_td' 'CQ1d~WtfTT!!er- .favpre_dj -withf a -genuine >sy:ndi:;at_e % 91 + _-Spamsh-' gipsies , ~ `and weref:}i1`pt- va.A we Jucapuu .L&'lII.lio 9 v_ `- Vegetation, which began` to show a" not very promising` condition- ffom the lo_ng`?*spe1l of dryiweathenwas much improved-.in app arance after the rain `On jSunda,y.f e ha'y crop in "many .in stances , will Tlikyly __b_e, short. ` _-~-.`Sewerage..and public _ha'1t'h go hand` in .~ha'nd. Give the citizens of Wards Five and "Six .1 chance to what others. " al:-mdy enjoy. " `They % hgvc ito ~pay-: 'two-thi1'ds of- tho cost, and the _whoIc Town obtains an inv- direct benet. `What-hhcips onehclm ` ' , -V I ,`, --_- -v---n-`VJ I D U ll? Vlllusxu Mr. Bert Re id ~ of Baxter _ spent `Sunday under the parental roof. f`___ AA._, `J: 'i' ` 0- - The ladies W of_this 'c6mmu'hity` 'are% very `busy practxsing for their base-' ball match at the picnic here on the I8th)`._A George Banting ,' one of .013: es{ee_me_d baseball_ players, ~met with: a. painful aceident last week__ on his way to Beeton, he having his finger 'jamme_d__ ,o n fa car-door. .'0ur -junior team played. their rst base_b'all "match of the. season with Tho`:-nton on the latter s groundson Saturday lat; The result was a. win for our boys. After the match'_ tea was served to the two teams at `Mrs. J. Len'nox s. ` f\ . ) A Mr. Joseph Swan of Barrie paid this village a visit on Friday of last ;week.` T ` ` ` H _, 3, Mrs. Geo. Saunders gof `Barrie lpent Sunday. with heri 'da_ughte;, M.-rs. James_Hiltz.` , - -L , I - A - `xi , _. _. . o . u Laura `Miller of Utopia. was" the guest of Mrs, W`-. J. Lennox on Sunday last. . r A. - - _"f'.b{{ a':'E& ' last Ivy puuea as another victory, winning its third league match at Beeton by the scoiie fg` Q A '17:: `can an-- --4--- A`---A nvusuc Iuocuu at JJCCIUH uy uu: SCOTC of 8-6. Ivy has now Wop three straight games, `and it will certainly be` asurprise to the -f s `if `t_he m`eda.Is-don_ t come this direction. , The home of M'r. and Mrs. James Cleary, Third Line, was the scene 'of an attractive wedding at two o'clock in the afternoon` of June 9th, .when-the marriage took place "of their daughter, Miss Jessie, to Mr. Wm.` Muir. The ceremony was per- formed _. by the Rev. R. I. Sturgeon-, and was witnessed by a number-of immediate relatives._ After luncheon had been served, the happy bridal couple left for Toronto and other points East, amid showers of con- fetti and the. good wishes of many friends. -- VLLI GIN friends. .` i develobing jhdutries gm: .-olirc. the vacan't- house prblem. Furthgr. you add to, the list of honselwoldcrs, every, one of whom is it cbnqumef or supplies. Business begets bneincss. ..-.--_..., ....`.... gut; y u-n\..u|.aL.lLlU1. I Our new telephone ln_1e xs expect- ed to .be ready for use m about two weeks. _ ..-_ -w_, --w -uv . F1\/Iliss Norine Sewreyl of Barrie is spending _a `few ,weeks with Miss Li`lAIian MQuay. ' . {i ran. " ` Mr. and Mrs.`W.' Shawf. visited -`the formex- s parents at Barne over Sun- fV ' (iv A c\~ --. -'_ ~- ~-v----4 --- 4-":- Rev. P-. ML 'Pea`eock has dec-ided to remain here another year. This is gratifying to his tieople through-' out the circuit, who extended\ to him a heart-y~and unanimous invitation. "Mr. Alex. -Willoughby, Mir. Wel- lington Dean and `Mr. Alex. Gollan were delegates to the District meet- ing of the L.O.L. at Thornton on Saturday last. The baseball game of last week between Ivy and Angus resulted 5- 6 in` favor of Angus. Our boys should be congratulated on their success from the fact of th'eir`having' very little practice, besides playing a number of juniors on the team.` :I\/Fr. Milton Lougheed of Angus 1 spent Sunday in the"village.' 1 `IA . `l)__. .`l1'_` I. 1- 1-u . f1-Tcvavst wa.s.ob'served _on Tues-! day morning. Nothing injured. "yet reported. a up in - - j vvv -v`vvv-an M11`. and T1\.rIrs. Stanley of Toronto `visited 'the latter s_ mother, Mts. Brennan, over Sunday. " an v -sq... Ttge [ats lost a vain- Aable hor_se last week by distemper. He paid $500 for the animal: II. | ---v-tbs ! Mr. jack LeeVof To1-onfo is spend-H `mg. a vacation with his. father, Mr. ITIAQ How much does the Town lose by granting the tannery a fixed assess? ment? No more than it loses by granting the G.T..LR. or any other c-oncem_a xed .assessmen.t. The di- tect loss is` counterbalanced indirect-. ly by the gain to',"the_.Tow*n in the increased as.s essme'nt created by the enhanced value of existing resident- ial property,` and by the .add_itio`n;s` niade. in the way" ofnew dwellings to meet the" demands of the ~Sit.l)3_-W " tion. 50 14126.. -.The raiif$.on Sunday last proved of much value to this section of the country. , 510,1. I ,. -' - *` cw pi-IO Bll\r KIIIIIDQII -G. G. Dreyer of Beeton will preach to the Orangemen in Victoria Hall at 7 o clock p.m., the first `Sunday in July. fl) ___ TI I I" ' _'M1iss, Laura Cafson and `Mr; Fred Rxchardson visited the latter s' sister at Thornton, over undaih an. 1 . . --- jM5ss Slight, .M-isis Eldridge, Mr. Eldridge and Mr. `Bates of Cooks- town _visited {Miss E. =B`lake}y over Sunday. -- ' ..fy, `Sunday. I3`<)n:::1ir `of Ivy visited his mothgr, Mrs. D. Donnel- ...._\ - _ gag , wuxsugy . "'MJr. Jams Blakel); of T'or.dn.t0 visited his father and sister, M'rs. Lamont, last we_k. `IQ! at LIIUTIIIUII! OVCY yunaay. -v`Mr. Joseph Dotmelly and Miss Donnelly of I-vy were the guests of Mr..A. Donnelly on Sunday. ll r2-, (`I` up M.a,be`l. of H Apto ws -a vzsxtor at--`Mr. E.- -Wilson s? pver Sunday. ' ~ - V lira ,. - _- - --. Tqm M3uir, acc`omp_a1iie.d_ '_.bY three `friends of Batavia, 1s._v1s1tmg his pareqts for a few days, .`&A ._'_;.__" `l\_n,, . 0` Y` . 11,341 x nip`. - .v wblyo ~' 1 fby r ti118.`.""W.W`!" fence. ,Mi\ss__~Ma3_ggie M,`uir;-. of Cl eveljan`c_1._i`s yisiting he mother,.sMrs.-.. Jas_.AM1uxr. if is ix_1`::4)x_*A , k f`zA*r':A`11:f `Mk . Will Binnie of Craighurst vis- it_=.d`.Vliisp Apagjents Sunday. ` >`.`7I'7-.,. - ` P 11` "n V D '11. . 5 Thevvote on Monday next should - be in keeping with the prime im- portance of `the .matters "involved. `Let the people of `Barrie show by. their presence at the ; polls that they, are alive to. he interests of their. Town. .VOTE FOR THE BY--. 1 AIIIIIN `;d..a,3_V;`T which .made `the farmers` smile. VBeftVl`1aV Reynlds and Miss Qlara. Carson took in'Guc1phLexcu,r- S1011; \' Ax-mu un;;.s. cmuanuksfr. Angus. v_....,,. .v. ---ya IJ VI Llial` `tie. _("1`h_e- ceremony was- performed by_ Rev. Father Gallaugher, and the. bride was gnzen away by her cousin, Mr. Frank Kain, Toronto. ` The bride was assisted. by her cousin, `M`iss M'r. Geo. McFadden met with a very painful accident last week. While taking a. wagon out of the barn, he fell of the gangway and brokethree ribs. He is doing nice- ly. ' A wedding of unusual interest! took place at eight o clock on Tues- day morning in `St. Cecilia church, West Toronto, when Miss Sara Jane Keaney of Quebec avenue, West To- 1 fronto, eldest_ daughter of Mr. ?Edward -Keaney,` formerly of West FGw1'1limbury, was united in marriage to Mr. "Francis A. Cassels, merchant ytailor, of Beeton,,*form'erly of Bar- . - . ` J `P19 4: nnrornnnsv uuoan ....- -_...- Mr. Alex. McFadden is improving,` we are pleased rto report. 1 MI. .....I 1.1 ..- 13-11 -1 \xr,,_,,,1, `EDITORIAL BRIEFS a ne rain-fall here on. Sunday which was very much need- ed. " ` ` ALLENWOOD. `Little _Ray_ Argue is convalescent. Pleased. to seg Miss Mamie Par- bnell o'ut-again. 11- vs -. I""'-"Y" -'r""' I VI\/1;rifV.'and Mrs. Bell of Wyevale spent Sunday with _thii' daughter, Mrs." Bell. - I I Pc r.c3'rf I5laxton' of Barrie spend Thursday with his` cousin, Mrs. J. G. ; Dickion: _ I and friends` being` present. From ag distancewere Msessrs. Wm. Chamb- _ers and Geo. Ostranderof Midland, and Mr. and `Mrs. Wm. Balkwell of Mount Stephen. The bride, who! looked charming, was. unattended, and was .attired in `a pretty gown of cream` silk eolienne. She had a bridal veil with decorations of white roses and white satin ribbon. "Rev. R. L. ~Weaver, rector of St. John s Church, performed the ceremony. The bride. was the recipient of many beautiful and useful presents. !Mr. and Mrs. Hfodgins will reside in this village. l There. will _be a gafden party at the residence of Mr. Robert Orrock on Tuesday, June 22nd. that two as much pho lled snowiiu-fun

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