[AfrA<`)m* a- Sudbury jewelfer was sold t6 Auk..-` -4. `D..n-..:ll.. `no 6urnn1r_ SLUIII d` QUUUHIJ Jvvvunxwg viurw uvau 5v '2. cabmanv at Belleville for, twentye ve dents. The owner will get his; rins:bac.k- . `'0 A P (V `I? ,_Ao7A_ VV. A.._Gates" of San Francisco stated at Buffalo that Japan had` de- liberately violated heraagre'ement to` rest`r'icft? emigration to Canada. ` 1` 'p-In 0. 1 The 'Board of Engineers'a.p'i3'ointed to investigate the proposed Ia.kes-to- gu1f.f deep~ `waterway 3have . rhported to Congress that such a waterway is not desirable. ` . L _ I .2 SATURDAY; JUNE lath. -. V. v-.-'., vv-n\Q v- -- -----v_ VPlh`s.aand estimates of proposed extensions -.the T. 8:, N. O. -Rail-< way into`E1 Lake and Goyvgandg are `being prepared, rI-1| 1'1" .1 1- . ,3 _,_ _____ Nothing like them in looks or taste-T+ "1 maoufaotured only L bx V Church` union was discussec_1,_ by thq ' ongregational Union `without 1 dCiSi0n,:.` ~ * \I\r\uIJI\lIIo { F. ; Alr, a carpenter, fell from a. 1house on which:h`e.was workingin ;Torc_mto:, and was killed. ` ' !\J C f 7 1 as v uwnsnah kl! \-lays-5 wuo E. The Methodist Conference recom- lrnended that appoint`m'en ts of profes- 'sors be subject to the approval of `the '-General, Conf,.'erence`or a com- lmittee_tl_1e`reof. ` " ` A ` Theo"1cers and `directors of the` . rganization running races "at . the Duerin track will be asked to show cause why the charter` should not be cancelled. I i\-/I'}a:t-itgvv `Mather of ":Mayo` {own- liship was killed in. a runaway a,cci- dent. ` W. A. Kerr, 'M`.A., Toronto, and Professor M`cEachern of 'Queen s have been appointed to the staff of Alberta University. " 6Ll\I\tI I-Sb Vvannvwnu-u-J: 1 ` Forest` res are- causingnormous `destruction in -New Brunswick and along the line of 'the' Algoma Cen-` tral Railway -in Ontario. 4 I John .NeJviil_s was acquitted at +Hami1ton of the charge of shooting Constable Smith. Smith swore Ne- vills was the man, but the jury were satised with the alibi set up by the ; defendant. . i ' ___ . . ` saw-u-nu-A 1.- While playing some pranks on a `friends camp near Saskatoon Walt- her `A. `Sherwood, teller in the Bank of Nova Scotia, was shot and seri- ously wounded by_ a -friend inside a jtent, who red to" frighten the visi- l tors _a.Way. . Fourest. res are laying wa;ste grat ;s`tretches`of forest in eastern Maine.3 Ninety deaths have occurred frbr` m_a1ariaion. the banks of the Orange, Rxver. `A ` ` T Efghf per_son arelreported killed as a result of an earthquake shock near Marseilles. . _ I 1 i A man age_('l 86, 1;er_ Scranton, Pa., shot his brother-in-1a.w, aged 87, and thenwcommitted suicide, ' I unnu I-nova: up .... ...-'v- V-..--.. The Cunard liner Slavonia, bound kfrdm New York to Naples-,` was ewrecked o Flores, in the Azores ; Islands. ` o ' 4 _ n . 1-0 {MUNICIPALITIES _ NIGGARDLY Vernment fdr naval purposes. V J-IJllDIl\AhIo It is stated in- London that Cana-VI da is contemplating a very generous nancial oer to the Imperial Gov- .- vn:__- I Should Pay Their Treasurers Better ` Salaries. The late I. B.. Laing s report as Provincial. Auditor has been issued. It is the twelfth the department has made,'and in it the late auditor observed: There is ,a,pa,inful lack of encouragement shown by the great- --- -- ...- `-77: Continuwed on Page _F;ie; er nmber of ' ;the- municipalities inl the_D__a.yment of their oicers, es- pecnally th,e_. treasurers. I "Salaries in most cases paid to these ofcials should. be doubled, and then they would be` small enough; Until. the corporations interested show` more interest in" remunerating their oicers they can hardly` expect much improvement in ~ their book- I keeping. a '*`~ 10.. -'A A J Ontario municipalities paid `$5,289.- -67.for Government audits in `I908. There was no outlay whatever in I907, while in 1906 there were 13 audits, which cot $7,370.60. Ayer s Hair ` V r,- as now made {torn out ' neyim ved onn'ule,isthem'est,most nti c, and in every way the very btehst preparation ever laced n e tjmatket. For falling hug` and it is the one great medicine. ' --Inaythot. c.Aauce.; nneiyo `in _ {hat country :- The Census `Bureau of the United: States Government gives out the fol- lowing-interesting gures -"in regard to the use of steam Vandgas power 1-\. .Some Remarkable Figures as to the e Two. ' Between 1890 and 1900 the use ofl gas power in the United States in-[ creased 1,400 per cent., and between` 1900 and 1905 the output of this pow-! erilznore Hthajn d(~)Ir1b1`ed._'7 V _ . l .-- --- -_s_-- _---_--_.. ' -Mr.'Duga1d Clerk, lecturing re-l cently at the Royzil Ins-titution (England) pointed out that there` are now; in use stationary gas en-` gjnes `to the extent of over 2,000,000 horsepower, and motor-car engines to the extent of yet another 1,000,.-A I000 horsepower. Steam tug Elfrietitte;-.et71rgt}l:,;1,;7 ft.; beam, 12 ft.; engine, triple expan- sion, 75 horsepower; maximumpull, 2,020 lbs. I A fun from Hafnburg to Kief` and back during very brmy weather was made by both boats. at a. main- tained speed of 81/2 knots, and` the cons'umpt.ion- of fuel, measured` for ten hours, was as foliltows: Gastug 430 lbs. anthracite; Elfriede . . . . .. 1,820. lbs steam coal; .Which shows an economy of I to 3.44. in favor of the producer-gas -_- __-__-r_. -Results of. some tests recorded as far back as November 8, 1904, by Mir. T hornyc'ro.ft, the famous ship engineer, of Scotland; are interest- ing, .and are as follows: (`I . 1 n.` lj Gas-producer tug Gastug--Len.g1':h, _44 ft. '3 in; beam, 10 ft. 6 in; eng'.ne~, 4 cyl.' 70 `horsepower; gas-producer, [suction type,ma.ximtrm pull 2,140. lbs. 9 ' . ya u c- 1- .1 rs . u __ p, engine. `It, sf1n;e-care. that ne .hsir!-:-- Use Ayer s Hair Vigor, new improved formuls, sys- tematicatlyi, conseipndonsly, you `will get results. We know it stops falling hair, cures dtndnl, and is s most elegant dressing. Entirely new. New bottle. New contents. * Does an dang! the color of the hair. wof ELL PPOISI _ Vlllagc ~9\olIV\II I-v vu......-... A' keen mauof bnsiizess is Sir Hud- `son Kearley, the first chairman of the, Port Authority constituted under the- } Part of London Act~of,1ast year. He 1.... I...-m'n n Acminrl nnnaess as Parlia-.. has been a decided success as mentary "Secretary to -the Board of Trade, and as 9. partner in a well.-` r known tea rm hag made a consider- } ,a_ble fortune. He 13 an entirely self- ` made. man. The son of an Uxbridge carpenter, Sir Hudson was" educated ':_,in=.the}'vi1lage school, and .receiv)e,d no '..better education than thousands of A_otl_gr:child1:en of the masses. He "started life `as a jumor clerk in a City rxn; `but: saw possibilities before he wa`s.3twenty.-one and la1'1nched._o.ut. for T1.:_...-u i870. 1-OQ.-. `WU: v t\t\o\ ., - ._A_mhassadori_al Humor.` Follbwing the `proclamation of the commune, in. .P.aris,, Gen. Brackenbury _'.at,t.ac,xed .to the . Government ;tr'o9.ps zit" V,ersai1le3,. where Lord vi ` ~tl1_gr'~ `British mnhasaadoi-, One day Lord ' Lyons ~ to; -.-visit - ~.Meudon. e~whei.g,wah1lj.fe1l`, \ '3 .ii6mV.`;th'fwi1idow of ; Then `1 . 4 " >7 10,` -.\ . 5.: sort" ' Fr'om'_Vi||age Schogl to Walth. _ .- `L--_:._Ann :n "I1 , GAS VERSUS ,S'1`EAM. J Steam Po-wer. IEER Gas Power. I-Dorsepow'e.r. 2,346,000 3,41 I ,000 ' 5,955,000 ' .' 10,410,000 1(-Ar\A4\ `\],(...L\l,\I\JLP 14,465,000 K V Wij:1i_in""tw9I ceturis Siv Etiiqit n after covery of tobe.cco,"the"Izi' America in 1492. tobacco had com quered the world: But. its part} 03 progress has been beset by well- ,meaning zealots at every `stage. Dar`-mama I-xt\v\A A` :54: nnnnnat ` lujllllllg ZUBIQFBVIIII UVUK-J 335` been more bitterly ant'_gonistic than; those of the fteenth century when its was struggling for a foothold`. In the Old .World. The famous "Couns `Vterblaste to Tobacco of King James ;Perhaps none of its opponents was only an episode in a crusade 1. [against the habit that he carried. on persistently during his Lifetime. Be- sides his Counterblaste here are a }few apothegms which history accre-. dits to James: n'rn-1 , o 1- 1 24---- -___I Tobacco is the` lively image and pattern of hell, for it has by illusion in it all the parts and vices of the Zarorlq whereby hell may be gained. o m : . ((1-1: .. . c A` , U\-I IVIVO First, it is_ a. smoke; so are the `vanities of this world. fG._'-,_ 1 in 1,1 L 1 AI` _ `L _ L_`I_; '3.`-lllll 3 U8 IIILID VV\I.l.L\lo segond, it delights them who take it; so do the pleasures of the world" delight the men of the world. f'l"1.. :1. :_.J1._ _.-1_-A.`L ._.-_ .l _.-_l..... .\.I\lLJ.bLJ.II U110 LIICLL UL IIILU vvvxsu. Thirdly, it maketh men drunken and._light in the head; so do the vani- ties of ' the wor1d-men are drunken therewith. UIIVJL C 7' `VII 0 Fourthly, he that taketh tobacco saith he cannot leave it, it doth..be- 'witch him:-. Even so the pleasures of the world make men loath to leave them; and further, besides all this. it is like hell in the very substance of it, for it is a. stinking, loathsome thing. and so is hell'. ' 4 :11 .-.-....-...... 1. Ln`... FL.-.5 3.. J`ul\ UUUU A55 (J1-OK` DU ID lllula It is amusing to know that in the Iatter years of his life King James himself succumbed to the alluremnts of tobacco, and, though he pighead~ edly continued to denounce it, smok- ed habitually in secret. "IL.\:.. ............J.. ........'.-...L I-1411---- 1.-.. IL IIQIILIIILQLLJ Ill 5`3KalCUo Their crusade against tobacco has been continued ever since. Uncon- sciously, and with the very best of intentions, this army of zealots has disseminated a great mass of misin- ,formation which had no basis of fact and" which was conceived in the fer- tile and imaginative brains of a trio of" Park Row space writers. Take, for instance. the sacred tction that the dark colored oil which lodges in the bowls of pipes and stains `the ingors of cigarette smokers is the- deadlv poison nicotine. Chemical scientists know, of course. that this 3 substance is not nicotine; but simply itar, tobacco tar, distilled` from the itobacco just as coal tar is distilled ifrom coal and pine tar` from pine! K wood. Maids of Honor and Their Work. In England the maids of honor are chosen by tthe Queen herself from among the daughters of peers, who, if not themselves connected with the `royal household, are personal-' friends of Her Majesty. A letter is always sent to the parents of `the young lady requesting that, as a personal` favor to the Queen, she may. be permitted to attend at court; As the` position is undeniable, and the salary. is abo $1,500 a year, the request is invar- iably accepted, and then the- newly- chosen maid receives from the Lord -Chamberlain the command r her rst vZait." 1', , L"- ,._.I'L.L_ Ah. _._:.I The rst thing broughti tovthe maid of honor is her badge; which is in miniature picture of the Queen, } set in brilliants, and suspended to a rib- bon. Just before the dinner hour. the maid of honorin waiting 1133 to itand in _the corridors outside the A- _ L _._-_A.___-_.L_. 51.- -._ 3 Lu uuc UUILIUULI uununuv uuv Queen s pnvate apartments; 3:19 carv- ries. a bouquet which, on entering the dining-room, s11'e~ lays: at? the right hand of the -Queen :-3::plat.e: mu... ......:..1 .4 I........... ..:+... -4. A3-mg:-'2 uauu UL uuc Vquccu awyvauc; The maid of honor- sits. at. dinnu-%.:% next to the gent1eman~on*t1ie- Queen ;g" right. This rule is; relaxed wheiy" royal guests are presen-tr. Aer dim _ner, unless otherwise~comma.nded, thy ` maid of ho_n_or retires her mom,` when, however; she-13. bequent-`if ly fetched to read, sing, play piano, or take a handzat. cazds. l~' VUGIIJIV --u-an---m Uol't1fe and 3't.'E'io;:reign of Henry`; VIII., according to- the~Ihistoriat1, Hume, no carrots,` turnips, or other edible roots were producecf in Eng-f I-_.1 ' ROI... 8...... `l\'n`>.tI1t\1'l). 19.1541 moan UUJULU IUUIAS VVCll7.`1)>LlJ\.al\A\J(;IA. nu. an--; land`. f The .few that: were used were imported, and the state papers con-V"! tgin numerous references to the dia- patch of messengers, to "the continent for rare vegetabies and salads tn grace the table at important - royal bhnquets. Cucumbers also were un- known: until `jahe 16th century, and. celery- owes its; introduction in ~ r land to-the French M'a1:shaI.Tai11s ,. whoa was_.impris9ned in: England after his defeat by Marlborough. ' n..;;.'.'..1: -....A _-..:n'.nmnmo..- human` finm WDOID. lief? 15 H ucgxcc UL c`.u.;ul1vAu'un V sympathy, while in transiexenee of .t.hoy.1ght. one dominant, positixe mind `may aeek another without the,-re be- ,mg any degree of sympathetic vibra- tion between t.hem-Svastika." Z118 (IQBIBBB uy J.ll.i3.J. .1uU1vu5.u. ` ' li 'a.nd-'da"1'J1i Qwe-r 'cam`e`f'rom ; Cyprus `in the 17th century, and the potato. brought. to. England by Six 3.W.klter Raleigh about 1584, was net in general; use until. 168, when the fwyal Society directed attention to. it` and r_ecommend. ed its cu1tivation.. n What. T` epahy |s.v ' '1-elepathyi is. Ee mnotions Andi sensations betyreen `souls, wb.-i1e~ thought transference is `(the transmission of words, ideas. or images from mind to mind. Thus - transference of u \ telepathic communication is gossible i only be3.'w.een persons of a. certain de- oi 8.0.111 development and between whom there isa. degree of emotional ____`-__-A.1... ...\..n 1' 4-1-nnafniv-anon nf V -Stevenson Bad Sy_QeJ|,e:. , one of the most polished and pains- taking of _ English authors}-`regarded `correct spelling as a totally unneces- r.a.ry accom_p1ishment._ In his intro- duction" to R. L. Stevenson's letters. Sidney Colvin writes.:. ``I have not held, In self bound to. reproduce Hahn. ant or s minor eocentricities of `['spelling and the like, As all his :'..:..c.*.A..` urn nuralbn in anal] in a auih ` speumg auu uuc uxxc, no on u... ~r1ends are aware. to spell In a quite _/letters was naver able to `1ear_n." accurate and g wn-up manner` was I thing which. is magter. of English An` Athletic siaitesman. Hon. 0.` G. Wade. K.C., Pram fa; 61> V_ .New South Wales, is an Oxford inan, `and while Va: that fvarsit V %-distinguished` himse1f:i*n- `a. A eticb. Quins 1Auu:'s: aLAs?.. Vegetables ; In; England. 21 `L- `,_.1 _:-~LIx-'._-.'...._ .3 ` pt In on! cl bun I7 Sr. I.--Gladys {X1-mstrong, Laura Forhcs, Rita Atkinson, Lizzie Tuck, Hazel Poole, Gordon Btown, Rich- ard Armstrong, Hiarry Wright... 75 Q4 "Wright. Pt, I.--.\Iabel x-own, Edna Dob-` S01), l*`rcida -Ferris; I-Ierbelft ;.P1.W,' man. Hugh Plowman, .'If,I9fn1311 H IV.---.\Iay Mffat, Della Felrrs, Greta Duly. ; ' v\ . . u-.3. If I VC. Honor Roll for May: ' - _ ` Sr, I V .---Lina Mloffatt, Martha Parr. V ' - , . IVI'l".-T-}:1'LlIr1.a Robertson, Rita Mc-l Kecvcr, Robbie Cameron, Vera `Dob- Willie Donald. ' ' - ' ._ '-4.-- , cow---J -- --3-- ' Jr. Brown, C arissa. Fe;-`- puse. Ihodn mud lawn! - 9. D-_1-` ]I'_..`_]'.",-.In1:"""" . - Dobsdn .Je . ' Tm MCKee. 3 " `.. nw Christie, Brwn Llinited, Torolt i s. s. No. 1, VESPRA. The best millers id Can_:idau'ship us; 3gm15]eS";ft their our twice ;a year, in oftenet. we test che samples and select the best bt_'ands_for our purpose. (IT- I..I....,I 4.l...'L-.'...I- ---L2_L __-- I, - "* ' " " " "`~`-?"'s..;..)...-`.`."9."`v ` `J by more tha_%nVV one or t{woT1anu- %V facturers, and`can one of a fevsk/LVe%xce11nt%:bra1id o11r; but the Christie way is different.% _" "_' W3. We blend the `brands which we iilaire proved` best--y keep on blending and testing` by actual b'akin'g,until we get a dough good enough to sustain, or 4be4tVte'r, the Christie reputation. ` V ~ ` The best sugar, pure, fresh.creamery~ butter,,new sweet milk and delicious_cream--these pure ingredi- ents mixed with -our blend_ of ._ou|f, in the Christie scientic way, yields that delightful. appetisirig, crisp- ness and delicate avor which has made. i ' Every oun_ce bf haw material. iscaref1/1.1! )? ahalysed before it can pass into the mixing `room- 5 FVVI ` A \- favored above all othertabledai ntiesfrom ocean to ocean; Yes, Christie's are the_ best Ab`isc_u`i}sV moticy can buy, yet they cost no more than just o'rdj_nary biscuits. .o1a.by Grocers Y0!'!Wher- T and Ch1fistie s Biscuits` * audgn cinch I ris, Alice Atlcinsorn, Norman Atkin- son, May Armstrong, Cora Brown, Kenneth Cameron`, Geo:-ge_ `Wright, C.ecil Plowman, Lovey Atkmson. Those who obtaindjmost conduct marks were: Gladys Armstrong, Richard Armstrong, Rita, -McKeever, May Armstrong, Edna Robertson, Vera Dobson, Mag M.offatt, Lina e |1A\/Dioffattl _La_ura For s, Erank Dob-I PINE GROVE, s.s'. Schooi repbft fdf May, with the! names Ti- ogder of merit: ~ IV.-`-7-G ady Clpughley. A ' T III.---Annie Worsnop, Edith. Scot_t_, . Norman Sott. . _ ? ; son. A _ Pictures are raised above the t % surface-not stamged into the biscuit. Cofiin Isuffibcient Arrowroot (SAME `INGREDIENTS AS. OUR! % _, ,'FAMOUS ARRQWROOT BISCUFT) `to generate digestive juices,` .i.`e`?%".g,id ,g&ge_stiqn a`;nd `assimilation, ahd buildup ` the nerves_and_ blobdo. ' 4* " L Makes healthy, strong ch%il.dren-,5 and promote growth. ., . ` -,6[esom e* bijcuiteplaything; % About, 70 to the pound. e e = Homer, _ Old -_eCQle`_gL ... `N l v . ' - ' ~. D _A\verage attex\1d.mce, V Esther--- A. Henr} Fins. nauuvw, u-._ Henry, Teacuhen! No. :3, VESPRA Me1/Ify, the Boys and Girls! .L Tell Your Molhe1"s About the New Nursery Rhyme` A ,_,,_,___,_' v...` ._.v._-- I"ortibns of the law i'eforTmHfa'ct' gq into forcj""to-day; . - W , = Thftoiwn of Korihchi, "Siiiatra, was devastated by. an `earthquake and` 230 persons kil1j__d.._ - - -., A _-..-v-- v-arc- v. _-.u`' `r---van v-_-.- John E."Redmon<'lw1.1as notied the British -Government that the Na- -tionalist party fntends to` vote again- I st the budge. Fl` ,,\ Bishop. -P,t ,x-i`ia. jseggoyj. < V _. `V " ' A: W V-'- -V`-.- gvvyynnigslo > % mi. 7AH.s1.i:s;F ;Myu~{ Hblrxfs, clouerxm} ""P - L o1_1_0lap ` `:\1-\I`;s... Peter _1 ;an`z of Ber1_i1i, Ont., `commt`xted.su1cide' by cuttlng . her, [throat with a razor, - K ? n, . ---. vac. vvlvll u gcpagyl-o ` Thre. boats were injred 'by the breaking of the Stes inathe canal a_t $ult 4St_. _fMa'iLe. li Thomas Marshall of St.`_AndrewTs,` N;B., committed _uici`de by throwing himself into a `w'el`l," although his wife tr-ied~-to hold him back, .. - V. _.-v-uu. cw. ff" 4 `. , , _ . .4 I -` The `prevalence of xntqmperance and! 4_ race-tradk` -gambling was `dp 1"ored by. "the Association of Baptist Churches. All 7 1 I Ihe new Provincial loan is being !ra.p1dl""y taken up, the largest individ- ual- purchase of bonds to date being L$Ioo,ooo. _ Lord Roberts stated at the Imperl V1al Press Conference that. the next twenty months _.would be the import-` ant '-time, for the 'eti1pire.. ' >~ ' _- I. Y. `Shantz & 4Sons button fac-. tory at -?Berli_n, Ont., .was gutted `by- .r_e. LossV$I5o,ooo_; _ insurance $90,-` l\II(\ A -Fifteen .:jem en- were liuriednby the _collapse of a burning building at Halifax. Fireman Tynan was killed`, but the others escaped without seri- ous,1nJury. ' ` V` The `-condition `of missionaries in the'hom.e~ elds was discussed by the General Assembly, and it was shown; that in many cases these men did not receive the minimum .- salary which they were supposed to be paid. `At the General Sessions at %H_am.il-_ ton Mrs. Whitehorn lost a. suit on a policy.` against the `Canadian Guard- ian Company because ten cents of; lthet premium w-as unpaid. ` .Toro'nto's `proportion of the street railway recenpts for `May, was $49,344. John Killey, a" Stratford boy, vxfask [)drowned by falling into a pond. ` .r/: _______ ..:..:_; _ . . _ . . . .. . I A...` LA ulvvv ll\a\| Ill aunnuona |An|u\.l so yvnauu | ) ` Kingston citizqs propose to er'ect a monument to Sn-_ Oliver Mbwat. I-vnv no-an ---.. v- ---V Jv.._- The 'C.P.R. conductors are sending a committee to Montreal to in1:er- ,vi_ew _S-ir '_I`hc'>mas `Shaughnessy re- garding c`ertain- grievances. T ` .7 --_.;,I ..__- _. _L-I-.. i Three men `werekilled in avcollisj 1on. on the- Great Northern,~.---neat . Vancouxger; ` ' __ - r. _ . _- A"a=h;'g;'a;s;;;;ap2; swag` M`; O. Railway_fo1" April. were_$I6I,869, a new record. ' ' ' W i-VI`enVry Harper was elect- ed Presxdent of the Toronto Metho- dist Conference. ' V ELIICUU V.CI'.' . ` `Rev. Dr. Edward Everett" Hale! died at his home at Roxbury, "Mass. Lit1teriant},Governor Dunsmuir, of B;1,t1sh 'Colu;_nb1a, whose term has yet a year to.`run, is` anxzous to re- tire. , _ % _ _ ' A _ _ I | None of, the sites so far proposed for the" new Central Prison and farm in conngction therewith areTaccept- `able to .t_h\e Government. 1 7 I 1- ' I 'a.Dle to we uovcrlxxxlqxlt. "The liqdidators of the York Loan & Savings Company-expect to de- Clare a dividend of 20 per cent. be- fofe the end of the year. ;n-rs-v. gs `y 7 _SaIe. 'P'a'tt'{l `I'.'r-+1-"`E.1.1g'e_t_1el: ' V.McBrid.e, Wallac t 4 Innwnu--D v... y... ---v _-v-. A va[luab1eV udiamogl % ring stolen THURSDAY, JUN moth. ._LS____ -1-- 4|, . FRIDAY, JUNE nth. DAY Th: NtmrHER&%gA.DvANc A McCormicks. {Pat-frl,i ':H 51VMuir:`1~`=` K1 : F ______ __.__. L` Tiss.~ia)'.;Arb`rt<%{`dVmesaamchip "1ieL M,cFgdd'e*n, 4Qiali1_i` Exsigg, .Cloughley;" ) ~ Average attendance, IO.,7~- M. ggubbprr;