Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 17 Jun 1909, p. 2

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SCOTT S U. .l\'-,6` ' 9t ~%Ha11*s 1imuy%} Pitta; R ALLAN LINE AND C. P. R. B%ookst_ore you samples.` on will still be `found at the. I GUI` A-HIE L17 Ila Bill 5-17 AUL1`; BARRISTER. ..50.LICI~_ tor, _ Pvoctor, : Notary, Conveyaneer, - etc. ._ Special attention in drawmg ;and probating wills, e obtaining let- ters of admimstration and guardian- ship, collecting accounts, `etc. Of- ces, Ross ,block,_Barr'1e. Money to `gang: fENNox' cow-AN `sz % sown, Barrist s. `Solicitors. fo_r_ o_g.inj13 % oooooooooaoooonooooooo 9 Q .___...._...._.._._.._....._...__._..__.__..__ :C`RESW`ICKE &. - ALEXANDER. .Barristers, Solicitors of the Su- ' preme Court of -Judicature of On- . tario, Proctors, Notaries, "Convey- ancers, etc. Money to loan. Of- ` ce, Ross_Blo_ck, Barrie. A. E. H.` ` Creswicke, K.C..Arthu1'-T Alexander. `STRATI-IY & ESTEN, BARRIS- . tersf, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers.` Ofces over the Bank of ' Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates; Strathy, K.C., G. H. Ester). DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRfS- ter,- Sqlicitor, etc. `Bank of Toron- to B.ui1c_lingA, Barric.4 Money to T loan. H.T.ARNALL,.M.I.c.M., OFFICE in Bothw11 s bldck-, Allandqlc. On the premises at night. \ in. A`. T.':L`I`TTLE, late of ChurelT11. Ont. Oice and residence John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. ` DR. W. `A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc-, L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R. C.P., London. Office and resi- . deuce, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- phone, 77. Iloan. DR. `-ROBERT s. BROAD, PHYSI- cian,- Surgeon, etc. Specialty--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and residence, _cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford 'Sts. (Dymcnt Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. 3 l.'\J`v V. Av , Barristcfts, 'So_l1c1_tors.. I o taming probate of wills, ` > an`-dxanishng 1a_n5l administration -a genera ' 0 Im- tors, Notagrics, Couveyancers, etc. (ill`1c:s,%-Inncls bllclaclg, Net). 6IDunlo1: , ~ . on o oan a i/Eeeaiid :!;1eer~cent._e_3ranch olccs` at Creemoife ancl Alliston. -Haugl-r ton Lemtbx, Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown," L LB. .5 4 " f37:`?8l33 :3x'{;. DR.iMORT`IMER LYON, 3: Carl- ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N.Y.,) `Eye and Ear H spital, will be. at 67 Owen St., arrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear . Nose and Throat. Consultation hours I! am. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pointment. * Dr. J._A.. C; EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon,/etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Oice and Residence: William Street, Allandale. Tele- ' phone 30 a. At Stroud` Otcc : 2 _ to 4 pm, Monday to Friday. ...____._______._____.._______.____ A M. De. C..M. (Ton) Late of Toronto Geneial Hospital. Olllce of the late Dr. Snglth. Collier st. . } illone It. 32-ly |L.R.c.P. & s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 4 --SURGEON-- }.U A. RADENHURST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. `Of- ce---Ist oor, Bank of - Toronto Building. Money to loan at low- ._I. -ALnn Hav a nu yea:-so Post Graduate work in Brltii1?l1g'l,>eapitala and havlnzrerved as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square . Th Hospital, London` Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for ataerm as Resident Surgeon in Royal London hthalmic Hospital; 'E" 1`i" i. 1`.`a"""`i'l 2 ``.er 2 e , u-m tn; ormer em 0 Bzidah thalmol cal Sooi ty OFFIC_E--78 Donor Brynn. BARBIE. 'Phone 51. ' ' P.- O. Box. 96. $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT ON good freehold securi at lowest fate` of. interest. 0 principal - money required until end of the term: H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., `Barrie. _ - ~ - % A. G. ARDAGH, ONTARIO? LAND SURVEYOR. IAIIK of .'ronou'ro Iuuuma. Iauuuc. " - IIIIDINCI nurses: 14:. ~ UNWIN, , URPI-IY 8; ESTEN, ON- taeno Land Surveyors, Engineers, ' etc. Estalglished 1852.` Ofce, Med- ical Buildmg, S.E.. corner Rich- ` mondi land; ay Streets, Toronto. . Telephone, `Main, \_ 1336. Instruc- tions left with Strathy 8: Eaten, ovsolicitors, Bank of Toronto Build- ` iing,<. Barrie,` will t be promptly at- ``tended- to. V V `e's"t"?' . F-wl1'1'r. .S,tevei':\;.: 1-ir' has begsn ;ga,zette.d| a pr.o.v.1siona1 lieutenant 1n the_ 35th` Regt. % '. ` A T f` ;. ' I. ~ 1 I`! A an kinds done THE BALL `PLANING , ILL Company. . Cargentering, bu lding, * andamanufacturing of d.oors,~,sashs, blinds, . mouldings, etc. \ Planing of Vromptly an-d satis- ` faitoriiy. `Hot last -drying, kiln. _ District Agen - for graincd lum- - her. -Factory,-c eld-' st:-eet,.. Bar- riq; , Rodgers & allie, successors '7. to`_Gc`o.' gall. .~ , AG T, ' ~ Eye. UI;i.o::Throat, D.-. J. ARTHUR ROSS r_ A. LEw1s.i ANTEH rm!-Si .. v(Too,,`l:9ute forfI`ast`_'_.1&e_1,f._)' ' _ and Mrs. Brookaj spgni Sgsnday rgvithfriends in Golgggm` fB;o'm -pto Mr. and W on .3xgt,z as aon,*.w{:"`A, ,4 % ., 1 \ efgytfa wwc'r`e`1* ~dat~i-49 .- '- sf- MANUFACTURERS. Z1fHYs1c1ANs. BARRISTER. SOLICI-1 u _.- ..-. (`A-rn1nv2`l'l(`_el'. SURVEYORS.` FIIQIANCIAL. P. 3: S. Glasgow __'v-. Miss.A. .Scott .is -spending` 3 -couple of weeks at the Soo "with her- sister, Mrs. J. .E. Dowtns. `}%]u,nhern Advanm non; 'TZ*" I`~"I? `"A.`nv'ANcn 13 ' ` - Drove e:*n:a.2s:n;. 7' I150 5' _far the largest gubscdmz ` 1 _ .Iitter fact demo It yo ha nm'`t3 the iggycgth the p`:m:fh9al:yradvertis1nuglgV or not pay the pme eaches the Min Al,1V9l'Nlements are cm. ed Flo . jspwoq-18 lines agate meammg maflc SIENT ADVER l`IBlN(}_ . Legal Notices. A ' .. eto.--First-msenio:1lct)}3ncg]i15. Amuaem ; an nentinsertlon 5centg D: .9!` line, fits - t_notices, 10 cents r "?- `Q | insertions 508nt8'pe1-line form!` hne 1 jlnelftion of the same matte; eX`h.3beeq:h" lillneo, of this charactep_ ' 11 Ite en: Mac! 4 under All 1"~" 5 11m N`/' ed at ,.-v 0 , ';:i5;:$`1`iarr*' , uni! so /"o`po0" . / , .5 '10? `l-inch ..... . ` -I .- -notice of intention to chan __._ CON !-'RACi'ri cnlmc 1:9, Advertisers will please bear in, mm M , 8 advertise mustbe hnnded mto the 0 cc not later 1}, Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the C0 y form `change mustbein THE ADVACCE. ommgf later than 12 o'clock noon .on Monday in week. otherwise the a.dvert1ser'n ann 3 Oll . `my not be made public until the weellcmlllllgegf ng, _ , T `H'Prete1-red positions for 10 menu in. the paper will be sold $Ln'},f,"`* atone-third on above rates. and on m,m` nooountwill special itions be given n`.' rule will bestrictly carried out. ' TM ` IE1 Barrie. .503. . I "7ai;..' fjf " C'I{1l:\;':r\v-v.e'li'.`"fretu':-ned Thursday from Detroit, where- has_ spent several .w_e_eks with V nun; ng. I0 Ill . 1%` changes 2 year. '[fm!_e0amAdvertisemem req ' 3 R110 uued:Acompo5i[i;fdml:e; Wm- hM'8ed. yeI.r.be more .111: rcqulreu. composition pg}; Advrertipers will not be allowed to usethgi, {space for advertlsing anythin outside um, wn o _ business. Shomd they do ., transienurates will be charged for such ad. vertisementag ..--__.-...._- ..... V ..-.. nu-_.un.\ 15 Conienoed advertisements on rst as wants of all kinds, lost and foundpgggml for sale or to rent, specic aruc1cs, e:c5" mustbe accomnanied with the cash. .,,;;,;9`- be inIerted-rst insertion 2 cents per 9.-0,1`; each subsequent insertion 1 cent per Wm nnmesmddresses and gures counted as Word; In a reduction of one cent per word Wm h . made when the number of insertions ohm matter exceed four "IE1: `Anvancn 13 moan}. nlrnjflnnn n0 ..... -cu- w._vv-_ _- __ , "Bags for advertisements mm: In cm can be mounted on solid metal hm Dwelling 1 roomsb. stablgi. drive house, shed: nd nearly}! of acre of land In garden and law Corner of_ Peel and Wellington Streets. Bani; `Dwel1ing-6 rooms, stable and shed. 14:35 lobon Peel Stree.t. _ Double dweuxng. 6 rooms xn each. on Clap. ` perton Stxgeet. Vsmnnt mt. 0! an acre. on Penemnzxxishm perwn mrpcn. _ Vacant not. 1 of acre, Penemnguxshm Street. A I t ppy OF. M. MONTGOBIERX .- \ V . A1344 (J......:. JOSEPH H. SWAN, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Mr. Nat D ment, whojs now liv- `ing in the -- . est, had .the misfortune recently to .sust,ain .a fractured ' leg by the horse on which. he was mounted crushing him against a fence. _ , , `_ `The Mic-Mac v.C1u.b -bi Tgronto, of which '_D Arcy`7Hinds is' Presi- dent, will run an excursion to Bar- ;-ie; one Saturday," Ju`l`yA =3rd. A `prize is `offered, to the excursioni-at catch- ing the largest sh.` ' ` . 1 7P1. t'V_-,, A .'|tr___,_:_ 3 1' - 1 V r 1-: msumuict-: AGENT. CONVEYANCER, ETC. FIRE AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE Private Funds to loan on first mom cages. Gorresbondence solicited. Office. Bank of Toronto Building. Owen Street. Barr 43. Out. .-n--- 4 An 8-horsebower Boiler and 3 horsepovgerv Engine, made by *1 Poison Co. Toronto. C3Plble of powernand heating. Can be seen at the Barrie Foundry, Brad~ rd _St1't, next to the Tannery. Boi|er&Engine For Sale. CRAIGHURST, ONT. I:l_(.}I-ZNSED AUCTIONEER , - .. _nnlP`. ulialuuvulvlr tnvv . .-~ -T FOR THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE lyost reasonable terms given onax: invitatwu TU Bafrie Properv For Sale. ;*;*: Abvznrxsn IN \AdvanC ' `I .OO..O0.0.QO..OC0.0..O.- Miss Emma .-Morton left on i-Satur: `day fo.r Australia. ` ` 1- .. 0 TH9-MUH John Jennett.| 42tf ; 00101511 `r column L column INVITATIONS FOR COUNTY or SIMCOE. Address BARRIE P. O. CONDENSED ADVERTISEM ENTB. -.._...I `.1-...-6....._. ----A- - - "; l_1Wk.`l Mai: CONTRACT 1 Lally 'M,oCar1g of for the summer. Toronto ,hav.e takeri` Mr. H'arcourt Vernon .s h0uS ,near Big Bay Paint RATES. AT F. A. Malcbmson were in .B.radf'Qrd last week .atten.d- _ing the un_er.a1\of .the 1atterV s`.bro.th- - Cf. :11 1 Barrie. .Orilh'a Public School `Board con- templates huilding improvements to cost $16,000. The money will be rais- ed by debentunes. withbut the by-law. being submitted .to apqpular vote. FBI, _ _ u 23rd annual "-ei V- Barrie Presby.t.er.ial. is `being held in Orillia yes.te.~r.day and 10-day. Rev, Jonathan and Mrs. -Goforth of China are to give addresses. ~- ,, ` ---nr ---v -...,=y-vv "'=.l`he .M'asonic _ Grand Lodge of Cajuni-i ada will meet an London. on -J.ul_y._-21., when it is regarded as. .3. .ce:1amty -that Judge Mhcwatt, of Sarnizywho isaat present` Deputy Grand Minter, will be elected Grand -Mas,te_r. There is no mention of any opposition. to him as..yet, and none is -expected.` "Tho \License `Board `for Centre -Simnoe met here- on Friday .forth urpose of dealing with the Vespra ouse transfer. As everything was found `satisfactory, the Board gave "consent to the transfer. and Mr. W . I .`H'a.mi1ton` of .:Mbun't Forest, becomes the new Iandlorrl. - ` 1 - .j'teries : , Mc_'Nabb. end Welteg -. . Two close and exciting game: in the Town Leagueewere played Iast _`.'week.__On Wednesday night the Centrals fell before the prowess of the East End braves, -the score .be-`_ mg 5-4. Rowe and Clifton were in` -`un \uI the points for the latter, and ~Lett' ~'s\nds...Scott for the ...,1,ose1',s. _ Eriday. `ght V saw. an equally` keen` contest HIV V` en 'ther:Carriag'=e ;W.orka defeated- -"-the..Aqqa tic' Gab `by 10 to_'.9.. It`-lo`o'k-_. very sure for the~oatsm_en a,t..o`_n'e'~ .. Stage, but the glorious uneertaintneb :Of _ the game developed.1a t'er.V B?ah,t-; 'La wr, -M!eekm so and Cs:iu%e*;~:~o To '9 Daify `including Sunday. 44-h-9.35 Mr;-; URBAN SUBURBAN Collingwood `. ind 77-7. - =~4.4:5% 53: ;cobaujs3;_eig1 - 7.30 am. 3-Frau`, ll 5-_ 8.09 am. -From .llea?o;3 * to Toro_i1to' ` -9.35` a.m.--From Gnivenhurst ? tomlandale (mixed.) -12.50 p.m.-Fr'om Nmfth -Bay -45.15 p. -m%.--Frrmn North` Bay TERMS 0.1% SUBSCRIPTION. "Gall. 5a'f-[ua;` uugun. p.m. "` . 26-525 p-m. "`Hami1ton.` Penetanlo. $ L A Rex `V51. McLa':g'hli. 'he%;1;arge ' ` s steain ad `o'rse:* 11 .gig rag} PE 'r`.3' % A % . yoaseplt Dung `of :on'11if Towushiv. -c'm re for.-1ast_J_v.eek,.)` f; Mhy: 17. A dg:cc!..W8.8`P!1 511_i3 f5 ks. -Brooks` spent -prisoner VIhad~1furhged.,;r=1he.`_.ubt`; Friends . " fr 1_`I`1.DI_1nn_. but t_h_ts%x' .~.-`ran az: of rowan, N o. 62-1.55 am. 7: 442-1-107 pm -'56-535 p.n;. 2-' 3-m~ From -'t~* ;hxs_ % ;.Ttontp;% the; sc en; a..`.. ' x. % g` `Junie hwddini ' 1i"'iWd!`z_'sda39`ji if$:`. `Tternoon; Juri 9th, when *Mr._ I-Iincks, ass'i ste_d` by Rev, J. Ire- l of _H`amilo_n, `solemixizd -_ the V '~ -~- A442--1:~ .... .. ..1..1Mu A .v , bis. tlaughter-_...bf-:_'=the_' mg * Bea-t'ty `aiitl'-iofi{;`5Mli's.7.l - i" ` r`.aYnl1s;f%,9:;,'M-'L "AIM-It ; I!-gigs,` ` son of;.Mu-.t ;_-Johii-- of ` l-Ba_rjr'i_e.` :Marg_uerite1i: paluntsui -,d'.:"=thc chi_1reh;"-a th*. music chews Played,-w or aMr~>1?stes,s, ~Ken- t ` negiy,`while urin jthe` -s1g`mng:':o_f ` ' the. register `M1ss*Bro_ek_, sang 1 .Bfeloved,, it `is "Morn.The ` bride was given away by_ her brother, Dr; f J. C.7Beatt_y,' and her lovely wedding" -robe was of Awhite .satirt,. `adorned , with Princess Louise `lace and pearl e1iibr oidery.' - Orange blossoms _ held her tulle veilin place,'_an.d her.tb,ou-_ . net` was of white roses and .lilie_s.` ler bridesmaidwas her sister, Jean, - who wore pale pink nrarquisette; over 1 ' satin, with white chiffon: hat, with - marguerites `and a b uquet of the same owers. `Miss-" arjory Cork, v. the bride s cousin, in dainty pale blue frock, with -basket of marguerites, it and Miss Katharine Gallagher, in . pretty lingerie , dress, with wreath and basket of pink roses, were ocw-A er girls. The bride s gift from the groom was a pearl necklace, his fav- ors to her` attendants `being pearl '. brooches. f-Mir. Thomas L. Peckitt and -Mk. Hugh :Beatty were grooms- men, the ushers being Mr. R. T. Faircloth, -Mr. Jas. 1Cook, Mr. John Cork and vM}r.. A. Robb. Afte.rw'a.rds there` was a reception at the bride s home, Mr. and 'M1rs.. Hines leaving later for an `eastern trip, the latter attired in a three--piece costume `of taupe, with rose trimmed hat to match. ".P~'-`v"5*O~r`!'P=,\;95{Q5!f9E!P:`9'l W i THE LATE TcHA1LEs LIDDARD - Me. 9Char~les, "L.eddard,.. father, of ` -Mrs. `C. G. Strange of Town, whose 4 sudden death` in ;B`racebrid_ge last ` week was .a shockto -his many friends, was`on}_e!of` M'uskoka"s pion- . eers. Deceased, who was in his 74th. year, was born in Kent, England, but came` to Canada in 1854.` After arriving in this country, he was en- gaged, in railway constructiomwork . in the Maritime provinces and in \Mestern Ontario for a number of years. The late Mr. Liddard then made for the Mluskoka wilderness, settling. `where the town of Brace- bridge is now situated; his original home is `yet standillg. though over- shadowed by a larger and more up- to-date one. Onvaccount of the high rate of bringing in furniture, Msr. Liddard found it necessary to make his own. Railways in those days ran ~no farther north, than Barrie; a boat was taken from there to Orillia, from which poin pall supplies had to be teamed by_ 0 en. This trip was made twice a year, and, as the load ` was so, limited, the cost of bringing `goods was very expensive. His wife, -Mary Elizabeth Diamond, died four- teen years ago.` He leaves a family of twelve children, Mrs. H. Preston, Oxbow, Sask.; Mrs. C. G. Strange, v Barrie; Mrs. J. Dashwood, South Ca.- yuga; Mrs. .R. Whaley, Bracebridge; .'.G`e.orge, Bracebri.dge;- Mrs. G. W. Johnston, Grimsby; -Mrs. Adjutant t Cameron, Bermuda; .V_Vm. Chas., ~ Bracebridge; Mrs. Neil ~MacDonald, r Bracebridge; - iWalter, Huntsville; t Cadet Serena and `Frank, Toronto. - Lltlie was a member of the Methodist f and :a `liberal `in vpolitics. ' year's imprisonment was imposed.. Rex vs. Walsh, The prisoner, who -hails from Tottenham, was charged I with a robbery. ' It was alleged that`, l by inducing one-John, Hadden of Te`- cumseth to go with himinto a stable. and: clasping the door, he there de-, -amended under threats of persohal . violerice the sum of $15 claimed tolbe due to him by _Hadde_n,o_n thefsale: of ' a horse two years previously. den. denied the debt,` and. swore that .Walsh so threatenedp`ihi_r'n', that .h"e deemed "his use in .`dany9ei=r ar,Iil1...T3.-G` `defence. .A?-`_t'_1,e Qt. .Io_ . - 3 . Cover with sugar to extract Had? V <,i9!:dII_1c1y :l;and,e<:1 V ovst. the dIl1..>I,.r;`t,`:>_'.f-l"' l e. iuryl rou _t- in .a`.`ver 'C_ft_'_:5`;.:; .. _ , ~ , - . c t ! E .l?veV.the_.~` teeth a.,white.5 shiny. CV:-`own... Fraser (Tottenlgyii-)7`s*f6r.."`;$l!= Pine-apple should be prepared at least six hours before it is servei. t e juice.` One canadd peach juice to increase" the quantity of the liquid without destroying the avor of the pineapple. To clean anursing bottle, a vine- gar :cruet' or. cut.-gla.ss- decanter or yase: V Slice. 3, rawpotato into long; sVS,ll I'l1 strips and drop into the bottle.` Shake -vig,orously,~ ,.adding- clean wat- ' er .: from time to _tifme,,`t_1ntil water `For; cleaning `teeth that` have been nee; lwell afterhusing. wafer. andxa sfew-dropsfofeu -R-ex vs.` Ellis. This was a charge` against ,Wi1liam and Henry" Ellis,` brothers, of Alliston, for stealing a butchered pig from. the slaughter- house of one Mitchell in December last. The -evidence waslwholly cir- cumstantial except as to" a. note giv- -en by the prisoners in settlement af- ter the pork had bet found ontheir. premises under" a search warrant. _It , went. to i show that Mitchell and County Constable Williams of Allis- ton had traced the marks of a team of horses and sleigh from the slaugh- ter house _ to prisoners residence. and two cuts that ha'd been" made on 5 .one`of,the legs of. the pig while be- ~ `ing butchered and another on the back fullyidentied the [carcass as belonging` to Mitchell, The jury` found the prisoners guilt . Cotter for the `Crown, Fraser ( ottenhant), _for the defence. .A sentence of one year s imprisonment was imposed. Was one of lWukoka s T-Pi>oxieer,s. In-_ `Aim; Ajs A .n` I;-#9; as` i11vv:&:s%%%. . % ' ' ' No: -"`-*"'.x2.4'55 3.111.,--.~C`<>balt..`S1vi:i`aLlA % 98 am T:.--,N9'rthiABay " 65- 3:50 p-m. -`~1:1,ortk Bay 67-8aoo p.m`.--From Toronto to -55-.- / 8.95 pm.` -Orill1a o GENERAL; snssrons. (Blefpige `Judge. Ardazh-) lpnaimsnl mm `% Eran - ovnnxmml-r or THE PRO- VINCE ON IARIO. under the authoxlotg otchapte 8, of the Statutes of Ontario. I invlmn an rlrmlnml from the -nublio for a loan i orunapte a, or we statuwu or unumo. um. ; invites an rlptions fro the ublio for a loan of 08,500, on bonds the rovinoc of Ont- ax-lo, op "0 0 Government Stock. % ERN` `A;DvAiN CE The bond will-be dated 1st June., 1909, and 1 pa able on, 1st June. 1989, in denominations of, 1.000ea`o with coupons attached for inter- est at there of four per `cent, per annum. ` Bayeble hell early on the Int J e and 1st ecdmberin oh year at the o cc of the Provincial `am-er,'. '_l`or_-onto, or at the omces` ok the Bank 0 ontreel. in Montreal. Cangda. and in New Y . N.Y.. at the holder s option. Bonds will be ade `payable to bearer. but on request will latex-ed__ in the onion or the Provincial '1` urer and endorsed as payable only to the orde of certain persons or corpora- tionr. and on nest of holders will be ex- changed for ` rio Government Stock at, Ontario Gove xnent Stock will bear in- terest from the is tlsyot June. 1939. principal psychic: on the Is in or June. 1939. and inter- eet at the rate of 1-`per cent. per annum will be Mid halt-year) y cheque on the 1st day of June and lot day t December in each year. '0nts.rlo Governm t Stock" may be subscribed "sou: dog otdune. l torin sums of 1 r` multiples thereof, and will be transfers le the books of the Treasury De rtment only b the holder or his attorney in "manner t mnfers of bank stock. The issue mice Ad n the month or June. 0 100, and after the the e price will be 102 an ed from the lat June. , intelest we we ' - ALL "nouns AN mscrhnmo swoon, -ISSUED UNDER `T AUTHORITY .OF THE SAII1 AC1` AR FREE FROM ALL ONTARIO PROVINC -TAXES. CHAR- GES. SUCCESSION D TY AND IMPOSL TIONS WHATSOEVE To ' 11.1.0. 53- w,2'5 a.m. ,__v3_a: \'.'l`ll_ ` Purchasers or Stock or nds wlll be required I to send certied cheque th the npggcation. payable to the order of "Provinc Treas- urer of Ontario. - This loan hie raised `up the credit of thgl Consolidated Revenue Fn of Ontario, and I nhnvounn BI. 91: nnnunn n UUHBUIIUBIDU I10 V8 Ill! chargeable thereupon. Subscribers should state ether they desire bonds or fonterio Governm t stock. , Example: A subscriber to 1.600 will huge he option of taking either a. ad or "Ontario overnment Stock. A an will be given Ontario Gove . bonds are only in the denom '-r ' De rt"t.P1 :3-wings. *?.%:.`:..:z..,s.s*;..:2;:':9.,...*= '" I WIDUUIII nuhuurny not be. pgid for it. \ - Newpcben msriin this vertiaement without authority tram, the De rtment will not hnnmld for it. . .- A-simple way of testing eggs is to` add two ounces of salt to a pint of water and put the eggs in_ it. Good eggs will be found to sink, while doubtful ones will float . To keep` bread boards a good col- or `wash _them__with cold water and soap. A little `silver sand added to the soap will improve the appear- ,anee.iVf the board is discolored." V I VG III`? ICUUII. ' VYVIIIC-C CJIWJ IIIIIJu Ignse the mouth well after .using with ~wa`i'.m water and. a few drop_s _ of '-t,4'n,ti1re`of`myrArh.'. .v fe To nmke`ebaked`1-`oriaelet, take {>xi e.- "cup 4-?l')rea_dcr_t:_n`1b6, - ~'soake d` ' ix : ?6n_e' tfp" `die sweet:niilk-":..bvernish4:;1.` 3:25 the, =%Sf9lkq.x.xof; -threeae gag- theabrad` jqnd;eemi11;,eest%ire ' V`e:add;~a?"piti.q1,; 5-q:.-.:gg1g.:Land~:t1;f( geam _;_fwhi.tes, . 1` `T Sardines (hot)-Pour theoil from box of `sardines into a frying pan; when warm` lay_ in sardines and brown a little. Serve on ho; Adry itoast. Add a. squeeze oflemon juice Tand a sprinkle of cayenne pepper. "`V."""' T V` fa." :ai;"B1/d% iaim. `from n{a}i$1e,l mix one gill of"'soapsuds and o_xgal1' and a half .3 gill of turpentint,-#and asgitmch fulleix- s earth as willrtake a. paste,` and rub it -on . the stains. Lgave it. on for a few days and then wxpe _o . . ` S""'YK"' _. "I I a'nu:',smg bottle, vm'e- cut.-glass - decanter _vase.: Slice_ raw. potato into lqng; "s,li}n str`ip,5. and int the `bottle. _Sha.ke_ wat- Lergfrom " c'l_ar'._ '\'. l\I\ll ` SID! O `For; cleaning that` imvexbeexi neglected use dry powdered sulphur, which will clean off . all v ta'rta.r, <.and `gave the.` -. white ~an.dV shi_ny. dn:\uuI-L 011131` n:6Aan ` BANK ;o1- Tolzomjo %,.u[&nave;my an thi sank. very good. `If 35611 rigiit. _ to `lay; a$id'Tsina1l_' s_t1"r1s.__ V_ Should si knes s and advg-rsity? ovei9tgk_you, you wi11,nega`h%mphey. onefor, the impbrtaht objegts or this ' Batik is to`safeL1Ay care fer small savings. \ `and KLLANDTAI,-E BRANCHES: \ * c.n.LAt/I';M1:R.Man.gr.% THE Non1`u:nN AoxiANc: An 8 Page 48 uolulnn llewbpnpuy. `Published from the oioe. 128 Dunlap Street. Bun-le.in-the County of.-Blmooe. t.hePI~o-A ' Vincent Ontario. (lsnadsyewgxv Thursday Morniml. bi ` r $3,500,000} ";.a;;;;;ae,e....m. I-Iindonanr vvv Mr. arson '1 oloe-I-O -an 31:. nnnm, steamlibat Atencu. I Summer sailings now beiryg booked. ' ` Re resents- Best E lishw Amerian and ` nadisn Fire Cd. s. xoelsior Life. London Ilnnrnnfnn nn Anninnh Nam Vnrh Plat; leve a ring. around the `spot 3ft1'7| ward. Wash with cold water._ ` ..\ - Never use a sharp instrument un- der the nails. A'Rem:ove all particles with a attened orange wood stick, or ivor ,nail cleaner, to avoid scrat- ching urrows on ;-the under surface. `III II o ' :"~\_?-\-I`;1e;x--:-1'1_a.'1'c;ng'wrengcigli_:; Iiii of salt to it before pourxng _on- the watch. T A As, mercury will surely degtroy the senge of smeil and completely derange the -whole -_system, T` when. entering it through the mucous sur- face; such `.atticles sh_` 1d "never" be `used excepon prescn tnons rom re`-, fputahle 7p_.ysic_ianVs. as .`the .d`anw . -Ih.Y."Will, `d9f .i9e; 5$`$f!d77.t0 15 8 V. Q ~'cai_ngp9;5;b1(' ;de1-Wei` 3`.-(tom. ,thg`n_1`. ` a . " s= : s:um:-he.?ee;;`Cure:*i?` 13m1faict7!1r%d' ; '5::Fs;.r;.J~ciee$h9I1x23&-92-;T9*s`9se9.e -2 ,c .5 ax` " ; efi 59. iT31!a ;.;a.ctinz: .1t1Y-'f.~`!9!1 . 1-nd`1:1t1[1cc_Iu.;_'.1!|?,1?:1!8*~ * 5 ; 1 _ 1 . When ironing a starched .garment and a part of it becomes dry do not dampen with-7water,ebut with a cloth lwet with a. little cold starch. This will keep all parts of the garmenfof` ` qqual stines-s_. -1 ! Q__ _....I.-_ _ `:A.L'_ ` _L2&_-_-" ` A pooniiu `of kerosene in boiled .sta`1"ch ke_eps it from sticking,.bu"t do not use enoug'_hto make if smell.` mesa -I v- nu-v---rwu--- -- 11 tier?-Zfnnum in Xdvamse . CH0 new mmewill be eddedtomhe Bub. Ienption -Lint until` the money is paid. `V Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will be charged -01.50 per a.nnmn.- ` I After washing lace curtains lay a blanket on the oor in some empty' room, spreadethe curtains` on the blanket, stretching `tliex carefully, `and they will keep th_eir.pla_.c.e .with.-L out any fastenings/until`dried;' ` 'V1""' ' """ " ` -If One` wises a littIeVstiffness"in' Ethe v_il which is being wqshgdjdd a. Ltinybxt of sugar to the rxnsxng wat- la- Tknua atunf-`n`\ I-`I-in $101117 QIIk`OIX'&A I Iplllx IJIL \Jl D95 1-er. Then stretcix the.1my substance in a doorway, wfaere 1`; will have 3; free current: of an as zt_ drigs. Iy\I InIl\r Illllls VVGL bo: `FR"1.u_. BEWARE of-`v omrumrrs Fol`: % -CATARR1-I,,TH`A_T conmzu 5, ' ' unngunv. J , . "A. F. A. Auigousgn. ;ArtisticV % Designs i1`\ UUIIEQIIH EH78 \JT|o'3y 11150315101` .I.I.l.lI3g IAIIIUUH gltzagantce and Accident; New York Plate 0. - . un._ I~n___-_--_. ...l!I ..:II 1.. 'l-__A -4 AL- Special Values at 5c, 104:; 15c and 25 per roll.` B91-_ders same price. Will be pleased to show WESLEY G. CREW. PROPRi ETORS

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