l ' M`r.( '(3;:;i1am of Fort Frances is home seeing his sister, who is set- iously ill. IY\ `Y I` I WTi'_1-1;-.A- Aid of St. Andrew s: churchintend holding a social in the` near future at the home of `Mr. Mc- Agthur. , I M.i1ira7` ,'(bi)(-:'l.`:"-Channen, B. Gray, V. {Davis, V Barkley. A 7-*IZ`{;xr.WN. Campbell attended th .genira_11 assembly at Hlamiltor; last wee .- ' W - [Margaret `Swan spent .a `few days re- friends here. (t)--'-E. McNabb,` D. Myers, 1 F-Tad:-I: ~ aes ;are -full of Choice such` as g. _ _ grade of silve.-we Made `\:}T"'.':`'.':\' ?y 1} ' v I - . . T T / P Sugar Shells. ie Knives. To t Cold Meat Forks. S2123: blggiscuut Jars. Cake Plates, Fruit Dishes` ~II; -:V I"I:-Iugn- Qnnnn "P.-gu. I\......-- Bowls. Celery Trays:.,Napp;e& EA A Cinpgrgq. Vues',. Spoon Trays. Cream and sum . "T Bottlas. Ilecanters, Oil Bottles. { j we buy DIREC"l'%from the MAKERS. ` % Our PRICES the Lmxvm H. Otton 5 Son, WEST WARD scnoolff oRo STATION.- ._UBl9q Vaclav _I uusow, {nun um % j 1%%`%;g::;H9n %.pnshes. Spoon rays, Dessm, and %Kn;v8. Fork: and Spoons. ` Rich` Cut Glass } R. J. HILL, Clerk. 'et of .Barriel recently with ;IMarfi1_\_- `JUNE. Will go further and give Y0 :5 bettr results than any other "-A".I5aint' On 'th`e market. I t'S 10? .'f`p er cent. pure. That's W11}- ';isni-m;~'+4-++4+4~++++++++++** T7'r {.f1.(1a{j:i/. Madge, 1-: M hu(1'.ls;, Huiris. . ,- . 'mith, A. A~ 1 Wice, E; (Young. Lon W ' (c)--M. Hill, A. Martin, ,\I_ L( burst. L. I No.. qn the roll, 296. i . Aver'age attendance,` :4; M :Pt. II. (a)--V. Th0mp_on,_P_ 1;) , 0, Sc0tt,`A. Goodson. - ll_\ 17 Y1`-cc rw -~.fI:iI`I _: vfwi: kh , E`: lcilhooly, l5ICfl1l1;'eAlpi:.C 3 T`1 . _ . . an .---`._`pv -u vwo Vavlavu ~`1M'r'7 1=~`:jr;_ -Giin. 'andj. nr;e$.- aim..- ;boysr spent the ..wqe%k.-`_elnd;.' wighj " -M`rs. V _G5'n .s fpartits` in_i-A11i.ston-V 4 L; . ' *Res_'.';7D. i M.K_a 'Lond,onI_ res- . byte'ry,% an.` old un`idale.,:'bdy,,~ oc- cupied.,__the' pulpit-{on ,'Sun'day.~ . Mb . McKay. " ivasx stru.ck_ 4intith`T , be great ,. `visit my a_.~_`f`e;w ~year=;`ago; c}i`a`ng'e3g>iii .the people inbe his 1.;la,t_ 3. 77' _.-- , -- \a\/\4I;.)\}]] n 2 '):Lv. Hiiyll, . M1adge,.H_ er, 0, Thomas. A - vun .I'JI.. l Jr; lIII.---Gl_d;rs Rlolbsfonl, Iran Stone, tM'ay Nicholson, Mabel Stone. AII.-Vi0let Martin, Frankie Chappel, Walter VVallwin, Evelyn Brett, -Maggie `Brett, lCh3.rli.<': Degear, Andrew Wallwin. Ldckhart, Amy Gilhoolcy. _ Reid, Stella Gilhonley, Sad? hooley, Louis Ness Average attendance, 29. ` ' Mabel Brown, T98` |. School rport for .May: _ IV,-I__,eo1a, ;\IcDonald,_ Victor Brett, Lizzie Cameron, Howard Can son. Jr. IV.--Timmie Comm]. Robbie Ifless, Hazel Rainey, Leonard .\la:- tm, Clark Martin, Edna Johnston. -vw-I - - vvvvv v-`J, 2'--. -_- I St. II.-Gle1ma Ness, F10ren'cc ICdnhl John Alpin, Finnie .\IamrL Lucy ummers, Delmore Adams. . Sr. -P`t..I.--Bessie 'Conne1, Frjcmk Cowan, Maurice Martin, W111 Mboore. I` Sr. III.-Dora Chappcl, Jean Hick. ling, Jessie Kirkup, Cassie Cameron, Lydia Dobson, Annie Dobson and Hlazel Dobson (equal), Earl `Carson. vvv "if 'cfi-:\7s}E{1}n:Hn" '1-)v<;}.)..`s0n, Ida Cameron, Florence Dcgear. [ ' E. M. Usher, Teacher. M -I`\-Ivess, Mary Con.- nel, John -Martin, Libbic Allen, M- da Martin. ZI(EtV.\i.-Q1-{::' Dobson, Harold McDonald, James Nicholson. , 4 A .u.e.,'.1?as511"ani`.;'5S .p1ayI-` 1aAst.[:fsamraa%: 1>samod% L1. ?`'`s';? g ' "V W V School report for .\Ia_v. .\'umcs in order_of merit. V.---Donald Cowan. N'r.`iE'f:-C}%fwi.oZ1iir{, .\rmem Ra.in_ey, `Bruce Cowan. 971- I I . Chi. P Sanwe I 00 pef cnt. Muresco to i3Ilhll"most beautiful, econqm- 5308,] sanitlry wall coating made. Ilhel Walls of Collxer Sltrefl `ihojstl .Ch.. St. Andrew; hhyterian Church. and ' are all nxshe ..,.., jylutesco colors. AE. Pt. I.--Lil1ian Reid, Lena Gra- $15 (_A)_ cla.sVs..-Sadic Alpin. 75 Mresco Wan Finish s. s. No. 5, VESPRA. urn- -u-v_ -Iv V-Ivpw.-9 ua-vou:-._>-nnvnw- to% `fport our * :esltcji1i).-,d ""_f'r{ii1 d,,`Mr. 'Ch'ar'lgsV -Hind-I_e,~ as =not_- ltmproving-; `go . rap_IdIy, .';_as_ v_j.y,e; 4w'sh2, t - KNOCK. W`edding. ems; I?-IVE POINTS HARDWARE STORE. V'\./o0d,_ Principal Teacher. L008- Lcmor . W'ill}e f"c (`33 "3 ? $Ivo W? V "_IIInl3II-`Ill went to Gupsy Hawkxns on Suno A day eveqtng. "' `It- 1 -___A!___, _p `1r!_._ -, B n Long. _M'i:'Ai&`;"1\:f,.t;;;;.ys;;;:1't Siandiy Iwitvh stayner f_riends.x`, 4;." .. ~ . . - Miss Rbgrs '6! ;>.Collingwood` is lvisiting frifpds at oi1;rvC9rt;r.v ` --u_.__-_> --- ~ .s yi$t_ing""5frihd1"hi`e.` 1' _. % '1M.'ts:- Johi1' 1'-Rich,mond.' of AllaJ'nda~le f_i_it`ed friep_ds_'..h_efc`e- lp3.st`;_w_ek;_: 3Rev;` _ B. i 'I`h_p'mpspn5 `or tBe~.z(`Sn'- Va(1_i_a_;n:`_"Soo_ is: 'v_i_si;ing .5riex1c:ls,E;_l3et ~Mr's.Ga'rVe1Po%w:% of `B_raritf`ofq- Y ` ' OOQOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOQOOOO % 3 cnowu HILL. M19, EIostello_ is able to-be arotmd again, after his severe shaking up. . `I'I _I ~ -..---, ..---- ---- -v - V- V -------.--3 vi ! Holy communion _was administer- ed on Sunday mormng in`S,t. James _ church. _T ' - ' . Lovering of Victoria College, Toronto, will preach in "the Metho- ldist church T next Suoday afternoon. at. A6,` Mrs. Coleman, we are glad to learn, is much improved in health. Sh: isTstaying.for a few days with her. brother inlltowia. l T 'Mr.-J. `J; White l>ost-Ia valuable cowl on Saturday. ` T ' _ ` '7 C n H Lvirvi`-is;e's""l'{-icl'1';r';s-c3":;ma`z':-1`c.i - of Dalston ~ spent Sunday at the farmer's home. ` , .... ----v l i The -stone masons` have commenc- ed work at Jnq. -_ Richardson's barn, and are` putting `a foundation. under Geo. Hall : house.` o TVVVTVVVTVTTVTVVVTVVYTTVVT -ll"...-'1'-Iodgins' is visitig h,r `brothers at Protons ' V _ ' friend 9Pent` [Sunday-at Jno. ARichardsor_: s. wt v---I V-CU-I it J TOUT 33IC Fl Vsrs. J. El.;"i'k;pent`: a'few d4ys: with friends at. ~Brantford receuty, "Il`2--.-- `l'b2-l___.I_-,, a straw. :6oo: % FERGI!1ONVALE.; ___ SUNN'!DAf.E cong:z1gg; V '!iNT0N-5 9.. gwitih hgr,'<:o`u;sip;* `Q; .33, The ar-t1-tn :-1;:-l--`First of`. July picnic, under the auspices of the young peo- ple of 'Minesif,|8a is already under way, despite the late spring and gen- ual +w.o `among. the.rar_1ners and others. lit: A1. `.3 VV Ilvll ' `Mr. -Charlie and M `VJ-I Ir 9 vans-Iv w - Edif T II-Iaughton spent 5 John _Banting s_. isss and unday . at ~- Mr. . George a`i"g& ;V1I__5's .:i"e:urz`i:v.;c l_' tq ~_his home_in_. oivpntomfter` s.sLho;t~. .vns1t to relat1yes':her_',`_ ` % '34-. `_n .i.'. were .wna>':v!.rtr: '.'1`;`."J * L -% _Ma-as, ma .;'Mietca'1f} 9:, Allandajle is ytsiting M'agd Rf ; . Amongst Vth0s'e, V rom _- `a .~ ->di__stan_ceV, who attendgd -sthejhxnoral ' of 'th_{1a;te Robert i Clqughl w,cx:e: ` M:-`.". and: [MB-h 'ln,~:.`(".'lnui:r 'lav_-.M:.4:'7I. "C12r1- `s_ ,VS.___ T ~ Rev. fl P; M; 4L? bgk.".fi$.:`itggigiiij the Cotpfernce {at ;';l 3o}j'yn1:(o V ensc`J%at-AF%AHw ampt : '1 1-` Ci" uinpg Juana! -rtua--u-5 . . ` `Ivy and Thornton played their se- cond league match. at -Diamond Park, Thornton, on -Saturday last. The result was another win for Ivy,- `to the tune` of 10-3. _' The `game all through was very, exciting, and some fast plays_were pulled off on both sides. Hindld played` a star game for 'l`_hornton,v while the battery sho'ne*for `Iyy, `Banting having four- tcen` ',s_tnike-outs to his credit. Mr. Mills of A`ll_iston umpired .tl,1e;gax_n.e `to the satisfaction of all; . " .-V nMr. ` V and T f .' .'Godfli6v and family ';'1_-e_'turne;d _fto ,Ndrth1_ _Ba.$rA on saturaay..%;% % % u up I 5&9" `'-`---u'`' an IQ! Ur} -3isu_uu`y.`_.. {I _, L ) V _V ` . . =1_'- and M.5:..Wm-..Part~f \le_`Spra wereL_~Sux`1da_ty,vr$.`at;oxjs; `_1(:l',c_._'f `ii. ` `-1: 1.5 `on 3 Robert ' ?Clciug!il w_er:' ` Mri` I "and , Mir. % Jos; :JClou g "Ie,y,~" M'r.= "Clark, Miss Ms. B1"6w'n, of ';:or`omo;% M'r.1'nd MSts'.~' . .VGal1an ef;--`zeqf-.*=-. l1?.erm`5 `Mr. and .M'r.L J. A.1a:i;.~og2?~A1xiston,4 Mfs`. { H. Lf.` '1_t_1B.u`slfe ifd;`TMiss fEsti e .Be_lls'- % of r-Angt!S.J and?i~`Mr 1: 5-* M`.#.1 Scott` Primrose, Taber, A1ta., ?ac- companied his sister, Mrs. John Roe, on her trip home `from visitin her mother, `Mrs. A. Primrose, in aber. He is looking well, andis renewing old acquaintances around Ninesing. 1 `Miss of Barrio`: spent Sun- day Awith Mis`s M1abe1.Banti__ng. * -_A; 112---- ,1 Rdnavldy Stanen, son. of. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Standen; is very -ill. with typhoid fever; The family have the. deepest sympathy of thc com- munity. ` ' A an is -In an u '1! T` Miss S. P. Fra1ick- and `Mr. F. Wood were married on Wednesday, June and, Canon Reine:-' being the officiating clergyman. `We extend I congratulations. `IV . 9' 'I',,I -!__2- K /'~I__t' would appeaffr that in rejecting, 'f__._1:h_e sanitagtion ` b`ylbaw:;Von' yMlo1j1_da.yV -ight without ' .0.1'Aii18 `; O,,3ethi!iz _:.,s,uVbsta_n;ia`l/ in'_~itg .`.g1a_ ,_thv % & ..,C30tm9i1 -:rAn..ad9; :a'a_~aeriom; misfake.;T. :qu,eti"on:~;. ..'cn`ici-~; "with :f ,<;7ntl.3'!` va_.tc_ i:1te1';e`s->33 ,-%'_l)_;1uft_ ;;i`tgmxgst -vb '. "oLwniJ'7r;," MINESING. :9 `V rtI`,_ y_ _g;; 1_ '5'; -. 1 ?`:just,1 I,eatxied= much: ;r1-*.`egxfe`t,that"" sands -. M&'s.: _ James iDm`m-2 of ?Ba;:ter- _n'1et_ with =_a ._painf`u}, gqciden;g;oni`:~Mondayt;` evening,` while returning hjome.from ispenrdipg the day with relatives. Their .ho_rse be-. came frightened and ran away, up- setting the buggy and throwing both M31 . and `Mrs. Dunn out. 1Mr. _'Dunn was not -apparently injured. Mrs.- Dunn had her left arm fractured and cut somewhat badly. ' - PIKI u n . `I The` `remains, of the late `Mrs. Wa1sh'.were conveyed by the C.P.R. to Aljiston on Saturday morning last` andginterred in the `R. C. cemetcryjof ` that"pto_wn.p. frhe deceased `had been ill for some"mon'ths`in care of Mr. "and. Mrs. William`iMlcKinnon attheir home on -the` ats, from which place the assemblage met to pay their re- spects 'to' the departed sister in-faith. Amongthose from .a distance who attended the funeral were`: " -M. r. Francis `* Nolan of Callander, Mr! Thomas Nolan and vM`1- . Frank Mk- Guin of Toronto. A I Latest report is that Mr. `Alex. MkFadden is some better. % `The Advance has, been ask, edw}_1 en' ,_;'the work on the-,W1)er Engine Co. -.-Platitt will begin. -It was -.Ot1ly` Monday night ma: eh`by-law re- -ceived its_ third rea1din,g,_~an.d ..the. wcompany has` 30 days `grace there- after before cpmmenciiig operation}. `It"`is understood, thoweietl-, thgt. q`7Messrs., Hill and mompson, fbusy, and that _ ta Mplfadden 15 some better. Miss-M`amie Parnell is, 'e_ are pleased to report, convalescent.- III` TI I U "mg; =i"e;r'1r'S-1-> 1'ix'1'g"':n1;;-;;i:1ed 5" few -friends last 1Wednesday`evening. VII 1 at \i4. {{cI'1~&.3,.' $f'iIg'na}a' ': Sunday in Midland, visiting.` the` former s' sister, =M7rs. Thos. Mic `re. x1! 11- a an ru- V- , -v_.- V --w- --.--V v--- v- ~1'\a2aI}},iaa11 :Ch:'u'1-es inst a `very! vgluable. hqrsc last week. , Mrs., J. .G. Dickinson and -Miss Dickinson and Miss Mingay spent Saturday and` Sunday visiting friends in Oro. ' ' . -Miss Evie Coe of Rochester, N.Y, is visiting her parnts, Mr. and -Mrs. John 'C9e. T T, ,, The crops in this vicinity are look- ing_ ne. - I ' lj'h_Qmas ;M~a;rIi_n% pt. 1, Can. I, re- Ad`11<: .eg17$5o;; eynolds, N.` % 20, `_`Con'; 5; 12 reg` 'ed_" $300; V Silas Smith, ;N;~:;% _`I_,fC'o'1%2,'reduc.ed $500; Jno. 1'0 , Can. 2, redtfced $xs'o5- '19:: ne - .-i ' ;COh`.;" Wfm-. 1. Brooks, _ _6, *:Con..,I'; ,r`ed3"1cedM$3oo; Robt. R9. derg, %%,1~z%:`%`;;?,.a%_.%`Lsg.,,`;?co;u 6. redugcd ' ". a:-in`? ~ Ctiltlbugh, N. % ' 19,. Mr. and Mrs. John Jag'o' `visited sM`r. and "Mrs; G. Young of Grenfel on Sunday -- | . .1: . -.- - V _v `instructd Atpi notify Mk,*;;`*C_lfxa1_ _' `.Lto' `remove Within` "30 `days this .b_a`&-` off Munsey 'St., Belle ;;,%1:vc+`;rrt V;*>g':,1s,%;k `rthe gconage` which is . bie- ipaIity.j V ' "p`.l! 2 '-`p"..." _ 5 thi: lane _bIoh7ginigjqg .%i:"ggm:;;`z;"ag;% f11o_vvr_`1:n'g am W aemgl or:<.le;rdf= i 9 :Mum`cxpal :1: .Hi`lor1d'L\ 5:4` f?x'r;1s'=.j$293: R. = - Lefroy session, ;t_ghe.:;QggnjI;fmgf- `lfqr the L transaction. ."'>J_`_..~:. Major J. A, Curri, M'.P.' for N91-th "_Sai'r.r'1':<,)e ,-"'lias `fully justied `his ele_c- "ht'i6:;`."';'I_'Ie`has all-eady placed himself ".`_'a'L\I7x1ooE,n`s;:i"tl1e leaders as `a keen de- ~L\;l'Q,&.t;`I,;e'r_.Aa_t`1_gl. hard. hitter. The legisla- V-.'_tlon,.h_e4;jJ1trodu_ed included the `sane lneasurcs-. of-tl1_e;~session, and` was" al- Enterpri`se;= ' . . C0 DC! 1101118 HCTC on baturday. - IVIE. and Nqvlove of Brant- ford are visitingat the Mm-kle Ho- tel. _ ' :1,Th}.-`4;cdur: of Rezisim for innisiil mias `-"ih,<'eld in Thornt'on,- Craig:/ale "and `.I3ef`rEry+.;9g) ;`_1 Ip.y 20, 21 and 22, respec- tive,l`5"r.A - _, b `v _` = inh . ~' \ . ` p sayyala, "' -changes. were Ord- <*vr e dEt '=L% :':=? cI.=_` $:i`o`\for'" postage and sta- :4-v"`o . . a,. .,-`a ---.--`.--J - `:Mr. and Mrs. James Brown spent Sqnday with frignds at Mlidhurst; FAIL..- T--,' ` Jessie` Kell of Toronto is holidaying at her home here. J ...e -u no IIVJIIV Il\-I Bo A. H,o;:l.cins of N. Carolina visited-her sister,` Mrs. A. Taylor, .. last week. _ A i | A. Stewart, Orge.nizer- for. .the A.O.U.W., has been here for- about 3. week, looking. after the in - terests of that fraternity. H has been tahleeto secure the initi top of several neyv__ members, and has in view the formation of a ladies . lodge of A.O;UW. -' .. By'fth'e' time this appears ~ inthe Northern ` Advance our blacksmith, Mr. Wm. ~M.uir, will ' be wedded`, ' to Miss Clary of Angus, -We wish Mr. and Ma's," Muir long` life `and `happiness. " sir `I; up, I. , 1 I` ' 0 I V `-.-\rA!/2-'-}`1 ;1:I'e had _scarceIy am} rain fof two` weeks. Mbst farmers axe pray- ing for "a. shower. ' ' ' -uuay, auu u_saA-I._ a \.\JlllUCJall!O.1Jy\l`J,'~' .i_cmVof_.- the _machinery has Aal/1?c_a:_3'r,F ,;bee11 contracted`for,i'-" . ~ . -' `. .. `W I_NNIsFII4COURf1` oF xnv1s1on -..-. vv vwuuu _The rmarriage of Fred Ellis and `Miss Fanny Hlubbert, daughter of A Mr. and Mrs. Alfred . I-Iubbert, took place on Wednesday afternoon, June -2nd. The ceremony was `per- formed by' Rev. A. J. Paul. We Wish the happy couple long years of happiness and prosperity. ' . A g--__ si, -M'any,of,our citizens will miss `an old Afnend by the death of` Mrs. Abner Rawn, which sad event took place on Friday, \after much suffer- mg. L ' .q_ A - - _-__ ..--_. .1.-rv.-ul- A very pleasant event -took place at the home of the bride s'parents-, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Biggar, on `Wed- ,ne-sday morning, June 2nd, at eleven o'clock, when their eldest daughter, Jennie, was united in marriage" to Mr. James Gilpin of-Ivy. Rev. G. I. Craw officiated; The bride wore her travelling suit of navy blue and was attended by her sister, Miss Miabel; who was attired in navy blue skirt and silk blouse. The groom was sup- ported by Mr. Charlie Gilpin of Thornton.` The groom's favors were to the bride a gold bracelet, and to` the bridesmaid a locket and chain; M`any `handsome presents were re- ceived by the bride. The happy cou- ple left on a short honeymoon. 1-IV\rfr`s.` Papineau and family are guests at the Hotel Mbrrow. ` Miss?` Wilda Bell of Tofonto visit- ed her home here `Saturday. In_ -,-; '\I,A \`v| c- o ALI):-tnwoon. NEW LOWELL. HOLLY.-V H _Refer`ring,. tq sM'.._ Haught'onf Leh- hox s course .in' Parliament ' `during " the session just c1osed,_t-he Tqronto News says: ' ` ` $30.00; George Leslie, do., $34.00, Eben Todd, do., $32.00; A; W. War- nica, do.,. $28.00; J. A. Stewart, -Mrs.` D. Hill and Hy. Nesbitt, use of room` for Council, each $2.00; Thos. Jacks, gravel`, $3.10; John `Taylor, planting trees on Munsey St., Belle Ewart, $7.00; IMary Sharpe, bonus .on 25 rods wire fence,,$3.75. _ _v-._ H... -v-_.-, ` !Council `adjourxgclv; to meet iatl Churchill on Friday,. 2nd of Ju1y,l 7Sunday at` 1\4}@_l}ust_with his sister. fac`k Kfssock of Barrie visit- ed her mother last week. Lawrengez G. -M\cLarty. J12.` IV.--F. Foster, F. Scott, Somcrville, E. `Averill. - .51`. 111.-5 Foster, w.j Aikenhead,l A. Brownlee, G. Thomas. Jr, -1141. (a)- -G. Mitchel], M. Bee- croft, J. Fraser, W. Harris. (b)--E. Leach`. A. Hobley,_J. Ed- wards, L. Thomas. lSr. II. (a)--G. Clask, N. Goodson, ` II.\ A- .'Mr. Fred Rowe met `with a serious accident while working in ICrawfo:d s lath millvon-M.'onda.y last. A splinter from the saw struck him on the side of the face, going right through the nose and also injuring the eye. We hope to see `Mr. Rowe around in a few days. ""Cv(Z)Ogl :'(-`r- .. i.rman, M. Neill, E. Lee. ' ' on _- u-__ - L Qho has been serxously ill-, is able to be out again. .Mr. And Mrs, Archie Campbell of Guthrie soent Sunday with Mr. and 'I\@cLelnd. i A a ` Mr. "I;i}aughton Lennox `hast rnade "-`a particularly good campaign of it, hi`s'work on the level crossings hav- ing ' a permanent constructive" \_ralue.. v South Simcot-, s member A,`-`made good" on other questions also; not-. ably the woollen industry and lower "te!ep1aone rates. Le'nnox`.is one of the few men in ;Pa1_-liam'ent whose A speeches are alvyayst valuable: contri-7 gbutions to the matter in_h.and-`Land command "the respectful attention of `both sides of the House.` _