Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 22 Apr 1909, p. 1

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NOW 0 PEN - ma, man `I I_f`n.I.- D-...I3nn rg-f%:..;o..I'ng..na cam. 4* 2 -L.x."n PIA NO TU N ER , ' Action and Tone Reguhtor. ' Piano: Always 61: Hand Fog Sale. ? 37-1) 36 JOHN-STREET. BARRIE They `all. ask wy... Call and We will exemplify._' Moenden >1'1c':E"`1`o% CREDITORS} Wmm TRAVELLING Wmvr an: SURE AND STOP xr -mm MARK:-:1-Ho'rE:L 'n_-_.._.u.-..'-.. P. D'vvnu-n.n.v - - - . . . . . -- 21*; 3.`.."i`.`.`:`i``;'. Winnipeg First-class Accommodation. Remodel. led and Returnlshed Throughout. `re rxafuu 11 for tl MARKE` lywwye - -I-V- .. cdicest bramgls A , in Zeogu. T VAV `IIATS AND runs. :I _ ~ (wofthe Bowling Alley V. -`-an 0PlNlD.!ll ;I--- , '.__.---_..__._._-._-- I V-v---- p. o-comu;u.. Pi't;pi'i6t0r- _.---o nnAnlIH\ _ __ P::oPR1E'roR.T --- SOLD BY --- , n|s1_-uIc1-|_.1r A. `runs: DOLLAI ' , . "rl-It m'r:nI:s'rs or malt, 1':-1.: pouurv or since: Am: THE oommou or camp out: cnufanuon. `nu? BARBIE, COUNTY on` S-IMCOE, ONTARIO, - PRIL 22. 194.9 i '0rillia Minstrels; `under the`direc.- tion of the versatile comedian Holly Shepard, held the boards at the "Grand Opera House Tuesdaynight, and made a decided hit with the lov- ers'. of rened entertainment who were agreeably surprised at the tal- ent displayed by the fty odd folk comprising the show. It'was not without `trepidation that the `Barrie people looked upon the venture of theamateurs from the neighboring town, ' following as they did in the wake of professional com.- panies` like Richard & Pringle and Guy Bros., but the performance the other evening fully demonstrated that ` the genius of the Orillians wasequal to their daring. '_I`hey scored a unique success and carried the_ audience with them from start to nish. Ellirlll anvo-c -v-..- -- The grand assembly gave scope for the introduction` of many songs, in which Will 'Mac.Fadden, Norman woods, Geo. Sinclair, Mfert Plunkett. 11,21... ....A Adina.-a Rnvnrnli `nu-nm-n Woods, -Ueo. bmciair, J.V1.jCl't- -rluluxcuql Dr. Bailey` and others-gured `prom- inentli. `Who? sM.e.?,, Chi1dhood . , I wish I had a Girl, Close Dat .Eye::,-and Things am "coming my way were especially good. Dr. "Moore as interlocutor was kept busy with the-end men, and the jokesxmths -waxed funny in the numerous quips and sallies launchedat e'ach'other s expense. A few local drives, notably the discovery of the. Aerial Ladder Works, provoked great laughter. VVULno, ygvvv.-vu 5---- _..,_ Part II. was even better than its predecessor. The fine singing of the `Maple Leaf quartette and octette was much `appreciated and formed a feature of the evening. Jack Sinclair excelled in banjo selections, while the neat dancing creations by Evans Hessey and-whis associates were 0' considerable merit. Bob Kerr svbunch of cops showed great facility in`hand- ling their batons, and will no doubt be heardfrom; `later. The ,Work 3- L`-_ -....l......-L..- 1-sync cnlpnrlirl: andl doubt be neara rrom, later. .c:,w..., `of the orchestra was splendid, an `they gave the audience plenty of I music, too. `'7. _...I annuoav. uvv. There was a large attendance, and the reception accorded the aeorts of :2 ? visng minlsktrtiis was. heiarty. en_ anager 0 ms ;cam_e own to -list the attraction he promised the people of Barrie a. rened producuon and by a full-sized` company. In both these respects it may besafely I said that he made good. is no reason `why you should |spend a tiger summer without.hav- Img -your tchen properly equipped r Empress `Kitchen press Ranges. You National `Refriger- 0-at urav provis- with one o ou Cgbinets and Wm nd our _n_e .. _......A. .. A :wu1 rma our ne ator perfect in. e ions are dear, don't ed. By a refrigerator. V about`our Capital Separ fr, 500 lbs. capacity. Old separators ta :1 in ex- change. The Capital is the y one t for-your wife to turn. _Ca and see our samples at our ofc on " caster St. The National Mfg. Co., `I1 - 4-2.- LV'dl.lUUdl 'L\\.'|.1n5\. way. VProv1s- them be spo1l- ust a. word %om'LL1A MINSTRELS. baa LS1 } Bar,rie._ Notice is hereby given Revlsed Statutes of Ontario that all nl-udifnr and 0th8` I Revised statutes 0 that all creditors against the estate 0 Gowan, who died on or a March. I91!-9. are required to send by post prenaid Esten of day of May. 1999. deliver to G H. II. }I..St1-athy and of the said deceas names. addresses particulars of their cla accounts and the n y th ' ed. th I Unbanu $00!. \/uuyvv. ---, and others having claims I the said Sir. James Robert bout the 18th day of before the 22nd _ or to Barrie. solicitor for H. H Arda h,the Executors ctr C ristian and `sur- descriptions. the full ima. the statement of the secuz-ities.it any. 01! U!` and ature of And further take notice that. after such last mentioned date. t ceed to distribute ceased amon Executor-s will not an aunt huff. thema he said Executors will the ha i rega o ly shI`srllnt`l:ien have had the assets of the said e- parties entitled thereto to the claims of which H193` notice. and that the sai be liable for the said assets {to any nerson or persons of ,........ -.._-_ _ Execute:-s not liable for the sum assets or any part thereof to any person whose clatm notice shat! not have been re- ceived by them at the time of such diattjibntion. ` Dated the lath day of April. 19.19. t - ' . Ga Hn `- `- M u..u..um- fnr W.xanutor3_ 15.13 V or 1-as ESTATE 3I:"S1li umas nonawr oovuu. x.c.M.o,_. na- l!l`_A BED. 611' V USE I K . , CEASED. DON'T DO IT, LADIES! g Gtnfnrna of nu ven ursuant. to "ma ratio ? 1897. Chapter 129. . aunt Gin Jnmml Robert G. H. ISSFIQN. Solicitor for Exeontors, The new agreement between the, Town of Barrie and the representa- tives of the proposed Weber Engine Co. has been signed by the parties. It is noticeable thatthe name of. Mr. Goudy does not appear as a party in` therevised document. -1 `luv I v-v navy. \.wv-.___-_.-- agreement with Simon Dyment, Ed- , `ward 'C. .Hill and Wm. Thom.pson`to providea loan of $40,000, secured by mortgage, repayable in 20 equal an- nual instalments, for -the purpose of enabling the latter -to carry on in the Town of Barrie the manufacture and sale of gas producers and producer gas and gasoline engines.- No 'men- tion is made about operating a ma- chine shop, as was contained in the former agreement. The Town will give a xed assessmentof $20,000 (to be levied against for school purposes only) for ten years, renewable for +8 further period of ten years.` iFurther concessions by the corporation relate to light and water, the Town grant- ing an annual sum therefor according to the following sliding schedule: Briey, the Town enters. into an\ I $300 a year for . . . . . . . . .. 50 men $350 a year for . . - . . . . . .. '60 $400 "a year for . . . . . . . . .. 70 $450 a year for . . . . . . . . .. 80 $500 a year for . . . . . . . . .. 90 6` $550 a year for ., . . . . . . .. 100 mg... .. ........ Sn. rrn --_ _---- to yealxl-_f7<:r .4 men . . . . ` year ' for` for `: . .. ` $600 a year for . . . . . . . . .. no y It is provided that in no case will the Town be` liable for "more than the actual cost to the company of the light and water used. I Fthe can I Privih --3--y ---_ On the the parties of i the. second part undertake to form themselves into a limited liability` company having authorized capital of $300,000, and toacquire from Sim- on Dyment for the purposes of the company the foundry property now- owned by him on Baye-ld Street; They agree to: equip the said build- ing with plant and machinery, such lands, premises and fixed plant whenl equipped to be of the full cash value` of $60,000, of which valuation the Town is to be satised by good and suicient evidence supplied by the parties-of the second part in the form of statutory declarations, accom- panied by D,/oper invoices. Failing satisfaction to the Town, the valua- tion shall be determined under the provisions of the Ontario Arbitration I Act. The Bay was practically free of ice on Saturday, April 17th ` ` Miss Nita Murchison is home from la pleasant vxsit in Toronto. > 'Dr.. Dunn "of Edmonton, A.1ta., is! ?spending a few days with friends in Town this week. w - Mr. A. J. -Carson of `I-Paileybury was renewing acquaintances here during the week. T * -Miss Reta -Andrews of Collingwood, ` who has been visiting the Misses Powell, returned home on Monday. Ne week The Advance will pub- `li_sh the speech delivered in Parlia- ment by Mir."Haughton _Lenno_x, M. P., on thewoolen industry. 1 Sweet Peas--for best results, sow now. You can have them in splen- did mixture ,or separate colors, in bulk or package, at Bomwel1 s. After a tedious'illness,` Dr. Patter-' son is able to be wheeled about in a chair, and was down town on Tues- day for the rst time in many weeks. Cqming! Tuesday, May 18th, Mr-. W. E."}:T'a;~:R3C.Q.._~LOndon, and` vs pa l\ V-..._,__,_._ Coming! Tuesday, May Itsth, Mr.` `E.""Ha;*F:R~.C.Q..__`London, and F.G.O., New.` York, to gT\?E`"a.n; organ recital at Trmity church, Barne. Sees posters. ` 9 it `It 1 I `If?! I V The marriage of `Miss Mabel W liams, daughter ,of Mr. and; M'rs. -H. -Wil1iams,`Dt`nilop Street, to .'b Bernal D. Proctor of Cobalt, ta] place on Thursday" _evening,. A; ;29tl_n', at the family residence; __.,_ _, KL _ _. :75, up v n . w - w - - - -. Parents of pupils entering the pub-) lic schools for the first itme are re-` quested by the `Board to register the pupils this week, or at the very earl- iest opportunity, in order `to get into` line at the beginning of the term. Ilnav BIB we-up -avg----..---= -_ -- ' Simcoe Bee Keepers will convene` here on Saturday, May 1st, at I pm. Mr. W. Cotise. of Streetsville is the speaker for the occasion. It will be the sixth spring meeting of the as- sociation. - ` -Joseph; Laforge of Victoria Har- bor answered before Judge Wismer on sMonday, charged with .ind`ecer_1t| assault and with pointing ;a` loaded` rifle and threatening to shoot. He. got one year on the x-s`t_ and` three -months on each of the others,` .sentences;.to' run .cor`icurrenTtly.L A." Sgiibleribeti-Is".:o . The.` Advance 35$ ;grevor..l&;hi8imegl:gtely ` oft.-' oh`... - ...-F A5.':A,.-hK&.nn;4na`Ln* \,L- ;. DUI. Illv p-wu cw ---- v_._-- Two new a _poitit_ments hive been` made fo .Vt?he~ `_Vb1ic-School staff, a_ndq the ktqxghers _'..'-assumed ;; Vgheir ' dxmgs >A!8i. "of `Alton .154 .` 2 . " itI.;.~B!l'_`-;. &nO1u` 'n:1msA or nu: NEW AGREEMENT. some: 66 8o` u .. lg t.ha`t wil LI.-- INE IIUMPANY PRUPUSIIIOH 13- lg: ` 0 Mt`. takes April Wil- sets The eompany further engages to` employ for'3oo days a. year at least fty hands all of whom: shall be resi-` dents of the Town, and to whom shall be paid not less than $25,000 an- i-nually in wages. ` ` I . ; . In addition to the. security oered, the companyundertakcs to have $55,- 000 of its preferred capital stock sub- scribed before calling on. the Town to advance a dollar. Said subscrip- tions must be bona vdq subscriptions on which subscribers are to pay one hundred cents on the dollar into the treasury, and are not to include stock `given or partly given for building, land, plant, exclusive rights, plans, patents, specications, blue prints, drawings, sale of stock, trade marks, `use of names and the like. i The company will keep the mort- `gaged ' premises insured for an amount not less than the debt exist- ing from time to time. The parties of the second part stipulate to pro- duce a legal and valid agreement from the Weber Engine Co. of Kan- sas City granting `and assigning to the former the exclusive or other rights recited in this agreement, and no assignment of the rights so secur- ed` is to be made except to the suc- cessors of the said parties of the se- cond part, who are to carry on the business in the Town of Barrie. I Provision is made that all articles or parts manufactured by the comp- any shall be manufactured" ir_1_ the `Town of Barrie and at no other point in Canada, during the currency of the `mortgage. I It i expressly declared that the loan must not be in excess of 75 per cent. of the actual cash value of the -site, building and xed plant when determined as provided for in the agreement. i -All books of the company neces- sary for the purpose of satisfying the A Town as to the various terms and conditions called for by the agree- ment are to be open for inspection bg the Town s officers at all reason- a le times. Certain portions of the agreement will require to be validated by at private bill of the Legislature, and lprovision is made for this being done at the company's expense. Special prices in Flower and Gar- den Seeds in bulk and package, now oifering at Bothwell s. On Monday evening, April I9th, the young men of !St. Andrew s Pres- byterian Church met in the Sunday school for the purpose of forming a baseball club to participate in the games` of the Barrie Sunday School Baseball League. The following of- cers were elected: Hon. Presidents 1'`; `LT __,.I ..-4` TCIAAIQ ` formerly Miss M`cPhee s. HCCTS VV-CFC Clcctcu. Lxvu. .1. l\-DIu\.uI.-3 .-Dr. McLeod and Judge Wismer; Pres.--M3r. F. `Walls; ~Vice Pres.- I1 \_ Ir.n'C. R. Latimer; Sec.-Treas.--Geo. ,,___-__ 111 ____ .... mm. C `A -M}.._ Mr. `L . K. Lanmer; Dec.-Lrcavs.---ucu. C. Brown; Mlanager--Mk`. S. A. tM or-! rison; Executive -Committee--James Thompson, Fred Cunningham, Geo. Love; Captain--W. Cam. -Kester. ` V cases -5 nm Wes. Donahue, who claims to havei lived pretty nearly everywhere, took` a fancy to some leather insoles whichi he got at the tannery and subse- quently oered for sale to A. W. Whitby, the Elizabeth St. shoemaker. `He was arrested on a charge of theft, and yesterday The Beak im- posed a sentence of two months in jail. Donahue, who carried himself `like an old hand. in the game, rst_ denied the theft, but when he saw} the weight of evidence going against him he pleaded drunkenness as an excuse for his faux pas. It was unavailing, however. ' ' ' y l Mir. Hampton E. Jory was taken `suddenly ill` at his office on Saturday `last with appendicitis, and was op- ierated upon at the hospital a` few. {hour-slater. His condition was rst `considered serious, as the appendix ihad ruptured before operation took 'place, but he is now believedto be `out of danger. `Mr. Jory had two ,previous mild attacks last year, but they were not sufciently severe to require medical aid. -Dr. Ross, who operated, reports several other cases `in, the hospital recovering-xirom the ,same disease, one Of -Whom is the little girl broiight on a bed from |Muskoka some three weeks ago. ` `Boy wanted to distribute papers gin the East end of the Town. `Ap- lpy at ThetAdvance Ofce. , . I "I7 runr Inn won. vvvuu. u.nv~.uuun., `sawed and split any length you wish. `and cold" yer cord. not 0: loads. ` .'A horse and ti . belonging .to |Geo. Dyer 65 H30 3' went missing on` ;W edn_esday evening of last week! from the-..s_heds' of the Wellington` w'Hlo`tel. iM`r`. Dyer with his brother came toattendt the Grand: Opera `House, and on going back to the ho- tt.el,.after.the show `no trace of the outt co\_1ld_be seen. The police were `notied , _va'nd `Thursday morning Qhief King 89!: into; ,com.n1unicjation w,gj_i_ o\$ft'xd;e pfoints`. Later,- he re-. ` onI;-_(;hie_f- jfatker cg $9 1Ylkinson's _XTI_-. .'. '.' `s n_qm ~. Iucuuv we ' _ai,__';\; . LIIIBUIIB [UK in nuuua vs .shM l :2- -._.. I.__4.I. ...... ...:.L I : propc n,. 1001: `:3 H. for all kinds of QI._L_ . w'1}ii}1)'"'iiA11iIi'-xicrunsn $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANG3 mum : con-nu mu: curry : Manufiturer' S | Prices , J.J."rHoMPsoN, Ill-IIIDGT 9 fl The foot of John'Street is pretty much taken up these days with con-: tractors equipment, and pipes, pums, pulleys, borers, rods, engine, plan _mg_ and a dozen and one other contrivances are everywhere in evi- dence. A gang of three men are busy putting things to rights, and before the end of the week a com- mencement will have been made to- wards driving a third artesian well for the town supply. This step "was decided upon recently by the Board of Water and Light Commissioners, as the Town does not care to run the risk of another such dry season as it experienced last summer. The work is being done b `contract and will cost $500." Mir. fames Peat of Petrolia is the contractor, and it is expected that the well will need to be dris en about I20 feet before a sat- i isfactory flow of water is reached. , It will be an 8-inch pipe, and the Job ` may possibly take several weeks to complete. TITO IIITI-II MInHuas'i"I='v.o. 'PIIONE I99. BARBIE. - i Inspector Duff furnished` a larges sized surprise to D. J. -Callihan at the latter s place, Van Vlack, on Friday last. Taking Constable -William Sweeney with him, he armed himself with a search warrant, and the twain- northerly connes of Sunnidale. Ar- rived at their destination, inspector .and sleuth soon got busy, and the Callihan premises received an over- hauling that would have done credit to a marine department investigation. Theoicers found abundant evidence to satisfy them that the liquor act was being violated, and they brought back some of the pure McCoy with them as useful exhibits. Prosecution followed, and on Tuesday, before P. M._ Radenhurst, -Callihan pleaded ._K.._..L:.... l'\: `LA Int-Ir nhr` `proceeded to drive leisurely to the TO DRIVE ANOTHER WELL. Lxaucuuux BL, '\zdl1lIIa|l . yxpauuu Vgu.i1ty to infraction of the law, and was soaked to the tune of $75 and costs. The whiskey was conscated. A Step to the grand march of .pro~. gress and do your part to help make a more Beautiful Barrie. The Barrie Horticultural and Town Improvement Society will distribute seven prizes among its members for the best kept lawn and boulevard; and four prizes to the best ower bed exposed to public view, not exceed- ing 100 square feet; and in addition three prizes for the best window ~, boxes. nicipa ANYTHING vou WANT IN At the annual show to be held in August twdhundred and fty prizes will be awarded for the best ower !specimens and collections. BILL TIMBER. SIIINGLES. ' POSTS. SLABS OR CORDWOOD. First premium for members is now `ready, viz., so choice gladioli bulbs. ( Second premium, consisting of 50 ' best tulip bulbs, will be ready in Au- V gust. Premiums distributed at Brown's Seed Store. The membership fee is $1.00, pay~ able to the Secretary, J.;'\. MacLaren, iior to, any of the directors. It's the (duty of every wide-awake citizen to ihelp `in this onward movement. Are you doing yours? 59th, for the supp 300 maple trees, work under supervision of Chair 15. -I-.. '11 be received by the Thursday, April planting of I3? I ! Earks. 5' CDQIQID:-1: - Take your grismg and `chopping to Wilkinson's M111. Chgpping every day, so per too lbs., wexghed in and Inn! . l'enoUs11 ;,A I 0-Good T:-cg 1 making in gm urt. ,- r_. , ____A._ -____.I--..L--..In N"\'I'.UU3.ISKv .lIU|-lDliK' Inn:-nu`- : . III I . It : 8 trick Iiot every tailor understands. 2 - Oux-'1`:-g z`1? are all made. .anooO.='thoJead- ~ in; "we think till; Q-'-'|`I'oIlse!~ Makers In the clllltlo Th tistlcan r` {.?:".}`; ....{ M .a..,.....'?"``........."4`. .`x?. "` -~ -A--I-- A'__ -..-.o K-union-nu` nut` Inn`-A ' H10 ', \lUlllw"Duv Ilniuulnu c Mn and s cu-vow`-an CALLIHAN WAS FINED. UMBER TENDERS FOR TREES. GET INTO LINE, --AT--._. E. DONNELL, Town cleric?` FAl_2ME% I Luau of Yo} 1 Vcapltal Flld-HE `" "' """"ay 31st 1895. 31,200,000 `H 1000, 2.000.000 '" *9 1005. 2.500.000 Feb.27th 1909. 3.201.490 Reserve and Uni Ivlded Prot! my 31301895. 3 840.400 1900.` 573.117. . 9` 1905. . 1.289.824 mm 971 mm suusnm `Total Assts - Deposits vv Good recommends. ons. RADENHURST. l-`eel St. A good business `man with a road 1-iVg pre ferred) to take a _halt interest in wholesale and retail ladder business. An all-round salesman -wanted. one who gun take the road and attend ` to business. H. bEWB.EY. _ 13-15p One hundred acres of pasture land. sufr;und- =ed by good wire fence, with lenty or water. Apply to WALTER J. CAME 0N.Lot 15. sch (`ou.. Vespra, or Barrie P.,U. ` l1.}sp May 3Iet18954 87.8o2;om 9 . " `f 1900, 1t,oo1,1_s_o=. .' ` " 1906." 22,701,111!` No'v. 30th19o8. `84. um . Q Mar.31st 1909, 345.1 2144 aAnmt-: BRANCI;-l W V. W. D. MORTON. Manager. V A'g!1jI,;_ g;,'.{eQ`E--, Voodidtchen :1! We haven large amount of mono to. loan at lowest current rates. either in emu l or large amounts on the securit of good farm morn- .y n gages. McCAR'l`HY_, BOYS &MURCHIsnN, -'Dun1cpStreet Borne. mouse, good well. All LUIV Ilwuuyvo A-aansvocy, wva -7 ---_ bahf of `lo . . oncesston. S0133 brick ' am, 25 miles from railroad station, scho uhea eouvenient. Price 35,500 on easy terms. pply . : ;\m_u.n`.v l`.n|nmnI-n-.i)Ll Hotel. Toronto. UUIIVCIIIC (.2. LAN( 16~16p 3:13:11 `III I C I` `III 90`-tn: Very extra quality. named "50 lb. b|uck," and have (1907 gone to 8': bushels to the note. Guarantee clean. A sample canbe seen at The Advance Otce. None sold under}: bushels and sales will be delivered at Barrie on April 24th. W. J. HAMBLY, Deerhurst P.O. >12-16 QEIIOIIV IIEI VI Liana! wilLbe paid for the recovery of either of the bodirk` ' Percy Graham and Norman Mc- Knight, w drowned on J une 3rd. 1908. ? ;IIna\ 1 'l1DAAl', ' I` III! 9|-than-I Good building lot in Barrie. namely: The _ west half of the West hall! of lot number nine. on the south side of Penetcmguishene Street. Barrie. contuinin about 1-5 of an acre. For .-9..-... nnt` mu-Hon urn nnnlv tn URITIB. GU11 buuuu uuuu -`terms and partict re a 1-n'mwA ` -L8tf TRINITY CHURCH SERVICES suumw, APRIL 251. 8.230 a.m.--Holy Communion. - 11 am --Matins and sermon. 3 p.m.--5lu1duy- school and Bible Class. ` ' Mnnin Ind hv the 0l'0hB8r3.' , V Church of England} p.m.--5unduyA acnoux emu DLu_u: yapua. Music led by the orchestra." 7 p.m.-Evensong `and sermon. ' Bishop Reeve will preach at both servios`. A n Ir..I.s........ Hnnf Ii`:-na.-A Tenders will be received by the undsilne ._ x.'l l`hur "day. the I: dun onu 0. I009- u`t .`I1`00Xl. torathe supply of .100 $0119 0Y? 31i: ' huny soft Coal. also 50 tons first alass` art (,`oal(egg and nut size) also 5 mus 01 9m` `coal. to be delivered during the tqu of 1999 Ind winter of 1911), from time to tiIue'&91`qi"d5` the Uruol, Court House uud.Ru31!tl'YA Ul9`m' Bur-1:. All coal to be we! had at town scales and! Zemnmce to be obuyuedchexeof 8t<?`t ur` connmctor and to be attached to 9433033 when rendered. All tenders lobe aellvl -N1. uddrcsstnl to 0` J. .pICoT`_,r'E Comparative Figures for` Fifteen Years. * wasutv & cnw. P'horn:?o's`, I M V0|..vLVfV.. No. 13- inset`: M.n .3 M15399`); 16-16 NOTICE TO CR;E`.DVl"9l l$ that you isit , la the matter of llg` WI Of Alalc Town of Barrie.` ll` ` 5| Ire or Jam 3 sa"n`a`;?:`a`2'e. Iumbcf ._ _ ||- A ;Yc:du? 3:'i;$t':1"1:{a:f':?ta:mn ma, pa? % A 7` m ' . o? M1 ggvyn co? Buirh. `lathe C0 coe, Lumbemnm now; (I V about the 20th 3; of6.:l:I!_'05 ~ th; i 3'3i': % V ` %% ` Dre aid.or othgr I!!! ~ me e an Alena %:.%.ot2xIIm~. ~ * olicitors tor the...-Bxgoutgf ~ 1.... um um .1!ut;mdnlnf ' EMU `I now 1 nhnnl In [AN'l`J;D--Good General Servant. Capable iwm-lz. ll`nmilv+ nf` lawn. -NEW :=Ai5iv.#:n*r:i:s&iars. 15-16 :n';ent. I-`nee $0,000 01} easy wunu. TLPPIJ \.VGLEY, Uommercuu Hotel. Toronto. Rn Tondors for Coal '",:1:';?;1;;,;;;:J MONEY TO LOAN. mclxairmah Co. I s re: the op atwnc seen ours FOR sun ,_In._. -.-_--.I M24. IL lulu; PASTURE 1'0 RENT I` IIIIIVI I win nun-1- in Township of Innlsl, bein south 1on. Soli brick ...a .....n n Innm -21. unllma *0?-CKNADA 7i1 mus.) ELLEN Mo FARM FOR SALE. , -I_!._ ,n1'__x-AI I. $25.00 REWARD I u,__ LI._ ..._..._...._-u 1:` tlllll IIUUUD AM! In. an Dvtv \ ti 1 to rS'(i`lls: &aAa1"? SQCVSTEWART. and In-'3 Suliqi 7' mun. Feb. 27 th 1909, May.3ia:1a96. 844304.323 .` *- moo. -0.518.687 IIIIKJ 18.51!!! H7 Hsitiatic unded. ways 9: " " V IWKH Feb. 38th 1909,. April 3rd 1909. May 31st 18954 `.` WANTED C. J. PICOTTE . Property Committee. Box 366. bar: I183 BBIIVIIIIL UBDIUIU >gk. Funglzofdtwg. G6 arnaw an 1. Vendor's Soliqltors. run any ~`.-- .._. .eu.t.a Free.` ry Comxmuoe. Box 366. barrio. "98c` .73`: '.T:`i'5 .'5:`so': W ha` 93%` }`583,870 lll iiifiii." 1 lop Bowling Alley} Ladieswishing to bowl can have two mornings a `week '-"reserved (exclusively) by % arranging with Mr. Simon. T . , ` ynnnnvn-u ; Boys undef .18 will not be allowed in the alley at any time. __-| IA. 1). SIMON] o_f pid . ins 1 ticulars of their matter of the Estate of MARY I t n DAWB. late of the Township of A To sorontlo. in the county of sim- co deceased. A Notice ' hereb given ursuant to Revised` Statutes o Qnta o, 1897, `ha ter 129. section 3% and..am ding aots._ that al persons having claimsmsai t t eestate of the said Mara Ann Dawe. w 0 ed on or about the Tenth ay of April. 1908. a required tosend bypostosta e prepaid.or do ertoMcCarthy iioyssc um i- son. Solicitors the administrator of the es- tate-ot the said eceased, on or before the 8th their names. addresses and full statement of the ar- and the nature 0 the do of Man I desgriptions and e urit if an , h by them. properly veri- 'a.?1 .33 thntyafte the said last mentioned $2.00 Simmons &. Bo, (S. CA:LDwELL ;O-Ln ASyTA.NDAV) deceased among the by them. properly ven- he last mentioned lrproceed to the estate of the said V tied thereto. claims of which the security it any, h ed. and thatafte t date. the said pdm distribute. the `assets t...ucna mmu-d nniv to ed ed above. And take notice turth mlnlstrator will not be that as said aa- bio for the said -assets. or Pnyhpart theme to an person or w persons 0 one claims shal not have receivednotwe at the time o urah distribution - . Administrator or t said estate. Orilliu. Out. By McCAR'i`HY, BOYS 8: URCHISON. _ His sol tors therein. Dated at Barrie this 20th day of ril, 1909. IILIR . l 3l:l:U 1648 .FIRST-CLAE s i iilondelssohjl Pianos.` Pn

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