VVII-ll QG trted. 5c. . . . $1.00 foods. nu; . augu- : pxeces \ worth. another ; linens on here. it `is A Novel Sport For: Children : Part) in Holiday Time. Have a large pan covered with brown `tissue paper to look like pie crnst.- In- `side the pie have these letters, to which are attached ribbons, the other ' `end of which come through the pie `crust. The letters, neatly cut out are: one 1. Six n's, two m s, three e s, four r's. three y's. one c,. two h s.- two _s*s. one; t. two n's. oned. two p'sV. one w and J;Little Rastus I And the Turkey _"'1h-e children Sit `around the pie, each holding -one thread. , They sing: ` Sing a. song ofichrlstmas. A pie crust tun of fun. Find the wish we wish you When the game, is done. Then they pull the `letter : out and pin them on their breasts. Then he- gins the fun of how` tllal children should stand in a ling in that. the letters will form alientence-.2 * Irv: , n. - , `.:n.'_ I.-`LA._-_ w1;;`,;'3; QSI-2pSF' ';Ios"xt:" 't'1I;"_e`tto;1j_ will make-- b _ Z] A MERRY HAPPY XEAF; EDT. com! DAT Tunuuz um: Ktrcn/2/' rm sAT,'J:n,Krrcn.oATTunx;sEz gut: 1n>11 umm T CHRISTMAS PIES; o1=coUnsEr;wou1.DBE ; BUT REALU` ONCE A g; 13 JUST 1 312334 yrcro` rouiumo uockuip oi rfour little sizes, " ~. ` _ 3` According to coming: repay ' `1'?*'.l hat` cou1dn t.cscapo- bclng (lyltc at . ` * '.' ' _; .` ' . and ca1,l0d'1,nt`o court. Picturesque Method of Celebrating Yuletide by the Poles. V The legend that the birds and beasts came to worship the infant `Jesus has brought about a peculiar and pictur- esque method of celebrating Christmas among. the Poles and other kindred peoples of eastern Europe. " I'?__.- ....__ _.-..I- 1.. LL. _..-I.... _'I I rw-:-v- v- v---v--- _---v._--- Here men mask in the guise storks, bears and other animals birds and go about from. house house. s1ng!_11ZZTiciaiZ'T<;l;.iAT carry` on1g' the. idea these wild birds-and savage_ beasts are` led about by keepers. V A.`L-.. A.I.- -.L_._lL.IA_AI' . A--I.. _.._ ._-4 '-~-v- --- -' -_--- 37' ---'.-V.--v After _the `traditional carols are sung the inmates of the house thus hon- ored reward the singers by, gifts of cakes, sausages and other" dglnties. '1`he- procession then moves to ofuother house.. where the pertorinence is re- `peeted. A Christmas Eve Sentence.) .!`4'-.', ahavo n _ hid? that More kutted , . V . rguestion_.the/ magistrate put. . V Jllttlq `stocking quite boldly ad- `- muted. > - `~= - - rag: gum with . :og_.~ Q XMAS BIRDS AND` BEASTS- '-1a'.Es'|` ,-..L. of IO This much to tell you will sucej-- ; H They each. and all brought something To tlle_ci1pboard' o'er and o'er. f IQ fact . `their bestrewed ' the roor. `On every elaalirvand Ttable stood . Some artiele: of daily food. ate, and ate brought-faouti the; _ fate 413- is my dgty giro relagey It `not. .n;1atter`in the lest. Bu: what- `the sumptuous fe `Insid.%1he <: tt_a'e"? Must I tell The sewn befall in`: > --y-- _ .`._ . on/tf_-in. every. `f %sa%`Moma%Hubs%p.4Lua.a ale L. `First canie ldvly - . ' With, hgr pringg; lfan,dsome fellqwg. - . ,-Mother*Cnoose `and 3i:_nple.Simon; ' `ran somnm There: `Were people -were peopl` T'h_e re~`._wer people `and 5 . an we am '.-Hg um M5. ;-x..;.,;,,.a, We'ie-' brought` ydu to; ' your -. .. - cupboiayrdl" - ' > V V` ' V . 8 the your?f tmay ,5 II `we In their `wake the Papa; Pieman; Bluebeiard. savage 'nd"deant; ' . jack, ..who often a giant"-; Puss in Boots. '30 and nice.` Followed `by the blind mice; `Then the little kittens, .All in `pretty scarlet mittens; Sweet Bopeep and Little.-_ Boy Blue, vRed Hpccland tbebad wolf, ioo; jack Homer, with his face aglow; Th frog who did a-wooing go; Dame Trot and. all th endless crew AThat livd togtherf in a shoe, _ And many anothejn known to fame Had I `but room to give his, nam; Jack, whose? bean" stalk ran so_ And the 31;} wonjgan `who swept fhe %r are T _ % Mherjloe ~ % _ iAnd'_ as se acrosi qa %It` tqhex ' %. And. oh; that -met ha. `It nemlytmk 3;ray Brent}: - K . _.3 -Thex came upoh the.dor.. H. eyes! \ Anarrightenecther alm9sf"Wf to Jeav `Till Mother . H1(1bbatd `sca'rce culd find `A plac T fdr foot 61' mind, I. V WHile .dggie' `-on g hind legs For fear of `breakiilg pics `or. `eggs. ` as fog -A _cor;ipatiy. . `9 They bid to sta9d> utside._= 'you se_e or either town % esh 7o_r as}. Yy as and corner. held a dish The chwalmer `also wear white -stockings with the'black bows. Their skirts reach scarcely below the knees. it is the fashion to wear several still. skirts. which stand out from the per- son much in the manner or the hoop skirts ot. our. own grandmothers. On their heads` the girls wear a funny little pill box sort of `hat, to which are `attached broadf bands tied under the chin,ecomple_tely `concealing the ears. n1-._9_-__ -.__a _.1_|.. |_..__ -_ ---n..a--.. force Their Quaint Costumes and Their Odd Christmas Dance. T Over In Hesse-Nassau, a__dlstrlct In Germany, there is `a section of the Hessian people who present an inter- esting study, particularly in regard. to their quaint Christmas customs. `MALI. BIJLI-lIlI7LCIJ LUULCKLIIIJ6 IIJC CEBU. iThe< boys and girls have an outdoor dance at Christmas `when the weather rmrorsf Each village has a favorite danc- ing"ground where the young people gath- er for the fun. The-boys stand in a semi- vlrcle,~,while the girls line up to await their partners. `Everybody maintains 1| dignied silence. Finally one boy steps forward to the maiden of his tchoico. lifts his arm and bows pro- '_ foundly. Each of the boys` in his turn then goes through the same ceremony or choosing-his partner. who is his for the day. . Then begins the dance. T.1,11't:l1` rigorous and hearty. ' These people uve m the vaney of the river Schwalm. oThe Schwahner boys wear a peculiar romgd hat or cup without brim or visor. It resembles in shape a small cheese box. They war a sort of coat with skirt reaching be- ,so (-ks with black bows. SOBWAIaHl`.'B:0Y AND 613. lblsv the knees, smething on the order or the highlnnder s kilt. and white SCHWALMEB BOYS AND ems `Twas meArryCh>1'istmas `till des now, an I was feelin dandy. But I don't feel so merry now. Sgy, what did ail dat candy? -Many` thanks for the bore`. You are (ha .only due who remenxbered me today. Many bgppy returns. ~ ROY." A `Christmas Race. Here is a new 'sort' of mm leggnu race whichdoes not re-qnirv all the trouble of tying o'og_r rm-era together and is very much better. than the um .way In fact. girls mas` 20 Lin thin. kind as well;-.as' boys. with arr!-`ea-r`<'9t , hu`rtlng~ th'em`s{eL1ves. %nnd `two plmhcg Ita;d"`i1 tepy `good .~u:m..=a- `of .w.u~. T ' *=`tw`:?#>y * ~ M15 Luv Iqv;q Ivva ~ All you have to do is tn grasp ne A-rnVis_ed~. leQft foot of u com;mnlon,V vsm. in front you.-Q It i.*t'rv~:t:$,jr L alfJ1!l'h_e ,|)vp_+.o.'r ' `:_,j11I;I al_ gift` as at . '_ iitxti-;I!lrr tan telegram to the lmtse girl: 'anmm'er`lg_Roy.'ai tom: and had he- come .ver$' {dad of the-`dog. I:u_v`s next: friend dictated and sent the fulluwizt.-; v~I_.`. A__ -n_ , -How Susie Won Last Christmas a neatly ribboned box arrived by express in a New Eng- land town addressed to Roy, :1 collie. A ne large bone, with plenty of good red meat still adhering, was found within. Roy put the bone where it would do him the most good after one of his friends had removed the paratlin paper and holly berry garnishment which the donor had sent along. The bone was a Christmas gift from a little girl in the south. who had spent the Uncle Henry-Wel|, well! How little Susie is improving in her piano play- ing! I must give her 1 real nice Christmas present for working so I.___lI How a Friend Remembered Roy. the ' Collie. A DOG S CHRISTMAS GIFT. A rum `LABOR nova