I ' V At the opening" of the Court of General Sessions and Cpuntv.Court, Judge Ardagh, spoke -s`o1`m-whzz-t'as ._fo1l,ows, in referring to the. resigna-I tionjrof lluqge Boy}: L- ~ . - f seisaid he,h ad known Judge Boys intimately. for` the, ; past -fty years, agid_ n_1o`rer'IntimateIy1 still in the posi- .-1gic_">j1j they entertain-cg!` tpwgrds each \ stht `p'a'st `twenty-ve " ; 2 -',__eI`1,a., known hitn as a man- .` h V .I"f iT;ahd~~,!t*ict` ute? nitioxa `fin; the: per \ rity, ormw '._,_ E` Faky ilk` `Waistings Men s` `Overc-`guts. , ,. 4-vs u uuc your.` per (011. $3.45 per hlf t0l1. ` - . 31.75 per quarter ton. 5 | For July 36.85 per ton. 02.50 pebhalf ton. I ` _ `1.86 per quarter ton. , ` For August 95 per ton. $3.65 per halt ton V . $1.81: ger quarter ton. . For September 37. perton. $3.60 per half ton. l.86pex quarter ton. I For October 8 .15 1- ton. 83.65 per half ton. I > I _ 31 get quarter ton. I For November 37. per ton 83.70 per half ton _ _ Slwper quarter ton. - 260 pereton less than ton rates will be given to ` farmers rnd others teamlngooal from shed. - 4; Will be sold strictly for Cash Only. Payment I must be made before or when order is given ' or delivery. _ _ Deliveries will be made subgoct to inspection on arrival. and it not satisfactory. may be ro- turned when` money will be promptly and cheerful! refunded ' cam LY REDUCED muons take effect May Alst as follows : tor May 86 66 per ton . $3.10 1- half t n. ; $1.75 per quarter ton. De 0 ` For JuneO6.7E~ per-`ton. $3.45 per half _ 31.7.`. nor nun!-4. 4-..- Spot Cash Onlyi R'(:.Il\Il\nIur: may -_ an-.. 3 Two Thousand Dollars Wok Ind Inns` Sung nun-I 15...... "1`L'$"sd27, 1352'.` I`,t,{c`F:\fc;1af'ed_~`.Mabel_,.3 Cheesman for first place who :kept( the lead Wednesda? and Thursday, losing to Clara Spearin on Friday and. Saturday. . ' % 7\;HAl.....-c ....A An-_..1-1.. -_n-_1 _,..-_.' Phoenix Mufflers Z < W7` BEGINNING M`AY 181'. 19.08. (_3_ol nd Wood IIIIIIQI I 'J. II Tray Clo , (`no-`L..- nan` coco-a ' Dverc-obata. - "$19.00 fox-.........$|5 " - 12o0for .... ..... I - Overcoats at practi3al- tn:-era prices. -- b. mvnnson. i-u-`;:rxe:or.' eth St. (Kidd Blqck.) Openlivenina v v- 7- -g ----- y--evv . . . . . . ..: $x.25 and $1.5 . . Kangaro . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . `$1.25 and $1.50. best quality .. _$I.5o. Jundws TRIBUTE. Gloves fey W111 be promptly andI.......` t'JcEn 3 ' 10 haltto . 9 g qaa.rter't36n. per n . - ton. T. : per 9 _ son. . ?;50per-ha1fton.|: )6!` uaroer n. _. er tgn. 38.65 halt 3 when per . `W 6 pet-.x; 33.60 per ton. That 1' `:33 per site 5" neral13l`t0{ .1` n- w at you ` Ln n-rs , ven r.eamlng ooa.l 1`-om 6 yfu 3 s c 0 'r T g 2` `r"%~` 4' - Ba 18 no 10 ` _ 5 ' 0 PC I A I A - - The girls race islbeing very keenly contested, the ballots are coming. In in great numbers and many are bemgi held back for the last `few days v,ot-`~ ing. We. advise that all b_allots be cast as soon as received as It adds prest- ige to the candidate to have her game on the list of the 13 leaders. Tuuncnip TM... val C .... ..-..I` `'_L-I 6&1, Seepur 15c. Embroider- ed, for 250 Kind. T Ladies Coats Eor. $10.00 you can b andf._\b`est' made coats _ part of. the country. ;`2Q4f;~-nei Ker-sey and V ex f,clo'th_.in ne styles i `W the known in this The) are made tra good beaver n Brown, Blue y_Gre_en and Black, with either Velvet "or Self Collars, beautiful] -Price is $10.00, no duplicatw y trimmed long in semi. he gure that hion demands, Ewith Silk Braid, cut `.tig_l`It-t style, giving t slndqr effect` which fas s in town_ Achiefs`i'n all kinds and qualities, tWornen s~ and Children's Handker- Cm- l)'ro'idered.corners, hemstitched. cm- ,,broidered, -embroidered Scollopcd ed- gas,` cross-bar embroidered. lacs.-. lin- en cambric, plain linen zmci sheet kinds, Pnitial Handkerchiefs. etc. ring, and when we announce .Visitors to the store the 1a:t two days will have noticed the extensive xangeeof Handkerchiefs this store has gathered together for Christmas Sll\ that zoo .dozen more are to be opened up to. day, you.will know than ou_r showing ts second to none 1n this dxstrict, \Buy: Handkerchiefs Now .Also our Special 200 5 for 50 vackers L , _ . _ Co.m~.i1, ~de;ded to kill th Rhed Jaket J Coal ' JOSEPH H. SWAN. LICENSED AUCTIONEER V '1T_I-IURSDAAY, jIIf&&II Mulcaster street. Phone 200 j Free Delivery. ` when you buy only the purest and freshest groceries. is the only kind we have. T3IIfe buying, too, when you get just Whllt. "ask for. That's what we al- ways give. A child can shop here as safely as an adult. A trial order left with us gives you satisfaction and us a customer. Safe Buying -Great; .edth1tsiasm prevails overthe. Votmg Contest, over 200 boys_ and irls have been entered in the race or prizes, Each day new names`-are added by the friends of the little ones :- . 2 /, is a_very high grade soft coal from West Virginia C,-`I115 -"ecently introduced ' irito this market. Imported `direct. It is from lumpy Put; coal, gives a great :g_ah.t,i.bums to a clean ash, Plastswell and is not so didy as ordinary soft coai. fbifprpmend it for open i wood stoves, or high-grade steam required. Try it and 5c up to $1.00 [_g_oo.\>on'- . - Poll COUNTY or SIMCOE. Address BAKRIE P. O. W LIMITED. nooooouuoyuuuf 9.".*`.ER_= y newest 1own ley are good Q..r~....-- "` and the around Hiigf ad I-`idusVhold `needs;-to `your n`ii.re ..A-satisfactioiig TheVa1ssor'tments` are complete and 13ralues%wte%%nqer a'i1y_t ime, we're `ready. 'I :`I%1\eAin_irita`tion to come c_arries v'vitlj it no . `:;A1;capable`7and.Vwil`liI!g,'533:,_is.-`}L}YQU..TS`f'i;_;j-ff. M ~ ~ - 1 % 2 % j % % % ligation to and look arox Mabel "Wax Drucilla P` Evelyn Bo Mabel Che Clara-Spea Helen` Ros Vera Rhyr 8.` B] `'.,__l\ 9. lu Bla'c` IO. rene 'RiharJson Linens 1" : inate ; Window I)iIp1Iy.' ?r2}?e `i<"3"pf' KZE'da1e. 7L..336' % BALL- -On Thursday, December; _3rd, ` - ~.jI`9o_8,~ C at, 2136* 'Roxbqrough;- ..`atree't . J :_w's_t -To :-ont,q,'j ,o=Mr,;;_:;.;;;1TV;M;g.._ vR,; iW..,_jj.,sl,I,-*-a_son;-'r..i.__`~.,-5;: *~ A , ; t _ ut at"`less ices. We `THE GIRLS FINE w L *ro%Qm.=:s% Plain Combination % % , and 50 % SEE om: CASHMERE ! * HOSE Labeled --vrcmsznsl - "VALUES", 40, 2 ms. for 75 I 4 =14-5 f _ he foll`o winz`of6cers, wdre'; electe4 . at - the regular?` Vttiaeting. I .e1;1:.~JLodse;.s;0;E;.; last. . ~ f Aipleasant evening wass 1__ent. the home`? Mrs, Jas. M'cM_il1a;n,: Wil-~- liam St., n_`It;es(1ay ev,e'n`mg,_ wh_en`_ a kitchen shower. ,w_a's, given in 'h O,n-= {i*` last 1 or. ob-M!}S.`-` "J. `Puifdflig-3VV]1,O \Va`Js9 V . ` Miss Hill was taken. suddenly in `whilo_:.vis iting\ in, vLimehO1!se -!_a,t- `week. VH`ef:mother ' is now AztAt+tendm'gA.. `a:t}h_rv.bedSide..~- f " to= `the_ evxtr.:iVx1e" co1d, the class in due of the :roomj.ofv_Bqrton_ ,._Ave-. School had. _to =.`beT d__1Asyxn1sieVd.'a day last -wegk. T, _ Mr. C. .Hns_o-n- pin-cl;as.ed ddwelll-. {mg on Essa Street last."w"gk from }Mr. J3 -S.` Bgunton. ` 7 V` Mtg -<)'f-"I:Ifz1xvt'1il'tOn _ sApen`t_ Thursday `with friends here. ` I 1 I 1 - -' '- - ` - - ` ' E. vigctions and supper 't_o'-night (Thursday), | Mr. Th'o, -'Meggison has -returned` after spending ve. months Vin; Lime- house.~ `V " ' ~ Mi-. G. Webb win orhxnyhisrselturn oe,-A lcupy Mrs.` Tfevelyaih s house on" BLp'- `ton Ave.` ,_ A V` A] Mr; Robt. T'horn_ of Megco, form-A.` terly. of this place, 15 renewmg old ac-" quamtances Vhere. I, -_ V . _ A I % The` Six'th:,warder.s werebwelul is : ed with .the prc-dt_1cti{on of _` `_`The iTenple _of Fame. f E run`_1o:-._ is borrect a"-rie%w drt;g_ >- store and a `new. hardware store wxll shortly open up hgre. I; 1 A ` ` >H. Gartner- Had `tahe:-tVi1;>s bf two `n- ' gets taken. off by` `a machine at the. Carriage Works .. on Saturday, ` - A ' . , . . , .v '- " -I `Mr. __Wa1ter rLawr `left yesterday [on his return trip` to jGnj.-at Falls, Mo'n_t., after" :1 visit` with ytslparents `here. .. _ Our sales of.M so far this season have bee. precede led in the history of ' Barrie. In mak: - we have accumulat Scarfs, Ties, Stoles. These we will clear than manufacture 3 One only z-stri . (A ' 2 heads and 4`. ail?` ` $30.00 now ` .. .1 L .. One' only I-stripe T was $2400 now . . . . .. . One only 2-stripe Fanc y Tie, 6 tails and 2 heads, . . was $30.00 now 24.50 One only .2-st 'pe.$-inch , . Stole, IO `ta (land 2, .heads, was $4 V now.) -3700 One only I-stri"e `Stole; Ioltails and 2 h ds-, was $38.50 um` . . . . . . gnoo V ,_n . '1 M have re-I `-turned from their honeymoon-` I N 1' r\ 1 1?- ., ; -msa."z{;;;ei;';;;:,;t Sunday` I at lzer home in Thornton. V i "1_3'ri;t_owe of Geogetown is Ivxsxtmg at.Mr, B. Ba'er s. vj A . l -_..-..-- ..- --y , - Dofan was i1';;'e from North :B_ay visiting hisfamily. ' 1ur:__ t'\ 31",, , A - I .. -__,._-. _T Jay, has started a} news empor-I xum near Allan s. Hotel. Mrs. A.` Dudley and s land ' T A " V ' E fIvI`r. Jebb spent o \:rer `Sunday in 'Orillia. ` V ' * i (;1T"'l'\/Ionday, Dec. 7th, 3 son Ttoi Mr. and Mrs. S. Small. [ALLANDALEI mmg was $ .50 now. 0 One, - on `inch 3-Ta;b - 0 , 9. $3000 now... ' nly "50-inch 3-Tab ea -and tail trim- and tail trim-` ` s $32.50 now`.. .- One 0x'1l=,_ Stone Marten , Scarf, orth $35.00 Vernon ..M'arr : \iva's fink: the lead-` on Tuesday, Ist 'Dec"., winch he ' held Wednesday and Thursday, dropping to 5th place _..:Friday,` when Jack` Rogers nxoved ._rs't pla,ce- passing Earl, McDonald, ..twho_;' held`-*2nd. `place from Tuesday to_S_aturday. _Sati1r`day votes , from New (Lowell gave Vern`. `Scott the _lead,_` Earl.-McDonald still ` Held his" own in second p.lace,_ Jack ; {Rodgers and` Geo.` Powellof" liar:-ie g and. Lyle Jennett of. Ivy,_ Barclay,` Ness andA'.`I-fryancie Moran all i"5"a- bunch for 3, -4, 5, `6 and 7th pl es.` Harold Hill, a new; candidate, 'hq ing. 38th place; Vernon _Marr, ose friends were evidently holding. ack their ballots, fallingto 9th plat . TMCR QPA `n0\t`Aoon can `I; Lucu` uauuts, .Iaumg_t0 9|.'l_`l D13. . These are the leaders up -to_; Ian- day, 6 pm. :`-`-.-- II. . }I2. _ I3 V Ed'na ` Co.oi)er, TV ' Brrie; Marjorie Otton, Bax-rie.; Katie Brown, Batgieg ,WOOL- CLOUDS, White I I n and Colored 25, 35, 40, 50 and 75. _j mm %nmrs j With `rgspect to. the $5000.00 for the urposc -of .p_ay1:ng off indcbtedness to ,`l ; an bf tToront,O. we % should like E. __vgx;`y_body _to._qu`ite. understand what ,, feceasxoned `guns qverdraftu , At the pgsent` `tim`e._Vcapital~. _accQtmt owes - 4r 6petaIting:='gbt;b,1h1ttover'..$Io,ooo.oo for e..jiu;:c_has3: of` meters, transformers " feX{n3id,;.'.*whieh` have: been I I, `Two thousand of it is to construct V I -v l\: -van a7 two-phase power'li'ne and trans-: formers for same. What this con-. sists of is 'ab,o'ut $1000.00 for `wire, and $800-oof for .transf0rniers 'with' $200-d0*f0r `installing. 0 As I suppose everyone is aware, we have inaugurat- ed an all+day s er`vi ce, and our only hope` of making it pay is by" sellingpower` for the day run. And, as the two- phase system is absolutely necessary, I ive; , V " f$2500'.o0'is to purchasewire` to place our incandescent street,_,-lights on a separate,` circuits; In our resent posi- "tion, these lights are on : `e='same cir- - cuit as"sh_ops and : 7r`esidence_is, `and! y Aburfn" day and `night, A -`apd the only ` means _we haye ofj'turnm g;them<"o is by`Vemp1oyi ng_-fsome one for that the Commissioners have no alternat- purpose, `which _w0t?:ld meanQ,that,*t0 , turn them ` on ' in the. _m_ orn ing and `on a"gai_n_ at."n`i'gl_1t, aiperson would havel` ', to `travel `over, tyI.,miles"ea,ch dqy. `Ui_CSS this separate `ci1'c,uit~-is p_ut in, ` ,e'_ithe_er"th`eV p'rice'1_of;li'hts to the Town ..'wi11.,'ha~v,e_ to.bef`dot1 led` oi-else they ;yil1~:,be' opefateydygt at very seriousl loss f0.the_,;. l_3_g:pa;:tment; _" 0 Lu ,u1c , 1J:pa`_rtII1Cnt. ~,j_`.;},Ne 're`:-"asking. $1000.00 for the cr- ec't'i9n of:--asyuitable of-ce with `vault `{Qi_3_..the"?arr}fing one of- the business of l`1'e,lT"/el.c:c`t_ri;'L:._ _...ljg:ht f and water works. At ?.th_e_;Iprre9e'n_t"time, our books and x'.Or;is.which;'aife most "valuable are gall XpOS`ed_'vt\O"-fe, Hffld tlie situation ecam'1o._t" b e Trembdied 9 in our present , . ;jo 1'ce; 1 NKINK I-f:-'$J'5oo.oo'is being -asked for the pur- -c'l1aseL of meters. .For_ some years :f:ast,e`i_iv:'i1jaiie been ordering new set- 5vic_es-:= at : t.h c;, rate 2:` of I00 ' .~e_aeh.- year, and, as {our meter_scost, on the aver- , age, $1100 teach, 3 tlterafmount asked `will probably subply us` 18 mdnths. - "The Commissidzefs ltave asked the t Council to submit a. by-law to raise the sum of $12,090.00 in cqnnection with the Electric Light ', Department, and as a matter of -`business the rate- payersushould quite understand what 1t` is for. ` . ~ ` WI`-IATTII-IE MONEY IS FOR. ' 1 ed hats, hrowa; green. blue. black ; fawn and atlantie. regular [.25. on _sale `for .... . , . . . . . r. . J. . . 2` only. uatrimmed hats. many shades; worth regularly $2.50, on` sale I u 0:0. O I I I O I O I O O O O I I I I O I O 00x9! 9 beautifully trimmed hats, each designed and trimmed by our own trimmers ingour own workroom. Worth up to $5.25, 65 `* e onsale 4.1, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II lovely creations, a credit to any establish- ment, in all the `shades and atylesin demand. .Worth regular up to $8.00, on sale . . . . . . . .* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) V ~ 5" We hold our Sixthnecember Millinel " _SaleL8n| every hat, trim edland ungrimme '~i's offered gt a deepeut 4' V aenew5:ii-esslhat, theis ' ` need _o V %T%hes, are a few Prices D _ec*fe%mb er Millinery 1 Beginning To-dAayv L A number of `others atlike Reduction. Ove Emly 2- ' ' Siole, 6,` tails and heads,, was $50.00 now` . . . . . . NOI%`1`%f,iiER-*6 AD'VANCE ` .`A1d. _ Little fgave __hoti.`e that;}_h' jyvdd % at `i1ext;m=t1ns%_L9s!=%% lgwe gntroduce hr aw rctdnts by-law` Mptions. ., . Beardsley-N.ess---.That the solicit-R ors employed the "j'coun_cil, be in- structed to xr;ak_e a rjral demand on -the; directors of .the* Spe_nc'er`_ .ria1;,Co.` for.f_a_rrears `dixve,-.=gnd. that if a~ av9rabIe fr.epl'y j;n_ot;_` ;g'i\rgn i_vire\ ta:k*. 5-rich; %stev9*% 'as;` ` ;;23cessarYA to" ' `ttivte ` st_7s.__`6f l3`e-;}: *!1`d5yn`.,~ ;."1ci;f'-'l;aa`r' w;l.c'l:-:c1. that. me] rrnk had been a nuisance befofe, and the `igeal should not I); entertained. . R. Wolfehden bo` e1-V of $25 per month for the gse, of the town, hall `as..a rgller rink3`wvas'Ar_e'f_x1_s_ed_ '_ .. V A1,!` 11., g . `fI _1:h(i;1k"these privileges nshouvld _be' curtaxled, was `Deputy-Reeve Van.-V s. comment. . ` alderrhen voiced the same complaint. `_In same instances it was stated tht the course taken `was dff , the walks `entjrely. ' ' i 1 AId:.mlV3'othwell `-drew` atfention -to` the manner in which the snow plow- ing was being done, there being av. considerable_depth of snow remain-` [jag on` the wall. ` L ` 1` us, -.Plai_n Em.-` e `and Tab, shape, reg- , . $30.00 t_o' $42.50, A ". . , . 5 ... .. was-X10 -_--~--v_. 7--ya--up-9. ' `Mayor said a case cams (0 his notice recently. There` was ;a by-law on the books governing uth matter, and the person complained of _had complied with the requirements, ` `[1 1| ` I . , , - - ~ ---~~,- --,v--- - -- vu\--/ .` lperhaps other mean could be adopt- ? ed to place. the vehxcles; ` . i Depu ty-Reeve Vgir suggested Bay- eld`_Street,as a smtable position. 1 All f2LA.I ,1,` V think thatzthe passing of this by-law. . will in"crease"taxes,,we_desire to say ' most emphatically that It has` nothing" i to do with the tax rate; Both the Electric` Light "and the Water. Depart- ments pay their own. debenture and interest. They have always done so in the past, and they were never be- fore in such a position to take care of themselves as they are at the present time. Any other information `relat- ive to this by-law will be gladly` fur- I nishedi by the Commissioners. i For fear that any ratepayertishouldl I l lfarmers being permitted to, cut up 7 _ __ , -..----cusp tl\I\Jl&l\IJI. ' -Little` itaisedi the question of meat on the market in competition with local licensed `butchers; V _ `*7 - a -:----wyos\/In 5, Chairman Board of "Commissioners. is raised by debenture, there is noth-.I ing left for us but to take-the prots of the department for that. purpose, 'which`, to say` the` least, would be ex: rceedingly unfair to the light takers, and would put the matter. of cheaper light in abeyance until suehvtime as this debt is paid-off. Snow Plowing Cuntracf . (Continued fx-9m Page` One.) -...... ..LL-.. A-` -A '1 rn=d~` no?"-e T `imi3EEtRouFT, dates, viz Blossom McKnigh hllvll-LII \.l(5J 0 . Midhurst and Allar1dale'polled:great' numbers of votes giving Mabel Wat- tie first place `arid Drucnlla Poucher second only Izrvotesrless; E_vel"yn Boag. Clara Spearin, Vet` hyndress, Barrie; Helen Ross, G tie, and Irene Knapp, Allandale, f ' ' order named: with two 11 ton, Lulu Black, Stroud, ta and 9th place respectively. oin `kn nnovuna A` The new Phoenix Muffler is in great demand. We have just receiv-I ' ed our repeat._order.of these popular -scarfs. _ Made of ne yarns with dome fasteners, t closely around the neck._ White, ' Cardinal,` Blue and Black. 8 Bargain J 1 L en _t of samples eQnsT bought at at a_L.bargain-V afe only I of comp-rise Table- T\..-.:.... `l'\ .... ..._I /We ve.a compI'ete of Ja`pane'se. Drawn a dis untagld offer bein ampts `-thr each umber. .Th (`Au Tu-.. (`list _Shol't s.;ae,e '15.-fs{q'.Ja1';'". 1' $2323: Cape with Cuff . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2.00. '- `Special fine White Glove, guaran- teed, all the `rage, just now .. $1.00.. shah d16v Short Cape . . Italian 1_nak,_ _ $1.10 and Some ne nd beautiful Sill-:_ Waist-A ings, in C ks, Plaids and Stripes, only one pa-ttern. None like them in Prices, yard $1.00, '3 833.501 ). 5865 an tment is now com- ` styles , and shades. to 14, Button, . . . . .. . . . . . . . $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50. Short Gloves . . $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. C`I____L TV`, , for Perrin s Kjd vv 1 a.xa _ wxu J.'IL_l"lUD, 1JlCDDC_l { S nd_ -Centre _ces,4 etc., and are~ e'nui'n bargain , Marked ready on sale to y. .Ta the hint shop _earIy. ---J IuO?`fV J `-11 I :18!/`I `2 _ u_ N ` W11 =!'~t?12=d gbnev .leader's up to Monday, 6 pm. : -* Ill plauc zcapcctxvcxyc ` uu y `Following are the names of Mabel 'Wattie, Midharst. - Poucher, Allandal Boag, Barrie. 4. Cheesman, Barrie, 5. Clara-Spearin, Barrie. ' 6. Helen Ross, Guthrie. 7. Vera Rhyndress, Barrie. A B1 g,*Mo.1 The ak, Stroud. 1.-. ......- V....':... AII......I..1..