Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 10 Dec 1908, p. 3

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us W0 ord wt] on: on 'f7iV}i.;{1`fafcif}oxIe}5 aide `dc -c:t;1i1g_,;;_ o jthe; Sultan of ~ Turkey, was .1 President Nord Alexis of Hayti has! been deposed, and Port au Prince,` the capital, is in the hands of an in- lsurgent mob. ' L V 'Fl1:"st:c'1wi)lant of the Lake Super-I iori Corporation at Sault Ste. Marie has been closed` for 3 month. The `other industries arg: not `affected. o T _FltInA'_sr`. mgc. ma. , ` {Engineer Rowe was killed in a `col- 'na:_- . Pgqxbrokf. " A ,Jgpa_nse -shing boats` .wer.~_wt.ecked _m `a typhoon, and 350 are repqgted. drowfned; I .. ';uu`rO`o'-" ci'nc- . iaiii1?:::11}$I; 'g_d 70 years, iosc h!s.'%.:._li e ._in. a re that destroyed . his at . Niag`ara -f:n~th~Lake. A F, . ' ga ';1`~_.xve_1veI?_rsons, were shot d_own _Pot_'tL_n,uj `_n:nc'e` _ ` ,1he_' _sold1ers the-I1:;nd=t .9%~.v%rd=r- % E. :" .1n`"_.. `. .. eoneetgr ahdain engineer were! giismissed by the C.P.R., following an xnqgixfy -into, .\the Bethany wreck. 1 -unov vuJI\p qrvon-upon Pix :Yi, th'\'baby Emperor of C5hina,! as_cen.ded the _throne vcsterday. He} wsll be known `as Emperor Hsuan-R { Tung. I . `O c A`I c D `co (statement `of claim in `Hon. Geo. E. Foster s suit against the edi-I tor of The Globe was led. ' i T blodyrof (a.:n man was {found in the shed of the Hebrew cemetery _at London. mowed .1 sition rs I Metigl 7lV)e.en_ pxjoclaimed in Prague, owmg to the not1_n-g between Czechs and Germans. ' '15c2{aB}' 3461 'vJs'7ia'x}d To: the Algoma bye-election for the Legisla- ture. W'-Cl`1ief of Police Malone of Simcoe denies that he shot Constable Wilk-: I 1118. I ;W`hc_>lesa.le__ grocers report impro_ve-` ment 1n busmess and an encouragmgl '_outlo_ok. . V v ' l Iessict p-l(eaVd;:<'1w'guilty to a. st.-riels of forgeries at Wtnnipeg. It ' V---~- -- ---v-.-v- -- . ----_-rv3 l 1, Marine insurance on the lakes has gbecu extended to December 12. ,_ _.-,`__ _ "The po1icooenus of West Toronto shows a populatxon of 12,563. tion, and which will be nallyt passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Barrie in the event of the assent of the` electors being ob- tained thereto `after one month from. the first publication thereof in The Northern Advance newspaper`, pub- lished in the said Town of Barrie, the date of which said first publica- `+++++4++++++++-$++++++++a~e+H+++-H-++4~b+++++++-H++t-M--u -: |Uu5U9 SDI a and In mfn `Dn- Events of the Week at in. . A meeting of medical men in To- ronto`, opposed grants to hospitals that will not allow unattached doc- tors the privilege of attending pat- ICIIIO; _ papers say President Ca_s- tro has. .$6o;ooo,_ooo. on depo_sit m eFreanc`e~ and England, and has desert- ed. Venezuela forever. V 5 new Radial railway is being pro- ijected In western `Ontario, the main line running from Woodstock to Guglph. I ' 1"` ' I . IN i -;l:stroyed':.twa.-v.o"G;'ER;~ - [ docks at Portland,:~Me.,: and..dut:cou~: xsidei-able dam -to the-`~Dotni~niot`1 }`;.ineVstean_1eAr ` omishman. The loss 1 Is abogat _$5po,ooo. _ ; 9-Clone on?` I ' ` Q . 1IISOiS-_. - v - v wan 7Jwv,w-wv Harry" Djllabo Sh and William Lawson weft foun guilty at Hamil- ~tonz. of takihg ballots * and offering! them for sale. Diilahoqgh was ' sent -to th'e+Cc_nt;al` Priao ru__or'_ two months ;`ans!=;Law999-%fr:q.ur T ' A r ~ Wfeckggf found. ne3:1-V Cpe Ray; Newfoundland, leads to the fe:_1r that the steamer Soo City is lost, wzth her crew. ' '_'AuStria is making every prepara- t1on`for a struggle wit_h Turkey, and \ has called 60,000 reservxsts to the col~ mots. ' - wv--ww- By order of the Provincial Sec:-e~ tary's Department action is to be tak~ venz` ` at twelve mining companies ailu `panics act, _ for re fzo comply with : the com-- 1_.' , o..o-. (Iar\.fL.. W_'i'h;_o_;'>; _s '1{ea_11'{}'o'in.IcH}}.I proved that he was able to_spend sev- eral hours yesterday in pohtical work. `I? II F 1 I 1'\ he Marine inquiry closed at Hali- fax, and will be resumed at Ottawa. nu-nu ox I i I V -l1'a\irr"1.)een entered against; .the election of Hon. Clifford Sifton, {in Brandon; lvfr. James P. Brown, in Chateauguay, Q_ue., and Mr. F. L. |Fowke, in Ontario South. 3 " SATURDAY, DEC. 5:13. .._ v-__ --`_. -_- _____g, 'j_<)seph-`"lr;ilroy.sh()_1; four lryze-n in & 'W_ainwright township lumber camp, near Dryden, one of whom will pro- bably die. The shootmg was appar- ently unprovokgd. ""' Rev. 5. T. Bartlett of Sackville, N.B., was appointed acting General Secretary of Methodist Sunday Schools and Epworth Leagues. tion in The Advance is Thursday, the; 3rd day of December, I908, and at- the hour, day and places therein x-- ed for taking the votes of electors, the polls will be held. Dated this 30th day of No}., 1908.. E. DONNELL, w... -7. ---y.. C9!!*!'!si 0! P%! iTown clerk. Sale. J 7 EM. l I EA] nu VG! L IdV uuuu UM they do {or such I Pwp: etc. . .1 and Pandora Range % Sask.-Alta. Range ooooooooooooooooooooooooa ' Tqronto, 7:! A By-Law of the Town` of Barrie to Raise the Sum of $12,000.00 for the Purpose of Installin a TWO P5353` Power Line, for the ct ~PIAl1`P-'9 0f_ Erecting a Separate Tralmillibn Lane for Supplying Current: for " the Incandescent Street Lamp 7SyI3El,|'.- for the Purpose of PIIu'chIih'1gf-Ad'Ili- tional Meters and Transfor' uerIf0|': the Purpose of Erecting Budding with Vault for the Convement M emfentof, `35: ; Departments andor ej V . 511:3 of Supplies, for the v t!ring the Ovet'drIt';rfll`. ~ BY-LAW N0. - ;,..L..-.A .umit a B -Law` t . -" or the said own-toif$::,,V`r ' A ` twelve thouad *d ' `tires of the 83.! s t .. "I89 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTW 60oooooooooooooooooO00o5 gooooooooooocoooooooooooog J. 12. HAMBLY We, China, 850., &c.. Cut Glass Silver Novelties Ebony Goods Clocks i Canes Umbrellas Watches Rings A Chains Lockets Pearl Jewelry Scarf Pins Links Febs The Saslziita is -a new; steel range builtVon entirely new principles.- Time Pan-dora end Saskv.-Alta. will be, a . House- hold word for. the coming generation, because they are made to last a. iifctime. . . ' - In these times of prosperity Canadians should purchase the best Ranges manufactured. After six years tgst "the Pandora Rangehias proved the best and_ takes less fuel to run than any othexf cast _range made. .. V 1 West of. Barri; Hotelg 'FOR SALE BY? L. REEVE, Jeweler andEngra\7e*r .:': -L;:`Eviv'i;.cras the: amctnt xstityg`; _ Depentyn _;Dbt` roi Mun:xpal-yr %:sv*$`aI_3s._273s69% F1=r:;12~*I;=tV`e$!I9rwA19f.Li:t! ~2iv1; "' """"" "'7 ._.""' ' 7("K"" ' Andwhcreagq ~the,;`-.amount%. of the whole. _rat_ea,ble `pro Irty _9f- the said Muni:ialaty` a cc_or in ` to the %l'a"st Ikevis & Assessment - oil; Vbemg A-the lAsseaImnt Rpll -._,fc_>_r yar,.198, is A M L ' ' 7-} -*- s, . ,' ' " .-I-: - . - I.- A ' D -4-~ chasing additional meters and trans-! formers, forthe purpose of -erecting an oice buil_ding. with~ vaultp`for- the more convennent management of the business" of the -Electric Light" and Water Departments, `and forth: stor- age and sale of supplies, for the pur- pose of retiring the overdraft in the Bank of Toronto, Barrie, and {or other minor improvements properly ~chargeable_'to plant -account. And 'wheress the said Municipal;-'} Council has deemed it right to com- ply -with the said requisition, and; it -will be necessary for the said purpose to issue debentures of " the said Mani-` cipal Corporation, for the sum of $11,000.00.` * - " ~ And whereas it will be necessary `to raise _.annu_ally during the .t_erm of twenty years hereafte? `mentioned by. special "rate to _;pay `the said .debt, . to "be created Ybythi; -`By,-_ `] ;"and`i `erg I eat thereonthe"I.IuIe' ' A ;. 1 f`;..I'.~7.L.`.'- A. 41;)?` .`u`_"'...x.-`n.'.".`. '4! n cuausmns an . mm i We'd like at a picture ,hefe~'of each of the thousand and one articles of Jewelry. Silverware. Cut Glass. China. Ebony, te.. in out? store `most suitable` for Christmas gifts. The least we can do is to say come and `see aod to quote examples : L Jewel cases In Sllverand A35 s Sliver Dsposltware Gold and Silver-heeded consist Ttlmbrollas . out Glass Vases Manicure sets and Single P|ecos- L ` suvar Vases Putt Boxos,ssalvo Boxes, soap Boxes Egyptian Pottery Bi'usl|os,sGombs, Mirrors e [sliver Mounted Scissors Stlvorand Gold Gandlostleks ltlngsots. Sewing Sets Hammered Gopporwaro % h % T % } i 5 h|mblos,tGoldThlmb|esi of the ex-. - the Q. , said: .7`o_f " hich. Q at 7f+;`:!tl itlt%1 u {tin 4:13! % ___,_' __. _-- _--- :w---- ' 3. That Athece shli be railhilhauxev- . ied in each year. during the curr.ency'of said Debentures or any ofgthem by special rate` on all the rateable prop- erty of said. Municipality; in the same manner arother taxes are levied; 3 ` sum s_ufcie'ntA to pa? and` discharge the said several yeaif y sums ofp_rin- cipal- and -interest eso accruing due as the same rbecome r`esp_ecti.ve`ly~ p$y-- cable: -according. `gp the: term; ;,of this Biy-Law, that is to "say, :the_ total sum 0 in eggh_ cf `the 13|.d.'Jf3f!~. gl zw 1.!-I`:-if .3 ~.". 3` 1- on '.\ _--I I v-y--- vvvv-.7 . v-- 7 - 1 a ;:5i?C{hisL`%3y1i.}V sha11_a_ke'ie~ feet on f-the, day th,c* nal passing thcrcei-`i _ "f;IQ*i"i;a. the van; of mi my quaxi-' `-`ed plectors of the `said. Town -Vowi` Bam=*an on misnr-raw That the said Debentures to be so issued for the said sum of $12,000 shall bear` interest at the rate of 4% - per cent. per annum payable yearly, gsuch Debentures shall be payable. in twenty annual successive instalments, such annual` instalments of princ_ipal and interest to be_ of such amount that the aggregate amount payable for `principal and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly -as may be to what is payable of principal and inter- est'dui`i'ng each of the other years of said period, and one of such instal- ments of principal shall be payable in one year from the nal passing `of this By-`Law and the remaining nine- teen instalments of principal shall- be payable (in the_same day in each, of the (19) nineteen ~ succeeding. years and said yearly instalments of inter- _est shall be payable at" the same time and, each of,said Debentures shall in`- clude the whole amount of interest ' payable that year, "or coupons for `in- terest shall be attached to `each De- benture as the Mayor and the Treas- urer shall determine. . ' - 4. That it shall be lawful for the (`Mayor of the said ;Municipal Corp- oration and he is hereby authorized and instructed -to sign and issue the said Debentures heteby authorized to be issued, and the interest-coupons (if any) attached thereto, and to cause the same also to be signed `by the Treasurer` of the said =Mu-nicipality, and the Clerk of the said Municipality is hereby auth0_.I iZd` and instructed to attach the_sea_l_ of fthe said Muni- Icipality to the `sa1d_`.D.e`ben_tures. ` ,Tha:t,the said `Debentures. asto principal and interest shall be. pay- able at ;the Branch of the . Bank of Toronto" in the, said Town_ of Barrie. 1. That to raise the said sum of $12,000 for the purposes aforesaid, it shall -be lawful for the -Corporation of the said `Municipality to issue De- bentures "of the said .IMunicipa1it`y to said amount, in sums not less than `$100 each, payable within twenty years fro_m the date of the nal pass- ing of thus, By-Law. - ` {tion of {lie Town of Ban-ie'enacts as ` follows : ` ' ~ V Lgst a Hintor Two. % 4Ta.k%e the Hinfand Come. Engraving done on articles bought at this store duly % `ax the Xmas trade. THE on-mm mamas ostal if you. out or our -. ..$I2,ooooo ' - Read a first and sgcond time in 1" ."T..(-:`?`.`."%`9`i` o>gr'.,t"$-..-.3`Vmh -N.`-'fi 19? V T Ag ` ;!"..tw_-;~' - f_~ %,"`P?9P93-991 Ill 01 I-IIID JJ ' G 5 _y 14 W. 9. That the said Clerk of thehsaid Council shall at his oice i'n'the- said Council Chamber on the 5th day-of January, I909, at` the hour of 2 o clock in the afternoon, sum up the number` of votes given for and against the By-Law. ' I `Schedule to _Foregoing _Byh-Law. m'fhat't)vxi"'I`hursday,' the 31st day of Dec. 1908, at the Council Cham- ber in the said Town of Barrie, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the Mayor will appoint in writing signed by him two persons to attend at the nal summing up of the votes, and -one person to attend at" each of the pol- ling places on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of promot- ing he passing of*this. By-`Law,.;,and a li `e number of persons interested in and desirous of opposing the pass- ing of this By-Law. r V t\ "l`Ln6. LL- .-....'.I l`I.....1.` -1 1.I.-'...-2.l ' `oilin; Ts`iiisT.1i3is{o}I'i`i.}. 5 (b), at Looker s Shop; Edwin A. `Luck, De- lputy Returning Oicer. V\_I!! R O 4 3:. %' 15'o1{i}ig ub-divine ' In `No. 5, a`'1'-`ire Hall; Ed. Whitebread, Deputy Re- turning Ocer. ' . kc? '`""31i}:'"`;'"J:T{"`1"oZ 'i5e`;": Returning icer. - Polling Sub-division No. 3, "at Fire Hall; Alexander McNeil, Deputy Re- turning Oicer. - P13111119 Smhalivisxinn `Mn 1 a1~\Hlnh-_ ""153ii?n"IiT.hivision No. 4, at Whit- by : Shoe Shop; And. F. Hunter, De- puty Returning Oicer. < I I \ . `W1:';oll'i;1'g__-S;;i:_-udi\;is"i;x'1_"No. 5 (a), at Hogg s Woollen Mill; D.A. McNiven, Deputy Returning Officer. ` 1\-q1o noon and continuing until 5 o clock in the afternoon at the undermentioned places and by th following Deputy Returning Ocers, that is to say, in 1-\-112-,,, lI_'_I_ so - ` . --- '7i$6iii{ s&$'I&{&aZio'fi:$f ,'aI'{a\'n}I Caldwell 3 Shop; Fred. Mart, Deputy Returning Officer. q\_go nu . n- 'S;1EHiv'ision No. 2, at Mar- Hinvu `Akin ("1-gush-u gaunt.- $38`: 5: 399 73 417 73 436 51 A 456 .16 476 - 68 AIIQ `sou I98 13% 520% 55 FAQ $2 `E94 03 A `aux-I 1910 1911 1912 19:3 V I914 I915 . I916 I917 . 1918 .1919 39253 % Q32 A i921 3% Doposlfwar cutolass Egyptian Scissors $922 5: L922 51 922. st 922_5I 922 51 A922 5! 33!` -f / Seven ter`:.s-hermn lost their lives, i_n.-a storm offj ghe Newfoundlanvd | `_`: ; w U80 3 taide thaw cl

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