Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 10 Dec 1908, p. 2

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' " T I [ c.Children s underskirts should all lways be hung up by the shoulders `and adults skirts by, the waistbands. It sayes tearing the lace with the clothespins. . ADVANCE wu \.-\IlI\.lIllIll| UL usuc u|u\..Uua- auuwuca. We will give One iHundifed Dotlars fo r any case pf Deafness (caused by catarrh) :_a`nnq:t,A,`:_b _;curgd Hal}.Ff :_ita by local applications, as they cannot ireach the diseased portion of the car. There is only one way to cure deaf- ness, and that is by constitutional -remedies. Deafness is caused by an inamed condition} of the muscous lining of the` Eustachian Tube. '-When this .tub e_is inamed` on have a rum-~ bling sound` or imper ect hearing, and `when? it is `entirely closed, Deafne'ss is'Ith_e_, result, and 'unless._the inam-g -mation `can `etaken` out. and` this tube lyrestloredto its`.nori_ital condition, hear-' gins; will. ..-,12f_.e,. =od.estrp.6<!-A; fbteysr; ning Chases,D1310?`T?i!1,..3f%;3<}`$i by Ear. A :fa.ir; inaw; e ce>i1diti:g)i:;,t`of:;3g;the:5g3tics]usvssu - ` ' -V` \1.r_7_-;*.-'..;':fi.;`,'- ~ .....** ~ , - ..;.".1'; 3-;~i:'\ .;~a'i_-~.._,;`. ~ the best can be had at the same 'ce as the inferior article, why not hav he best? There is `absolute- ly no dou that the Family Herald and` Week] giar of Montreal is the best._do1lar s` orth in the line of newspapers. Itg an educator for the ~whole.fami_1y."-It has more feat.- ures than any othe"1'a.~half-dozen big city papers or magazines. .'Give it a trial for 1909, and you wilt-.b_Ae glad of I your bargam. , vDEA FNE4 ss% CANNOT BE CURED _...._....__._..__.y ' `V;- good idea to `tack an envelope on the insideor outside of _th_e covey, and in it slnp a pager contammg ,a 11st of all Ithat is withm. ARMSTRONG---At Big Bay Point; . `on Dec. .4th, 1908, Jean -Holliday Wright, beloved wife ofTMr. H. B! Armstrong. ` The` Hetm `To % ~ _ N`o. 53-10.25-a.m. ' .43-- 3.35 pm . `~_,,, 9 ~ fill us can of infrct 63 . for many yearsiis of 1es im- portance than the fact that the Bank after more than 52: years of A successful Banking operations is in a position to afford the ut- most security for the Szivings of its Depositors. Tlie 3`per `cent. interes` that has `been added to the Savings Accounts in THEBANK Savings Accnounfs, my be jopend onuaeposit of ` % $1 at % Barrie.` and Allondale I ' ,Brai1che'sJ H. ~B.`HEN.WOOD, Manager Will} prepay postage on receipt of price for out-of- etown Customers. The Web of- Time, by Rev. Knowles, author of St. Cqthbert .- $1.25 Walter 8 con, '_ BARRIE; Why Not poks for is .1 -ms, L. E. Wrigm of,Coll'ing.w`ood spent a few `days with friends in Town last week. "Mr. Tom Cavanagh of Collingwood .spe1'g`i_in_g: a couple of weeks holi- Treasure Valley. by Marian Keith, author of Duncan- Polite - . V Bhristmas ? % BOOKSBY POPULARAUTHORS ALL THE LATEST WHY NOT THE BEST 2 Tononro lnvestnients ` the %Gr'e%ater flue Shouldbe .. .. . .. - --vvJ I1 Otihl VVGIJ "F1351; likely tdhave a,- three-com-' ercd ght for ghc reeveship, the three contestants bexng Reeve vMcDermott, ex-Reeve Train and Dep.~Ree ve Bell; A -....I2`._ 1-- ' DIED. T1s'fE:w1ii%i":?& `STEWART, `BAR. ;xis_t(:f's,.; $o1icitorI,'Not`aties _Puh!i__c, and Goxfeyancers. Money to loan `..in any sums at 5 per cent. Oice, 13 `Owen: street, Barrie. H.-D. Stew. `-5 1-1 n charge. 1 .3-i,'.~5l'."`.vI..;_l)c;`," -D M. scewm. \(. WII"Q`5II3I, alulllso 51.. AI. saws-vi`. I -W. AULT, BARRISTER. ' SOLICI- to`r,. Paoctoy, NouryFCoaveyancer, etc. Special attflltiow in drawing and probatipg wills, obtaining; let- ters of admmutration and 8'-leItdian~ ship, collectiun-g accounts, etc. Of- ices, Ross block, Barrie. Money to am. LENNOX, COWAN & BROWN, Barristers, Solicitors for.. obtaining probate of wills, rdxanolup , and ` administration, an general Solici- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Oices, Hinds block, No.6 Dunlop street, Barrie. `Money to loan at 4% `and 5 per cent. Branch oices at Creemorc and Alliston. -Haugh- ton Len-nox, Alex, Cowan, G. E. J. Brown", L L.B. - G. A. RADENHURST, Barrister, V Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Of- ` ce--Ipst oor Bank of Toronto --Building... Money to loan at low- ] est rates; ` . 4 ~.Comnanv.`-M *Carnenfl~_rna 1...:m:.... H EWSON & cmaswrcxs, BAR-' _1-isters, `Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notancs, _Convey_ancers, etc. Moncyto loan. Ofcc, Ross Block, Barrie. C. E. Hewson,K.C. I. A. E. H. Creswiqkc. STRA1-THY & ESTEN, BA1uus- OA-n 'cAI:A:6A-a :- U:~L f`;-5.4.4. `I ttdgears Post Gugluate work in .. .. ti Go...-"`.e*..,'*"*"::.'z's:.-*z:*#-' A n n ex: ante . rout Hooitnl. laondocr Royal. Loud on as Resident l R lLo d hthul icH - %`;+'.`.`1"h '2. ": .n?:`1:?Y " H : d` Bu 1: E6tEha Emhghm : (:11-irner Mlgm Inn ol?`FIC8--78 Dunno? S-mum`. BARBIE. Phone 51 ` . P. 0. Box. 96. of ological Society. r $70,000 .FOR INVESTMENT good frehold secung at 10 rate "of interest. 0 prin money required ungil end of E1-mi H. H. rathy, Solicitor, , -7 - ------ wan o\o`Io'L\\y\vV\r LJCII. A curling league has been formed by Midland, Elmvale and Penetang. They will play for a cup donated by A-B. Thompson, M.P.P., of Penetang. 1 n `I M- .-.. .r--__ . l L. x F \ { ing, Baf `e, 7;./,V .t_l.1dd- . A . ical . mond `Telephone, V. Main, 1336. Instruc: tio_ns_le'ft with Stxathy 8: Esten, Solicxtors, Bank of Toronto Build- "ill promptly at- ~- ivm L.R.C.P. 8: s. Edinburgh; Jump. I: s. Glasgow --s.t_mamoN_. ANY QUANTITY OF MONEY TO loan at~4'% and 5 per cent. Easv L-_... - n U % ONTARIO LAND sunvdron lam: or Tonoarro auuwma. BAAIIII. ` _ _ nunomc: 1'n.u-noun: 149. :: M. D. 0. ll. ['l`or.) Late of Toronto Generalfoopigal. ollce of the late smith. comer st. DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARR.I'S- 4-- 'c..1:-:...._ -.- 1:>....1. -: rr~-_-.. wr vii PHYSICIAN mo sunczon. (_RIcca:N-ru or Nnw Yonx.) OFFICE AND RESIDENCE: OVER Union Bank. Dunlon SI. Telephone 340. 3 H.T. ARNALL, -M`D-`,C.M., OCFFIC :. 'n..n.....-m.. l..I.....I- An-...n-:.. m i)R. A.`T. LITTLE, late of Churc-1-:-i-ll. Ont. Oice and residence John St., noon nnonno .n`I:anl-nab`: t)In4-ls..- /Ion DR. W. A. ROSS, VPHYSICIAN, Surgeon,-'ctc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R. ` C.P., London. Office and resi- dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- `. `Phone. 77. . ,,-----,..---, um. .. 0 vs a.\-uvtl_I5- L. O. L. No. 450, `Ivy, will hold a concert in their hall on Friday, Dec. 18th, when Mr. Harry M. Bennett, Miss Pearl O Neil and others will act as entertainers See posters. I rm... \.r:_-:_ _ A - .- DR. ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye, .Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. ~ DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 Carl- ton St., _Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N-Y.,) Eye-and Ear` Hospital, will be at 67 Owen S_t., Barrie, ' every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear .Nose and Throat. `Consultation ~ hours 11 am. to 5 p.m., and by ap-, pointment. HIRAM a DHVQICIAAI ..._ 1-an--4u-_-. .LLl3 JJl'lIa.I.a 1 .I.'_'L41`\1V.l.`1V`.1 -Cqmpanx. Carpentering, building, *_3_n.d:~manufacturing of doors, sashes, _l2li.!id8.,_-mOi1ldi&S, _etc.' Planing. of_ (21! kinds, desks: rtnpgr and *sasis-- -f.I.. t;a .luf9t }. rxint kiln-A . . .nVcv..:3V `fart; *, . E51 " i-e;.tlyy5Ih_ right place. _ 1 &_ .f}QW _-Printing _Depar` tyof this c1355 _ Iv - .0rdeI4'Z`your. wedding 1.` '1. a\sL :29 L 421! A)l`Il.l.\1nJ' q.L.|,J. tn , tcrs, Solicitors in .High Court of Justico, Notaries Public, Convey- anccrs. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums of `$2,000 and upwards, to Ioan at 5 `per cent. H. H. Strathy,` K.C., G. H. Estcn. ---- 3943:1511 I. K11` To loan` at~4% Easy terms of re-payment. Lennox, Cowan & Brown, `Solicitors; Barris- OCI III. :1 Barrie. C.u~s`to.r r:stwil'l e asked to remit the duty on the new colors of the 35th Regt. It" is felt that -the ags: are-really the property L bf the Domrnion (of _.Cana_.d_a. 1'1`-hey are not manufactured m thxs country. n.. ur...I..--_u-__ 7951455411 \\luJhJ, J.4|.JoaJ., J.I(1A\l.V.l.uJ' ter, 'S_olicitor, ctc._ Bank of Toron- to Buxlding, Barrie. Money to loan. . ; x.|.\;1 J1.1.4Lu tu.uJJ',\e.J.u ., kid.` 1` 11.41.`; ii Bothwe1I s, block, Allandale. On the premises at night. j- __ II J. (lo D. IDVIXLVD, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Oice , and Residence: `William Street, Allandale. Tele- phone 3o 3. -At`, Stroud. Oice: 2 `to 4` p.m. .MOn'day to Friday. I ___________________________ .\/---. \./nuux. auu |\..aIuI;uuc Juuu DI. near corner Elizabeth, Phone 213. . MANUFACTURERS. .____--___-_._..._...--__.._........ upmzv TO LOAN. sURvEvo;;s.. PHYSICIANS. oO_OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO< Q -__.__..__..._.._..__... _l_"_INANCIAL. :. EVANS, p:YsIc1AN, no I` .... -- c._ 0: xvuu . SCCIITII N at l0WCSt 'nferest. `V a` principal `aired of the I. Itathy, etc., cA|( 'RIi';`,` BARBIE." 96 " \Ir'l\IU1l, Iv-- LICENEED Auconml AVLIo LUIII L/GVGIICSU U1 is `spending day with his parents. Ill\lIII|VL)l'JlJ ("I98 5 -V - ~* ron `rm: couN_1'v or gamcoia-3 Most reasonable terms gwen 0 ' ' Stock Sales "A________/ An 8-horsepower Boiler and 3' horsepovger Engine, made by *5`; Poison Co. Toronto. a:-- KIVII $90 L III VH5`!- . Having installed gas in our offfce. we have the above for immcdxatc Advance Office BA RRIE. E MAKES voun sxmg $1.1m: VELVET + n-`cc- .qvon I\` 11I\1'.`YW{`|\7", 2 wnu ue cuargea. ` Advertisers will not be allowed for udvertlsing anythin r q own regular business. Sbuud transient. rates will be charged vertiaementsgg Ujau acorn-r on-5a..-.-`and uo>vwu--._-- Privste Funds to loan on first not; cages. Correebondence solicited. Omce. Bank of Toronto Building. Own Street. Ban-`o. Ont. Miss chrisiine Gray of Me_aford was the guest of Miss Violet Mmgay for aAfew days last week. ` `FBI-.. ' CONDENSED AD\'ERTI8I{ME.`{'r3_ Condensed advertisements on first pages; as wants or all kinds, lost and found, prom for sale or-to rent, specic articles. etc. etc must be accompanied with the cu;-sh. and wt. be in|ert4ed--first insertion 2 cents per -0,; each Iubseguent insertion 1 com 110]` won: names,a.d esses and gures counted as words; In a reduction of one cent per word Wm be made when the number of insertions ofsam matter exceed four ,. Baker's, Cream, Twist. Vien- na Sandwich, Fruit-Loaf, at 5c. Brown or genuine Home Made iuread. IQAKES. PAS_T_l`lY,CREAM` v----- - --- - c.` -- PUFFS, `Fresh Daily.` ] nusunncs AGENT. CONVEYANCER, ETC. mam AND PLATE cuss msmmcn , A__-. _..-D Dwelling 1 roomskstablo. drive Ixmxsmbeds M and nea.x'ly_3 of acre of land in garden and lawn: Corner of Peel and Wellington Streets, Bani Dwelling-6 rooms, stable and shed. Lang. loton Peel Street. ' 1\nnI-do Juvn.lnn- aunnm- .`... ., n. IIJDUU FCC?! Dll'UCt~ Double dweuling. 6 rooms in each. 0n(`lap. perton Street. Vacant lot, 31 of an acre, on Penetanguishene Street. Apply to F`. M. I\1ONTGO.\IEI .Y, A0}! I) .. ..z . 'PHON E 250, or drop us a I`o.~'Ia1if_vov:` would like something good in a loaf of our Machine mace :- A I Boilerscfngine For Sale. L Gnu for adverulemenls mm! In em ` case be mounted on sand luelal loam 1 T n , - ,,-- ---..--..-- ovum vu Inn vluaa uvuublg. ` On Wednesday evening of last week, Warden Bar_r became the re- cipient of'a gold watch at therhands of his fellow members of the county council, as a token of esteem. Reeve Garden made the presentation which lwas made the occasion of an inter- change of `pleasant:-ies. `I 1'1 1- I I nluuu U! cu DUll'~l1"I'lU1V g 81 mar Ammm in Advance H'No new name will he'addedto'the Sub llflnn '.`A` Inuit}! `LA -.4_.- 1- _.'.IJ BBOWN SBAKFYl T? Tat - Annno circnhth-mt .411- THos,sMwH5 Barrie Propey For Sale. ":WEl)DI_lG INVITATION j-j , .nl 42tf iMb0NKMA-1~ITsv5 GLYcED0.\`-IA. h CRAIGHURST, om . COUUIICIAL CONTRACT TH: Nosfraznu Aowmc: ~,.`.0F.. Address J ennett,| tut)" 00 I0 for such Id. `Mr. Noah Grose has returned! from New Lxskeardi T ` . T Jk lu Barrie. +aae:ea.m:.`1ar`%%thsn beggmbgs Ag-=`_-t 11 will bcnished in time `for tigtms .maiIs.. : - \ 1`: 59Plati.nums. in Ifqlders are hdvhmg `1 E` I great run Vthxsf-season. ;IS\_`fRIE_ ~R_AILVi_A1f GUIDE. V 9 boooooooooooooooouooooo I Vpoxma ta _ Going South. , 46--. "'4.45 am. ,--Cobalt 3 ecial 54- 7.30 am. -From- rilfi 62- 8.00 am. -From Meaford ' . to Toronto 44-V-9.35 a.m.--From Gravenhurst ' to Allandale (mixe'd.)A 64--12.5o p.m.--From North Bay J68-5.15. p.m.--From Gravcnhurst Collingwood and Meaford. V "33--10.25 37% 7.50 F. Frank VJacksonV < V4 Pholtographm-._ % = IIll'lllIUIIo To V . From 5 No 54-7.30 a.m.` Nd. 53-1I.oo.a.m. 56-525 p.m. "` 55-- 8.95 pm. Daily including Sunday. `runs 61 svnscmrwxon. '1-Iarnilton. `From bio. 62-7.55 a.m. AfI__I (IE I\ on - 7 u.- 22--7.55' am. 26--5.25 p.m. qa .|..v/ yau. 56.-5.25 V p.rn. From. % 1 'coi1;gwd,?;~,%kogi1iia ` i .,-A\`yil1-.:likl`)V V`"`. ' 118*. holi- ems _ ,` 3:663-'yli a+ n-` an ti; .na!fs;b:%;ihe icpfns, last: T h_';h_as: ah ._ unch, the `way} .On!_lxg Vise .workmg,. they also should hem front. Midland `at tstwantaed; to-' travel. `in. senior company, ,bqt when -they saw the clubs entegtng the Senior 0." H. A., they pulled in their horns.--Enterprise. T .` . P `N , II I L`, """' 1j'gf?_.'j'. .I :7 ij'ri:e{'r :`Ho"i1se on '51` hursdayeand Friday. `even.- u ive audiences, and theproduction was well - worthy-, of the patronage. be:-_ng "merits ever seen` here. The Goddess of Fame, Mrs. Edward Brown. . of Peterboro, suited her part to perfec- tion, in fact, all` of the characters were well taken, each. callin-g forth `a burstof enthusiasm from the; specta- tors. -Offthe humorous side; Miss Florence Armstrong, as '-Bridget O Flannigan, and e-Miss `Mary, Payne, as CarrieNatioir, were splendid. The stage settings were g'0.0d and the man- agers, Messrs. K. Dreyer and `C. M'ay, deserve great praise. -Miss Grasett acted as accompanist. A -Mrs. Cres- wicke, Mrs Burton. and Mrs. `Laid- man,ethe directors of the affair, were unfailing. in their efforts to- makeit a success. Mrs. Creswicke, through illness, ,was unable to appear at either performance. . e of :.Fam.e', {`u t_ider.V-th muted ia,usr>1ccs= of. the .Q9}.1i..e.rl Stresfv. Meth6'd;1st=.Cl_1u rch" choir and the Y:L.. `~iP..A:r of Tr1nrty"Church,_at`*t_he"O$>era ; ings last drew large andmappreciat-. one "of the best amateur. entertain-' :Vho_;mgkes tho; hes: nver.pi1u? no i"-- Ce j4!r -Com-n1.`Jof .v;hav-%b=Iam sin: H - 4 l Engineer-'3 Report. _ g R. Jupp, -County Road Engineer. submitted his report for the year, I9o8,wbeing the sixth annual report; on county roads. The total expendi-` ture ,on the system was $47,801.31.` Of this amount $19,434.48 was ex`-} pended in repairs to roads previously, `constructed, the balance-, $18,366.83,` being expended in making. permanent roads, including bridg`es and culverts. The material used for metalling war unscreened `gravel and crushed stone, the machinery being road graders, stone crushers, plows, scrapers and rollers. Edenvale bridge had been completed at a total cost of $20,884.84. i `The average wa'ges_.paid was_ $1.50 per day per man and `$3.25 per day `no neon dnrl O-noon The County's Business.| -ter the petition. __ t Legislation. - ` A resolution carried ordering that the Ontario Legislaturebe memorial-I ized to prohibit the killing of deer in. the County of Simeoe for a period ofi five years. The local members of t_he Legislature will be asked to look em I The `County Council, after resum- ing work on Wednesday afternoon` last, nished the year s grind on Fri- day. A fairly large amount of busi- ness was transacted. Work in con- nection with roadsqand bridges con- tinues to be the leading feature in county aaxrs. ` ` ' ~Accou"nts were passed as follows: C.` G. Strange, balance for services as turnkey, $16.00; Tp. of Tecumseth. removal of J. Rolly to Mimico Asy- lum, $14.00; I. J. Mitchell, mileage and commission re equalizing assess- ment, $5.00. V P DI` 5- `pt In llbl-VVVVII avaaluua. ' ' It was `decided to grant the Village of Bradford $200 for repair of streets damaged by the heavy loads hauled over them an lling the approaches to the Holland River bridge, provided that thevCount`y'of York make a sim- ilar grant. ` - - ' On Friday night his fellow board- ers at the Simcoe `House presented Mr. George Irwin, as,,a .remem'brarace `of his recent marriage, with'a com- -fortable -Morris `chair `and a beautiful `table lamp. (; -apt. Harry: Black read` a humorous address a'n`dr ?Mr. Frank e Cassells made ' the` `presentation. Speeches, rphonograph -"selections, "re- citations_ and rsohgs '-, VQ*I.'l_\tl'.1j_')rlVI`.;e__Q,-" 1{()V.(rv">a thor9u g hly": e;ij`6_'ya_ re entire: 3 `T yv; `III PHI IIIGII ` i for man and team. A -committee composed of the Warden, the Engineer and the `Chair- man of Roads and.B"ridges was ap- pointed .with authority to order pay- ments to municipalities to thejamount of $500 in excess of the amounts to .'the. credit of their good roads ac`- counts, in cases of emergency arising; between sessions. A - TA. _-_, .j_,fj, A, ` . .1 -Iraq: I _. ------ -u ' _ I _The. usual grant of $_25 to the North Slgmcoe Teachers Inst1tute'was- pass- Dgbgffes of Town of...MidlandA for $4,000 were guaranteed by the county. ` I - - ` '51- .r\. u . -u-4 ` `on n It was recommended `and passed that the cost of building bridge be- tween Tiuy and Penetang , amounting to $3855.1o,`be charged to the-good roads account of these municipalities and that a grant of $1285.00 be given, this being one-third of the cost. . The" gxfantf-V `C'I;';er'nore and of $100 to Tottenham was order- ed to b_c placed to the credit qf gheir -respective good wads appropnat1on`s. 1 nuxdrnioe`-1" of accounts `were! [ordered to be paid. ' ' I `Stephens and Thbs} Beecroft were appointed auditors for the year YIIIEII Ask `your doctor about these `throat coughs. He will tell you how deceptive they are. ;_A rtickling in the throat often means serious trouble ahead. fully to -your `doctoist end.-`esku Better explain Jyou r- casecarea; himtt:I1 ! vow` ukinluwe : Throat _`?u_9"S_ - --- -I-\rI1 Irrwhruli rilivlllliv .; An 8 Page 48 column Nowuiuper. -3 Published tnomthe cam. 12: Dunlop Btreet. Barrie. in the County of Simooe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada, every Thursday Mo:-nin,.by -wcsuzvacaaw. Pnopmrrons Fina} Sessign Over. Roads and Bridges- Wu. ppblluh out-;h,rnu'l_u Educafiqn. Finance- Qvernment ;.Wi11 Bsld W. _. { Vy`,9,n`e-third .9fthe* im1'o u ntjx'_pend- T ed. ~-i; .4je-?.L one_-thuid Q 328.366-,83.T a$1>cr statinte in that -healf. ~ j ` r'_..--:`I' -.`nnaAA` ,oneI\1u6:t\u\ `agar-non V ..v vv -uu -vuu nu uuuvu IN MIG uuu 1;;tlon List unutgl the `money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three mbnths and over will be charged 31 50 per annum. V ' Council ' `t_l|l}E~ an sq _a1? :;esgtiq;A':;cog- % nizing the 'valu;gbfe semces `perform- 'ed` V Enginetgirfjupp during` the year. Mt; upp j;r_e's_.pondd in s1'1itablece"rms. j .1iduse o"Reuge. ' .V some Adiscusiotlri arose" `over a `re-. 'byf`th cozjinxittce recommending .pa_yment of~ $7oo*pr annum to. the Village .,Of Beetom jot '3, supply _of I9,_L1 -._j-',,,-4_`, ;37*;'u';1;:i..:"' B:z::.n'*;`:'"s?.;p5ry jfxght andlwater toQthe' House of Re- ` ` ` V In: In 1... 4-; 'Coun_:illors :GoE}'1tt. and Bfowh pro-? {posed in `endment _to the effect ,that "the c unty'enter,1nto a contract with the.Vi11a-ge for one year at the rate of 11C per thousand watts for lightand Iscper thousand gallons for! water, the county to pay for the met- ers used. ` . ;Mitchel1-Goodeve moved in amend-! ment to the amendment that the rates for water and light be IOC and 11c respectively. - . j When,` your grabber-ggs tubes leak `nd the leakV,gby;~app1y1-`ng. a lighted %math along, the; h0{se~.1. .ma.rk the place ` :i:n1cr.x it`1;%%& h.O1.9j.i.bY..I191x7in8:"I1e1t;d` ` 3' .6: it; :.'I,fhis:~,tOps*~th*=:;_ - ` " 79a `Chairman Pierson presented` the yearly report of the institution which showed thenumber of inmates to be .69, sotmales and 19 females. There were to deaths during 1908. The crop yield was: 300 bushels ofwheat, 300 bushels of barley, 7oo bushels of oats, 25 tons of hay,` 60 bushels of potatoes," 1400 bushels of mangels and bushels of trurmps. Governor Swan- was commended for his satisfactory work. ' (-Continued on Pae Five.) If you wantto cut,glassan'd have .not\.a.Lg`1asf cutter handy, hold. the `glass .m_'1der water, w and] the scissors - and hands, .and cut as yon would a `piec_e' of'pap er. _Be sure and keep all` Lander water. > L may be made to look, `as!'goo.d as new by washingthem in ;old,~Suds and `ironing th-e__m just be- ;sho't1lgl...;b'e. '_placed'*~'ov.er' them before 7 x % -. . J] bre-'th'ey -getudryi. 'A-..piec of linen" ~%,9ssin.1....th`e irQn:1vhih" Shouli not - ~----------- -----u- cu -- : -.- --v T ,:fTmin arrivals and deprtutes at.` -Igg-';from Barri: are as follows : G053! llbtths ' '!q,m47- `I245 a.m. --Cobalt Special -dop. \vll.00 a.m_. {"' nyenhumt `- A 65.-.--V 3.50 pm. -North Bay f * 67-8.oo `pan.-_-From Toronto to . Meafogd ' 55- l8;o5 _ -Or1ll1a -7--.` -_d . 5 'l"he last motion carried-~ on a vote` [of 2910` go, .Vt;1;et1`.';(;asting meat in an openl pan, wetta clean white muslin cloth "meat is much. nicer. ar_1d layover the t_op of the meat, it wall. keep_ from gettmg hard and does not require` bastmg so often, and the AooooooooooioooooooooooooooI gooooooooooooooooooooooooo 0 Odds 3.?! Ends 9 l To make strong buttonholes-Place ;a- fine piece of muslin or lawn under- neath the buttonhole and work it |s_ame- as usual. When_it is all nish- fed cut away the muslin close to the I stitch. i To remove tea, coffee, cocoa or` t chocolate. `stains .soak in cold water` fst, then place the stain over` a bowl 'and`` pour boiling water thqugh it,` Holding the tea` kettle at 3, height to ensure force. . . . t ' clean `a <}i&"or tinsel belt, dipl. a brush in powdered lgurnt alum and lean as. you would with plate powd- er. ..!Bu_tn the alum, let it get cold, rcrush yne and sift through coarse. ; muslin before using. . nu , i E.7V'ifbMr1;2;l;V;pi;;iow, to" a. cup of }strame`d applesauce add the unbeat- ;_enVwhites of two eggsiand sugar to tas_`te.'_ _B cat hard with an egg heater- vfo; twenty Vmi-_nutes`; then pile `on _a. fch11l_e d glass dash and sefve at _once. ,_ _.,._. -_ _- - --- -u-uwuu To. make `celery sandwlches, chop one-quarter of "a cupful of celery ne. Mix with one hard-`boiled egg pressed through a sieve, and sufficient may- ylonnaise dressing to moisten proper- !.y. ' ' - i .'It is~-not generally known that wringing out a cloth in hot water and 7wiping the furniture, before putting `on furniture cream, will result in a very high "polish that will not nger mark. ` . i Z` .nails"are fragile a little `wax and alum rubbed. upon them will strengthen them. If brittle a. little almond oil or cold cream will be found benecial. . J. H. Laughlin, deputy game war- den, of, New Lowell,` laid an informa- tion against Joe Sawyer, an. Indian from Nottawasaga, for taking musk- rats out of, season. IConsta.ble `Wm. ..Sweeney.executed the warrant, and brought Sawyer to Barrie when P.` M.` IRadenhurst imposegl a ne bf $5 wgnd costs, amountmg In all -to. over 15. 2 .. r E Turpentine mixed "with carbolic acid and kep_t in open vessels about the room will greatly lessen the risk. of contagion in. scarlet fever, diphth- ; eria, and kindred diseases. `Orange juice with cracked ice ca oftep `be taken by a patient who can 1'Et2m nothing else, `I : ,.,c, ` 3 ` If nei'vou`s womcxi would only drink gmcre vsater they _would `not be so inervous, says a tramed nurse. `l'.`_,`1I :- . -.._ -.-4- up vnI~Ial\l\D JIIAJDI-g N `For `bleeding of the mouth or tong- ue a wash- ix: dold water in which a1un_1 has been dissolved is `very ef- fectxve; ` Common `alum _melted in an iron spoun c-vcr hot coals forms an ex- %ceedi-ngly strong cement for joining- g'lass,"china or breakages of any kind. . -_-- ..,. -_.--- '_ Ir. packing away hats see that they are not crushed in any way, and pack plenty of tissue paper around them to exclude any possible dust or light- C..'..-11 _1---- _r ,.n -- V., .__'f...... ....-i l.v--._ V . ~ u u U u vs u5uL- l Small doses of cod -liver oil are very trrseful for children who catch cold easily. They should be given two or three times a day directly af- ter food.` ' - Kerosene vgrill remove tar, varnish, and other hke substance from (the hands. and-_will also cleanse varnish bx-usl~.eAs. * - A dash of vinegar added to the water in which eggs are poached will do much to prevent the eggs break- ling in the cooking. the teeth nothjn-g is better tha -ve drops of lemon Juice in `a glass of` water. `It will remove the tartar and sweeten the breath. V ', I W`hen the House of Refuge` was established. at Beeton", _tha;, municipal-V Aity granted `free water`-`ai1(_l light to_ the institution" for _ten years This- privilege ' expired `on ` Dec; I~st,., and a new. deal became,-nggg9sary.v.;:`< The- County = Council * 3.'.t'{ ,`:,t:'l )'e:` -s.sesTsio;n_ ,j_1,i$t -elps;d entered` *'inti`c6] an} _g!-r1'.h=ng-n1n_t' f fox-_ .-oneee-year. T `hubby _`[Wa[1':r, -7W'ill.':e.bve;, V :;`8upp_l-ied{"'Bj.`th e~Vill@;gg`Fid `e-fa `t 1.th__e`gjHOu.sg:fv.:df{.=_Rf1.g ft); `e thbusand ` -1-` ?5

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