Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 26 Nov 1908, p. 5

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M! nd 5.41` ly , av A` In: - T ~. '~' "" ."'*` ?-'.<'.*'"""'~ ': . 5- There shall =be;fjaised and {levied in" each `year duringtthe currency < of said Debentures or"vhn3 of them by special- rate "on"\al1 ` `efr`atea,ble prpg erty of said Munici lity`,_inT [th sax[1e' manne?! as _other `t _ `es_`a_r,e qlevied,*';`a V `sum `suicient to" ;-and Adischaijzgg L the `said severaitjre Jy. sums _,fof j jcipal _ and` `interest . s. accming `V ~djue ,j ajsi. ` spec: shall be.payable at th _ determine. _ ---__, -J -aunvvo-' 2. That the said ~, ebentures to be so `issued for thes '_d sum of $11,000 shall bear interest ' _the rate of 4% per cent. per annu`_' payable yearly, such Debentures sh` ll be payable in twenty annual 'suce:$five instalments such annual instal nts of principal and interest to"`be -_f such amount` that the aggregate mount payable` for principal and int est in any year shall be equal as ne ly as may be to what. is payable of p` ncipalandinter-1 est during each `of t V `other years _of said period,andvone ofaguch instalments of principal shall beigpayable in one year from the" nalgiiipassing of this By-Law and the re p ining nineteen instalments of princi 1 shall `be pay.-, able on the same da } in each of` the (19 nineteen succee ` _ g` years and said yearly instalniits `of interest 'same.time and each of said Debent ` `,s `shall include the whole. arfiount of nterespayajble - that year ,or coup "for `interest shall be attached to ach Debenture as the Mayqr and thy'_ Treasurer shall ~ 3. That the said liebentures as to principal and imerest; shall be pay- able at the Branch, the Bank of Toronto in the said = own of Barrie. 4. That it shall .b&i-lawful for the `Mayor of the said unicipal Corb- oration and he is. h __cby authorizfd and instructed to and issue the said Debentures, here 1 y authorized to be `issued, and the. 3' terest ,coup,oLi1s (if any) attach_ed,_ the .e ` 44 . toziand )t<`r5 9 I I the same also to -.;j sxgned~"1(a}y`.:'. `Treasure: : of - ithe s .,:- ;. Miinicf 71'. and` the Clerk 'ofthe . icliihicipal ? V , is h;ere.,by'_ ' authorize, ; and V_,_instru_tjaf 5 to. `at'tac h}`.- the sefal; Jl`jthe1; said; . uifof "7 -:_cipalit3;;;t6I (the ~ said`; _'beiitu1:,S}; .1 .`d any` I. That to raisethe said sum of $11,000 _for the pix : ses, aforesaid, it shall be lawful for e Corpofation of the said Municipa y. to issue _ De- bentures of the -sat `Muncipality to saidamount in sus not less than $100 each, Qayab ` within twenty years from the datelgof the nal pass- ing of this By4Law.L' ' 'I`l._; ' And 3 whereas th whole rateable pr Municipality accor vised Assessment sqssment `Roll for; $3,175,012. 1 _.- can I will a T 'I:lw1;:x"e'forc, the : tion 'of the; Town follow} :` And whereas he said Corporation holds an option om the owner there- of under which , esaid property can be purchased fr , from incumbrances for.the sum oft $11,000.00, provided the"option is accted before the First day of February JD. 1909. And whereas te said Council have deemed it expedi t to raise said sum lby Debentures, payable in twenty years, `with inter payable yearly. `And whereas it `raise annually ing ,the term of ytyyenty years her fter.rnen'tioned. by. special rate to pa" the said debt, to be created by this iy-Law, and -inter- vest thereon the s V 'of'$845.64 _ . A9111 ' .L.._..--- A ' t., at. .4{/2 per i`=n.t-, ill be `necessary`to ` And whereas, the; cunt of 4the.e'x- isting Debenture- Vebt of the said ,Municipality is $ ,273.69 of which inoxpartv either of igrincipal or of in- iterest is injarrear. .. -- - ------J I t uA...I MCI E for .the of?` 5 acc % ` A~_.'j. Trfxenvsame to Park and Recr 3 lake, shore. V Westpside of the. East side. cf:-bed in the . n to George Lount, dated 14th May` .1851, excepting theres out and therefr the portion hereto- fore sold_ and c nveyed to the North-. _.ern Railway \C(3npany of Canada by `deed registered s No. 39222, also ex- cepting any otl `r portion thereof at this date in p session of the said` Railway Comp ny, also excepting, all that portion thereof shown upon registered Plan E o. 347, as Lot num- ber SIX. ' . -- .v 9|-\.I\.\|. 1. Idle: LVUI The above t tee parcels containing about one and thr`ee`-ft_h acres more or less. T/h1:dly.-{-L number sever cording to re stered Plan; No. TL- -1---- ` ` I ' V {Secondl-y.- -? the West Sid cording to re excepting the th " " istered Plan as Lot numbe Firstly. _ East side " fourteen in fegistered one Alfred. deed numbe thereof inclu number 347, i: `bet seven. . . oi larly descri ed 'ed the `Mr. J{1;t'ice Hodni gms, celebrated . 111 Toronto; W Lundy s La_'n'.e _ I 13th` ,- anni-{M .. `,;__ , 1 of g. of Ba.rrie,.more particu- as, follows . " ' John , Street, and ' Lot ear thereof according to an. No. 115, excepting therefrom all that por- f e sold and conveyed to- - ~Wice, by registered ed In registered Plan 9863, and that portion. dknown as, Lot num-D ayeld street and on ` John street as des.- : iginal patent thereof ro ayv there- :fr ! North-. ed said` rnp excepting: .u uxuccu U11 IIICI I Pot number thirteen `on of: Bayeld stree/t ac- 'stered Plan, No- II5, out and theyefrom all ere9f' included in reg- mber 347, and known seven. seven ac- cfnrnrl D11-nan K7 ---- V be used _for a Public! Ftion ground on the; 5 amount of the erty of the said ng to the last _Re- 1], being the As- the `year 1908, is` ithe Eases. `it y.to `II.-..-:__I2L-, 1 `ed 347j'V parcels. E9`-ffh 2It`fna- or-A-4: churph yesterdavy-* " `V V` ,1 The. Shah of PVisi4:L% A ilonstitution 9"` "' Lundy's 'Lan(eA ed 113th` anni~V?55`7y '5 `lmicipal Corpora- . Barrie enacts as , ` . 7 `7?ii*s[:A,.5%I9Cutchg<>n am Miss `M`i`!1`9$f;*A.M0V' A Margie: , . MESH.-_.are.... % " gausm. 2M v_is_1tmg - -..`~..u.-.1 V arnfel ;A;as .~:; g'ue_st of MISS VM. "Ro\"ve Sun- ? ..-`a-:'- v "- - - ...,_' --- _ -\IIOJO `Mf;'{J:5hz1:AMarls: wa ixi~51ColweIl on a;x1d_ _s1\V_yIL9qday, on _business. \, t.". ...' "1 _.L- [4 3 T 1 :CQLWELL.. % VGa1i'ley spent"St'1nday in on 3 alue une, :pIo.oo; Maurice Gavil- ler, surveying through lots` Nos. 7, 8, 9 and 10 on 6 Con. , $2240; Jas. Bell, `lling wash-out, $I.oo;. Jas; Jennett, llingwash-out, $2.00; John McNaull, bonus 37 rds wire fence, $5.55; -Mrs. R. Little, bonus 83 rods wire, fert- ce, $12.45, Dundas-Erwin.--That the Clerk be instruted to request the engineer _to' detenninethie w`a-te_r course on 15 side .line in 'c_omp}i&_1nef with .the petition lpresented 'on'_1'jth',e, ratepgyers. " -L A Ra..-I=.'..u... ..--'- r~---J' ' _ , V_Vv-- as vgu _ yup; llLU`.Iq.yCI5. . p_BAy._-Lqpw was introduced appoint- 1r_'1g' t:me..a:d_ place for township elec- `uons, nomination to be held at Ivy on Dec. 28,._at. the hour of I o clock p.m. ` . ~ F. .C(fiii1ciller Banting was empowered` [topay'toj -Fisher 8: Bell the sum of if-_xfte'eI`I%..(lOlIars re~..assignment; of Jas. ,:Hill.,'.t:;;Ms omelly. .. ` ,' p(i4l ,~.p:_u_.d1``ourne(l to meet. in 'f'tl3Tel {5th day of Dec. L J` >`:,":~hV"l`II1l\On-n-pup _- _' The Council met pursuant to ad- journment on Wednesday, Nov. 18th. All members present. The Reeve in the chair. * Payment of the following accounts was ordered: Ferguson Kidd, open- !ing.dtich on 7 Con., $42.00; Cooks- town "Agricultural `Society, grant to fair, $20.00; John Gauley, cutting fal- len timber and putting out re on 15 side road, $8.00; W. E. Stoddart, printing, $25.00; Jas.vSproule, repair- ing road, $11.50;` John Dunn, rep. hill on 5 side line, $Io.oo ;`M'aur1ce ler. survevinnr nu-n....i. in. M - 0 EVENTS 61-` THE IZ- I3` ; 14' '15- 16. ,I7- 13- 19' 20- 9.` ' That; the? aid Clerk Council shall ' Council Cham January, 1909.. fet :on ~" the .ithergf.:L,` ' Manda of . A electox-s_ '_`f }shall be .._...._..__ Essa COUNCIL. votes of "the duly [qualified if the .said Town of Barrie taken on this `By-Law on A. gs.` . : T=i!=%9j oj1`oc1;;=:n'm e ml D,nt1nu1ng~unt1l- 5 o 1qk in 011 2" flag 11-uAA_...-__4 , Montreal pone ' . ~. _ a c are Still at a In Fccount for the murder `Of; ..- uuucnncnuoned 1" following Deputy "bi-`di_visibn NB.;1,:-at Wm. o'p:- Fred. M_a:r,{ Deputy -diw_'iisibn No. 2; at Mar- ` John Clayton,` Dcputy _`cers,, that is to say, in- T g;ay'9:4 tn ;- nal passing - I Thursday,_ the 31st day .at the Council Cham- Town of Barrie, at 2 ; afternoon, the Mayor .writing signed by him 3 attend at the nal f the votes, and one d at each of the polling of the persons in- desirous of promoting ........-us uuuu 3 UCIOCK In at the undermentxoned 7` th `F(\1`!'nn;nn- f\-*-`-" ` u_..auuua U1 promotmg his B_y-Law, and_ a hke 0115 Interested In and osing the passing of` Clerk of the said! his ofce in the said` 1' on,the 5th_ day of` the hour of 2 o c1ockl , sum up`the.numb'er] {M am: -~---4 'f' en into considera- be nally passed . he Corporation of -`u in the event of` eelectors being -ob-. '1: one month from thereof. in The .1 newspaper,- pub- 1` Town of Barrie, :h'}`g.aid` rst" publica- m `n is Thursday, the reber, 1908, and at .d -ilaceg therein; x- ze {totes of electors, hel. ` . [1 day of Nov., 1908. EDONNELL, . Town Clerk. `1('l second time in he 16th Nov., 1908. Dthat the above is proposed By-La,w.{ [I911 1.11}/\. nu..n.',l -..( wurxcs '1`. Moatt, law WW3. committed suiTcidef'b) h1mself. v V. ` Montreal police still a_t . gccount '-mI.u'der71'Of" 36% I926 I927 `1928v'~ 1929 1910 1911 1912 I913 1914 1915 I916 I917 I918 _ 1919 1920 I92I 1922 1923 `I'l\/I . No.---- -_-v navIIIlLI\r` against the ; $1 3' per qllB1'l'Ql' (00. 26c nerton less than t.o_n ratestwlll be given to tgrypers m_d .ot.hers from shed. g 1'0 "`u. ~ __,, , . , in` . . every Austria 15 att`:p5negt"v1i: to wag. _- Possible to DYOVO C t at-,6, said to` Sedition 811d wires of Ihdia; spreading to a1lDI33;:5 of `P ais'] beexfyappoited RN81 Dm1l}I" it Charles T._ M053?! iigglpby connmtted 51"`: ' A " 501' August. 30.80 `par (011: $0.01 ! pill` HI". HI ' 31.80 per quarter ton. `L379:-`September $7.06 pen-ton. $3.00 per half ton. $1.86 per quarter ton.- ' -`For October ton. 3:1 65 per half ton. , ` ruuarter ton. , . For November 37. per ton; 33.78 per half ton ~ V I W A u - Qn nnrinn 124:: I% :lll.mdvm tn KICEIIJKIIJ I BDJJUUIIJJ -l'IEl\.).I.`a5 [IKE CII60 I May 1st as follows: For May 86 66 1- ton 83.10 per half ton. J5 nnr mm.r-tar um-- 1'0!` may {II no per wu ` V0-W 4 . . $1.75 per quarter ton. For June $6.75 per ton. , $3.45 per half ton. ~ 31.7.`: per quarter ton. For J nly 06.85 1- ton. $3.50 per half ton. per quarter ton. ' per nuu; con. . 95 per ton. 88.55 per 1111! ton 1-90 ner aunt-tar mn. will be sold strictly for Caahgonly. Payment must be made; bgtore or when-order is given or deli very. hnllvnnn wm'ha. mgan. nnhinnt. tn innnnnfslnn or ueu. very. A Deliveries will be made subjoet to impaction on arrival, and it not satisfactory, may be re- tnrned when vmoney will be promptly and vchoertnll refunded. V I -GBEA LY REDUCED PRICES take eect `law 1:! an fnrnrn I ' ~ Sheep lanclvlambs were steady und- er a comparatively light run. The ho_g market, _though unchanged as to pnce, IS inc_Imed to be easier again, as the Britxsh market for hog pro- ducts is very weak. Quotations on Tuesday were :- Export cattle choice . . . . . . ..8 4 75.. 'medium....... ..... 425.. cows and bull: . . . . .. 3 5.`... Butoherf, picked . . . . .. . 4 40 . -' good logdu .... .. 4 oo.. medium .. 3 50.. cove. choice ..... 3 10 . Common cows . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 . (lumen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00.. Choice stockers... ; . . . . . .. 3 00.. Light awoken... . . . . . . . .. 2 00 . liiloh coin. choice . . . . . . . . 50 00. . medium togood...... 30 00.. 8 ringers ......... 00.. _ lvee. ...... 3.00.. Slaeepmwee..........,....,... 825. ,9` lhncluond cull`: 2.00.. Sp`rix_:g Lumbe,` 4.00.. Boga, ee_Leot...... 5 75. Spot_ C'as1}_Only Zflllll lA\l _ C3315 Milch covirs and springers were ra- ther slow of sale -to-day, and were perhaps $5 a head off from the prices that have prevailed. This is owing to an easier market at Montreal, and to the fact that they have been offer- ing rather freely lately. It needed a very choice cow to-day to bring more than $60, and the average price paid [was about $50. ' l\II\I` The principal demand for feeders and stockers is now over, as most of [the distillery byres have been lled -up. There is still a fairly steady call for them from the farmers, but prices are easier. The cutting off of the outlet for the rough slight eastern cattle to the United States markets does not seem to hav_e impaired local trade to any extent. `f.I c ;DORENWE1lNIml';'CO.f or 1`oizoN 1"o;.'Lca.; % "#1" mm- , __,, J 73:37. ss':=.'::.".==.:e*: "l`UF.s,nAY Dec; 1... ~ % L, While the local butcher trade is improving, "the present mild weather is unfavorable for it, and as this is the season of demand for-poultry and gan'1e"frade iii b'eef"is not up -to nor- mal. Still, any choice cattle are tak- eniup very quickly by butchers at con- siderable premiums over the ordinary run. Picked butcher cattle sold to- day up to $4.50, and choice loads up to $4.25, but the great bulk of those [for--local killing brought from $3.25 3 to $3.75. . Export trade was practically at 3. st dst'1l 5 th ` o , th m?ket'ta-3ay o? u?1eq`$Z1a?`. A {the ocean vessel space has been" en- igaged "up to Decebmcr 5 from Port- ; land. -. vn vusu, L uCDUay. @Another dull market to-day was the [The run was only moderate, amount- Iing to 71 cars, 1,000 cattle, 1,680 `sheep `and lambs, 600 hogs and 50 calves,`_but trade was undoubtedly `draggy. Some of the offerings were Istill unsold at noon. Prices were not Iany better than, those of the latter part of last week. The quality of the cattle showed little change, as there were veryfew, that could be classed choice. On the other hand, the ex- tremely rbugh- stock was perhaps not quite so much in evidence, and the proportion of medium butcher cattle may have been larger. A number of lloads which were expected from the north on the C. P. R. were delayed [for some reason, and did not- reach `here in time for to-da`y s market. There were quite a lot of Manitoba Icattle ontthe market, for which the {demand was good, as they are gen- [ erally of .a better quality than Ontario cattle. UHHDCS DOV Apples .... .. rse nides......'....... ' Horse Hair... . Wool,washed :.7:::7:""m"" -coconut on w :,.m{':'z?:1'. Apl mu)" 1-'b'131'.'IIIIIIIIII.'I Ap3l$(wintg1?) per bbl 'I\.\......_ _ xv coco--o UIIIOKOIIB. $1 I I]: . . . . . . . . Bftii, :'.;:.':.::%::.'V m d. no o . o o o o c - . : o o o I q o o con` Ecsnperdos - my: I ll?! to-u.o u u G1-eenDlride:...... ....... .. I'll, nnr Th IOCOC`|uO.g 4 SWITCHES POMPADOURS CLUSTER-CURLS CORONET-BRAIDS TRANSFORMATIONS - WAVES, wms, Etc.` nsumperuos _ l;t;.tt:;.tx``r|bag.......... .... .. In ma`IlIIlI IIOIOIOCOC'_IDO.. o-cu: Beet toreqi-......L}TIZIIIIIIIIE Lunia. Mnttonlff... .. Live Hogs, sele':'ti">:' i6'3:: 7_ L " }a'<:mN'|Nc. MAY 1:}. 19oa.' % - Coal and Wpod M`! `uni aA`J nfvnl-In `nu nkr-nU|`' mutant; ; o T_HEMARK_E'l`Asg -in I-rlcesv nunu In the am; and Toronto Nlorkejs Darla! the Week. BARBIE. Novlmsgn 20m. 1908 Wheat ............... . . " ` clout . - - o ooonccnluooaooooouoo Peas IIOOII R\m....,, ' s . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ..III ,19IIII Live Stoc Markets. int-no - . . . - o - 9 lbootootlona 0.` .......... 4') '{a2ai~"bT131'.'II.......... 1:-o} tor) perbbl 2 00 Toxoxwo. Novmnnn 241-: T61-onto, Tuesday. yun..I-..4. L- J . ' 1908 512.000. 1 . Come in and look over the New Store o ad Stock. We promise, you money`-saving pricesin every department. By our system , of prot sharing 5 you save to to 20 per cent. It is worth your while. V The re-building of the store, prevented our trlakirlg an. early display_of- Fall Goods,but,to crowfd four months business into two, we will sell all -these` lines of Nevf Goods at l l l New Ladies? coats. % New Helena Sklrioy Linens. T { f Men's Underwear, cardigans, Swoahrs. Glovasaml Shirts.` L % % New Sllk, Net and ......%au.;.;..., New I-Ioslery. Gloves and l(_nltfo%ddGo_,odq,; New Flannelaotg Flannll. %PrInfs. 'Il_I_"d. z New Overcoat: and Salts fol- Mon. anddy . 2,000 Pairs New Boots andshoos and` 9[ ' . 3 I,OOO Pairs Rubbers. % BOUGHT I-`on can ma magma} MARKE`l'. *: A iTavm. UNUSUALLY Low Pmclss Fan cAsI-I; ing gut`; `r mxssn y.- ,. ..- - VVVVVVW MONDAY, Novj. gm T` Continued from Page Three. nI and 91'!` `.>'QI Q"`J`=n-Viv wa auu H113. LIUU". 8',01dn"'wyV;1V(_fi1:1g faction asjou womgii at our Toronto eatabl meats In 9. word,` we : _;bring our Store to your `door; I ` Coducor. Pdckya .atVL,Ble'il1Vg:_L1-x_n.' A ` Ovgr VI,8oo_ square ,_miles of xi land afe st:-1`ppc d." yearly to-..feed"tI "paper mills. ;of'tl'te `United Statgg, while a millzbn-`cords of pulpwood impo_rec`1"._am1ua1l m{Ca,1_1ada:_ T321`.-- _ _ ` uuyU1I,\_1 axmnuax1y ;;'qm -L.anaaa." Fifty .pounds_ O::~dSi33n3ite;explodg1 ? in the boiler-house-3;;yitglcfs qu_arf } `wrecking fh iilace.-janclj. s - vefely injuring iWillia1n `- Baxiibay ; cf gineer. . U V %TUE3D;AY . = :N_OV.1 `L-~1.4.*h_- Ten persons were ki1led`and"a score or more inju re'd in an explpsions on - the steamer` H. M. Carter or1 the[lo7v-`fe,._` er -Mississippi; . T 1 Owing to the lack. of water-povv`':j' in the -Apapermaking. districts, a ,Vfrri`!;i%:; ? paper famine; is% th`re`atenin`g L in, " Uhitegi States: Qu`een's' H332?" Bertie, on Tuesday, December let. i D ' mm isit who I: X th``ey lftezz Pa:-'i's?a1' and N:woYorE . styles. and you are particularly invited to inspect and try -on` any - or these creations. - Wegive you the same choice selection and sat- as you would . Toronto ontnhl -I-- OF TOHJNTO tho.-I greatest Hair Goods Artist the `world lie. ` ` `ever known, is coming with. ` ' V , __' f--yuan A 1-event has broken out"in China, and many persons have been killed in `a ~b'at1_:le~ at -Ngankiang, on the Yang- Rtse River`. - Charles Smithya farm hand. was crushed to d_eath by tlge explosion of [a _y.-whee) In the null at Mineral 'Spr:ngs. a - ' while skating `at vermiman v `bound. 1 H A I n__=:go on s PROF; noru-:_wI~:Nb COMING ! will :3; < Bay, Alta. ;> e;<;h`:is" ed~ Ab c1 Yazlor _._ - ,. Prioesotwood ona ligation. :5: , 2 The-CASH. BYSTE has been adoiated .in_ many plaoes.with.be_ne_t no the consumer and A .; A ,_hat,om,'m:ny patrons `gvtllapprovedot , , ,,_d as in st.vinz-.:-_9 fair u llf' I {men ,.,`a A , -l' >Vl:I 7.707.`?:.`I:.-C'.'.'.7C`."`..`v Q e'Il'yg::i;er9:.,:..":._......--ugg.......>.f: C Q. C... ` U I CC...` V] o"oo'oo onr>oouo' o'oono'0o.ooai!- _IlI.O>O:VO0D OOOl`OOIIo, Dr-` - ;; ~f";.,0Ffl5JI ~S..`,. L V Dunlap smgt, Plme N4. 35 vio:i.%**-A ? 37% C31 T`%LW5' * 1--ton \8y.`.,.'..v.... 0.000141I;'Io.L:A0`I`l'Iu0 k V hf;-nu June-. ....%......`...-......o:`..- u` "u in 1'; dI`A.nAI nn'n 1 . n . . .5 Srmcr Pnnsomu. AIW'Il!\`lIl|In| DAIn :- Pnnson 1. . ' ATTENTION PA1?) ro r3e3h'nC "M55 .57- .13 nwuuly. I-CIGLIIJIIS 'and Great Britain; 'MA_N_I?I3f_._(`UER-0l;_ -A Buggies, Cat-ringAs.% Wngonq Sleigh: _and;CuttI"s. 2 - v\v*UIllDl\v LU` 6`CVV I91` l|Ila.IlClCl'5- German pewspapers fear Lord Rdb; ert`s' - wgrnxng. may. negtralize eorts now being made to brxngtabput more jriendiy. relations between ' `Germany and Great Rrifahr A couple -of Italians working in` Normandy have invented a device which wxll make it impossible ;` to tap wireless messages. `l)L.'I__I-I_|__-- `L, `a . . .. -_ Wl':hila;ii_;,lv1;;1vi;, `i;i;`h$1ding about $ ,ooo',ooo of 'the stock of the `Lake Sup'erioi' Corporatiox1 ha\'re sold thgir "seem-ities to New York nanciersg A A T _ _ T , ,,__r_-J --.. V. vnlv uvryanualnbllt. _ The Railway Commission is etab-' lnshmg mspectmg dnvxszons m d1 er- -gent parts of the countryand appoint- mg. inspectors t -`lqok 'aftrV railway equxpment, examine mto accidents,` and so forth. .- . . V ~ V - (t'l:t:`e";\ngAlicanCl1Aurch at Nicolet, Quebec, has been entered several `times, the Bible" burned and ashes and dirt thrown on the oor. The chuac_h authorities have` appealed to Premier Goum for protection. T `IL .'.. ------A ,-_ _....u . n ynvsuwtlvllo is expected that Governor I `Hughes next_ tight in New. York Estate` will " be for local option. ` ' A ......-|- .2 `he- ..--- - - ---vs The marine `inquiry opened at St. John, N.B.,._and evidence was given by a number of witnesses as to loans` and presents -made to two `or three` employees of `the department. A " l-`L- `n-::_;,, f` ' , ,,c__ .. --_..v uuu VVCP? :l\lllC\E' Ro_bert Gimblett was sentenced at Hamtlton to three years i_n the peni- tentiary for steahng a marl-bag. Robert Bresett of Tupperville, agh-. ed twelve years, was shot and` killed by his brother while they were play- ing with a rie. ' ' . uuuu 1.-a\.I'Il\. Laluc lb paying . I I _ Frank J. Bell stepped off a.`.;C._f?`f . RI attain ,on the Sudbury .4brh-rch", fell through a bridge and wage _kil1ec_l- DAL_._L I`! II -ucucu Dxauup OI Montreal. ,`.::`- ,- ;~_; ' [ Sir S_andfor_d TI-fleniing statesftliit [the Pacmc cable 15 paying. ` L`.-.....I- 1 11-11 ,.;, 0 . At the request of the Owen Sound authorities a married woman and -`the man she was alleged -t`o be eloipi1f'g with were arrested on attain at ,P_g1rf- dale. `~ ' ` _ jg` g Dealt Farfhing of Kingston -`.;:~;,w elected Bishop of Montreal. I`, :1` ` 5} I Lizeut.-Ge`netal Six- HenTry `died at Kenora. A ` ` Luc guccu QLTCCC SuDWay, Ol'Ont`O. alt "was announced at the latnhul; meetmg of the Western Hospital, .To`- ronto, that a f;.ien_d had donated $25; 000 to the institution, 1-. j. ,[ W}i:15i~f"s'13}xY, NOV. 25th;.:j , Alfred Hopkins died of injuries. iri.-` icted by a: train `on the tracks- rirear the Queen sat:-eet subway, Toroptb. - T} tuvnn n......--.4A -_(-T1: ,Judge Forbes of St. John, N.B.,a has quashed "the conviction of Hardy, ned for bringing aliens into Canada; His Honor nds that the offence, if any,'was committed in the United States," and Hardy, being a subject of that. country, cannot `be punifs-hed:' in Canada for offences committed in hisown country. _. I II!lR . ._- -- A -- Edward Tadel, clerk in ' Ru'tt1e s store at Rosthern, Sask., shot ; and killed a bu'rg1ar named W. F. Ames, who shot at him first. on being dist-t urbed inthe store. Ames companion got away. ,. ` , ' A bull driven by H. Flaata` at"Mid-` ale, Sask., suddenly atta,cked`,,,him4 The"-animal had him down and ..was-` at'te_m.pting to gore him, when acol: his escape. `I 1 vs lie dog attacked the bull and kept at; It until Mr. Flaata was able to make; `Eda'd `Finley, James sweeeegnnd Albert Conroy,` trainmen, of `West Toronto, were killed in a collision near Burketon Junction. Two,`=*`or| three engines 'and a score `of carswere smashed.` ` " _- .. --. . . 95 as ,\.'.UuVCIlIlUl'l next year. ` Mr. _lirrell,`int_roduced ,a _ bill -into the British ~ House of---Commons to: fa-. c1l1tate` the purchase of land -fqr;'__th e .tena_nts.,in Ireland. t he huhdred . and seventyQfue uion of T_or9ntp are in trainingafor. e fqrengn mzssxonary eld; _ use of Lords, warned.Brita1An _ihat the smallness of her army would be the cause of the loss of her navalfsu-" premacy; ' ' _,..--._ ooI_ nus: uyuac. ' ` `- ` _orj::th- nine` onths V ending"Sei$t- V i -,:mb'er ,' 30 Ontaricfs mines produd mineral wortli $12,205,795. ' Toronto was selected by 9,397 vote `against 3,079 for its `nearest rivalffpr the A. `F. of L. convention next M!` `Rim-.11 3-`!--A-`-----` ~ "" ` % * N_as f_tigh`t :,1:i ,to_ .death`; bya` mansewhxch ran across V thegoot in: her` ho.1_x}'e.T ~ V -' fl-_Q_. - -..-.. o.vuuul Gu ` Vfwemy -men.we1-8? killed i1 1,Ta_. i'ij1_it_ ` b'e_tw_ee.n . Aljistrians and .Srvians,.;on" ._tl1`e': Bc >>$nia'rt=?"_frot 1tIe :-f.*` 1 `\v' -- -`of persqns. .of_; 1iki_3H:}'g' .a:_ la"1?Ig t1t};xt1b}'- *iI-Iindus at Van1coi1v_erf hive_ vetftizeriziiii a` strong protest aga_mst~ bexng\.,;ntj to British` Honduras: 4 ,1 K 'IV 6PPosor:- snds .51`: JOHN BARR B_ OLD ~.s'rA__N1_J. V` -Vjnal vuu :4 I v1"t0u ~ Mon ": `liar fnn I

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