:JEANT&SMI I`H OUT! Simpson and Mr. Charlie Mar-I 1,`-tm-_ spe_1 1t ' Monday _ evening with 5 fripgdsi _1n -Thornton; |` I J isiis' Mabel Tdde of Gilford isl ` spending a fewdays with `Miss Ethel Robertson. . ' - Mr,` Robtu McCullough of Toronto is spending a few days at the home ofg_M_1:s, -Galloway. _ Mrs.` Ogilvie of_ Toronto is spend- __.ing 3. short vacauon with her daugh- :'l:.e"r,. Crockett. = V .: ~Miss. `Edna. Hughes spent a couple ' of. days last week. with her sister, t_"`:".[!_"S_..'.E1!__`1 lel Robins. - ' Mg . and Mrs.` L. Cooper of Barrie I spent` a few days last week with Mr. a;1d Mrs, Thorpe of Bradford .,sp,et_)t'+St,i;1day at the home of `Mr. and Wm. Knegshaw. ~ ` :F.W.?Mathers__entei'tained a few of hxs frxends at his home on Monday evening. ' ` Z~I(\/.I'rs. H. Flynn f)nt _a fw days 1astAw'e'ek with her sister-, -Mrs. Thos. {Sprout ' ~ I I C` 0-9 -- Niiss -Rowena Black has 1.-eturned home after visiting relatives in Sud-' bury. _ _ ) v we on. ' '1: | "Miss Gladys Sproul has Hiorge `after visiting -friends an . V V 'AG::.-Brown1:&i;1j~.D23ii Sh.W;i % have gone to_`_;'-l`o_`x-_o nto,,' fwhere. they have `secured `15_cgs_.ition,_s f .. tef_ ` _ .-1-s",."._. ,_~.','}.~:'; orftlne. * ;wan -:.r -`~ .t~!-72w;-1:5.-.. A ' .._-v- V ---u-a-5 a vnsool-V V3 - IIULD. and Mrs. `J. Guest `spent Sun- day with`Mr. and `Mrs. Fred Jobbit. Mr, and Mrs.'T. O'Rourke of Bar- rie. spent Sunday with Mrs. R. Dick- ey. ` 1 , ;u.. . - urointo after visiting relatives here, II'.. _,._I `It `*r- 1-: Choppers and %Lumbermen's Supplies Have} you and oucnown JEWEL WARRANTED ..' ' Axi:rorsl,oor : TW1V other vairietis to choose from for 65 up to 1.25 *lJEA_gDl2R." `MAPLE LEAF and "SAW . .-4 N07 TSAWS. Everyone guaranteed. to 2.50. i`*=,W!;l)G1:;s. STEEL SLEDGES. SAW SAW causes. AXE I f St'ubl'e such as COW ._ ~'_ ".4; ' " ithe-~`} =4` .: .. .1` u CT-f"'6i*'f g#r iRight-+Q1;aIity the Best. .uiE%I-IEADQUARTERS FOR r_etm'ed in Mid- In an pl cacxu. After a lingering illness, Miss Id Cooke, daughter of Mr. and '1`/ITS! B, Cooke, passed peacefully 3W3) Saturday, Nov. 2Is_t. The bereav family` have the `sympgithy Of the 3 gtire community in thelr sad loss. W terment took place on Tuesday aft` noon at Stroud. '_ The past year has witnesd fa. new departure by the Whitney 'G_over._n-V ment in the diretion .of,colohization -improvements. Hon. W. J. aHa'nna, A Missionary banquet was held in the =Methodis't church on Wednesday `evening of last week. Tea was serv- `ed from six to eight o'clock _Th -tables were laden with the choicest lof viands in the preparation of which the ladies excel. The speeches of the evening were delivered by R"- r` 1.` mt-......:..... .....a AIA I(.=.=lm-oi me evenmg aeuverea vy M'- .C, E. Manning and Ald. Keelerof Toronto. Rev. E. Crockett vet) 313` ly lled the position of chairman. A resolution was passed aiming ;It_8$5 per c2pita subscription for m1S>`10113- I)ul\l D111 l'\J$l` " _ Mfs. B; Armstrong is seriously :11 at present. R `:1 \I:;-:- If`! __.-, ---.-......-~, ...... ....-.... Wstey Web of Auam] spent .a couple of days last week , 1. the home of his parents, Mr. a Mrs. Wm. Webb, . [1 __ -r-._ W ...n V... A_ Vnut(I1VbeLf from here attended th ianmversary services in the Presby tcrian church, Allandale, last Sund I19 cc: - [ ._ _~_ _ AQQGVLIJVAI. ` Pe;1coc'l'<,Wl3j`Cf.L., left on Sat urday' morning for Edmonton. Al where he will open 3. law ofce. A , , I I' I Mrs. i3;1rc1ay and Miss Kit 1c1ay.of Barclay spent Sunday Myj. and Mrs. Walter Pattersori. [and Mrs. J. W. Sproul. :'`HA1fRSDAY, 3319 may pomr. ` pondents at ` Dalston, Grassland, Mid-f.-_`, hutst, New `F103; Apto, :-Oto Statio'n~,.;' ;_ Guthrie and Lefroy. :"`Drp 1; card toithe ' Editor, and or . ::.h'Iv \ _PO..II,tgge:- and supplies -~ orwarfded to you by re- The Advance jwents. live` corres- tum mail.- ail In theseadays of municipal deputa-"I tions, '-would i.t"`not be well for some or our jleadingfcitizens to keep up their esteemed work by waiting upon V a few" *aldermanic" eligibles ? It is quite as important to have a ' good council as it "is to have a good mayor, and there does not seem "=to be any stir thus far tojirnprove the quality of the members who sit in front -of the chief 7~magistrate s chair. ' Perhaps, if pressed by an. imposing delegation, some excellent men could be induced to run `the civic gauntlet on ` the strength, and assurance -of promised support. They are certainly needed on Parliament Hill." _Many a citizen ."would.._think seriously beforerefusing i such a deputation. He would seethe prospect of`-being relieved` in a. large : measure of the`candidating practice 1 which is so nauseating to the. average : mind. Besides," having the ,endorse- ': ment of a representative body of 1 ratepayers to beginwwith, he would 1 see" his election, practically `made sag; : . . `?vtuC\ This sa\ Devlin & Murchison "mers for their patron e darling thefpa"st. N ow. we As we are jhst `oompltipg. c_>i1rs, fth yfs.-ar ivn, V A -~v c?e .w'ish fo tL #1: all on; custo- ING-` A.NNIVER.SAR SALE. during which time: portunities of SAVING MONEY, by givi "` st CENT. off our already well-known 'qash"pri % _ event of the season. T` V ' V " ghtss discount .of fro 0 . to_ 0 PER. is will be the_.gr,eatest Vrgain Giving ro_pose_. giving a weeks ROUS-A w111~gn'e_ our p` ers top- u_uu.\.u Kipp B . J.ua\.n. > Wr p-pets, s1 s ` 36 and 38. ' e' : lar $2. Anniversary -All% the 'newest a.ndf~_b_est.. weaves of this _Fa1~l s .sDr_?ss . Goods, during the " Anniversary Sale 10 to 20 per cent, off. `G10 3, _Hosiery- and Under-_;;',.` -ne W00! 0 `: `Hosiery. a ` ` adigsf Table Linens--Half Blcac ed, extra heavy weight and fu 3 yards wide. Regular soc. Anniversary Sale 36:: yard. ' UUDIUI V-0! Tablecloths?-`Bleached, 2e 5% yards. long a`nd.,,,1% ya `s wide, extra. good value at.$1 Anniversary Sale 95 each, - Table Linens and Toyels-- All Table_ Linens, Bleached "or unbleached Towels and -,Tow .. lings. Annivenary Saleem` 1"` cent. of. I903 The Editorial View. ` Kw every P2:i2aser;3;:;:sL?a*2 2*%":T%%* 2 W in '|&l..\`JlLaUl. II L V0 avuuuu. va --v-- ...v us. cash. SELE F0R_AsH ONLY. AVLI3= ` ._B:_'ow?I'1 .--.-...,, ...._.....,_... ......,......... =:c1air'% Wilson am L Miarchj `oi Youngstqwn, N. Y., . `are wgisgttng .friends_,_h,e__re. ` ` % ` U" Iagrated on Monday;=<'b$" ,'p:ckii g up Martin kh$d%Akh%is?.ge?Baa1y fa sguitrl ;_that was ._1gg,g~ fha1g;; __' . Miss May VCs:niThlii1 ;i ,B:;rrig Buiness A ilege, ("'...~--.. _` ~ 'I3..--....I.I- ` 2.. LVLI\AIFII\J Q9` 2 l\lVV;V"'IIl`J`IlII`B ` `.2 _ I3s,Ts M;gg>ie.`I3inqi'e` is %;'-_h_6me ' jam: `vnsxtmg 'fnends_vat"Craig1mrst. ` ' .1 i. . "III .50 `II1'I .`M.iss Latira` `Car d.ni, :s ';spend i`xmgT 3-] few days in BT rrie.;. ` _ _ `Mrs. "Clark of Manitoba is visitigjg `h`e r aunt; M145; Coce. ` ' May icgu Train is 'a:tfn4ang Rffin Humane: . .nH pap `L 7 "`.`I{_::;r-n;o1:i's- .;dQwft,,' `L "from I M1dlp.nd f6: 3. A ` ._,I ` " ' p. \.r!'_:` i" :'-_ N; 9. 9` provincial secretary, Hon. J. O. Rea- : ume, minister of public works, and` Mr. A. W. Compbell, superintendent ` 1 of good roads, have been on a tour` ; of New Ontario, studying the needs L of that countryland inspecting the . work done. About three quarters of a ' million dollars have been expended : this season in the building of colon- : ization roadsand bridges; represent- ing a sum almost double- of that spent in any previous year. _"One- feature worthy of mention was that foreign labor was ` rigidly excluded. `Some ` 9,000 men in all`were-employed, many of these being, settlers who_in~ that way had an opportunity _ aorded them of a turning an honest penny. The increased outlay on colonization roads andhbridges is but the forerun- ,- ner of the G'overnni'ent s `bold scheme for attrac-ti'n'ga big -inux of home- seekers"`from the Mother Land -"to New Ontario. _ Premier. Whitney and Hon. Nelson ._Monteith busied them- selvesin England during the summer ~ making preparations.` with regard to i natters- `of immigration; - andigrthe` up- _ to-date policy oflgreater colonization _ improvements -'shows_ ;tl_1-be}. Ggjvem-. .1 ment s.,desire of fworlging{ 7th ."gamei at igboth ndjs-~ i 4,; c -r-B_;)ys Russian` Style Over ~ coats--In Navy Blueori Light Grey Tweed,, trimmed with velvet co11ar,`1-egular $4.00 and $5.00..` Anniversary Sale $3.00 Q:` A -3 `PD \I\I `III. (1 $3975. M.e_n s and . -Boys Suits and Oven.-coats. Boys 2 or 3 piece Suits and Overcoats. Anniver- saryesale, 15 per cent. 05. Odd Pants--`Me_n. s e0dd Pants, some are ne Tweed and some 'are heavy working Pants, were $175 and $1.90 a _ pa_ir. Anniversaxjy Sale `$1.25 _a overirjg "and Para - gon_ fra e. nivers Sale 95c_.. _ :1 u 3 Regular $1.50. An-p SI-E'i':`c'i'{'1"' H_.anZ1:2'cme:``, Ladies or Men's size; Regular 7c each.A.Aj1niversary Sale 7 for heavy quality. Regular T18c yard. An- niv Saleuuc.` ` ` Spools - AA.` godd strong hread. . 3 for roc. - . -.....A.ZA.-I.-.1 ;'l _'l -...lI_-.._1.3_.. ` Handkcfchiefs - Plain ' of umbrenu-- dies; and Gen- tlemen s Um allas. Afgniver-_ `Q... m- _-` .. _-._A. _II MREADY-TO-WEAR GLOTI-IINO A J ANTEN m;_,Ls. {wnswxcx-` _ X The._ service Friday evening. at 5St. Jdhxfs ldchurch `proved__ an. event. of - prominence in, the history of this . mission, {The attendancefwase very 1arge,,llin`gee.very seat in the edice. _ Overt 'young. ~peop1e' received. the _ rite of .con=ri*n_a_tion.j .-The Rev.@re~ aves,.Qf'f .Tofonto`,i apting for the bish-" V ,QP5";i5:c3kd VCEY. instxI1t.iV` , ser ` " ' .,W-1-_na/tM,meanf.-y'e ._ x_1_:pm}.:;th` "feat - .-g--.......... .y auua. 103' wcsns. MI`.-9 Roy M gCr:1ckcn has been` ;8t"1;itlln 1dia`tyacat;on_for a`fe.w days, V Sung {1Is.s1str at Havelock. hg-;ih<;.t-VI_0l11n$ church Ladies Aid hast wefumd mwmg the R`' -- .hV -...5 3-) . Whftn _the members Ewlf. vsigifggly enteytamed by. Mpg . }`___A y . _. .. 9-vvu__ \Ill uuuusy. " - ' ' Mr._ Mar. Cgston shipped 7s_ bags '-of potatoes wzth a` large quant1ty,f:.of othexfvegetables to Bala last wegk. mm. 13.... Int" -` :I.<)i1';w_I.ennet;: 'kil_Ied a fery bear.last_ week. 3 ~ A . ' .. ' ._ Q `Bar1;ie" is the gttest of her daughter, Mrs:-`Geo, Binnie. . -`.Rev. ._Mr-- McLean of `Shanty . ,.Ba.y exchangd% services with the Rev-. R. L. `Weave: {on "Sunday ' - `Mr- 11.. It. - Man : Arab nova _ |.o'rHmc * There is an abundance of water in cisterns here now. Aeouple of weeks in ago thmgs looked rather blackifor those who `were depending on cist- erns for their supply. Winter seem- ed .to.be setting in and the wells were dry. Since the last snow: has melted, the putlook has improved grea'tly.j ' v--- IUCII\uIg ' "M;-. -Gib. fl-\/1;:-1';-1"t:l.1.;1r had a sale "of farm stock` and implementslast Fri- day. `A large crowd attended -the sale and `everything except horses sold. will, T ' V Hill is shipping`Se'\'reral-I, car`- `lqgds of oats. . A - . 3 I ... -59.4 *- uuansPuuum%t.`I Preparations are being made foria concert to be held in McLucas5 Hall, Dec. 4th. The proceeds are in aid oi the school library fund, ' I` `I- . 11,1 .1 n , . -_ _ V _ --- _J ....Y ' wyvas VVIJI mills. I Rev. M. Church, -M.eth_odis.t minist- er, , from Warrrunster, wall preach 1n `the Baptist `church here next Sunday afternoon. V f Tu-1;'fe'ssi*s._, J. C. M`cArthur anii ,-Neil Currie are home from Penetang, where they have been working. I 1 - `D-.. `AA r~1..-.'__s. .x:_..__ .- . . . T The Christmas entertainment. in connection with St. 'Paul s church will `be . held on Dec. 23, -in the Temp- erance `Hall, Stroud. A . ' ! _._.__ -311: :$5ll-`A-Io L A ne shower of rain fell he;;.- on Monday night. "' -Pound have returned ftjom the Wegt, ? 117; _ _ AL ' `Messrs; Dan Cameron and Jde k- We are pleased to report that -..--_. --...v .....-uuvu nnvua Luc VVCBL1.i A;l'ex. Ferguson is able to be out: again. -----u vupuwwu Wool `Blanket;-:.-Extra heavy; size 60 x 80, regu1ar_$3.75.,, An- niver_sary Sale $3.85. . _Yo ` Men : Overcoat:--In dark weed. patters, ,Navy ,'Blx'1e` or Black, sizes" 33 to-.36.. Anniversary Sal; $3.9o to $13.50 A . =*Mens a1idBoysf. Underwear; Shirts and .Collars,_ 'Tis',' `Sox L` _andTB1-aces. `Anniversary Salg` 10 per cent. of!`- a.\u:.uvua, V F-I-llIl`D auu` Alli}: Curtams--Ann1versary Sale 1o per cent. o. ' U VVIIIIHUI 'YII3_`_HIIW.E `VOuoouoouoooo}ooob'o60i f 0'1 Pure Woo1L`-Blankets--Extra. heavy and lange size. Regular $4.00 and $5.00. Anniversary] Sale $3.50 and'$4.5o. Wvi White or `Black Silk Waists, "neatly trimmed, short or `long sleeves, `sizes 34,, 36 and `38. Regular $3.50 and $4.50. Anni- versary Sale $2.90.. -while Lawn Waists-V-Lon-g or short sleeves.` Regular $1.25. ' Anniversary Sale 984:. Regular $2.50. Anniversary Sale $175. Ribbons, Veilings and Lace l`I1t'#a`na__`A II|o\:vnAa-saucy Q3`; -o- `S-weatersT--M/e_n s Grey Wool Sweaters, buttoned" at the neck,` deep ._green cllar, regular $1.50 `each. Sale $1.00. v1`u" L `Co1';1'f;rters-*--Wool or Eider-L down Comforters; , 'Anniversary Sale 10 per cent. 01!`. MITCHELL SQUARE. E.. .. -1. -_-_ _ cnarcnunsf >-"rf.HENORTHEEN [ ;m{ARC"E gulgf ,mVor4nth ly";m-ee`tixL'1g; of e`n_.s ' Iii Q afa i Mrs, -J ii sinoun. if _ am'e's Reynolds is visiting at Knock. . L - ` ` Miss,Brown spent -Sunday in `Al- landale.- ` `A ` - A ' Hoclgey promises to boom here this winter._ -. _` 'Mrs._Al'ex. Constable is visiting AI- landale 'f;';ends. . ~After a lingeifixig Villness, _ death. came `on Monday, Nov. 23rd, to Char`-A__i lotte Mary Doran, wife of Mr. Pat-j~ rick Doran, of `this place. . Deceased,- who was 62 years old, had lived here ; for some time and was well- known. Besides her husband she leaves "it " `family of three sons and four daug'h~'A ters to mourn her loss.` The funeral` took place yesterday morning to St, `Mary's church and cemetery, Barrie,-. .FV. Ff, Kpllv nnlnkoaoinn `D ---- -- sfion, Ludly s warm and cemetery, Barrie,-- Fev. Fr. Kelly celebrating Requien Mass `and preaching an apprdpriatel sermon, ' ' ` 5 _ _----a v - - u - a p IDII ylvlllsa i}Mrs. Bums of.`To1-onto visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and `Mrs. Walk- inshaw, lat week. - ...., ----u 1: cross. Br. Bosanko `of Barrie was in midst one day` last week. , _ , _ _ _ . v - - `y no: nun? Iv VV $\vl\c - Our hunters qre home fron} the North greatly 1'jOlC_Cd wxththexr suc- cess, each one havmg a good share of the vension. "Mr. ;M=cMulkin s club ;'captured a ne bear, . eMrs. Ashdown is the guest of `Mrs. T. Bell and :Mrs. C. K. 'Clark for a fewldays .AShe_will leave this week for. Sturgeqn Falls `to join her hus- band, Rev. C... R. Ashdown, who has recently been called to the pastorate of .the Presbyterian church of that : togn. - GU50 Mesdams . L . 15 T. J. Ja.ckm`an pn1ygntgo_n*:at,;Grav nh,ursLt& .ta.t farmexls are taking` advantage of the _fine balgny weathezj at present, [and domg thexr fall plowmg-. nllfula Du-..n AK"l"- - 4 Mr.` T. W. _Lennox of B_arrie was in yhe vxllage this week_ lookmg after his _mterests in connection with grain. II..- A ..I..l-_-_,- 3, 5` -` ' `Alex . Constaiile is visiting : "friends. -- i _Lavina;,~orchard is gvisiting m_B`a-xfne. _ -` , . , Lo t,"W ebb has returned to her nA1lan'dal_e_. A * > ~ Evtums on MIDHURST. ANGUS; Fancy Fril1ing,_Fancy Collars and Neckwear for Christmas vi? A an advance s 'ipn1e_t1t of,`Christmas Novelties we are show- ing R: rst ti e this week. "Inspection invited. " EW1-aps is very eom A-e EARLY and WE - Vt Reception Gowns and Evening e ding` the newest shades of silk mull, Our .1f'ange.df.matetials'; Santoys, F tench 3 dainty Mu'slins._' _ 3: BUSY, but place yeur orders PLEASE YOU. E you that under Miss _;Edyth Bros capable management this really `handsome gaiients atprate cost. depaigtment is achieving great `sud ` `A i'e'z-I `