Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 26 Nov 1908, p. 3

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;:md1imra!;.stabi1ity-% ` I, K, nu van uuuu ya. 1' 1 Ul uua uI.Cuil.I.'C`, ' WC] in this country are not {wholly free. The `very best offset to this that we have is found in `the healthy physical-' and Am_ora l. conditions Q:-evgivljng in_ the `rural qentrcs. ~He_1iem, 1s foupd the `best assurance for our .ma1`:e1-aha] T In `ctrjring dut. what is .being` at?- ";e'rr:pted` we askuand should laavc, the jicarty coeop9gation._of- the business; `men of` the canes because agncultutavl ` .'p:rps,peri_g--f"and "welt-.b'eing3 ,men;v so %'.ml.i`-:11f`znqtVon!y for the 'mat'e,x:ial, but `f.o`r-,_.{ :11 ":?" =` f?, e,:hj__}g;V<)`gV-\zl_ 31:93-being of -,the_';,w.hQleK ._ Bi-Swlcfe, the Auctiorieer. am-;e, _han.d,les'.rqdit jFsa16 Of *4-tack >ini`I%4i_2n "1I1?enf=`_l?t933P`7 V I-g`.( .:?to`!x~i'1i1 'f;;'Utita`Q?i:1~.-; le S; .;._I1ii9:`- .1 .3.i`-lialm`-n_3 11.-thirfn'a V. nf,i;at`tet';__a;:_tt1if"e?rs;v%-';vjiver<`:_ :;'ej.t'urx,1_e'd::for ,-the " l;;pur;;>ose;*;:t*anc1;'!iehtI 1umbernien{ .0fxshe err-tirs="'Idelcz!.tLin only are classed ias~`j farmers, -. a_nd_:-1;one,i;of ` these is` the member for `South ` Yorlg ,` tg;l;te;e;e1tea Mr. Maclean.. e e _ t . . - What the Department is .Doi'ng.j__~;. , The Depart-_rn`ent of Agriculturef_._-;is endeavoring to do something to bring about the further addition to gthe wealth produced by the farms of Iithe. Province. which is within the _,lirm`-t_s of possibility; -That department `has available about three-quarters of `~=a. . million dollars annually. By means of the money provided w.e maintain not only the Agricultural College but var- ious agencies which come into more or less direct contact with the far ers of the Province. = 81 :- 1 j 05: ~ *t>epf y*2i.i3st bring `in. mbrgj labor; `ftp ijeplace which has gone." '~L . `Ti: mwcn uusvsu. uuuuu. HIDI NUS, 1 ; p"' od1o pams, 1Zc e`,3m-. bear- mg-downfeeling atulency in ' f tiomdizzinessor hex-vous -T Why don't you try it 1 - 1 Mrs, Phgkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has `guided thousands to Inganilg 4I--- ?-__- `II_;._ _ EDGAR. L 7 (Ton late for last week) Mrs. Thos. Gray of Barrie return- 'ed home on Monday after spending a week with M-rs., Lauder. e -Mrs. T. -H. Crawford of Hawke- s'tone cglled on friends in'this vicinity Dr. B. E. Fernow, dean'of the fa- culty of forestry at the University of `Toronto, inha recent address to -the Canadian Club of his own city said I that every patriotic citizen should re- alize the deplorable mis'manageme nt of our forest reserves, and personally exercise himself torsecure improve- ment. The rst duty _was to stop the res. The eastern forest had in the last hun.dred`years been slowly robbed of its best values, andwhile Ithe governments had,` from the sale of timber, secured-a certain amount of, revenue, which had . made other taxation unnecessary, the golden goose was now nearly killed, and oth~ f . 90111-ma: A` u-ntrnnnn ---- I A _ - -- \ 'Ifhe'funeral eortege of Mrs. Ino; `Gardner of Hawkestone (formerly Miss Sarjeant of this vicinity) passed {through this village on Monday to D `the Craighurst cemetery. cANAmAN FOREST RESERVES i MISMANAGED. 1 evv-av vvuo ILUVV IICGIIJ hlllcu er sources of revenue would soon have `to be found. The worst feature `of the mismanagement of a valuable` -property, which might have produced forever, was, that -`after the -timber was taken off res wereallowed to run through the -slash and destroy the young growth-the hope of the _future. 1 ` 7 I Dr. Fernow impressed upon the audience the fact that Canada was not rich in timber. _Canada was, no doubt, a woodland _coutnry, 50 per cent. of which perhaps was covered .-with tree growth of some kind, but }the area throughout Canada which lat any time contained commercial saw A `timber was relatively small to the size of the country. It was compris- ed in two widely separated regions-- on the Pacic coast: within 75,009 . square miles, and,on the Atlantic` -coast, south of the height of land, . within .24o;ooo square miles, a total of about 2oo,ooo,o[oo"au-es.` The actual , area of ymerchantable"saw:%timber was _ not known, but probably did rnotfexah-; ceed H 750,000,000 acres'_jn!. `B-ritishf Coils` _ ,umbia,,. or7ab_out three ._h11ndred ' biilioizj 5 =feet',. and n as -like quant1t'y;:i;1* tlre,:ea!;!_t%s; i -81%` prbviccs: ti ` sijx}. V-hu:n$1td' :.-1.211? -1 lien feet? ;thu_s. revtesenteiffwdlild met: a .16: 3?`4rq1:ifIIi!*ff3:.. f:.5f1*`i~;\f.`hs Ulws? estasesr fr:*iats:.m2aee"~ . E9 -- aaIOlll\l Messrs. Jas. Cockburn,` sr., Jas. Cockburn, _ir., and Ios. Hewitt, re- ,turned last week from hunting. They: i.-had the usual good success. _ | The anniversary services of ' the ;-Congregational `Church wili be held ;next Sunday, Nov. 22nd.` .Rev. Mr. [Sheppard of `Minesing will -preach at ;',II am. and Rev. Mr- Davis at 7 p.m. Special music will be furnished by the choir at both services. .'Mr. W. R. Best has -beer`: engaged as teacher for another year. T l _ Mrs. I. (Anderson: of Hamilton vis- {ited her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. {'Bonney, for a few days recently. Mrs. W. Lauder is spending a con- ple of weeks with friends in Barrie. .I' ` A large amount of puIpwo`od,_not_ all available. under pr_esent.tra_nspor-1_ tation and `development, remaitigd: ` It was u`ndoubtedly thejnfost valpablg, of the ea'st_,e1-n forests, D_ean; ErpOw? hqped ,t.l1'.a`f .wi;ser.._,manag"g1rAte_t)T` thgn . -ha.t1';`fh-eflkl us:ed% it! di$90Si;i`s~`f3 a` t1.:=e. tiinhergwquld [ e ,:nau'gtn;ag; ghggg f`Thtu8;hos;t, . ;tI1. `;u st[%J as! A u :4 .-vuu uuvvw uuu. uusuu, 114$ `HUGH. MILD standard remedy for female I and has positively cured thousands 0 women who have been troubled with displacements; inammation, `.?.`.?...``3'?.?.`};.`.PE`3.?.*..EE & .?':E`9- 1 hours in vm. Cub mg night. A ` QIIV I-IT ;health. A571 ham V 'tB1Co"" made fromsroozsgeagd garb: umtbeen the II... afnnrlas-A may-non CA- G.-'u...I.. : Tit? all my troubles. and I did not have to have the opera- tion after all. The Compound also helped me to pass safely through Change 9! Lite. rigors ron slqk woman. nun J-I-.3-Lc-- .......'. ...I_ `IR 112...`. . I was sick for ve years. 0ne.doo- tor told me it was ulceretion; and an- other told me it was a. broidjumor, and advised. an operation. Ho one knows what I suered, and the hear- ing down pains were terrible. I II"D4\1h {in map: 535`... 4.LA-L 31:` _..J _L- ...a uvvvu ywuaa VVGLV Ucllgtlvo I wrobeto y sister about itand she advised meta take E. Pinkhamh 1 Vegetable Com _ un 66 `IL L... -...... _.- -1 .11 __ ;_._-._1_-- % [is L exhauistime um Lydia E.. Pinkha.m s. Veglestab Compound cures female '- carri ' thro the .Chan?ev:)?lI`3?e. ugh M .LetitiaBIa' Canmfton,' `Ont, twrit:;toMrs.Pinll1:`i1am: LA` Hr ....... ..:..1- 1-.. n__ _-_... lo. and as 870, In ............. ..T.....%..`.-V.-:.."1o' 9 70 1025. 2oo 1225 66- 8 ...... ...... .... .. 7 13 20 656 2oo sue -6.'Z- .4 '38Io,,S ac 9l__W g .......... .... .. 19 14 as .. .9495 ' 200 1195 i .- . The Adjourned 8nI_wlll take lace on TUESDAY, THE l5zh DAY OF DECEMBER, `at ~cwo.o'clo'ck p.m.,-In thoouxn onto. - ` . % I DANIEL QUI1vL41v, 62 '63 TIA ueuurer, uo`~ Bbrrie, August 2'fth, 1908." ' Fivugipublicuuon in Tan: BARBII ADVANCE , Barrie, August 27th. 1908. II 42 it 46 `IV 49. 'n ;;eeu,I Pnd shed. 4-:1 2| (IV 31 Illl 23 I4 15' 16 17. 18 19 10 ll 12 13 , ..n < ~ 1 jtomediaeoted, commending me to levy upon the'ee'vera.l` lendegmalitioned and described; being in the County. of Simooe, for erreere respectively ndu"e~_1Bervon', together with my coete,"I hereby give notice pursuant to the Aeeessmene ,!l&`Icti`I.end'nneidmente thereto, that unlese the said errore end coete be. sooner peld, I A. ` T , ' . _ T . . _l. ""'"""'7"" h;nr- cf fwogczclcci in the afternoon, :15 the Court. House. in the Town of Barrie, proceed to "cell by Paulie Auction I0 much of the and lends es mav be suiciens to die- (iuu"ge.the sexes end :1! lnwful charges incurred in end about the` sale and collection of t 0 gene. < - 1 ` '1'hefollcwing lots Ire patented (except where otherwiseitated) : Tuesdave I81 %g91+%0f.LBe9em%ber I908 *'coUNTY`~_o ' _IMCOE,' cum-v ohsumcoe; Sale of lands . cu` W24of . . . . . . . . . . .. E29 ofW.53 w.P.R...'... W24Tof W53 W.P.R..... W; ................ .. .WlN.o. 19 pe....;.. W 15 a.c.. No. 20 pt... Leu2ao .Nnt.S4E.., Na}iS;_ 19 .Nu,S},-E} ................. .;-.... 19 o o - o - u o - o uoianc o o o - o n - oi o - - - nod-on a {too 1 `IIIAIY `I ll IICCK I E 10 N 4} Broken ... N; .... .. . 868}. F. 150' LA V .. . 15: w Elm sc., No. 9, u ` lo. 11, II` VI... Gs X7- E Em sc.. No. `:3: cc 0 o o o I O O no W Ash St.,N'o. CU ` 9. E Cedar St.`, No. C` W Willow48c., No. 3 -nouiad XJ/',pi.1 E>..z4 {in ' pt W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mary St. plan 406, No. 10 pt . . . . .. Mary St., E 2-100 No. 189 pt .. Ens Con. Line 38, plan. 392 pl: .... .. lI!f\I--`VAC-owes Ann- El4}S . . . . . . .. J amen St; Block . . . . . . Geortro 81:. Block . . . . . . to `.'.'.E _v van-u--an vs 'L1L1l.\)l.'l.laa 7.41'm e....;.; ....... ..... ..24 4 2, 530 200 73 PcN(uhe J. Fralervlotste) an desa cribedin xqgibterod plan No.'38297 17 9 1% ` 8 49 2 00 10 49: VATOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE. - W241: ............ .., ..... .... ..e2& u an A _- A -- _I typ and `the.latest_ presss, `A I '. a_`nd ur priccsarev Right. ~ .T0. W11` Dcription. WASHAGA 3, plan No. 360 It HG` `lln an IN AVRREARS 1-fox TAXES. -.--v u --on a 0 III. ........... .I 11 5 TOWNSHIP or NORTH. OBILLIA. TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH ORILLIA. TOWNSHIP on` NOT'1"AWA'S'AGA.- Village at Shdburv. crownsmr or TAY. DOUG... O I O O I I O O 00111 I ......... .._......m "1 1; `TOWNSHIP OF TOSSORON 'l'lO. _onntyof'Si1_n9o`e, bedIjin_ date the 21st day 0f Auguot, ' in the 1391' o! our Lord Nineteen Hnndted and Eiht, and L tomodimcted, the several in hf `AI nlvnnnpn I-4-nurunsnlv:-->`- 3,}? vililfnno`-of :s*w`srmnt iisced by the Warden of the -1'6'\-v1'13' 59 UN1nAf.E. . .... . .. ..... .. 19 6 14; 6 15 390 / 1! TOWNSHIP or INNISFIL. TOWNSHIP or VESPRAAQ . . . . . . 10 2 Z9 0 16 16 -- 1o 2 G I. `I I` IS :6 j. ......PU 10 TOWNSHIP OF TINY. BEACH LOTS . 15 16 1V\I 100 ll. 10 1:4 100 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16. 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 - 1-16 1-16 1 16 1-16 1-16 1-10 1-16 1-16 I 16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 I 2400 Tiozuurer, County ;f Simcoo. `wish ` Ii!-lee 16 $5 45 10 ll?!` 71 17 05 17 05 A At 13 57 10 15 8 00 3 39 lI_I`VI I', 879 L5 all 694 n;r 25 25 (`G 26 26 ll 32 31 31 04 5% 26 05 05 AZ ll 11 CC`, 225 t`? 350 Cl owed to lmr Anna}. IIVV 300 nnn 85-47 10 59 I0 76 10 75 19 88 48 60 10 08 C CV` 19 30 19 30 _: 7 21 10 35 16 57 13 15 ll 00 till IAKI 5 13 18 04 1229' 573 UIIII 1477 GUS: 229 IV V` 317 Cl m, -__-----' --v Tl1o`zJLo;oc'l1:ox;1e, invented by 7J.A.D. " McCurdy, a graduate of Toronto Uni- versity, will be tested at 'Hamr'non.ds- port, N.Y., shortly. I -r\ . .._.__._i. ' Patrick J. Creedon of Peterboro ; 1 Ont.. was found dead in; at .Cincinnati- hotel. Death is believed to have been caused by starvation. ' V nnuwu 1 pa . Farm capital--$x,2oo,ooo,ooo.`N'_." A Number of farmers-:75,ooo- Annual product These are the` prnnipal-' m`1`d,e use of by C. C. James Deputy Mmister of Agriculture fdf `in the course of a recent add:$S;,,fh17- Ore the Canadian -Club at i The value of the output'rre'1/ijrgfsxlaiilg`, *1 round gures $1,200 f9r.baqm?:~f" me`) and the g:_-oss grjetums, -.911 3': LR! Stephen Swyryda was convicted of the murder of _O1ak Lautick, at the Brampton Assizes, and sentenced to `be hanged on February II. `V A-1-u its mother as she wen? down. The family of C. Fave], a. sherman. `travelling by dog-sleigh on the Red River near Selkirk, broke~through_thc `ace. All were lost except the baby, '_which was thrown up on: thelice' b FRIDAY, Nov. ` aoth. Earl Stan" Jpe, who is touri ngv,CanA ada, is in Turonto. ` tal they `haw inv. sted`? Jcrease the value de-V posed from the Anglican ministry by the Bishop of Ontario at Kingston. 1!! 1 -The Ontario Medical Coupcil _a1i Proved of interprovincial reg1s`t_ra-txon. A \1 . . 1"?` 1. .-9: It is expected that Judge Win-ches-I te_r s inquiry into the affairs of the Canadian National Exhibftioh will re- sume next week. . - u A L\':1<{1tr-e-a'11`1;'5;'"',`;r-a;_~.s. rol?_53_ejli of . `$1.000 while doing hei' Christmas shopping, ` F _ 008 was hurt. 'T`L,. ,. The new Grand Theatre; aft" b 968, a $30,000 building, collapsed. -NO ` 15 1-: Y'\ .. __ I_--_.._` Mr. R. `P. Davidson, the Traders Bank at `Lakeeld, who shot himself, died from his wound. Thomas Graingerwas convicted .in. Toronto of biga_my and sentenced to fteen months nmprisonment. Y 11 11- -I I i Haszard Government was 5113-` taine_d m the Pr1pce_ Edward Island electxons by a majorxty of two. is r_e;)0'ted 'thafd t`11eWC`a'nadia.tA`l! Northern Raxlyvay has scepred con-; trol of the Rainy R1verv:Ra1lwa.y. ` `'1 A I (`I rlirof. A_dam 'Sl1;)-rf`t"gl;:`clva;1.';:`:'that trades 'u.mons_ were mdxspensable `to the pohtxcal [life of'the democracy. A III ,I,, , C i A-Waghin/gton J1;zcl(g'e_-}"1;-'(;e`c'if(led that a wife has a right to searchher husband s pockets. % ' u-` - A deputation urged -the Provincial Government to gr_a.nt liberal aid in _fighting tuberculosxs. A IX `I3 P R, Bain,. for many years Registrar of Victoria College, died of ~ heart failure. ~ V 3 A. Il\-um - -_ 9 -.-__ ___ Ten thbsand korein ;1-1:i1led trio . ops 'h-ave been stationed i order. T\ . ` `pa __ I pal` W0 inaertio Vluvu v Fireman Davie of Mlattawa. 'wasl cr_ushed to dgath in a train Wreck at Rldeau Juncnon. I H vs A great nd\of copper is reported! near Flor Island, Neplgon Strait. I 3++e.n~-:-:~~:--:-+-:-:-:--s-:--:--t--:-++++-:--:-:a- ' THURSDAY, NOV. 19th. ed off _Loi1g' Ppint Isiand The cgew, nd\of_gop_pe r reported!laI:1fd_`n. t ...awI' . 3ooooooooooooooooobooooog 3 nun. he steamer P. P. Pratt was oooooooo0 % Pandora% A `w++++++++++M-MwmMmmMm AN ourrunn ,oF7sz_o0.09o;b9o.i iwibgh Might may be Denim. ', % J. R. HAMBLY Agricult_t_I_r_ i1 14Q1\fario. The Pan'do1-`a ind ai_<.-Alta wi1I"%'be% %a%A:ihouse:% hold word for the coming generation; be`caus`e.they- are made to last a iifctime.- I ` ~ ' ~ ~ 1 After six years tgt Pndkgga proved the best and takes l_es7s_Afuel}1tp {an `t_h_an any- other cast ragejmide .17 ` ' I ,\-v _. The sas;.-A1;a as aizesv entirely new prin_c_1ples. ` - T _ ` ` In these times of] - p1',6sf)Terity` purchase the best Ranges vmgnufgctqred. \ _ ' . us. Events of the `Neck yu multi !1 F"" West of Barrie Hotel. FCR SALE `BY . ` Possibilities in Dairying. Notwithstanding what has been accompl'gshe`d;__`muhA morg may be yet accomplished. ;There- are roughly 1,- Vmilch "cows in th_ Province. ;f1`hse, .with an `~anm'1al-'. average. pro- `duction of 4,000 lbs. ~*oa gi1fe.a_ I y:a1_'iy'-,.rjeturn_Qf f; 5,000,000` an Lvaiue.` Tho,-re are covijs v _i`chA produce ;o v`.er- ' 20.0094" 159-xi-05:T*'13S,~ P1';.';Y3f- e i _should._`9a;ily he ,a`bie tg.;::n:egq. ith_ `avctagp.1;rd*d1;:tion1:.t,o a`1_;'j1ieast 1 i 11?? . ; .T"'th -W `seem: mum ` V A ' A '5-,]="`$3S ';b'fu t::af"* When %tze%f.%+i> of the; ggse `thje`;'Lmostglbwxng. prosg`, Lpi cmSi"'aveti -isues!=;%3mba1t %`boor.mrs 58 H `A ems trri" Violet Norton, aged twelve years, ,of Dundas, can t her foot in a frog in the H. & . Railway, was run down and fatally injured. - t I In - - - V51 LUILSIUCAGUIC auuaulvnn nun taken place already, --Vvithin.-`the last -ten *year the value of live istock' of the Province` has increased from nine- 'ty to.-one.hundre'd`-andei hty million dollars, and the value of _t , e stock an- nually sold '_0r,_ dispofsed; of hes in-K creased fgomhirty to szxty mxllions. "cY:mt;een was kidnapped at Emerson,` Man., _a.n-d taken across the border by Umted Sta.tes*se_cret` j service oicers. 7 1`1a:1vr`:wl`)Ve'e'r-nwg.:-';jo.nted the 395 frage in the Australian State. of VIC- }tor1a. V m V ` ` George" Dawson was killed at St. LCatharines by falling {from a ladder,` ee:s;;g;;1; `.;v.;,:t;;;;a:., ;J;;s:,,,;";.;;; {. their} lwes as; the result _of `a gas` ex- plosmn in Brooklyn, " L The fall of a derrick inthe stone i iquarry at Kingston. killed.' Robert l ~1\A' nu! nu! "`1`}i-faii ;quarry i'Moxley. A `S(.-'('I-a'x:;1e;',"_one"A9fV the leading me:-chants of Montreal, 15 dead, at the age of `seventy-. years. 11,, 11 A A I ,_.._-_.-_. -..- 1-.., Juuvvdl Edward Williams was killed in the steel works at Port Elgin while mov- ing `some heavy machinery. 'f_._._ `If f\, C f 'Char1e_s H, Fowler of Bur-ford has ireceived Black Hand letters, threat- iening him with death unless he. con~ isents to be blackmailed. ' -__' ___ - _. I The statement comes from Duluth [that Messrs. Mackenzie `& M'annha\_re `an option on the Ramy River -Ra1l- pway at sixteen million dollars. | 1-\ - A train service` is _to_ be inatignratedl on the Lake Superior division of'the Grand Trunk Pacic` between Fort William and-the`main line junction. ) _ Andrew Fox,` a traveller, who lived ,for- a time ineToronto, was murdered at `Montreal, l_>eing_ th_rown% out offa. sleigh and dragged by an enraged 'cabmahl-through the streets with the horse. galloping. ' " ID-..Ll_.--.I A_ II...` I 1 ('R\r`.' Andrew. T- Taylor. was `in- ducted as pastor of Cooke s.Presby- terian Church,` Tgronto. V -`g - ,. 4 an Penetdn V GOMERIY; , L bcen appoint- ied Deputy Minister of Labor, in suc- icession to Mr. Mackenzie King. \ Buffalo -pf smuggling Chinamen from -Canada mto the United States. 1 ` `The Pall Mall Gazette wai-ns the `British .Go\{ernment that _there_ is "cianger lurking in the Indian` situa- I tron. ' Two men have been convicted cat ' Prince .Chunr, the regent of China. has issued orders to all oicials to arrest and summarily `behead revolu- tionaries wherever found. ; _ ' MI-7' `I53 .-1.1;-i'l.le, 'Pa., have cont :-acted the foot and H10uth`diSj case, which has` broken out among the cattle there. _ A T '4 4 e I M '13r."i*1IS;}1;'7v\}'."WioIu'Sflltwood, Ont., died of glanders in Chicago. `III ` A very considerable `addition has .1-4`... au1n.;.. niouanlluo I'1 1'Q `act! SATURDAY, Nov. 21st. "-' r""u- Continued on` Page 5. . "`L'att'erly ._a-n_ew departure has .been made byestablishing graduates ofvthe `College in- eight county towns ofigthe 1 Province. These men notronly have knowledge of the best farm practices of the day, but possess in addition to this at-first-class education_ completed _at_ the Agricultural."-College." These men not only have a. general know-' . ledge ofxthe requirements in connec- tion with progressive agriculture `themselves, but are in direct touch with. specialists in` different lines at the College. In going about over the. .territory under their supervision, if they nd that special `improve.- ments are required in the "matter of "drainage, of live" stock, of seeds,or of fruit culture, they send to the `Col- lege for a specialist in these several lines, to spend a` week or ten days in the neighborhood in" which special! assistance is required. 'By this means it is hoped to bring about a greater improvement than has taken place in the past. V A = `Little. Short of a Revolution. ."`There is another work recently . entered upon by the. depairtment which carries with it immense possi- bilities for the Province as a whole. effect will be produced on climatfc conditions in the surrounding terri- torry.- It is hoped that the people who are endeavoringto eke out a liv- ing in the territories set aside for forest reserves in older -Ontario will be transferred to the unexcelled clay belt in northern Ontario, which con- ta.ins'i"teen to` twenty million acres of splendid land. You say surely you wouldnot transfer our people to that far north country? Let me tell you this-that the northern limit of the clay belt of New Ontario is on the same parallel as the city of Winni- peg. What we desire is to remove people `from sections in which there I is no hopefor the future to a section '4` where prosperity awaits them, and at the same time to turn to valuable ,, accountt sections" of the Pi-"ovince I which, under present conditions, are ; worse than valueless. ` i ` at Town Man's Interests. A i . What is being done has an inter- 1 est not only for the agricultural in- dustry, but for every other industry Many parts of Ontario, wholly un- suited to agricultural purposes; have . been stripped of timber, and in these sections` people are endeavoring to eke out a `living `under conditions which inevitably tend towards both moral and material deterioration. The department has made a startlookinug to 'a- betterment of the conditions which exist. With this end in view a section in Lambton, in Norfolk," in Simcoe,and in the ridges crossing Durham and Northumberland, are ` being gradually set apart. for forest . reserves. The hope is that` land un - suited to agriculture will be made to ` produce in time wealth in the` form I I 1 4 4 1 4 of _timber,i and that in doing so the so'~.irce_of streams now drying up.,will 1 be maintained, and that a. benecial 4 in"!-1.1:: nncvoql-e-up `I7- 2...! ..._..-_ LA-"-L :1 Qalullltalllcu, auu LUKE 3. Dctlellclal in the country. Wend many towns making special efforts tosecure the location of`manufacturing._ industries in theirmidst. Many towns which` are -doing this take little interest in! the development of agriculture in the territory tributary to them. A little consideration will show how much they might gain by a more sympa- thetic and` intelligent interest in our basic industry. There is scarcely .a. town that has not within three and one-half miles of its centre `two hun-'. dred farmers. If the output of the farms within this radius could_ be in- creaseclyby $100 each per annum, the total would `amount to an addition of $20,000 yearly to the business tribut- ary. to these centres. `Looking at it in a broader way, the doubling of the agricultural .output - of the tProvince would add $200,000,000 a year to` the am0u'nt"of wealth annually produced in Ontario. I need`-not saytoa meet- ing of business men 'h0w`fmuch that would mean for the gen~eral"prosper-E ity -`of the ` PArot ri_nce. ', o `J . _ 4 The mor-14~sne;ceis 1: 0 f"There, is `a moral` :as1$ec-t: to__..th_e _ma__tter_]as,. well. ;_ 'We`: hear _a `great. deal =abo13t the} ` dangersr. which A menace th ; inited. `States, -The. dangers, which _e'.x~_' aist I1`-hte!*ft.`l1av`* 1.1..>t.r..t*!_51':- 39`'?.`ii1-i':I!l ` '91390.;;v!1t! Yaj.fbu-J13`, t!1ett9nzesrtd `Turbanf7centre.-'.` Fr " this; ,tr1eM`;e:;: we` \.. _ . _` . E -4 ',_.; _. _ 4.. L`..- -gqnnglnga. ~.,-_- 31:44.. -._.L --`5--'- '4-- -

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