{IE 2 1316115 W111 Brownlee, Auctionee the.Queen s Hotel. Bar lth day of Novem hour of 12 o'clock -noon; groper-ty, formerly the r arthy. situate on the no h-west corner of Collier and Points, being Lot umber 86.North Collier Street. ' ' CONDITIONS OF SALE -19 urchase money on the . day of alance to be paid within thlrt after. The other conditions will bet Conditions ofsale. and will be mad A nown at the time or sale. or can be obtained up appli- -cation to the undersigned, - . `The property` will be oifered for sale. 5 ject t1'1?"'bi`ti'&v111 be i `t ' :1: ` eproper y open or spec on tvfveein the hours Q19 and-12. o'clock on the d o as e. - . Dated this 16th day of November A.D. 1503-` Mcca`|-.tlh|I .l0sl'er.' lloslrln & Harcourt. - . . 'l`m-nntn- CF80. 101` Bit! 0] 5,. by public auction. at . on Saturday.` the `:::'e':*za.a'.'::::'~ :!.'.'.'.'..".; cs-32* - - 0: lmccahnnr npoc _3Apn|z. 444 ' Ladies wishing to bowl can havel two m`9rnings. `a week reserved (exclusively) by anjariging with Mr. SI M0%Nj% A" minations '.. .. 93 No preference _ and not at home ' I26 Rfusd infor- gnation .. .. .. '8 ;;;%unae,J 18 will` not. be auiowed in thevalley at any time. * _ ~ % .IN` THE` TTBR of the estate of JOHN L on coI..n;I:` MccAll'_I`llY. late oftln Town 3 ..Ban-|,e, In the ` comm; of coe. lmslclan. II B0w|in2M'BV! CA,)vvELL sfQLb STAN`l;) Result" of .th e _i2.:l;gious Census." Dlru UUIILEHJIII` I30 terms and pa1~ticu STEWA ` 8% : itf "rhen-e will be` for we Hy: Ll It-nwnlnn Auntinnen hv rmhlin nnntinn at NDW 0PEN'" [_- A W: _P!?`T.'- 1?bpU1 $AT1oN 6:52. rlic Auction! ' i 8OP}iIET6R. sler. IIIISKIII C l'IIl'CIlIll I .'1`o1-onto, _ . Solicitors for the V endors. V0 Pop. 2181, " I500 1308 Han I ~v_ 243 no`! r undersigned about the 15th October. 1908 o. eullnz Heifer and a. yearling Steer. Tine owner can have the sximeon pggging propemx`-`tl Ind nnvinxz nxnenses. nthrwme I 1'l`RAYEI)-Came into the premises of` the 331 DI Over 18 `By 150' I75 . .93 I18 75 smc-`:0: T>"ATN`I:'.". 1-H}; bcmN I'a"N`dr -' cannon om.".cnur:nuoN. 14 . Gnu _-V 1 . CIlll.\vD-' &\\:Iv|- IIGVC LC` _\"d to tir? hgme in- Chatham, af- f_for. a few.we_eks, V lie marriag'e_ o-f4Mi's.s Nellie Mae .-Sridejrson, youngest daughter of Mr. , William H. Sanderson; to Mr. J. ~C. Pxrd, of "the. `G. T. R., Allandale, 4'9 " f\'nnn :.q Tnunaba nu. `Xfa4`...... 'isiting friends im.Barrie and Dal- Wlll 088010 J. L. '17I1U.M Itedonte, Craighursc P.O. Nswpgvw, .u.\.L., up III 4.Uwu LUI a..ICW uays. .:-.,Mrs_, Mu Breen of..Bua.1o..is stay- i11gl'2.w.1th her daughter, Mrs. W. Bibby. ~ Mrs. 1R. A. Thdmas_went to Port- Hbpe. 3_rster.day to" visit -Mrs. J. Cu'r- rieLSm1th. - - V .11 - 1": -11 "In A P .c -rv - TIC: Dllllllll. ' Mr. Percy B::fdley `of the Unio.n ~B_hl`:"staff has been transferred to the Wmmpeg branch. ' -~ M:fS,."Brown'of Peterbonrol is the 21-l_.St of Mrs. G.VR. Stephens,-Collier Street. ' - E- Gr\a.ver has returned o_ ljer hoine, 36 James `Street, after vnsntmg friends in Toronto and Bradforglii `II".`.}. 7-..]- T\_'_._.-_L -__3I1"'."-_- ' W. x.. DCOtt,.l.rO. -xrwm, -w. J. Lang, H. Robinson, -T." A. 'Whi'tebr'ead, Jno. Whitebread, -A_"rth11`1`-`,LGill,` :'H. Fish- Ter, ?R. A. Douglas, Jos, -Richmond, -Fred. Shannon, -Fred, Fraser, `Geo. Overs, J. G,_ Durbin;jC. McKeown, Jas. -Gray , Jno. Hunt, _Arthu'f `Lowe,- J. Sanderson, Gray! Hiugh McBride, Alfred! Mclnfyre, Jas. Flan-1 .a`gan, E- B'efry',~` K. Lawrence , 1.; Davis, Jas; Cooper,"C. uH. .-Carruthers, . J. D. Hines,'_W. J. `Nelson, ra-" -ser, W. Woodford, -,A'._ B. A.?H3u7gh's,m1, _ T. McInd1ess,_. B. Thon}a_s,`R.B- John-. ston. ` V . .~\Malcomson, J. N. Brown sun usu. U11], 1/1. 1.3`; 14. DICICLUH, J. A. F Son raser & s, Thos. W. Tooke, W. L. Barnes, A. R. Braden, C. W.- `Palk, Wm. Gallic, John ,Douga.ll, W. `n A. Lowe, Jas. Chapman, Fowl- er, `G. Hamner, W. A. Boys,` R. .L. Barwick, Philip Love, C.`French, -R. `A. Stephens, Geo`. `Simmons, A. F. A. b J. H. Nee- lands,, Jas. G. Keenan, Johnson, H=enry,Ball, N.'B. Johnston, R. G. Manuel, R. `L. Wolfenden, W: Ault, W. J. Justice, R. J. Fletcher, }*.,.Sis- sons, John Reid, W. "Cline, Jos. White, F. Montgomery, Jos. -Som- erville, Jno. "Carley, ,Geo. Ball, A. D. Simon, Thos Thonfpson, Jno. Dy-_ ment, 'C_. T. Devlin," Thos..Smith,'-A. F. Garrett, S. G`. Caldwell, Jas.._ Martin, F.` C. Lett, J. .'McQua`rry, . W. C. Scott,..Geo. .irwin,"i~W. J. Lang,` .The evangelistic. services now be_- ing held by the pastor. and evangelist iMcHardy ih `Collier St; Methodist -church are still increasing in interest and atteridance.- Each ni.ghtla'.rge num- bers -assemble, and: the addresses .are "really heart-talks of the most i1n_pr_es-- sive character.. `On `Sunday evening last, "the subject cf the sermon was` I`s'_,tl1`ere - an unfbardonable .- sin ?_ strong `and. well4reas_919legliia,n`s,vjz`er __was =l-give_g in t_hefai;r'rna_twe, shoyving it did not `consist in .any,. single -act, abut It `was rather anjfmitude-and state of-gheart `andg resulting -`sfenes of V determincd't..1-ejectidn t0.,.` 9ft.:Gd- ` 1 Twas EM. dcs tyres,` co au...gu4-ux vu -I.uc luau au.u.. uul.`u- J.` I Illa]- D`epu'ty` R_eei?e Coey is rather ser- `iodsly ill and is confined to bed. .-His numetous friends will wish to hear of` _'s early recovery, - - and Mrs. James Keat have re- 4.. "A 4.-. LI....:..` 1...... z.. r`1...n._... -c &1sv;LI.}a ul. .I.U1U_IlI.U uuu 3JlS.l1UI.u. `Mrs. Jack`Dym_en_t w11l;r'ece1ve _on th`-7l'5t Friday-1n each` month, 1i1~ : stedfof on-the first" and third. F rid ay- T-Tpnui>1'r` .Dpn`1`1o {'1-\`.6ou 3:: rating. nnc O O E `AAAAAAAAAAA'A4'AA'--- - A - - - - and`PeopI _---v-vvvvvvvw k Gookstowhn has~.bee_n stdying wif "Mrs. T. Beecroft. `Mt. W`alte1-. .E. Crease .of Provi- 3 de tIce,"R.I., is in Tawn for affew days. `MPG M nrnnn AC `llunl.-. :5 at-n.- B ford Street, _were At Home to a rge number. of their friends last Thurlsday evening, it being the occas- N ion of the twenty fth; anniversary of and (Mrs. Gieorge E. Firman, their `marriage. Among the ,out-of- town guests were: `Mrs. Madoc and son,. 'Mrs. `and Miss Mains and -Mr. Thos. Dunn of Toronto; Mr. John Gibson, Collingwood; `Mrs. `L. _M'c-V Donald, Gravenhurst, and `Mr. A.'An- stis, Niagara. Falls. , - order `to dispel theillusion people in Barrie regarding my'atti.- `new `park, I may say that nearly -a requested "by _ a , number of influential- citizens, whose names are hereto ap- pended`, to purchase the property of Mr. `Samuel Lount, and also the water lo`t'";adjoining thewproperty, for t "purpose of ` making a lake front park This petition was presented. by me as chairman of mzirkets and parks,'an'd at the last meeting of the Council it that ; prevails in .the minds of a few` tude`on the question of the proposed. year ago the Mayor and Council were was moved,_seconded and carried un ' ammously that-he.matter be referred" to the judgment of the` electorate on January 4thC".ne:g%. Now the` whole thing in i a nuts ell is this; If the peoplerwant the park, they will vote for _it onjanuary 4th. If they do not see the desirability of ;acquiring it, they will vote against it As one of the electorate having no personal ends in view, I am perfectly willing to abide by the -result. F The. citizens` who `signed the said . petition were: E. `T. Tyrer, A. B. \/Vice," Jno. Stapleton-, Jas; -Corb tt, W. J. Johnston, A__,{G. M.cNab, F. Wiseman, .W'm. Kennedy, H. 01:- ton `Geo. Urry, Dr. E. L . Brereton, T A '14`:-acne-`Ry ql\.r|n TL1\a `I7 "`4\.-.1... "Editor Adfnce : ~ EVANGELISTIC zsmnvlets; AN EXPLANATION. fuc. _u. 1.. 1\., nualluaatz, 1n Toronto on Wednes- ..a - V uI&Iv:I- Ivuuvtlu Mme amount of Private and Trust Funds to loan on Mortgages of Real Estate at lowest cur- tenmtes. and m sums to suit borrowers. W A IT`! .'I` "JAMES VAIR. _-. -v. as avast; IIIVJKIBUIJ, 1 Brtkli Heeney preaches at -Chgyst Chur_ch, Vespra, on Sunday afternoon, Nov. ,29th, at 3 o clock. T--..A. _`._._37r, " "' '."'*""' .-'-"W "'7' " ~ s ` On, Sunday afternoon, Nov. '29th, ag 4;o c1ofi:k,`in'Elizabeth St. Maho- -dist gchurch, thifewill be held `a massi under the-` auspicesv of the ow,c.'r,, ." ;'I h: meeting w_i11 be ad dressexd-~-by` Mrs, Asa. Gordon, Domin- ion oSup'er_m_t'eudgnt of the Evangelist- ic of .tlfe-TgVV`.C.`T.U., :Her- sub- ic he ThtI`,boyA;of yours. The M j-o!co7`;are .sr wanted -to Be 3; ` :- 31,." `L ._ _ _ i- _L_L-_.` "_._L_ `T *Yotir]lgt_ter hgads. and. statements! -f0lT1g_ht j_ A tqq.;pe:_;-.;nted at hbme. It % - vuu uc f:.gcau~~,, Ucccm_ mad anc.....:i.*::c:*;.:*: may! will be allowed` I . ayksgf gtjace y The" Provincial Winter -Fair at, Guelph will be held on Dec..7 to IIth, lincllusi-ve- Cheap excursion. rates will |_ prevail on the railways. . .f\._3II2 , _The Temiale of Fame which was ugiven here in 1892 with great success will `be repeated on` Thursday and _Friday of next "week, `Dec. 3_ and 4th, in the -Opera House. About 70 young people-of the Town will take p-art. The choir of Collier :St. Methodist Church and the Y.L.P.A. of Trinity Church have the affair in charge.` Prices 25c, soc and 75c. -'-If; you want to be really sure of a.,g'oo` _ tfs sleep, try the combina- Rtion hair a mattress. We are agents;-`for the `Mar Empress ,,;1ia1;tresses.' Every sale bring ew stomers.` See them at Dougall *ros .-... 2 ' _ ' ..Attention_.is called to the two park by-laws, to be voted on by the rate- payers on " January 4th. These by- .law_s;are `set out in full in this issue and merit -the careful perus Aalofc the eleqctors. _ - _, _( ._ _| " `W. Tayioij Rdrist, made? a shipment this week` to? Cape 'Breton. This sp'ea.ks we11'for"a local industry, `D... 117.`. n.`_L-I' 1'1 J"I "' U ' arrived a. v-v vqua V large assortment 'w':i'e"Tan'ixTai'?:`tff" s:1'n*a`3i".ia`f v'i'n'i-o `Ft; end payin expenses. otherwi%'m ` T 316"` wlllbesol J. L. THOMPSON. Lot.3, Con. 3. Mnlnntn. lfmiurhnmr P 0, 12.51:. J ;vn~. uutu yapcl D. Ifo. to Wilkinson s for all kinikis of pawed and split-any let: ya and soldvur card; not 0:: loads. |\- Ten pins continues {to be. the pop- `ularragei In the bowling competi- tion which closed on `Saturday night 'Olivrc'Camerons had top score with 51531, D. W. Le Roy 2nd with-. 528 and . T TVPQF 111:9`-I ('14 TL-- ----.--- 1 -Our special Xmas offering in. 6 Pian` A gt,-nuine-. bargain, $300-oo (Wont; ' & Co.) Pianos, guaran- teed by :H _A an & -Co`. and bear- ;ing_their name e face of each- instrument 6: only, each. You fhavegno. beans or dots ` ount. in 1this ;trans_action. -Call and s g at "C_`a.a`_1'ret`t _s "Music .-Store. .. - o . 4 `The?-.A-dvance has made a. special clubbing rate with the ,.Week1y Mail and Empire whereby subscribers can secure_th_Te latter until Jan. 1st, 1910, for soc. The seconidit nal` instalment of taxes is, now du`e`.a'r The last day to gave penalty will be Igesday, Decem- ` her rat}. Dav 1:1-.1-an:-n` eih ....-.:.1 1.1.`. >. --- V--- ---our In -'n Odlia is- 1 >1a.nning.ea. big Sumnier carnival, for next season. A guaran- tee fund of $3000 is asked beforethe commitee will decide to go ahead. 6-- .._I. -- - ,, -773 `.---J to two-OVVCOISQ Mr. 'Mon_ti2:ambert is assisting Rv.' Wm. Berta1I-Ieeney in the work of Trinity parts`h. .He will preach next Sunday morning at Midhurst at 10.30, and in the afternoon at Mines-ing at 3 o'clock, - L`..- ..-._I--L!,, - G - ' -'i~"`Wht?.you' Will say I\Jl Ly a. pup}. I . I _ The farmer who tnes to run hxs farm thout a farm paper is not do- mg tum or his jarm justice. Take The Advan for the local news, and in .additi_on b ` `me and `add The Weekl3c"'5|1I1;` to _ 1- list of reading for the corhirtg yea" _ s, ancf-you will never wish-to be:-with *it. Only $1.75 for both.papers. ' I`... on Ix1:1I-......-_9- 2.-._ -11 1-291- (- H.?1.1>f91-t!2z1: . _v_ wv , Dreamla_ndt is __now under` newl management-. A A first class orchestra _will give` popular ,.sel:ctions each `night. The pictures now being} shown are the best, obtainable, and all ob- jectionable features have been elim- inated. The whole entertainment is of aastrictly moral `character. Change of program daily._ Goldring` & Red- ditt, proprietors. ' " ` n. '. ._. _ r _ . . - v - ' . -- ` Stok ngw` con1.1';}ete--Finest Dates, _PruL Aetc.-both for "table and for coo g ,; at I Buoth-_w1l_ s. ` T | T'N|TY CHURCH . 1Ip\|n---. 4amvmg- daily at Bothwellfs. J U \oIVbI\, For neglecting to send his son to school, William Cripps was haled be- fore Radenhurst, P.Ml.-, on Tuesday and ordered to furnish two sureties of $100 each for future conduct or in default "pay a ne of $5. P..C. Lam.- bie laid the info:-m_atio13.\ t)Z..L.-..- - I 4 -. iwasfa Morris chair. Another com- J_,., u. vv. ac Lxuy zuu wan; 520 atm L. T. Tyrer 3rd with 514. The\ prize petition, is -now on _ar1d wili last f_o,rl two`: weeks. The winner wxll receive .a silver-tea set. I Fl` (`L It _I'_ ' ` I ~M`r. _Iohn.Shepard shipped on'i"'M-o -` "day to the Geo. Mathews Packing Co., Peterboro, 52, 630 lbs. weight. of live hogs for which he paid out $3,126.62. There were three heavy` car. loads. Mr, Shepard paid $6.06 per hundred weight for choice hqgs on Monday. .1 | ' __A`_ n;,___ L nu [me _l3.tCS15"1'n sheet music at Garrett s,Mus1c Store-,. for me a copy. In `no-o-an` .1...-. A....'-_ L- ~77 ! Taxe s 1908 I l\v IGIU --Pic Il'- 1 Hem: m snnme Bros- . J8, LIIILIDIII. _,, V_.,`_w,z: _0commencc fa Ons received up until t3, by C. M. Srigley, Box alc. , On Thursday evening last death carried off another old resident of this section in the person of Mr. Jas. Ruddell, in his-Iooth year.- Mr.-Rud- dell` will be remembered` by -the townspeople -as having lived here up to. eleven years ago, when he moved to Pleasant Point, Honey, `Harbor, where he --resided with his daughter, Mrs.`Jas. Hewitt. For the past cou- ple of years the deceased had been conned,to~ the house much of the time and throughadvanced age be- came veryefeeble; Death was due to old age. , The body was, conveyed to Midland on Friday afternoon and laid A away in;Lakeview cemetery. Prior to coming`; to Midland` Mr. Ruddell lived at ThAq_rnton.--_MidIand Argus. 3`;\p\JlI\l JIIVU I-\J\Jl\ \Jll IIID Ilalp, llIQI\II it evident that some. Qne'ha.d mistak- en him for a.- deer;. 'He- shouted at the top of his voice,. and threw him-. self on: the ground, but a third shot was red. -Mr. Page got up and started in pursuit ofz` the reckless hun- ter, who made off. After following him for half a. mile he gave up the chase. `He has not learned who did , the sh6oting.--.Or i1lia. Packet. . The county councillors are once more insession`, having assembled on Tuesday afternoon to nish up the year s business. All the members are in attendance with the exception of Deputy Reeve Coffey, whose absence through i1Tness is regretted; 'I'T_. ; A sta of Government. surveyors have been in this vicinity for several weeks, and as a result of their labors the marsh`lands are covered with marking stakes. It is rumored that there is a. possibility of the,`-Go'vern- ment abandoning the `Holland Land- ing stream in connection "with the roan-3.1-ija_t5).,,lLevvmarket-..and taking an~ other `course starting from the ibridge, Another staff of surveyors also. have been here for some days, and. from what can be learnedthey have been surveying in the `interest of the: 'Met~ ropolitan Electric -Road, with theview of an extension; of that line to this town next year.-Bradfor.d Witness. The. next few days will see all lum- lber miI1s_ along Georgian Bay closed for the season. Some have_ been clos- ed for weeks "past, but in. other cases an eart `to `run as long; as possible has been successfuly `carried: out. `The. tug. boat eet has nished its seasonfs work and within the next few days will be tied up and put under protec- tion for the winter. In; many respects the past season has not beenzbhe nmst encouraging for the lumbermen, and there appears a general opinion that this winter will be an unusual~1y'.q,uict one in the `woods.-Mid1and. Argus. 3 Mr. Geo. Page, who is, in charge of [the town s'plant at -the Rag`.-ged.` Raps kids, had a narrow escape while out hunting, about two miles. south of the `Rapids, on Wednesday of, last week. He was -. standing looking. over the ledge of a small hill when a. bullet `sang past `him. A moment. later -a. second "shot took off his hat, making Auu:AnanI- L1-cal ar\o-via 1:355`: vuu WANT IN " w'ifiJ1l"'isi7LNuFAc1UREn [_ % Manfacturer s Prnces I J.-LVTHOMPSON, = ':AIDHUHST P.O. Up to the time of going" to press, committee worl`< mainly had engaged the attention of the courzcillors. `Some of the matters tg_,.eoie before the council will _pe4e'good roads report an(I,th n Vlack bridge over the Not aga River. It is altogether 1 ely that the business of the ses-. sion will close this week. 4; uuuuxc uuswrtune DCICU the fam- ily of G. F, Muir, of Florence Street on" Friday. While the father, `who teams for the Sarjeant Coal 'Co., was returning to" the stables about noon his wa.-ggoxr collided with an` `electric. {light .po\le on Bradford Street, throw- ing" `the occupant headrst to the ground. ,*His head wag sever_el_y brui- ssed 'bv the Fall, gun! in -.A.l.;..... LL- [,,......u. .u.ua ucau was severely brui- sed "by the` fall, and in addition the lspine. was: injured. By a. singular lcoincidence his 5-y_ear old son Willie ihad the ill? luck, In playing with a companion on the way to school, to- ; sustain a. triple fracture of one of the V legs. `Both patients are doing as- well} 3 as can: be expected. v an I PHONE I99. BARBIE. v {:1 .00 Pan ANNUM IN AovAuc'z ' UINCFF IlC'|Vt Ctl . I _ '%._=:= vAo?aP`,mnzifa't:26:22:29mean: dove Tnoussas % 4' -- . . mu. 'r1Mnn.- SIIINGLES, 7 roars, suas on.-connwoon. Perhaps-:_ you qan 1`-;:3p`B o`:r some particular txqxe _ . the. b0Vdidii_ t.need tit)! tr sets. 3 In 1- ' ` Qifli IIILII " f IN` no ` 1` m k! w. , .. I he re Iar`_"\fh'de bog needs ttousers t -Vtxme. *` _ .; Ti? `sun-- uxqq sv ucbu. I 1 5| upuas.-.u. you can," th 1' qbt .be Sbmcthihg the m t It -th the V - O Wchavea large a.mou_nt of_ monef. to loan Itlowest current rates. enther m ems. or large ood farm morb- mounts, on the securitv of E s..... Mr-(`.AR'l`H\', nn`vs Mtmnnmnn, IYIDU :7 mm! DISTRICT HAPPENINISSZ. OIS BIIU. baaallaxcnca qus wel made and s lush tro` e Fal1 Fabrics. 1,25, .`_;"s.t'ay,, re"-`fnforced .1 at `vyeak "71I*?9:``3'?$.`'!5t*!1t%4 *0 778 8:35.: ' Jr.-: `couurrv COUNCIL. B E R v - -u- r1v1I1IllUI Il`_ 5` SINGLE 0Pltll'|Vt ctl` . IIUII-U19 yiotsiand. Cassimerea dur- 4-4_I ...-.1- -...A .5..l:.l. -` IlI&1$I&$1I 'Omces to let with vau!t. the oiceg formerly oocu ied by G. A. Radenhurst. Barnster. over wfc wk fCm'X?r\~9.' x\`}1`i?1x % ALUABLE TOWN PR.OPERTY' IN THE TOWN or-" ` BARRIE. ULL FOR_ SALE-Shorthorn. te_n months old; cho1cely_b1-ed and good indlvidual. A -winner. Prxcc reasonable. Satisfaction nteerl Apply to W. C. WILSOIZ' ggst mcn on on. 7' g---. Printin business. Apply at. the AD. ANTED AT on _E 7t| uVU\-v. , BA R W- D. Mgi(E'[~%RNA N bi H . `Q32; . Teacher Wanted; For S. `S.--.50. 12, Innisl. Duties O f`(\1l`I1nnnu fimaf A--`z-`-` vr\t\z\ - ---vrvvrl l"IVI\l`= :5`-WDAY. NOVEMB:; 29:3. `"~~Hol ; Mn 'Communion. - ~ A a_ V W :_M"318 Prayer and Sermon. ` ' Nmday School. T ' m Fill} orchestnywlll be prentL I RV`-Y; E\ensong and Sermom T . __. j car will preach at both` _ A \l7..| -_, .3 |a5tie. 3 Now, w{1en mone . ' y . . ster than at any Othelrs commg in 1 by as much as ;:SOl.?, ~at`,e _ Open a nion Ba ten as yo 'atC11 youo. b I ~ ` a . "` '* Stow ere s satisfaction and _ S , . .I"`."5t at the highest Gent"? In it. aspaxyl 4 tunes a year Current rat be W` ' . V y -.g,nn Savings A nk of Can`;dOunts th _ `"" any simd-gziit 5:: Loo thdrawn at a "thout% Rum, FOR month ..m . nhnim-`-.lv bred stood A ' MIIIUHJII uuvx tROWN. Barrie. yes. mcunn 1 u 1, 1: nlop Street. Barrie. ERTISEMENTS. __-<-*{ -. Irv vlzvua ARRA2;GE NOW -ro A"m'lJ 1, ; THE !iAM.008i;` i ' 43 ~ L CHEW- .. -53 fl] CC`; 111 Welcome. `Daratcly or the apply Ge1'8e McDonald, Exec., - ---unLCu. Either parcel may be purrihased" whole `property b8ht en bloc, ' " For f to the undersigne Barrie, Ont. Stewart & Stewart,_ . 13 Owen St., Battle. Solicitors. ~ for Venglo. Dana T... , -- - urther terms and particulars 'o Thoroughbred Blac_k In6rca~e_oe;;e;-e1s.WAn1>.lL..9..S?'_10- -0- MM Rm-rm. "47-47 Vat cmuma. . } t and Undivided ,o9_9_,ooo M Y0" SAVW .23.` o?1:i'e2J{i'ri:'\?`b`:z` `36 d"t`a n"{zi'61-:3 McCAR'l`HY, BOYS MURCHISON, n QM-unr Rn m-in MONEY TO LOAN. 5-`: HT MONEY`! Montvij on-'_IcEs TO LET `J. __-.IL LL- -:n-_ zuuo-rfv Ehurch of England! FOR SALE FOR SALE Oi. D 1 V endox- s .! 5 Ulla UUl'l'UWUI7 W. AULT. Pnnn SERVICES WHO L: N10`-~.( cash } Pnopnuupun. f Offers will be received by the ndersigned for the purchase of the ollowing lands, commonly called le cDona1d property, -namely :5-- " ,1. The South thirty three" feef, _me inches, of lot four on` the `West. Bgde of Bayeld Street, Barrie, with "hts of way thereto. There 378? `W9 ggod stores on this property whxch as in a most desirable locatxon. uu, zu 48-5o [Jo \Jo "47-47 6111103: ' All objectionable features eliminated. PRICES : Sc and IOc. Saturday Night. Ioc. to all. _Saturdo.y Matinee-3 to 5,p.m.-.; & I0c_ and General Session . ~ Notice 413 hereby given thetthe Coun- t the Peace and nut of Slxnooo. coU1'wrY or sun: ' . T0 WIT 2 unty Conrt.ln and for th will be held in the Court Ho 11 the To or Barrie. on Tuesday. an , tl: den 0 3, stone o'clock the after- Dec her . 11001133: whg` `ell -Juetlee. Cqm Com` Galen and otherb are net take ::t`l,g"end.ettand and to do __al_l| A . w. nat;nAriv3nv~= J t , . snarnrco`qu_aty\oc.enn_o&e. ,- Barrie, NOV; *_:_A4.1.':, " _` dtgglee tlxit epperteln tcrthem A ` V zoooooooooouoooooooooooog 811`? First class on-cnesir; everir man. Musical Novelties.` Dreamland has been thoroughly cleaned not! renovated and. will be well ventilated at all times. ` A II t|}Anl- Innohln Cnnbnnnp ..I:_.8-_L-.I cl 51 4 `J15 '4; F . U11 _gl 9 -,~: - ' 1 locati0- m d`?5:r3 b Ewo `_ feet, .g_ The 1\orth thu` Y ' , with Igde of Bayeld Safe`; 3;;i1c`i:letQV the right of way 111113 Ce is ja{ good "North thereof. Thcre _ dwellitlg commod1ous tW0`5tr y situated. 133.1 . the WC5t I ,;`.`8ht inches, of lot four 011 entt'31' - 0us'e`On this proPTtY mst C ,.. % Fxnsr-CLASS onde||sg_|I] Pianos. uunsn new. MANA'cEma.nfi' -j .::----'-- :-2v-u2::: - Gousnma 6. Broom . PROPS.` New Feature Films Every Day. I New Illustrated Sonia. i3'!7iI:`;?\f15rl"i3'-""i31 FRgHOOKSj a 3737" '%JE$iai~f;r1iiii? EAVRRIE-1 ". vv I,N?T. Ft AND sIMMoNs3`FuRs AR E_H E7R'E.. There no 8 . * n3. e no for lettingadainty. ; at from the elects of. An skin can be kept ` hea. thy by .use'of our ` 'J"`llh`-M hm.-Su I UUTUW`-T ITICjII Action and Tone Regnlat'or.V Pianos Always on Band For `Sale All vnrasv nmnvssnu 15".?! 8immons&8o. `PEN? 1'13 N1: If -58-- _...A 7"...` `D--nI..s;u 7BERT3%0N 3 I04: and 25, at -chAoi_ce\ to` f irst caller. dbuilding lot in Barrie. namely: That West flhe West half of lot number nine. of Penetanguishene Street, Burie. contaix_nn 1-5 of an acre. For prices,_ but we cah- `not help _ it. `V I F irst N9 room` to quote rumuans. gtumedvlotion tliat is not` iia night-in;proves the .' ll. v TH: I_N1':a:s'rs F anaauz, THE couvrrv or BARBIE; COUNTY OF `SIMCOE; ONTARI_6; 1fTOVEMl;1ER` mos. .,.....v. -- ;_~wy\a uay, u_J|.cl..IUU1_l- :2]. [HS CC-I1` zsus was -taken" undet` the auspies of` `-the Ontario Sunday School Associa- tion gvith Mr.` Tho. Yello`wlees,,the- association. secretary, as stgpervisor, He had__17 locafl assistants `wait about `I90 ladies from the. *var:o'us_ `town: chufches as enumerators, B'a.rr1es to- tal gzpopulation appears to be` 6852 made .-'up` as follows": . . Methodist. . Preslgyterim Aziglxcan - ;. Roman ca:h61'ic%I Baptist. . .. . `R. Episcopal... I `Congregational . _ Salvation. Army I geno- .I` urac -I-alone` The cnimitteer in chargt (Sf thiix work inconnection with the`religio_us census of the Town completed xts labors ysterday forcnooi1;' .-This cen; .....3...'. - 4.1. .'* .... -1 _`_..