Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 19 Nov 1908, p. 4

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calves. Trade " in cattle and the prices of choice slightly rmer than ye: though the -. rough stock there. was a [great deal, _ slowly. DIRECT IMPORTERS. 5 5 ---., -.. -.au..uc was ECUVC aces grades were yesterday, '31- :-.:-ough stock, of which deal, sold very! export cattle came (`(3, mac an` 34` ARE What adiffrnce there is in 'aI'_ways kgep soft no matter F. washed, while others are so d BOYS Overcoats, f0TTON 8 SON % :~l"eun Gifts of which range from '1-IEADQUAR.'_l`ERS 1.:on_ . V '7 ' J V " ,orset fashlons. was active Tllrulll` ~- voospl s1 nub DU U -Ivt fall depends on ;S'l`EEL suznsns. SAW gr -3 A II! An g tvnnunau . urn-1 _Or"der your wedding mvatatxons early and at the right place. The ?Advance Job `Printing DCI>3l'; makes a specialty` of this class 0. { work. All the latest samples ' stationery. Call and see us before r lordering. I expert Corsetieres sk e_ dainty girdle to the of Canada are Handkerchiefs, ---vu uvwg UIIOICC . . . . medium to good. . Sprmgers . . . . . . . . . . . .. Cnlves . . . . . . . . . .. Sheep, owes . . . . . . . . . . . % I` hnnk- ._-i " eason s Coats, were 10.00 arid I2.00._ Now. . .. s,\in dark tweds or plain N avys andAB_row:n, all `iv n w. vul Common cows. . . . . Gunner: . . . . . . . . . Choice stocltors . . . Light smokers. . . . . I Milch cows. choice It ....-JL--- - 1s s1ow and runs are usually rather` unusual. Quotations on Tuesday were :- Export cattle choice. . . . . . ..$ 4 medium. . . .. n a u . u a cow: and bull: . . . . . . , Butchers , picked . . . . . . - . 4 H .; 4` goodlosds . . . . .. 41 medium 3' $1 cows. choice . . . . . l2..nn-nan an--- _.. ---IIlIUC' idga, select . . . 350 to $3.00, '-7"BEEI.' 3521' ;;.`n`.' Faring Lambs, each. . nan IA.AnD -1-AI-AIIL can guarantee the u1'iCS are always inte WEDDING INVITATIONS. are Blankets. how often made frdm "good heavy uiyatAm-ial, \K_I . 3W) _rece1pts. Hows 011 II('Y"'If an.-.A.'..`_ DI` Value 850 receipts. light recei pts in 1? {NC Selects ` ' " ' '8 (UN the quality rQY'If't:Ar. `L , Five Points Jnrdware. ..-.-nn I.u\, Uilllld: heavy. cannot be beat here the \veano . . , b xnteresnnq 4 40 4 00. 3 50. 3 10 300` 100.. 3 00.. n_xI\.L|.D .12: and watered advance at the deman .11-. L- ' of`tvhe W I x.- 5300 ure W001 blanket, medium size `regular 3 75 {O , ' 3 1'. I LADIES AND CHILDREN'S cons ON AKTTX ("LT`DXTlr\'F ram A in) ; `,,_--J_ an (I: LIV-Ill "._iiz5-ai1';}. event liberal a 'v;(`i1l`h1}'r.!0 be made 9! Ve,;`ajl_;;r::iri_1us, and it is _(;fitiz'tjn's %:$ould' know. .v .;_mjatt.eVrs g1gges__t,T in somevinstanggs, vthe"".pVr-:c6pi`iety_ of a frontage tax, ilziit fn `HA 4"*"` any eirent apprdp`riati`fijg s % bfong .tq matters- #3! irisJti<= s,__-......-.a....a.-.. 1; will not do s to say that there is no money to s spend for improvements, and that. 1 therefore, we must be content with 8 things as they` are. When shall we 5 be in better position? The bonded . indebtedness of the Town will remain - pretty much "as it; is forsvsome years yet. We cannot, accordingly, hope to have more ftinds at our disposal through the falling in of` debentures. 1 The assessment- does <-not increase I a very fanidbss and then increxmnt Pr9b- . ablye.brings'with it added `res'ponsibi_l-`-. A` `ity,` _so that wecannot count much on 1 this score._- The other `sov1i1'-/.\c;=csApof`a_rc`- e . venue donot .vajry,-grnuch. How then ( van: uni A... ...L ,- l - -- -....,_W...a. u.;_:.-s years governingi body, taken in the main, fell far short of the requirements of arepresenta ` tivc council. In consequence, there has been veryjittle accomplished in the way of the Town's progress dur- . ing 1908. Outside of one or two that-_ ters, we" have simply stood still and ' 'm:'1rked tim_ . If we were asked in what important Particular our coun- cillors have failed we shouid answer in ccnstructiveness. It will not "do . to sav H194 ~I-|---- 3- ..pu wiheli i.6x"if.l;h;s:`:h.e' waif? _) Cd{ 5 ' the je- f dwe1!i"8;V%Av;h;9v~9s 1_ment7of :1 publicity but-' what V you wi- voef ' :11 an... .. 1.1 ). Thgge um weight, Aregzilar` 3. 50, for. .. rt, medium size, 3.75, ' "R'.I""'l-"`|vl|_ II3 mad; out of, the Ind `E uu9n`i~ LLAL' 1%. . _ v-. -v-- nd it weli. that know. what may e. BLANKETS LI, dark co1o}s, up-t .-- .. `(...n'ua_o\.ulG"l_ll`I1C3` -5; I ;. , j t5, vc;te Qimplies 51:71 e~;'A:tigH3f5 of. Te. and h{ezs,.;}%=is %w:he._re1 `1f_n_ig'ht Lsomcltiinej cut in and"A;'11_t41V`af:xr'e ` the prppbr balgmgg@.;;3;f`: s!j,iild,, bg}oVng-tq m;qg,ttb;:r4's:?-ii `" ' gem :.~..;A...: - n.`.L ~. 5, made from the latest n, all sizes. . . . ' ,._ .v.\. ._lIlfI'J 16'` {Under the old cor, uoutsadf: pf .Quehc`c. -.... ... uauua ooiumma. The Government majorityvis now reduced to forty-eight with the Yukon elec- ment. The Opposition then had sev-. enty-three members; exclusiyje of the ` Yukon representative, There are ' now -eighty-six with the Yukon to . hear from. -`The Conservative major- i ity is twelve in Canada westiof Que: 1] ` ` ` n 1 equal division, the Yukon haying A_ '_i casting `vote. V In the late House the 1 Western .re;>rcsc-ntation stood` 2t"Gov- ernment -to 7 Opposition; Ouside of 1 K than it was in the previous~Parli`a- I ( I I I .,l E E (3 C.` TTnr-In- 41...: -13. -"-' ` V ' _ The tl_1_1'-ee deferred elections held lastweek "give the Government one seat in Sa'skatch'ewan and the Opposi- tion two in British Columbia. The spir the councillors will looking after them. thi_ng.--the p.eo,ple..ivi kind of government the polls. Barrie ha to get the right mt vuun, a\l\JJ\a . . . ..% ....... 13_5o% - - ~ - - - 2.50 and 3.00 _ _ _ , _-J -vv, anew.-7 4 LU 3 7 % {$.75 and 4.50 good heavy cloth and linings. . A 7: -_ .1 A III!- v v. -- `J V_rJ V \z\I_tOl'L'l\v,- ULIICI ' ` mattggs invdlvvcd in "~t~h3'[-s`11bje_;ct . of I` W0man sA`%3;frai:ehismssht1v Vote ;:*=fn+nr';... n -.-...::.-.:.." * A 14.00 *;::;,Y _ Overcoat, made from .3 dark brown tyle,as the cut. The Coat 15 the most comfortable, durable _and' stylish coat worn to-day. - frieze, tailored with same` .. nu... utalu auu satm. 11.50. 13.50 and _I.oo Im lafnndr -L--I_ ` I A mace Iroma very nely nished Black .Melton Cloth, nished in same style 7.15 above, but` 46 i_nehes long and best Italian I4gOOi`1j}:S`y LWCCU -coats, made in the style, single brea`ste the back. A s. able cloth and lining; `L 14- ` `CZ! ma.-.s wrram_ Overcoats and Suits uNsL%f-AN nfn`or% A % FAULTLESSLY F T TAILORED may re'du c`e it to three.1 conditions~it was `I23 0 I`) 15110?` ` - allow widows and spinsters i,(who-tare` ' . '6 . n t -, .9 o'ooeoo oooooooooooooooooooooo . -. One of the liveliest topics that ' came up before the Provincial W. C. T. U. Convention, recently heldhe-re, to be told that this year's governing , consequence, energy , ' what 1 sphere is purely domestic-she is the . t ( and t, therefore, `t household. On the other hand, we things are. 1; hear that women have a tremendous better The ' ' ' of will . . it1is for form. They are, it is claimed, much ' more in earnest than men in the solu - to ha tron of. these pr.oblems, and ought, therefore, to be granted the oppor- tunity of speakignitheir jimindsip from A eq the blliothox. ,While"it maynothe }a?bly1.brings'-- +with`tit added e,es`ponsibi1:,. C, KPdint *0 81'-ant W0mn` the eqllal 'ity, _so-that iwecan_not count much_on`_ W righteof rsuffrag`e. `to us it has always (this scam-, Tye _c,~t_h.e,. -so,i,.;`5.Aof-,;_r_ yer SEC`-flied just th'1t'tfhey. ShOllld have ` th right if they really desiI e. it: _In-- are we to meet qii`fr'fp"resi`ei:ti`conditiq`rji? deed, we cannot very consistently-}re- ' " A . , _ g _ The only.reinedy`=1iesj,in Zincreasiying fuse to extend them the franch1se,;the ' ' , CI `some years Y hope ve `more ;our disposal h, the falling of` debentures. it. eThe.w-assessment -:not increase bi very ,fapidly.;tand the increment-fpr9b- ` a _ ko Ur . V _ _ H A p the; general ta$c_ra__te";- , principlemof, which, in !`l1ul`lIclpaJ eljec-," ` ' . - . 4 tmnsphas already been a`dmitted~ j'5We~ ` ' " t it *1 eth- . dent` econqmy. --. my hat ever since. their_ org- !1;`.s_ bc_e_n_:>t'I1e. commOn and '_`-'i_31V'vi1C:i(`.'i S'11"Vl'V of our .. larg Int` n|1n4-.."- -'-#- "` ...3.75 ana_4.6 coon `illl\I IJIC 113;-i't'i'sh Columbia. nan 3:;-Z4.-- ' 2,75 ......... ..;r.,oo - ..__- nII\l\C style `cloth, loose Men -s extra ;h_eavy~ dark tweed Over; latest" breasted, y Ivan` :- M.eAn s _1*`ine Overcoats, made from a n:.v.L_.' 75` NORTHERSI VADJ E mucn % or _ .Torpnfc.>~, Tuesday: .. ,There Was ;a-n4otha__-`fgo`od Iran Qf _cat- tle*;t0~d%w io,nAt1,1e4 C!.ty:.;Cat.leV`Mavket. % Aai~t1i:ous%, it'i`*WiS`.;1..1%t" 0eI3t,- jtiiat _ . L , ` $11810 u ;:dnoIonouooofonlloov-o-: `:2: WW DIIUCIUICOVCOICIOIOOU OIIOIO V W00], no-no-nun. ` 8-... V` Lambs-kins 451... 5 Apples (full) per bbl. , 1 00...... I 2 Applealwinver)pe1jbbI..;.`....[..' 2 oo 2_.Sl _ . Tonox1`o,Novminnn 171m. 1908 Wheat. fa1l...- .. . .. L- % Wheat. mu..:; n a-noun heavy... . .. .'.f ootououoo u... Qhickens.x?o:lh..---,., " D661. Q15... coo Beefvto Lani). M n o o u o n o o so !'0.Ql'..-non ...uu....-:: QOCIIlOOOlo Fl0I1I'....u.o..'a..::.`::::::::: Beer:ift:.1;:edn`;_;`-fir. ........ oocodnooooouno &rle o";onL;:-V.`-`I--." Ryelliil DOUG` IIIICC O I I I II Buckwheat Innin- 000000000 The Prices Rulln -- :j `V13 1 In the Barrie an froronto Markets nurlnt the Week. grain. and seeds is thatthe cash prizes . now provided, are, on the average, -`vvuth more than the exhibits, and to increase them could not be defended on business principles. Larger sums in prizes for small exhibits of grain would tend` to encourage greater skill in rather than improvement in the pro- duction of clean seed grain of super- exhibitors should be required to `guarantee :1 certain stated amount for sale, equal. in quality to the exhibit. Live stock is usually judged from the poses, and, for similar reasons, ex- the standpoint of utility for seed pur- poses.` V ` ` screening and hand`-picking exhibits, ` Aior quality. If the prizes are to be u increased, the amount required for an - exhibit should be made larger, and * ..stamipoi.tit_o*I'u7tility for `breeding pur-T ` : hibits of grain should be judged from f V '9 . . 175... *Li'StSZi; fhiA}kets;- T\Y1"\'IW/up-u -__., 20 doz. Ladies Heri1st,itched on sale Friday 8. for 250. 25 doz. of Fing Linen ,___-|___ K 10 doz. Heavy Wool Hoe, regular` pair, a.t25c. % - _ I! BLACK MELTON. AND CHEVIOT COATS are the 2 fall and winter. They are all mad cf: Z length and are nicely trir LADIES NAVY BLUE and BROWN SERGE LOATS, mac a back and velvet collar ` . . . . . . . A few only -of last season Now.. Child:-e.n s' Coaltsfin plain avvs and `R-mm 25 Ladles Coats "1: FRIDAY SPECIALS 0 clear at each $2.00. _ so d1fferentVwhe_n they are wool. We buy our blanke qualities, and we buy them av-mil QGIB Ullflll Week. Buumc. Novnmnm 19m. 193 Good Blankets; I-J V W ' "J ' We uarantee-that our rices, .3 . . . P by any House 111 Canada. ` _ T This storeris recognized as the place where 3 developed and` approved by" the creators of Corset fash: .Come and prove these assertions and let our e. the nevwest models. We have all. styles from the_ directoire models in great variety. `IT j ut&\J .LJ..I.0`.l..l. .L.l. V_e1y'Lpure linen , Wort}? Friday 2 for 250. .. , nn:x1\.. ULIICID drC :rent,whe_n they areused aashorte time. It all depends blankets fromwreliable makers.an'd :5, and in such quantities that our prices Come beforejiou have'you'r4n;_e`w suit tted. PI`! 3 _ -_- -.....u. uuuc III, D11! thexr absence was not felt, as what zslight demand there is for this class was pretty well satised yesterday. A few heavy bulls sqld up to $4.50. rt `Choice butchers cattle are `wanted he market is _ . h ' __ scarce an-:1 . The small number that _were in to-day brought `very good prices, tlfe choicest" selling 110 to $4 6: 1.l...a:--..- I - - ` `Very few ,their .,:liol-M A-------'

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