Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 19 Nov 1908, p. 3

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'5. var '. em` . ...::.`. ? -Dro Best by-T a Forester [an class 3-_-.A. S. Maw.` ' " '_ -1-,,A._J The folldvving ofcers. were elected : for the ensuing year : President-W. McCullough. Vice -President--A. Priest. Sec.-Treas.-E. Allsopp. ' , Du-`ectors-%-A.` R. ,Stanc1en,TR._G_ra- hazn, D. Quinlan, C. -M . Hickling, 5C. Wattie, W. J. Dickey, D.`Bennett, J. M.1w,VG.fM'cGi nn-is, Chas`. Kidd, John Ropiqgon. _ ~ _-.;-.__ 1\ 'I3A..u...LA an.` I`. (`un'|u, Lxuuuayuu. - __ Aucittors--D. Bennett and (1 Craw- 'for:l.. Beef C'roquettes.--Mi`nce some cold` roast or- corned beef ne and mix in twice ~ as_ much we11-seasoned, hdt mashed potatoes. Beat I egg and work in. Make thewswhole into: little` cakes, roll `in egg and crumbs and fry. "Serve very hot. ' 1 ,1). 115. r`._:. L`-'.. _......;:... ..J- u..-... .-- .~ Shep_herd s I",i'e_.;-V(-Iut the quantity `of coldemeat required intothin slices and season. Put into an earthenware dish and pour over xt. a gravy` made .1- f-A--.n n DcF `aura. I'0i`\`n:1\l\l\I"IC hi1 - (11811 auu pvul. UV|v_l n. a. 513v, szluuu as follows: Put` two ta.blespoons but- ,.ter i}1t'o_ a frying-pan. and: whVe_n- hdt stir m 2 tablespoons our. `Stir un- i til brown and _pour in 2. cups ' water. l Season and"bo1l, a few mmutesf Now cover the whole mixtur wit}: a. thick layer 0%` potatoes mashed with I cup hot mil ; and I .tablespoon`bu1:ter, and seasoned.-`= Bake: an-til .b1-owned on `top. in` .3150? oven. . II i. ' I` _ _I_ I`-_L --...... 5L2..." ' u1:nn` `buy {ll 3 ll`-fl: vvunu Salt VPork.--Cut very -thin slices from the thick part `of side pork. Hold each on a toasting fork before a hot re, immersing freq`uentty in; hold: water `to... remove the extra fat. and ;makcit delicate.'- `Serve with" _2t.33t.-T _ L . 1, ---- n ;- V ` V` I. I |I'\_,_`__`___ W1.1i pped Cream Sal.t'c1`Dressior;g.:-.-. Put 'ha.lf a_ cupful of thick cream on" 'ic until very cold, -Beat the, yolk of *3 eggs 3 very light :-an`dV '- add I tabl- _spoo`ns, Avinggar, and a dash of: salt ;;at_;xd,*7PPPt.-` Cook` over hot water W1 ..j?`3'.3...`..-~.3. .`o.*.:=o 5$.;o39i`35o to 4:061: Ivisto HIIIIIOQU -.-- --..` _, on Toas_t.`--Po,ach ,_;s_om;-, .e-ggs d--*_ p1`_ayc;f~onA .~bn_ttered ..twoast,;;;*.L Pqurj I A`8.=uc%a4made%%j<: 11.v~rs%;y=% PLOWMEN MEET Confined on Page Fiv. R031` `Abuses I8 yqars a.nd under_, Edwm Pnest; 2nd,, - Rub; in 2; tablespoons": butter; and slowly add sweet milk to r nake a `soft L dough, stirring with a knife. Turn on "a oured board; Roll out very lightly and cut into biscuits. I s ham: our, one`-ha1f~'t_aspoono s'a1tand ...:=2 teaspoons baking, pow`c1eti`r`t b.'l>%`ox-.'!`.A. .ps; g` inb;i>*eK :;1$:` eapponee butter: .I.jte33f79011i01`? alt. \ mixed together and boiled nntl thiek- ened. `Alliston, celebrated the ,6ot1}.. apgier.;;: sary of their: ma_rriage`:__o`n `N,5g,'e.,,,-beg. 9th. The_,gatheringg"tool{_Aplgcg, at i ith'_`hm` of .their.'- daughter; `.M:_s'. ,.'Wnf1 - Wilkinson of l-Tossorontio; resides on the farr'n;w_h;ere" \M;r..arig1 7 Mrs. Baycroft lived for 50 years and I ,.whijg:,h was cleared fromgthe solid for-`R et."All thesons and danghters'.were- there except Mr. W. J. Baycroft, who is in the ranching industry in Alberta. There yrere four sons and four daugh- ters present: Geo. E. Baycroft of Toronto,,H. A. Baycroft of Alliston, R .E. Baycroft of Stayner, `H. T. Baycroft of Bond Head, Mrs. Jos. Chantler of Newton Robinson, "Mrs. Wm. Wilkinson of Everett, Mrs. Wm.. Pulford of Deerhurst, Mr. R. J. Slack of Newton Robinson." These with their wives, husbands, children and grandchildren aggregated 57 people. Four generations were thus repres- ented in the party. `Sixty years ago "Mr. and `Mrs. Baycroft were married at the Anglican church at Middleton, .-West Gwillimbury, and almost im- mediately after removed to lot 9, Con. 6, Tossorontio, the same" farm where the anniversary was held. .It was then a virgin forest, the: home of the wolf and the bear, and Mr. Baycroft can recall manyinteresting stories of these animals killing deer in their little clearing. Mr. and Mrs. Baycroft notwithstanding their great ------A non: `kn!-H `1!I`P and Baycrott nOtWltnStanu1u5 Lucu 5....._. age are both hale. and hearty an may live to enjoy many more anni- versaries of the event whxch they consider the most momentous xn their I' ,_ _ v bulnanu L lives. alitfolt I of our} On Su'nday. nig'nt last, says the Coldwater Planet,` Walden. Lye at- tempted to shoot Miss Beatrice ..Wi1- son. He evidently had been keeping company with the girl and had gone thatevening to see; her; she was not at home, and he was told by her fa- ther that she was out_ with her sister and Susie O'Brien. -He then wended his way in the direction of the local- ity where he expected to intercept them. He had not long to wait- he met them and told Beatrice that he wished to speak -to her, but she re- r.--_j ....A an 01 It urn 1? tnlrina shelter. WISIICQ to SPCHK `LU MCI, Uul. any n\.~ fused and ran away, taking shelter, [in Mr. Crane s house. Lye followed and got into the house, by way of the_' bazk door, and "at once red four shots at Beatrice, but she managed to get under the table and escaped. The O Brie girl `was struck on the top of the gnead but, fortunately, it glanc- ed o` and only a "scalp wound result- ed. The case was heard yesterday, but was adjourned until Friday, aseno one appeared against defendant. ram FOB S|6|( WOMEN Ll.U.U. U110 .l.l.ll.U.UJ.UU. uuuunauu LVIIUGLI: ` `from women. seekinfn health, and here are the letters which they 2Pe"1*;;*::'i,e'e* their 21": $.93: urea a were cure TE. Pinkhanfs e table Oonpound.' ~ Lydia. -E. ` am : Vegetable` Compounq has saver} mnnywomen from s_m-glcal ope:-9.t1on`s~. ` T _;:Lydm E Pmkham s~ Vegetable ; O_ompo1__1nd_ is ma.de._from rqotsand , _ herbs, without drugs, and in whole- - ,, Thm..,n~:.%*v;,:-vi~ ,.,,....`* 1:23;! 7* 3111,37 B . .. me . E` \wcc93,1g1 roontxdwnsjing jthe to - .1.Yn"IA' E."P-'I'NK!fM V No other medicine` has been so successful in relievin the suffering of women or receive so many gen- ; uine testimonials `as has Lydia E. { Pinkha.m sVegetable Comxgound. In every community youwlll nd women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkhe.m s Veg- etable - Compound. - Almost every one you meet has either been bene-I ted b it, or has friends who have. ' In a Pinkhame Laboratory at Lynn,Mass.,a.ny_vqognano.nydsy1_nz_z _ see the les oontammg over one In - lion one -hundred-Vthousand. letters -~ __-...-_.- ---1_:.... I...-1L1.. .....l :.Pinkham s Ve table Compound. `V Vegetable 0 bmpounq saved . tom operations. - . Lydw. s Vegetable . Somponnd made from rootaand . or 3, in whole- . omeandharmlegs... . o * The`1r`%a:aon11;g1y(")]`;.ydin 1:. 1;nk.[ .am s-` egeta , mpound so ~ ucogssful is bo'cs use,it in- hafemixiineoo` condition-A; ; 7.: . `1>iAmoND A WEJSDING; SHOOTING AFFRAY. COUNTY- SIMCOE, "By. virtue of a warrant irsned by the `Warden of the ti - . ` `-. V County of Simone, benrinn date the 21st day of Angunt, To ,,,W 11' : in the veer 0! our Lord Nineteenflnndred and Einht. and v - ` ` * to me directed commending me to levy upon the several `lnndlj; mentioned andfdeecr-ibed, being in the County of Simooe, for nrreere respectively dne thereon, together with iny coats, I herebv give V notice pursuant to the Assessment :\`;;1i`end amendments. thereto, that unlbsa the said errors end cont: be sooner pad, I. Tuesdamrlhstay of Ilecemboer, I908 `-5 .I;- I.-.... -1 ._.- -1~.r-_I. :_ .1._ _n.._..___ -;. LL- 11-.-.` -u_._-- :_ LL- m-___ _c"n-.._:- lien-I COUNTY `OF SIMCOE. Tre :rer s Sale of lands hour of two. o'clock in` the afterhoon, at the Court House. in the Town of`Barrie, to loll. by Public Auction to much of the and lends us may be sufficient to dis- charge the taxes amt all lawfixl charges Linourrodo in and about the sale and collection of thehme. . . \'1'he following lotlhare pbtenteci (except `where otherwise stated) : No. - I ' Description. s Lot Con. Ancx-es Arrears goats 8; Tota TOW'HSHIP_ OF TNNISFIL. ,1o ; 11 12 13 I4 15 16 17 19 JV 2| (L5 II? 31 37 UID 310 41. III 43 Z5 -54 55 II` VS 63 TOWNSHIP` OF VESPRA. V 65 S70. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 , 9 70 10 25 200 1225 66 820 W g, ..... . .A ................... .. 7 13 20 6 56 2 oo sgse 67 `N38 to. S 5C of W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 14 38 9 95 2 00 1195 V ` The Adjourned Sale will take lace on TUESDAY`, THE 15th DAY OF` DECEMBER, a't:two`o'c1ock p.m., i_n`tho Uontt ouse. T V . DANIEL QUINLAN, no --v---_--, -- R: Barrie, `August 27th, 1908. F.i1_-55: publicnuon in Tin; `BARRII ADVANCE, Barrie, August 27th. 1908. 741 t....L....-.{ ..... 24 f4` 1%; 530` 200 73 Pa .(the J. FraIer'Entue) . ' oribedin registered plan No..38297 17 9 ` 12 8 49 2 00 10 49 `TOWNSHIP or MEDONTE. . W240i ......... ......... ..eg& E29 otjw 53 W.P.R..._..'. ..... ..e%;a; W24 orw 53 W'.P.R,.._.......,...;6%;c W1... .... . .... 22 Jame: 81:. Block. . . . Goorea St. Block . . . to and _ 1 annual- J.` 1:: ; . . . . . . . . o . o . o - o o o . o o . . o o p n o . . . . N Homewood Ave.,ph.n 428 N033 85 4 pa 8 pt W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. N Mary St. plan 406, No. 10 pa . . . . .. N Mary 8t., E 2-100 No. 189 pt Eu: Con. Line 38, plan 392 pt .... .. l'lIl\|-~`9ArIt!\ t`\'I E14g,s..._..... W Ash St.,No. 3, O0 E Cedar St., NZI _W Elm 83., No fl III... 5;. `Y- vs 10, . 9, E Elm St.. No. w Willow su., No`? Broken......... EION ; Broken . . . . . . . .. `Ti VVUUKIH I O U I I 0` E pt Broken . . W 12 No. 19 pt . . . . .. W 1 ac.. No. 20 pt. . N Npt,, E g 230. Dt.S` E.,NS .OIIlQllO 3 CI -..\-uoqomooc-rs l\ Satiofjcfory havg=. _ the new_est?type, and the latest presses, ` ' our prices a; Right- IN Annmns FOR TAXES. plan No. ll 60 II ll 60 u 6 u 7 .0 3. u 9. u 0 05 I` 0` u U. u 2' H 3` co 4. u 5,` H 6" I6 7. - It M 9 to '0. 3 . 4', u 5' 0| 6." H 7 `II 8 IO Pa 10 ." 10 H 10 H 10 H 10 H 10 H 1.0 H 10 H 10 H 10. H 10 H no H 10 H 10 H 10 u H 10 H 10 II H 10 OD H 10 H 10 H 10 H 10 H 10 H 10 H 10 H 10 H 10 . . . . 1'4 - 5 TOWNSHIP OF NORTH OBILLIA. TOWNSHIP OF NOTTAWASAGA. Village of Sudbury. .. ...... 3 so 1 __ ___ .__ _ _ _ _ __ _ crownsmp OF sU1~ni1DAEE. . 19 6 14; `IR nnn . . . . . . . ..III I If ........... ......n1 1 1; TOWNSHIP or TOSSORONTIO. WABEAGA as - A10 10 10 .. . ' noon 10% 16 16 16 16 16 16 TOWNSHIP OF TINY. TOWNSHIP OF TAY. `E 13 5 9. 15 2 5 13 1 BEACH LOTS . The Grand Trunk Railway has been indicted by the Grand Jury at Guelph for maintaining a public nuisance, re- ferring to the station. V 16 14 An 19 19 an 18 16 16 16 16 '16 16 16 16 16 16 3V? 100 I 2-I00 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1 16 1-16 1-16 1 16 1-16 1-16 I 16 I-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 ll 10 13 100 105 As compensation for the annexa- tion by Austria of Bosnia. and Herze- govinu, Sen-in demands a granvtloff t_erritory and an outlet to the Adria- UC. ago: Fame ` ey_ d 1' Inn` av Treasurer, County of Simcoo. 131: - 85-47 Still Leads 1 85 ll 27 I 99 13 57 10 15 8 00 3 39 ll 29 an: V19 15 04 I7 l\I\ 71 V 17 O5 17 '05 4 96 %s 79` luv 16 33 45 10 A23 I5 Icvlvuu. A mulatto named Robert. Cbllins was arrested at `St. Catharmes for passing forged checks. LI 1 Cnolrn-nun f`nI'\n1n-0 11` ll 25 25 25 26 05` , `Ah 53 04 III Uvv 300 I'II\l\ P-aaauls `u. by`. V" . ._.. Major H. J. Snelgrove, Cobourg. was re-elected Pres1(_1ent _of_ the O-n- `tario Horticultural Assocxatxon. .1 .. _ _.....-_;..._. l\ 1229 5 35 14 77 10 35 16 57 13 15 ll 00 ll!` `T CW` 9 94 9 45 18 04 3 17 III|l\ ['d[|U LLUI Lnyunuun an - --..- -_..--_ _,_ What is described as a mountain of iron ore has been dxscovered In Glou- cester county, N.B. ------ L--- 1--- L--..Al 13335 1930 I ll`. 73 '~_ `V II? 10376 10 "I5 19 83 A L0 .'VI` 721 -:10 59 in an Clu- The rumor that Hon. `Mr. H'at"ma will enter the Federal political arena is revived. 4 . 1 .. .-_....-`A Dnkow C3L\.l \.\.Iu|-5}, - . -._. A'ten-year-old negro boy has beenA convicted for murder in _Geo.1-gia,_ and} has been sentenced to lxfe 1mprxson- ment. ' . .. r r\.__-__ c-_. -_-.: L-.. ..., .-.-... ,- ..... _. . Men employed on the 1`oro-nto Ra11way s mght cars complam _that. rcent changes of hours are` uhfaxr to `t em. D. Cameron McCal1um pleaded guilty in Toronto to theft. from the Farmer's Bank, and was sentenced to four years in Kingston Penitentiary. rrq 1 `Hon. }rz1nk_ O1iver_ declaresl Chinese gmq Hmdus w11l be e2_cc I1 ti - even if It 15 nccesary to raise 6 head tax and increase the moneY re` gulations. Eleven persons were killed in a mrend collision near New Orleans. Rev. Dr. W. H. Withrow is so ser'_i- ously ill that no hope of recovery 1s held. ' _. , , L`-..L Una :Ko- u'na INCH L- Frank Arkles of Owen Sound has been sentenced to jail for three mon- ths for selling liquor to a railway em- ployee. - ` I , '_1_A.:___. LL- '2;-nun;-n Iuyybu ' The Reichstag` voted down an ad-' dress calling the attention of the Kaiser to the danger of "his interfer- ing in foreign politics. AL- "I`-.._..L.-. A report has reached Copenhagen of the nding in Labrador of the-.bOdY of Prof. Andre, the Swedish exP1"' er, who left eleven years agofor the north pole in a balloon. ` ' ,,.v,.-. Ten charges of violating the liquor` act-by selling on election. day have been laid against one hotel at Win- nipeg. ' n ' 1 . ;.,I J___,_. __ __] I ' gaoooooooo'53E>3533Boooooooo3[ :4-::M-M+++++<-4-+++~:-++-:-++++%++++++++++++++++++-:-:-at-4-5+-nit ` _THURSDAY, NOV. 12th. , i_jty amongst %the`rai1vva}'rsA sh c'o1_1nt er killed 3n re:gard_ to thy "cost, of nnstxtutmg W e - mter-lockmg switches was argued he- Oxfleans. fore the Raxlway Commission n,,, n.. Mr H \}\/ifhrnw is an seri- ......-._.-.. ---..- _. F "3"!-\\.g 1...... III 3. . The question as to whether `senidrg ogooooobiJ 5J.-< 3Pandora J Sask.-AIta.j 9 B. '1: ` . -L . M: . 6: V. r. ` }+++++-:-:~+++++++e-+o:-+~:~+++r+++++4~$+--+++++++++4-+++++V F W M ` % In these times of; purchase the best Rar}ges_ m,La_nqf_atu;ed.; __ A A.-- ...'.p vvanra, '4-435$ I-k yW:A:far six yeafs` igst` proved the best and takes lessfuel `to run. t_han' -`a_.y`i other cast range made.` T A ` i A - . . V 1` . ' :00." WMT'hwe JSas1:.-Al.ta is a neW radg Mb u:ilt;_Q_r_1` entirely new prmcnples. - ` ` - . - ~ f c n 1 111.. V-`n 1. V `:7 Tine Panaora ndl Sask.-Alta will fguse; hold word for the coming generation, - baue they are made to last a lifetime. ' T 1 V ' L R. HAMBLY Events of the Week West or Barrie Hote_1.'_ FOR SALE BY" @559, msv. gm Grain carriers report busmess very brisk on the lakes.` ` ;x:1{1;'ciuake shock caused %a pamc yesterday at Spa, Belgium. II!'II' 71' 1179;` - , I I i iievf 151': Wiiiini '1-1. Kirith;-Sw died gin :1`oronto afte_r a short i11nes_s._ Assessment Commissiopet F0:-man places Toronto s population at 287,- ` `I ` ' Chinamen who were. being smuggled from Canada were drown- icd at Buffalo. T _ . V % ""_1'-i;e-I"J_1;i-t`e'c'l States has 2 postail de- ;c1t of $16,910,279 for the scal year lend%ng June 30th last. ' %II\JCII6 J UIIIS OVUII `$950 the year ending Iune 30th last 3,764 persons were killed in railroad accidents in the United?States. . William Miles, aAlab,of`r, was kill- }ed__on th erailway -cyossmg `between i" Port `Stanley and Umon. 1 Hon. Geo. E. Foster has issued a writ against The Windsor Record, -claiming damages for alleged libel. l A rich nd of` iron in "Rainy River country is reported by .-Messrs. `G- Erancis and D. Matheson of Mont- real. - A 3 Chocolate andeocoa `manufacturers in Toronto suggested` to .Hon; Wm. Paterson a preference on certain goods from the British West .Ind_i`es.| '4()"irer, three hundred `miners vfere entomped by an explosion In a coal mine In Westphalna, and all hope of savingthem has been abandoned.` up Conservatives were elected in Koh-. ot,$:nay a1;d Yale-Cariboo, -Mr`. Good- ,evse winnmg Kootenay and Mr. -Bur-A` lrell Ya1e-Cariboo by. large majorities.` I _ Saskatchewan Provincial Conserva- `tives will`ho1d a conv_ention in Sask- atoon on December 9 to `discuss the situation and to frame a platform, ._ electric system at the `St. Clair tun- nel" fron_1 they contract and the in- auguration of the new system was duly celebrated. . 3 The WG1"and Truk took over thci VITICHI IIILCIIUCU. LU :uuuu._u-u_. only -... at a strength ten per cent. great??- than the combined strength of~- the two next strongest navalipqwers. ` on ~1oat hoptxou :1; January; 7 % 2 - not 4 v~v- v`--,---- --f `.v--- 7 .`:A.; ;`Jdhn.7Ca:i; `bcl1,.br;i:'emaii..`of rim. ?'3Y.V1*yvas ed at Qrillia V` map. "15o int`ed librarian - o`.< the Toronto Pub.-,= Vlic __,ibra.ry, at a'saj.la.ry` of V ` 1\ 51- A two 1 .O_`,& Z: .3` `WT?! ' 'K.` `-Clarke `ha"s bee appiidt d dan 6f the Media1"Fact 1lty__T "of th'e_University of T9;-pntq. . repgfrtihd that`:.-:.the -'Eihperr.`of ;Cjiina is `_dqad_ and athat the dqwager-LEmp1_j.ess 15. dying. :3: ._Mr._ `William Betts of Beamsville v_5a,s drag'ged under his waggon when gorses ran away, and fatally in- "Jute . - ` -- wan. - h 1.ord"Milner, interviewed on his re- turn to England, said he had found .no -prejudice against the English. immigrant in -Canada. I`. _,_, `I'.`,,._-_-- `A `A rush bf, emigra;1"cs from Eui'ope' to America has already begun.. `The Hgmburg-American Liner Amerika is bringing 1,600. ' ` ur:n:...... r-...-....... :.........-m anA gn I.uu|5u| 1.,UUU. ; . .Wil1i:m Cronen, foreman, and 'an unknown Italian were ; killed on the Trent Canal` work at Glen Miller, near Trenton, by the `fall of a derrick. Two women living. in a shanty in Cobalt district were attacked by_a man .with an axe,_ who was `bent on robr ibery.` Carrie Smith has both jaws broken and 112'.-1y'c.1'e. Ethel Stone's: injuries are not serious. `N (`C ,1, ,_-2-._A. can uaov-I uuog, -n\(v ---- ,Should the French Senate reject the treaty proposals now under con- sideration, it is` likely that the Can-- adian Government will take `steps. to `ab:-agate -. the existing treaty with France negotiated _by Sir `Charles Tupper. l'1.....`Lu-J An Dang Winn Annual Match of the!-`los and vespr; Association. T Some rst-class plowing was done at the annua1_match of the F105 and Vespra Assocxation, held on the farm. of Geo. Grey, Lot 8, `Con. 9, Flos, Friday, Nov. 6th, but owing to the sloppy day the number of onlookers was small. The? judging was satis- factorily done `by :Walter Patterson of Stroud and Joseph tReid_of Ci'aig~ vale, the prizes being awarded as follows : T V Hisey; '1, in sod, opn to alvl-Ist, A. R. 'Stande`n; -2nd`, Chas. Kid_d; 3rd R. . 11! 1 'I\' 1 --Cl';ss 2, innsod--1st L2nd,_John Kidd. I V, J. Dickeyj g .7 IN 77- Q I *i-Ela-'s's;---;-5, ;;1s'od-Ist, E. Kiqd; 2n:l, A. S. Maw; 3rd, Geo. Mc-Ginms; 4th, John Robinson. . II? I. If.` i-'v--, J v---- __v----vv_-. "Class 4, in sod--Ist, Walker Mid- dleton; znd, .Mars_hall Langman; 3rd, Geo. Livingston. " T` AI "C271-as-sfV5V,"rr1'.-x;"i'x1sttjbbIe-1st, E. Al- lsopp. . 1 1 V A ' g - Q VV'1.aiss 6, boys j in stubb1e-Ist, \_ Wglter Fralick. \ 7`, boyrs Is yars and under , in ,stubble--Ist, Ernest Maw;_ 2nd, W. E. Allsopp; 3rd, Altx. McDer- m__ott; 4th,_ Percy TBe'nnett. I 1 "A --._v.-v, 1.--- - --VJ --v----_--. _`R. Standen. 9 Best nish in` sod-A. R._Standen. Best groomed team in sod--A. R. Standen._ . V Best team and 'go`utt--Chas. Kidd. . "Best six_-crouwn furrows in class 6- - Edvsgm Priest. - Best` six-crOwn_ furrows - s_od-A. ' `Bst six-crrown furrows in. lass 7 --Ernest Maw. V I{s't"}i:i'sY{in class 7--Alex. Me: !De3'mott`. ` ` 1 Best groomed team in c1asses`6 and %,7- -Percy Bennett. 7 V ` A_ 2,- -I____- E -...I wt - v-v --v--- __-. T B_est' ins_ andout's in `classes 6 and .7-Percy Benn:tt. A ,|_,,,n _ M _ _ L _ __:_ goooooooooooooqoocooooooog 8 T(%3ulinary C_o1c%eitsf 8 '-Sooooooooooooooooooooopoog I & \vl &J .-our--u-- Best plowing done by a Forester in class 2-W.- J. Dickey. _ V . T` % on Cvlap-[

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