Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 12 Nov 1908, p. 5

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span; ntly. ach- , last` % 1118 UABI1 G I UIILUI. 118.8 DEBIT` EKIODICG In many p1.acs* with benetkto the consumer. and we ho that our ma._ny patrons will approve of igiin. attic and against us in gxvlng . a. fair t an -. , ' L - H . . V ` -. usuuc ocnouun-unouocogoou-;_nco nouoogoiococnoooofoucif o0t0>__Ml'-o-o.a.......on-o Olfllih-"lull i;oooo IItOOOOn>Il`IIO'OO`I `Prices ofwood on 9. nlicatibim Tknlu nV.a'lVI:! = hon -Kai I Will 38 5010 on Hull HIDE! Ml prices. Prices tor'CAS_I:! _ ON .....}..~......'..r: :- .005- Junya ........ -.`-.-.;x.-:.... :.--- .muyiIODIItOi|:1 _June........... Tuln _ A V orrncss. . L 9 Dgnloptreet. Ph.ne"'N>l"33.' .vito:i- " j *. 81 I will be sold on and after` 1 I Innnn Dying: 113 If`, A Q`-I I "" T The L.-O.L. concert: was as usual 3 grand ' success. The program was chiey given by foreign talent, and was. apparently thoroughly enjoyed bythe large audience. Mr. - Eddie Piggotts, of Toronto, was the star at- traction, and acquitted himself most creditably, this being his third ap- pearance before an Angue audience. Messrs. Jones and Johnson, black- face comedians, were quite upeto-date in their many sketches. Master Ernie Thompson was in good voice and pleased his hearers` well, Dr. West and Everard and Randolph, his` sons, were loudly applauded i11_the1"r vocjal selections. Miss M. .`A. M'c._Crimmo`n acted. as accompanist. `Mr. A ; Wil- loughby, W.M., presided.~~ ' _`-.`:1\/iVaV1t-tV`"I\;Ic`-_I45;);;re`ll left for the .city 1as_t`Wedne\sd'ay. ~ 1 4-; Ian- Coal `E ntin-; Cherry` oft Creemore had rather an unlucky experience on Saturday: H last, which he would not like to have repeated again. He was running his traction engine from Bond Head to Creemore, and when crossing the!` Pine River at the village` here it broke through the bridge, and fell ten or. twelve feet to the water below.. He was standing on the platform of the ~ engine and went down with it, very- fortunately escaping uninjured. Itl took almost two days to get. it out.` The -Council are responsible` for the! satety of the bridge, and- we under-I stand will have to make good any damages. 9 l\O I Threshing is now cbmpletelx en-dl ed around here. ` ` Rev. Robert McGlanders of Wis- consin was entertained a few days last-week at the home of his -uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell, Riverdale Farm. We are pleased to learn that Mr. aMcGlanders, though so young in years, has become emin- ent and popular in the ministerial ca1- . ling. He is `Moderator over several elds. _ . g g ofwood ona. Dlicatibii.-$5., L A The CASH avers has -bee I9bted in nnnir nluanc wh htmatztn thA'nnnnn'rnM-_ and " ' I l V Among the Thanksgiving _visitors to our village were: Mrs Klink, Mr. Charles Perry, Misses Lizzie and] Susie McAteer, Miss Sarah Groves,` iMr. Art E. Bowen, of Toronto, -Mr. `Brown, of -Creemore, -Mr Lloyd Red- `fern and Mr Fleming, of Colling- 9 wood. l Rev. P.M. Peacockgave a verynev discours,e .Sunday evening to a large congregation, the occasion being_ Thanksgiving service. He -spoke `from the 50th Psalm, and the 14th verse. e While in Nlevvb Brunsivickl. Glou-E cester has a French-Canadian popula-` tion amounting to 81 per cent. of the total. ' Kent-67 per cent, it Victoria--63 per cent. Richmond-5o per cent- Res*tigouche--44 per cent. W_estmoreland-36 per cent., etc. I I _ I T`One has no diiculty in explain-I ing` the" result if one -reects upon the inuence upon am election of ve hundred thousand or merely ve hun- dred ballots falling into the box in favor of the same candidate. But suppress this inuence, suppose the vote is divided prettyequally in the French-_=Canadian counties, and -the rest of the country and you will see lthat `the Government would have been upset. It is a brutal fact again~ l ftope nd l `more: that; i nstrr1,_:g. l.t:o;} -11` the` gem - of j Octobe r';` [for}?fo"1_1r part -before; everything. -We ' _se' viii zit Ethetrrumph` of. race _prejudice_i-s 5 It..is in? rveect. to the`-` compact .v'ot'e not crrferely of. Qhebec butof the French- -Canadians of Ontario- and the .M ari time Provinces that Mr. Laurier most clearly oweshis triumph. * * -* If *M:'. Borden, however, had tho\i`ghti`l ..upo_n the number of 'Fren,ch-4C_a nadian` electors`in these provinces he would have been spared many disillusions. There are as a matter of fact in On- tario and the Maritime `Provinces! several hundred thousand of our compatriots. The majority supported,` in the provincial elections, Whitneyl and` Hazen, Mr. Whitney especially, who as soon as he came into power "added 'Mr. Reaume as Minister of] Public /Works to his mini`stry,'and Mr. Foy, Irish Catholic, as Attorney- General. This procured for him the French-Canadiancvote almost en bloc. `In the Federal election, on the con-' trary, these same electors turned as one man-in favor of Laurier. The following table will give some idea of the number x_of French-Canadians in Ontario : `Prescott-7o per cent. of pop. Russell-5o per cent; ' "`Nipiss'ing-`42 per cent. .. N. Essex---40 per cent. Ottawa--33 per cent. `a`-Glengarry-32 per" cent. Cornwall-25 per cent., etc. L .T;he_T following are extra'ces,t%rans.-~[ ,latd'into English,`f:'o,m a`1ea,ding ar-1 ticle which` appeared upon_ the front! page of Le Nationalist : ' ` I `theTriumphot BacialPreju%dice.1 '34is Ra`che{'smith~o Qrillia MITCHELL SQUARE. OODCIlr_OIIVILlO cough 7 Pcrbull ......u_-n..`......,sy"0 o`I-`oOIlIOOv'0,_",ClO .'I > .1! nor. tnn ANGUS. `o:nuo>cng-.ouw- . V fgpertaon . nor Inn Wood` reddoe DN Y_as ._.r_`lows:. i....'..`.:.';'73u:. p::-. ":33 0'00 0 . I l O`l_ V, "It is ~1-eally astonishing, said a Broadwafy tobacconist the other day, what;-`a_ small percentage fof the mil- lion*s::Q'f. snioketjs in this country gknow-, -vhj ajt_i'_A to I';`mc>k_e;, ~ . how" j _to-, smok and .w1ma;:;o `sgnke. The m8J'9'.rigy 0 ~ men a;;rclh:i,8mokers. whbf-ham scar- `-.9f{\*1?Si~:1!?? Y'; fats% - , .l..Ll>ll, 4.2.` ac (c). `R. Gibson, A. Aconley, G. iwiseman, E..Smit1} ' _;-No. on the roll` 287. `~ " Average attendance: 247. ` -5 :-- -rs- Jr. i\'z.;Li\4['7"1`hB{:{; G. Wise-V man, M..Irving, F. Scott. ~ Sr. III.--E. Leslie, 0`. Wallace, R. Carson, A. Kilgour. 5 . ' Jr. III.--,-(9.) G. =Hayward,` E. Bog- ardis, W. Ankenhead, A. Brownl_':`e._L .` (t7) "iI`"1'=3:arsa11,T L. Matthews, L. `Storey. ' V C- T {n\ E A....l.I.... `D- 13...... DI-U11`; u OJVVCCIICJ .l.a '\.uuuucu- (b), E coopeg, r ~.eHob1ey, B. King, M -. R?"`! - ' T`-*`r\'. 1 A I'I\'II J vnswdo \ A great many cars of potatoes are? being shipped from here weekly. Mr. Cleghorn, l_`oronto,e being the prin- kcipal buyer. ' IJl\lI D19 r Sr.__I.--(a) E. Ambler, B; Frec- ;stone',`G . Sw een'ey, T. Channen. _.l1.u I-lGI,l\CI, J!-lo L\\lD\-I-ILCIEI4 _(b) `T. Edwards, vs. Beame, M.` :H1I_l1,\` Lewis. ' r`:1...,.._ A A .'...1..._ r` AV} 0 l.\\lllJIIIJIIo ` Jr. I.-(a) J.7'.Rii:hmond, A. Tribble, H. Barker, -M. Rosenfeld.- ' ' n.\.rr 1:-.':.--.._.:.. c` 13...... mg Inna IILUIJLCI IICIC. `Mr. and -Mrs. VWl'frid_ I_)rury, Bar- Vne, were over Sunday VlSltO1'S. of the latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jones. ~ ` A ..........4. ... . _ . . . . _. .1? _-L-1--- _ . GI U19 (b) M. Beecroft,`E. Smith, E. Trib- ble, -G. McKinley. . [ Sr. 'II.--(a) A. Hobley, A. Bcbb, G. McLarty, -, E. Parker. T I II.-\ mt ur:1...'... n `1'-.....:.... n 11-iandy B. Beacock. [ Jr. f1.--(a) D. Myers, D- Leslie,` `M. Schnider. ' - , IL\ `I T`IA-,,_.II 7 11,441, Y Elly JI\IIl\IGJ 5 ` M.r. Lom Dobson of the; Hillsdale {public school spent the holidays with i his mother here. .\.r_ _...s 1|.r_- llrrtfr -u -n n LVLBLAGII . L Cl C o T"'(b) M. vv'?1son, 15. `Landen, 0. Handy B.` Peacock. T. `I I.-.\ I'\ `II........ T\ T ..-I:.. . Haynes, Orillia, has been vis-K ixting h_er aunt, Mrs. Connor, during `-the holidays. ` I Rip T n-.... 'l'\,.k...... -1 A... 1r:n_;_u_ [\uvaa, :..|.uu|.avIuC, Lam. WCCIC. _ Our teacher M- r. Lannin, spentl. Thanksgiving bay at his home in I Be`e`t_on. 1-7 /\ u... - - - u \.u.\.\.|.a. I -T\/I;'.mMc`Dowell and .Mr. Fraser of: Toronto were the guests of Mr. Alex cM'cLu'cas the rst part of this week. ptrnruvknduu n.-.-u....I 1...... .. ...-A-4--~ o . o I M1ssT_ena Jennett visited friends in Orillia recently. - Miss Edna Bell visited friends in Honeywood over Sunday. . , _ Mrs. Cross visited her son, Mr. S. ) Cross, Huntsville, last `week, ` f\.... 6-`An ALA- `If . uu.\.L4!4\..aa LIIC ulal. pdll. U1 lIll5 WeCK- Everybody around here is eating venison these days. The deer hunt- ers returned last Saturday night, bringing their. full number.- vnullmtls IIID uu\.lC, `V11. J. lVld.I3IlaIl. - A Thanksgtvmg servlce, was held in the Baptist church Monday evenl mg. = .`.\.l .. vC:l..A.. 1"!3-1_1-,,, . nu.` . l `-4u"`JI ` . Mr. E. M. Carefoot, our teacher, spent the holiday at his home in C01- lingwood. . :1`-1 1_I:I....... f`;__-__[- 1, J L - ` I i r l lllls VV \I\J\1- -Mr. .Hi`ram Cfaxvfofd hs rented an `farm in Mara Township, and is mov- 'ing his effects. . RA - 7m..`.`r\..-_--n _,.j if ~r~ - _,_- `.-_..---..... w\l |-luv vtu\.l Lljlll-5 no nortlwant you. to vote for me be- jcause I am of your own blood, but I `ask you not to vote against me be- , cause 1-1 am one of your_own. * * * Our compatriots have not been proof {against these manoeuvres, and the re- , sult is thatthey have votedfor Laur- |11' `parce que c est un Canadien' (be- sidering the que_stions "at issue, the `interest of theicountry or common sense. * * * Of the twenty-four counties of Ontario and the three. At- lantic provinces where the French- `Canadian vote predominates, only !ONE.vo_ted for Borden. If ever the lexploitation of race prejudice has. been pushed farther let us hear of it. Whenever there has been a sentiment rising in the French-Canadian breast cause he is a Canadian), without con-| regarding French-Canadian rights, Mr. Laurier has said `If wecombine and! the English combine in the same way, we shall be crushed. * * * But when it comes to gaining elections, he forgets his principles as he did on ,Monday last. ;. - . _ , __ jvisiting Mrs. Colin Campbell. ` I 1 F. Hutchinson of Oakwood is~ lnsltmg his uncle, Mr. J._ Marshall. l A T~1.....1,....:..:..... -....-..-A ----_ L- . `Silas Hickling spent Thinks- giving as` the guest of Mrs. J. Mc-' Larty. E 11" f"...__.C-_L ` I I _/Q It would _be _wrong- to conclude ..that`w,e `condemn `Mr. Laurier or ap-' Pl:..0V_e' of-xtiltley return-7'of Mr.` Borden. We-; 3.PP.rove:~on the contrary without =`rese_rve" oftythe action of those who did `whats-they,-.be_lieved to be right in giving -their.g-support touthe Liberal party,--and we do not say that on our pa-rt"-we would not have done the [same in spite of everything. * * * .What we reproach our compatriots with is not for having voted for Mr. Laurier, but for having voted for him solely because he was a man of their own. race. If an. English speaking FirstfMinister with the same admin- istrative record had placed himself {before the French-Canadian elector- Hate, would it have done the same? Hardly. On -the contrary, we believe that if Mr. Laurier, instead of being called a Laurier, was called Smith] (`P Th fkn T?-4.-...L_f`......J2-a- - - wuaavu _ 14-GUI AC1,` WGS Ca1lC(l or Johnson the French-Canadian vote [would have been divided` almost as the English was. `When Mr. Laurier comes again to boast of his work in re-uniting Canada and in obliterating race prejudice we shall point to the '-late , elections. * * * `For weeks and months the journals in Quebec, Ontario and the Maritime Provinces have appealed to `the French-Canad- ian elector in_ the name of race. He himself has gone from one end of the province to the other crying `I lno U013 Wilf vnn. fn uni-n ;l1r- 0-vi kn -st r_16 mefe talk can prevail. Honor roll for October. How_7r_o` ENJOY A PIPE.` WEST WARD SCHOOL. .3. of German subjects 'crnmcnt approved the pro- d expenditures by the University 'em0I'S fur buildings. Faculty of Education TL, J :15 abandoned her de- nco for an`ap0logy for" 'HGed; Prixicipal. ('Sgd.) Jules Fournier. lll\.llGD\.D Here are a number of don ts for smokers, some of which no doubt will surprise a good many men: Don. t smoke directly after a meal. There is the almost irresistible craving to smoke, but it is wiser to wait a half hour or an hour. Don t smoke out of doors in. a high wind or in cold, fros- ty weather. In the former case it is dangerous and in the latter it cracks the lips and prevents proper breath- ing. `Don't smoke with the cigar or pipe held at the corner of the mouth. This excites the secretion of more saliva than when the cigar or pipe is held straight in front. And, above all, don't get into `the bad habit of expectorating frequently when smok- ing. It is quite unnecessary, being merely a habit and harmful.-Ne`w. [ York Telegraph. lusuu ID LHCICLUI C, Luc UCSE. When buying tobacco, do not buy the fruity smelling kind. These are` mostly doctored, and an average pipeful lasts some ten minutes. The [average 'pipeful of good tobacco should last_from twenty-to thirty minutes. Tobacco` is the least adult- erated article of commerce, yet large quantities of adulteration are added, usually to the cheaper sorts. These adulterations._ include water, oil of aniseed, glycerine, -salt, sugar and molasses. TI - - not judge by the pretty look. Weigh the pipe and see that it isnhnort too heavy for your teeth. Test the bore and see that it draws well. Examine it carefully and see that the bowl is not plugged here and there with put- ty varnished over or has aws or cracks. Many of the finest of briars devel- op small holes or aws after being shaped. Manufacturers ll these holes with putty and then color and varn- ish. A close examination will show up these patches. Ivory or pure am- ber_ makes the best mouthpieces, but are both expensive and liable to break easily, especially amber. The /horn mouthpiece for the moderate-price lman is, therefore, the best. : \Ul.a.. l~......'.-.... A-AL-A-A -` I I In selecting` a pipe, for instance, do- IJUWH. UUU Common cows V . . . . hlnoers Choice smokers . . . Light anockers. . .. . Milcbcows, chmce In -`...I;.-.... -_ V- IIIVIIIULII Spring-ers . . . . Calves . . . . . Sheep. ewes. . 0` I'\|In`vn -. vuvvyg vrvc n . . - a . o . . bucks and culls `Spring Lambs; each. . Begs. select . . . . . . . . 3. Victorian S;u'dou, g1"e.atVest [Of 9'. , _ " French dramatists, i d3d-3 lll.V.D8l'l30Du.... noanoooooololoo G1-'eenHides...... .... I s, per lb ........... .. Ta.llow,per ...... .. WoolPicks......................... Horse Horse Ha1r...............2....... Wool,w ashed.. .. lWool.unwaahed........ . Lambskins Apples (fu_ll) per bbl. .......... .. Apples (wmter) perbbl .. 'l\..-.A`._- I on`-counc--o I0`: tations on Tuesday were : Export cattle choice . .5 medium . . . . . . . . . . .. II ` cows and b11Ha..... Butchers`, picked goo-'1 loads . . . . . . medium (5 cows. choice . . . . . U1.-n Imnvt nn q-u .. __ ,,`..__---,,..... vvn -. .. avu... Z2. Toudwro. Novma mm mm. 1908 lwneat, mu.... .............. ..s 91 9; ) do W l5rlce; the` . Bafrl e;. and l`9ron't'o Markets During the Week. - Buumc. Novmuszm 12m. -1908 - Whnnt. ..-.-- HG! IV "Blacli\ Knight % It's the b est polish 1?i883t% for-the Ironworli. . very few w cbmplain ofth . Black Knight does away with the e erlasting rubbing and pol hing. It ,shines quickly an produces .13; result that so. 'ses the most '4' `I r.i`.n__AI.I.n co. lllll .__`_.__..4-.. A Send det1,et'sn:me and 0:: for full iize eanit you `get "Black Knight" 1 A hundred ax drowned when went down off Japanese coast. a_\/V V70 \4ll\I-7\iU I o 0 medium to gocd. If rug: '1'i'e"'st'5':'1;"Ri'z'.'}1{e"t"s'.'." Stove \Polish 136 4 On, 3 50. 310 325 1 00. 31:0. 200 50 00.` 25 00. 25 00. 300. BK`! UYJ 2 O0. 4 00. 550 1 LU. 3 53. 1 an `.4. Tom l~`1;anngun announces that.he' will have n-Jthing to do with Long- boat`s C0ur.~`c as a professional. ' l Mr.Wi1liz1m Slack was killed at etroleu by the collapse of an_ oil rick. nvv 450 485 vvv 2 75 4 80 6 U0 Mc~ nvznrs or THE wnmq I :M4O O06O6O : New -Stylish Overeoats fox-Men and Boys J Winter Suits in all styles `V Reefers. Jackets and Ulsters A Men's and Boys New Sweaters, Untderweart, Shirts, Ties. Scarfs, Mitts and Gloves _' . and at prices that will show a clear fsavingz \.o}'t%; .- 1 o 'p"er cent, and in many cases 15 and 2 o_`Vper. cent. j` New Fall Coats for Ladies ' The New Helena Skirts New Winte. Underwear e T , . T V 2000 pairs New Boots. Shoes and Rubbers N3 WooilensV:ShavVvls,% Clouds, Hbods, Toques L god Scarfs New Gleves andstockings ` 2 New Blankets and Flqnnels J. C. Irwin We will save you mo1_\ey._ `SATURDAY, NOV. 7th. tram; are {I application for t nf \'n..1. - A Continued from Page Three. 0 "*"`~'" 101' the annexation Of \or1-: township to Torontol fl1Sd hv u. Dn:1.....-. .....1 11--.; "Come in and see our new stock incur newstote.` bouusvau VI qu\ II-9` --.., . Ich dramatists, iA`s_ d_.ead.. Newall was drVowijn.vc1L_.;\_r:l1il"er'? at Stratjford ' * All the new and up-to-date- thing A.axf. bii:1gf'show` Since the store was rebuilt and ir n_pr v ve_have- in an entirely new` st`ock amoui1'tihgT,:`to neatly osnxosn RAILWAY MEN'S suns - u.:vvu:uup LU LUYUIll.U the Railway and Mun- QWII 1115., the annexation .1.:- L- Fl` ,__,-.- WW5 . LKII subjects`! f 9r" Two electric cars -collided on the -outskirts of Vancouver, and both mo-' tormen- were killed and several. pas- vsengers injured. Two British engineers arrived at Victoria, B.C., with Chinese. wives, and the question of `the women s lia- bility to the head tax has been raised. i Panza, -the Italian) who "killed 5 fel- low...countrym'anI wnth a stone `at. Ing- ersoll, was `sentenced to two and a Woodstock Assizqs, . 4 TUESDAY, Axqt . _: ' 6 half years imprisonmen at the` 1 George Flkef of Fergus shot him- self while'hunting and died almost linstaptly. _ {yr ` -- ~ The Toioiito 'Fie1.dfBa',ttex-y % royal salute in honor of _the. Birthday.`._> ' % . * `. ` [The safe `of A.- 'Brittai,_,jewel`- ler, of Wyom:hg, %wa.s_'.; crajc ke_l and a 1 arm aw `hall banquet 's*t hYg'ht*,%"` aivef`1t7~a;s 5 his visit~ | Charles Winnison,' of Toronto, ag- ed 11 years, was run over by a wage gon, [receiving mjuries as a- result of which he died "shortly afterwards. _ Hon. J, "-H. Agiiew, Provinciall Treasutjer of-Manitboa,.:i's dead. ; By an explosion of $35 in his house at Dept Park, `Mr. _ p1:ge~ J;".F9ro.stsv -_was instanlty k1ll,ed; , . Joseph Atisanf, -V was -kil-V` led at North-`Bay. He fell while tinn- nin_g ahea -of-' a train to Vf..t1T1Trow Aa swxtch}, ,` xuuuc lgry: ' Is! An old man who gave the. name of John Thompson died in Toronto jail. The police are trying to locate his lrelatives. ' I Longboat; the famous -Indian run- ner, has entered into` a contract to %run as a professiqnal, with Tom 2 Flanagan as his manager. a T . ` Four prisoners who ftried to break out of St. Thomas `jail. were so vio- lent that the police had to be called to assist the jail oicials. ' `[9 can u u , . | No attempt, will be made[to' put a tariff reformbill through the coming lsession of the United States ((11- lgress. - . ` V Th; T C6lii`nvv'ood, `the most power- I ful _of all British battle-ships, was launched at Devonport on Satmday. , "l"L- `A,___,_f__, 73.1`, I` old.` V la_C'31 UH` - the ,- _-.---,---. --- -..--.....,. '- The American Tgbacco Company [has been found gtulty of act_ng m Hriolataon of the_Sherman antt-ttnst aw. . ` An unsuccessfulagtempt `was made in Calcutta to assassinate S1r*Andrcw Fraser, Lneutenant-Governor of` Ben- ; gal. ` V n 4`_o._ . n --_- _ev -.. - -vw-`--.a- { Csir 'i3uc'l;1-)drrough was acquit- ted of the charge of setting fire to the Queen s' Hotel at Tillsonburg. 'I`I_ f`_IIE,_ -, - Rev. Dr. Gandier preached hisTfare-' well sermons in St.eJames Square Presbyterian Church, Toronto, I i -1 : .socie::y has been organized in England. Professor :Skeat of Cambridge is President. `I l n.- red a_l~ . King's for Saptfamber $7; `Fir .t.obe_1f'8_ . :1 I0 par quurwr I-uu. For July $6.8. 8`:-to . te {3.50 . zper quar r on. For August .95 per ton. v . - 3l.8v.,&er quarter ton. _ . pergton. 83.60J>er Halt ton. ' "35 `%`" ;Ei 2s um: % T , 4` ' 1 , On. ~95! railartei-;ton..pe * l1?I'?!on% I8.-:70 P er_liIl.f toil- \1L&rtl'Mbn1vf..e ' -- " per halt ton. - $3.55 pct halt ton MANUFACTURER or j V _ Buggies, Carriages. Wagons `Sleigh: and Cutters. {no.%5s BAYFIELD s1.| Spot Cash _Qnly] an-nnnnnnnn, nndv Q- Ana was usuuuuu Iavvycl UL ll-ls U6]- Lord Northcliffepformerly Sir Al- fred Harrnsworth, has no heir to sue- ceed him. Lord Kitchener remains a bachelor, and his` brother is, there- fore, heir to the` title, while Lor_d Welby, who was Permanent` Secre- tary of the Treasuryt from 1885 to 1894, has no heir to the title confer- rred for conspicuous service to the \ CO0 in _:,,#Durn`-I on start; u\.\.;~uu_y Anunu IOOU LU 1092 Lord James of `Hereford, anv Attor- ney-General of the seventies, has no `relative who can succeed to his title, neither had Lord Shand, a Scotch judge of great eminence, who died four years ago. Another famous light of the legal world whose tit-le lapsed with_his* death was Lord Brampton,` who, as Sir_ Henry: Hawkins, estab- ` lished the reputation of being the fin- a est criminal lawyer of his day- Lm-d Nnrfholip nfnrmnrlu Cir AL uuuu. Wt? |..llC lll-[C Illay De ed, while in the case of Lord Roberts, who lost his only son in the South Africanwar, the earldom has also been conferred with special remaind- er `to his daugther. ' Arnnnn 4-L- .-..-..-..._ ___L-_- .!. '11 vs ov IIID uau5|.uCl_ Among the peeljs whose titles will, under present circumstances, cease with their death might be mentioned. `Lord :Milner, who has no heir, and Lord Llandaff, who, as Mr. .Henry i.'Math`ews, lled the oice of Home ;Secretary from 1886 to 1892. ? `fnrrl Tnrnnc A511-Inagl.-....-`I .... An-L--- I U\l l\JI \u\lII5PILUUl State.-4--Exchange. \-lKI5I6IIIy\r` I There are nearly ' a dozen ladies who are peeresses in their own right, most of them without male heirs, while two more ladies -will be added tobthe number when Lord Wolseley and Lord Roberts die. The former has no son, but his viscounty was conferredwith special remainder to his daughter, and with remainder -again to her male issue, so that in. }that way the title may be pe-rpetuat- ed- in fhn neck A` T n-,l `D.-.L....A.- 'Wi"l1t >eTa old Strictly for Cash On! . Paynient must be mide before or when` er is given o_x-`E31! very. ~ ' . V Re'LE5i)r- Barelayeof M01;t.rea1, who; - has completed his 25th- year as pastor of St-_ Paul s Presbyterian "Church, -was presented I with a `cheque for `$5,000 by` the congregation, and an- _ot_her for {$73,300 by Lord` Mount Ste- `phen. PEERAGES THAT MAY DIE our visit` .......Vn.u, uaa uu cuuuren. L.OI'(1 btra- thcona s title will one day descend to his daughter, Mrs. Howard, who r in that` case will add another to the ismalljand select company of British ipeeresses in their own "right; while the other Canadian peerage, that of `Macdonald of Earnsclie, is now held by the widow of Sir-John `Macdon- ald and as yet no provision has been ma e for its inheritance by her only daughter. rm.-..- U- M- - It is _.?z` singu1ar_ fact` that not one of the three Canadxan -peerages has a maleheir' to continue it. Lord Mount Stephen, though he has been twice married, has no children. Lord Stra- th(`C)Y1$I,Q f;f"A 1111.!` Ann A--- -`--A 7 " ` 51.169- Take H11l s Family Pills for con- tipation. = VV_e yoer -One Hundred .Dol1a.rs Reward for any case of Catarrh that Eannot be cured by Hal1 s Catarrh uI`. . F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. `We the undersigned have known ,F, J. `Cheney for the last 15 years, iand believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions`and n- anciallyable tolcarry out any oblig- ations made by his""rm. . Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale . Druggists, Toledo, 0. K Hal`l s C_atarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and _mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free.` Price cents per bottle. Sold by all drug- gists. - ` "l`..1... T1311 - 1* -- ----- - 75` :.u\. Luuuvvulg a1_c I.lIC'l1CWly ClCCI' ed ofcers of the Barrie Hor`tic u1tux:al Society: . - Pres.--Geo. Vickers. ' . `Ist Vice Pres.--W. D. Bothwell. . B :.l*i1d Vi'e Pres.-Miss M; E, `Camp- e . ' . I Secy.-Treas.--J. A. MacLaren. _ L Au_ditors-R. J. Fletcher, F TMarr. 1' D_irectors--J. H. Bennett, Arch. `Bidwell, A. J. Sarjeant, W. Paterson, 3W`. J. Hallett, Miss A. J. `Scott, John %Rogerson, J. J; .Brown, P. Glennie." .,A_n* interview grantedby the Kais-I er;--sand` intended for, p_,ub1ica_tion- in the "December number of The Cen`t+ kury Magazine has been suppressed. ` ! ; Liglian-;;`I{e:3=i%tffe`,`*';fi5};-ir; ya;`g.s;d1d;. died .1'nVToron;o,V as the `result bf bf1_u-ns re- _ceivedb'y6. setting r tO_ _h'e1'i:`1othingV while pl" ying. wxth gnatches. I 'I`I_'_"-1'\, I { W.uu. P|3)- .1ug; QIEIQHCS. V " I `T;h1;,B;ond:.~G6vrnniht,"` of e me. 4 `foun'dl_'a;n'd=~ is : probably defeated.` e The . Qppbsition, led by Sir Edward Mor-" r1s,fhas elected ei.ghteen `members to the eGov'ernment s .,seventcn, and -one seat is still in doubt. Va'EGm%mNc. MAY 13?. 19.oa._' Goa ! and Wood The following are the newly elect- r1 OFFH-pr: nf 4-Ian Donn-in LJn-`a-3.. ..14L..-..1 '. G. ANDBEW BARRIE. HO-RTICULTURAL SOCIETY. * oposnrz moss s'r. JOH.N BARR S OLD STAND .1? pct` wu U '0.`-I0 1 1 7' per quarter ton. 3ps."rTt9n-T two: A > . HOW S 'r_H1s 1 ~T1I%fEI*jS`O%R+ 1?Ii:RN ADV vmiE' Horses! T Wu. ~ 83.50 half m ton- - . * IIVIVA {last `

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