if-ftu':f.':1`;;1'u`ii i*r.e:uii}:`:ii`1*."s.tor..6 RRE=;;; '`m.I.3:y;-iunde z I in thAe- al1e)f a {A-9- J-1Io'%;ncE.f1toJcanmfrons ` : "I - -' ~01lclI0l'B-I01` `Aumlnlirubrls. fDated.f this 7th cjayinf 0ctober..A.D_. 1908. . 42-I451 `HIDE; Iall LIIITLICET CIIISIUIWIL.-IIEl'CI0p" [HIV . my na- yd only to theplaims of which sh ..sh11 "199 C we notice. and tl1'.t3 she` will not feiialzf :19!` e`- said assets or any part thereaf to any per- son otpersons. o`f_'w`hose claims` notice has` not keen received as` reqgix-ed.. _ A ' ' a_-`l'I'1I\I`IYIIE`f\\Y -' 1.11 A nnvvtr nnvrn lIlll'l'!3 II'. _ Ulll anc ' . etc; `Mona .- Mcc IITIIY BLOC ,.. BABE `I`I U_C` =cuAm-xbn _.- -:.;~ 7.7.` '11". 1!`? ! .'."..5-'.. smcsns. ,_A_nI,n nmcans or AMBIHCA. L . I .1 3i`WEiI:'I`1f-I*I'\!7E%`};`D(iLI.51R rains?! A;-- ,-_ _-`p-.. `I__-144-4 A..._A'.4__._ 1 A4 r V113` u .73 away rcjiuu 1: V t.-oI'_;ered for the ' %Bes"t,AIuat;u|-' T `Even Ticket nurlni *(:`b"n`te's`t` doodtor olpe votgy ]9qm(o*tor pgrtlculars. i- III ....`.U:I. C -3 "Z -I `.1 ..Q.,-C_,;1_.....f.......C .,\.!..l..... are 3 ]e market` ivitli8Dt:ciaIf `xjiees during? huasun-an in __.n In-gnu-nnnz D__. n-_-.. [SWAN I A h-luuahni Qnnianinxg A uni` RA $3333 1 I.`--.adies`wi' ing' to.bc_>w_l can have} ytwo Lmorriinb |- a week71'.eserved Q (exclusively)-"b arragnging with '_Mr'.' mm! % . 'Amunuma NOV.`2_ | Bdys 5unde1"_:~18 ` :1 hot. be `llowcd-:` lin the-`alley-at;-'a_nyt ex. ` ` ' % 1A. om} g .: '.'-.""~""5{s. .' ,T`.. .2-` vd----_____ 9`. v.!%.!3;Lnis;m.,;;-:5 _._g.__.n... `ij;::afu"Asi:n,.mJVn::;.i&*::;:c`%1I'i;:%i .. . ..;... .1..`.`a ';..:n'....'.....:..t'..`..:.'.`.'.'.. .a.;:'.x..... (SALD\VELL ;OLD 1STAANIS) ` ;.`..w1:.L afxr.-...._ . U %nr!A*`:i?i.sA I-WU -- : IGQ OOCUPC . ""*`s':.~.....~....rA % %.. _{gn`mu`3, Yoaia: ~.< ." _-vv-y- 7'7 yv guyrvvq, `V-u.ayuyuyvrJ;_og, ` ) '. .. . . ` -" Profs? }z`rd!z7an.-Doe;--`z't} . 4.. ~ Zlllfl . am...` . *'lnl?:n5nvn Q .`IV`l,fa9 L.` manuals` 0uuB'Uq"nu.Ve puwvnlam mm, goo! ' " :9 A ; tIl:.0\'.9. A W9 vs the. in e nhnrml nthfv vim- - AI, lrnalunlon t. ,Noth-...- L.-mcmu one ' aim.-'::.%Tt does:-= ` wbiild nation Iii-no fag" `else `In OWE WUIIICI DIIIIXX" III-`K105111118 OIIO utht:---.:bn....~..Alt.~~4raduute; should . rnnnlllu secure mnnlammno. write. ' :.?>\ thettgn gtp comp, _ _u.u`r:t _I_ovii.~, 1`...........~`5`T=""`?% A `A `*.'%!;`2..`. ?'%V%..':`;`.-.-`.....'1`. ..`1`. ..'.~"s`, elighti "Wu ft" v"_I'7-..I.m,:. i was-r` an . Sizmn:-_ .,;*.r*.' ."-'4 1...`:-.`\.'. .= ....`..__..:.- f. iowlingmlevj 0-. -L 4 _\VP.`-V`O"t_oNNtl.l.'}'-'I:1'o" 'etT:-. ::~ zoz-2-' oxmsxmkm '-we` -- an :.I.-.m_u.ox.n.~` 3.1..-s .V....v.:"\..(}`il3.. v-.8;_v-. '1Firs.._...---9c.o ~ odl-I Rerfgf .'3.t~f. ` haze ::Sa%i`ry`T;!;: ' .n_;;-.. '5;;-L --::" I')'.'..4 A-,-,;A,'_ .. i'cVc`:X1=r17I`.q `3`' &M'URcIi1s`oN. 7 isdlicitor. for Kdminitratrix. fhin 7}`: Jan A` n!I l\`\l\I| A I` `(MIR A9. Q; 6%NA.:x1' % M'N..`9is rs an-\;\uIu\ ""IIII"nf ALL" 1'ms' wnk. "' ` AI 13!)!` ' :g.uo1r'r f V:\;vi1ite`- o sxdeg. *6 and nrxen wun_sp(:c1a1}.P!'1ees um-mg I and ~DEcEMBERVfor Scrap _ I-_lors,e-Halt. Tea, __ ...J ___ L- '%1`?1%iC21?1 "R4l,`%. 2.':.::2: I }`l\l rs. J-'1KL.Barney,`World s Evan- "`elist, will `preach in Collier Ystreet '-Methodist church on Sunday, even- ing. nextl Mrs, Ba.rney s "visit to Barrie relates -to the Provincial _C. T; U, Convention at which she is announced to deliver " several "addres- ses." Many will, `no doubt, avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing her in Collier Street `Metho- dist chu'rch- ` The case` of the- Church Wardens of St. Aide-n s Mission, Hawkestone, ` .-versus J.- Shaw did not come to - a hea'ring'atA theassizes, it being set-. tled out `of court" satisfa'c-t~orily _to"al1 ` u parties. The suit was `not against [Mr-. Shaw p1`s0nia1_l-y,`but inhis cap-- `acity as trustee for the VV-. A. The A. deposited funds` i 'Mr ;-Sha\T_r s* name, and `he did- nothing -exjcept as `_ directed by thatchujrch orga ni-z`ation.`' ; Specials` for -.i.a1I.osvee."er.;x--En` Ii-sh` Land .. , 5 Q5 `I Date? Raising, -`Nuts, `etc.-,_ _at_. _Bo`th_-H {The Advance h'as_;ma_de a." s1")eia1 clhbbing rate with the Weekly Mail arid Empire "whereby `subscribers can scure the latter until Jan. 1st, 1910, for 50. ' . ` 1- yr 1-\ `iv '10 -i-4 `aoFtowi1kinson s for. all kinds `of ' dry Harqand Soft_Wood, also Slabs, sawed and `split any~4 _ A_,y.gu__ wish, and sold DI! cord. not ox Iozrs;--. -_-I _.__- _-__ `v. v----_ --v -_~ ..Y..--- , The improvements to the Court `House property are nearing.Aco'_mpIe- tion. -All: the cement work is `nish-. ed excepting thercontinuation. of the sidewalk ;to the V eastern . boundary. During the past week theag tower -has- been removed to the western. corner of -the building. It has been ;nade`_h1gher and now presents. an`- lnmposmg appearance. . A - ' v run ' g u go UIIB \Jl\.l IJLVJJ lIaVq_.uL"`:'\;-I;l IIIVILCQ all`-I a_ p1easant_a_nd prptgble day T1js`,an-I "txci-pated; Services fv_v11l" be` held` at _ 9.30 and`: 1'1" `aj.rn'. and;:`Lt"'7 p`.m-.- j Old % g boy_sf_vy{ill fs.peak_ ` at tire" e.ar1y'services.- V '.Drj. R_.'.f'_Qr_ose win _pr_ezLch at It 9 cl`o'ck, apd..`D_t;`f`Graham" o_f 'I_`b1'_ot;1;Q_ I Z Youi_1'9ctter`,l1eadsII`and statements F "oug_11t-.7t','o'_.be ;15rinted'[at 'h6r_`n,e.V I_.f,; _ .me_z;1ng,a, .;_m"ig,_hty. ,_he;u_r_y! [.kno;;kv t9: _;a. `merhant_i.s.V;!1orne %9attonas*V "ta1.1<, if . fhisf stationery _;gQ`S..'_9UAt."t0_...hiS _cus}j} `bmers Be`ziring`tEe" im15r;n"t oi a_3:i_ty._; "`jor_out-of-town 4,p_x-intxing ,r_I,n'., J ' '1`_I1i'e', `Advah_ce s pticesi. ; .. L J Tl 1e& oxtawa; TFr`..' r`>re s`;; 3"_b_c : `I31,-fh; V says. =1-_Tf.1`<`1i,1"8h-;.thei:'e,\, are :;rri.bTn ` six chatact.efs.%~i.II :'Thi:;Wo1f3;.;th%y% are _ an 1;-so,stro,f1,3' a1_nd_.so;;"ef_`fi.i:ie`.t1tI%'v. po;:trayd9 .by_}t'1ie_ .:omp_a;iy.`,' vsihic , op'q11,d a.-._tw;of.,.rf1i_ght$ } stand. at; the _Rus__sll l,rst,,_iigh;t, `t'ha._t`,the..;idgix::j_1-ii:Tal_' % strepgth; bcam__<.= b3_1_t._:se<:"6n' a1;y`f_a;4. .Iur'.e.. % Wlli the Tai*1!h...- if i5 'd9!i-`?:t.r} fu1~..~i._f SQ 1>ower.f!1!.t@plax`;Z.h3~}&9tmd;. . its: way; 1:g..Ottgw,a,` :in._,.the *pa,s;t' ? twene ':'jty-'fou'r months;.`is The,"'Wolf. Tl_1._ .,pie,ce is, of 1>.a.r.t.1.ct.1.la.r..ins.e;est;to Can- dxans 1na,;sV-gx`_;1ug:h;;:as;,,t_-lye. ,_ce-51 is ` ais1.up- ar .t1i"e`..It111; f1 8` Bay _and . the" h4F3f'f'F7;.. i i.'I'1.`.I11..T."1"9;.`.` 139YS <.>31=i 3%S ;-: 'f=='m'1.i1far;' Ito", ?12`9P,1 .`.t1_1<'*.-'I;"`1'-?0I'.I'Iin`i ' _f;Thi's _ _cpmi>; y: f_wg11"b`ej_7_at tji e`;Gvj'and'_' .i'0n'era'.' TH`o:us` r6:nt:9w?* (F.r,i; ..fv..nirJ'sr`.j:iQt"36th.' -> -_`-`;,.`:~ ,3 `-' ;.` A - l `Collier St. Methodistphurjch` ymngi ,boys are havVi_1'1g_a1`_.1*u_r'1`i9LrI qfthe 61d Lboys onuwsunda ,..N9v.';8h, ._,2po .9f`. the o`l`d" "bbyis "1aV inAvitec1_, arid` ,im2`ownrwcA%*rn ,Ram_a" Ihdian . Upsets Canoe, Whil -' Unckt. I;'1uence}j9. Liqiidr_.. " `Last Thurdax . mo}. :n'1en_'[fr.oin me Rgma. Rsrlve; . ,._hoxiza`s }San;l_a5g` faxid .. R1chard'.Sh`iIlin';',,'. were duck, "shooting ;_near the. Portage. ; ." B'e,s ide_s.., _theit :thc.y had a1'_good;s`;g1'J_pl3,r., of liquor _.wi_th_ B` :<.`,o"xn/1t)g ,',.:.i_nt_ :i;::ated,. % 'thy L three ,tnfms,_- upst `then '.qi}\n0e. in`. . `sight (:1 _mii,:79gi `1the[;_:s.h6re.' f.;.Th;' . ;m_anag"d',;hc`> w':ver,'t-tom _ W _ _w_1th thexr ;:anoe','__and,_,' er, ta'k1_ng4_. it _,`,.,*.ishorgef.' ` - l'lOthe!`'- lI"' at fhir. `;l:'dftt1fe, `I1y 7ii`$wii' ` _t7o_` .s1ee`p;~=?When.A :-9Shi1`ling* ,_ayvok,j San-L . day and ":3=f. :%W.I: <'4 <.>`n...-% L Shiit- iug made` hns ;wa)c'-isback to: :the '~R_'c_- is e"rve. ' Sanday, -however, gdid: 1:u.u`% `= `bio; I-`up-WA .'n.`n&,.,a.;n... ._g4-In` .' u-`u-A ' `nosing -.. 'LA,' CI V D; \JGIl\-W, ll-IJUV DVCI ,\ I\-I II-99' $5.115. up there`. But-- noractionvappears to" -~have .1f-?.l.T2,.k!!` axntilr Satutaxg-when Mr. David Mill.;er.......telephoned vfrom ~ .as,h.aso: nto ;Qnl.ha<,:,tha.t:... 3 canoe; n9.rI_berd; `la `{~;2am,tedadra_b} hick. , 3-vvn, 9.9% -`V HS.|.:HE-,: ;.wNV.\~ at-,2. _.~`1.=-'v1II.*u!:,a!;'_#= I ;_;'ni4`t(Jn i;_".f3'1l`j1`!_"v`t?_, .3,-k.l,1__:1VtV`; .3. A 3%`!-.9sh;a%` mt mg THE common or` dunno: -o j e,`cIii1'ciaioN`.' vponvnsuu . JILGIIJ Dun 11;-Inca, LVLGJUL -$1rrie s strength was supposed to be -`imainly in. Nottawasaga and Sunni- ..dal.e, while Wil`s0'n"s"frie`nds claime 51...; f".-\I1.....__-,..,__l!- -m__- _1_,, `.1 y ,sYelection, as far as this district i_" concerned, was North. Simcoct \&1exje: the hottest battle seen in yggaxfs swas -_ waged. There had _not bgen ea.stra1ght party ght since .1887, ajgds this made the issue exceedxngly cticult to forecast. The vote oc- jcisioned` many surprises. Major `-r.11'!';n Cffnrrfk 1:1-ac ciinnnonz` tn La he Lbfight pafticular spot of. Mom? --uua, vvnuiu. vv uavua lllcllub uauucu .that.~;C911xggw9Q..d- ; 9550.-R a,19ns V`!-_ith=; Orols,` `wuld b'e' suici'ent' to" `give theijj candidate _a __hat,1dso_r_vne__majc_>r- -ity.':."F1o,s;arrd V`gs15raj;`_wer rggardd Vas balancing fordes; \'ivi1"'Cremot`e, it vgas ;h9.ug_ht,___vvo_u1d very ,_nea:ly make angfivgh _;be:i_k: with-1-*1Stayne'r. Nearly #111` these c alc'ui9.tios " went Lxvidigly astray. ' ` Ti?!` 1'11`: Go-c ninnn LL ; . ...,...LL.._.. wsuefiy astray. . . 1,... tl1=.tst ..;a.plae;e. i:hei:,northersAn. l town gave` Currie the splendid maj- ority of 111. One might naturally think that this would have settled the question. But not altogether.` With the exception of Oro and Not-i -'tawasaga,- VVilson developed unex- pected s_trength and cut into Currie _s `figures of I904 rightand` left. For example, Flos, which in the Currie- `McCarthy contest went Conservativel by -(11,. this time returned a Liberal rnajority of 66. Vespra, in place of I_4 for, went 24 against Currie. Then; again, in Sunnidale Wilson secured` `heavy gains. .The Sunnidale Conser- vative majority was almost cut in two. Stayner stood pat, but iCree- "more dropped from 36- to IO. Wil- |`son s big. raid on Oro_ did not mater- .ialize ." Grits were predicting from ' "150. to` 175 -`majority ` for their man, but` had to be content" with double gures. Currie addedonly 43 to his A'Nottawasaga 'maj0rity-~- He had 53 to. spare over the whole riding; '_ The outstanding `feature of? the "contest wapsdthek vote of. Collingwood, whose el'ectors.showed themselves prooffagainst -the sordid advances of_ those seeking to]. make: the harbon the one..gran'd_issue._ The` verdict here was a great slap ._at; the McCar-V "thy-Williams-Wilson V clique, .an_d -no-i I s'ma.ll.{arn;ourit of praise isA.~du_e-the :Collingwood_,g_peop_le for th_eir- int-elli- .g:ence_i-and independence. .. IjIerei_1nd- "er arethe results by municipalities :. " V Currie Wilson - V _ V _`Maj.' Maj. -.(.Colli_ng wCi1odi " i. . ._.;I~II , - ,-, - ' Nottawasaga .., .. I09 V. - k l cfnvrri-13: .,;ce'g,a5mf :Sunn1 . "._Vespra' .L . . pro_,`,._. . Mjty fo,t!Mr. H`3:.l;lgh-! .~ . gton Lcnnox; .4 3'.:' * T ' .`fi:If11i-xied : ~t z-,u.e` f ,-to. its .old. trditi_ons =onf fM'onday by - .re- [ tufrii1i:z,.MfiHaius'ti_f0'n Lennox. K.c. by__,`a! _majg5rity.;va.1-'iquSly- estimated at ::fr9_r!.1:~~I.150q-~.t 4706--.~. The: opposit:i0n. {wasg;,Qf .c9urs.. me're_,lyT.;_v;e;:at/ious, but -M1';_,Len'nOx 7s V'ffiends?had~a -duty .to- -*'1`)Fi..f-9-i...`V`.I,'. Z-:`B3.f_ri.iefsffqi1' splen-a .,d1d. majority `of 366. '.. It .is' 0nly fair`. to fsay, that .manfy:`.Liberals_.-'vot.6d for , _;_the" ` }COnSefvafive `cankdidte . ' ir_L- 'vr?I e;f1ii11S.et11 `Q L complete _r_eturr,1_s_,ar`e as' 'f.ollo_yv's\: _ ' ,-;%:Le`ri:1;2x.Catnpber1 -- ' '.MaJ._ A, Mhjt. i 5 .1. `. ii % : V3r,9T%.` } X ; ,--% F :._. ..._\_, `I2.8'__ L. ;_--v__ : . f2.___'_.'_I`.'.L.\ " ' Col1i`figw5Qo'd:..~.' N'otta_1was4aga . ` Stayneg . . " .. }'Ifei;'ur'nseti{ t. r.% 'v,'_."I'f '-(mcomjpI.e_t.e_)ve =In`n_.i_s`_`1_,_. . . A. . ;W.".'.Gwd1_i;nbu`;y (in;Tlir'I Me)? 4,.` ,:'l` .;.".' 1 B:}adfi- ,.,;-." _ % no,:c'n-so - been" sent _.oI_.it from ,.the boat, liveries _'here "ya" telephone message was sent `to amaj lwlien `it? was` eIe9.`rned~"tha`t' ailanm: s was :fel.t~ -.- .ther-~ v0ve.::~ S;aVnday s continued-iabsence from-_,,hqme., There was.xiot'i much. room for doubt as to ~hijs'-'fait'e.`"'H-e` baa evidently gbne off can _ aggd _';_t`_hC`EI1,r_._~;d,I'0_W'he d.";_ :Sear.c`h Was- ;exun-e`n.=st rabuta tho-zzhe at `elj`gs;` b"eet,'r) contmued ,gygt,_._.;s1jnc_e;, and Q fteen: canoes have `been -`By liitiiseif; and 1.214;: `a'ga'jin` aupsete: the ~ *!gs&% os;rs:ns~e-::; '7 ` Tbtal maj. for `fA`hea_rd from;~',--`r34:~- ~3toA do myxduty. as repres- _ex_1tative. in P_a.rl_iarne?$, F due A WB ,r1`7i e` -A1iSt_,n-' 9-ca rBet.Qr_1 ._`-.' ';'C`11 r'fie_7i_s" ,nia'3'. ; `.I\II" IJVCIK7 lVI|lII\I` ll? '5?" ICQB 'G'?llllI5n E, :, _Sanlay.;T~was5'=a ~;s`trong',-fbuflyi man 1 of 41.. 'ct. g___ III: racket T mh_Simcoe Redeemed! njdr Currie Putskthe Riding` % 0%v%er.% t9 Conservative ` -C_olumn'. _ `. _ :1. A._CURRIE. 9 p.ob%o` o.o ooooo_oooo-0: , 711 ` W1 "`t`* *4.vl`69 **fA or THA.NKS..` >A .S'O_U'VII-I smcom. EISS6 ,. 122, T for `Lenn`ox, ,>`so` far as_ |'~.-.Q`.;..- -.. ..-.` ......_......... ....- S3. f-I_3 : " % ' HINcLes.;i;,F" %W .. L`: -1`. `.3 - - ...`tI" ':`~1; . ._ ` _ 2.:'u_---` Nlanufacturer-s%`% 4 . Pr: ces Ji.-LTHOMPSON lIl\I.llID`l' !'\ P_IIoNE":or. nAnmiz'::' I I'I1III\l YIIU :i'L[IIl3F,?KT(3:5`l"I5'l'l`ED?:. - vv ug.au- g-an U1`-l'\-\.l~*i l_*Jl(lalJ`:. 2? - "-' . 32- E >7` `-45- ~_ .-,. ,-3...;-. ` 5: ._, Md; :..: ' *"`f" 2 .'y~.e~ -; ~` '...-- .., -. 1--.. . _.. .'-.5!-gm. .;. 7 - -On_Friday, Oct. 23rd,-[Mary Stuart Stoddart, beloved wife of Mr. Alex` `BTOWHICC, sr., passed away .'at her residence, North John Street. Mrs- l.B'rownlee was ill only a few. days. T`L.. A A . A n .--,l 1..J.. ...n.~ kn-.. -5 :JJI\IVVIlI\v\- VVQO II III Cl LDVV QC] 3- .The deceasedl_l:1dy_was born at Wetherley, Berw1cksh1re,Scot.,1n 1829, `and was consequently in her 80th year. She was married to Mr. Brown-'. lee in 1851, and they came `to Cana- da fteen years later, settling in the township of Oro. There they resided continuously up until 1906. Six sons and vg daughters were born of the union`, ofvwhom- nine survive. These are Alexander of Town, Robert and John of Montana, James of Austra- lia, Thomas of East Toronto, Mrs. Chas. Drury, Town, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Partridge, Montana, and Mrs. _R. J. Fletcher, Town. -...... ......A.. A._ 'l".-.....1._-_ T...4..-.......n...L {$1.90 PER . t '- uuou: conlgrqyz emf: only Awaauvnnyu \.lL LVLIJ. J. L |\.l.L,ll\l J; Russel Maclean officiated in.. the_ church." The pall bearers were the three sons, Alex.', Robert and '_I h'om-V as, R. J. Fletcher, son-in-law, and Alfred. Rouse and Jas. Stoddart, nephews of deceased. , A Thos. A. Swetman. , Although ailing for several `years from heart trouble, it was not until lrecently that the illness of Mr. Thos. l vsihefic "the""funera1 tooicxiplace. Rev: I 1 IA. Sweetman became serious,-A and L he passed away on Sunday at the Alex. McNeill, Dunlop Street, in his 46th year. .He was unmarried and home of his_ brother-in-law, .`Mr-S had lived. in. Toronto...for some yea.r.s,.. but lately `had resided in Guelph, where heacted as bookkeeper and draughtsman for a plumbing rm of that city.. He came to Barrie about two "months ago. The funeral, which took -place on Tuesday afternoon to Union cemetery, was attended by a number of relatives and friends from out of town. The following were ippall-`bearers: His brothers, Nichol- as and Charles Sweetman, a brother- in-law, Jas. Clinkunbroomer, a nep~ hew, John Clinkunbroomer, and Mr. Purdy, all of Toronto, and William ,Taylor of Town.` Rev. Wm. Thorn- 'l'ey was` "the -oiciating minister. There were several beautiful oral tributes from former friends in To- ; ronto, Guelph and otherplaces. , ~. ` . William `Orr; County was removedfrom the scene on Saturday evening, Oct. 24th, when `William Orr of New Lowell passed into the great unknown. `He was 62 years of-age, and leaves a family of 4 sons and 2 daughters. These are: i\ well known resident of Simcoe Q. S Orr-, at home. John, \Vill_iam, Charles, Russell, and Mrs. R. J. Sneath, Toronto, and Miss $`- J: .L L\rIv\.lI\rI, .L\J'V ll- Interment was made on Tuesday afternoon in St. Thomas church `cemetery; Oro.` Rev. J. R. Aiken.- head conducted a short service at the residence of Mrs. R. `J. etche r..n.....:';.;'L1.,. :....,..-...1 4.3!. -1.-. 1)....- -_ . William Hodges. - ... A .l1ighly_respected~ farmer of Or _Township_in._~the person of Mr.-`-Wil- T lia_m .Hodgfes_ died very suddenly on `Tuesday, -Oct, 27th. He had been `staying with his brother, Fred, at '7 `Edgar, and. after partaking of a heat- tyddinner went out tothebarn. to do `some chores and dropped dead with- _;out a_.moment s warning. Mr. .`H0d- ges.-was'39 years of age and lived. " with his widowed: mother near `Guth- ,Vrie.; Interment. takes place .t0.-day i-`(Th ursday). ;from -the family resie-. ~de nc'e to Gltthrie cemetery , the ser- ,-vices being eoyndtictedy` by Rev. Neil, yGar_r`ipb'e1l.f;Thg'ee`A brothers and two ;s_ist"er s, all 6f,Who_m_ live in.Oro, `sun-f :ViVe him. The Aserrpwing relatives` ~ 'shav`e`~the deep. sympathy ' of, `many ', :_frien'ds in `their".sitdder1 bereavemnt.`_ --- Ivl :. -on \IIoo|.vO' l After a three weeks` illness from John Street, died on Tuesday, Oct. 27th,. in the R. V .Hospital. Deceas- .ed a former resident of Aurora, but the family came to Barrieuthree years ago,` and", are well known to a. ,large.number.`hre. Mrs. Coulter is survived by two sons and three `daughters, all `at home. The funeral took place this morning from G. G. Sn1i_'t,h s` chapel to 6th line cemetery, Innisl. ' ' . typhoid fever, Mrs. E. H. Coulter,- ;Alv'rHmc. m DIES rut: -`Q I A Zj A gvsjq-3;: __ HE: suit styles: this season have. . .. 1_:eached.a,state of perfection. . ` `All extreme and all , loud effects have been nvoxded. Fabrics and the out of garmgntq are < DUB Ul-II: Ill BTU 'n%arm_u. ..g_r#anv11va Amp BT16. . . form nmng sndot : The boot in {nigh med_I|_1mlength'.vr.i and withput cent:-0 ' - vents. - " `Th .aoiiirsandla1ie`sar6ot.mdIiIta':. cm; width. - `am ' cut. *0! ? rmoderstq 9 'th and crave:-xgyrnnetut toun.\ .:;,!l`ho:o'nojv _vmo"=`. scum M: `the ' .0; mprsonnnr, ` _vve 11*bop1maa' '"7'z_ puc"our>um." -:a3aingt.y'mm pad" show yogwaft tha new season has brought tort 119-: - ..;."- -1`; '~_`_ . Fallfuiit` Styles Mrs. Alex. Brownlee, Sr. v - -" ':-V`.-._'.I'.I.s. !.I".f~*,_`l_'!'! coPIl__t__nvI: clutggi Ms.f% E. H. couxgg-. OBITUARY. fIUII TT M|oHuns"F'P. O Cutters. Good wa es. A 7 PYETTET at` `simvoav oases-. . saturdays. ' .__.__._.__ ' . 0NCE--B hme ud Wood} W `T "8 x?1y_uto,ALEX(-i -.-.--- wt rwvvn ` .. -_ , I 2;.` Wuhxwe :1 large `amount of` mbne "t`d"!oa'n` lowest currc:nL rates. ci.t_her_i,n am 0l'71'I-1'8'u mounts. on the security of good arm `Mort-- Hues. MM`-\H l`lV unve murvpnutann uuuvuula. on me` seuurxty` ages. .\IcC.*.I{'l`HY, BOX unlop Street. Barrie. _ -_._..} W"'Kmnv1u-xvrnan-an;-dd-`.3; Eugene uni! Berczy Sts . Bnrrm: lor recqvery; Anyone detaining` him date wnll be umsecuted, V . - . .3 d V ,K Lost .. 3 On Saturday afrerhuon. `Sablel (L?oie"1)6g. ' Answers to nanw of Sandy. suitable rewayd v s'x"v-`av: `cu- j %cav*`3`>R 0} cAmA9x0:L::-%i`%:;,} est and Undividta as 5 nnn ` `T -un a.-\ur.-A spun 01 nu p_`1yut_9su; I8 Uuua, fu`.l brothers. rising 3-an 4: eara" b d. Aver-' age weight about 1200 lbs...` Ka. Yorkshire Boar, pedigm-. with 6 im orte c.'t*ossea.. erfect and quiet. .-\p]>Iy to J0 N GEARNS. Iaton P. 0' I U - ` I J *3 _;` uw..._, W. D.B i:`3izE1~!(3)?qA "g; " ` { ~ "Ee`r; -_> AN ._,m Ian I4-44 Eqccess. 1! ap- ?We're raceful {Black - should be is a start _ is the tune when lvvu ..-& deposited ' . ,t110Ug'h votinarthe-'U~`1i.0n need 1t.ag:un in a gonth e-;~'1`kely to`, It wxll be safer in this tW0. .5 in your keeping._ and `Wm :ba.I1l' than Interest at lpglxest ctxx-rnt e I,ea_rning pounded_4 times .11 year mtve,CQm. ASavmgs Account 116, -. , t<`>\\'ards \;r=ea1theVe!.' `Small; 0f`th year to .b:a.`?d ' m01}c_\' 15 coming i ,eg1nv-gag ; Our Jomt Account is ',f_1 e.e1y._. . _ It is opened in 't'1"rY conve-V two members of a fam_11 .ng.meg of whom may deposit 8) ; .eA1_tl1e-1 M. money when in town, `r7 W!th:draw= -.-- 12l`.1.,: I Bank, even `on s.m:-.x - :3 (5721 ad 1366 1?.i`:i1x 1`goIi-a.r`l` 4:` {au.%8" l'3 A.vu6sl;'-` .Itm m.~.:..ko ..k.... I-)lu\ II... .. _. .. \7.._I-..L:-- TOWNSHIP ,.. ~ ulvtlr 9:. \.ff1_.|| out 1 lU?ol1 ` ` V i.. A1l'Wc-.l'omc.' 2:) `" ?b: V I. . . . ; g':t;" _'-F`-.4 .-s - ,', 1 in. ~- . ' if , ` W j `C? - "l30n.n).-`Holy Communion. it `.9 v 4 '3 _ _ ;;llan1.-)1)rr1irxg Prayer `arid Se'"rr_1l"6,` " ' HolyL'o1nmunion~. :.- ` I -_%:"fv'~ {'9-In.-SundaySchool. -- ` `"' ` ' 7D- In. -Evenaong and Sermon. The Vicar will pro.-ucb. gt bpgh servic .11 y u 1 . . . "' - ',-. Weicnm 0': -5 v iH`i:`Iu: dhn m i 1 ` V . `.'." :11` 1, 3-1 Herb; ::1v_e,n era: wiob .hl`E"I;1l}lis11a1stt) (`he Unturio Vot L Act, ..._,__',,_ iruig t 111 be . _.,--u ' V H the C[<)>:; t::1`:' t(`:zfL- gldge of. thehcoigg Cltigt - '_ 1008.111"! Q, I i 1;l'.i.l3 .(')'$`1`. 911 the .t.h day of N%vembe1-.1908. gt we cn`p`1l1lii1l:S (:; :223::":*a mgffs Llstoflhc-. Munici` "'35: v-es-,,,u3`, 3r; . AF . - ' C1 rk'I'0'Wn8hI D:g8t\Ii(lb1xrst. Uc-S. 24th. 1905. V - - The uhuw (` b ' th '(.8.k0 IO D mac .0111` 13, . pup0`:1l::l:it b()"r1t)Lgr1`I11:l`)"f `tliituelteabr Oct. `mu. Ifom the tcess of VA!-UABLE :`%1"=`;%vi2.oP IN THE TOWN. on w; ______ V ---.u .1 Inc South th5rty-,.t.hr9: 1- Q} Sid`? Inches, of lot fbuii` `b )9 % -sar _e of B F: 1d st`: et,~`B':irl~:e'~.vv M :* A::(')`*9 Of aexiafr thercio- _ l lI,.9 -` whichggfgq stores on -th M0)w1ng lands, cdmm`otYi'$* " IVLCIVC W . "--- II III '""_"`' ;**11tl1erIgned for Vthg:,_.1ip(1; hs: . igf the ` V the_ , ` P'Pert%>.'s_.:4!1a!Ei%3!i*5t=3"?fL:1??? -' The th t ~.t r A `;`` ; ._0 4`. '--~:'.\.2~ r. TRINITY CHURCH , SUNDAYNOVEMBER-'x1`f1";', Ran. ... . \\`}{:\9'1`r:1*)... Anrr ..r cl . mu u A.\"J`r;1)....Afsecondhemd all . ed . E , _ , . @- App`)' at the ADVA.\'CE... 1'4` 0 401'! J. 6'. S(Ju l"1`.(T'nalMcrcha.nt; Ba 13:`; if+s0;4'&]' --._.___________,(, , T mew AnvERTIsEMn:;frs, ----------------~--------~..._..... from LEE? ' :.-_._.--. i- Mom-:v To_"LdA-Isgg BARNE- rs win +. ...: . -.a':.v...: '1` ().\'(`.E-A. General So":-v`a'nt.` A w m0F 9F,9` o ` , .: "11 be-'2 'e `eive NH` :t\.- L`- sums j.Asr.I 3.7:;5`xiat1ha`ri}i ::. o ADVAN(`,E...@F. i` and WV of U00. 1511 lIlUl' 5" ~|ifMW$f-?3`1.ji,`_ile; M wa;a.L:n5`.`;ga;~ V. Pnongun9nu...;=*:.:- , s r J-:3 ;:`:=;:. "we " K-\ 2; _?ii_PERrv, Hal aurvuuu A. mtg, Comegl E. `_B ai'rl)e.` ` ` =3QOOOQQ9OOQ9.00000.0QOQ.OI.O0.0: : - ' :~ `-*3 -no -A _' __._**" i ..__ A +.`o` % no 6049M} Thic.k;wiA%Neck.*i J Xl`puu-nn.t\ n an` tin n`vl'f1I`lDI'If, IIRDI llllllllvlllllo l l.'lUV 600- 01191 `A'IID_\AU vu-J 1 'n;i:::mss1aua;vru&&tst.fBW~+: : 3'3? 17-` ` 1 n .4 A .'4Lt"'10 FL _._"`}2: Fh l_NQ:;'-!7:Ul!..l'! % % % ~;:~Plinqg`1?'I',?3``1ir f3"9 % ; * aw?-'~*,~* '33.t35.N"3-'3 FE7 N3.` "..':`1 ~?"'~- 1!; 412:; . `r=.,.'~,.~. `-`"1 "L i .1. I ..*,'n:') ';'.-1] . .1 : ._` xi .( .. 1.. In _ :_. r ' `..;-Ir, Robertson We J I g agwaxk - ifx"=I`7tii*s `=75-{",oti'fxf`j % 3%:se~`oc*rts:::iz -.'~_rst: % Twm .J9'.`1[2; 1.? W E . a11.F1r at First. " 30. *hf';h`p$t%Lt6 % L ' I ;'.t:h'e}-_-,in6.f e5 :peias`i`ve, :`t.1;liS'.;"f's,-'a sz\O n1=:;1f:v st-bii C ; ` \amfsi1.1%acme `buy. - % try the .Ba1l';fi`F . V S%i`mri1ohs&%I}o`. NOW ON 841.3 41* HI NE THE GREATEST M A '.QF' wmcs. 1 I. 1::xP1:c1'onArs11* - -Va-:1 `gnu - 1:1-cox--Qua:-c-1-u:~ - Morgan's Goifi-0 Oixitmentrxfcduces the" swelling and is this best remedy for this ` 1-nhH'.Inn_ Prim; 26a. n..box. Made only ` $VLUl`l_I`a \X|llllU YIIIBIIIUIQF nyuauvyv van. swellingand condition. Price 250. ubox. Made only kl! :e 50; jron_ '{LpilEN`S' cOUG` % The ` ` `"5 `*T.``i` .`-` .13 /' , FLU. ,L.A:." . ;-- - ~ _ .,.-,5 ...` ' ., ,1 '`_..`V :5 -`-u` ,-2-s -1.,- *om` ' idipilay` "V of