Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 22 Oct 1908, p. 8

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. A superb selection of Dress Good bought `direct from`thf_ British market iswhat has helped so much m the succe:sO1 . , this `store and ourvassortment is now at its best. Miss Hunt in charge of Dressmaking Department. saw: one oi oun We V alwa.`}:s- '1:1'a._<; Sad stocking values. This is the prince of them all. I pnrp "Rina: gamlct Csmh. "cashmere 3 Pure `Wool Seamless Cash- mere Hose, elastic top, full sizes, J every pair branded -Vickers Values on top. We 3 positively assert there is not al stocking in town` to equali sizes 8%, 9, 9%, `X We are clearing out about 10 pieces of Fine Flahnel, Lus- tre and %Delaine Waistings. Some sol for_ 29, others for {3 40 & 50- _. 2 Checks, .s Cross-bars and Stripes. `Made expressly for ladies blouses. 3 yards 'makes;_the blouse. -They will `all be sold at I T ---c_-uw no --v VIII; -lu\| W9 Q-ICVVU ._. ;,I(llII|I.II. when yoxi get fast lfiwhat young]: tor. `Thu : what we 31- "1nysg!v'o. A child can ghop have _u % iatel'!II an.idnlt. "Atdal.ori ts ` utintncuon:;oll::a you woouowooooo/uououoo safe BUVWE L Ell\mS . T Hamiltogx hasimoved 'from the`. Dyment farm to the Leslie B'1o ck. - ,`_Vh0Y1 YOI1.bny o`nly tie purest ` , and trgshcnt. grooex-lea. _ . Jrhgt is ihevon'ly kln'd we havg. A .3. I .'_;.__ I '4 A , ; .. gin-Ann-H. 14._ A AA '2 pairs for 7 SC- Z__s---- Waistings 7! 7/"- Price is 4: Vstoplgi Per` 20 SKIRTS Good _heax'y'-xx i_%r;rht F13. nelette Blankets, in white and grey, pink and blue borders, soft even nish, in 104 size the kind that is sold all over at $1.15. Our price for I or more pairs is ATHURSDAY, '1\i_1,'.'_"ii;;x{a}1t3{ 0? a5;,o:.;;,`1;as been vxsxtmg the -`Misses O'Connor. -Jus.r_.a,[rived a large shipment of. '1.-Ana. DnAgI nunnn Flami 17`: *1 Last week during 02:: An- niversary Sale" we had an ex- ception sale of Corscts and our half dollar special really :5 a. winner. It is made of white coutille, steel lled. two side steels, trimmed with lace and baby ribbon, long waist I\ .S.. general tting and has hose supporters attached. __,_-... Is A FINE m~:'rAnnENT And will not ignite from 5P` [coals or cinders. I8 wnzn PROOF Even the morning (1116 pff. `M0l'e durable than shingkzs. 5!i00d the test of time. N0` mgnt. _ .. `A 11' nuns A coon R00 And yet cheap. PAROID I ROOFING ` All enquiries cheerfllu) _ answered by and you are invited to see them here. We represent Per- rin s for Barrie. C. W. Poucherr and baby are ' weeks. . , visiting in Toronto for a counle of For t, wear and style we know of none to equal Lootozsd Corsets Kid Gloves *`P1%'151N's'- PERRI.\"S" IS DURABLE Sarjeant Cb. have opened` a branch here at Mrs. L. McMi1lan s store. - Blankets Pair 95 ` THE BEST QUALITY Price 50_c Alex. B1-untonT land ` family have returned to ther home. in `Dau- phin, Man; _ -_ " ` Mr. -A.,R.- .Walker has taken one gf A151`. Garratt s houses on West I "Mr. `V-A...-`R.; .wa1ker` of Ald. s Ross Street. /. T _ _ - "-~u.:;~.:;_ Iron. Beds, grea Bros . Much sympathy is felt for -Mr. and Mrs. Robt. E. Moore, in the `loss Of`; their infant daughter on Wednesday of last week. Interment took place in Union cemetery on Fxjiday. Mrs. A. S. Scott. was_ called A to Copetown last week, owmg. to.the death of her sister. T There were large congregations at both services at Brurtom Ave. Metho-, -dist church on Sunday, the occasion of the anniversary'.and thankoffer-* ing. Rev. 5. Wesley Dean, of*Tor- onto, occupied the pulpit and "gave two excellent discourses. The choir _rendered special music, "being assist- ed by Miss Gertie Hill "of Thornton, who sang acceptable soprano solos at each service. - `I Mrs, John Btunton, sr., ha,c_l an. small gathering of friends on Friday last to celebrate her birthday. ' EVENTS OF THE W-EEK Smlge on the St_;'I_.awref1ce has` again txed up the. shyppgng, cur fun '!_| "1{&}2f'}&h2;.5{is7a1i;}f' `lagif 9:- seventy years, was killed` by .84 `tra1n` at. M'uirkir_k. j '_ V ` __ ` .Yester V was Vthe` _=w~a'i-metst of the mongh, -the _max1m.uni- tjcmpr- ature reachmg 78 _m Toronto.` 1-9'1. `.\ ( fa:1r-'l;e-tv;;en':1 urkcy and -Bulgani-ia is expected `at. any moment.. `CI cl I I -9` "rr *"w- ; gnqgcinxeg. '-\';s'raa'a.{{ 'iiii1.'.3.sf'*;:tnZ :$-y'..| the `tongue of` a wgggdn while trying` to stop a ru1iaway__ neat St, Ihqmgs ' `_ '_-5" >'A` _' ~ ._A L \II\`JIIKIllU\ I 9958! ll?! IIIIIBI . _ `F. H. Butler, the English balloon_`- 1st, says viaeroplanes will cost _no_ more than $500 apiccg in- ten; ye'ats_. VIM- _ I` 1': 1') I...2.I..-L `-4. '11: ...-;....'.L... "ah Rf'b::.ig;`m;s;;;s;; was burned -and tfaic . 6:11 the. -main line 1 west bf` No`rth'1.-Bay 1 ixgtgrnpted. 0' 01 .4. Mk:-s-.fi_5aterson of 51`.6ri3nto, whoi "was, .;kx_tockcd adown; by a.._"bicyc!i,s.t, ;susta_1mng ~g"rave_ injuries, died at the} _ f[,!ri-; _: ;4 `Jr " Lennox, 1-he -Lib.-'Cons`er\fa tive can-" ~l'qcal ='LiberaiIs, it Vbecfblmes im- perative for evry one who .desires honest government tq `turn out and` rally to the support of Mr. 'Ha_ught6n| djdate. . wprii1}t `igow fie .Ae1?eaio+s:;_s; smgar? `fsinicoe, A, ;cg_nt St &%,ng;y;x_rg~ ',`_.ben"`T forced 031- -the ;1-iditjg at ti i7;3~;'Velje-_" ve'x1't'l1.Lh t.'>ur,_-A agaipt. : the 'wishe :f'u}'o".ni8X:?27{1"po _s`,-VI-Ia_ro1d~ V1-Ma:`j` tg's9g`f :qq;on;:; , %8__.v- ;~wer...-rs1;ot . oooooooqoownoouooknn onoouoooouuquoooodow. [Late Saturdayy night some gc;odSE X muzvmnv or THINGS.-TRANSFIRING in BARRIERS RAILWAY QUARTER .. . Continued fromAPage.8ix.' V `MONDAY, act. igth. }sguraAs;geog; muni en xtgq Lori!)/_:;:nece!ssaiiy_ tb r`e_fjei',t\_ ' . Q *nbx ._s_ Lseryicesfm "eonixeetiqn'\irithVthe 5 __ cattle, `guards. t`queti23;xfi,,A't1ii. seeds Bil ` and the; varimlx/ks, fruit" end "`rnatA in"-___' tspec_tibn Acts" amply to substantiate what has been `said in ` this regard" Then,`aga.ih; the railway .emp_loyees .age not like`ly'tO forget"Mr. Lenhoit :s ' `valuable efforts, both ~:`in Pa,rli.me_qt' and before the Privy Council, to est-` ablish their rights in the matter of railway corporation liability. `In this as in other__thi`ngs, .he,has `been, in_- deed, `the. Watchman on the twer. _, v--v_ ~--v-~- _--_ V l Over condence '_is,_'- of .course,_ .the only `thing "to be feared irmathis icon-_ test. -` The ~candi\da'tu_re of Mr. " Le_n- . nox s .opponent is farcical , but this . only emphasizes the necessity to be L zealous and on the~alert.' There are 3 .a large" nurriber of p_olli'1'fg.subdivi_- sions invthe; riding, and, if fteen or - twenty of ?'Mr.' Lennox s `friends were to absent themselves from each poll 'under the mistaken notion that `,`al1 s well, his electio_n might be endang- ered. Let ,everybody. take` off his coat and work. Exercise _ your fran- chise and make sure `t~hht.yoi1r neigh- bor also does. `South Simcoehas long ' been in the public `eye, from its able; representation in days that are past. See to it thatthe line islunbroken and that on `Monday a majority of fteen hundred "votes is recorded for Mr. Haughton Lennox. \ ' \\V g out that IVI`i-.. Lennox has `made ideai, A. representative; that .he.- .. has a carefully miarded -the `best interests` "of his constituents, andhas been dili-' agent `in `the 'performance.I`of his `par- 'liarne_ntary duties. Following the in- structions laid down by -the Cooks- town convention, 'Mr.. `Lennox, `has `been carnipai-gning in -variousoutside` parts of the province during the past month, relying iupon his friends to look after the detai1s of hiseiection; In this way he hasnot had the Op- portunity of being before the (elec- torsas much as he would have lik-V ed. However, he is devoting the last week hf the battle to his own riding, and there is no doubt that many are zhearing him with? appreciation. v~,_~ Mr. Lennox, it may be noted, has made a first-class agriculturist re- presentative. The interests of the farmers, who comprise the bone and vsinew of this country,` have always been paramount with him, while at v he "superiuous.--t_o' were taken from the store of a south ward `business man while the pro- prietor was engagedat the front. P.C- W. Sweeney was advised of the theft, and on Sunday morning,` procuring a search warrant, that ofcer soon had both man and goods `in safe custody, The .accused pleaded guilty next day inthe-_ police court, and was ned `$10 for his little lapse. ` r" - - cu-v a-`:uv- The Day of Intercession for-Sun- day Schools `was duly observed in St. _George s church, the Rector preaching at the` morning service on` theimportance and necessity of re- ligious education. In the afternoon a baptisrnalservice waslheld, when the son of Mr. and . Mrs. `George Shannon, Crown Hill, and two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. `Sydney LEling,were baptized. ' - u l 1. T After an illness extendin ' over twol years, Wilfred Eugene, t e twelve year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dalton, s Burton` Ave., passed away at noon 'on- Monday, ._Oct. 19th. An impressive house service was held at the residence on, Tuesday evening by Rev. Canon Murphy.` The re- mains were taken yesterday morning to Hamilton for. interment. There werevseveral beautiful oral offerings on the small casketfwhich bore sil- ent messages of sympathy to. the _be-" I reaved paret its., --u-urn. ruin my...- On Thursday afternoon as train No. 42 (mixed) _was -nearing Allan- dale from Meaford, running at the rate of 25 miles anyhour`,`_- the rear truck of the last coach beame de- railed, causing three cars to leave the track. A general spill, nesulted, `some of the passengers receiving -rather severe injuries. Those hurt were Miss Hotson of Parkhill (daughter of Dr. Hotson), Mrs. Jo.hn.Wil_son of -Meaford, Mrs. Potts of Colling wood and Mr. Percy Hermant of To- rontopf Miss Hots`on s injuries iwere 'the most serious. and _;on Friday Imorningat Royal Victoria `Hospital `it became necessaryto amputate one I of herarms at the elbow joint. ,Mrs. The?~';other casualties .-"were;;'.-_- minor. N__o cause can;'_b' a_ss2gnecl_f='for_. the accident, as 'th'e.f`road'-bed ,;he t:.e_: is 1: tion, ' _>,:' ._ ; ~,"" 3...`. Wilson, -an aged lajdyi off 75 . years,_ sustained fraci': u'res.`of arm 'and`leg." considered 't,`~b"'be .`-`-(`itnfrf g-st eiggs ,,_c:ndi.-.~. I . Ti ESE: :pef;<$;;';A;e;-Itiiigcivl a Atar- Vafnd_L cloudbugsc near Clayton," Vmeft _to' th__e ~ Ls.`5f` the Ex-; amuung Board` of Engl_atLd;' -M- D.-.1... 1\..I..:..`.'= ..; L..;..::'..~... ..:c:_ '.Mr. Robert. Melvixi; Va leadig citi- zen of Guelph, took ill on ,his_.way home from New York, and died at lthe Waldprf-"Hotel in .Ha._milt`on,' g ` -._.1,I :,_ [. -'Ittis stated in Loddon that the tac- I.tics of `the 'suff~rqgette`s- at their. de- monstration ."last' week have . thrown backffhet cause of woman surage Ea; whole` generation... . . 4-4 1-; on. E "11;;;,`?-e. g*;.;f;;a;a;`s on the "C. P; R. co'1l-Zded near S1_:'ickney; = Fireman Robert -Johnson` of Stl John, N,.jB., was; . roasted alive, and Engineer Charles ,I-Iumphrey"had this back and legs Wil1iami Evan-s of "Claretnot'1t`. was `kicked .by'5.a__;l'x_orse a'nd_'ki_lled. ' 230000990990560o9oooooooooooooooooo6ooooo59oooog `U' ...` _ _ .. z. V... ~ `Admiral ?5perryJ of the `T-.U.1it.d ,_Sttes` battleship ` eet I ; ancL`-;.~11`isj . ,pf- i Lrs wqre W1md .tTA".1 km, :ve&t9r' Y t . 1? M`rjs;r. `__Boncher {ojf v.M o_n t pgpital. 'fr6`m. . r ,--v--- -- --------__-- _ ..., I -_--.. ~O.ne than v\?a` l' e iti- jured by the ,co1laps`e:Jof.'..-.a, va;ult..at the `Harris Aba`ttoir.,-VVo'_;s;; T oi'onV-. .61` :`v ~ ' ~' -,.2~> 5 t8: % gVl'~`;$ur hildrx? wife bt1i'ed't0: deaf- _th Ann t1e.~de_st'r_uction gofda.` '.n`_1,1_ng1- s Yhouae at `Sum`gn.gt,. Pa.,".`ye'st`rda`y. ` ; 1`-no . _ TtJEsnAY, o'c'r. a.oth._ Dominion elections yesterday. The] only election by acclamati n in On- tarib was that of Mr, W. Maclean in South York- ' 'I:he kingston Locomotive Works have just closed a `contract with the Grand `Trunk Pacrc Railway for twenty-ve engines to be delivered during the coming year. a ff- , '111.__._. 13..---- `cw---v- ---'_ vv------ I ----V % he motor-boat Key W`est,p from Detroit, was -picked, up on the shore 7abpve VVa1kerville. There is no Ltrace ofAMr. and Mrs. Still, who sail- wcxd her out of Chatham. 1 The Wolf, by Eugene Walter, lwill be the attraction at the Grand `Opera House Friday, Oct. 30th. The scene is laid in the backwoods of the Canadian Hudson 'Bay country, ' A bitter old Scotch, settler, whose harshness -drove his wife to evil courses, fears that his daughter may follow in the footsteps of the moth- er, whose beauty she has inherited. Therefore, he `keeps her in a condi- tion of ignorant slavery, perpetually wauning her against the perdition to which he believes hen to be `doomed. Although constantly_ reminded bf her mother s fall, shehas remained in acondition of primeval innocence. The first act" shows her in danger of falling the victim of a villainous en- gineer, who is s c`heming to carry her off with her father's consent, under 'the pretense of having her properly .educate,d.--`He succeeds in hoodwink- ing the old man by an appeal to his avarice, but alarms the girl by a: pre-' mature` exhibition of his passion, and she, in her anger and terror, seeks shelter in the arins of a young Fren-T ch-Canadian, who ` has long , loved her honorably With -him she ees in a canoe , with the engineer on their trail _with mut der in his heart; The final scene is devoted to` a duel in the woods after dark which is said -tolbe; very~eective.- The company jwhichi. will. interpret iThe iWol,f in Barrie -? is the, -`same cprnpany that played His Majesty s Theatre, `Mon- .-rea'1,.:fa;1d the-Princess Theatre, To- "r onto.; ' ' - . ~ 'i.I,,EY_;I`T.. WAT;1.`IE"S' FUNERAL; VVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVUVVVVVVvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvvvvv gflchoes From Soufhv `Ward.! l` A The funeral Iofftne late lLieut. Wat- Atie ;took a place ` on Thursday after- noon from his. mdthes residence, 7th_line, iVespi1'a. It was one of the largest corteges ever seen in that district, the`. Sad circumstances sur- roupding the death, coupled with the `estimable character ofe the deceased, `evoking " the "sympathy of the entire `community. The obsequies were largely of a military .charact:er. ` TL P-II_.,!,, _4-I ---v- V- .. --~--.-. -----v. Th; iollowivng, oiiicgrs of B1-e 35th Regt. attended: Lt;-Col. J. B.` Mc-- Phee, Maj`or Sneath, `Major MacI..ar-~ en,_'Capt. Scott, Lieuts. Rogers and `McMillan - (A, :Co.); Capt. . Black and Lieut. Smith (IC. .Co.)_; Capt. `Munro `and _Lieut. McCarthy (D. Co.); Capt. `Cowan. (.E. Co.); L-ieuts. Patierson and Vansickle (F. Co.). 'Lieu_t. Lett ..and`.'8ergt.e_Major Tracey V represented V`theV9th__vM.1.ssiVssauga; Horse. ` `_ VIKVEEK V 3' -I'LL 0 IJIBVPCI \L L(ol _ 'which'the military and Orange tit.- uals were duly `observed. -Interement tookrplace in the Presbyterian; ceme- tery,` Midhurst; The ring party con- sisfed-" of thirty-ve N, C." O. s `and ;men under the commahd `of \C.pt.`~ Cowan-' -Lieuts; `Rogers, M:oCarthy. '_Paj;,te'rs_on.`, Vansickle, ,McMillan `and A-e*i`it!1eb9'+ethe 9311- T L . `if ' "`Li,eut. ;Wattie" was "a. V0un-`gt maqtof. e1l ` a;ts,.f and ~_`~_\v1llz _ind'e e"_d e cm! `yuan guy a.va._naaav9-yuuau -LJ.\Jl9\vn 7 `An imprissive service was con- 4d*`ncted".by Rev- Mr. Shepard, aft_er_ uu;`|:4u`|"""mA noun. ' nnnmn-A -L The `only saf way to buy___-_. furs is to buy` from a man necessity. We want our trade, amf are taking bains to deserve it`. Come and see. THE wpLF. OOOOOO Chilly. loll days are here and. other e In- unsl open of September Summer won or. as I oonuuenoe we turn to heavier cloth . Think a phoe where you can, get your and winter otthe very lowest prices onq '.'.`.`2.`.`:';':'.....`....'l`.2E."". ..-.. .`.'.'.22 street. synagogug, ,Toronto, in which, '- -..-.-v-- ":fe"v'v'Z lively ght 35., Elm a` number of mexrvyere `hu:t._ The United States battleship eet`! "was welcomed by the `Japanese. at Yokohama ,yesterday`__fm"omn3 . T -rs 11' I\ . .,',, S-_ '|_A'I1___,` Ladies and 1 H3hiId`ren s Goals 'TIi_is iStbre~is ; V ' Authority" on whaf is bestin W %A%SiorefIf <>fyG;od r f 3*Pfi%S based 9" the Ant ination A the#s%el`ling ofrx very larg Quantity , Through. 'c'o-operation withithe management of ' other stores, this stor\ possesses a bu power of exceptional 'strength, and tin the'vai'ious markets this power enables u to prom, th WE choicest merchandise at the _1owest;fmar_ket pricesr... Quantity is alwavs a facto sand rcase Q "'l' No concern -in this locality ( can buy-.;undepr. .us-a_nd no concern can undersell xcvonbll 50- demonstrated the fact more forciblythan we have this season. ._ you want val:ict{- mgr. 3"`: '6 variety:--'If you want dependable qualities, the qualities that atisfaction-Ifg `Ave Dmadest that you are sure and certainare rightfand if you want valu th est return for 5&0-.;.r m3}.5`3',f3 :, ` ` , en it s here that you should do your shopping. - V ' AN EXAMPLE OF VICKERS VALUES : _ _ ions 5):` this Season are a pronounced success. ve gone the rounds have expressed their ap- prov of our stock of Coats. Our sales are gratifying. \\'c re of materials. They are all tailored in easy graceful mber semi-tting. Brown, Blue, Green and Black, thoroughly satised.vith*`the styl _ . tting lines, some loosebacks an a great sizes 32 to 44._ Prices '(~_`5o up t 20_oo. Mr. T, Blair was i-n Toronto Inst week. V Mr. Jas; Ferguson is home` from Hillside. _ V 7 Mrs, Constable is on !the sick` list this wcek, . Mr. J. Gilks has disposed _of Honest Billy." * " ' . _ Mr. and Mrs.,B. Baer arevisiting in Georgetown. `I `IV a '11 0' '9 '1 - V. You are unden no obligatign bt;y-Co e and see them, that s all we ask. We are delight- ed always to -show them,- they re suc auties._ . Du 27-inch Dark F Ianhelette, in stripe and checks of bleak, red, white, blue, brown, - on _ grey tgrdunds, splendid weight for [men's and boys . Shirts, and Children s Dresses, Petti- coats, etc. " Big demand these days for Frillings, we ve all the wanted--- things in those loveiy ` ' ky Frills,~ in White _' shades. - - Pure Wool Hose, 2x1 rib, seamless toot. made of ne soft` yams, with bright nish, a good wearing Hose and is the best you h2g.ve yet seen for Cotmpare it with what you i have seen elsewhere at 15c. Dark Flannoloes has soid his "feed business to Mr. Eli Smit. V 7` . Our Prlco is 15%: Frillings. Ilnothor spacligisnsxunts 20 only Ladies Fine Tailored ,.D ss Skirts, materials are good quality Serge,` Panam Lloths, Cheviots, Venetian Cloths,.in navy and blac made in most ap proved of styles, worth A the regu 1' way from $4.50 up'to $6.50, no two ali " Price of ny for. . . . 3,98 Ladies wide are Petti _ ts, inade in England and brought out direct`by us. is of Fine British Moir- ette, full liberal widths, in na ` , green, brown and black, is selling very quickly and e als our Canadian made Skirts of $2.00 value. Our spcgial price is . . . . . . |_5Q -- :: tau: 7- 33.` Vunfiuo clan at Sc. L i, '-"`..`. .! ."_'."" "3 '9- ..`*`;::.`.;;.'` % inmmgby ' Owenst. SPEGIAIQ IN uo ._ Mrs. Robertson of T0t'Ol:lt0V is {ris-| iting her sister, Mrs. Dollery.

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