37 _$8s9s 54 4! $434.32 90 33 :68 st 75 0 ' 19` 3,5 rT4a,sc_>% S0-oo 25.oo IO. 10.00 15166 50.00 ~_ The readers of this paper will be pleased to `learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh; Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Ca- tarrh. being, a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall s Catarrh Cure is `taken intern- _ally, acting directly upon. the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, `thereby destroying the foundation of _the" d1sease,'aan_1d jgiving the patient is.tr.eng,th by .bu1ldin"_g up the constitu- t_1one and assisting nature. in doing" its Cw'9r,k_.'i 'Th;~p1'.oprietors"haye so much {iath_,._jin its `cui-ative; powers `that they -,9er`.Onc_:_;I_iund,redl Dollars for any - that ; gailfS,i`tQ fejcurel ' i "Send - for .113:1`-of,',testimoniils.:;j;_ e H I I Ann an ` `.;Ba.`l"a,t1_ce'.`of_ mortgage, Simcoe Loan and Savings Co.` .1 I t;t_er;t, 3] mogths . . . . . .".; . . - r o ' ' Thewciicersiof the w. A. o,f.R. V. -Hospital for the "year ending the 30th September I9o_8, were as follows: Mrs. Strathy,'Hon. Pres. and Treasurer of ` ospxtal debt fund; Mrs. Drury, President; Mrs. Cameron, Ist Vice President; -Mrs. Stevenson, 2nd Vice President; Mrs. Bosanko, Treasurer; Mrs. Shanacy, Secretary.` `During the year ten regular and five special meetings were held, the `average attendance of members being good. 'I`!._ -;--._I- ____..__1:_c 1 c u __ _.--___..--- -yv-ya vVI\.|' . T The work accomplished has been very encouraging and augurs a successful year to come. . . . ` All`members feel condent, now that the eorts of"* the Aux- iliary are appreciated by the people of the town and supported by accordingly. This was demonstrated by the `willingness of the people, to subscribe to: the sale of work and refreshments held on April 3rd and 4th, and again a month later to the Charity Ball which .was undertaken by the young` men, for the benet of the Hospital, `both `entertainments being very successful and adding very materially to the funds. of the Auxiliary, as will be seen in the Treasurer s report. A Another means of_raising money for the _Hospital, was by having a Tag-day. The Barrie and Allandale Auxiliaries joined forces, as the money procured is to be devoted to the debt fund. At time of writing this report, a full account of receipts and expenses is not to hand, but the Auxiliary has reason to believe, that a very substantial sum will `be realized.` The young ladies of Barrie and Allandale took a very active part in this, and made Tag-day so very successful, that the Auxiliarygis thinking of making it an annual event. Merchants and business men responded most generously to the call on Tag-day ai;l_ wore the red cross as an evidence of their sympathy in Hospital at its. 4 . Bi1i1ding.a.nd cjontents __v1ued at Due > from '\patxents, estxmated v .Itjis the great desire of the m_embers of the Auxiliarfy to 'see the debt on the -Hospital cleared. It 1s therefore ne 0 cessary r members to put forth renewed and strenuous efforts to do this, and at the same time keepup.-the supply of linen, etc., demanded by the needs of a. -work, and the Auxiliary would welcome with delight growing institution. More active members are needed to help in the anyone desirous of becoming a member. GI-I. VV_\. aagrs. In conclusion the Auxiliary wishes to express its sincere thanks to all, who in anyway support the `Hospital, special mention being made of the ladies who contributed refreshments, fancy and useful articles, the young ladies who took part in Ta -day, the merchants and business men for their kindly support, the young men who tool: an active part_in' getting up the Charity ball and to the press for newspaper notices, etc. ` 71?\T\7'r.-rs nu-o . `V . ..-.. ;yuu A July 18 The Anxiliary meets once a month to transact business, and again to sew, as all. night garments, sheets, pxllow-shps, _etc., are made by the members, assisted. by the Young Ladxes Hospxtal Club. . The Treasure:- s report shows how the money is expended. The purchasing and cutting out _committees are to for the careful management 111 buyxng supphes and maternal to the best` advantage. `f__ __,_ I be _commended cuttmg out the . We have twenty one members with an average attendance of nine. Held during the year, ten regular and_two special meetings. We make such articles_as are required in Hospital. We sent fruit: and owers, also contributed towards payment of operating table. Assisted to make Tag da " as su_ccesssful as possible. Our visiting committees do faithful wor in their line. The oicers are Mrs. Clark, President; Mrs. Lyons, Vice President; Mrs. Hamlin, Treasurer; Mrs. Cameron, Secretary. \ Allandale Oct. 1st, 1908. V 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT. _To `amount in Bank at credit of: this fund To gm REWARD, smo. Proceds bazaag: Proceqds chanty ball. Donatxons . . . . . . . . . . . Balance sale work an. ...I .. .. - ..A.__ Eli 39 lOct'ober Ist, I908. nlwwlvaavly V TREASURER'S STATEMENT W. A. R. V .FOR_ YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30th, Receipts. ' Expendi Bank balance Sept. 30, 4 By Expenses bazz I007 ,--__-_.._ Q91: ER 1'-`In ---- -- I.yu/ .......-- Cash on hand wAa.- Member's fe s . . Proceeds` of socxal - J . ,_ . L _ A, II? 1.` Fl` Cash in barn? . . . . . r'roceeds_ ot socxal .. E. Todcl; rebate Bank Iv~.*.:rest_ . . . . .. aaAnL1\.\v aaxc WU]. 5 garden party . . . . Balance from charity ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. L. BOSANKO, Treasurer. Treasurer : Statement of Building Debt Fund ` Report of EWo`man's Auxiliary E012 THE YEAR. ENDING SEPTEMBER 30th, ` Report of Allandale Woman's Auxiliary FOR THE YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30th, 190 Receipt.-I. V cash cash cash from -Miss Elizabeth Strathy .. interest allowed by Bank . . . . . . . . .. on hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. from Mr. Geo. Vickers . . . . . .. Assnrrs AND` LIABILITIES; E-giea.` o; $598 47 I05 $22 10 I8 94 13 oo 203 so too 10 134 I4 45 ` 94 40. 13 Liabilities handles ` credit sales of rm and implements ' p`romptl_y`_ and Itch-L for` `V $5.oo';, ;. MACLEAN-At Shanty` Bay, oat, 31"`-IQ val-L f\-A. LL- __,2t, MARRIED. A McNA-B-B}-R'OBSON--On Wedneg-. dz) . October I4, 1908, at the 'resi~ dence of_ the bride's parents, .9}- Barton avenue, Toronto, by thq Rev. H. Sinclair, Barbara McNabb;- -- .;,eldest daughter "of. Mr. - William McNabb, t'o-'Charles"r`Gra%g`v*o, V Iclobson of ~Edm'otton;.~..A'Ib"erta. . - "l"'."'U "9 JOHN RAOGERSOVN, ` 1 Treasurer Royal Victoria Hospital. Brqjynloe, the _AllctiOl Ii1', V ,- _ ------u-wJ anrool \JIII.` on' t(l(1e i3thE)ct., the wife of the Rev. J`. Russel MacLean, M.A., a son. JENNIE SHANACY, V Secretary W. A. ll-v-`av-an u-w - -- -`- While the Board feels justified in making this statement, it would not in theslightest degree de reciate the very material benet and assistance that it has derived gem the constant and most valuable SCTVICCS of the Woman s Auxiliaries of Barrie and Allandale and of that younger organization the Hospital Club,iA for the Board `fully realizes that had it not been for the kind, constant and most neces- `sary help rendered by these devoted and gen_er.ous'- friends of the Hospital, the work the Hospital has been able to do, would not have `been nearly as extensive (or eicient as it has been. > ' V .r By Cash towels and gar- ments provided hos- pxtal_ . . . . . . ' . . . . . . .$ /Subscribed to Operat- ;nn' Q-11514 `ma `-run:-u:bn' Balance in bank .. Cash on hand ` . ' $122 IQ R.` M. HAMLIN, Treasurer. bazaar . . ._.$ Flowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . Band - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Juuuauuu U1 Ladies Auxilig; Charity ball Linen . . . . . . . . .. uuuaunlucu LU \J[JCli1L ing table for hospital 38 oo Expense of social 53 On hand ....V.........-573z Expenditure. Expenditure. BORN. $252 52 . . . . . . . . . . . .$252 23 'STRATH Y, FOR THE YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30th, 1908. The Board, in presenting its Eleventh Annual Report, `considers that it has cause for congratulation at the success that has attended the carrying on of its work during. the past year; the number` of pat- ients making use of the benets obtainable at the hospitals has in- creased, the results in treatin such patients have been good, the debt upon the hospital property as been dim_inished'and the work has been carried on at comparatively. little sacrifice of time and labor to `the friends of the hospital, when the large amountof benet that. has arisen therefrom is taken into consideration. . ' Treasurer. --$ 33.5000 " `$5 62 ;~`fB2.88s 62 ..$22I 52 .. 1600 $598 47 3 214 79 37; 54 !\l 1665 4. A- Royal Vicjqrja Hospital. Ar %-* I /`. it you. 0! our tll mitt: blade Khardened,` % g...,..;. Efgcgggllly, insuring uniformity of temper nd 1 .Wm,,, There is note:-aging or pulling like ,3}, other Safety Rum-a._ su.vn PLATED-- now PufII+- sucx LEATHER * ` % PIGIIKIIL case `~ _, 6A8E : WITHOUT HONIIIG ELEVENTH A_NN_|_J_M.{REPORT. i'h"`.:.%`*;`.r*...:`*` *3. E. " _ ..jI.-DID gagy cutting ofthc beard. _ r % A Oompldltlml mm` snrm mzon `ourm_ consists oi liollu and ' I2 sharp Noimglnn Shel Blades, packed In 1 oni- pacl neat covond cub. ` Report of the B931-cl sou: Auo nuuuuruo av lU_l"llbl_|`-ivy. Jl|_ y `Haa- ~33 ` 3.7 E QWDI neul Balange inB'a.nk, Oct 151:, I907. Ontarxo Government Grant V -Town of Barrie . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I County of. Simcoe, Township of V-espra. . . . . . . . . .. Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` Endowments` ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other subgriptions, and donatic . on cI.C( jtions. .,v . . ".l.`he_- I-I_fospita1 Board realizing the importance" of this branch of the Hospntal ~ work, decided to .purch_ase_ the best operating `table. they could buy. After much investlgatlon they_ purchased a most modern and pup-to-dat_e_.table from a New York hospital supply house. The table has been. m use now about a month" and is found - to. have many advantages over those in ordinary use. The money to purchase -this. handsome piece of. furniture was proyided ent_irely by the -Allandale'Woman s Auxxlxary and the several ra1lway.soc:eties of V Allandale, who all` cheerfuly responded to the call for funds for this purpose. The. management contemplate making further purchases .for the operating rooms during the coming years. The follnuvanov is 2 rlntziilml cfnf-`nn1nn'+ I\: -..-......:..._.. _--_ ..__ , .1 IO`-I-`Oolgcl.-0OO.t"tl-vllllt` Amputation of breast. .. [Tumors of breast Radical cure of Hernia Ovariotomy .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Purulent Peritonitis . . . . . . . . Stone in xthetbladder Removal of Gall Stonese Intestinal `Obstruction . . . . .. Decapsulation _of ~Kidney ' Removal of Uterine Fibroid. Abdominal Cancer . . . . Ventral `Suspension of Uterus Trachellpraphy and Alexand- `er- s nnm-2 Hnh ' Captain Whish . . . . . . . . . ..$ .Geo. Coles . . . . Jno. Rogerson` . . . . . . . . . .- Rev'. Dr. `McLeod . . . . . . .. C. A. Perkins . . . . . . . Dr. Broad . . . . . . . . H. H. Strathy . . . . . . . . . .. Geo. Ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. `I M. S., Midhurst . . . . . .. Thgnkoering, Reformed nnnnn n` htudc-`L '51- IUVV JUI-Ills ILICII, PU] _'Stevens_on ' . . . . . . Thankoering, Trinity R. L. Barwick Alf. Wilkes . . . . . Jas. /Cheesman . . . . . .. A. F. H.unter- . . . . . . .. VS. Lount Mrs. McL. Stevenson . Dr, McCarthy . . . . . . . A Friend . . . . . . . . . . .. Mrs. R. McKee . . . . -. Harry Palk . . . . . . . . .. Mrs. W. Pea:-son" "C; J. Forbes 1 . . . . . Mrs.-F. .M Watt Aid. V ThAompson- . . . . . . . V " 1\'7lV1 x' i)a;x'Vt %of` 51; hospifl work s surgical; Of the; .tg'eated dux-mg the _year I50 o-the- patlents requxred? surgu -=`t1on s- , ' V -I-Lblllllldillly auu 1'|.l.)Li11lU." `er?s Ioperat,io'n \ .. . . . . Trachelloraphy . . . . . . . . .. Perineorraphy Curettage . . . . . Varicocele . . . . . . .. . . . . . -- Castration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `Heniorrhoids . . . . . .. Sarcoma of Jaw . . . . . .. Necrosis of Bone . . . . . . . . . .. Amputation of Cervix Removal of Axillary glands.. Sinus . . . . . . . . . . Amputation of leg-.; . . . . . .. Amputatiom of toe . . . . . . . . .. Amputation of thumb Amputation of arm` Infected hand . . . . . Infected face . . . . . . . . . . . . _ .. Tumors - - . . . . . . . Ulcerpof Cornea .. . . . . . . . .. Irideetomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T `Cataract Eneucleation of Eye . . . . . .. Removal of tonsils and Ade- ...p.}A.. ` 01: on_._ IV-CPI!!! ..I-In . . . . . . <-Takes and insurance 1:C ot_1s % and funerals 7.; 3} ._. . . .l.'`. . . 1.\\:IuUVaL U1 |.uuaua"u1u_. PLUG` noids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Removal of spur from Nose. Operation for Goitre . . . . . .. Sundry cuts and wounds.;.. {Throat cu_t . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abscesfs_ of orbit Ingrowmg to_e nails Cancer of breast (no opera- ._ _ f ; , :.;c aSl f"::aIt".>r?ee1);vered qui<:l_d_y."` 0f,;'.thepus"e'a se's 3 " V o;s_{_Vt_h,'e4,;;l_:y,t_`ter. was La_-lmost moribund when he reached the ,,"':,6;`lfhi___u;r)`s.`.f`1L_&ter" A , . `I . _; . V `_ A study` of t;he"above` results` emphasizes, I-.-The danger present .when,.the disease :reaches' the gangrenous or pus (stage; 11-1`-he safetyfof the very early and the Interval operation. an-can-A4121`.-- `-3 A`--~- ,`-OVUD:`v 'v 511$ ;VGl,'y EH11], "CH3."-clxlterval Opel : 1~.he_nio;t_:a,1,i`iy `offabgut `8 per `cent. in the - ectgd fcases us a vvery sat;sfag:_tory result. .. `av; uuv vyUA,aI.u L-uulua uunug Luc Cumxng years. TheTf_olloi\_nhg is a. detailed ,stat`emen`t of operations performed vandj'ce,ses treated 2 ` . ' `SURGICAL I` . -(Oper_a'tive.) VApp`endici tis v . . . . . . . . .. _'I-Iysterectomy for -broid `1 TYIINIIQ Inankotterm , g Reform- _ Episcopal Church Miss M. Findlay . . . . . .. A. few young men, per- VQO-nvrnnann * October 1st,` 1908; `Tine Hospital importance` of this '13`,-anch HOSDita.l wnrle, derided tn nsn-pl-ans- LI..- 1.--; -_---L2 Fi"'_' ` ._ 5 Finan'c:i al1VSttement _ 'FO_Ra'1HE_YEAR-`ENDING SEPTEMBER 30th, 1908. 5 = ` cUR REN'r ACCOUNT. .operat;o'n lloraphy orraphy . . . . . . . :. lge ..'.... .;..... sele zion .. VrhoVi_d s .. 1a is ation 'al ation atiom ation. ation rd . . . . . . . of leation __1 -f L_.-_!I_ ,A O A 1 .... tion of`bi-east. 3 . . . . . . .. 2 I Hernia 4 Jmy .. 4 t . .. I 1 . . . . . . . 2 [of I 3.1 ' 2 Ilation of .. I " I Uferine Fibroid. I nal ~Cancer . . . . . . I Ute:-gs I `__.-_L__ -,__I A1,,,_ *%IHE?VLioa'rHE1iN .ADvAN ci-:# 00000000000 coooun;ou 1ter- oooocoooo'aooua' . Stevens :1 rthy t'ci<'.III.ZII.., Pearson" ues...... . [JV nuuloaool -Ioooc".Io sh to-uoouoooo$ nuns-ouv'o,oo'uI. on :Leod i{y"III.'Z.'IIIII ooooo-ovuoooon JL_-.._;_ NEW OPERATING TABi.E._ "ci{. sHn:E'r. 0 And meets . Contributions ...$ I Wonian TA` (`-1 Ej:pgn&itures.. 22.57 V.-- L 10.06 '1 13:55 pifal _is the_ 376 cases of- the - surgical opera- II le. aha! lawnn V JOHN ROGERSON, _ Treasurer Royal- Victoria Hospital. Div. 355 Railway Conduct- ors - - . . . . . . ..'..... Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen and Engineers. iBrothei-hood of Railroad Trainmen . . . . . . . . . . . . Allandale Womarfs Auxil-` iary, R.V.H. . . .` . . . . . . - - L I W5 L, Iuyl IRS` hJ0 K)! L LIIIDLI dale ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.00 S.O.E. Hockey Match 13.60 J, A. -'MacLarcn . . - . . . . . .. _ _. 3.00 Hockey match, per E. Shear 6.50 Alllian r`Findlay, . Arrowhead, 7311 Ehteric f_ever . . . . . . . . . . .' . . Pneumoma _ . . . . - . . . . . . . . Inammatory Rheumansm `Rheumatoid arthritis . . . . . Inuenza, ..... Apo.plexy_ . . . . . . . . J. . - . . . . Cnniuunnfuvifie Worrian s Aid, Jos, Caldwell R.V.vH. . . . Miss M. Findlay, Findlay ' J".-.6 u-on-a-coo-"01 Cancer of stomach . . Sarcoma. of neck .' Epulis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-Mastoid disease . . . . . Scalds . . . . . 6E; 1?1 1f .".. .A ........ .. Sprains and bruises .. . V MEDICAL. , Midhurst 'cNabb ogerson , Midhurst Of leg (comp<:ZoZ1;t`1;l_)' Of leg (simple) Of thigh bone . `Of arm . . . . . . . . . . . Of bony pelvis . .. f\ ..`l...11 `llJU`PlFA -'o -0-. C0!1JuI'lCtlVlt1S . . . . . . . . . . ' Renal colic . . . . . . . . . . Heart disease Bright s disease . . . . . . Asthma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bronchitis -' . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . Coal gas poisoning .. . . . Alcoholism Perniclous anaemia . . . . . . Erysipelas - . . - - . . . . . . . . . . Skin disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gastritis Cholera Infantum . . .. Synovitis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joint diseases . . . . . . . . . . . Miscarriage . . . . . . . . . . . . . Morphinism .. .v . . . . . . . . . . Varicose ulcer . . . . . - . . . . . Paralysis .. Tonsxlitis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tapeworm . . . . . . Enlarged glands . . . . . . . . KI-Iypertrophy of Prostate Neurasthenia Cancer-En euirasse" . Cancer of throat . . . . . . . . 'Senile debility . . . . . . . . . \/Ub_ cons` VPt:`e`sbyt_er'ian Special for Operating fever Iia xtory oid 3 l Irncsoononooovcooc r ncooo0ooI"IOolIQ tivitis `KC tnrunooooouoocnct isease uouoiautoni is-' .I'..II.'C.'I.'IIIIIII 9 5H1 v{"oo-cocoon.-an 1s is 'to"-ouooloooocun 3355 onunuonunoooc-to 3 .................. 5CaSCS sonny:-nuns-to !gC unocoooo"aon|uv isnl oootoncvouonnooo `eet O0IO.'OQCIIOIO >rm L >pl;y ,enuL goauoouovonuuoo -En >f [ebility oooouoyco sxmple) OOl0llO0'-`DOUG 5e'1i'IfCfI..fIIIII md `wixole sefies Qpf unseif-, Fractures.