ill. IIUHIC wuu uyn yalylnsa u... ...a.. out of seven-she, whose engagement book had once .' been packed-since Isl1e-- had learned? to realize `that with the` four-Misses Coolidge in society she was not .the' one most often chos- en, -she craved, at any cost, to see the fitle Mrs. on her calling card. Thus ,___ A_1_-1. f`..-A1:.qn c\nCI1lIl"Af` HA1`- Iltlc 1V1rb- uu ucx Laxuus bnlu. ........ it was that Caroline persuaded her- self to seek-the society of"one' 3-Miss Gertrude Taylor, fa. young woman` whom she knew in `Summer, when they were neighbors, bt_1t_,se1dom?~ saw in,'Winter, when they v`iere- still near- cr neighbors.-" _ A ..n1\a-1`:o1.('qr1\r no-\ IYPCAQV Xvhlfh ne1gnnor,s.- - Accordingly, on Thursday, whichl was Miss Gertrude Taylor s\da.y at home,` M-'is_s Caroline Coolidge hon-_ ored her with a call. It was `Caro- wlin,'e';:`j turn to have. her motl1er s, brougham} and the knowledge that `she had ado:-_n.ed the sidewalk with as liveried footman m"ade her.;_feel _an ad- dedtright to be patroimizing. Although there- were "several other; callers. she `found no qne `whom s_h"l h_ow- 1 ever, she was, in .3" 2gra.c`ibtusY-mood. `and chatted amieably wi,th'.them all. At last she said: ` 1 V (Wk "(Inc-+1-11119 nvoul Al`; _laSt sne szuu; ,_ _ M ~ T`.Oh,._ `Gert;-ude Vdear, _'won"t '-You [come to luheon with us.` ex't Sun- day `at half`-pa'st" Qrf? N`b one but `ourselyes. `butAtI~t-}'=1i'r`1k v}e~Asha1l> all be ,a,t,h_cTme." T `- tr.-- r~,..:1:.1i...5.=1..1+-.o".!'."g"+. ah a.7jw:uc "H dehght. :`_ v TAfter disboing `of'a. dozen or "more cards_ Miss Cooiidge V. went .- home. " where` s he. at `onee bravely. told the far"n?'y of next Sunday s guest: Just as `$111; expected, xer sistkers cr?1 < :d:' ` ._at on .eart_ , struc ,vou,. . "\Vhy. said Evelyn-, the. second I sister, - when we were m'aki'n'g the ~ iist for that big tea-_-whichzwe never 5 gave, you objected to `having her I` `a.sked7even to that. ` -* " ~ . 46117-1! 'I'9_-, -L.....~-.-I .....-_ ,n;,f_,_I}.`n`* at ,ho'me." ! . Miss Cp6lid` .' 91'1": -Lwas conferring` such .a'.t_;etr_1e_ndous fayop on her hostess," whom` she had never rbefor-es asked to , cross`. the "threshold `(_>f.`her -`city house, and even in the country"*had: `never-j`ask'ed` to `a. meal, `t_h'at'_ she .v_I,a.s,`cc>_r_xvinc_e_cl_;,sl1_e must be `leaving iM1s's -"Gertrude In a' utter of deliht. . `Au..- Aiexnin }~.'F`n. Hnz or fnore askeul even to Iitl. - . -T ` Well, I .vev changed my mm.d.~.about l1er,_' -Caroline sheepishly replied. for she would not on any account h_,ave her `sisters learn of her matrimonial project,- I think that. as;.sh'e is _a neighbor of Ours in Summer, only` right that we should taker a. little notice, of her in Winter,` too. ` I11` -._..-- .-.:LL -on 'A\r)\`9';1`.I1A(` MT `notice, in: Winter, too. ' I agree with you, exclaimed Mr. Coolidge. ~Gsertm1de Tavlorr._ is a `mighty ne girl,` and you'll .do well to seelsomething of her. ._.- _i. _ _ Caroline, who. usually yfeltfwal _li'tt1e. irritated whenfher `father? advised` her to assoei'ate with some nice;-.girl be- y`ond;z`theTlimits of her own set,` and wasfcapt to respond with the sumzes- . tijon <`hat although their Ichairfbermaid .. was"..; mce -girl she ._ sc'arcel 'fwo1;ld'do` e at` o'ne _s `table, `now -ewe coined ~=his' , sp`eech with`- delight; _ ,1`. . "r1..`.7'..-mt+m-. w2':..tl1erefo`vr. easily speech W1tn Geugnt. - "2 _. L The, matter, was, the refore,T easily arranged by Miss C'o,o lidg-4e, who ,wou}d_~ have been, strangely surpxrised `if shb, could have heard Gertrude s famil ' tglling` her .that- she ought not_ to;'1`,x;1c1;1,' wig-}i'_ peppiie who- ~h`d for; ears? gtvengj-`parties -yqithoug` ivitimg _ cf. `She wdizld still more have mar- :.__yeled.c1,f she could have heard Grt- , t'ud`e;indierent_ly saying-: ' VI,t'was. easier) ~ to, f 5 accept-ithan ~ -to 1rf1ise,; 5 3.0,` . <`-47-A. 0354-W-Y.` - A-Lib? ~0t,.h..1'~ tboutf-A g"oh_1 ;'.`%`butj7`I- `-Tdontt -wish T {Q rr_c::'lh_ wag . ~-anfybpdy, ~ '22- "pa1`_ticu1a.rly % ' V . . e.';.Ir`z.S\,1n;`~_ '5". ' `f `b" .`.r \ '-7`- ' ` ` ~ least, to 1'lIl(l S0`rn.CUI,l;_: C.lbC.> < d ' T , . ._s7. 4/ ._\8. >.|'V!~;;;`-.1 01:,` -e `cog: non`; `e are ; ut s e .%:`}3,>re<?-vak %t=;~V`d*,1%A..i9f+*Socafzsxrgg` :"- grsegr ng_%%ks1a,.w9u1d%4 be ~ _-Ougl hen f V 9 S we ngnienor purl-_; Llenccs OI renncmcm uuu pumuuu. I beg your pardon, he found voice to stammcr at last. It is as- tounding--I expected to 'nd--_it `is an incredible coincidence for our lit- tlemtown." 999OQO ` ,3-(By Dorothy Eastman.) ~ T7777 .M-`r. Cb`dlidke Twas `sojjo_lly5;aitd" ':Gert- '1 rude '\enter.ta'inefd- _so`jf.'we11 that V Caroline" hte'yr_self' could .scai'cely'-real- V ize that"hr g*f1'est.was-a'Jstr:in`g'ei' at 1 their board. It seemed more as if `Gertrude yhadglunchcd there once a week._ `Best pi, all, - Miss Coolidge knew -_tl1at, her '-guestehad ` hosts ;,of men friendsy whom she was constant ly inviting to her. parties, and al- though the proud Caroline still had some misgivings astoiwhat the Tay- . lors functions `might be, `she never. doubted `that `Gertrude would be only _ too ~pl_eased to feel that she had a right to invitehe-r. Then, if among the men she`disc`overed- one or two not impossible to be noticed by `one whose family stood high in the smart set, she would atter them so much that she co1tld' easily win their affec- `tions. . e _. '. , 4 . ' 2 unvnouo I ` 4 - Hence, `when Gertrude took herlt leave, saying, I hope,-Caroline, you ] w1ll'lunchAw1th usjfo meet. a girl from \ Baltimore, who is to be staying with me soon, Miss .rCool.3dge was not t we_l~lsatised. She loathed the idea i of V Gertrude s pedigreeless girl friends; her whole inclination lea,ned'1 to the men. Shefhad seen_Gertrude 1 only the other day out walking with a 1 very handsome and well-groomed : man, andgas he probably had money, ~ her name was not Caroline -Coolidge j if she could not manage to make him : appear. as, if he came from some other, < city, and pass him o very richly ; among her friends, if only he did not insist on having all his_ relatives` at . the wedding. When, -.therefore_ a written. invitation to Gertr_ud.e s lun cheon came, Caroline would have in- nitely preferred to refuse,l1ad she not felt that then, perhaps, no more in- vita_tions would follow, and she would , never have a chanceito . meet. the . handsome man witli the good clothes. .1, An. I'.-_A1:.... -..n-~I- 6-t\ llalIu:!UIu\. Anus: vvsv-un guy by- ..--,-_,,_ Thus it was that Caroline wenttoi Gertr~11de s ;1unche.on-party, hoping` soon_ to;be sked to -dinner or to play cards, She did her be_st,"according to her` own lights, to be agreeable, and addressed Gertrudeas if she were a bosom` friend. `Now, she said, -to herself, Gertrude will be so proud to have these girls think that I know her well `that-~shc will be eager.` to dis- play` the`faet to heremen friends. `But time passed, and the_ luncheon invitation was, not followed by any :_._n. ._ -`I`l':A.'. '9` ll] VI`-CI\C\l -fur*`* 0* TY ____- -tufH'-pr "h1r'c " ~ However,` Miss Caroline; who did t not intendito be balked. decided that ' Gertrude must be`z.sked to an even- ing` musical that "her youngest sister, Miriam, was about to give. As Mir- iam was too amiable to object to what her sister did. Caroline sent Gertrude the invitation, and was not surprised to haveit accepted. Since Gertrude` was in reality as young as Caroline pretended to be, the latter could not have said that her- guest was out 0-f place at this -function if she had known any of the women there.` With the men Gert-I rude seemed quite at home.` Some. apparently, she knew already, while others were introduced to her by Mr. Coolidge;, much to the vexation ' of his eldest daughter, who had not invited her neighbor to this party to haveher enjoy herself, but to oro- ` cure an invitatiop-in return. Even `on Law ;\\:n1 `1f\I1P | ~.'-l1 I'|11n9 '35 _CllI'C an u1yu.auu'x All ,u.,.......~. ......_. In her own house Caroline was not the belle that Gertrude was. and at supper time she was particularly an- noyed tosee the one man of her own set on whom she `still placed matri- monial hopes sitting, ,-on the stairs above the rst landing with Gert- rude. -Their heads seemed horribly near together. and their mirthful con- versation, although unhear-d.l)y their observer, was none the less irritating. -11.-.. LL- Ag-nabs L!!!` .Gn:c`anr` observer, tne Less lI'I'1ta.Ung. "Soon `after th_e guests had nished eating` and drinking. and -there was nothing more for which to stay, the Misses Coolidge were busily saying Good-night! At last `the `couple on the. stairs realized that the others were going, and came,-_ down to` fol- low their example. `KC..- Iurc O|1D ff} uetown. The two men looked steadtly each . 2 at the other, each evidently studying the other. The doctor broke the silence. - `ll 9:! AU "You have been shot? _ In the left lung, I thu1k,~ The wounded m:m`5 voice was mqst" agreeable--dee1>, clear and tranquil. "The wound is mortal. I sent for You chiey because you are the cor- mer. You are Dr. Bronson, the 901" But "at oner. are you not. "I am," said the doctor. least let me look at your wound and dress it. Your voice and manner (10 got suggest danger of immediate eath. . ' Ur\ _ LL` A- low men exampnc. Miss Coolidge was able to detain the young man`, who was no other Mthan young ~;Winthr_op Winthxjqp, the best cotillion.-leader. in;Bosto"n. long enough-'t_o.sa_y:_ Don t you think I have done rather -well to take -G'er- trude Taylor up?, `She is such a nice `girl that it seems a shame she should never go anywhere. M1-\.........u .1... mm nut in. Rnston? never go anywucrc. _ D_oesn t she go out in Boston_? inquired` the young man, in-' an indif- fer-e.nt tone. "`-I have heard a lot . about herpfrom some of my Balti- more friends- Qf course, she could go out here if she cared about it. Good night! _It has been awfullv pleasant}? So saying, he was off, leaving Caroline vexed . beyond ex- pression. .. __ - _ To haveheard Winthrop Winthrop. of'al1~ people, saying that Gertrude Taylor could goanywhere in Boston if she chose, _when she had never so much as been proposed at a sewing circle, and had not even had the dis- tinctionlof beingblackballed, was an- -novinq to the last degree. ' Hun.-`.- ....- .~.... n. cfunirl? nnor -novmq `[0 me last ucgicc. .``Why are men so stupid? poor Caroline vainly asked herself. They cannot seem `to understand that every well dressed girlwith pretty eyes is not in society, and] the thought of Ge.r,trude s_beautifulf eyes leveled on tVhe'n'1ane to` whom `Caroline would have`/oered her "life, ifshe could have made him `drop -the smallest hint, dxove _the_ matrimonial aspirant nearly. `to; distraction. . V 1.. ~..~.:.:....y nu:-Alt: - hnwever. Miss nearly to distraction. . In a:; few weeks, however, Cooiidge s resentment toward her new protegee was `a little appeased by an im_ritati.on front her to a smalf .cotil1ion.: {The thought that Win- throp -Winthrop might alike ya. _.pleasure and: az * grtievance. hated to think of hiS7Igf0V_Vi1`1g intim- /`taey wi(hg`Ge(r.trude,..yet she thirsted f_'o`r every op'portu,nity pf meeting him ~`-he`rs_e`lf..A 3 -. . V _Hei-;_V`bes`:t; an.c.1;on1y._-new party dress . ?slte. 1wga:j`e.4: a'1"td4,sly1y?.`in the afternoon :1 s;hegi_1ag1.r;(9nr1d__,her._ ay to-, Mzss Mit- eSd.f1f_e*=%ha.i`i:g1tessf. 3, V J 4- --1-"ACAL" A4-unoa Ehb PP`anSe be there was .` She - opin.gfh%1t`;v:wiith, ' I 1`33.llT(1l'CS$l',_>.uUy1u5 L`JllI.l._ VVILI|_ _a perfect ;coiure___Vs1.1qV~'might _ec1iose_ "the ow`h'r'df-`the soft, Hazel eyes`; for. at `.1.-_` ``..-....1A uni-` cni-qirn W;nfhfOD I-ev OWDBT 01' Int; sun, ua.Lc1` cyya, .-.u. if s11'e`_`c`o,u1d n.o.tg_ _s.e,'cu`1=e Wmthrop fWinthrop.. for ht..H. .sh.1I;ne_ant at least] to" ~_nd' -sqmeong Else. _ "nign an (rt-Ia . ..-.-r r,-2~z`_~ ;4`._ .. :'.'L`..1.. 1.1:. ~' nuns . vn least, to rma sqm.e0r_xc_: mac. . Un`fOif_t11_n':it'e1y shewas nof~engag_ed ;1f0t;;_`h'-e_;oi11ion`l:1iefo`eha.nxl; but she" ~' - `th_".it_ ,Q,xs}i~ - .would _" - %:ta?ad;,3::;~+`an;;in;rior pud- L 3;: mm. .. ,1;4:p-.,.T,,1t`,~ =kftc"_nvV" nanc mgz. girls, . but down ~st;urs.she.recogI'1i;ed three or four of tfh._.`m'n.\who_`had..b_c`,en at her `s,ister s vmu,i ;a_1:-C`;It. wa,st not'1ong_ before each infra}! of. them had danced with her, rt_h_en 1't',}'v_as time for the` cotillion .mad`e,,:her ,f.eeI a...l,itt1e.homesiclc,1;o`,A. I `cu _ ucgqu, - 2 A's: ,ii6}bne7-.hed' Visfkiedz her to be his .partr`nc1- ,""*'lI`_e';.. ;`<:i`I,i1"> of sorrow `was full fwithout t'he'i1'dded grief of seeing that Winthrop Wiathrdp was to lead the cojzillion wit_h,,M_iss Taylor. The dat_ice_. was "'formin_g, W -hile` young then with young-`ladies hanging on their arms were-eagerly" searching for their haxidketchiefs; tied to the backs . _,of _ chairs, Miss Coolidge sat alone.` An eternal five minutes had elapsed before she saw Winthrop` V\/inthrop ._er_ossing the room in Her direction. `}Oh!_.w`orst of all huihiliations, to- be- discovered in this `plight by him! :rt-Inuivn` urn A f\'\a&O1(l? \/f:nn FI\lJ Vi D:-mger" snnild the man, as the`, doctor busicd himself with` `the `Wind. Hope, rather. The pain` 19 most-most annoving. But, unlike W Pohor f.r\;v\I\ r.`'` ._4.g 01111` 9". U !-:-`.L.Uv_c1cu zu uu gsngllju uy uuu: * Hgve` y(_)u n_o pa1ftner, Miss Cool- zdge? he mqu1red.\.`- V '\xr:a.1. -11 51...- -....-_'....... .1.-. ..1__ 1_:,___1 A\1-wu LAC I|I\iuJl. \\,l..\' ` :With all the courage that the. hired in he; _h a_ir could give, Miss Coolidge .l1augh,tily `repljeclz `~ \` ' ` I\Tt\` `dune-In On `xv-\4\1'n vana- \uuuu5c -Il(la|.lslV-,.l.;I.l;]. Icplgcu. u` No! I- 7don :t` `seem to `know more ltlhan (mg Q1 t1:yok'9f thl me? here`. and 'w'as`Justrt 111 mg - at migxt as well be goi.n'g`hQme. ,-- ' ' nu. ...-I n.....n u..:.'.'l. .: .....1_ . VV(| l UC skflvlls Ilul IC Oh, no`! D0n lt .thi1'1)1< --c.>f such :1. thing. Just wait" a s'ond. So say~ `ivng. l1e;w;as o.` .' _ .v *c1-..4.u-- 1.-. _A;.._`..`..-.: _.._u __-_.1-.._-.. Lug. uc:'w_a.a uu. . _ , I _ - "Shortly he returned, and without the `preliminary. of asking her per- mission he introduced -a gay runt of- a. man ? named Sweet, To `spend an evening with this person, watchimr her, quondam friend (lanc- ing' with tha_t',,prince of peerless part- ners, VVinthro`p \7v" u_1tl~.r0p. was more .-than `Miss `:C69lidge could endure. and so, ,pleadit_m"_a~rhea.dache, she left `Mr .S__w'et .;' with _a `request that he should say` Good-n,ight! for her to 7 Miss Taylor. and inform her that she ' was .not`well. After some diicultv` in nrocuring a carriage, Miss Coolidge 1_ found herself rumbling home. to take as her best ball gown) dejectedly and . iunloose her perfectly dressed hair. ` | T11 nears`-`nan `A-Lazaakl ' ' guuluuat. ucl pc11C\.u_y UICDDCU. llilll. 4In qnother fortnig-ht she aizain recbgnxzed Ge_rtrude :s handwriting nn 9 nrnci-Ar-I'pun1nno Chg. tn... 4-}... avwvannluvu \.l\.._l Bl b|\A\..J IIGIILLVVXILIIIK on>a cres__ted'enve1ope._ S}_1e tore the coptents m a thousand pxeces when shehad. read: ; - _ 1'\_.',__"_; I` I I wonde'r if you will be surprised to hear of my engagement to Mr. W'inthrop Winthx-op."You know I met him at your house. so you see you are Iarqely responsible, and Win- thron and-I both feel that we: cannot thank you ,enough. I shall be at home to-morrow, when I shall hope fn app vnn lane-A T\n nnmo ....'4l.....a. nu. .uau- lC_1\.l. I De.arst Caronz . 1' :r , ___---j--L O\J-lll\lIl\IVV. v\'|I(}ll L -Tlldll IIUPC lto see you here. Do come without your hat'and spend the whole after- noon, so that we can occasionally- catch `an. otmortunity for a condent- ial chat. I have so much to tell you; Affectionately yours, GERTRUDE M . ATA Y I.0iR. Such was the death knee]! of Cam- Tine _Coo1idge s pet schemes and hopes. - _ ----m-uxu:L unnu_vlug. put, unusu- lhe other pains of one kind and an. other that l have had, it has a `real consolation. lt will be the,| my last. - ` 1 - TL- ,1, . n I ' ; L`-.- L..`- l |ooooooooooooooooooooooooog 8 8 Culinary Conceits `$3 oooooooooooooooooooooooooo ' Delicious Peach Pudding---Fil1 a. pudding dish with whole peeled peaches, pour over them two cups of water. Lover closely and bake un- til the peaches are tender, then dram off the juice and let it stand until cool. Add to the juice one pint of [sweet milk, four well beaten eggs, small cup of our, one teaspoon. bak- ing powder, one cup of sugar, one tablespoon melted butter, a little salt. Beat well three or four. minutes, pour over the peaches in the dish. Bake until a nice brown, serve with cream or sauce. ' s Johnny Cake--Two `cups of corn meal, one cup of our, two table- spoons of melted butter, one small teaspoon salt, -two teaspoons of bak- ing powder, two eggs well beaten, one pint sweet milk. Bake in shal- low tin. Cream of Cauliower Scup--Heat one pint of chicken or veal stock, one pint of milk, half cup of sweet cream. When boiling, thicken with table- spoon of our, salt and pepper to taste. Cook small cauliower in boil- ing salted water about twenty min- utes, cut-of? the little owerets, us- ing none of the stalk, put in "enough to thicken the broth o -) I\L3I2 6----- "l`1,! . I LU LIIICISCII LII-C UIUUI. - Red Chili Sauce--Tl1irty large ripe tomatoes, ten large omons, seven large red peppers, seven cups of vinegar, fteen tablespoons of sugar, ve tablespoons salt. Peel onions and cut ne; also tomatoes and pep-' pegs. Place altogether in. kettle and bod four hours. Seal lzot. ` l- - _._ El. _ __- 1 `I P Il\llI IUIJI II\JIv|l Do 5)`-rl IILIL. `Chow Chow--One large head of red cabbage, one large cauliower, two _quarts each of.very small string beans, green tomatoes and cucumbers, ' silver skin onions. Cut the cabbage into` quarters, remove the core, then ' shave very ne, break the cauliower `into-owerets, leave all the other vegetables whole, peeling the onions and st_ringing.the beans. Mix alto- gether-_s and add one pint of salt, let stand overnight. In morning rinse `well in cold water and drain. Add one ounce of white mustard seed, one small ground mustard. -Cover well with vinegar and boil for twenty minutes. .While cooling the mixture, mix one tablespoon of 'turmeric with " a quarter pound of granulated sugar, a Bottle and seal. White cabbage ma ; be used if preferred.._ < ` u1u3Q_:;_nn main`) t\: `not;-on`; ounce of celery seed, and one of ` and stir`fthoro'ughly into the pickles. _ IJC I..lDC\I. ll 111$-rl\rll\r\Lo~ . `Spiced Plums-"-One pck of large blue free stone plums, stoned, sax % oranges, rind grated, three pounds of A seeded raisins, 4_ small tablespoons of cinnamon, two. of "cloves, ten pounds granulated sugar, one 1a1_ge_cup of vinegar. B011` slowly untnl nch and; {thick. _ KJIHU, aycuu. sJuuua._y vvA_|.u 1xL\.rua u_\;1\.- ` . We`are glad ito `report that Mr. _.Si'Jott',` who` is _in _t1'_;g_: Roya._l Victoria. Hosnital,` Battle, .. Is '~1mp.r 0Vm8- " ' -.\`l-o."A cvv| : `-\ n cnnf Inc}-7 GRENFEL. ' (Toolate for last week)" `Mrs. Sloss and Mrs; Patterson of . Manitoulin Island, who have been spending ,.some weeks with Mr. and` Mrs. nHoward,n have returned. I home. u- -.._: 1\.i'..... r::n.... -4: .r`1......1....;1 A DUIIIF. . Mr. `and Mrs. Gillan of -Cleveland, Ohio, spent Sunday w _h -friends hcrcgv ilT- p._n ml -1:1 :1-n -P`A.f\l1Pf' fkaf IMII `W my mat. The doctor was looking at thfe bub` let hole, small and round, the_ `centre f~a red-black disk. How long ago? he asked. L, ,, , ,,_4 1-Losmtal, Dar1'1e,.1s lmpruvulg. %. "Mrs; `A. Smith of'.iBuaJo spent last: fwcel-1` =wit-h_ her brthcr, :Mr.._ Mc-M fD.`crintt. ` " V 4% ~ -nu.-_`.-;11_"r.. .-. ~. .'...I . .'&n.... -'c-.'-us '..s...s.~ 3 LJCTXIIULL. - , ' }Miss.T.Jshe.r;.=end rs- S~=.*t 59"?-* Head Office._ %V General Manage;-? . \._;~\ . ~,.` `P _ .`. - I . V . .1. _. Z 3?` I u . _ `V ` `v One C1011-3? OPGUS an account '- ---- . "B[ack Kniglll 7 ~ Book ' .5 i88est can Very few women` W63 Complain of the housewotks Black Knight does away With the everlasting j rubbing and polishing.` shines quickly and - th;_e_;_% hottest re ` can_ t dull. bright, fresh potash- ' 4. V AA-Ways ready for Stoves; Grates `and .-~ I"!1work. """ `A `IVS the best polish If everything else in the house did its share `of the work as well as A swam ANKING Aausmfs`=TmsAeI;j:;>. 5_AvI N GS _._....-.5 an annnlinf a`n:-I I.r\"AuAnI; -."i.`T-J.lL`.1 3'-1. .-_ `end dealer : `Qt full size can if you-B"II" (- gnmcz xnighttftip ..'-9 Stove Polih '. Tl\ornley'sjExit. | _ Dr, . Bronson -looked again` at. the yvound,`i*the1_1 glanced curiously, -doubt- mgly, 'at has patient.-' When he had nished his work he gave him a_ large drink of. brandy from the ~bott1eson the .table,. and sat looking ,tho~ug_hg,-_ fully at him. I forgot `to ask. your"'1iame." H ``Thornlcy--Wyndham ~ V Thornle_y,, ` The New York lawyer? .' I am `a lawyer in New_Yo-rk.` Tho_rnley -S` tone. showed -a `certain stram. V ` (.111 1: Inn 1 W$rndham T-hornIey, fepatedl lfhe doqtor,.` half under his breath. `W'hat"a -p_1ty, what a`!d.isgrac`e.' The w:%.g`es%Aof._s1Vn i s ` J ' V ....:_1 rI~1_-.._.1-__ u_____ J. Lu; uav C au_ Luc _.|. cu \.U1u- mandr_ne'nts ? ' Dr. Bronson '- was speakmg abstractedly. 'rhom1ey looked` amusedly at him} "You did_ not `tell nge `that you were `also _a";pnest`, he sa1d._ _ `- - V T91 `Lana Tags ` ` VI-`rxnunu-an-\1r|oa:-"oi-1-snusa txuu uuvv, ,auu :.uuu_u:_y, vnua-y il troublg you to take my statement? You have read thg Ten Com- uoqnnnAnan'n-Ln 5 `l'\.` - ---.... u.Iau_.<-pllcat, ug Dd-lU.. ` In t'hose Ten 7Commandme11ts, .the'do.ctor went on,ohi`s eyes looking sadly_ xnto T horn1ey s, .,only one in- junction occurs `more than once}? T manna `and-I` Ivinul-i, cn:A Tknrn, JUIIUIIUII Ukul IIIUJC 9-IIGII UlI\;c,. 1 I-._r_1_ever heard that, _sa1_d Thorn-% lley; mterested- `.`Wh1ch 1s rt? `. `Tknu aka`? nnf nnivnf I-`IQ! nah:-I1. ICV. lll|C|C3|.C\lp.a A VV IIJLII I3 IL-i `Thou shalt not covet thy neigh- bor's wife. .a_n`d again, `Thou shalt not _commi_t -you know it, the Sev Ienth. " - ` nu --- -,-_, _-.--'um "-23 'l`I.-....I..-- CULID '. --Bless my soul! "said Thornley, smiling languidly, and slowly closing and `opening his eyes. That is most intersting. But-V--I shall trouble you only in you; fun'cti'o'_n' as coroner. ID A u\n:no\ Tho Afhf . XKYZIG Ull`l`_Y ul yuyg 1uu.\..uu_u q.a- yu.u.,\,.. Be patien-t._ The doctor was speaking very` gently. I `have read a great dealabout you. Like many obscure men, I, have been watching "your rise, basing-giopes for the future on the talents- service of your_cour'1`tr_v. Andit seems horrible to me, hqrrible and pitiful to find you here, `dying in. disgrace, leav- ing disgrace" and misery behind you. 'r1...-..1....-..m=' Innbina nf him in be- d gave you for the "WE (11SgTaCC any nuacxy ucuuuu Jun. Thornley `was looking at him in be- wilderment. ` - `What is this? Are. you mad? he exclaimed. ._ - ` ` And though you are dyii1'g`, c_oi_1i4 .ti_nucd_. 2 the .doctor_. .my .-anger nses_ `against L-y_o'u"_as IT`.`th,i_n`k,' df my fri"e'pd. Oh, I knew'that she) did not l' But". I_ kt lW--I thoug}1t-'-_tha.t. she was a"-good woman,. a faithful--" ' ` Stop! Thorn1ey s A m a1`p _Vne'g*_# 'ang- a " ood woman, tautnnu-- `S't op!u manner 'angi~ x_ipic_ wer'e_ perfectly ca.l_m' f'I_s. it; your ; habxt`_to -gave? these exhxhxtxons of _;ec+' xentrtcity tb the poor `creatures whq happen to_ send fm-you? . _ -__ "'|'\_ ncnncnn. Innked a.l1EI'.liV"' at th to send for you r , ` `Dr. Brqqspn I/ooked angriiyat the a`u`1`used, cy n_1cal.-. face, and said; C Whe:e_~d1d` yo}; get `your. wound-?_" '1--.'l'hat 1st better. We seem to be recoveging out-`normal sei1ses.fI was shot under those big elms` `on the {north s_ide:_of the mam _street---W`ayf4.' ne street-V-m thew Lock beyond the lectric.1J0we`1"s`faI:io'n. -" ' ~*`~ ` ' -But that is . a good three miles H 11!" protested the. from Egerton doctor. - . . `. V , "`Ege.rton I-1"a11?". `Thomley asked. "-- ~ - 4-~L.~....11..1 eh.-_.;Marion ~. va.5\.a~ us mu 13 And ndw,f ._ said Thornle, may fvrnuuhln urn I-n Irnbn rnur clrnbaovsnnd- uuuuu. That used to -~ place, didn't it? Hgu '0 nine H19, 1 ?. `That he" cglld Marion` ho: place. didn't it ?.'~' It was the (Marion homestead un- It belongs to John Larkm now. `.1-Ie bought it in when old` Mr. Manon . til ten years ago, replied the doctor. ibecame bankrupt `-and died. And he married .the granddaughter, as you V him and"s`aid':~ '- e _ . i .. "I had a call to Egerton thisvexen- ' ingf Mrs. Larkin was -dying-- tor 1rlp1e`n`t,in spite. of h'imsel,f_-.-~ know.. _ I thinkjl did hear something at Thor.nley s;eyes" closed, and`, the doctor saw that he. had fainted. ~ He _ brought h1m_back tq%-consciousness,` eumph of oneiwhoihais found ;_out something by a- clever ruse, when T horn1ey s eyelidslslowly lifted; Th W expression `in his jeyes.-.made. the doc-, You were`, s:4a,y'iK'!,|7-f-`?f b'~;f1'4`l;l1_!f!ft1'I1A!'_.1 >Ebf8s'ibn in his eyes ' himself A tor r1en t,"in spxte of _ . , . = You were: sayIng-'-? "mu Thornley, vgearily: . ` ' " . ""---v :91!` -that Mrs`. nants. , - meofu the mantel a tall 011 lampl WW3 crimson paper shade shed its `light full on the lounge, where lay ` man in evening dress. _HiS bear_d~ :65 face suggested `thlrty years. The gray in his black hair at the -umples suggested forty years. The "um was midway between. II-{is sensuous mouth sand that_ animal, His _c1ear. CYmCa1_. 87%" gm eyes inslsted that he 15 an m- . . - 1 llectual ._ ._ .~L.,.r. wm'P wlde blue-black crrcles. v-*0 9 .. . lone w_1th~ the. ~ Isa EUIIC so back` 'une;'cp'e'cted;-- this evenm 3:. On he?! at an`. #II I ..-;.-j .r--1A.L` .12; "l`1.`- .I--4...-) .... ..'_ . . ,1.` :,;`_ ;,_,m:',, - > __ .13. `M... K: 4 czousnessg -She :saxd----". .I nu-vuyn nu. \-.vua\,.vuauc_ay.` ~91: -> a1u------ ;` 5 =The.*:;doctor\ paused, noted with .d1s`- .:5P95*i*it!5~ T3.i3>f*11Y'8 gexptsist _s1onf,of-. languid. :-iriterest`;'Td'1dV not change, .then: contimuc`d: . ` ,- ` `4c1.-:..`..-.a` ct.-.:`__.:;. .na ...._1' .'....._1_`. ~ aga;i_n;. GHEDKC, ~UlIU CQ{lIll1__(1!_. - % She! said. %`Ed`w.'rd1 ..and `ca;1it% hold `of my .'han`,` Thqn 'sh'esank, back, 'coir`ered hex-"eyes;`with" cr` aifm, `shudder,d`Lv_,arid' V:-fus<.g1'.`to __speg`k_ `:"13'}?"B$ns6:: `St:ppdV"ahd ` %io1ea .8't'}I;hi:ogt,1ley` impressivgly, I kngw now _-that she 1ne`a.nt`;you, Edward Wyndham ;T.hor1i;1_e_y., _. . . Z ' `ch -nna;I- I\` Jaw: otnozmh ;'17lj()'l'li`l`y.",`__.~. .2 . -' 2 ,` rue; Egtward part of my n'ari1ge.; Bu't,`.it ha.s'_been,so3L,long-sin_ce I ye` heard 'it tf1 a .t I hid `almost foggotten. Go} on. ' - ._ 1I`t is idle 011 you to deny--- ; Npt _so fast, In dear doctor. At least, hear m_e be are you close the *6 `an '.`:al nnnn dunno H-n 'A:enn_ 1 1: was the (By Herbert Caholl )_, . N `hf. best bed:c?:K1"""""i"|-I-u.;..,,,`_.:_.`..'. . best lloclfogpBf11evue_0n_lH0:d1el Abs :"l-I-;..;.+_'_ . _ - Os ' ; T , n.` - u" ~. "3'3"|'_ -1-3.... blong of xveliktewlgh `ts h1gh_ was tat, misn. hQurA--..a mu . T ; _11ed alm Struck 9), _ night` -'`1 ' e less" hrce wmdows aft . 3. J St after the E1011: 2 e 1-`. I ronson ` ' _ _ 5 C "looked h . ' ` he heaving 0 `half the room. U1), let in the m ' n glanced . "10usly d . . ` Oubt. sashes thrown ,1night, the perfume S 0'5 gar lngly .a - ' t his pat h- ' he had June mt deg gm wood and th. - . _ tlurpmgs pf their 111yriac;Nal1i`al1`eg4SSand. n_1:1l_ work; 11 1'l_1- ' n b - `G ga - " ' tabl randy` fro ve him Ella" ' Hand sag ` ho `e ` looks tg on 118 .tho.ugh'_V l .F.!-Iy3\.,_;i_ca._|` -`1`uc_ ucluu: yuu. \;iuac_ t.\_n:\; ._ xnc_'.de`nt', 1, It is distressing `to `disape `point you of this lad y"s `i`reputation',.' which you seem "bent on destroying. But I really must speak. I thought ..I would go up this evening and see ' ni'y"old home, The Oaks, by. moon- light.` _-*I"w4ent; I spent the evening _ there, and toward midnight I strolled * . -b`aCk.7t.0 the a. village `to take up the wqrlg I` ca`tne:,here to do inipeace and qui e.t."* I --trus_t"you are. bearing` in mind that The Oaks is two miles to the `north`-east of Bellevue, while Eng-' erton is three [miles to the south.` At those elms near the `power house a man. was leaning against the fence in the deep shadow. ',He may have been your burglar, resting. afterhhxs run from Egerton. He ,faced me, thrust a revolver at. me and demand- ed my `money `or mix life. I knocked * him down. He. red as he. fell, then rose and ran away. I fell to the 2 `ground, and after a while crawle V an"'c`1 `staggered `on .her`e`. " V113 I\: Anna:-cn%_I-land-A .1:rInn nlnnfv auu _au15gc1cu uu .uc1c. _ Yes-o~f course-there -was plenty of time. The doctor was talking to himself. - V ' g A- _7`\,/,ha`t.. 't}ow?E 1 _smiled Tho1:n1ey.b out woun IS not~o-ne our, ut 's`evet`a1 hdu'rs old--j-" the doctor he- .._.. 3;;-.%.;.' :__ Goj`d! J _ ekclirited Thbrnlfy, UUUU KIULH CJ\C.l'd.ullCu .I.llUl uu._y, with amused disgust, was `ever dy- in'g.`ma'n` s0_ beset? Why -are you: de- tex-mined to conrm-_your ungenerous and unjust suspicions? ' ' " ,1! Ann. gin .1\A'. Anfxr 9: an ruf- 'auu \lll_|u:|. auapuuuua; - My duty, sir. My duty as an of- _cer `of the law, my duty as.a. man of principle, my duty to my friend. KT;-; Anunk uvnu nag 0I"1IY!\I',f1`\\Y man principle, duty to nuena." No, doubt you are a"wo1-thy man. But why'so resolute to make alduty of what an. Apache would shrink from berlfonn.-ing ~.? I wish that my last glimpse of human nature had been less repulsive. Vn..' tuna-I ;o1cI11lr nan c:r hnf vnn was rcpunaxvc: You-`can Insult me, S11`, but you 0 ' H cfannot dr1ve_me from my duty. can..." .._......I. v..;. ...... .5 can at cannux unve HIC uuxu any uuty. "`-Duty again! You are as full of duty as a spider is of poison. And Insult! Why. my dear sir, a-`gentle: man `cannot be insulted. An attempt to insult him can be made,..but it is like trying to bedaub the sky with mud. No-- Thomle-y_ was talking slowly and evenly, yet . intensely--_-I cannot permit you to do whatfyou are pleased _to disguiseras your duty. TL- Anninr `Ivan ;f1';11(Y .\U;f`1 vhf?!" '3l'C plCdaCu LU ulagunaoraa _3 The doctor was sitting face andudowncast eyes. (`\1 .... C'...~4. Knaupau 11-In IEICC anuuuuwllcaal. cyca. Now, first, answer me this-: -Arel .you~willing to swear that my wound: is several hours old? . -Dr. Bronson was silent. ` No? What says duty? Why, that -you`; dare not `swear it- . You. know that the experts would laugh at you. Now answer me again; How far is Egerton `Hall from those elms where I was shot?. ' V - `.`Tl1ree>mi1es at least. l -Good.` Now if -you will go to those elms you A,will.`_-nd a great pool of my blood. The whole village will be talking of _. _ ur.......=..:1.I-w a'vn1;n1pr` fhp don. DC, t3.|K__llg U1 IL._ I.U'll1UllUVv. Impo`ssible!. exclajmed the, [doc-A tor. The not there.` You could not have got there from Eger- ton. .It is aphysical imposs1b1ity. , ` cI'D.. '....-....l..'.n. n-.H-yak `Hum `I'\1nnd-_ is] 11011. -It IS 3. pnyslcal llllpuaaluuty. .. -~`.`B~ut y\ou,*jknow*~that 'the;`b1oqd= is `; `there. -duty % ! 'c_l-|`'<')'p"s`4 See HOW '"ch.agi'if1 d.'N.l {are % as` ,- is woma1'1 s -. _,.>r.p';&&ta`ti'<':m`.j`; `escapes you , . _. '2 E mbarrasrhent. and _'-`sl_1am'-e ciejyen-. ed in xh. dc'vcto't"s`fa`c e`,a's_%th.`man, on, the ~1uun` -e..- ta_1ke d~ +.:z1":',t`11g_t av"`_c>i'ce . of Vqui`et- an I . 'cyn'1[c_al 7>_x;aj},lt:_rry.'-_-' T hgife I ._was 'lence ffot . full ;a;j .'.m1;nut_e. #1`-,h`e'n ;.` Dr. 'Brons'co15' Tlo6k9'd_"stra.ighbt:`-._'_at Ihpmlejn ' ...;-.1 ,.-3.I. IJKUIIUULJ tvvnyuo -(-5 _.5--,`, ..- K_ , , _ _ 'axi'd ?` -J` 5'1 be'nr`..:v0t'1.: paTrd_o_.nI.: '.Thex_'e shall not `be it-,~.doubt raised. ' - -I, 'w`a,sf r in ; thg `uh-ong._,;; . . ,- T g ',-.` L I :.-`fI notice, ~wi_th.; some. --hope, ?; "sunl- d Thoif "l_ey,_- go6`d-humoredly; ivghat :--_.` -`.-. '..n6Igunu-up tV'|l'iP`0`.;g.}\(\]1f d ijtv_ h .1 gUUu'|L\rIlII\l I`\p\JIJ \ ,1-Ilupn _ tymi S.`3Y"'l9th`T`!T8-.;3nQY\<`A'3b\011t ,d'.i1t)"A-" Lt me take` the s'tateni`e'1'rt;"' AThorn~Iey dictated 'armd`the dgicftor wrote:- - 4 . .. I, -Wyndham Thornley, having been -duly. ' s.wom~ and `cautioned, hahd. kngivving `that I am about to di.ido depose",1`s`$'fpl1ows:_. I was walking`. a down ne street, in the tow;1_of B>el1e\_rue;on_-I-I,.\;dson,. and just~at mad- _night had regchgdp-`the elms. fin; the block to the east. of;|`t`h_e:_e1g:ctr1c `pow- 4er' statio_n;r A main, ,ta.)l, thm, hisgcoat turned up and h`is_ slouch hat "drawn down invcr `his -.e es, stepped from the shalow and` sai :" `I `want your -mon-. e"y! _ -I~..knog,ked him down. Hezred .. 1 AM an- and as Hell. he rose and I-iknopkea nlfn CIOWI}. 11! Jucu as so,"and as _I-fe11.M rose ran away. The bullt from his re- volver 'pe_nej:rated my clgest-T . u'r1..g+ 1s=en0uRh.' said Dr. Bron.- volver penetrated my Cl}C-bu l That IS" enough, ron.- son," unless you can describe {your assailant more fully. . 5`! cannot, r_epl:ed~ Thornley; It was very dark; m that deep. shadowf . ` Dr. Bronson called the night" por- ter. and they lifted the. wounded `man ' while he/signed.l Wyndham Thorn- leyy 1 n a7 flowi_ng~_hand`.* They laid I` L _ ;. The-porter _s1,gned;r as wttness --and `went. away. _Dl-. _.B'ro_n-_ %so1'1"` lled in the blanks at the: bpttom ` -2 Ah ggggpn` -` V "of ? -the page; `t6uch d- him. '-1`hen'in. a. difEerent: tonehe repeated: . ' T _\ ` `.".l.`,he.1"e.- -;he . said, fnally. -It i_ all over. F ;- .. " ; -< ~ \: ' `,1, -He .lo ok_, `the 1ouns';e,,' then, rose, and stood over Thornle-_v `and; "- 3- -Hwnvnr - ' .1 2m max. $32 wcrle wide c1rcles dcrhis eyes, and over his whole me was the pallor of xmmment I `death. His right hand held a lilood-' dk> chxcf againsg his chet s%%1:.:d31ae1111t`(Jrt to the nght; H15 :hirt bosom was limp and Wet vand `gained a dark red. At the Sound Of footsteps on the stairs, and EL rather harsh voice, saying `fNever_ m,1,nd; I wigh to be alone w1th him, ' the ,-_ I\ll(\[` nu-nprl fn\u:H'd H19 dOOl'. ,,'=V.Ea}'lil3_i_u` % {.%'rry2S9m-d ` `ermrxllt: 1 0` O YCPVC-Lvu.` .- 1*; 1,5 a11-..o.vr._"- ADVANCE ::I:;; .`j 3; . Oct. :3: &-gg, at m`-4 V 7`F`AiiRS` j|_ 1' ` .1 `.3 : ylllll NIIJLJ o `with " red? -:.-v.'-vv)r- 5 ..."':(ByDorO1vfEstman.) g. 5 I) %_ mm L 9_'W;i!. I`! _..-, -.~.'-'.o-- " shirt ump auu wcl. vauu stmrs, man`; eyes turned toward the C100!`- 0 ened presently `to disclose. .a I_t'.x.1?.. an-4.A rilnrfnr with black `ledl'l % Ca1in5?co1sdg ;w;_ twen{ Vty-mne. She cou1`d,- complam that she had :not had a.j;faJ' r i:11anc'e,ffOr~h`er -;hi`.ee~ younger sister` `had `ben -kept ... :`u`n.\'-6 c-'1:-be ant` '.'at1_fd;`,, `lvlllw-CC" yuuugcx lLClD GL5 !J\\-l|_ 'nvyt in-3 ho'rt skirts and. '-pig-:tails . T l_0'ng aftef their ._qon_tempor`a.ries. I wore tfemi-train-s,` but_ ar-,la.St' '>ne by` one. th_ey`fhad `been 7.pe_'r_niitt`ed~ `to. `seem, Lgzqwn up andtb %.male...~their debut. `Into the great world. 'MissCa1:olm.e' had` threfoi-e bn shoved. `aside; and made tobelieve, that matrimony, and Lmhatrimony a1one, wou1d relive her. `f_r_om .(_11s-gra.ce. . ~ .r'_ , LI__, 1...; 4.-.. on_v-an v-Ia-`nut ' But had she nOt'for the` last _ten years tried to capture ,a sui-`cable mate, and failed? Why, then, now.'th:; t1 her al1owa_`nce for. that. most precifus of all bait, ~c1othing,- had been? reduced, in order that`; her sisters might"have `n-e'ry; now that-no partieswer giv- '*- :- `at-- 1-nnnr 'nnr` iirnff I Illlefy; nUW`[IlH`L. IIU Pill IJCD xvxcxc ELY en in her honor, `and, '\yo15st_."o '_all, now that crows feet`.wete.gather1ng around her eyes-_-'why, then, should she `hope to be morevsucce_ssfu1?_'Miss -(`...J:.`|...... I....1,...A -.a- MA. n-mu-pr nnife Sne nope to DC IIlUI'Cv3uCL'.C;a1u|;` U115; .' oolidgg, looked ,at;-the matter quite seriously, and decided` the ttouble was that she had'aIVV3ys been i `too great a snob." The men of her own exclusive little set had, so-I-many of them, -married Philadelphia "girls or gone. away, and her stock of male callers had becomeso din1inished that she determined tojlook fot:her ailin- ity in a less fashionable circle. 'But how was she, who had scarce-I ly a bowing acquaintance outside the four hundred, to di_scQver _a new set 4! ..--.. 1-..A .......l `A I`:l1:O`I(f urinincr four hundred, to a1_sco,v_er; a. ancvy sec of men, les- used to dining, wining and dancing, yet suicicntly` present- able to be uplifted by her hand? a It `must be `through some girl, -lshe said to herself, that'I shall meet '_ parties. themethrough some; g_ir1 in a diqr ent_ set, who will 1nv1te_ me to her I-l1 cnmp misorivinsz that Tlv vac uri _ parties. _ Itwas with some misgivings that Miss` Coolidge contemplated the words different. set, for she. had al- ways proudly felt that herlittle world was the only, world, that one might as well invite o'ne s milli_n_er to dinner as to mingle with Newhui- y Street or the ~ south side` of Commonwealth Avenue. `Was it not pleasanter to sit a=t_l1or'ne and watch` her sisters y" forth in balldresses than" to contam- 1na_te herself with a wor1d~tha. ~was not her own? ' ` 3J4- -1 ..-...`l...-inn `inn: an HUI . IICT U'WlI3 _ Her "idea of exclusion was so `strong within her that she had never realized that more. than half a dozen families lived in a block of houses. Of course, she admitted 'that,ther.e were mortals existing behind all the doors and walking, perhaps,` on the _stree,-t,_but, as. they were never seen in society, MISS Coolidge -thought they might as well never have been born. Lately, ,however, since she had found herself a Cinderella, sitting ` at home with `her parents ve nights ,4 -1 ____-.. -1... uuv`II|f\t) nnnrnrrnrnl-`Inf l10pI l(l pI'C5L`IlL1y LU uuaxauav... u- middle-aged (kloctor with black medi- cine bag. There was no mistaking the meaning of.tl1at odor of dru As, the cut of the grizzled beard, W516 sickroom" air and manner. "So, my man-`he began, is The advanced. But at sight of the gure` sprawling on the lounge he stopped and stood with lips apart. His amaz- ed eyes noted every detail---tl1e fash- ionable evening dress, the many evi- dences of renement and position. ~-- I Ii! L, ..... ,\.. kn `r\IIO1f`