Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 17 Sep 1908, p. 4

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me French Bonnet Penn dc Soie Silk. Lyons dye. 9 gen sale at; . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . J . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 ......a\.tc; auu ucuvcry, were t0ll0W' ed with closeand appreciative, inter-` ` est. Mr. Morris is a uent and pleas- ing speaker. H'e'has a strong, re- sonant voice and could be distinctly heard in every part of the large ed:-I ce. !He speaks with considerable` spirit and vigor and his deliverancesl were characterized_b)_' an earnestness 1 and an air of comfietion that secured and held the undivided attention of h1sal_1earers.e In the morning Mr. Moms spoke from the text Jesus Q Rev. Wm. aMorris, the newly in-J ducted pastor of St. -Andrew s church, Orangeville, addressed his new con- gregation at both services last `Sab- lbath, says the Banner of Sept. 3rd. `The _congregation was large both lmormng and evening, and the dis Courses, Xllhll Inn:-A As:-A"--L -VA _--..,-..... u--u vvcuulg, auu (He (U_S~l courses, which , were excellent an chara_cter and delivery, follow-I ed PIIIQA `Q9111 nan-n-:_LI_-- 37A` - I` Mr`. and Mrs. T. A. VVickett and children of Sundridge and Mrs. B. lwickett of North Bay and `Mrs. Sloan of~Stu1-geon Falls were the !guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rowe at- I I 1 `Poplar Farm for a. few days this week. . `rHVar1-is, jr., visited friemis in Grenfel ;-on Sunday. ' ?1NnUc'rIoN or-` A MINISTER Sir Wilfrid informed the audience at So-rel that the Government` was` quite capable of looking after its 1 cvm'b'1a.c.k sh-eep, meaning that wrong had been done the Goverzn-A n-mt itself -would punish the offend- ers. So :'far it would appear that the black sheep `.have7be-en rewarded with the best -,pa~stu.re. They are the :~'fa,v- brites of the ock. They are` the ones who 'b'lea.t most loudly that .Sir I V.'i.l~fr'id Lauxiier should have time to nish hi-swwrork. r'But`it is encourag- iris Eto no.tio.e a.n. air of apology -and confessiron in {the Government argu- tfnerrts. Ministers are on the defens- ive, and nd `their time occupied_ with excuses and explanations concerning charges and offenses brought home to them `by vthein owngformer associa- tes and their ow.n Royal Commission. J - - C`-\Q6\"IGyI_ PI $3.025: _3 I-2x4;ft; `Regular pnce 3.5 These are genuine Bargains. T00 many in stocki. 1 They T'\I';l`A A..- I __ 12A-ft. Gate. IHO-.f_t`:.-1 `G at. :v- Wm. Morris,1-ate of Bond Head, Enters Upon His Pastoral Dut- ies at Orangeville. i ` - - - u 0' Snecialliut Price iiixg for Opening Day. No,` Sir Richard % not present at the convention. price. CONTINUINVG FOLLOWING "? DAYS usual. gu rcgarult s{"'5ur.i:oJs Your Gain. 7! ` .?'i'~f`-Vt $3.90. Cut price $2.25 Priccf: _ - $2.50 Cu: price $2.15 `?`BesAt gates ever offered 23rd must go regardless of cost - has-n A._I._ A GENTLE SHEPHERD. $5,-$0, . Cut. price $5.50 %%$6.0o;%% Cut price $5.00 "$5-50-'4 Cut Price $4.50 The new pastor is a man of prob- ably 38 years of age. He was born `in Essa in Simcoe County. his fath- er, William Morris. now deceased, having been a farmer in that town- ship. He received his. High School education in Barrie. attended the County Model School. and 1ltt I`\'.'al'dS taught school for five _\'e;lr.<. He took r a `particularly creditable C()llI':`.`, grad- uating from Knox College in 1002111 second place on the class list. Short- ly after graduation he received and_ accepted a call to the p;1.~`torate 01 Bond Head Presbyterian Church. His pastorate of six )'ll'.< here was markedly successful, and when the call from Orangeville came up lll the Barrie Presbytery his congregation expressed great reluctance to cement to the severance of the long and hat?- py pastoral relationship. Mr. )|0"'.5 hasrmore than a local reputation as a successful Sabbath School and 31,1?` le Class worker. The new P8-`W l5 `a married man and Mrs. .\lorn.< 15 spoken of as a gracious and rened `lady, who takes a deep interest In the activities of the church. The pastors of St. Andrew's cl1urcl1_h3" nearly all been large men Pll."5`3.Y as wellas mentally. Mr. .\l<~rrIS15 110 exception to the rule. saith unto him, if I till I come, what follow thou me. mon was based on art not far from God Mark 12:34. I.=_., T.I:iUi{ASl5AY, SEPT, will that he tarry is that tr.) thee?` His evening ser- the words Thou the kingdonl of . CRAIGHURST. l\\ \\ |`EVEq _ Ove txc ch lam f 101 ye Maj .tary miles An Govcr dmcox The Churc Trade place seen ter w their i E'a1o K dum 0m1 \ I` 0 at-r_0p r:.am1 m th mmnsma. % Pha (Co iv" Cartv_vrigh`t was `Toronto. Liberal _-w or -on II_ll\lI\.I\-vl u John` Perry visited refativs' in the city du'r'ing`the Fai_r.- , V ` L_eo'na,i7d' `L.ee_ `6fJTotdntq__ 'i`.ffL Aix3.z..Va w`dsiVZVW'1h,ihis.:ifath * . 2 `gllr 7'.I;=Il."~'.`..u'l*."5.D43.Ii.'._;;-*' ; Ir --an %.!="" t Frost last M on`d.gy `evening. { ~ Angus .is gertainly ,3 dry. spotzfat} the present tune. ~ f V ' ' _--- -. --uI| I Q II\IIIIIIO 'Tbere _ 1 were . ' spec_ialV -Harvest Thanksgxvm services. .11".-`St; Peter's church on unday last. The Rector preached in `the morning, .and in`t'h"e evening the Rev.-Dr. Macklem, Pr'c_-v- cst of Trinty College, Toronto, con- ducted, the service and preached In very earnest and ixistmctwe sermon to. a.` large congregatioh. jr _ ' __ -... .... one `nnsouualltulllu ' hibition from here were: Messrs. Wm. Allan, jgmes Allan, J; Alla-n,. _]oh'n Bayes, jr., R. `W. LSloan,. L. Cag- ter, J. E. `-Mlscampbell and Mr. and Mrs. Hart Thomas, ` A _ ' tl:ae visitors to: Toronto Ex-V `(is/ir'.'_z;}a'ci'1\&}'s:'71'ucNei11 of Godrich are vnsiting Mrs. McNeill s`parents, Mr. and, Mn. A. -Haughton.` A A......... 41.- _-:_:.- ,, - v`1\"./Itiss Miidred Willson has return-V ed from a three` weeks , visit with friends in Tomato. ' ' ' % <`1V;1r. and `Mrs. J. Baiue Vof Gilford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thqxgays. ` j . . - _ --p pup; '3/ifs. cunni{g-an ofLOri11ia and Mrs. Patterson of Barrie visited" Mrs. I-Iooeyalast _v_vcek._ I s 1;-._ ,, 0 up A. up .. ..Q . A. I Mr. and Mrs. Hbyoey are camping at the lake .s`J1ore for a. week. ` Mr,-.9.nd Mrs, _G_eo. _Morris_have re- turned from `a msnt in -Hamnltomand. Toronto. ' -5oaI\o cu I Do JV.l\u\.I|-Ill 9 M11; and Mrs. J: G. Dicki-Bson re -J manned on Saturday from. a -wce.k s vnsxt -1n'Barr1e., Beeton, Alls- I-tcm, Mono and Sunmdale. .a;ynd Mrs. Albert Spring spent .Sunda_y In Midland, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. McGuirE. : Wi.-C3;1ss::%lo';z:"5utchcr 87, Sadie `Gibson 86." A 1 III. Class.-(Absent). e I _Sr, II. Class.--Cecil Broley 91,1 Ethel Fell' 79, Floyd .Bam1e1-man. 22. Jr. II. Class.--Libbie Plant 64, Torrance Black 58.` _ Pt. II. Class.-FraI`1k Fell' 59. Lila McDonald 27, Elwood McDonald 25. 9 Sr. "I. C1ass.--Allan Plant so. In. I.` Class.--Lucille Black 100, =C`sher1 1'ie_Ca1'r 80, Freddie .P1-ant.17..` _ 1.1 I` `c'._.----.- -I Honor report for Aughst. `T The numbers represent percentages ob-N tamed by each-pupi1. 3 M , T`. "\ . 4 A AI -' -M!'Vs...L _`;7 m. Baulkwell. of Vnllia is visitingvfriends in! this V-, '.`She is the ]guest of Mrs. Ge9;_ zanpdigrh--an_ A 1 A s.s. No. _15, EssA. ?1i? -v---v J`QlIU- Al-0 4-Simpson, Teacher.` ALLENWOOD. `CHURCHILL. Aaus. .-V . -I/1%1as H? ] ret`drnec_l. la; grip. `to: %the: _;E?g`cj_ig;_ at as[A.sizned!%a%h `Winn: mg; in A` , ?e_st ,s ; ' ,`,-.`;.,`,'. and Russell 'N,!JtO drove to ;. Hope _ Town,3h.lP last- week,g where `they ' visited ._0n"I;e. . pf ' ~._.. .4 '__`.`.'9 ': IInU'_A"" -Mrs. M. Blackstock and her sister, .M_rs., Larker,` and -Mr, S. Black- stock; all of Toronto,- are visiting fri,e,nds._.l1,re. . j V V` T. ' ' . ----~-- -------_- I Dr. Whealey is e 'oyinrg` a w_el earned test.and Dr.` rton is subsu- ttting for him. L ` Mr. James` Heylands drove to` Tor- onto lastweek. This is -pretty good for a man ove.r ninety years fold. ' ~ `Congratulat`ions* to , "the" Ivy B. B. team, which took `first prize `in the tc_>'urnament- recently he!d= "in; Cooks`- town.` 7 ' [i! :A5 _the_corn and. swine cfbgi v"a` lip:-ortout an the North-W'es_t _th1s'sea-' A ' hegprodngals are! I Blackstock `is improving, after her Mc"13dden of" the 'Soo.is, visit-. U ing has cousin, Dr.-'Sprpoule._ We arelglad to` rgport that Mrs; `C .-' serious i>llnes`s. % V , 1 I Mrs . R`obf;'~W'est has 1-eturined from ` `Owen Sound: A _ x VJ.Io 1 Ben. '\ I ____ - ------ v on -nun; you I I\p'\n3e Some` of those who attended the `Exhibition were: -Mr. Angus War- nica, and Master Charlie =W`armca, Messrs. Wm, Wright, "Chas. Martin, Dee Barclay, Bert McConkey, Cam- eron Latimer, , Wallace and St:m!_ey Latimer, Fred Peacock H. M. Math- er: Ia` ur. 7m"..u........ D n....---- Special music will be rendered byl the Stroud Methodist `Choir at Le- froy next~Sunday in connection with the -Anniversary `services. C____-` , -_.-- ---.-.-u-J - "M:-'5. Will Boake of Thornton isl spending a short vacation at the| home of her parents,- Mr, `and Mrs; A. Wallace. _ _ | 'i4-1551 1{&}."Rob:. Tribble [of Big Bay Point viisted Mr. and Mrs. Lou Guest last Sunday. ` `ll..- 111-u n - ---- _--__ -.-V.-s.-4 ll\aa\ anon-II: vvvwlso I iVi)'o1; - t miss the re wprks on _the Market Square next Frxday evenmg lat 9 13.111. ` a [no.0 . us , ,...-. J The Stroud Citizens -Band gave an open air cpncert on the Square las-t S_a*1u'day mght. " 3.19;- ti, ' in nu! V. - T.7'T; vITTi(s;`Cora; Collins has `returned to ` hcr'h9n1e in Collingwood, after visit- mg friends here. - . .1 7" Mr.` and W~`m. Worsfald. of King visited -Mr. and Mrs". Win, -'H_d-. n. last week. V. . i Mr. uCVi1ai1:1-itcei `i\/I;i'tii1`ihva:;"returned 1 [after visiting friends in Muskoka. at , 1- --`_--_, ~ - ' - . --J .---r-vv-u `r1.Vir.and M 5. Lot Webb xriitedi friendsin Cookstown-on Sunday. ' *.1r:._- 1ur___A: r-,,,-. __-__-__,__. ..----_--...- .,.. .,........_,. Miss `Maggie Constable of Allan d:-le visited friends here last week. 1 1\ . Miss "Guest Spent Sunday with friends in Barrie. ' , -6 7-- -..-'--v _M_rs. A.` DuncaI_1= has retr~ned after vsxtmg relatives In Toronto. Miss Lavina C)rch;11'd is, w.c are glad to report, steadily improvmg. ` `Al . __._I `1|,r_- 1' 1:1 1 1 - -. a` Mr. J.; Rumvblenis renewing old ac-1 quamtances here. ` H i'4 is!s' }i&'cKin1ey. of Toronto is visit- ing the Misses Nelson. 1:! . --. IA :Spqou1e and Miss. |Gladys are vxsatmg In Barr_ie..- . ` '1:he ne barns on Mr_. M. `Cough1in s lcwer farm with all their contents were" totally destroyed by .re early Sunday morning. How the re ori- -ginated is a mystery, as the build- mgs were falling in before it was discovered. Cause of -the . re` is ent:'rely unknown. Loss nearlyj ve `thousand dollars with about._ f- , teen hundred insurance. `. The het for twh/cw past fewi `days axeraged about 94 degrees. Miss Susiev Peacock is visiting in Toronto. Mfrs.` Blakely and Miss .V. McLaughlin spent a few ; days In Toronto `recently. ~ * \ ."I"L_ E__ LL `II It In ` I Miss Flora Nelands is visiting in `Toronto. L 3 -v..n-.:, anuayaoio _'~Messrs. Ed. Wilson, W. Thompson and -H. Carson spent.a few days in Toronto last week. - __ -_--v --_.. Iv vv--u Miss Laura Carson has been spend- ` 'ing a week with her sister, Mrs.,F..` Harrison, of Toronto. `fa . 1 0 can 4 .Wilson `is spendi-ngh a few weeks with friends in Youngs- `to:-wn, N-Y. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rubery of To- rcnto are spending a few weeks at C. Wilson s. ` "1\?I'1;."EZ'o{1ghlin, Miss `Mae and Mast -` er Leo took in the Toronto Exhibi-N tion last week. _o A ` ` of New Lowell has, .moved to the `farm formerly occupied by Mrs. `Donnelly, -cw pun. _ 77 ___---_- --- _ .--V-opu- Wl\(IIt'S. .F. Garrett is speding a cou- _ ple of weeks in Barrie and Midhurst. ` M1-s..Qe_o. Pegcock has returned from v1s1t1ng_f;1ends at Cookstow-n.T` `I # 1',` _spent a couple i of days wnth her `sister, Mrs. Ed.J` Garrett ` . I Mr`; Binnie of Edenvale `is . the Vguest-of her_ son, Mr.,_Geo. Bmnie- `.J' ` ' .' ~ ` `The L.O.L. held -a special meeting Saturday evening. Among the import- an-tjbusmess items transacted was the appointing of at committee to arrange for" the V 5111 November a celebration, eand,.to -assure t'ne~~usna1 success, old and `capable members were selected, in the persons of Messrs. T. A. Post- er and Alex, Willoughby, W.M., to- getherwith Messrs. R. Redfer-n, Wel- lington Dean and Gordon Bush. With such a. splendid committee, the pub- lic may-rely upon a. fnrst-c'Ia`ss con- cert on that date. v and 9-Mrs_. 'A1ex., Wilson are vzsatmg frxends In Toronto. 1`:-1 -._-.- uucusp `-Q9100 UJ Gaibraith of Timmbury and ._spent the week-end wfth the former. s ,s'1-.ters,_ Mrs. McAteer ax'1dM;'s7 Per- daughter, Miss Galbraith, of Chi'cago,"I P17 .siil"`1;e ei o h.: thelnsecnd Sunciay ih Oc_t_ober._` A. T i v'Z_-Ai't>'q".-f re\sb}?`teriarL S. gave their p_u`pils a treat-_ by way of a. tea and games, in the Grove `Saturday after-_ noon. ; - _ I Joseih Mc':./\t.cer. of the C.P.;R. jsta, Fort William, visitedlhis moth-% lerl recently- Joe is 1ool~:i`ng-`re.nark- ably robust and hearty. \t_- f`,II_ 'rr1E WRTHERN ADVAN CE` _frHoreN'rou. ANTEN MILLS. STROUD. the-A.O.U.W. Hall 9n zFriday eir-en.-' Ving, Sept. 18th.. Subge --The pres-` ent condition of the I.0.F. ' - " 1. are V#9It'ns;fr!?!d in V` - :D,'.-' ` bah" . .M'i`s_ .Mabe.I`-Gauleyn visited {xi Ivy .last_weel. 4 ' V. _ `- : 1-" Mrs. J.$7Walt_on senf `Sun-A day xn Grenfel- _ V` "=4 . - 4": -. ~ _ -Mrs. Rowe, a-nd -Mastexf ` Leonard` have r`et11W1jnec.i4_to."v.l`;)>rontq. T '- __ .-....... ... nauoaava ! i A social event of more than ord-- inary interest took place a.t the home of Mr. Fred Maile, on Sept. 2nd. The occasion was a. reception given in hcnor of Mr, Walter Maile and his bride, by his many friends here. When the `Thornton Band` was or- ganized -Walter was one of the mov- ers in the matter. And this musical aggregation turned out in -full force` to do honor to" whom honor is due; Supper. was served on the lawn to about sixty guests. Afterwards speeches; songs: .and. dancing were indulged" in. by'*T'those Dresent. Mr, and _Mrs. Mailehave gone to take up. - their-fabode` ;.in Orilla; .. Your "cor, ye.-ung "couple a! kinds-"of~successi. - _< join_si`with manly: in -'*.--zwishing; (`the L` JUHII `nelson mcnmonq, Barrie. Rev.| A. N. St. John ociated. .,The bride was attired `in her travelling suit of brown broadcloth with hat` to -match, and was attendedsby her sister, Miss Maud. Mr. Albert Adams was groomsman. Mr. and Mrs, Richmond left on the morning train for an. ex- tended trip, and on their return they `will reside in Barrie. ' ` i ..-...- _-- ..--- u..uu- yv-usa Va Aatsblbl. A very pretty"wedding was solem- nized at the Parsonage, Cookstown, on Wednesday morning, Sept. 9th,. when Miss Flo:-e_,nc'e, eldest daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs, George Adams, In- nisl, was united in marriage to Mr. Zach?! `Nelson Richmond, Barrie. Rev. Cl Ttxlna-I n..3..L._I 'I`L_ L ,' I I A quiet wedding took place at 1 -High Noon on Wednesday, Sept. 9th, at the residence of `Mr, and `Mrs. Noah Grose, when their youngest daughter, Laura, became. the Vwife of Mr. Thomas G. Scythes. Rev. A. p N, St. John tied th nuptial knot.i The happy pair. left on the four o elock train for Barrie, the. Cana- dian S00 and other points of interest. A ______ __ ,, ` _ _ _, ______r _.._- -._v----J , ouuv pug -an-pp. | Our cricket team played a draw game with the Orilliatteam on Sat- urday in Orillia. All the boys re- _quire is practice and they will at all times render a favorable account ofl themselves. ` L Field Scretary Geo. Mitchell, ` bf Toronto, will address the united: Ccurts of Edenvale "and Mincsing in. the-A.O.U.W, Hall on Friday even.- Vinm Rpm ran. cu-..;....+_u-n.- .....~.. . r ------- -- -- --v-- ------ -- '---W V-'1 Largd. congregations attended the} anniversary services at the Townline Presbyterian church - last , Sabbath. Rev. J, A. `-Wilson of Hamilton I preached. ' i I r- --v_-__ Mr. James McC1ean and grand-son, Jimmy Speers, attended the funeral ,of the late -Hartley Hurst, who was. ;accidentally killed in Collingwood` township last Monday, the 7th inst.` No service in the Methodist church? here" on. Sunday morning, owing to: the anniversary services of the : Tcvmline Presbyterian church. 1-\ '11- ' . .' " ' ""' I Buxldmg 1s_ hoomxng here, five new hcuses being m course of erection. The Temperance Hall presents a ne ap~ I I pearance. new Bank is talked of. are Coviidially Invited to See Our Display :%; ___-.._i ; M 250 yards > ,_nch_`.Taffeta,Dr%ess Sllk, in all the best shades, guaranteed excel nt eating quality" Very `Special on sale at . . . . . . . A, We take pleasure in announcing , A that our -formal Autumn Opening win .commence NEXT WEDNESDAY, 23,4 in`s~t.,whe-n we shall make an unparalleled display of NEW MILLINERY. The V A gdaptutions of Parisian and New York models.combined will: our own 0118- 5" lV -l'1Y dSi8Dd 5) Miss BFOORS. assisted by-.Miss Cnstelle. willprvide an eye feast 701' 10V1'S 05 tasty Headwear. M I * Mixmery * 9penmg1 VC`0EWELI:`- I Everything is -rea the Grit camp for the general elections, except` the Globe`sermonet1'e,a. ~

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