Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 17 Sep 1908, p. 1

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% A niii andlchonnix % Qhpg. id_4it SPECIAL TRAINS AND t REDUCED RATES. W. A. TOM. ' T E. M4 Se \Tulips, % Hyaicitnhs, ` Daffodils, [Candidum Lilies \ and Pecmies E'i{iii T1%oN For present delivery order ndw, V ~ while stock is complete. J ` W. D. BOTHWELL. 7.p1 5cef w":ae` hd ight awet rpusiosx. oodsinging, ned entg;-ta nmgnt, ,Church of E_1}_g__land w-j~-__....., T*IN|'l Y cHuacT-I. _SU N DAY , SEPTEMBER 20TH. 8.00 a.m.--Holy Communion. I 11 a. m_.--Morning Prayer. . ..-ion, . A. __-_ LI... I)nl.\wn\nf-innQ"_91\(1 dr m_.--~Morning Prayer. What was the Reformation?"-2nd address '3 p.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class. 7 p.m.'--Evensomz_and Sermon. The Vicar will preach at both services. ` >~ `-"--- A I Y. \KfI`l'.l"n\Hi3. _.:_......._.._..-.__.:_._.__> , IGERTGAGE SALE --or--3 L-KI.iiErz7smO~I-; ALL |%vAALuA3_u~: Emmi Pnumm' \ -__._-, " Pursuant tinthe Power of Sale contained in a _ ` certain lnden ure of Mortgfage made by Niel ,; the -wlllbe o ered tor See by 1 G-" B93330 Public Auction. `ht the Queen's Hotel, Barrie. on Monda . 5th ` bet. 1.908.at-ll o'clock a.m. that value le pro situate in the Town of n Barrie ("Alla due ` uni). known as Lots Numbers 32. 33 and M on the horth side of liolgotestreet. , . l - ' Upon these lots are aai . V betour dwelling houses now in the course 0 ction and nearly completed. . -. r The property will be olfer or sale subgect toareserved `bid. . Terms :--10 per cent of the p hase money -I at thetime of sale; other terms an ;condit|ons M will be made known at the time 0 `:19 and in the meantime on application to ` nepnhu A Eaten. G-1zEAT NoR`nu:1}N_ 38-38 40-10. ' Noncr. T0 cnzbxronsl Tron: IS nsmnsv GIVEN pursuant to ` Chef. "0. > `AND FURTHER T such lust mentioned dt .. will distribute the aesetsot 2 deceased among um mu-ties entitled _the}-erg.` ling . era 0 = a: women: that me; e said Executnrs I R. S 1897. 0 129. that all persons having any claim; ainst the estate of John I_{. Walker. late of t. Township Oro. who d1ed`on the 21th A : ., ' . are required to send post Bald or - the some to.btmt.hy & Eaten of _ , _ for James and Thomas E. Ross. the Exec _- of said dee their ` rtloulers of their A ,_ nlv { l {$8. FURTHER the attic: and to a claims v_ of v.~c!=1 tled thereto ; do B . '1 U_1Vh Presxdent. n;`>e1-ties entitled meter. u ,u.. .. ..... -._. to claimant which they :51! {Ben have hatlnot-ice, and will. not bell: for the said of whose` W im notice `assets to any person. shall not then have been received. ~Dated 1:-ch scptember; mos. STRATHY 8: ESTEN`. Solicgtors for Eleoutots. Buildprs Ladders. Fru`it Pickers` Laddrs. `Extension I.udd_cr.s. at Paqtory. next to Tan. my, Bradford street. Barrie. 35.33], __.__.__.___.. .33-40. . I _ ` W " tor Isneq Luv Vnv-- VI$$1 Snxrs FREE. COLLINGWOOD. " 0533175? blag " ' 3 `- my, % SEPTEMBER 2 1 ST Ekilatious Rural Comedy, . ~ Tnnzsnt-ms: MlL`LMEN_!* f Q FAnM`1;zs 2 II `LID UL Avtvnu eke; will be `$34 on. It` uth 1908. at- . and: e it. u EEEK. 'nrv-.v ~v - - - _________ 1HOR'l`}l01:.\' bL'LLS-~1 young re stemd hortllorn llullsmeady for _service or sale. Apply Al.B}P.'l` PLT1 .VIa', C1-mgvale TP.O. 28-tt ---------------------:-----~------ 0 u: Strgthll I Estelk Mortgageds asolicltora, _an-ie BU wvuu haw- . --_-- _ ALL Wsncomz. Maxim. Hon!-ntnrv lVl.I.'.[\;.;u,, I Secretary. l presented when making s `pa? *_` Ratep Thursday, ~ ._ list day to installrnenthof t -f `Ratepayers will V `interests by paying at _ avoid the rush. Tax `be: 1st,'_ Be the. . ayment of the ryt rs` are - re'minded ' that V ' without penalty. ` %=Bwie Taxes to: I 908, I '.?.VVVVVVTYvvvwvv- isociety nd Peulve --AAAAAAAAAAAQQOOOOOOOOO1 OFFICES TO LET . omces to let with vault, the omces formerly, occugied by G. A. tiudcnlulrst. Barnater, QVOI.` the nnk uH`0xnmerc-e. Apply to ` If A. w. WlLhlNSON. gMiss Olive Burton is- visiting in Collingwood. , ` Mr. Dan. Quinlan is holidaying in the Cobalt country, s ` Mr. B. W. Hunter was up_from Newmarket on Monday, % Mrs. Halloway of Deleware, Va., is spending a few _weeks`in Town. .-Miss` Mary Stritch .spent a few days in Toronto during the week. Mrs. D` H. 'Sarge;1f.` and Miss Sargent have been visiting in 0111119..` The Misses Greenwood left on _:_E`u.esday for a trip to Portland, Me. . Mrs. Danford Roche of Newmarkct visited Dr. and_ Mrs. Patterson last week: _ , ..c-. 1- r<.-L1_..2_ In 1-unrnn 'Ffn`l`YI am 4 I weeng. , Mrs."R. J. Guthrie is home from a pleasant trip to Portland, Me., and Boston. ' V p . Mr. and .Mrs. D. D. McLean have returned from -a pleasant holiday in Toronto. - pun 7-: 1 2- .....-..-`.1301:-v n hff ..v.v-_--. VTv_Ir.~ J. T. lnohday at Wayne, In` \' `1Z\?/iissi Isabel Bro N.Y., is holidaying Mary Street. 1 III ... C mg IO U Ltaw a. Miss Norma Crossland, who has bun holidaying with relatives in Town, returned to Philadelphia this wcek. 4 V r Miss Hazel D. Crew left on Tues- day to enter St. Timothy s* Hospital, Philadelphia, where shewill train for a nurse. ` If`! , _ it C....ILI. n Co-:nt:\r`: a Iilll DC. Mr. `Chas. M. Smith's friends will `be pleased to hear that he is making satisfgctory progress in the `R. V. vHosp1tal. e ' Mr. Sidney Fletcher has been transferred to the Ifarry Sound Branch of the Canadxan Bank of Commerce. `H I -c c.......1,1..I.. ant!` L.-k-uuucn L. . Mrs. Jas. Daley of Sunnidale and Mrs. Moore of New Lowell have re- turned to their homes after visiting Mrs. -H. Ball, for a few days. r L`;___...... nnaoql n lVll- `LL. Llunn, .... .. _... _,.' Mrs. _Hodgson of Stayner spent a. short txme thts week at Rev. . T_horn1uy s, Mary Street, on her re- turn from a vxsit to her old home in Markham. . ` Rev. Dr, Boyle and wife of Chic- ago are guests of `Dr. and Mrs. Mc- Leod.` Dr. Boyle occupied the pul- pit of St. Andrew's -Church on` Sun- day evening. - . " It - /`l`\_\ T\ D` T-Torn-1r 9111'] ft`e` Gay evenlng. Mrs. (Dr._) D. B." Henry and little pieasant visit with Mrs. -Henry's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs H. Ball, Mary St. VMrs. Avery Thomas, Varysburg, N.Y.,-"Mrs; J. VW Jones, Johnson- burgh, .N.Y., "Mrs. Thos. Conant, Oshawa, and `Mrs. S. Dearborn, Oril- lia, were -week-end visitors of Mrs. ` 1-1. B. Myers, High Street, . 1 "' -- ---L in "l`1n-any `F,;ff19 HI \I- 3r|fl'\&I I ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR. `am or TORONTO Buuome. BARIIII; a_s_1_o:Nc: TELEPHONE 149. 11.. De L\'l.yCI'b, Lllslt Liblbbv, Two of the. cast in Three Tittle T Maids, wh`ch was presented at the Grand last week, Miss Maud Proctor and Miss Birdie Lutterell, are well known in Barrie, the former having frequently visited here. They spent pants of V Thursday in renewing old friendships.` The young ladies are popular,` both on and off the stage. A wedding-of _interest here took _ place `yesterday in Zion Methodist . Tabernacle," Hamilton, when` Rev. F. VV. Hollinrake united in nmarriage -Miss Minnie E. Corner to Mr. S. ticn followed the ceremony at. the -A ...- A..: n... i....a..'= mnther. 0 Peter Chester-eld May of Town. A recep-1 JVJISS Lvuxuuc .n.-.. uu... Chestereld 'r5~n." A"r-e'ce1- the home of the bride's mother, 9 Peter Street, after which the happy couple left for a short honeymoon. On -their return to.Town`they will re- s?de on McDonald Street. _ -- -~-- - --A m---. n.r`-.un.4a+ a'uc vu z.u.\...' .. church was the scene of a pretty au- tnm`n- wedding on Tuesday, Sept. .15, the occasion of the marriage of.sMiss Annie Rayneigyoungest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfr d Rayner, .sr., Sunnidale Road; to 1'. Albert Victor Carter of Toronto. Rev . J. `R. Aiken- head officiated. The bride `wore her ._ travelling suit of dark green ladies A cloth. Mr. and Mrs. Carter" left on the afternoon; train` for`-a trip throygh 'the`W`e`st.` They. will ride on;I-Iow- {land 1oad,`TQront9.~v"f . . -. ' ` The Elizaheth` iiec Methodist` .'T. Belger is spending a short his old home -at Fort Ind. _Brown of Albany, ' ` A-`-----~ n4- ham hnmp nn -LESSONS IN_ TDOl.l*ES'.,1`I -_=` A-`>!E1`.?_3-`P ~ % IVVII UL Llllavyn-J at her home on OF CANADI OUR CRITERION. `Methodist ._ _LA.__ _ WJOSEPH H. SWAN. ` ucnnszn AUCTIONEER fr" ` . ww- _Cor_'s Es!. Z - ' ` Wafrden Barr was down from Col- li-ngwood on Tuesday. " A ~- -- - --an-v 1nv&A.ffQAQn'FA at Hug VV>UU,lL uu. ....\.....-_, . There is _a very 1a_rge.~ attendance at the Collegaate lnstrtute for the fall term. The death occurred in` Chicago on .S.pt.i8th-_of,Mrs.` Littlehales, wife of 311'. William Littlehales, formerly of Lisle Iv -pg----- .._--,,_ Barrie. V - For driving a horse with a. sore shoulder, Ch-..ef Kmg on Saturday had a farmer summon_ed to _the polrce court. The magistrate nmposed a ne of $3 and costs. Prize list of Barrie s `Big Fair can be at any_ Postofce within a radius 0 from Barrxe, or send to Secretary_ e_ - d one J-Ital If you want your business to ad- vance, advertise in The Advance. - 1 11-1 4-....- 51...;--uzi?\cpc: any Postoice within , ' Barrie, send. Secretary e -- one will be forwarded by return mm .' `Goodsw<,)n `view at Vickers . ; i Rev. '1_1ic_hard Grose, Supt. of Meth- 5 odist Missions at .Madras, India, bro- t I ( i ther_of Mr. Henry Grose of Lefroy, preached at both services at the. -Col- lier Street Methodist Church last Sunday. While in Town Mr. Grose and his wife were the guests of "Mr. ` James Cross, Owen Street. Pe.aches,-Peaches it 1- preserving are anon! . i e , . Season will be quickly over. Quant- ity and quality at Bothwel1 s. The celebrated Galt Kiltie Band vxill perform in the Grand Opera House, Barrie, on Thursday evening, Sept, 24th. This will be a rare treat l to lovers of band music. -Corsets 9 p . p important 1 best in Town go_to Vickers . I 117-11 Dna-sac`. Npur: anu clcgueu-~u.~ I31 u'gal1 Bros . I ., . _ ,_ . an etter thap ex: of lar ntxfles 1 free a_ttract1o `before seen in the nduocl Q,_ _ __ DCIUIC accu nu. . - . u V V _ . --_, Go to Wilkinson's for ;lTE'5'1`dB of dry Hard and Soft Wood, also Slabs, sawe ' . en ou wish, and sold nor cor n s. _.- vur A -1 LL.` Dawn` Vrfnria SILVA -uv - --- --, The W. A. of Hcspital will holx Thursday, at 2 0 Ccurt Chamben rangements for ladies of the tow pital work are co ` tend.` _ Big Fair will grant free tickets to' children of the County, as rs kindly notify R. J. V the number of ill be for- warded. A ` "- L----1. 1\II':.-uacincr wag T{2(r;ii iaper 2'_ _ 4 -1-........4- _Aam Fletcher, Seer me uumuu VI tickets required and ; St. Peter's church, Minesing, was lled to overowing at the Harvest Service on Sunday last. The church was prettily decorated with fruit and flccwers. A new organ has lately been _installed, and the service was hearty; Rev. Wm. Bertal I-Ieeney "ZZs)ih;;n your c~;:__o1.J;ae=crgcr"E Layivws-wpnv ----_ 9 Turner Bros. got third prize at Toronto Exhibition for The Repro- b'ite.i~n the standard-bred class, The competition was keen, there being a vld of ten. This is considered em- inently satisfactory, and the owners are being congratulated on their suc- congratulated tnclr am.- ccss. . - To butter makers: : The T. Eaton Com any of Toronto have dona_ted .3. consisting of 40 pxeces, crock) ' AA .-nu. -All the new styles in Belts at for the best 10 . at -Barrie s Big Fair, to be e by one who has not been a. prize win- ner at any other Fair this year. i --If you contemplate buying a. new miss Di? this fail, you should not seeimz f V at at e'e:Tg"`H!'- X T: -1pnoe ENDERS will be received up to noon. Sept. 28:11. for the construction of two mum-non .n.I-ynioso {Inn 1|-so (`nunfv (If Sifn L u Vnckers D 0 "I' Bruce Be`ath died on Tues- day, Sept. 8th, at the home of his grandmother, -Mrs. Charles Wattie, near Minesing, where he and. his mo- ther from Vancouver were visiting.` The httl.e`f_31low was only 4_ years old. The funeral took place-`on Friday af-" tcrnoon to Midhurst cemetery. ' ;__._A.. `no! (lag. M'3fgha11 I.\oAan\gv-- -- '--We are agents for the Marshall} and Em ress mattresses. No better n.-ade. ` . ros . The `Raikes homestead on the Ridge Road, occupied as a summer -residence by Mr, I-. Hellmuth of To- ronto, was totally destroyed by re on. Tuesday afternoon. Barrie re bngade was summoned, but the ' ames~had,. of course` gained consid- erable -headway. The remen were able to "save a portxon of the furnit- N we. `Lossu unknown. -7- n....1:.1. 11419 "1 Two days" excursion. to Toronto per o_Str. olslayand Toronto and York. Rndxai Railway; Thursday; Sept. 24. Boat leaves-_Barrie at 7.30, Allandale 7 45, rgturnnng on `Friday evening. Return fare rox,1nc_Ltri> $1.50," `children L fare.;`Seeb111so. `or fusther, par- `..t1.%113.Y.3-g_.. ` o ` ' _ . `v. ooIn: lire <>.ri . ':`;.1'9Phi ii7 D`1`* B. " -~ view Vickrs L DUI sauna. nun. -.... --__-_ J. the Royal Victoria hold a. meeting (today) *~ ~ -~ ~Im~1 :n {-119 Police` hold l'l1CCI.lug \|.uua._y; ', c`.ockT in the Police hamben to make nal ar- Its for Tag Day. All the town Interested in hos_-` -k cordially invited to at-g mg Fair will be bigger` than ever. The prospect ntxfies is bright, and the t1_o the nest ever 1 1n 0 Simcoe. l`h'l\'1)1`.`ltS wm be receweu up w uuuu, `concrete culvertg for the County or Simcoe cceptcd. -one under Bradford Street at High Street and the other under Pllizlgirth street. wast of Mary Street. 4, Specications may be at the olce `of the Town Clerk. Barrie. The lowest or any tender necessarily n . cur. A nuts .1...`- Bath Tues- t. :her, ' here his_ na -Vancouver visning. `Wa_l'l New! at Ulcers . " t .third ` `- ~--1 -`nan TED L Lcu1~ us.- Marshall! e__s_es. betterl , n n_,_,,9 TCSS I&$ Uir "ii'ANurAC'fuiii:n gt oi! ' $1.00 PER Anmum Aovmcw. IINGI-I COPIII F_`lVI CENTS T LUAM BE R .____.._._.__ --.-...._-- ______...------___:::-..:-'1 N{v" ADVERTISEMENTS. ;~ ; Ianitfgcturer s Prnces J. J. THOMPSON, IIIBLIIIQGT D ('1 I mom: son. nAmu'E." to deal with the matter. _ Scotia. vIp\I \.A\r|aA vv nun. U: -..vv-_. The season of 1908-9 of the Barrie Canadian Club promises to be one of considerable interest to _the members of that organization. The program for the coming season is about con1~ pleted and includes a numbed of well known public speakers. Those who` wish to become members of the club may do so, by applying to the Secre- tary._ G. N, :Miller, .aBa;nk of Nova P yJ\a\l 5150' Business was mainly of a routine cliaractcr at Monday night s meeting of the Board of Education. The new trustees,` Messrs. H. G. Robertson. and J. S. Bru-nton were present and tcek their seats`. A special meeting may be called to deal with the. matter. of over-crowding in Burton Ave. School. The schools will close on the second day of the fair. Trustee `Brunton was placed on the Property and Supply Committee, and Trustee ; Robertson on the Finance Committee . and the Committee of Management 9 `I'f'I 9) U, _` ANv'rumc.' vou VWANT m 'n n g no-u-In A our-acids!- GIILI |pII\r vv - - . . . . . . -- I.) A Pair of Country Kids," a rural comedy drama, is the play announced at the Grand Opera `House on 'Mon- day, Sept. 21, and from all reports they are a lively pair and seem to be mak- ing a large number of friends every- where. The play is highly spoken: of as aclean, up-to-date, rural comedy drama, true to nature and with all those lovable folks "down on the farm that we all remember after we have moved to the town, or that we meet every day where we have , been content to remain close to nature _ with the homespun folks. This com- pany is made up of real actors who _ can act, sing and dance, and will give you an evening of genuine ' amusement. You will surely laugh at F the Kids, for they are busy constant- '>. ly getting in and out of mischief. I, T ` Blnxrllinnan. smncuzs. rosrs. suns `on connwoon. ' The` 'Stayner Sun has the following. account of the death of Mrs. 5. Mc- \Vaters. mother of Mr, John U.VIcWat- -ers of Town: After an illness of about one week, Mrs. Samuel Mc'Waters passed away to the great beyond, at her home on Main street, on Saturday evening, 5th inst., at the age of 73 years. Mrs. McW'aters, whose maiden `name was Iane Montgomery, was born in the County of Cavan, Ire- `land, on January 4th, 1835, and came . A... r`.......:.. ...:H-. hoe nan:-rate when `Land, 011 January 41.11, 1033, auu \.u.uu. to Canada with her parents when about ve years of age. Her parents settled in the township of Cartwright, Durham County, where she was mar- ried to her now bereaved and sor- rowing husband. Shortlv after her marriage she moved with her hus- band to Medonte, where they lived for nine years. They then went to the 4th line of_,Nottawasaga, `residing there for five years, after which they became residents of Stayner. I ,_L-,-J `L--- Ax` l.I'4.l.o' 4- . Pnnung bu: 'A.\'Cl 0Fl~'I("1:;. UCLGIJIU Lbaxuunnbu vs \/nu-J --v_. * Besides a sorrowing husband, there are left to mourn four children, three sons, George, of -Midland; John, of Barrie, and David of Toronto, and one daughter,'Mrs. A. E. Sibley, of r~..1,.....'.... Turn In-ru-hare prnfpjggnr 01'Ie- Qaugtcr, LVIJD. II. 1.54. ..uuA\-J, us Calgary. Two brothers, Professor Henry Montgomery, of the Univer- sity of Toronto, and Mr. George Montgomery, on the homestead in Cartwright, and one sister, Mrs. Wm. Siver, of Cheboygan, Mich., also sur~ vive. Unless all signs fail, the Barrie Exibitien for'I9o8 will eclipse all previous . efforts by the Directors. The prize list this year is a heavy cne, and expert judges claim that the exhibit will be a record breaker. Barrie Fair has always been noted for its show of live stock, and you _,-2-- ._....:...... ct... knee ll unn no-A I01` HIS SHUW U1 IIVC DLULIS! G-ll\l Jun: :11 miss seeing the best if you are not present. The management .has secured at great cost a special line of attractions which will be presented free each day before the grand stand. This feature alone will be well, worth the price of admission to the grounds. The famous Iapanese Troupe of acro- bats, jugglers, tumblers and aerialistse are the finest that have___eyer appeared in America. Barrie Litxzeus Band` vifll be in attendance. Sept. 28, 29 . and 30. The reduced railway rates `will be inleffect from the previous ` Saturday until Oct. 1st. ------j--rj--jj.,~___ 7 _ GREAT PANT SALE coo l'\IJI:d can We tn-chased last weeknbout 200- not Mon : ants at: t bargain. and uh wreak. we are going to ya on customers the advan- hgo or ogr pure use. 2: '\i~s&;x{';"vI"r$1 Unteal-sb1e"l`wood' ' Pants. . worm $1.15 for its Sopairs Men's Extra Heavy Uncut-nblo V 'rwe_edAPanss. won-t'h 38.00102-Qtnna: -n _.;s__ st-_s.. t:9.`_....-.1 l|...-- as ` n7i`3`:'-s's'3'*acoa i-'."a_.' 0 Wu`:-th! 3 13811`! MOWI IVOPSIDOCI Ylntl. - ` - Worth $100 fnrhslo V M ' W tedPa.u -- pd G ",=.wm&'s:.nsnn-xlr-` . uvvuuur-yvvvc- my-ir `?"5"" `z v::..`:* .`L`:."..e..... 9 . `""" `3's%'?:'n`is`u7`?o}'u.1I `. I-osnmlu 1-ms weal 38 l.I"'".l.".' " ' . %_ . L gr wean Inl'!I_'9~. * vwvwt _ .. c oMi: TO BARRIE FAIR. EEITUARY. TI MIDHURST P. O. pf`-`"7 V},,\'Tl*.`]_) urinnm lVI\JI`EI| I'II`Ell Alamo amount of Private and Trust Funds to loan on Mortgages of Real Estate at lowest cur- rent rates. and in sums to suit; borrowers. ` W. AULT. Dnaa Rlhnkt In`Je_|3o|?ITl5i;I;os. ID... rated rnaaiqpxsa ,1 lusmuuv--~ ~ . ch one of our 136 Bxfanches is to offer its clients- every _ anking facility. ber of Branches acilities for make transmitting" and em 13 `is urge num sexceptional f collections and VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF A BARRIE. F Offers will be received by th._- ndmigned for the purchase 0f_~th.. `Wing lands, commonly called Vthfy _' McDonald property, namely :--y-_ .`~ _The South thirty three. '-feet;-' We Inches, of lot four on the West ` Ede of Bayeld Street, Barrie, wnth "8hts of way thereto. Tlire `Ire `W0 800d stores on this property which : ;.. .. .._--. .:--:..-I..I.. 1..t.u-inn sell .th-.:j' A ..'."'. 4 '. GYUU more: on runs pIUv`;v"`-V. whxch 15 in a most desirable location; .3~ The North thirty two. `ft-`..f !3ht Inches, of. lot four or the _VV9B1': . We 0* Bayeld Street, "Barrie, with? i way nine feet wide_.to th" North ther f T ' ` df . h es~ a. - e_ __ lmmdi0t1s`S0 two-ggrgy dw3'4 lrili ITIi:uu' Ac'tion and Tone Regulnlof. __ Pianos Always on Hand For Sale. 37-1y so JOHN STREE1`. -BARRIE. BARRIE BRANCH FI_R;S I`-`CL._SS non coumv or SIMCOE. Address BARRIE P; O. A._G. ARDAGH. -.nn I niuh CIIDUFV1 1 AT 0.\(`E-B0y to learn the .g busmets. Apply at the AD-b |..lf`h' W80 MONEY`! MONEY! , ,_ ._ J fl`_...-L TENDERS. -P_RNB' 1'13 N137 _ _, J In. _ _ 1).._..I..-nu nts may be opened in two persons, so _that end to the Banking. --- SOLD BY --- FOR SALE 3;; ml 34 West. Marcus aivunxrhnlnd 1101180. ` LT.-TE TU 1-:1u1V1--: _uL' buu Al`. modern com;en1enoes. &ppLy._1_(LI{. E FLIu l`CHER. "" `~43-`U-`r\luna.nx.1n....-....g-_... - .. 3.-TE TO RENT--For the A 1' mnm-n nnn\'PnienO8S. A. G. ARDAG 1:, Tunas ron SALE ouse with furnace M..r`.n.~xH_ 38-39 I. Manager. ` WHOLE No`. agif \ Pnouluuollo. ._ - -_ )_ neer. ' I3 ms MAME, E;3ooo'$ooooooo"ooo'o"3?7 ` , PRICE 20 CENTS ` ONLY A1` Rob rtsm1 s.DrugStore Z 1-\f\t"|I) I.`AQ'I` OI` `BARBIE HOTEL . . ' V ' *3 1 DO0R_EAS'1` or mama: : | oooooooboooooooooooudoooi ~ 3il11.,.f);!9_').'?..9 00- ,Mi9 |.j| !!l-}c|y1;GfS3ll\ \ 7.-.1ernnn_\A "-"', II?--- nu. _. - ,V (Pupil of F. S. Welsman.) Late teacher of Plano at Miss Vears School and liavertal collate, Toronto.` . PUPILS PREPARED FOR University. Consent-vatory, or I College, of Music Piano Examinations. `OO999VVYYvv.vv - ~ . - _- v E Thick Neck. 2 i H. ll.-u-onn l Gottre Ointment r ` I 1 Ask have bought V whether we (`?p"`pompete with To:-on1_:o in p"rl'`si. giving due regard to Quality. Manufac- t_nrer-to-Weqrerand` allzpur 13.. .. -....._......o...I vita V 7722': So/zoo! Bases its Clazm /or support upon merit alone. /"*)A ELL`! OT`-f 2 ::__\ 9855:?-, -__\ V A A. i SIiNhanl,Cutte`1fs.`.v ll # greihoeinf Armfgrtou Pfxfro Toaouro. ~'oE1-. - Has Inch-trade ecourseed superior taclmlee and uneurpa 3 teaching talent. Hundreds of em ente go out an- nually from this College to good positions. Let us educate non for pro uble em lo y- t do It rlllt. Ca ogue w.- J. :Luo'r1?. fnclpel. * Comma Iona: Ago Amxnxbsn Svrnnnn. Qonxnh .1 No one knows why `the liver should seem to have its natural tendenc to get lazy and torpid. Yet t e tact remainsthat a. majority of poo le have more or less trouble wit this 0 n and must' see to it that it is ept at work. Whenvthe liver lags ` _ Morgen : Gottre reduces the v_ swelling andis the best remedy for this 2 ac_> ndition.e Price a box. 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