1 gououwuoooouoouoooog HATS NO.EXCUSE; KEEPTCOOL-_ 109 noz, STRAWS Disorders. Au kinds. Balance totalj output of Straw IH_at Works Half Price sA1L ns 4 S\Mh%0NS 8 BUY v 0 . ~ - 3 1 DOOR EAST OF BARRIE HOTEL 3 ` QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO r~--_:__----. `, ! Q tall) Are liable to `attack anybody. at any time during hot weather. 0 Results will not be serious if a 3` good remedy is at hand at once. 3 O know best th are its staunche - -411 e merits or this echo st sdpporters, `- "1 `99VVVVvvvvvf~--- mg IX R QUICK RELIEF oo+oo6++0* :`:...:.n `I'\ "`.:I will promptly correct any un- 1 healthy condition of the stom- i ach and rbowels. Cures diarr- hoea, cholera morbus, dy- ` -*-`-- -"A "f\Q' HI`!- This college stands first in` no `thoroudness and genuine merit. Go ad tea where you will. you will find our gr ua ushin to the front. Their an erior train- ng epu les them to get and ho d first-class ' College open all summer. Enter V any time. Write for ca.talilx_1e. W J ELLIOTT. lnclpel. XANDER 3'raxm'rs co` " mma Yomm AND Au: z and wun very nun: ..... -- 3' Wu. cao.ssLANo, Drusgist. Barrie I OOOOQ_f9O__9 ` ~._.----------.--___1 U033, UUUICICI. u_u.u Uuu, sentery, etc. Good for child;en j _or adults. Guaranteed; V Keep e a bottle handy--at home or while travelling-. ` PRICE 23 CENTS ONLY A1` " I . Z n _ V` ` ` MANUFACTURER or Buggies, Carriages. Wagons, % Sleigh: and Cutters. [ per half ton. L STRICT Punsomu. 0' riotseshoeing" ATTENTION PAID '1' _ Q _ Q? FALL TERM OPENS ~ SEP'l_` Ist_. V ` A good Hat for little ' IIIQTIEY. '151'&i11i}-16i7A cum-: ` HATS and FURS Itch: NEGL1_G_E_1-_:_ . _, 1 . Crossland s Liquid Corn Cure .wil1:-emovo warts without. pain y little trouble. and "with var -- TI-u1ny{gf_, Rum opposlni Ross s'r. , J0!-IN mum's ow S'1`AND_ 1 VT TORONTO, ONT. a. pt...` 3,, I. Ari-it m'r:n':s'rs or ,_AnaI:,.'Vn-it-: codmv or smlcozjnno um PANAM AS % \J per half ton. per half ton. per half ton. . BARBIE; COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO,_JULY-16,1908 RAILWAY ACCIDENT. 3 Two Barrie, Men `Injured. ' E r 0 C The t southbound Cobalt Special consisting of engine, mail and bag- -gage cars, -two coaches and pullman left therails yesterday morning six miles north` of Bradford. Full par- 1 , ti`c_ul`ars are not at hand at time of l writing, ' but reman Malcolm. 'Gar- \ rett,` son of Mr. A." F. Garrett of Town,` was so seriously scalded by 1 escaping steam as to necessitate his : removal to the R. V. Hospital. His condition is believed to be critical. Driver Arthur Meeking, also of y Town. had his. collar bone broken, besides sustaining injuries` to his 1 head and leg. Traic was `completely `stopped for some hours, the trains. to and from Toronto proceeding v1_a Georgetown. The cause of the accr- dent has `not yet been ascertained. I I e HEENEY-At the R. V. Hospital, Barrie, on July 7th, 1908, the wife of Rev-. VV, Brtal Heeney, of la. ~dau'ghter.' ` . P P MARRIED. l 3 lWICE-'JOlHNSTON At the Col- : - lier Street Methodist Parsonage, - on June 30th, 1908, by-Rev. Dr. i=Ock~ley, Samuel J. Wice `to Mrs. Margaret J. Johnston, both of Innisl. ' I Cookstown paper please copy. DIED. KELCEY+At lVine, on Thesday, July 7th, Valentine Parker Kelcey, `X Postmaster, aged 67 years. SCIENTIEIC FACTS. T313`.' T'iE1E'et It is a well known scientic state- -Jap,a`nes< ent that about one third of the sizes. `RTT h an brain'is occupied` with the The Rev_ ~ ---1--L.-.....4- l\: c~.n-Fnnf xnmnn Slfldl 4-Ian flan}-{cf `Tenders will be received by E. Do Town Clerk, up to .Thurs- wday, ._ 3 _ n cement .....Il_-e m fhp different the day. Mr 23 . walks in the different Town. For further particulars ap- ply to May3:.. Bennett, or *to Ald. [ Stapleton, 'C_haTi man. E will run out. FUN; =1-u.r. Two new bricksix yoomed cottages between Barrie 3.ndAAlllan3)ule. Mbnthly payments it mnnnn-D _ n[) y - - - eight inc side of _ of way. nine V ' thereof. ,VA$U McDonald l on l rxghts two good stores which is inaomost The North hes, of Bayeld ' Street, 2. ` right ` North ABLE IN THE TOWN OF Offers will be undersigned for the pur following lands, commo property, namely :- of way thereto. commodious house on this property mo TOWN PROPERTY BARRIE. received by the chase of the . nly called the three` feet, the West ' on this property desirable location. `thirty two ` rfeet,, lot four on the West` Barrie, with V feet _wide to the There is a good two-storey dwelling st central-p purchased Ly au.uuu_~\.. Either parcel may be pufchased separately or the whole property bought en bloc, , For further tex-r'ns_ and particulars app}y_ Ltpe the undersngned. George Mg_:Dona1d,., Exec., Ratrie. Ont. f8Eor|ff s Sale of Lands` $------ . or emcom Under and by virtue % ceizw. r'o w it : `F of a writ or execution issued out of the County Court of the County of. York to me directed and delivered against thelanda and tenements of T. S. Mortoni (ile- a n- fendent. at the suit 01. the Ontario Bank. and taken into execu on all nth. I'huve seized title. interest and equity ot~redemp- defendant unto and outbot the then: to uni ; alkfe ydur ,g'is'gmg and chopping 1 ` 111. Chopping every r. sc per 100 1 in and` US. ill b vnnv-`V _ ,, _Dated `June'~1 7th, I908. # BURN. FOR SAL'E FARMERS 1 L1J_Ul|:u.u, _ J-lcvoyvu, `Ban-ie,`Ont. %Ste_wu*t & Stewut, 13 Owen St., Barrie, Solicitors for _Ver;dors. U . 11: Law A. a... , Over Bank of Toronto. Barrie G. H. ESTEN, , -1 n~._...... 5 per ha1t_ton. ' ft per half ton ,y U0 ~ If you want your business to ad- vance. advertise in The Advance. r,__:_..i ...`I.gn 1-nil-+;1'I P. Sugars. only are "Owing to ill health, Coffeythas been compelled. to Public Works. the chairmanship of. sold by `Bothw-ell. Deputy~Re I resxgn Vital statistics for the Town for the ha1f-year ending June 3ot 1rths,~ I13; marriages, 52;~ h are : deaths, 1 All The Advance news `is not -on` the front page. Read the paper through and keep yourself informed. The death occurred in Syracuse, N.Y., of -James Finegat}, father of Rev. Fr. Finegan. of Dix1e, the form-` er Cure of `St. Mary s. 1-1'_:._ 'I`1\o\:n 1-nnL'PQ. HEREIN mm: 1908. rence. - _,. Herbert Satchel, an escaped in-`"6 mate of Toronto asylum, was cap-, tured' on Bradford Street one night last week by P. C. Sweeney.. He,` `was, acting suspiciously, and refused . ito give the oicer his name when 1 questioned. This led to his arrest. ' --Heiwas taken back to the asylum `the following day by one of the} guards. ' .- M 1~-:' _Robert Allen, a Scottish immi- grant, is spending_ two months. in; jail for showing too great freedom} towards a member of the fair sex.` .The incident, which was of-the Jack- , the-hugger variety, took place ati Elmvale. Prisoner tried to prove an alibi; but Ih weight of evidence was against him{, Judge Ardagh tried the case. --' \ . . ` ---_ --.-A ccuh` _ THE DOM-|NION_ OF 3 p.m., _ _ 3.15, calling a 819 `Bay Bay Belle Ewart, Mor `h' ton?s Parl'<, a o'ache s. Regan othe1_' pomts rr1e_ at _ 5 of some twenty-four events was pul- 1 Lil wuuvo ~Jones~- M. Ross, whose case waslp` referred" to last week, came up on) Friday before Judge Ardagh. The prisoner withdrew his plea of not guilty and made a clean breast of `the charge. He was` sentencel to Etwo months .in jail at hard labor. At the expiration of his sentence Ross will have to furnish suretiesll to the amount of $200 to keep the` d , peace for one year towards the girl's` P I father. ` Collier Street Methodist Sundaylt School to the number of 400 regaled themselves at their annual all-rai~l j ' picnic to ~Co_uchiching Park, Orillia.,l - ' last Friday. The afternoon was de- 1 voted to relaxation, and the young 1 l people certainly took it to the full. = r` In this they were well seconded by l their elders. An attractive program.` fr 0: d 0 a a led off, and afforded many qludicrousp` incidents. eI_t was._8.3o `pm. when the l tired iexcursionists returned to Town._ I - . ___:u .... ...-n.ol , option drinks, I. A. raser _has ppt` `crowd witnessed the contest and a . in a quantity offca_ndles"wh1ch wnlll LIICVJ dbununvnn-w.- .v._.. The company that will represent; 1.3" Prue` ' . 1. - the 35th Regt. at Quebec leaves here - -- I, `to-morrow underpcommand of -Capt.` ve innings. -Batteries: Burton and , Cowan. The boys will not want. for` `Scott; Heffernan and Rose. Coffey`. attention. I. S. Bryson has donated` played third base, Frank Smith be-,; them "a good supply of the sta of ing at centre eld and Flescln at` 'life _ for use on the trip down, whi1e"ri`ght. The other positions were 1l- I Walsh & -Hors-eld rovide local ed the same as here. A tremendous ` _ _ _ground' rule was necessary. The! serve, to; brighten the existence of 3 boys reached home on the special the soldiers when under canvas. Q tram after a pleasant day. ' '~ L12 o.A M l Wa.lSl k 6.;n01'suc1u nunu-. .v.....!. pptxon raser p1_1t "4 In quantnty of `ca_ d1es"'wh1ch wxll serve to_ brxghten the existence of H soldters under [` I he Str. Islay will again run itsx, po rs Saturday `trips, starting Sat- urday, .I8th, leaving `Barrie at ndale, callmg at.` Bay Mor- , , Return ' _Park,. a _ _ other pomts, fare to Big Bay, ` Arr'gj_e back V ` 5 o clock._ '- `e sure: and`. _- and bring} all your fnen at` `at -the -:most` ppular trips illlu Ill nub u... `are the most 'i> `trips W-,hel I dxxfbnstrated. perv 1?a$.,l?.3.A11 1.` `T con, .` camp oua CRITERION: 1. J Cut it Miss Florehce `Sargent is holiday- ing at Orchard Beach. - |. Miss C_1audia. Kearns is spending her vacation in Cobourg. - Mrs.-J. S. Berrian of Quincy, 111., . is visiting her parents here. - iMiss Ethel `Hinds left this week -for Cobourg and Rochester, NY. ' Miss Dora Dutton of Peterboro is `the guest of,Miss Madge` Mahoney. Miss Norine King is holidaying in . Meaford, the guest of Mrs. Frank % Kent. ._ ogie the " P f`..1`I2... ' in} V Hatjold is holidaylng Street. Av;:o --...- V- holidaying at his home on [John `Street. V V * Major -and Mrs. Peuchen lands left yesterday. for a two wee visit in Quebec. Miss Amy Meekin lphia is holidaying at her home on! Elizabeth Street. Monday night s special meeting of Vvood- the Town. Council was mainly de- ks voted to the department of public works. The following improvements g of Phi1ad_e1_|3.I1(1- repairs were decided upon: Rodney St., remove boards and. level with gravel, $20; repair gutter . . . - - cl ' ' of ' e e i `ii D. - [Egan lglindgltgrsvcgek here wit Y tween_ Rodney and_ book, $15; clean. .. _` . IVR f Port H0 er ',0ut ditch north side of Davis, $5; _,M`.55 M`."e. `E1? 0 d is stap_` grade Ann Eliza and clean water is S11fI_lm_| 1ng 11;/__ ,Wn 3 3' table, $25; clean gutter on Berczy `- m%\/Iw`thE 1\[IGrS.I'It11I`1 l1Z: ?. of Newmarketi noliah of fPeE1etimgP and 4_ft$8ceme?t: _ !`S- _- - . wa 200 t. rom enetarig, 5; 4- t. i `5 -5pe-dm`g,.-a few Wseks nth her; cement walk on-. west side of Mul- P3~Tent5' at VIR5e]1;~W`I`)- 11 1 caster across Sophia to north side Mr, and 1 rs. . owe eave on I __ _ of Miss. Dillon's, $80; grade and , Saturday to V1511: their EOYI, D13` clean ditch (pin Peel from James to . Charles, in Port Arthur. `Sophia, $15; repair support to bank - - ..t \,i.._ Rn-A c 9:10` remove plank. iillu Luna. .........--..-- Miss'Muriel Read of Hope `is summering in Town and stay-i ;ing with 'Mrs. Vivian. ` ` Mrs. E. G. Hunter Newmarket. is spending .3. weeks with Rose1awn. \ `L .4 mi.-c D Pnwell leave parents at. ;ws......... Mrs._ Powell their Dr. i ` Mrs. F. W. Tiin :has arrived from` Vancouver, "B.C., and is staying with? her mother, Mrs. McCarthy. ` Miss `Fleming of Owen Sound is -a guest at Mr. J. T. Dougalljs sum- imer cottage, at Big Bay Pomt. ' at _ I] A Dnnpv gn` her mother, LvJ.1a- m..-......_,. Miss mer B1g -Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Raney andl family of Orillia are staying at Mr. D. H. Sargent s, Bradford Street. ?da&y f<:)r_ VVinnipeg to spend several' weeks with her daughter, Mrs. J. H. `Hunter. - 111%. __, _--nos5n0rI;Pf` hv `hunter. ? _ ` Rev. Dr. Witten, accompanied by; `Miss Margaret, left on Tuesday for` England- They will be absent until ! the- end of `September. 4 xx _ .11 D .1-Tnnxtrnnd are tne-enu U1 .Jcyu,unu.. `M_r. and Mrs. -H. B.-Henwood are leavmg: on Saturday for_ the Quebec Tercentenary. They wall be absent` `I'from Town several Weeks. _' T` ' 0* ---- an and \{$!Q1`9T!. 'Ir0Xn IOVVH DCVCLGI. vvyyu... ` Mrs. Fred Stevens and Master` Douglas of Toronto are staying with` `the former s parents, Mr. and Mrs.` .H. H. Otton, Big Bay`Point. \ l at 7 , _ f`\`1uo-\nruuvf\f\r1 and! ter, respectively, or ivus. 1.1. LL. V. ,h. d R . jton, are spending a few weeks_atg ia an oss, $30, railing at mods Heresrest cottage, Big Bay P0lI1l ..`Creek $53 Cemem Cfossmg W- 33) Messrs Meaford Vvebb and F. T eld across _Ross, $35; grade Small Griafton are Kerr Lodge representa- and Open ditch $15; repa" Culvg` ltives to"\/Iaso-nic Grand Lodge whichl near pond on Henry .3510; 'rebu`1d `is meetin this week at Niaga.ra`.w`' 1k 0 Ecclesr $253 4`ft` Cement Falls. lM`rgR G Manuel goes froml walk north slde Of W` John from. Corinthian Lodge. lB1-radfo-rd to Sanford $I; S`m 0. l Dr and Mrs Wells and amiiyl,`:;",g $I%o;`s{?m\rO1i]V1:/ $033 - r -. . . `, ; u an ix. on m ljhave taken _the1r camp thlS _ sideh of-Q Bmdfcd to Szmfofdv` $10; grrgde 13118 .BI:1Y,E{ 11}l5- fT,}e1'e are {filth Evgn, Charles, $5; removing plank walks Ii 1'5-f Elslre) 0 d01'\( ?In 0aFI1_ax`15k5 RD `E on Sanford and Charles and levelling k 8 0 0 1n8W00 , 1 1'- S 5 same with gravel. $50; 4-ft. cement l 3T5. Ottawa, and M13 Allan Dyment-3 walk on north side of Burton from l Dr. Wright, the Empire Ophtha1- Milburn to Reid, $216; cement wall: computes the on east side of William from Burton -_lm' Co. s specialist, , ray e ' ower of the human`to ~Holgate, $190; cement Walk on , eye and adds to or es. its focus; north of Eugenia. $150; gratiilg at 1 to make the sight as perfec V os-1Dunlop and Bayeld, $15 cleaning sible. Reeve s Jewelry Store, J\3Ty W_a_tl`tablS,g`enera1ly,$20`; ,; 4,, slsth to 22nd 4' - ' ' l Owing to lack of funds the fol- ,i General regret will be felt by the! lowing items were struck out in 3 friends of Mr. and `Mrs. A. J. Lloyd` committee :--Repairs to St. Vincent, t of San Fernando, Cal., former I'CSi-I Back and Rodney Sts. $50; crossing f dents of Barrie, at the loss of their` over Bayeld at S. Collier, $35; walk who died recently on west side of =Bayeld, between 3 only son, Irving, _ _-. at the home of his parents. He was: Dalton and Fowler's; grade road young. man of marked ability, and; north of Kidd's 'Cre k, ; ' El had a lovable disposition that en-I, Sanford from J0l11IetO$2R5`0SSO,p$rll(;1og; el deared _him to all. Interment took- grade and clean water tables on *5 place at Los Angeles. Bradford, $100; walk `on W. Brad~ Mn M_B_ peacock now of Guelph, ford, between Victoria and to L. I. =.V-`Mrs property. $175; walk on S. Y but `formerly of Barrie, made an ex-I _ _ .d "cellent showing in the recent lawlgzlggberland from Wtlliam to Reid, ":1 examination of the Univetsity of_ CTS, KILI-d.Wa., auu u-.. -..--..__ O1:)htha1- J < m" human 1 focus`; 1 os-`ll jTy `8th 22nd. _ "I .. , ..__L _,_:n 1... :..1. 1... Hml ll BV avu\r ` the! former resi-`; loss of their` ionly recently` was; young i | 1 ,.._I 1.2.. `-l\ -11 In!-nrn1Df fnnk. PIECC GI. Lava Llllbwnv-It M.B. Peacock, of Gue1ph,`.v formerly Barrie, made ex-"i cellent showing` lawy iexamination University of;` `Toronto. He took the degree of ! LL.M. and had the further distinc-I tion of_ winning two valuable SChJ0l-` arships,_ one of $450 in books given: by the American -Law Book Co., , and the other of $250 cash as a fel-i lowship to the University of Cam-I bridge`. It is `Mr. Peacock s inten-i gi tion to goto England in the autumn `and embrace the advantage of the latter prize. ' ? - Corinthian Lodge A.` F. & A. M. will celebrate. its jubilee on Thurs- : day, J_uly 23rd, by an invitation base ?`ke't picnic at Big Bay Point. The 'Str. Islay has been chartered for the , Masons and their friends for the ` day. Hot water will be provided at . V`-thee park, and the comfort of the ` gathering otherwise well, looked af- < _ter; by a 'sp_ee;ai"`committee. ..Those V .wh,o, care; t9'_'da`j1c_e._ 7* wilk have-"abund- t f `It isriexpected that : spafks, Ill.Cjlln_' tlnynanuun no` -outside_. goints. of Collingwood `has beeh rs. M. Burton, Toronto McNabb of twinnipegll home John` '1; |La._y LIA5 uu. -.-- . Ford left on Tues-l several zer, HI`! I l'IllV\I I\l WELL MANUF5.'6'i'Uii'En LUMBER Manufairer s % Prices J. J . THOMPSON, I unnullucf D ('1 {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPIKI FIVE CENTS - PHONE 199. Bnnaus. Cut .How and Where the Coyncil Will Spend Money This Year. ANYTHING YOU WANT IN --- 9 Q - A QIIITN A I"""n'.' BILL TIMBER. SHINGLES. POSTS. SLABS OR CORDWOOIR Sophia, $15; repair support to uamg at Mrs. Bird's, $10; remove plank, and gravel VV. Peel south of John North and grade street, $15; 4-ft. cement walk on W. Peel 250 ft. from John North and gravel balance of walk on Rose, $1I5; grade and repair walk, road and culverts on `Rose; l$25; grade Clappertou between Sop- hia and Wellington and ll in west side for walk, $75; cement crossing , Ll- -24.. .-.5 \Kfno-clnxr gprnqq DUULIL gnu V. - . V . . .-J V, C1appe_rt0n, $35; cement crossing on e_ast sxde of Clapperton across C01- lxer, and repzur water table, $45; [crossmg on S. Sophia across Bay: i eld, $35; complete crossing on b. r`-H:.... ..,...n_-c (`I-unnnrfnn Stan` Fern- Slde Jon. JNUYLH VVCDL UL \Jvv:u, $5; 4-ft. cement walk on south side of Dalton, from Bayeld west, $175; ~grade North John and gravel walk, from Bayeld to Toronto, $20; gravel .wa1k, S. Dalton where necgssary, `,$I5; complete board walk on west side of John to Dalton, $20; tile cul- lvert across Ross _on east side of ;John, and grade John between Sop- lhia and Ross, $30; railing at Kidd's `Creek, AW. Bay- l Ross, grade J` ditch, repair culvert W` Henry, $10; Hwalk on Eccles, Ll side of_W. John 1" Bradford Sanford, $100 ; same on 1 Victoria St, $100; same on W. Ross, 7' $140; grad-a-r:m'd `ll VV. John from l - `D....-1Cn..rl LA Qnncnr-rl. Q10 drgde \.n \Juunnn 3 IUY VVd.}l\, qp/3, \.\,l.l.L\.lAI.. south s1de of \\/orsley across ` ` W 6 0-... ,.......A.. no-nzctnrr nn Everyday but Sunday is a busi- ness day in Barrie. Farmers. please note that the Wednesday half holi- day is not in force this year. 0, L ,_ .._I,A._-_I _f-..2- Herb. Lennox s big political picnic takes place next Tuesday at Jack- son's Point. Among the big`-sticks to speak are -Hon. I. J. Foy,. Hon. Frank -Cochrane, Joe. Downey, M.P. P., R. R. Gamey, =M.P.P., and others. HE'RE`|S A SNAP mix `so.-. BALBRIGGAN} - ` uunnnwngnt (ow: 1 We struck lu k }.v i k and se- cured at a wo GI sag ice 64 doz. Men's lbriggan S ` _ s and `Drawers, w ` oc._ The ' are ' w" ` `eseason is advancing, .` ined V to clear this 1 whole purhhse out at once. While ; th I twfe will Sell them at the 5 low price of -351: ' -L __ 0- __.. -.-:4. PUBi1c WORKS. CA 7' .5 J\Ivv rruuvw s-- 04- r-~ g.) `t or 68c per suit. I A iing buyers of this line 0 _|_._._ .5.` 49.044`- HIIIII Quasauvg MIDHURST P. O. 'anos._.___1,imiaea, VV . L\.\Jau, . grade walks levelling Burton . ._..4. __-..1`- AA \ .. . .,_-.. A I adinn \ money. ounts may be opened in Joint Acc zthc name of two persons so th . 3 exther can attend to the Banking at _-nIF' MOI )- Satchel. other articles. time to B[`LLS-4 young registered HO1 ..\' _ Horn Buns. ready for sernce for: sale _ I . App1y:u.l&r1H'l` PL'l .\'l:', Cruigvale P.O. 28-ff` --- OFFICES TO LET 0mm.-.s to let wnh van`-t, the offices formerly Occupied by U. A. Radenhxrstl. Barrxster. over ll * Bank of ('o1nme1'c,-. pp to ~ `E A. w. WILhyINSON. TEACHER WANTED. l`eachor for Scheol Section No. _7. Vospra, heading second class certicate. Dunes to com- mencvaftor ;~:unun~1' holidays. Apply stating salary and cxperiem-u (personal application pm-ferred) to 1:'.\lAH .\~lcMAb`TEt. Sec y- 'Ircas.. Greufrl. 26-`Zap NI) HIUA .....,_ containing Finder w`. THE ADV. o experi- UL,\]l;`1JIu.-,.- , prennscs or 11!`. Geo Ore. Ownvr can have sax: GEO. l .\H{ Ea`. B-.u'x'ic. Oicpsto vuu Rude the '9' 4. g VVPIII I I -Iva _ _ xd certxticate. bzt}Ix*rs1xx1\x|1*1' 7. men * 8&1I1IL`;'lld < I RT W1 BILLS- .\`H.(:..n HnLrn read) OH anus . Good M acre farm. Lot 6, Concession-9. lnnisril. seven luiles from Barne. one Imle {rpm Fine Good house and buildings. Everythxm: u1splcndi1ordL-1'. Easy terms. Apply to 5'I`RA'l`HY & ESTEN. Over Bank of Toronto. . Barne. Church of England` NEW TRINITY CHURCH SUNDAY, JULY 19TH `K00 o'clock Holy Communion. 11 a. n).-.\h>rn'1ng Prayer and Sermon. '3 p.m. - Sunday School. 7 :).m.-- }~Zu-nsunz and Sermon. , 1.-. 41.... 17::-an at CARRY -_-.;: I L'N1)--P,-uf.:1e nNxn\i!'.". 1 I` _-. '1`n-minuie scnuoxzs by aemces. n us FOR `SALE Gpod zu-rc_ 1nm.m| :n\'nn llllhli fX'()n1 Y` ' _ of the strongest and sound- C l: .611 as most progressive n; lymszitutimxs in Canada. j C11 0110 of our 136 Branches _is e W} to u'cr chents every gf banking fac111tY- ' _ ,1; large number of Branche mmul facilities for mak- ;C.\'L`&'1 _ _ transmxttmg COneCtiu11.~ and Z:;___m 2 L`VJI|.sNEo. 2 L v a. caew but Mendelssohn Pianos. W0; T CANADA.` ~ nd Undivided Profits Exceed VRCSM - -A AAA` %N6fi n'?8'Ei'i5ii7;R8%% l" an to andv Cab meets Creditors 0 ... ` ' ' l V ` er.of the TOW, 0f Barrie. in ft}l1c}EJ[(')el(lll(la)l'b(fASrl`1`00Bc Mm-rebut '1`&Ilor cailed the debtor). are notied. _ um.` mler the provisions of the A03 P0393`-`ag *""l8nIm:ms and preferences by lnsolventrel" '39-`I. th-T` dvblor has made a.n`assinm0ll.t~ `ll ' hm Dfoperty to me the underalgnod -%-JI!Dl`3- stmnx. of the (my of Toronto. A000`"W` mi {:18 Cfedilors are r` uested to provevthe1ro1._IilM' laigre me on or bcgore the lbth (18? 01 A`'t'4 Ameetinr of the d cred`! T `will .be held` Friday`: the Iordau Ofwsill 1 . '3 10Ck p m.. at the A can 0". '. Iedenmox. Life Building. oronho.f0.l'1h..'.3|`~`~' .1lment of inspectors xln $11.9"-' '9 T t "ion. and the giving of dlreo ions with "'5'" B8 to theltlisposul of the amt. . . - . `- ated tlus 30:1; day of J une._19_m._ - . --.... .. nnIIIlIi'\h1l1---'> from Ju'11.' t3'.'.\. Individuzn instruction. up-to-nluw 'u1lI`I excellent results Ob` ~ mined at the; Srzns Fkm-:. El\.I3|l`En &&$:: Y.M.(.`..-\. Building, Toronto. `01_dest ` and 1503!." Write for Catalogue: . -AAA nn` (H- `EXECUTORS' SALE OI! %V-MN? ; ABLE TOWN. 1=noPEm'.;F%:fL; Meeking Entutey [9 ' hi fttorn I FIRST-CLASS I003. Lmxl caution N0. 7. `o'.a.;4`ea+`:am Pia I-ly . {:0 T{`{{~aiiZ-1i'bxT '.\.\'L` E UFFICIC. Wsu2`a`1"`i sH AMERICAN, gusumzss COLLEGEA ....nI9 1]-`D nmn` ADVERTISEMENTS. I ITVUW U%IV:u-' Action and .Tone Regulator. Pianos Always on Band For 3316 L. .-... rt\rI\7 nrnt\n1aIV' DAU _1['..V UL I ru .~ u'|` L1! '1 per half ton. *v;'Qt!l\mFr 3:x(3:r'.".Ju!l!yo':e4l1!.h.";-9% -.5` . AL 7; `k n I I I u .~.e:.`.`. . _1"-`h.3.f.}L'.nn#.uu '-FICLS I U I.:. I ,. Radenhurst. %".Qf`r\\`3I \1`i3131)soN. .__--.__-._--_-.--__ 7.. Me bitch. strayed on to .the. n" Geo. P.aikes,_Ridge Road. x a1ne on paymg expenses. 2`. 15-.u'x'1c. 28-28p `RENE 'I"l'JNEi=I7 , , I1 ._..I..n.u ---- SOLD BY -- 4"1VV iy UII Vllllllu SUI 51th-- 36 JOHN S'1`I{EE'l'; BARRIE I LLS-4 young_ 5. sale_ ,'1:\'l:', 28-tf` mu; vs. u nu-1,, -7-v._ JAMES G. swpm; price with white collar. 1608. Finder anuunuliniihnunnno I. Manager. -WHOLE? ho. ` sass}: In-Annnllfnl, `.4 ALL Wmncomn. 1011. . the Vicar at both` I-Ill 29-29p Dnw. Barne. H879 VVVVVVVVVVVVVV V Bowe Dun- 9?