Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 2 Jul 1908, p. 2

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For` some years the thorities were engaged the;_ immigration of fa Their _work was so su the .supp1y_of sugh men_ ~ , % ple _than~:_ar.few-` yak: y~ :9: s \ . DONALD ROSS, L.L.B., BARRI'S- 4.-.. Q..1.'..ZL.._ -4... .D.-....l- an: 'I`.-...,-..-. ' L.R.C.P. 8: s. Edinburgh; M,F.P. 3: s. Glasgow ---SURGEON-- Eye. Ear, Nose 5 Throat, `Q.._:._-----4 ` ' Havings ent4 years Post Graduate work in British ospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Ear, Throat & Nose Hospital, London; Roy al` London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds); for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London hthalmic Hospital; _Brism ye Hospital, Bristo zand Birming 1 E ham Eye Hos ital, Birmingham ;1'ormer Member of British Czhthalmological Society. nI1\11nh C----- "` ` """'- $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT ON good freehold `security at lowest rate of interest. No principal money required -until end of the term: H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Barrie. H.T. ARNALL, M..D.;~c.M., OCFFI-C N1- 'D..4.L..-..1l .- I-.1.\..l- A11.....I..1- ('1- {i3R. A. T. LITTLE, late of hurch_i11. Ont. Oice and residence John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. DR. J. CURRIE SMITH. OF- ce-and residence, Collier street, Barrie. Phone 61. DR. W. `A. ROSS PHYSICIAN , `Que-n-nnn ALA T D T` C L`.-`In T `D `DR. -ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSI- 0:015 Quit:-r'Ar\oq 1.6;. C-A..:-1A.-- `IT--- " """"" 3,! `-'AKn:R or "PORTRAITS I ____________________.._____ Dr. J. A. C. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Oce and Residence: William Street, Allandale. Tele- phone 3o a. At Stroud Oice: 2 - to 4 pm, Monday to Friday. 1 \ i LFrancjo Exhibition in London, while othaer"n'i`i:"z_1i1s' of al ve ftising_ " the ` ad- vsntages 1n Qntarxo are bemg adopt- e , , , . . DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 Carl- ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N.Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, -will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear - Nose and Throat. Consultation hoprs II a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- - pomtment. UN.__WI'N,' MUR-PHY & ESTEN, ON- tario Land `Surveyors, E ' gtc. Established 1852. Office, M_ed- Telephone, Main, 1336. `Instruc- tions left with Strathy & -Esten, Solicitors, Bank of Toronto `Build- . ing, Barrie, will be promptly at- tended to.. N IEL ' 9;` I? '5 LL VV l'1f\ I. , .lJl ll..\' Ax-asters, Solintors, Notarzes Public, "and Conveyancers`. Money_to loan :_ _..-- .......n ol- 3 nor rent O'mce_ and UOHVCy3llCCI'S'. Avluucy _u.r sunny in any sums at 5 per cent. Ofce, 13 Owen street, Bax-rile. H. 1). Stew- art, -L.L,`:D., D. M. `Stewart. v. AUL'1:, iBz"j'L~R:R`i.STER,i SOLICI- tor, Proctor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Special attention in drawing and probating `wills; obtaining let- ters of administration and guardian- ship, collecting accounts, etc. Of- ces, Ross block, Barrie. Money to loan. ' Collingwood and To F I'( No`. 53-1o.25 a.m. "No, 62-7.55 (3 II 43- 3.40 p.m. 42--1.05 67- 8.00 pm. 56-5.25, -131V 1V KJA, L.-\l'VV'l1.LV ll. usvvz vv A1, Barristers, `Solicitors"for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and general Solici- tors, Notaries, Corrveyancers, etc. Ofces, Hinds block, No. 6 Dunlop street, Barrie. Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch oices at Creemore and Alliston. gHaugh- ton Len~no3c,DAlex. Cowan, G. J. 'D--_--.. T LUIL 14Cll'llUA, 41.: Brown, L.L:B- JJIULR, 1.161115. \.I A. E. H. Creswic.e`.J I\J-kV.l..I_4J.l J.\\JuJsJ, L4..|4.LI., A.I4LL\a.\u.1..1- ter, Solicitor, etc. Bank of To:-on-. to Building, Barrie. Money to loan- r;.\. vv. :1. J.\ \lIJvJ, .l.J..I..l.u.)1.\4.l.1'lJV, `Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.-R. C.P., London. O"1c and resi- dence, Dunlop street, eharrie. Tele- phone, 77. Lo lL\LVJLL4J.4 'VL`olI`.\Jo&VL, \JIl'LV`%l-VJ fin Bothwell s, block, Allandale. O the premises at night. '&\ . J.\\lJJ-LJL\.I. Q. .Ul,\'\J11JJ, f'I11D1' cian, `Surgeon, etc. Specialty--Eye, Ear, Nose `and Throat. Oice and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- fo_rd Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone I05. Box 456. uuaaunu D `of Plumbin IOCK 8- 1.5V 1 VUIXLV 11 1 ters, etc. loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Easy terms of - re-paymer}t._ Lennox, Cowan &. Brown, 'Sol1c1tors, Barris- I .uru...I4 FLANINU .`(: ompany. vCa_rpen-tcring, building, vandzmanufacturmg of doors, sashes, blinds, mouldings, etc. " Planing of "all kinds done promptly and satis- factorily. .Hot blast, drying kiln. District Agenc for grained lum-' ber. Factory, ayeld street, Bar- rie. Rodgers 8: Gallic, successors to -Geo. Ball. To ' Iilllllglh Ifo. .54-7.3o a.m. Np. 53-1o,3o a.m. ` 56-5-25 pm. ` 55- 8.05 pm. * Daily including Sunday. IIEL "G. BEG-GS, ARCHITECT and Civil Engineer. Oice, over Bosanko Block. Town Inspector Plumbing. - ` ...... vyuvuG1lUlUK1Ual DOC 0FFICE-78 DUNLOP smzm, . Phone 54. P. 0. ow: ul. 1 Dr. J. Aniuni ROSS. MANUFACTURERS. j_ BA-LL PLANING .M1LL Damn. - vCarnpn-nu-in-.-. 1....:1.1:.. __ __.__.____...._._.______._.. MONEY TO LOAN. SURVTW \ 12' s.` AR_CHI'1`EC'1'. PHYSICIANS. Tmnus or Sunsonxvrgox. 31 per Ammm in Advance 31% new name will be `added to the Sub anptlon List until the money is paid. Bnbscribers now in arrears for three months `and over will be charged $1.50 per ennum. FINANCIAL. ___-__--_-____._ LEGAL. provincial au- ea engage`d~ in` securing tion farm laborers. was successful that -such isimuch more` xv ago-and the furthcrawc Its _in- this ` . 5 `:w`.iIn\cn-Y'g4hL " `hTw';%s9 , _ , _ _ V, vavn V9 _lll' Iv] . a`ppa,rgnt.v [The Northern 1` JULY znd, - WESLEY QCFIEW. PFIOPRIETOHS It has also by far the 1a,.gest sub 0") _' rmnintn. GUI: C1117 uxuuon OI usrg ` 1" In Town. any paper 1nthe`( :E tn 1' t,h reoei tn. at 8 large 3\lb8c]-j ..T latter fact demonstrates th W4! its patrons. If you have any advert`? 911.1,, :1:::,i::3`:3; ;:'z:2e;,:2at rem':,::=:.? Advertisements sum ..1e('....._.H. M319 per line 1 line for eac . 5 con per .in9"n ' , ...u we YICC. I J pvyt lngrg c118.l gCd "`:z3;;:memen 6 according h ate measure make one ' 13 11 `g VERTISING. 090 sIEN'1' `D 1'85" ' Sales, Amusement 5. Auction 1 r 11!! . Le8`&1Ntg,c:erti0I1 51:c:t%np(s:I` ine. 8 M eW"F?11;snti`{`t.-EH10 cents h sub t 1', All items und_ rtion of Exile :a1'1r:1?a(r3[:21I:'e charged 355 n ! ins v of t 5 50 per line- 5 lincrv pgetfi obitua- H'Preferred positions f ments in the paper will be gglilkicxala N of one-third on above rates, and 0" aocouqt will special positions he ,~". rule will bestrictly carried out_ me nnnvonv. . ._ . .* ': f ` ' ' m z'n"~2I3Rc?'1-?3xEznn nvv 1 -v- --* 9 '*`7:",3|v;'-iA; .'v:7.Ol`ll"I'| Y or sIMG"n A M given on 3 CONTRACT cxuxcas, Advertigers vsfill please bear in notice of mtenuqn to change mln mustbe handedmto the oiuc not Saturday at 10 o_ cIock. and the ('0; chunge must be m THE AI)VA_\'(j_ mter than 12 9 c1ock noon _on Mon. week, otherwxse the a(i_V'ert1.=_r:r'g;mn may not be made publxc mm} the w ink. III . 52 changes of Advergiszmncnts year. If more are requu-ed, comp: will be charged._ Advcirtisexs wrtlg _not be 8}0\'.'(d space or a ver smg anytzinv 0 own regular business. Shouiizd transient rates will be charged V vertisementsa 3.3} San Dnlu Pm; lloiai}: WE&hE6i)' 9 Ste. Mu-ie.Port Arthur. th __ I`!-inv Stnnmnr on CONDENSED ADVERTHHMENT& Condensed adwjertiscments on rlpageguch as wants of all kinds, lost and found . , . pro for sale or to rent,_ 5 ecxfic ax-t1._-193, eu.'_p:? mus} be accomnan_1e vynh the rash, and ,;.<:= be mserted-rst msemon `I ` _ _ .. (`CHIS per W 1*` each subsequent msemon 1 .-cm M per wo numemaddregses and gures counted as xx-mi. lit 8. reduction of one cent_ per word will '99 made when the number of msertions ofsamg matter exceed four '1;-+-U-`i-+~l-`iv-I--l-I--3-1*!-`I-+++4-I-+-i-++-I--I-T 1 - ---.- -ogvqr 4 J-ldall \1lJJ1CO 1A.VDLaI\v.'1L`\/Z Private; Funds to loan on first morzi gages. Correspondence solicited. Office. Bank of Toronto Building. Owen Street Barre. Ont. v ' - V sarnia lake Superior Dlvlslon ~~ L93 . d 1-`ridni-f 3.30 .m. onduy-Wd` d 9'" W1` 111 11".. .3811 tSfA . Mgrln Dm-t. Av-t'hur.F`ort\ 1 In. > ,1} . - -,c - -- -vuuy. Dwelling 1 rooms). stable. drive 11o11se.:hm and nea.r1y! of acre of land in garden and 1'-{1} Corne_r of Peel and Wellington Streets, Barr`:- Dwelhng-6 rooms. stable and sm-d. mpg; loton Peel Street. ' nA11}x`A l1I'IVtx|':-uau 1' ._...._.- -, 100011 l ( .'l DI.I'8_I.. ` Double dweU1ng.6 rooms in each. on Clap. perton Street. Vacant lot, 3 of an acre. on Penetanszuishers Street. Apply to F. M. MONTG03IEI{\'. l2tf u......;. `Baker's, Cream. Twist, Vien- na Sandwich, Fruit-Loaf. at `5c. Brown or genuine Home Made Bread. CAKES. PASTRY, CREAM PUFFS, Fresh Daily. Cuts {or advertisements must In em case be mounted on Ioud metal hm 'PHONE 250, or drop us a I`oL~`r.-I i. o';y would like something goodnin a leaf of on: Machine maae :- msuRA5acr: AGENT, CONVEYANCER, no. man: AND PLATE amass xxscmmce boa-o.-.o.. m.-...u- 4- . NORTHERN NAVIGATION cc}. :"FN'4%'$~$!'b'M4'4"+'??-3'-54'!5;_' BROWN S BAKERY AnvE1u'1s1Nc "Tm: ADVANCE is niovmlt ch-nnlnnn MI .. a'Preferred nnnfn {Q1 fhn unn- Barrie Property For Sale_ T\._.- .._._ `FULL. SUMNER sanvucs JUNE 15m. 1908 wusx mu TO HELPLUSA to men the ever xncrea I in`: demand. NOT A GRADUATE OF EAST TERM IDLE. ' ` " placed twice asmani WHY GO TO TORONTO, OH ELSEWHEE? `f,;;::,:h., ;`:, home. .`.!L!.E93 W. W"39"'_,` method: we geillkfruubf % ' Fall Ierm Begins Sept. 3rd. murmur aunn ntIQl_ Mrs, Will R_. King is home from al month s stay :11 Ottawa. . ` .,. i_ ,..._# l 42tf cui'c_u1iii.' `aw- NESS COLLEGE. Barrie. corfnnmcur. CONTRACT ; BARBIE- OF THE 9 pl. LUU. 5 mak are charged a ccord 8 Mi M $3 IIPIIIUUU---- ..ud see what we of- fer. Compare our fees. ~ -1 _--..14.. ---v--u-p - ---J Mr. "C. M. `SI_1"1;t'I'1mwas in` Tor-I onto for a few days during the week. I I'|I _l' A` unu mo cops foram A l)\'A_\'(.'l olllc-$9`; )u on Monday in, 3rtis_er`s announcemm until week folly; .i.=.cments allowedpe, .red, composition mm c allowed to usetheig nything outside than M Should the)` d Li` and Frida_v.wr .`.Fo1-t\VilIinm and going through 10 RATES. Mo." "Ii/f:s'.'7c1&11"x{d'Eiai1'5}:`oi `Ail-V `ton, 111., are visiting-Mr. and '-Mrs. John Forsyth. T - -Miss 'Retta Andrews of Col1ing- wood visited friends here during the week. - _ `Mr. Frank Soules of Parry. `Sound as holidaying at his home on Ross Street. A . . 4. an , :l\lu Barrie. .1Yr SIB? N Mrs. C. `Stewart and little daug1tt- er (High St-)' are spending a couple of. months in`Char1ottetoyvn, P.E.I. _ 1`.I ,I "M%{;"iaei"A;131Li$&`Hf `53 1{os'L vclt Hospltal, New. Ygrk, is spending fh three weeks vacanon at her mo- er s, ` - ' _ Mrs. W. Urry, Miss Kitching, Miss C. Gordon and Miss Tudhope were the Bar_rie delegates to the'Baptist Convention in Orillia last week. A -vrrr -Us on In An 8 Pace-I8 coileinle Neysvupazper. Published from the ofce. 123 Dunlap Street. Barrie. in the Counyy of Simone. the Pro- Vince of Ontano. Canada, every 7 Thursday Morning, by "United States con- sul at Port Hope for eleven years, has been appointed to the. Ox-illia consulate, replacing Mr. E. A. Wake- eld, who has been transferred` to India. ' A "Albert Milton Lynn, son of thelate John Lynn, of Town, formerly of Churchill, died in Chicago on Sun- day, June 21st. The `funeral took place on Friday from the residende of his aunt, Mrs. Wilson, Gilford, to Ebenezer cemetery. `I.- 1'.` 3'1 1" '1 a C9} vv---vv-r H. Rea<'.i"of -Hamilton was in Town a day or two last week in the interests of the Mercanti1e.Trust Company of Canada. `This company is one of the latest competitors` in its line of business, with headquart- exrs at Hamilton. Mr. Albert D?y- .meot, `M.P.. is a director. 3 "I\J\F, WEB IIIHIU 'UI' nono-I , and MY. An McCubbin' the best- jtna_n.` .Mr. % and Mg. Mccgbbiw left 1on.th`s'tTe'?a A Strawberry Festival, der the auspices of Thornton ethodist Church will be held on the grounds of Mr. James Lennox, Thornton`, on Friday evening, July 3rd. Tea serv- ed' from_- 5 o clock.` "See `posters. for full partnculars. -' A marriage of interest .here was `celebrated at the parsonage, 37 Woodlawn avenue, Toronto, on,Wed- nesda , June 24th, between Mr. Nor- man . ,Mc'Gupbin,- merchant of- North ,Bay, and Mxss -Annie M. Stewart, - se'cond"__daugh(cer of the Rev. J. .;1Steyvart: The bridefs father. pe`rf`orm- _ ceremony in_ the presence of j_,_.g.a ._med1ate relat1ves,.:.a,r:d. zfriends. - -_.lfs r'Aenes` S_.t_ewart.. `starter, ~.of,. the; V " 6:. d'4;%K5is:~h" .1111 n I-Ilnr -Iv'Lid""`." amd"Mr` ' _ tery, V -v is felt for_.Mr. and Mrs. Peter Glennie in theioss they have sustained by the death of `their two-year-old daughten. Reta, ` who passed away .on Wcdnesday e_vfeni11g,_, June 24th. The~furie`r`a1.`to'ok "pYa.c e on_ Friday afternoon to Union ceme- BARRIE RAILWAY GUIDE. J; % FRANK JACKSON ` `II A 77!!!!) l'\`I JIIIISVIID A `HIE rvuvtuu`. y .0 ` From 23-IO.25 a.m. 22--7.55 a.m. 25- 2.00 p.m. 24--1.35 p.m. (Allandale Sta.) (Allandale Sta.) chi HA! nova r)`,iI!/IE "\0'I!I 573- 7-45 pm. Of Local %|meresI M1 Penetang. Hamilton. III IVIVCIUI G From No. a..m. p.m.` p.m. BIJCIIIKLGIV `bJUGuj 26--5.25 ' p.m. {District News] er; _for th eThousam_i Islanqls `before "taking up their residence 111__`7-North" Bay. The bride is a rand-daughter` VofAMrAs. James >_Cross,'. ,wen__ `Street. nvvvvu -. COLLINGWOOD. ---* Messrs. . Lawrence, President of the Huron Institute; Jas. Morris, Curator;. D._ Williams, `Secretary; IM. .Gaviller and R. W. Thom were out` this week lookin-g up old Indian village, sites and investigating some ash mounds in the vicinity of Dunedin. They were successful in` securing several pieces of `pottery, and in obtaining a gold seal ring, which undoubtedly belonged to one of the Jesuit fath- ers. Upon the seal of the_ ring is engraved I. H. S. Outside of be- ing badly discolored, the ring is in a good state of preservation. Some new ground where villages .are sup- posed to have been located is to be ploughd up this fall, and a. harvest of valuable information is expected to result.--Enterprise. l `sunny-1' a4uov|Iu\ R11 -" 1'. .1 _- couple of young men came to town on Wed- nesday last and sold two horses to Mr. James -Coulter. On Friday, an` advertisement appeared in a. Toron- 'to paper for horses that. had been stolen from an eld rat, VVychwo od, near. Toronto. The owners at Wych- wood were communicated` with and came here on Saturday and identied -them as their horses and took them home. The thieves left here by train on the pretense that they were going to ' ABa_la.-p--Advocate. ` n-__....._- -.-. .. ',. LU -uqsa.--. a nu v vvusun "ORI_LL~IA'.-- -Foii-. the iipiirpose of reinforcing the abutment in front of-~ the power house` the water is to_be let off the dam at Ragged Rapids. This will necessitate `the closing down of the generating plant for a month, but ineanwhile a ._limit_ed quantity of power will be suppiied by the steam plant in town. .Resi- dences will probably be- supplied with light six nights in the week, the business section being lighted on the seventh, Satlirday /night. -The contractors were-going to close down` on Monday, but the council enteredl a strong protest, as the high water would_cause the work to tak; prob- ably six weeks, whereas a ` month should seexits nished in lower wat- er. It is therefore probable that the plant will not be shut down before the end of themonth at least. The water is falling at about the rate of an inch a day at the present time.- News-Letter. ' _.-_-_--------_ -r v ' OWEN SOUND.--There "is little prospect of the new C. P. R. upper lake steamers going into commission. In fact, there is less prospect now than there was a month ago. Very little freight is moving, either here or at any other lake port. -Some of the regular freighters are being laid up; last week the Turret Chief and Turret `Crown were tied up at Depot Harbor, and it is said that other freight lines will follow. unless there is a decided improvement in a short time. In the United States condi- tions are even worse. Very many of their big ireighters have "not cast off a line this season, and will not until fa1l,.at any" rate. The Presidential electionhas added its unsettling in- uence to the general depression. Prospects are good, however,` for a speedy improvement. The jWe`st, on which the East depends, is optimist- ic. Everything points to a record- breaking harvest; which will put the West on its feet again. It is prob- able that business will improve to- ward fa1l.-Sun. ' - VVGI\l lllllo 93060 R -MEAFORD.-An interesting case -involving a fine legal point was heard before the `Mayor and Mr. JJ. John- ston, J.P., in the Council Chamber on Tuesday evening, the magistrates reserving their decision. A young man was charged by License In- spector Beckett with procuring liq- uor for one who has been on the Indian list since early last winter. In his own defence the young man admitted the fact of his having pur- chased a bottle of whiskey` for the man, but swore positively that he was not aware at the time that the person wa-s on the Indian list. He paidfor the liquor with his own money, but was afterwards `handed a -quarter by the man in question.- Inspector Beckett `then preferred an- other charge against the young man of selling liquor without a license, which will be tried later. Whether the purchase of liquor for another with his own mone . and-his subse- quent acceptance 0 the price from the person for whom it was procur- ed constitutes a sale on the part of the accused is-the point which the magistrates will have to decide.- Mirror. A i ,' u ., Manitoba Asks for 23,000 Harvesters. 7 V ---r - --- --- >v uvil an alivvlw Ibuvdwvilolwvn The Maniteba farmers, through the government \ corresppndents all over 4 the . Province, have asked" for:23.oo`o men for` the harvest... There are .a; -certain number of unemployed men in the towns an_d_ cities- of Manitoba mow.` .-.hut_ the _add_:tio nal` -.~'dexnt n.d i:`_.Wil:i'. 'b"ver reat<- %a;oj,g1p11bt~` -- So far as I can see at the present time we shall require an excessrve sup- , ply of _men, as there is aodemand for skilled farm labor at present which is not met by th"e supply ; conseq- wently this will leave a shortage when harvest time arrives. The crops- are more than favorable at the pres- ent time. .With our continued June rains for some time the supply stor- ed _1n the sonlhas been, I think, suf- cent to carry` the `crop almost to completion .:with a `little. assivsta-nce'," . There Will be Big Demand Fo Help in W:-stern Canada. r juj V The deman for men to `help stoke oi? the crop n Wsetern Canada this y`earwil`l be very great if nothing oc- curs to'.spoil the present excellent prospects. T With a larger acreage than before and the grain doing` well 11: nearly all parts. -of the country the harvest -prormses to be a record one and the cry will be for men. .'l\,-., , I. |'"'I`he DC5m Minister 6}? icu1t- ure for Manitoba, `Mr- J. J. olden, inreply. to an inquiry from Mr. Jas, Hartney, Manitoba Immigration agent at Toronto, writes in part as foilows: ' ` . ` It is `very gratifying to some of-usl to know that at the recent meeting of the Canadian Medical Association the doctors discussed the high" rate [`of infant mortality, and with their C expert knowledge of cause and effect T took `steps to institute throughout i Canada a campaign in favor of clean milk. It was agreed that there i should be aiMi1k Commission in each ` centre of population and that phy- 7 sicians should make war on impure _ lmfilk which slays children right and 4 e t- f1Mack" id Saturday Night dis- courses as follows : i It is not the purpose of this jour- nal to deal in sensations or to need- lessly disturb the peace of mind of its readers, but it appears to be a duty .to disturb the public mind in regard to milk. If some particular brand of canned foodfor children caused thousands of infants to die annually in Canada, there would be a fury of indignation, yet in the op- inion of medical men who have stud- ied the question, the sale and use of dirty. milk is regularly doing the will of Herod. One physician speaking at the Ottawa convention gave it as his estimate, that last year in Can- ada unclean milk caused the death nF .-.n+ `L... at... 21..--.. L'-__,_- ,1 [THE QUESTION or PURITY IN [ MILK SU_PPLY. It` Appeals to all Classes and Condi-I V tions of Peoplg. , 5 l ,.qua. uuuucau .uuu\ causcu Ult: (163111 \of not less than fteen thousand children of ve years of age or und- er. That is a. host of innocents to be sacrificed in a year to popular ig-o norance! `It would be cruel, how- ever, to refer to this subject, were it not possible to bring about reform, and save these li_ves-some this year, more next, and all in time. l four hours. Let me mention a few facts which were submitted to the consideration of the physicians at Ottawa. It is known, for instance, that about nine- ty percent. of the infant mortality is among bottle;-fed rchildreny and only ten per cent. among those who are breas.t-fed. In all cities, when the weather is hottest and the milk at its worst, the death rate`is at its highest. In Germany, England, in various parts of the United States, investigations into the cause of in- fant mortality and the spread of several diseases have led enquirers back to the same Jplace--milk. In Rochester, under a system that en- sures reasonably clean milk, the in- fant mortality has already been re- duced one-half. The danger is not only found in.-the fact that ignor- ant persons furnish for human food the milk of unhealthy cows, but that all kinds of dirt and germs of dis- ease get into milk in the handling of it." It will. be enough, for present purposes to merely suggest that there are plenty of opportunities for milk .to gather dirt from `the cow, from the barnyard, from the milker, the pails, the cans, the various handlings it is put through. -What we have to consider is that laboratory - experi- ments show. that milk left in the tem- perature of an ordinary living room, and containing only as many bact- eria` as are to be found in milk that is calied pure, will show an increase inbacteria to 10,000,000 -per cubic centimetre inithe course of twenty- `Milk is a culture med- ium highly favorable to bacteria. Out of samples taken from tl1'i'rty- one dairy waggons in the city of Washington, only thirteen were fit for, food in the opinion of doctors, while some"-of the milk being -sold andused was found to contain ,a larger number, of bacteria than the sewage water of the city. Such were the conditions where ; investigations were held `in the_ United States that commissions of medical men to deal with the milk. question were `formed, and these have been'.,j oined in _a na- tional association.- I 4 The new Ayer s Hair Vi or will certainly . do this work, because, st of all, it do- stroys the germs which are the original cause of dandrull. Having given this aid, nature completes the cure. The scalp `restored to a perfectly healthy condition. { _._I!.A- In-pain- I II A... H; Lama]! , Knnnj .What is to be done? The rst necessity is an aroused public opin- ion- which will not permit the ques- tion to be overlooked or neglected. The farmer who sells milk must go out of business or adopt extreme practices of cleanliness `-e`ven= though he may,`, as -he"will, consider such; `measures all nonsense. The health of his cattle must be certied to re- .gu_larly by a veterinary, and by a vet- . erinary who will noteagree with the farmer that all. this `fuss is foolish- nes's.: ' There must be sanitary stab-` ling-and milk~l1andling; _a steriliza- tiorrofsall vessels, and the Pasteur izing and refrigeration of allmilk to be -sold `for use. Noconsideration `g milk` producers, milk handlers _or : eelersi should be allowed to inter- fere , with e these - : reforms. . Medical :men with t'heir> chemical and `bacter- ~ f"olo`gical gtfests -,shOtV1l .-'s_ta_nd: guard, ; over~,~.the.. ilk . ;s eririie; and possjm izauthertx to is ` .,p2ltsr.l;l,1.attVt4 V are .-, a l,- .` eecranatsdemroye fan nvvuv-vu uv 1- rvunvvu -v-.y-1 ------v--v --xuobygn:.o.uocco.. z.owon.Inu. Why? Because it is'L:iiiio3'*iho, "untidy. And mostly, because it `almost invariably leads to haldneae. Cure it, and save your hair. Get more..too, at the same time. All easily done with Ayer s Hair "Vigor, new improved formula." Stop this formation of dandruff! lorhuhwnh `coal bottle mmxxm & ADVANCE lhovlttoyour In Great` Bi'it_ai-n at the present time much is bemg done_ by the `On- tario Government `to bnng to the kndwledge of the class of people. desired, the ;fact'_'that, Owing to the fmovementn of farm laborers and young men to the North}- and the` West, manysfarms c'an.be~bought in Southern Ontario for less, than` their, prodnctive Lvalue; Ask a.-` result ' en- quines-..are' dlready bemg received. In "addition to `the office at-' =I.ive1-,4 5.9 `D061 . v the_re ':'=I:e;';_tW9' ~?Y11ing:'* `re-"` 7 Pf_S!I_18t1ves=-'.OT.,,i-thef provznge: pin the Isl; cosnzhtrzr; jtjrgture is." b`ei'_; Dkuveuninc :r\ on`, a-.\c'uoub-.-ins a.-4. igrea.ter_ W111 be the savmg of hfc. `EILGLCI vvxu. uc ulc Davrl-5 U1 NIL`. v Physicians_ in all .cuun~.z-es are at work on th1s reform. Oar doctors have got in line, and the work to he done is large in exnent and seuious. ONTARIO WA -NTS SETTLERS. i Endeavering to Induce Farmers to Immigr-.ate.V Efforts are being made by the Pro- vincial Bureau of `Colonization to in- duce farmers with capital to migrate to Canada and take up improved farms in Ontario. The visit of the Minister of Agriculture to Great Britain last year convinced `him that there were many persons with capi- tal, insufcient to enable them to live well there, but sufcient;,to per- mit them to invest in land in older Ontario. I-n order that the Coloniza- tion l_3ureau may be equipped to. fur- nish information on the opportuni- ties in the province, a list of farms for sale in various sections,is being` compiled. It is not intended that the department shall act as an a the_ transfer of these properti s, but merely that a source` of information may be provided` that intending pur-`_ cliasers may consult and whence they may learn the agent or owner `of the _ . Already a 1 H considerable, list of this kind has b_een prepared" and the department 2 would be glad-. to; ; property. receive add,itins' to pit. ; nt in_ Toronto, Can The va1ue% of 13 Savings Account ' Bank of Toronto Capital - $4,000,000 Rest - -% $4,500,000 never depreciate: The Bank repays every dollar deposited with in- terest, when demanded. Savings Accounts opened at any of our V 70 Branches in Ontario, Quebec and the West Borders same price as Sidewall. sc6i~T`s Bookstore . BARBIE. `l'_I-I; NORTHERN Aovnuca WALL PAPER New Designs Artistic Effects Head Office : In the .STEW_ART 5; `STEWART. _: _. ._... c..1:'. .":-nee Nnfarieg LENNOX, COWAN` & BIRJOIWN, 'n-_._:-4.......` 'Cp.I2nl>n-a"5no- nhfsnind G. A. RADENHUR'ST, -Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Of- e--Is`t oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at low- ` est ra'tes.- ~ ` ~ HEWSON &_ CRESWICKE, BAR- risters, `Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, . Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross Iiklogk, Barrie. C. E. H3ewson,K.-C. LT I` ..... p:-1rn STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS- ters, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries_ Public, Convey- ancers. O`ices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie.,_ Money_ in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy, K:'C., G. H. Esten. ' Train an-iva_ls and deportureso at and from Barne are as follows : Going North. ` No. 49-- *4.2o a.m. -North Bay and_ Englehart :a:;,.{:3::::;:;-} - . 69-11.58 a.m.--Muskoka Express 63-2.o3 p.m,--Muskoka- Express 7 " 65- T 4.00 pm. --North Bay` 67-8.oo p.rn.-F1-om Toronto to ` . ' Meaford "" 55-- 8.05 p.m. --For Orillia " 47- "`II.I_5 p.m..--Cobalt Specxal Going South. -. 46- *4.45 a.m. e-Cobalt Spe_cia1 54- 7.30 am. --FromOr1llia " 62- 8.00 a.m. --`From_ M'eaford ` to, Toronto " 44--9.35 a.m.-From Gravenhurst . to Allandale (mixed.) 64-12.45 p.m.--`From North ay ,66-1.33 p.m.-Muskoka _Express " 68-5.2o p.m.--From South River " .48-4-*9-00 p.m.--From Englehart ` and North Bay

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