' ALLENWOOD. A `Strawberry picking is the order of. `the day here. CRAIGHURST. tpe and Yel- L .;B1a91%t%9k:?%:%a:;&% `- <.-`hxx rep` ?B%t%.3i 93?` ,.-_r ._ "V- """P V" ` ""_',""' n .' 1 Jolm Nixon and. ;son; ';.Russel', visited.-friends recgnjtly :I.Cookstow1;, 9. 'inf1~~..I?3W*9?`5:-' R1 ,`."9 %?-; 1- I i 5(IVIess(fs. Griithi _ax}d Jas. : Readman Ao_f Cookstowh v1s1ted on; ` ,' (v>" ._ ~ . A ,a...-.~. .`- ? "l: Rlevf `F. Carpentr` attictend-I ` ed the jmeeAtmgV of the Synod last % week in Toronto. '7i{4';fJi"1{i;';'mi"$E IS5":'1s1avasic. e_d has daughteg, Mrs-. Asuph, last. week.. . PI`! 1'\ 111 1`-r1- ____-- vv_ r-.- v-----w- Mkqson to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bet- I `L teridge. Congratulatipns. ; 1;__ 51`-.4 I ~~- .-----.-_----- L "Coiemen `of . CookStown visited friends here recently. `It. 1' 1:- . p /11 '1-run. __-v. { V(M;':T'J<>'}vn11v;_vvi\'Ie'ii"is `on the lookout` for a farm to_ purchase. - ' g A % X Ho}.LY. i `Mr. Jos. `Ferguson is eriousy ill, ;L~Mr. W. Stone of Toronto is visit- Cing his uncle here. ` ` :\id'is;-V Ma`y' `Stewart is visiting ifrignds in `Barrie. ` - ~ Mr. Bert 'Chapin of Beeton Spnt Sunday in our. village. `T '1 Mr. Herb` B1__ackstock iV .a._ Busy main` these days. 4 `IA , I `ll 1-A. . - - -W ` .. - __ r-----v. The regular meting of the L.O.L. will be held July 8th; instead of July 1st, o_n'_ account of the .1st coming on! Dommxon Day. ' 112-- It `l!7'c . ' n - . I hmdtxr baseb v, oun- all team to'p1ay_ the team 0 ;,friendly- match on F to the heavy storm called .off. vwnuso \r & III Illa went to Everett i that `village 3. r'iday, but owing the game was __ _._..-v.v. up ovIv[ unin- The Ivy~band played a fevv`se1ec- tions in our village Friday evening, on `the way home from the Brent-_` `wood picnic. _ ` rnu` 1 ~' - - ` I the Experimental station estimates hiseloss b tween 50 and 60 dollars,-i many of his est apple and pear trees being` snapped off like pipe stems. ` The telegraph and telephone wires were broken in several places by trees being blown across them. On the ~C.P.R. right of way it took Mr. MoCracken and his gang, of section amen some days to clear away fallen trees and repair pfences along that `portion of the line. `One building belonging to Mr.. Jei-emiah; Shaunacy, ,three miles north of this village, is reported as being unroofedw. We are_ sorfy to'hear of Mr. John Perry being con1_1ed_ to he bed, but glad_ to hear he 1s xmprovmg. Mr. J. Bugkholder, principal of ,our "P. S., presides at_the entrance `exam. at Tottenham thxs week. 1 ',, 'l'\I "1i;s"'F13sI{"'s'E23'u "Zr "3adford ;was the guest of the Misses Katie `and Clifford. McKver`a. few; days. TL- 1---- L--.` ~1- Miss M. Willmot of Barrie was pleasantly entertained `Saturday to `Monday by -Miss_ Estie [Bel], at: -the 1a.tter s home, R;verdale Farm. 1 , The showers \6f this week will do fvery much good. Ferguson of Toronto is Ehome `for. a` short time. . _ . v i S`everaiqt`e,arnsV `are hauling gra.velT )for the Government Road. The wi1_d strawberry crop `is al- most a failure this season. The frost of last week conned it- self to a. few gardens only. T /\ 7 `L7 A numer of our. miz are employ- ed_ on Government and Essa town- Ship road work. vs: - rv so ovvv bunuvanu vans L. 0. L. No. 73 will hid a. spcial' ;meeting on Saturday evening, 27th. I 1 \f_ .f`, , P 17' I . 'r1'cu 'u..vLa - ;uu\.usu_y UL '._lJq.l1lC was 6. v1sxt0r over Sndaz w1th:vMrs. A. C. Cundle. and Mrs. Peacock yisited ythe former s mother at ?Cra.1gvale- this. week, Mr. "JCarte1:N<;fz /:;d1e't' s'p;-r_1t %ver Sunday with Mr. Wellington can. ._ ` 'Mr. nd Mrs. `Clark spnt Sunday p.m., the guests of Mr, and `Mrs. R. Elliott. ', Smith of_ Toronto is` spend- ` ing a .few days with her. mother, Mrs. McKever. ' `vs onv v V V -'Rev. A. FarneyVa'hd family of Brantford are guests of Mrs. Mc- Crimmon. ' , -- was vv vudavaguj, J HI 1Lv ' D. Rodgers; of Barrie and .daugh'ter,[Mrs. Kerfoot of.P.rescott, .,were Sunday guests of Mrs. Th_os. Rix. Mrs. McCarthy of B,rri'e was a. f` 1'e;no- nuns C.'.nA.. u o . . .151... `K-.. A took advahtage of it to make an~ teresg have them anywhere from Ka\}lV.lLVl..l.`4lV\.aL&V\.l s 4\.-.-rc- -,. --- - W our Embroideries at Special Sale` Prices. .. Our 'E_lbl Switzerland, and are very choice patterns. Etnbrou` bought in markets that enable us to sell_ them at pop ful patterns. `Just look at our window display,` and re slaughtered the prices for one week. ` ' A And. in V Embroideries or L;` t_rimed from 500 yards` F patterns, regular val PARAS ` ea9t_{Smith Embroideries ant} THORNTON; ANGUS. COMMENCING FRl_DAY. _ -2-` Do:nA At Sale Priga week `in Lefroy and Miss 'R_og_:rs wro_te in Bradford district certicate. ' III` Mr, Scott Sharpe and his young brideyhave settled down on the old homestead. Their many friends here ,wish them a long and prosperous {voyage over the sea. of life. i ' M. -r:...'.--- N - -- i When the Temperance Hall _is completed it will `be a credit to our village and a memorial to such: men as Messrs. J05". Henry and Jno. Thompson. , ' "' ` i No doubt many from here will 'visit Cookstown on July ISt to wit- ness the celebration in that burg. A good program is provided and splen- did prizes_are offered, which will have a tendency to draw a large crowd. ` 1 j We extend our congratulations toi ?the Rev. Albert Owens, who has been succeisful in obtaining the de-i gree of B. A. in Victoria University.` `won 71- 1` L The senior minister who has been assigned to the Methodist Church `there is the Rev. A. M.A'St. John, a `nephew of the late speaker of the `Legislature. His assistant is Rev. i.Pugsley. I S.O.T. ` divisions of Ivy and Thornton marched to church last Sabbathevening, when they were ad- dressed by the Rev. J. S. !Hump- hreys, who preached one of the most practical and deeply read discourses `ever delivered in the Methodist Church. .- . .1 Mr. `Joseph Reid_ has raised his] barn aqd is tting 1t up the same as` Mr.HRogers. I .---- ..-... an-vulva an uannlv. I Vm ('1"h`.annual school 'picm'c will .bje eld` on Friday afternoon and even- mg, June 26th. ' T ` \ \ 4 - ._ ._ .-v-v--soc and I_V.[_rs_. =Copping of Jolliette, Que., are. vnsatmg Mrs. John Sharpe, .Mr's. Copping s aurit O .11 . 'r\_1 . in - ' -Mr. Robt. Rogers has moved his barns to the south of the house and raised them about nine feet. He in- tends building a stone foundation. A great. electric storm, `accompan- lied `by 3. downpour of ram, passed ;over this sectiontof country on Tues- } day. 7 i '1\ -- - :1'\/Ir`ffG::<">;.g,emS`i1arpe derbiurgh and ' her I -g-:-- Q Q-`JG CZ 550 `Mrs. D. Adams and Mrs. R. Little visited Mrs. A. Gulson at Lefroy on `Monday. c\ n _ - _------ George Sharpe has gone to live with her sister, Mrs. McCul- lough of Stroud. ` `"b`1'thY BeI1n`ett'and Cecil Webb '1'0te on the Entrance E am reek "in Lefmv and 15:3: 1:33-st DIRECT IMPORTERS IOc yd ..-_g' V -. - - ' - v u u II . |Mrs. Argiie of Ottawa, formerly of the North West, have been! visiting _at the home of Mr. Chas. Partridge. -T-kn T o.A....9 A1: .__:11 1__14 , 5... Our; `E`&hb{".i-Aeries.-i*3"" i p ted'b t * from St all -ns; Embrot ,6-5} 991` 35 t 3 "'3' `a ,. _dmandS, but s We have a at varxety of beauti. " rgthat just to c_r te astir, we have - "- -.--=--n_e:_- .al'leI's`%(' Pu Paris Gu.'1? FIIMSI` . ` Hlyor-Ropetwnder `N. For the` ho] the season we are offering ~x n Screen Doors and e W9. AGarden Hose. . n " -'k8. Lawn Chairs. Ice FKILL YLEA_I-I. Black`, Parasols, Whiie Parasols, ` _-Parasols at-special prices._ We had 1 V V tunity to get a snap in parasols last for this week. `Let us quote prices to 25 pie F inel Taffeta Silk Ribbon. On sale this`weekat this the Best House for Rib. bons at. ...... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ..|5 yard "fi{S I:2;;1'i.e's y.: xi;i\;vill4 yuan. 1 GI uaugc. hold a straw- ~be'rry fqstival at the home of Mr. ,`Fred Wxce on Wednesday, July 1st.` M - `I n 13--I~---V -- "- htuhing na repair work 69 to $4.50, in $l.4-9 to 1 RIBBONS wdzunge _ In and lowers. Hose. Locks, t;MIZEN-At `Barrie, on June 13111, 1998, a son to Mr. and .\1r.~:. mo. Mlzen, Steele Street. GILaL-At Barrie, on June 2m. 1063, to _Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gill. Wt torla Street, a daughter. MARRIED. BRISTOW-TOTTLE-On S;1zurday_. June 13th, 1908, at the fC.~`1dL`HCt` 0! Mr. S. Duck, Jersey Ave. TWO- t0,~ by Rev. A. C. Laker, .-Xnme M. Tottle of` Toronto, to Hcrhcrt R; 'B1-istow of Barrie, both lute oi Somerset, England. s5?11+1.I1VRsDAY, JUN-E N sa Wdght, took in the .~:ctt]._-rs` W s1on to_ the West, and" ;m; vim `friend 111 Alberta and b:1. HAZELTON-SWAN. BORN. "?i53h1'1"Saturdijy Brg - : BARGAINSFOR __Paris Children s an oppor- wcck and you. ` `\\/e 25th, h, 1903' CXCU." \'1=ztmg I ...--w--u ` Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Dickin- _son spent Sunday at ~Mr. J.` G. Dxck- mson s. -_ I Mr. Parnell ha-s -secured the ser- vices of Mr. Boddy of Toronto for the summer. 4 - ` rs. last week FBI, 6 `VA IQIIII LI JVL Ullllo C. Drury 'Spl_1t a few days with friends In Barrtg. \J I YBVIIUJJ I gpring visited her uncle, Mr.. J. G. Dickinson, on Thurs-- YA. 'I\ run - --- -' " v--w~-vv at non-in-I ' 7 ` I `Mrs. Avison spent last week wi 11 fnends In -Mulmur and Mono.` ..sv'u'=a 1\UaC uu_gg OI v.\/yevalbe vxszpng her .s1sxer, Mrs. Leshe Sprung. ` `II 4 up 5-`: - --A- +:-+++-++-M-++a-4-4-+d-+-M-+4-4-4-+ Ms{."v{fsii ;i`_1;f11-e-1:;risited her bro- Qthcr at Penetang last week. .11.. ,-1 1: -r - vwouvuuon oiovv 'IV\v\u6IO f"91'\I-If.Wf2!nd Mrs. Tloseph Spring visited friends near Meznford recently. 1`..- A}.I.-_L 1".` I`, ___J ___-` Geo? Bell visited friends on the 9th Line on Thursday. ` `II..- 1113111. '1` ' ' A fiss Rose Gtigg of Wyev.al_e` is ifinc her .c1eI>nr lllon `I .5114 Ladies White` Uuderskirta Qvith neat tux-ks` ad ounce f embroidery, reg. $1525 ; Friday and Saturday "890 eac . . , j` . _ VI.[ua:'(i\iVea White Night Gbwi1s. with clue of tucks`: grimnged with embroidery, reg. $1.25; riday and Se. ` . ay 8 c. " . * ` ` II`! A II 1 I I u.c ya I C Ladies Fancy -Lace Liale`Hose'in Blacks, nd Gre a. reg. 50c and 65c ; Friday and Saturday, 42c. a Plain Bltic . `F3 9 9". ` t_._t9n Sax, reg. "20c pair ; Friidav `Men : Lustre Co . and Saturday $1.25. Men's Flannel Outi Y s, cr6am`with black hair" stripe, reg. -$1.50, Friday > rday at 95c. Men"s 2-piece Light S ' ' .-". ' g I gegated style, reg. $10, S. -7, style 7.50, D. B. Styge " "V W ieies Corset Covers, trimmed with fine lacednd `in- ` sertion, reg. 500 ;Friday and Satufday 25c. " . T- _I!__! 'f\,,. ,, I ` ___ 77...`. - V ----~-~' --v-- -V-------VJ --vv , "i:l} (8S Dx"a.v vers. umbrella style with deep ilace and insertion or deep embroidery, reg. $1.00 and $1.25 per` pair; Friday and Saturday 69c and 790. ` 1I`-_I_ L1-A_-,-,. fY,..l-,,,I,! ,-nh. . ..-v-, -_- ._.__. girugrgcs and dustfrill, reg. $1.95 ; Friday "and A. . -_ .-- _ i3i4c1 %'s4x;`%ikaersksns, mi with `Q 17'- - ummr Cor.sets-I`ape girdle atfyle, white, is pair; Friday and Saturday 250, I\I . _ , , _, ",I,!L_ Y ,, An .A.A . '... __.__, ' W La,;;1 1r3;<;;1sea, reg. $1.00 to $1] I Friday and Saturday. 870. Reg. $l.'25'to $1.75; Frid `and Saturday 81.19. ml Ladies Plain B;ack Canshvmere Hoa-eg. 3 . Friday and Saturday, 22c pair. - , ? ~ ' Ladies Plain Black Cotton Hose. reg`.-V 1 day and Saturday, 3 for 259. Re . 200 psi Saturday, 2 for 254:. Reg. 25c ; V riday an abu 18 2 ' f 35. ` , 0 .o.r. T S?! _ IT , `I l'\n I - 0 pair; V * Tjm ; in nrday, 25 pair. \ 1- L'eV1_i'<;;c'~, reg. 35c Sat- :,,` "nun uoooooooooooooi `mi. l:i;:t:-::Bl:I..<:.l;"t;r'Navy Punam: med with atra ping or bra.id.reg. ,. 7 . Reg. $6.00 : riday and .Saturda}fr$4. 94 H`:-`Ann an)` gut.-unrau CK RD 55 uvao vuovv 5 runway auu maul. Friday and Saturday $5.50. The knife has gone dgep i;1to 5% Hoaier`prioea. CROWN I-IAILL`. Indies Wear Hosiry BARGAINS FOR THE MEN AND BOYS. 93 31-50 nd 51-75. Friday ' Men s Light-weighti 3. -n-.. :1-`nu: ant: Q..ou..An- &` I V'g._`f;Ia. , ,;fM.`cM.illa.;1 Qf A11;-nfdale; f _' `i naedifby his ?r'no'ther,, af , rdays 1a;st.V'VweckV-witlf ' H 4Lough/e:_gd;. ~ V';M5f; -' The home of Mr. and 1Mrs. Jas. Muir was the scene of a pretty wed- ; ding _last Thursdafr evening, when _ their daughter, Be le, was unite_di`n marriage to Mr.Ir`win Knapp, "the : cetemonyf being perfogmed by,_ Rev. J. A._ sPeteh. The ibgide `was unats ten<'1ed,A.vher niece tli;ttl_ ,`Eir el 11* `Vick; _ ers aetnggfae` owiexjggirl. ._ ej`. lat` e` tzxhmbherngaf grits `recenyedibyi theibri t n . ;,showebd9ithe ` est::eri9;.;.,:n;. which -she-.._is,A, lil crn uian5""ir.A.ends-,1 .$t;`;e`;,-e_i_ `gggs.i r_b; ; L at - I The barns belonging to J. Mc-i La.ugh_lin and H. ~Pratt were some- what damaged by the storm Friday evening. `Harry Rowe1l s_ barn; also was. struck `by Ali ghtning.and a_cow -killed, while trees and fences. were blown down in all `dire_ction's.. - Ref. J. A.. Petch will preach _hisi farewell sermon` on .Sunday evemng, next . , . , ' . ` . , ' I D anfd-M;s, '.l;ripp of U.. S.V aria: vasitmg the~1atter s sister, Mrs}-Laa-| frenic. - ` Av 1 Fred Ha'rriso_n of Toronto visited over Sunday w1th ~R. Cars'oI1. ; I . ' Mrs. Frankcom of Midhurst is vis- fiting her daughter, Mrs. F. G/aVrrett._ and rendered several selections.. A football match was played between the "Shamrock-s of Barrie and the home team, the -score being a tie. `Proceeds amounted _.to $98.00. \4 l * 'Born--to and Garfett, ion Jupe 17th, a son. - ` L.Q.L. No. 450 will attend divme sserv1c-e at Christ Ctliaiurch on Sunday evening, July-the 5 -' - Geo, Pacock left for Muskokazi last 7week. j L _ :Chaf1ie 'Kx;a,pp. of ' Barrie` Sunday with relatives here. -..-v vow--an-I-Jo W(-)ur-band played at `two _picnics last week, one at Tiaompsonvnlle and one: at Brentwood. ` -:1\`/ir. [\W7{'.'_H.:--S`;-neers who! has been on _the sack lxst is able to be around agam- ' ~ T ~ -\-ha uova V .4 4- _ _,-..._-J- _QuiteVa number of -t_`hc: 5.0.1`. of this place attended service at Thorn- `ton last Sunday. ..~-.. ---- ---- _ I Mr.` Lennox of Elmvale visited friends here last week. 'bii.r `baseaallgcilub `won the irst. %money at Thompsonville picnic last "Tuesday. . -Don"-`t fforget the L.O.L. picnic on July `the -Ist. `II } ` =1/i}T';31Ia,'c'1' Mrs . Jnd. Parker of T Man}:- `ysmg v1s1ted friends here last week. 1! ? 71- :- AANTEN MILLS. "Walker of Eady are ending a few\ days with Mr. and rs._J9s. Ferguson. ` '5 _\M:s.. Park and little son-* of 1;ia,hd,ale: were the guests of [Miss s .:,Il1e,r ~1asst;we:,k. V ':t`.~.`.:..: in.--` .xn<..-a..'g m=;_;- Embroideriea-Reg. 100 to 200 yd; Friday and Sa- turday 5c,`8c. and me.` Laces--Fine Valencienes and Torchon Iaces, reg. 5c to 80 - Friday and Saturday 3c yd. Lawn -Victoria Lawn, reg. 1250; Friday and Satur- day 9c yd. Towels4-Cotton Towels, reg. I00 each; Friday and A Saturday 2 for 15c. Reg. 15:: each, Friday and Saturday _ 10:: each. 7 Bath Towels_e-Reg. 20c, Friday and Saturday 2 for Lace Cur._tains-31} ds. long. 54 inches wide, reg. $1.50 pair. Friday and aburday 950. .Reg. $1.75 pair, Friday and Saturday $1.25. :05: lyv Uuuau , L'I.|uD_y nun uauuruug J LUIS ZUU. Fancy Ha.ndkerc'hiefs--Reg. 150 each ; Friday and Saturday 3 for*25c. Ribbons--White Pure Szlk Taettn Ribbons, 5 and 6 inches wide, reg. 25 each `; Friday and Saturday l2c. Reg. 3.a.nd 4 inches wide, reg. 15c ; Friday and Saturday 10c. ` ` - - u nun , J.` alum; uuu Dnuututly 06. "'7"l!,.`."i` '1`umovera--Reg: 15c, I00; and 250 each ;- Friday and /tuyrday 100 each} V - ' . - A J I Rushing-Assorted patterns, reg. 150 frill : Friday and Saturday 5c frill. - Wash Belts--Whita, reg. 35c and 50c; Friday and Saturday 250. T Leather Belts--Tans or Blaks with brass or gun metal buckle, reg. 500 - Friday and Saturdav 25c. ~ Pina-Reg. Scpaper : Friday and Saturday 3 for 50. Spoolu-As gooda Thread as made, 3 for. 10c. Handkerchiefs-White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs,` reg. loo each -; Friday and Saturday 7 for 25c. wnnnn `n nnrrnni:'Ir-nnCn%Dan IE.` ......I.. . 13._:.`l--_ __,1 LUV`! 10c. - '-_-IJl`en:;`I;i-htTweight Dark-`colored Pants, feg. $2.50, Ft-ids and Saturday $1.59. outh s 3`-piece Suits. sizes34 and 35, Reg. $7.50, Friday and Saturday $4.95. _ ' B0 3 2-piece Norfolk Suits, 33:50, * riday and Saturday $2.50. Mnn,n~nn`ku;nnon IT1\I`QlIlI!nn-u In`..- -d_3_.. _-.. EA- sxzes 24 and 28,_ feg. W lI~IJV EIIIJGJ Cllllul QWUIIIUQJ VQQIIVQ Men s`Bo.l riggan Underwear, blue stripe, reg. 50, Frxdayand Saturday 35c each. . . L Notion Ladies Fancy Wash" Collars. _ d 50c; Friday and Saturday 25c. ' M. 'l`nn1nuAv-n_'I2nn - [Rn Qn.........: nu- ...r.`_L . I|..:.I,__~ _., 3 spent` iaxd -wean of 'rmo , .- ayxngwath 21M:-s.v,_I_as. .;%%n;pwn 1. `gain ..- `-' .'-_ -I, TVTVTTTYTT .-` ..... ......,,..... ` On `Thursday a-fte`rn'bo_n- L of last .week_ -'a cyclone passed through ,this _!Qcja11tyL that _in_some respects bade fair to`, rival what` has `been termed a ,re- .[g"11-la r ' .Dako._ta Snortr. ` g V Alithough j`Lt.`orfrp.1,1asted; ;on1y*:"ab9ut alf an * r` hus} o..,ai _-__ _..=-_ _-_v-v v. ---u \aInJo -Politics have recently introduced two "new words to_ the vocabulary of the e English .la1_1guage-Suffragettes ind Sermo'nettes., Would not be surprised_ if some clever Yankee would `come around peddling .them' o1_1t"at a quarter apiece,` with a. few "cigarettes thrown Min Q to` -the bargain. ' K _ _, * 9 1 . '. n.. ~rm..-.._.:-~ :m.._-A- , -~--.--J -v v wan Univ-aa\auv.y o _LasttSunday was about the hottest day so far this season, the tempera- 'ture runping up.to 86 degrees in the `shade through most o`fft,he day. 1 '[)..I.'L'1-- l.-__- _.I--,.n ` EV `T ".l:}`1e` service {it ' `St. And~ 'rew s church on V Surgday was _very I largely attended. ' ` ` % Mrs._'}-Iorace .White of Coulson were_-`v`1s1tors- at Mr. -and Mrs. D. H. 'M1nty s over Sunday. `I .....;. C--...1-__ ,,,-_ mf1\`&.-e-ssr;.'" I*:.'+'Craig `and `Wilfrid Christie paidVa visit"to friends at Elmvale over Sunday. , ' - `It, 1 If '-u-. +( !1(\/I-i:s".:Be1_'tha.~ McMorran of Allan- dale is the guest of Mr- and Mrs. Geo. Os_tx-ander. ' ` . TV}r1_.'- I}::E;.ea:i;1':ocial on Tuegday evemng was an every way a declded success. The-Stayner male quartette was a special attraction on the pro- - J `Mr. VV-alter -Carruthers house was struck by lightning during the sev- ere storm on Friday, and Messrs. Fleming and` Coutts had their barns `blown down. ` T . \ _The Brethrexg held an.o`ut-doorAser- %v1ce on the village `square Sunday % evening. , 3 ' ` 1:` 'I'\ no `anu- "rt- 4-v->-`-- -----vv--\- -II V IUIUOIJB bl IWOIQW .539` V0 '.=,."';A.'Miss Edna- Andrews `is spendmg %a _:fEe)vvr_ days_wit1} her aunt, Mrs. S. $tn:th. Paznswnck. `\ T J V ' '`"' `Mi. E. Perkins of Toronto is th`e guest of his brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. Hodgson- ` }e1?4i%s5 15."Tiic{n'a}Ef'1;n'1"1'2`. Hend- erson of New Lowell were the guests of the Misses Moir bn `Sunday. TL; 'l'-- I_._-.__ (V_,!_ J, 7]' ci.f'Montgpmery"of West To- .ronto spent_ a cotjple of days last week in t_h1s locahty. It` , `A ' at 7 a 'II' vs Miss Winnie B_urns _of Nottawa spent last week With friends here. _`Mrs. G. M. Moir is visiting her sister, Mrs. Rogerson .of `Churchill. In T,f_1e,'ma.sons have commgnced op- eratxons on Mr._Geo. Mo1r s new. house. :`1\:I'1'W.-`and Mrs. %San_1.Shawv and child- ren of Duluth age vlsuting Mr. Shaw s sister h_cr_e. _' MissW`I\&_2 1`1-_ie Mcean and Mr. D. `Ross were quietly married in Col- `lingwood on Wednesday last. `II3__,_ `l\ PI`! , , 7'!` 3 7- Women's Institute picnic [takes place July 1st, at Wasaga Beach. ' . SUNNIDALE CORNERS. [ THE, NORTHERN `ADVANCE `i;m;. `&'ho;.;;" Lo;;i.`;ed bf Mani-_ ~yt_oulin Island is v1'sit1'ng friends vhe1"e.`- -`LIZ-.. `I51--- A --