Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 25 Jun 1908, p. 2

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lxma or PORTRAITS. . . ` ooqonouoouuwuuoun; Boi|er&Engine ! For Sale. An 8-horsepower Boiler and 3- horsepovger Engine," made bx the Polson Co. Toronto. . Having instal1ed- gas in our oce, we have the above for lAdvam.;e'" Office! 1 BARRIE; .4 WESTERN GRAIN OUTLOOK. Big Problem For Railways. % Winnipeg, June __I`9.3'--Wlarm rainy iweather stxll prevaxls `over-the West, ?. with `the barometer `so 1ow_as to in- - idicate no.immediate change. Grain } is growing'_ve`ryo fast,` and now covers the groundin nearly .411. ;sections. -,The C.N.R. ~- reports. umformly ex- :cellent crops along .every part of its system, with sprin wheat avgragirgg` from twqlvei to V fteen igches :11 Del III-. . .`.Tghe railways this falliwill have the! heaviest contract they have ever fac- ed to -move the fcrop of jWe.stern Canada to _-the seaboard. .and.a1ready there is`~ a feeling of uneasiness _ eon- cerning the-yfacilities . for a_ham.iling graixf, ,espeeia11y.:'in`the nebv secttohe; Iwhe`; there are`_ no,-elevators. h :tI.__2.. --...-.no-nuns: nan .1111!` V Wnere IHCKC 41. uU_ Iaxcvusuxa. Grain .compames are not building. any this 5'ea_.r_ as `a rs_u1t_ of the policy of . farmers _m_. oppoggtxon to _tI.1e`Gr:;,ig-1 Excha_n'g.~ 1ts.|;eg1ns':._to ,jl_oolt:= as `if settl`efrIs' a1ong;,.l:ncs.. ;l:}Re`r, tlgc. $j1`1ew %%Sa1sja,t3?+9*i..%% r;;nI:iiAws11%1=avgL; amxgsements t9_.-=`g`et the-.; W ALL PA ER Box-d er%s same price as Sidewall. SCOTT S Bookstore A BARRIE. 4." '61: New % Designs Head Office Artistic Effects In this Address vrxsters,-`. Solicttog-s,'_ N > otarics `Pubhc, and_ Conve 3`ranc'c_`rs\- Money to loan in any'Asums' at 5 'per_ cent. Ofce, 13 Owen street,--Barrie. H. D. Stew- art, L.L.D., D. M.?`Stewart. `-. ` HE_WSON & CRESWICKE, BAR: Supreme uc...1:..:+m-c nf the aobv yuan. ' KID`: .. V -- --- _ 48-*9.oo p.m,--From Engle A and North Collingwood and Meafotd. 43- 3.40 p.m. `42'--1.65 67- 8.00 p.m. 56--5.25_ - V. AULT, BAR;RI:STER'. tor, Proctor, Notary, Co et__c.' ' Special, attontion i _and probating wills, obt ters of administration and ship, collecting accounts ces, Ross block, Barrie. loan. . ,__________.___.______ STRATHY & ESTEN, 'BARRIS- ters, 'So1' itors in High `Court of Justice, . otaries Public, Convey- ancers.' Ofccs Over the Bank of .Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums `of $2,000 and upwards, to ioan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy, K.C., G. H. Esten. vEq}V 1V KJA, Barristers, `Solicitors Dr0b_ater of wills , gu: admxnistration, and g tors, Notaries, Com Qfces, Hinds block; street, Barrie. Mom DONALD ROSS, L.L.B., BARR:I'S- ter, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money to loan. -, _._ OZ Dnavvv L1, for obtaining probate? wills, guardianship and general Solici- Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. block, -No_.-6 Dunlop Barrie. Money torloan at 41/2 and 5 per cent. Branch oices at Creemore and Alliston. Haugh- ton Lermox, Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, L.L.~B. ' - .4 H.T. ARNALL, -M..D.-,c.M., OIFFI`C}_Z in Bothw_e11"= block, Allandale. On i -`~- ----4..-..- -4. ..2....1.. (1512. A. T. LITFTLE, late of -churcl. Ont. Office and residence John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. `r. A. RADEN1-1.U1 'D'a;uau.., `Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. {Of- ce--Ist oor Bank _ of Toronto Building. Money to loan at low- est rates. ; `-`--""""-"""""`-""` 1 DR. J. CURRIE SMIT-H. OF- Cnn noun` c-nc:r`n\nn Cfff DR_. ROBERT S. BROAD, HYSI- -.. C _____ -.. -5- C-..-Z..1L- `IT..- HCIIQIIUIH , To `From lie. 54--7.3o am. No. 53-10.30 a.m. * S0-;-5.25 pm. *` 55- 8.05 pm. , C`__..;1___ & .I.\J4l\J.'4, 144.5-` nsters, `Solicitors. of the Suprern Court of Judicature of Ontario, 'Proctors, Notaries,_ Conveyancers, _._ 11-..-.. on lnan (Wce. ROSS J. lklbl-'11.), vv...-_- etc. Money to 10311. Oic, I Block, Barrie`? C. E. Hewson,1 A. E. H. Creswicke. DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 Carl- ;..... CL 'I`....-..LA 1.5. A8 'I)..An1.1-... db}. J; A. C. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, I -Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe ` County. Oice and Residence :, William Street, Allandle. Tele- phone -3o 21. At Stroud Ocez 2 to 4 p.m_ Monday to Friday. 1_..12.c.P. & s. Edinburgh; M.F`.i>. 8: s. Giasgdw V - A--SURGE0N-- Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British *Hospitals,and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar, Throat 8:. Nose Hospital. London- Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Mooreids) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo :and Birmingham Eye Hos ital. Birmingham : former Member of British hthalmolozical Sonia-_t.v_ E'yE'1"11:"iEaif'i'1 }}:"i`;`g 1$ 1?.`r3-`tie: British Cgnhthalmological Society. 0Ic|l"l(".R_'m hunt A1: L`...-....._. 1 $70,000 F0.-R` INVESTMENT on 900!` ffPPh(\1A anncuc-:6-. -1. 1-, 'JR.VW. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc-, L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R. *C.P., London. Oice _and resi- dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- ..phone, 77. 111 DULIIWCII " uxuun, 4311 the premises at night. TI-IE NO RT|-IERN Aovaucz ANY QUANTITY. OF MONEY TO` -'loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Easy terms of . re-payment. Lennox, Cowan & Brown, Solicitors, Barris- ters, etc. II\. J. \4LIL\.l\Ll.'4 ..uv.nA.;;a.. ce and residence,-Collier stxtzgt, Barrie. `Phone 61. , RADENHUR T. - 3;-.. `KT,-.4-o.c-17 pI1h`iC. 'IfHE. BALL %I*.IANNG MILL r - (:I_o1`npany._ ~Ca_rpen't`ering; building. I1\. '1\\JLl1'J1\.J. Q. AJL\\.J1LJ.J, J..LLJ.u..;a. cian, Surgeon, `etc. Specia1ty-E e, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and residence,- cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone `.105. Box 456. - IL\o A'L\.I&\&lV.LL-Al\ -JJ:L\JL`, JL CIIl' ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (NY.,) Eye and_ Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. 7 Consultation hours II am. to 5 p.m., and by `ap- pointrnent. 'and,_ ,- En L `B`dsa`hl-id Bloc of Plumbing; fneerg Tb` rHo`Tx:?1\: ::Er5y%; A'R1`CHI'1 = Ofce, ~~0i1ta3-io: Block, Dunlo Eye. Ear, Nos; 8' Thrdat, WESLEY ECREW, PROPIMETORS _---_. V .14.: uuuuuvaug OFFICE-78 VDUNLOP P1gone 51. ' out nuulcuy. STREET, BARBIE. P. 0. Box. 96. ..,-.... .n.v43L4La r3,I..;:u.V11V\r -MILL sC_`ompany. Carcntering; building, and:manufacturing of. doors, sashes, b1inds,-c mouldings, etc. Pfanjng of allkinds dog: Ipromptly; sand" satis- tcfactorily. Hot blast " drying kiln.` District Agency\ for graincd 1um+ '_jber. Factory, Bayeyd Vst-rect, Bar-g ..Lrie,V Rodgers -_`& Ga1l1e,;~ successors`; c.: ;;tO'::a'GeO- B311... ` ' 4 " A v,vI_.I\l 4. \J-.L\ J.1.V V DD zl. lV1_ILlV J. good freehold security at lowest rate of iriterest; No principal 'money required until end of the term: H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Barrie. - Dr. J. ART]-IURROSS. 1av'v:AtV, Au.ul.\'ITJ.1 C ILD 1'l`3N, UN- tario Land. `Surveyors, ...Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Office, Med- ical Building, S.E. corner Rich- mond and Bay Streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instruc- tionsleft with Strathy & Esten, -Solicitors, Bank-`of Toronto Build- iing, Bfarrie,"_will be promptly at-' f'tende_to. ' - _____;__.____._......__.___-__.___ . LT, SOLICI- Ppoctor, Conve ancer, in rawing probating obtaining let >f and: guardian- accounts, etc. Of- Money to ___________.._._____ MANUFACTURERS. jjj ifoNEY TO LOAN. 'L_ii ALL PHYSICIANS. W1 `rift n-v-vvw u - - w -v ._.-- , lU'No new ` name will be addedto Sub Jrlption List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three months- and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. - SURVEYQRS. FINANCIAL. ARCHITECTS: . -STEWART, BAR~ rs`,' Notaries `Public, : V Lt 5`per_ cent . ` "---`- W D. Stew- '._Gs',* % ARCHITECT 3necr.,,A,,.._Qice. over :. Town Inspector. A . k, [ulop `St. . Ln-8` Pu`o 48 Column Newnpnper. Published from the olce. 123 Dunlap Street, Barrie. in the County of Simcoe, the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada, every Thursday Morning, by ;\_ _ ehunhern Adm _ JUNE 25:11, ,?r_g'- -Anvmcz is prov , ` circulation of any papeel; t}!)1(':0 Itlhasalso by far the largest subs . 3 .1-goelgts. "I>t1a. _` ".Tl_1 latter fact demonstrates the u h ' itafpatrons. It you have any udvcrtisgna tint _: \p_la.ce it with the paper that reaches them` d not afraid to pay the price. Deon` A , Advertisements are clmrged accordi space-13 linesagate measure make me `gem TRANSIENT ADVER"1`IS1N(;, 3 . _,` . _ Legal Notices. _Auction Sales, A ; ow.-First insertlon 10 cents pc1."1`i`x`1`:39ment. gu uentinsertlon5 cents pcrlino ' each ' inc notices. 10 (enntu m... u'__ _ su uenuuacruun 0 cents per jimh ing notices. .10 _ccnts per ne inseztion : 5 cents per lme for each Sub` insertion of the same matter. All in. ' slines, of this character, charged in Obituarv Poetry 50 Der line. 8 [7ADVER'l`ISING 1) inch...... V a'P1-eferred positions for local . . menu in the paper will be sold at an"`:*`d:Y;1se ol`.one-third on algove ra_tes, and on M01200 account will special posgxtions be '~ 9' rule will be strlctly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. , Advertigers will please bear in mind 1}, notice of Intention to change atlwrtisemen mustbe handed into the oice not later Q1 Saturday at 10 oclock. and `` chunse must be in THE .A.I)tV}'l.(\`.\('.Upy form ` (`E . later than 12 9 cjock noon _on .\lon(la(;~m:,?` week, otherwise the ad_ \'ertls.er':-: unnollncemery` may not be made public until th i 0 Week follow. n I F2 changes of Advergisenmnts allowedw year. If more are required, composition 1-3; will be charged. _> A 1__-_.._x_,__- _.:J1 __.vv.. 1!] E Advertisenmnts allowed z.?:n.e`:h'::;:d?f mes Advertisers wrll not be allowed touzethe space for advertlsing anything outside meg own regular business. Should they do transient rates will be charged for suc-ha? vertisementsa vv-v-_-..., ..., . nun ..-:_.n r..\ |5_ Condensed adv_ertisements on first page gm as wantaot all lunds. lost and found, proper for sale or to rent,_ specic am.-11-s, cIC..ezc , mnstbe accomnaxpcd with the rash, anuwij? be inserted-nx-st msertion 2 to ` . . W5 per war" each subsequent msemon 1 rent G > per word (names,add1-eases and figures counted as W 9rd _ rd W11} 1;, ruons of sum but a reduction of one cent p('r wo made when the number of insc matter exceed four - mama vs` uvuuyau- --..-., II T per` Armum in Advance _:nv_ __,:.___.--...'1I LA 1.1311113 Onfhnnh Gnu `tor silver-llsemems must In cm can be mounted on solid metal bum Dwelling 1 rooms). stablg, urivc house. shed; and nearlyii of acre of land 1n garden and lawn; Corner of Peel and Wellington Streets, Barrie Dwelling-6 rooms, stable and shed. Large loton Peel Street. I'\nu`|-n uvolno` H rnnrnu in nu:-In nu ("ma Iown reel Durst}. I _ Double dwelhng. 6 rooms m each. on Clay perton Street. Vnnnnt `mt- 4 of an arm. on Ponetamzniahm. 11011 Dl.I:UUL. ' Vacant not, 2 of an acre, on Penetangmsheug. -t t. A l t S tee pp y 013'`. M . RIONTGOXH-`.P.\' "BR`0WN S BAKERY PHONE 250, or drop us a I (I.~'Iu1 ifouy would like something good in a loaf of our Machine mane :- Baker's, Cream. Twist, Vien- ina Sandwich, Fruit-Loaf. at 55. Brown or genuine Home Made Bread. iJ'1"i-"s','I5e'{13'a'iiy.' CAKES. PAS_T_l}Y:_. CREAM m-L - L'JbIJH 2513 A cacao`: \aA.:;u.;~: so-saw----- --- V `Private Funds to loan on rst mo Z3238. COPPEBDODCGDCB solicited. Omce. Bank of Toronto Building. Owen Street. Barr e. Ont. The New York Sun is apprehen- sive concerning Canada s steady material advancemept, more particu- larly as regards the competition be` l ing given to Uncle Sam s metro- politan port in the grain carryirgg trade. It says: I` - AMA--- L..1.\......;.r1 msunniaca AGENT. CONVEYANCER, ETC. FIRE AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE - -n -__ .n___ _s- 4, _- 13..-. o-u\I\F.. Barrie Property For Sale. Iirliujruu .v-, fl-'ULL SUMMER SERVICE T JUNE 157:4. 1908 Lake 3 1 -. L:a\`<`, "` 3.3) III. and Y:r`.`13y'f,? Ban I:-Sm". Murie.Port Arthur.F'0I`l '```h ,0 '~B:1l\l:-1':-Friday Steamer goihg ` ``g n . Coran ` M klnac Dlvlslof" swims !-a le:7`en(?t)'1`I`i.n w :d 1.30 I` "`-~ 0%: Sound 1130 pm. Tues ays and SuIurd8)'5 316; Marie and way ports. Sound III I ~Fo Parr) . V ' Inlet Fr`o!n`<:`l?iver.r 108" Cumr `Mondays and Thursdays 10-30 D-" - _ I `VI ! Bound and Penctan DIv|5."},, Sunday 3 pv ` = . Y0! Penetnngd il 'ept . Soundans vgogxgprts. information from all R3 : ` _ N h0l00D .2 Barrie. Irv--I-V, vv----`T { rill?T7f'RAIGHuRsT. 0" - W-5'-!_'" E NORTHERN NAVIGATION Q9- TI-IOS, SMITH 1'8-.2{1ii{n'xi i column 1 column COMMERCIAL CONTRACT "' --ar. 10.30 3.111. ' - ..61-dop. 10.50 a.n1.} _-' S,th Ewe ` 69-1I.58 a.m.--~MuskokAa Express ` 63-2.o3 p.m.--M.us'koka Express : 65- \ 4.00 p.m. -North Bay 67-8.oo p.m.-From Toronto to: 4Meafo_rd- ` 55- 8.05 pm; I -For Orillia: ` _47-- *II.I5 p.m. --Coba1t Special; Going South; ru " 9 ,. we ASK mum mus um w we I iug demand. NOT A cnanum as us} mm uni. ,,,::;:: z.::::; :5 mm an T0 mnnum. an El8EWHEE? home. A-` ____ -.-..-unnllr IIOIIJG. .Lu.n.r95 mm HA!D.89!1E F5 CONDENSED ADVERTIF EM ENTS. .._....A ..J......A:....__ . ._ A iv --\ 1Wk. l1 Mo.`3 Mo. 6 310' OF THE LCGIUL. .15 auJu . That the 19th century belonged. to the United States and that the 20th would be Canada s has been. the_ jubilant attitude of the Cana-' dians for ten years" or more. Now the grain carrying trade of New York is suffering from the compe- tition of Montreal,`with the result that the White'Star Line has with- J` drawnave of its freighters from 1 the service at this port. Other lines 1 have taken similar `action. Two and one-half cents canube saved on each bushel by shipping by way. of Montreal, and the grain trade will < 1 1 `follow the line of least resistance. It remains to be seen what `action . can be taken to bring this trade back to the United" States. The "steamship _o-Fcials want reductions in railway charges to overcome the present advantages of Montreal-. `This presupposesthe willingness of - the shipping men toedo their share. Yet if the natural advantages are with the Canadian port the eort to compete with it by means of artificial stimulation is not likely to be successful in the `long run; Has -Canad'a s century begun? ` ~ "F. M. MONTGOMERX. -'-1 IN} 3;} M- mn:s._ 'a1 advertise : an advancl no othu given. Thin . do-J rVVC-V , * Daily including ._Svu;1:1ay.T .1Yr Jul. Barrie. Eounded the Coulthard & Scott Corn- , " pany, Limited, Widely Known as Manufacturers of _'A`g'r|c\tlt_\1u l` Im- plements-A Man. 'o T PtlbllcVSpit- A prominent eitizeit .-of town passed away on Wednesday` iast in. the person of Walter Coulthard who came to this country from Dumftfi_es-. shire, Scotland, when he was quite oung. Our first knowledge -of ghitn egan some forty years" `ago, when he_suc`ceeded his father in. business -; at._rCoulthard s Corners, now. j I` as '"%Ma`nilla.` `From th`tc .:.;1i19V,<.`.d'; `ifoewhitby town'sh i`p,t where e >res1dff_.1 `Ninth .?f. ?ti1.V*7955 A Whsn s.ehent.mred*:;.,t mg n `~_ f'qn entered` the;"anan1;_fc_t;;ft:r n_ "s., wzvit11`:ts`1Tt; ife;4:l`a.-:'.,7(;`e"s:o-`.:+Ma;s+: ; :ei.'l'I-.1. ' ' . 46- -- *4.45 a.m. `---Cobalt .Sp_<:i;:i1 % --From Or11l:ia.- 54- 7:30 a.m. .67-- 8.00 a.m. ---From` Meaford to Toronto . 4.4-9.35 a.m.-F1-om Gravenhurst - to Allandale (mixed.) _64-I2.45 p.m.---From North Bay 66-1.33 p.m.---Muskoka. Express 68-- 5.20 p.m. --South River` En'g1ehar.t: Bay A PROMINENT RETIRED MAN. ? UFACTURER or osH- % AWA, % % The = wg.s non".`a S th `="Mo.'so`on ,.Manufactunpg Co.. .ucces Vsv-' mi Imvls , A8l't31ra_l .*}m9; 7 ' rcuvaaug. ` 23-1o.`25 a.m.` 22-7-55 am: 25- 2.00 p.m. . 24-I-35 Pm- (Allandale Sta.) (A11 ndale Sta.) :0! nfh, -AP and 2>:7;g*'p.;,;.TT Death of W. Cotilthu-d.. CANADA S CENTURY. Tums on Sunsoanvrxox. . A-3- Pene1a11- I2-Iarnilton. N3. 62-77sU?Ixn.1 4; 42`-1'05 P-m-` p.m. 3.'633'5 "1511"-A Us From `t:I_1`er_i1,?`1"et.iretjti'-x'i _,he` bca'1m':`.sj91 4 . :?t>r.~1e.t`01f.j-1?;?'!"!i1:s_',-"hi7. S9'n+it}*1%w.1.:~Mr;: a iSeogt,.,and E; two. _sons E5? and ; "were" Tniken Into. partner`ship,-,f, 'and`! this c ontinuedf- under .tfh__e, ._ `rn1_- 7 name of xCou1,l:h`ard ,a`nc1;,_Scott;V__Co .. iL:rnited.~~ They sold. out`;; ahouto' `six years ago to.pthe `Frost. 8,Wood:` Co., and this ended. Coulthargfs busi- nes_s career, .;He was Reeve of Osh- awa, for `si xteen" years`. and-i'n' I899 "Warden of .13 the County- He leaves, besides his Wife, a family of `six daugh- ' 'ters and threepsons, all of whom with` `the exception` of one daughter aretmarried. The sons and Tson's- , in71aw are all prominent `business men in the different towns and cit- iesvin which they, 1 reside; The sur- viving members of. the family are- Mrs. Ed. Armstrong of NV-hitby, Mrs. `Geo. `Thompson of ?C'obour'g, Mrs. `Geo. A._Somerville of Toronto, Mrs. C. W. Scott, of Toronto, `-Mrs. D. T, H`epburn- of VV.`ingham, and ,-Miss` ;Cou1tha'rd `at home; Mr. W. W. C'oul`t'hard of Barrie, Mr. A.,E. Coulthard of Peterborough and `Mr. Arthur _Con1thard of Oshawa.-Osh- awa Reformer. ' 1} -I--t-+++-1-us-z--3-+-ts-n-z-4-1-4-+-t-1-I-4-4--x-an-+1 . Mis "Bertha Gibso of Toronto has! been -spending a few days in Town, Miss Edith Ns_s left` on Saturday to spend sevgral wegks `in the Soo. Miss Q-Maude Fletcher T has been -staying with her s.ister, Mrs." Beckett`, at Ni?agara-on-the-Lake.` _ '.The Misses Freek are visiting _r1ct1_ds in Toronto for a. few weeks. Miss` L. Cross is in. T}ro'nto'this w_eek, attending _the weddmg of her mace, Muss Annle Stewart. ` Mr. W. W. Coulthard was in `Osh- :-awa last week, attending{'th_e funeral of his father. `Mrs. King, Bradford Street, hasTre- :tu:ned from a month s. visit in Tor- onto, Stouffville and Lempnville. . Mayor Bennett andCor nmissioners Beecroft and Dougall were in Toron-. Vto "three days last week attending the conver_1ti9n of the Canadian: Electrical Assocxatxon. V ' ' Advertising`-is the gfeat modern busmess `lever. It (especially news- paper advertising) 'has`no rival _as a. trade-producer. Try the columns of The Advance "and prove the state-- ment correct. . \ The Toronto Conference in its` nal draft made these changes af- lfecting Barrie distrit: Dalston- C. B. J 1'y; 'VWa'rrnins.ter-_-Edward Church ; . Collingwood (second)- Norman King. _ .Miss- Eva J. Garrett, `who grad- uated last week from the Training School for Nurses in connection with` the Toronto General Hospital, ,wa_s among the. sp 'al- prize win- `nets. ' -Hamilton Spectator :. Johnny Dy- ment s Fort Huntercolt Fort Garry was~a. surprise in the fth race, when he ran in third place all the way to the top of the stretch; The `Barrie colt has rare speed," and looks like a rare good one. ' I` ' 1- . I -..-v --.. Th Sevententh: Session of the First Synod of the Reformed `Epis- copal Church of Canada will be `held 2.. (`La-3:-+ Fh.I1fFh (`nllhar Street- On copai Cnurcn U1 \a-i:L.l.ldi.ld VVIII uc .u\.nu in Christ Ch-urch, Collier Street, on Tuesday, Wednesday and a Thursday `of next week, June 30th -and July 1st . and` 2nd. The `opening service ` will 4 [be held on Tuesday evening, ;June , 30th, at 8 o clock. The Rev. Willard Brewing of Toronto will preach the Synodical Sermon. -Christians of other branches of ` the ' Church of Christ and the general public are very cordially invited to be present atethis service, and tovisit the Synod duringany of its sessions-.e Owing to the lack of a quorum on. Friday `night, the Local Board of Health was unableto deal with the sanitarium .que.stion. , An ads journmentwas made until to-mor- . row night (Friday) when it is hop- ed there will be a full attendance. The ~C.Y.M.C. s gave the Allan- dales a fairly good` game on Wed- nesday evening of last week,. the score resulting 13-7 `in favor of the latter, `The fdrrner presented many new faces in the line-up which was as follows. A . Wells p, Wells I`-3--- IR. Dnhvncn 615 Q: as IIOUOWS. n. vvcua y, u. "um c, Coey 1b,~ Belger 2b, -Hamlin ss, [N.` Sevi-gny 3b, Vincent _rf,, !Hearn `cf, Gannon If. Al1andale- had Law'r p, Flesch c, .Koh1me er Ib, Ramsay 2b, Thompson ss,- gpohnf 3b, Barr If, Todd cf, Johnston rf. o At the closing exercises in con- nection with the Kindergarten class on Friday many of the parents were in attendance. ' -Much interest was taken in then work under the direc- tion of. Miss Hogg. `Considering that the class has been in existence less than twomonths the progress made is very marked. Miss Hogg shows great enthusiasm; and would appear to have, all-those qualications. nec- essary to the successful, cultivation` ofthe juvenilermind. _ Before the proceedings V concluded, ~. Principal vHaJlett offered a V Sew remarks,- .....:..4:..... ma Him ..c.m1npg1e nf the `mallet! OHCTFQ ii. ICW 1 cuusnna, pointing out the [usefulness of the 3Kindergarte_n_ system: and` its Irela- tionship` to the work of the primary room. About 34 pupils are now on `the roll, which fact speaks we1l_for , the _hold that the Kindergarten ,_is % gettmg on the; ._favor' of the publlc; i .,Mr. S. M.` Keenan" of.St.' Elgise; ;Mich., writes: I have just rec'e_1ved \ a copy of your pa.per'o thee4th`jmst.-, rcontaminge a magmcent picture of Dr. Brad_fordy Patterson and` `stating that the doctor. was about to cele-_ brate his 87th birthday. *".`*"`*. We are quite -sure thedocto: is the _o1d- est of `the line, and. we t,al_l entertain for him, that loAve.and;respe'ct due: to the `1\Ie,sto,r;_9thefami1y; *4! ' ;Not only Ajdiges, the: doctor ."- ,me'r-itig` the .;hqno_r ;:.thr'6ush jajse ybuttth owner persona " 4-.-Lsiacrhs i`s,t__"gr1i!1j3?,.Ah_ th lity A e Of Local Interest rNem` U H air Vigor rAs we now make our'.new Hair Vigor it :--.- ..-. 5-... .3. eliohtest eect noon -V As we mue ouruw u... ..,... .. does not have the slightest eect upop the `color of the hair. You may use it. free! -and for an length of time unth- ont ear of chm II; the color. Stops falling hair. Cures dandtu. ; """'IIIOb1$IIOJ.0.L1Il'OO.'.IaUw01l.K8I.-' Ayer s Heir Vigor was good, the best that 'wasmade. But Ayer s Hair Vigor, new im- proved formula, is better. It is theone great specific for fail- ing hair.` A new preparation in every way. New bottle. New `contents. Ask your druggist to show it to you, the new kind. Does not change the color of the hair. .:._ iv} The writer recalls with innite pleas-i ure the hours he has spent with this grand old man of Barrie. -It is some years since we have met, but time cannot efface the memory. We feel certain that his townsmen entertain; the same regard_ for our chief, and` sincerely join us in extending to him our congrlatulatioiis. -V - i y The Council met June 11th, pur- suantto adjournment. The Reeve being ill was absent, and the Deputy` Reeve presided. 5 The `Reeve `wrote that he had `done nothing regarding sale of trees _. on Ri'dge Road opposite Wdod1ands, and that parties wanting trees wish- ed `them to stand until fall. As Oro Telephone Company are wanting to erect telephone wires on Ridge it was resolved that `Councillor McArthnr. interview the Reeve and take the work assigned to him by {receiving sealed tenders for the sale -...: .... ....i n$`c91r1 trees withoutl I\n\u\IVl and r delay. sp vpy-`J . ` .T. A. Stone wrote that water from `roadwas "doing damage tohis cellar Land goods, also that road to wharf at~.Hawkestone is in need. of repair. Councillor McArth_ur will investigate and report. -.--_ -~r-,.. James 'W. Coulson wrote asking for grader for I day and one day s statute labor with .man and team irom Messrs. Parliament, McMillan and Coulson on side road between Coulson s and Parlian_1ent s.. Coun- cillor McArthur will consult with Reeve. regarding this matter. - - A ,- Dr. V. A. Hares bill fori$I2.5o 9: a `attendance on one, Seager, was again presented. It was resolved that the Clerk write Dr. `Hart that as he took this ease up qn his own responsibil- ity and without instructions from the Board of .'Health the ' Township cannot entertain his account. i__4Robert Burt complained of condi- tron of bridge on line between -Con. A ...u.I ll kn`nnr pd tion 01 Drlage UH `HUG UCLWCLIL xavu. .9 and 10 below Rndge Road. Coun- Vcillor M will examine arid take such actaon as he thinks best. Complaint 3 was ,gnade "regarding bridge on line between Con. 4 and 5, lot 16. Cduncilnlcfr Cockburn will see that a cement arch is put in here. `Council toepay for cement and man to place it, balance of work to be done with statute labor. _A. A..-.Ro_use complained of condi- tion of [culvert on cross road I5 and 16, east side Con._ 10. Councillor Robertson will examine and act. } W. J. Elson asked for a. culvert on cross road 25 and .26, Con. 8, 14 "ft. long of 10-inch sewer pipe. Council- lor M,c`Arthur will` have culvert put. N-M`cArth'nr4Ciockbum-That Coun- `cillor Robertson see if bridgeat lot ` '14, line Con. 12 and 13, can be made safe for another year and',.if not,.to have stone and cement abutments put in, Council to pay__ for cement and stone mason, balance of work to be,don_e with statute labor. up or-, 1-, 1 \ ._ In regard to -McKinnon ditch mat- ter, i_'t was resolved that report be re- turned to Reeve, he to get a. written advice from, a solicitor as -to its` leg- alityo and if satisfactory_ to have agreement drawnr up in accordance with report and ask Judge to_set aside the award. 1 ` The statute labor lists having been completed, the Clerk was instructed to forward same to respective over- seers of highways w_ithout.,.delay. Accduntsuto t_i1e:1"no`un.t -of $99.75 were ordered p__a1d. 1 . _._._i _L ;L- %I\p $1 \IVA`V& ru--3 ` Council adjourned to meet at the [ gall bf the Reeve. BEWARE or onrrmnrrrs %. F012 % CATARRHT THAT CONTAIN MER_C__URY~. ~ Al Train arrivals -and departupes at Tnnd from -`Barrie are as follows : . Going North. A-`No. *4.2o a.m. ?-.--North Bay and Englehart rI1\nII_..__\ -:-u----- As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole `, system, when entering it through `the mucous sur- face. _Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from re- putable physic!i`ai1s,-Fas `the damage they will do is tenfold to the good ou can possibly derive from them. a11 s' ata_rrh Cure. "";xnanufactur_ed by F. J.p`_C4heuey & Co, `Toledo, Ohio, fcontains. not rnercury and` is` taken internally, `acting `directly upon the i.l5lcood~-:.and Jmucous vsurfaces oijlthe e;--_.-...* V .1...` 1....;:..`.:a.*' 'l.:I:a.1I" .l("3g.-..|-. ftffi; i'nt'Er1ia1l;g and riiade in} ._$o}g1o,A Qh`io,:by-AJ.` -`-(Che.n`ey &, -Co.` .L.'L*.._. ;;-1 4. pg; x 1Tsstixm>nia1k f % sold by Toledo, Qmo, by-J. 1-.-yncxgcy oz, bu. ,DlOO(l v anu V-IIl11C.`|._)u `auuauca V: uu. Ls stem. `In huymg* Ha1l s Catayrh I 11:: be sure you get_the genume. }'It`.'- is 'ta1$1 internal! gand made ' in 2. . L.;. `I I'll - 1 _';1`.~ ('k"nn1r R1 (Tin: Noiu:HERN~ADvAN. Eh Wing Sealel K-C`3!lUC!b LU: |.uI.y anus.` removal of `sand trees . without` % one COUNCIL. - lo:-nnld with each hottlo ng ._ AL A- -o-can H. J. TU_DH`OPE, Clerk. 3.53213 RAq.wAY GUIDE. n~....:.. ......:..-.1: and denartures Ask him about it. than do u in own % ThVaItw of 2; Savings Account never dqiroeialos The Bank repays. every dollar deposited with in- terest, `when demanded. Savings Accounts opened at any `of our ' Capital - $4,000,000 Rest - - 54,500,006 70 Branches" in Ontario.; Quebec an}! the A West 'I_'oronto.., Can

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