Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 May 1908, p. 4

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`Miss Sarah Groves of the city vis- ited her parents over Sunday. `Miss_ `Mary Martyn of `-Barrie spent Victoria; Day at her. home here. Mr. T. A. Foster has the agency for the Paris Plow Co. of Paris, Ont. `Miss Lizzie McAteer V. of Toronto visited her mother on .V1cto r1a Day. I. ;Mr. Pete _Milne has the local agency I for -the Pans Plow Co. of I?aris, -Ont. `wit P_u-Ans-min--. A. "-#4 Addresses were delivered by t'hese visiting brethren: ,W. Bros. G. E. J. Brown, Cr.-eemore; J. McDermott,_ Elmvale; J. Pearson. Beeton; W; Bros. Robt. Bell, Elmvale; Wm. Wood, Bradford; M. Webb, J. S. Brunton, A. B. Brunton, Barrie. There were songs and vocal and in- strumental music by W. Bro. A. P. Potter, Tottenham, and Bros. G. C. Allan and Dr. R. W. Leader, M_in- erva Lodge. The Junior VVarden s toast brought to a. close a very pleas- ant and protable evening, Miss-L. Tu1_'ley, Toronto, spent over-`Sunday wnth her parents here. I III... 11.1.. I-- _, ,__,___.._, . . . . .. Anus ya: \.uLa HCLC. -Miss Hair has returned to her home in Lavender after visiting Mrs. John Bell. - ,-__--..---- -...u-nu, Juh VVVCIL. The picnic -on -Monday in connec- tion with the Utopia -Methodist Church proved to be _quite a. success nancially. A game of football was played between the Grenfel and Uto- pia teams which resulted in favor`of the visiting` team, the score being 2 to 0. Rev. P. M:. Peacock refereed nu V. .l\C`V the game. l Mr. Harold Bell was down from Thornbury for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McMaste1` ispent Sunday in Cookstown. I Mr. and Mrs. John Bell spent a few days in Toronto recently. O_urlteacher.. Mr. Lannin, spent the hohdays at hrs home In Beeton. l I, `and Mrs.` H. Carruthers, tie,` have beer} visiting friends Ndurmg the hohdays. .\l._ `I -,,. MI"eS}g"N`e7:1T and Mr. ~Robt.! Bell arrived home from P,oplar,l Manitoulin Islandflast wegk. ! "l`I, ' --v--an-J -4. I;3;ne Dobson, principal of the Hillsdale publxc school, spent the holidays at his home here. --l`__ [-0 av Ia\aoauJ our v--vvy _ -v-. r------ .. ...... .1 _ -___, and Saturday 2 pairs for. . . . . .2505` Ladies Fine Black Cashmere Stockings,_ regular 2 5c pair. Friday and. Satur- day. . . . . . . . . . ..I9opnir Men's B1ackgCashpmere sox, re ular 25c ` pair. Friday and Saturday..I c pair Lace curtalns Nottingham. Lace Curtains, ` ver lac_y appearance, 3% yards lot inches wide, regular I.5'o pair. F. and Saturday. . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . ` Nottingham Lace Curtains-Two v y handsome designs. Regular 2.25 C pair. Friday and Saturda ./I._ ne Unbleached Table yard. Friday and 3 *~ - Table Cloths, pure . sizes 8x12, regular I.'. . iday and Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . IJ9 Sizes 8x:o, regular 2.50. riay and Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L90 'kindly voice will no more be known amongst us. He has gone to be with God whom he loved and; served. Let us endeavor to imitate his example, so that when we are summoned to the- Grand Lodge above it may be said of us that we lived lives, in some measure at least, as unselsh as that of our late lamented 1Brother. T.he Ladies Aid of the Methodist` Church, Stroud, prepared an abund-I ant banquet in the basement of the church. The brethren having work- ed the fourth degree satisfactorily, the eremaindgr of the evening was well and protably spent in short ad- dresses, songs and vocal and instru- mental music. . DIRECT IMPORTERS UTOPIA. ANGUS. Elmvale spent and Mrs, Green- 500 yards of line Colored and Black Dress Goods, regular value 60c to 90, on sale,while they last, at per vard 50; ` 15 dozen Cashmere Hosuien-y, in Rib- bed, Blaekand plain Ten samples, \ -Toronto spent 1e guest of her Says suits 3-piece uits, all shades, sizs 28 to 3 3, smgle dou -_ bneastd, regular 3.50 Sun ' `zg 2,2 day 2.35 Regular 4. 5 ' Friay and Satur- dav . . . . . . .. T31-7 riday and Satur- da . . . . . . - Regular 6.75 its. Friday and Satur- . . . . . . . . . . .4.oo all on sale at 25c. Dress Goods . .'*`.`. 3-"i }. V Bar-I here} Hosiery };ne1;`eseSs1;l(t):r1%fGovernmqnt at tly; Adealwith sdm the Legnslature wxll mined in the re of the matters c0.n- Sign a point deP0"t 0f_ the -Comm1s- .` e ._ to consider the ques- ` 3l -Se pnsoxj farm . . mates` : ' 5_ Wheye the m- ' `Of .-.?~ l,n,tl`al- pnson can be . P8 the `ground and . "V_J.;ft'8l1ght, scientic % Mdqgguthorsty that "*' Sqfarms will --.... uu uuuudy auu~ .\1m1ua_\. Hunter of Torontg Wi`>` -the guest of his aunt, `Mrs. Lluilglv tley, for. the holiday. \.u so ua_ve the. entnre T Ohtirio Govfmment Said to Con- template the Establishment ' `of Same. DEVLIN & MURCHISON Mrs. C. K. Clark of Angus vi~1t':d in Colwell last week. Miss Jessie Howard of Grenfcl was in Colwell on Tuesday. ` Mr. E. Catcher of Allandale was in Colwell on `Saturday and Sund:a)'- -Mr. Bert Rowe of Toronto viSitd his parents on Sunday and .\l0n - `M. In It- - ~` PRISON FARM -, `v ..y|.vo Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and iriv: of Edgar spent Sunday. with Mr. ;. Mrs. E. Garrett. '?'1?H]3_RDAY, VMAY 28th, | Mr. John Stokes sold h1's`prUpL`F1." here last week and removed his f1Z11~ ily to Toronto. Before leaving the) werepresented with a handsome din- net and tea set and some fancy china. The best wishes of their many fricndS `go with them to their new home. ' Missi-Mae Coughlin some time with her }% O Nei1l, of Apto. `AI ._ 7 ` . ANTEN MILLS. John Muir is on the sick li>:. Be_rtha. Reynolds spent the . ;?'1 Barrie. Porter Scptt was up from T-."~ for the holiday. T Mr. Peacoc_k is Exoving iziv new home this wee '. ._Miss `Sadie Fralick of .\li:1c:n__ visiting Miss Bella Muir. _ Geo. McLaughlin moved his 1`; ily to Collingwood last \\'ccl<. _ v------3 vI\J\J\-I ALI-3|. \\LLl'\ `Mr. and Mrs. W'm. Carson `mi \1iA hurst spent Sunday with rchuzw here. _Mrs. C. V\./'i]s`on was this week vxsltmg her Rubery. """"~\` Mo [ s ;Eiece 'ght Summer Suits, 5 gl reasted;styles., sizes 36 to 42, R ular $Io.oo%each. Friday and C23 took Mr. Peacock's work em 5;: He gave a spfendid (1i5C()l1r>L' ;-. evening service here. The 02117: tion was large. Mr. and Mrs, John Perry c11t<'FI21lZ1 ed a large number of frinl.~ ~21 Monday evening. The l1rm.<; \\:1 handsomely decorated with tl;l;;~, bunting and chinese. lanterns. Thw- |was_a beautiful display of rm-.-(.rk.~ at mght which delighted all w':a, ~.x::- lnessed it. a insia{x3't"dZt1.w'f'I'x 93 , the .hear_t-felt sympathy 01 commumty. COLWELL. `?`rv-'u-" - _ _ * "`.`-"`- `VC- Iauua wu. F `IQ? thy _}V;allcy of the .`:'* W9"F10, , Vespr_a _'=,9f- apn- BAXTER. FOR SIMCOE ? in T sistcr. MY: mm: -nds |60_64 |Evr:1d LA W 5062 {3}; 's}1t$Eaiy -T-W -' savour --o--w--u, yard. Ffida-y gt; OIII_IIO "31 I CC `able Lie K5 3 lay 7,. at ~. . . 24-`G , bleached, regular 1.` .- . nu savour] -v -v--v--- .... ooooo -co-5:65 uI'\/I; Quley` spent tlrae -{M395 vhqlidays aVt.A1l:ston.%. .. ' . h.-., . find M-"rs. `Mugfdrd, `Town: ```` 3` I `;~". 3`g:9tr b ' ' Mrs.`Tlios. Clark is viiting friends! at -`Meeaford. ` 4 . Mrs. Geo. Scott, .'Col1ingwood,' is visiting her home. sspont .the holidays in Toronto; T: -Fi;r;e-'n'<:-evE\ria.:twell spenf Mon; daygzn s_Collmgwood.' ~ -` * `II. I'\ TV A friendly game of baseball was played here on Saturday, between Ivy and Egbert. , The score was 6 .to 8 in favor` of Ivy. b -V . ,_ Our...:band have obeen engaged to at the Orange Celebration in -iron-to on July` nth,` for the York L_. -0.-_L.`, No. `375. . II7I_r-gv-Hickling spent Sun- day at Edenvale. v 4 pint. 'I:r;.-<':e wand famlly of Elmvale visited friends here on Sunday. ' `I- -,- .1 11",. '7 11' -Ix! u I 'J. H. Dickinson and Miss I-Iartlib spent Sunday at J. G. Dickinson s_, V f ` M19-_ W._ J. Lennoxmade a business trip to Toronto last week. - `iv A ` -----...._, iv --v-- ov-no-Iv an-naauna AVLVVUOJ Mr. R. E.` Davis, who is attending. coll_ege_ in Toronto, was home for the` holxday. ' q . --5 ..- - A A-- Miss Lucille Fletcher has _returned home after spending the winter V an Flonda. . .` -Mrs. G. A. Arnold` and Miss Car- {>enter visited friends in Hamilton ast week. _ - ` . T Mrs. Geo. Bell is visiting friends on the 9th Line. -rt Int - _ 1'\Wl;>':;S.o_cial will be held in the Oirange Hall on Friday , evening, Livia?` 29th, 1908, undervauspices of , . -.-....-nu octvvw uua vvsyn. | ' Mr, "Jno. Ruuege of Elmvale visit- ed 'Mr. Wm. Speers_last; week._ 'Mr.'-ii. J. and Miss Hannah of To- ronto visited Mr. W. J. McLean last Sunday. _ j ` I #111/Ir": John Gibson spent Saturday in Collingwood. V. -v--- -.vv-- W and-."Mrs. 6:0. Langman visit-` ed fnends in Vasey over Sunday. 1,1,. __._1 11,- 'r_I_,. 1 run -- -v.v--wv - wilt. W. H. H;t'ox'1";..t`ended the [Woodbine races this vyeglf. do .!nJo&o&o8l-ahotntookobcl-olooboloooiuloolodoohdodoohotoa V Lilo bl`-19915 lG3In WCCl\._ Miss Drury .of Brrie spent the "holiday with `Miss Lillian McQ7uay. .'lM.- `D I:-n..-.:- ---a.- :- -~- %"M'4?'3'F!*!I"!P'F!"!4`!'4*!'!"PH'F '-3-'~:-2-ea--s--a--a-3--:-:~-1-+++z-M-:--s-1-+4-4-+~s-3 ALLENWOOD. ABRENTW-OOD.[ ninche ide, regu'lar25c." Fri. day nd Satu a_y.-. . J2 I`-2g ii}-Iandker i.e'fs--=i fadies Fancy Hand-. ` `kerchiefs, regular 15 each. Friday a and Saturday . . . . . . . .4 . .3 for 25 Hose Supporters - Children's". sizes, regular 15c pair. `Friday and Satur- 0 rows 0'0 0 9 0 o `o o 9 who o o o Black Kid Gloves-Al thoroughly reli- able French Kid Glove, regular 1.2 5 pair. Friday and Saturday. . . .795 Black Sateen-'Re'gular. 15c yd. F riday_ and Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . IIG Art Muslins-Very neat colorings, 38 inches wide, regular IOC yard. Fri- day and Saturday . . . . . . . . . .7 I-2G Prints--All shades, regular -Ioc yard. Friday and Saturday . . . . . . . .7 I-2G Ginghams-Small stripes and neat cheeks in all colors, regular 12 I-2C. Friday and Saturday. . . .9 I-2c yd. Ties-Men s 4-in-hand Ties, re ular 50c. Friday and Saturday.... Be Suspenders-Men s Fine Suspenders, regular 2 5c. T Friday and Saturday I99 pair Pins-Good strong pins, regular 5c paper. Friday and Saturday Thread-2oo yard Spools, as good a thread as is "made, Friday and Sat- day . . . . . . . . . ......`...3forlOc Gasmble nd siser went to; Torqnt9,9n'-_Monqay.. tq attexgd the .fu!w%ra,1.;%:of` h.i,'r%L % A` `:Mass':=M!ha=1-sL. :`{'_ The advent of the summer season brings up again the question of the ewednesday afternoon holiday. The ehweekly ha1f-holiday during July and i:'Au,gust has `been tried here _for the fpast three. years, but, to our m'nd, has notjnstie/d its existence. -When `,~:`we say this we mean no reection tlpon the clerks for whose benefit. the T nnovation was made.. The proper way attain the desired end is, we- interi'eredi"with`,i even if i the not at."high pressure. As ` pointed '_'efore, , it i8_,T`.fj`|:_0.m3 39 thing forza. -xto urist`centi'e " ~ 3 np" ~in*-`a b11'sZn;ess'_sense, i` A iweek. ' IVisi;9r87 6:; at is ` .Mrs. Jonssn 0} Arthur is visit-\ ing her sister, Mrs. G, C..Allan. f1Mr:. J.. W-. S1oar 1 of Toronto spent the 24th with frie'nds'~here. ` . 1;: I-3-(`wane of _ Barrie Sunday with their sister, Mrs. 801'). . . -V": 2 ` ' V, I. .,;;vuaa .3: H1. uasrnme OI l.`H_EW west- mmster us rhome-ufor a v1s:t at her ugothgz-s. .__-- .-v The League Social held last week was quite a success. A good pro- ram` was rendered, Mr. R. D. -outts, silver medal elocutionist, re- citing in his inimitable way, also Miss McDer1ni' eloeutionist-` A sil- ver collection was taken, and about eight dollars raised. _ Refreshments were served and al pleasant. evening spent. ' - V` 11515 vvvuu l Vnlullnllls IICT gr'uluIIlUIl'1- er, Mrs. Ca pbell, of this place. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jno. M.cCann,. Uto- pia, spent a few days last week with the 1att_er s sister, -Mrs. Jas. D. Gaul- Cyo ` M}; 71' visited um 1 few days. .- -u-a1oI-vJ - `A1'1-(l_er`son and cousin of Rel- essey wcre'~_L-guests o Mr. and Mrs. Avison. for `a few day._ I_ A4. 4.1.- .l"1.:1_1,;_,.9 0 - --4.-vv But an Duult QUUICBS. Mr. and rs. -_%_5a wVtell and Mr- Wesley Johnston `of Toronto . were guests of Mr. and Mrs. -Johnston, ` Oakland Villa, ,during the holidays. "mt- .....:'1u-.. .r~..----1-m _ _,,__.._-_ .-..-..,_ ..-nu-B nu. uvuuaya. I Mr. -and Mrs. ICrowley of Calling- wood, Miss Eva Huddlestone of Bar- tie` and Miss Wearing of Guthrie were` hol:day guests of `Mr, and Mrs. Huddlestone. ' < ` . (Rev.) J. W.heat1ey, Stayer, last week. ` With the' increasing number of gasoline launches on the bay, the `necessity -for their carrying lights at night becomes morevimperative. The safety of the occupants of small craft is a thing not to be disregarded, and. now that another season is at hand -`steps should be taken to see to the due observance of the law. There is ca regulation by the Department of Mar ne requiring all motor boats to -showghead-lights. It is understood `that the customs oice has` charge of the enforcement of this rule. and Mrs. Joe Middlebrook are vxsitmg their daughter, Mrs. Jno. Orr, Toronto. - -Mr. -and Mrs. Caldwell, Allevndale, spent the 24th with the latter s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. McBride here, `Mr. White of Barrie was a -Sunday guest in Crown Hill. and Mrs: Ausmah of Toronto vxsxted `Mrs. Rmeheart over Sunday. Mrs. (D12) Gowland_ of Milton under the_pa1-ental roof for a {hut (lava _t'I/frT':1;1`d Mrs. -Wi1liarrA1so'n of"Col- lingwood were guests of Mr. E. C- Drury over Sunday. 111-- A 1 ` --- .. --.. ...._,. . At the `Children s service on Sun- day ftrnoon in ,the Methodist Church, Rev. A. .H'. .-Ranton _of To- ronto gave a 51101`? address. `|[_ _,_ .1 `ll . " Davidson ::md Master Hubert Holland of Toronto visited Mrs. Jas. Davidson over `Sunday. Miss Evelyn Mulholland of Col- lingwood is visiting her grandmoth- Campbell, fhn `off-no- c cq'on- R/{-5 T..- T\ Miss S. Mi. Gamble `of New Westf :5 ~`uA-ans IA- _ .'.2.2A_ .1. l._, TH N'ORTHERN ADVANCE CROWN HILL. One of the unsightly blots about `Town is the practice of making bill- boards of the public fountains. Sure- ly this is carrying matters too far! .There are or ought to be plenty of channels through which the advert- iser can reach the eye of the people .w"thout offending against the etern- al tness of things. Even the exter- ior of the post-ofce building is not exempt from this sort of tribute. Beyond a doubt, the taste for the aesthetic needs cultivation with some of authorities. ' CHURCHILL. 3 for Se spent Will~ . Masonic standing-of the late W. There have been a great number of letters sent to the Lodge by prom- inent members of the Craft in this District, all testifying to the ggod ro. . McCraw. -One letter received from . this Province deserves ' tion. a. young man raised in this commun- ity and nowlling a prominent posi- tion in one of_ the leading towns of special men- It says: I believe that the brethren of. Minerva Lodge have j s _ent many > t is will be" for them. happier evenings than Naturally, your minds will turn with sorrow and regret to `the departure from your midst and membership .of_ one 1 1 very much loved, sW'. Bro. `R. 'G--Mc- Craw, who for so many years evil r art and good, in prosperity i and ad ersity, had gone in and out amongst you. EH15 `wise counsel and. sympathetic advice will indeed nbe missed, but he has left behind him a, monument of good _-works and kindly through . acts that will endure long. after mar- ble and J brassy -shall have crumbled. Many of*you`, like myself, rernemberi _B_ro.; M.c'C`raw from the time we-were children long 3 ?b`ef.ore we `_ knew any-4 thfi_ngA o Masonry.:",It:is__-}_r'n the ilittle" ' thinsfs. of life very often -that a man's; '- ` "nee-. ; ,trj1e icharacter`;-1s_,r shown, and-.`_I -mernber manyvinsta 'Q._ as 4117 ' _ ;,of{- you who An emergency meeting mi Minerva! Lodge, AF. and A.-M., No. 304, G. R.C., was held May I9thi ..to receive R. W. Bro. J; W. Bethune, D.D.~G.M. Georgian District, on his official visit. The Lodge was opened and closed in the three degrees. ,One candidate was passed to the second or fellow craft degree. The D.D.G. M.. compli- mented the Worshipf-ul `Master Bro. J.'S: Leonard,.and the Lodge Oicers, assisted by Bro. A. W. Green, P.M., `on the good and accurate `rendering of the degree, and the excellent work of the Lodge. He pald a high tribute of respect to the memory of the late W. Bro. R. G. =MoCra.w. The annual meeting of the W0- men s Institute took place at the home of Mrs. A. B. Rose with a full attendance of members, and it prov~ ed a, very busy hour. After the open- ing exercises, the election of ocers was proceeded with as follows: Pres.: --Mrs. Pete Giffen; Vice Pres.- Miss Marie McLean; Sec.-Treas.--- Miss Edyth Thompson. Mrs. A. B.` Rose, Misses L. Mc and L. Moir were appointed representatives to attend the annual meeting` at Duntroon in June, and Misses Edyth` Thompson and `Marie McLean the District` meeting in-Creemore. Ar- rangements-were made to hold an ice cream social on the evening of June 16th, on Mr. Mill s lawn. It was decided to hold the annual pic- nic at vWasaga Beach on July 1st. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the hostess. V I Mrs. Watson and daughter, Mar- jorie, of Creemore spent the holidays with the former s niece, Mrs. vCau-[ thers. | Mrs. Lake, who has been spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Spicher, returned to her home . in Egypt last week. _ I\1<;(Ia{nel of Carstair_s, A1ta., as vis1ting fnends here and 111 Stay- n1'_ 5' mlvliss Bessie Williams_ of Wgest To- ronto spent the hohdays w1th her parents." ' 1-! 4 -.-o `O -.. _-` :oooo3 ` 1z\/IV;.(v}eorge and -Miss Nellie Parks of Cookstown spent over-Sunday [with friends here. Miss Lizzie Moir, who went to To- ronto to attend the funeral of her cousin, spent: a. couple of weeks with relatxves there before her return. *M1js. A. Palmer is in Toronto at- tendmg her daughter, who is ill. at 1'1 SUNNIDALE CORNERS. IO dozeSample Blouses. bod t L 3 _ great re ction in price. On` le- Friday rning at $1.10, $1.49,` $1.75 and .50. 25 ends Ribben, ".n all the best shad- ings`, ineluglin many shot. ends, to eleI5c; ieant8lSmith NOOOQOQNOOQOOOONOONOOO i EDITORIAL nuns STROUD. ` Blouses M:r:s~r , ;-n. ,__, `-`-vu-uuav arallll, 0 ..=Mrs; MKinno_n and her Miss "Alice McKinnon, of liaxns, we_re L-the guegts. g1 hi .1198 %0ver :%Si1m1ay;:% .'mr;; .`:n;.._r_.._-. ` on}: `J has. and . family fo I A _-....a-A/> Sunday visitors at Mr. Joh uvnuavll. - Perry and Mrs.` f Toronto were -Klink 0VC1'- n Perry s. N Blair of -T1 the week-end here, the 4 sister, rs. L'I)avidso11_. I .`l'.`.-` __-------A\lVV \u\Jo U1 Idfl Greeplaw of lthe holiday` with `Mr. 3W. ~ ' f0`: L_a ng!> Wmmpeg. Miss Nellie Bfuce left Sask., via -N on Tuesday orth Bay and

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