DR_, RQBERT S. BROAD, PHYSI- _A.- C_....:..IL-. E I LCIHJUA, 4;. 1201 Brown, L.L.B. dlllilbbg, 'So1i.citor, Notary Public, `EC. Of- ce~-Ist oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan.at low- est rates. . - %DR..MORTIMER LYON, 3: cr1- K 1.-.. C4. "I".-._......L.. 1.4.. AC 13-.-.A`I-1-..-u Dr. J. A. C. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe -County. Oice and Residence: V`/illiam Street, Allandale. Tele-` phone 30 a. At Stroud Ofcez 2} to 4 `p.m. Monday and Friday. ` L.R.C.P. :8: S. Edinburgh; M.F. P. 8: S. Glasgow ---SURGEON--' Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar. Throat 8: Nose Hospital, London; Royal London Ophthalmic Hbepital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye 1-Iosgjltnal, Bristo : and Birmingham Eye _Ho ital, B ingham : former Member of Britlh nhthalmnlosrimu Snnintv ILVVDULV us. v..n.........---_._, _ risters, `Solicitors of"the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, - Notaries, Conveyancers, `etc, Money to loan. Oice, Ross -m--1- 1:p......:.. r` F T-I=wsnn.K_ -....uv. nan v ;uvu non, uxlauul; uuu 1 Eye `ital, zformex phthalmological Society. HQ niwxvv 1-\l\ Q-.-'.-.- 1 IUIIIU, J.V.I.U|lLI\uay5n|a\J yv-oov- u-w--. 7.25. a.m.-For Cardwell Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. 13-, r~_...1--...11 `I'..`....o:.-m ` ANY QUANTITY OF MONEY TO loan at 41/2 and 5 per cent. Easy terms of re-payment. Lennox, Cowan & Brown, Solicitors, Barris- ters, etc- LU an. \ILAA\.\., - Block, Barrie. .E. Hewson, A. E-. H. Creswicke. "1`RA'l`r1Y N JLDLLLV, Dru.\.L\:..:- ters, `Solicitors in High Court of `Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. "Offices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to `loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy, K.C., G. H. Esten`; - }$o;ooo FCJR INVESTMENF annrl ;fAAk!\1rI aA-..-Z4.-- AA UNWIN,i tarin I .2!!!` 'Q11I'11n\n-u-a `L`__..'-- _ - THOS. KENNEDY ' Qice,` Ontarfo Bl , ARCHITECT. ock, Dunlap St. __.____.______,_.___.__ THE BALL PLANING MILL ~ Company. -1 ii-Catpentering, building, andxmanufacturing of doors, sashes, blinds, mouldings, etc. Planing of allkinds, done prom _l an-d';satis- .:.;_fa,cto`rilyT' Hot) blast ` tying kiln. N .~,. -:`1?istri%1: Agen'c% `f2rgr'ained% lum- er. acfm-v av '0 -`---* s III DULHVVCII D lJ1U\.l\, _lll. `the premises at night. lI\. L\\J.l).L'41\.L .J. .LJL\\ILJ..l, .n.;;;.u;. cian,.'Surgeon, etc. Specia1ty--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. I1\o '$Vl.\JI\.l-1.LV4lJ.4L\ Ldlu \JL" O1 \/GI-|' ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (NY.,) Eye and Earn Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose -and Throat. Consultation hours II a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pointment. \lUl gcsuvvu uuu .L.n.u uuuuuuuu .- 5.25 p.m.--For Cardwell Jtinction, Georgetown and Hamilton. \ A North. *2.oo a.m.-For Orillia, North Bay __,I 8-- Eye. Ear. Nose 8 Throat. u.vAvv 11`, 1V.l..UI.\J."1'11 K LDIVEN, UN` tario Land `Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Oce, Med- ical Building, S.E. corner` Rich- mond and Bay Streets, Toronto. Telephone,` Main, 1336. Instruc- tions left with Strathy & Esten, Solicitors,_ Ban}: of Toronto Build- ing`, _.B_a1_`fl-, . will be, promptly at- tevndedito. `.:_-w\u.ua I1]. -.|1U|} U135` umng District Aefnby `for grained`. ber. Factory, Baye_ld street, Bar- rie. Rodgers. & Gallxe, successors . to Geg. `Ball. ..,u:.,n.... 3.:_._ .nr.ur_up`,. _.AR*CHITECT and Cm] Engineer. Ofce, over Bosaizko _B1dck. Town Inspector of Plumbmg. . --- - vronuuuaunvnvlvnl uvvlciay. 0I:`FICE--78.DUNLoP swam:-r, BARBIE. Phone 51. P. 0. Box. 96. ,u,uuv x \1;\` 1.1` V LDJ. LVLILLV 1. UN good freehold security at. lowest rate of interest. W No principal money required until end of the -term: H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., .Barr_1e. . Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS. V \ n:A1hTJAcTURERs;w a.uu n.ua.-~a vs v......., ..v.... _--, and S00. . n.oo a.m.--For Orillia, Graven- hurst and North Bay. f\ 'u!_ ~ \Y-..LL `D-.. MONEY TO LOAN. PHYSICIANS. SURVEYORS. - A12E~ HITECTS. FINANCIAL: Barrister, 4 _ n: vAnvERTISING Mr? or 1:314: 'The` uo_nnem Advance Iiullu nuu ovvnyu an - *4 p.m'.---For Orillia,` North Bay and points West. 8.05 p.m.-For Orillia. 10.35 a.m.--For Penetang. 10.45 a.m.-For Stayner, Coiling- wood and Meaford. % !-I1!.._ , place it with the paper that 1-ea Tau Aovnrcz 13 pr `W V largest circulation of any Dougie: tha Town. 11909` ageing also by for the largest subscczl Th latter fact demonstrat its patrons. If you have any aBvg.`::ht:,*I not afraid to pay the pripe, ch `he A dvm-tinementa mm on. .....- J , -v-vu ule ` t H.319 no pay the prlpe. `k3vem~=m"* :2? :r.. 3pwa-18 lines 888 .6 me e ma e on ink (`.41 U0 . 5 1 , Amusem ' 1 \Iotice5' iA11z1ct1ll?ncer;`tsc5 61' an L6Bf.ir`,; insert etc- line, i sertlon 5 cents D0 i"- M" 118?` n 50% , r line to . notice? 1o1i(f1(::mf31'pr:eachs W` rtiggg: 5 n:r`;?erma*` inseft ubse All itemsqu 11! horacter, `fhwged '5 M . r 01* 5 1111651 0 er Poetry be p obiw" nu ADVERTISING `1>i;17(37h.:.-V: 9) __ ' I $Preferred positions rm - mente in_the paper will be sold at of one-thirgl on algove rates, and account will special positions he rule will be strictly carried out. . CONTRACT ` CH.-*..\'G EF. Advertisers will please Iwdr 1,, notice ofintentnon to (thangu am mustbe handed into the oi.-ca no Saturday at 10 o_ c1ock, and who .1 ghgnge must be 1n THE ADV ,-\A\'( later than 12 o clock noon (an M0: week. otherwise the ad vertiser'.~4 an may not be made public until the ~ inc- mg. 12 changes of Advcrtisenwm-.~ 1 yc_ar. If more are required, con1'p(:;l{);`()'dDI wxll be charged.` ` ml Advertxsers wl not be allovmd to u. space for advertlzging an_vthin;: omid`e% own iregular busmess. .~`hou1d thkyedlg t. t ` - I ;.::!::.,::::e,::; ` sum. USGUDIUIIU I ll?! vertisements. _ 3.40 p.m.-For Stayner, wood and Meafond. 3` 7.50 p.m.--For Penetang. E.L-__....... v...-.,--.-....... ...., - n4A|l nrr..ul-`_\l . Condensed advertiscmc-nts on ii 8.8 wants of all kinds, lost and roxxpigm for Sale OI` {O rent, Sp('Ci(f a1`ti;1gg,'(.,.M' mustbe accompanied with {hm-ash um` be inserted-t1rst insertion 2 H-ms'p,_., Fa each subsequent insertion 1 4-I,-nt per ,0- (names,a.ddrese3 and gures <-ounu-d an W0? but a reductlon or one cent we-r \.-0,-d'm-uh made when the number of inscrtiunsof matter exceed {our 5" }oI' ad vertluemenls must In cm can be mounted on solid metal bun ' -5-I-3--1-x-1-1-n-5-1-M-s-+-z-+~:~+++++++++| 2% MAKES YOUR SKINW` f LIKE VELVET .8. MHWKM AKPQ (:1\'r'L`nn\'n MONKMANS GLYCEDO.\'IA. Has 3 marveoua eec: on rough akin. One or two ::p;-licnioni will remove the roughno-ss, .md by its occasional use the skin acquimt the smoothness and softness ofn baby s. _ _ : Giyceaonia is not etzcky. and gloves may be worn a {N momenta: after using it. ; DJ-.. 1:- .....a 01.. wiu ow "Wu e.3. ,;, ` 1 A 1. n...` H W tn, the rigift Invitations Printing macco Th!` y ~ `Of th.DDart incnf latest ls Class 0! mm Samples . Us beionw n s I U Dwelling lrooms). stable. drive house. shed! and nearly 2 of acre of land in g:;mion and Inns Come; of Peel and Wellington Sn-eets. Barrie Dwellmg-6 rooms, stable and .~hcd. Lam loton Peel Street. 1";-sis`-n 1`\.un.I-an. I` _........-. ... ,.r..k nu (`ht IUIOII TCEI UIYCCE. Double dweding. 6 rooms 1n each. on C1 perton Street. Vnnhnt `nnt 3 n(nn or-v-n nn Dnumunmxiahm Insunnce Acsnn CONVEYANCER,ETO FIRE AND PLATE GLASS INSURANGI Private Funds to loan on first mm` gages. correspondence solicited. Office. nk of Toronto Buildir18- 0 S `t. Barr 0. Out. 3--1--1--1-1--1--:5-3-+-I--I-1-3--r-+-5-+-1-4.:-~:-:~+++3| D-UU wood and Meaford. *`I1.1o p.m.---For North Bay. halt Special.) aIIlv`:-L' \J| MIG) n`. IIVI , _.._!___ pcnuu atryel. . Vacant 1015. i of an acre, on Ponetangmshen: Street. Apply to F. M. .\IONTGO.\IEI .Y. _ .9, Rama ipo E 250 or drop 11: a Postal KW` would like something good in u 1v8f` Machine mace :- Bake:-`s. Cream. Tvyist. Vin` in Sandwich, Frux_t-Loaf. 5c. Brown or genume Homt Made Bread. CAKES. PASTRY. CREAM PUFF St Fresh Daily. BROWN 3 BAKERY] Barrie` Property For Sale. THos,sMnH Barrie. .onoo-.-. 1 column column 1 column w ASKMYl`T`lJViElP;nlf,, H to meet me em 9 ing demand. Event A GHIIJUAJE ufyfl platefi cvstite 8'`"y man To TURUNIME EISEWHEE? -home. .. _- ..... uf Druggilfs Tl-|Ev*NORTHERN ADVANCE HE G. . SEND run nun mmnsumt cmcuun, ;::?5:; ::u:,e::; methods and general resu - nu` mm Begins Sept. 3rd- % Excnsnon BUSI- % Nnss couinscn. I connnmcur. CONTRACT 12,;-mg ' vI#_.pnING INVITATIONS- , ,::..t;0 CONDEXSED AD\'ERTI.`~`E.\lE.\'TS. AIIQIII. o.7tvnv-t1'nnn.-.,...o.. ._ n TRANSIENT mvsrmsmg 1-41--.. A .- _ GEO. MONKMAN. XTIKF IUO Price 15c and 2.33. Delightful after shaving. 3 . ; 1 \Vk. ` 1 Mo/3 M0,; WESLEY 6. CREW, PRO`PRl`|'.OFIS_ +3:-Aizizim. III I 12: 0|: xwnts a1}Qwed , composmon n VJ "b'v --v-.-- v- --~ - nxo new name will b;`ud'eit5tnsub' arlption List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. ,`6Mo.`:1 Y2 Barrie. 1 .I\ 1. Bame. N,o.body but an extreme paxftizan will deny that the Whitney Govern-" ment is well worthy of a renewal of the public condence. IL\l\. I h sccm we x do n `v\'i11 is U) tigztti that It istcr invcs mzulc xdnd hon the dcs xvoul ferri latcd of H ng xwhu Jun; Unde 1-.'}ms Sclcc ccwli hims . t\\'( {E} shr. SBIHC U1 :3 The Government, first of. all, has brought about an immense improve-` ment in election methods, as witnessl ,the abolition of the numbered ballot, and the enactment of legislation to prevent t-he switching of ballots and the stuffing of ballot-boxesand to mete out swift and certain punishment to those guilty of election crimes, thus affording the people security for their votes. `nut: frne 1)<>lII`l M 111.911 \ us: iv h 0 Ill be OH I `it llollvl Ul` Dvuuvnls cnuovg '81 mar Znmcm in Advancqe! -"* H ~-~ ------ --3`| `-A -J-`A11 in `HA n`: . S0, `An 8 Page 48 column Newspaper. Published from the otce. 123 Dunlap Street. Barrie. in the County of Simcpe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thursday Morning. by Then, the provincial revenues have been enlarged. \The pulp and min- eral concessions which former Min- istries were wont to_ bestow on their `friends have been made to yield a return to the treasury. In conseq- uence, it has happened that the Gov- ernment has been enabled to oft'er increased grants to the cause, of ed- uoation, agriculture and other ser- vices. The Whitney surpluses are things that have a tangible existence, not merely creatures of fancy. In the three years of oce these have amounted in round numbers to` $1, With regard to-education and ag- riculture, the policy of the Whitney Government has been characterized by liberality and progressiveness. Teachers are receiving higher remun- eration. and the school `book mono- poly is crushed. The agricultural institutions have been strengthened, and brought nearer to the farmer s. son than before. ' BARRIE RAILWAY GUIDE. us! '5! vacuum- I I `Daily including Sunday. GIVE CAESAR HIS DUE. Tngms or" SUBSCRIPTION. L,_I1=3: 7 sidnei, 'l.f...._...I ` 'service',' "the Government'=~h-as js H L "caution and enterprise. ~ ]Itha, stead-7 cause ser- vices. creatures oice in to $1,- 6oo,ooo. ag- Whitney ' the ~ s The interests of the municipalities have been closely watched. `at Half the proceeds of -railway taxes and license. fees are returnabletoq. the people, and the work ` of good roads. has... been l_!"'f"`facilitated by placing no- ` arbitrary iimitation _on the amount: that will! be expended forthis purpo`s'e.. ` In: other.,departmen`ts of the_publi`c howetl `the ~` v main .. ` hilt: redrisses` - old: ."vron" g'_ ' and e1grievan;:les,3,:.is,ndll': revenues`are more abundant. aThe money has gone, to improve the schools, to `strengthen the university, to aid agriculture, to assist, re3fash- ion and humanize hospitals and` pub- iic institutions, to helpgin -develop- ing the `northern country wh-ence so much of our revenue comes, and gen-L erallyto relieve the municipalities and increase the eiciency of the public services. There has` "been, no -`waste or Jobbery.`-` Hardly 4a., single item of `the appropriations is "made the `subject of a direct. attack, There "has been -`no disposition to a use 4 Public -money` orpublic works to in"-' uence bye-elections. No organized, Sang-or .corruptioni'sts,. - trained at headq_1_1arters,. has gone out . to _t.he. ends of the province. to bribe; `per- donate and, rie ballot 'box'es.-' Ihe `Min-nie ,Mb lies in harbor, i_Thlere"h_as been 'a policeman in , .th%,AttOrney-. Gen'eral- s., :De_partrri_en_t._ 3 :7 r'edis:;. ribution. __ not,vvi_ths`tandin"g-" the ?,vii`-ful-V ence with,` which -~ is. attacked, din` v . J ' It is true that iexpenditure` has it been increased. But it is true that x N A Colling- caning. uies` `he. now opposes were, cry- stallized ino-Llaiw.- 1,11 such a, Situa- yipn he stgigdsas a living contradic- tibn of hime1f. A FAIR PRE'SEN'IT`A`TIOr\lA or THE CASE. _ ' 4 The leader of` the Opposition and i the Liberal press have begun an act- : ive and spirited attack on the Whit- ney Government, says the Toronto News (Independent). This was to be expected-androiily good-can come from .a_-full discussion of Provincial affairs. But any careful examination of the Liberal` programme shows a remarkable scarcity of campaign ma- terial. 7 V I Does any independent ` journal or any_ independent citizen s_eri'o'usly be~ l lieve that the interests of the Prov- ince would `be well served `by the de- feats of the Government? Its record may not be perfect. We do not ex; pect perfection inhuman institutions. But is it not`. true that in the efficiency of its administration, in the honesty of its electoral methods, in the great bulk of` progressive legislation which has been passed during the last three or four years the whole record con- stitutes the best chapter in the legis- lative history of the province? It is nothing short of ridiculous to describethe Government as the serv- ant of the corporations. If ever a ii 4 r Government in this country set the] public interest above corporate .or 1 capitalist interests it is that now holds oice in Queen s Mr. MacKay and his mouthpieces show a positive hardihood whenthey attack the guarantee of Canadian Northern bonds, if we remember that the Opposition. did not divide the Legislature on the proposal. Apro- position which thus had their prac- tical and unanimous support in the Assembly will hardly prove a pro- table assest in the constituencies. The dodge is too transparent totde- ceive a kindergarten. The Liberal which ` Park. 1 campaign at least should preserve the y appearance of consistency and grav- ` ity. Besides,. at worst, the guarantee improves the Provincial mortgage and_.assures railway extensions in the northern country which are 9. neces- sity _to the development of its re- cources and which its people have a clear_ right to demand. So the Governmentspower policy Q commanded the enthusiastic support of the Liberal press and the whole Opposition, down to the eve of the campaign. The Government under- took to supply power at a certain price at Niaga-ra and to guarantee the bonds of the municipalities. From this policy it has not deviated in any particular. 1. It has-kept absolute faith with the municipalities. The Liberal press and_ the Opposition, in the Leg- islature understood thoroughly the position of the Electrial Development Company, but when the News urged the Governmentto purchase the plant and control the source of supply it received not one word of aid or com- fort from the Liberal agencies. When the. `opportunity had passed and there was a chance to make party capital, they turned _on the Admin- istration, which, on the-`whole ques- tion,- had been. consistent and straight- I today is exactly the policy, which not taking a- course fromwhich. Lib- eral sym_pathy and support were-_ de- terminedly and ostentatiously with-' `forward, and denounced Ministers for I held. V / Douuoouuouodoonnou n. "Miss~ _Es.ther `Rodgers wa in To-: tqnto during the week. ` . " 7 - ----4 ---J f\1:-on .(\-1r1-u TQPLU uuu_u` Lu Vvwwnbu. Misses Laura and Oliv Ockley were in Meaford ove_r the. 24th. L_-..A. gang.` W615 In 'yA~ua---- ---v'. -_-- V_: Mrs. Aiiing,` J:`sradto-rd` `Street, spent over Sunday in Toronto. ` ' Mr. and Mrs. W._ O. McKinnon spent `the week-end 1n Toronto. `Miss `Stella Rowan leaves to-day {:0 Spend a few_ holidays at her home an ,H1l1sb1_irg. I1 1 L-` ...n ' date for the `Commons. In A1.Lu.Iauyu5. _ Mrs.. J.` Bailey was `called. to` =M.ea- ford last Friday,` owing to the seri- ous illness of a relative, Mrs. Stokes K1`-he.` marriage of Miss? Agnes A. l Hi_nds',~ youngest daughter of .Mrs. Charles Hinds; Elizabeth Street; and Mr, Charles_ C.` McGrai1 of Ottawa will take place next month. ;North Simcoe Liberals will meet in Stayner on June 15th to consider the question of nominating a candi- ---.i' 1\,r:.... uau: LU!` LDC \A.uu|nvuo. `Mr. Gordon Plaxton and. Miss Grace `Hewson have been successful . in their` nal examination in law- Miss Hewson was on Friday formal- -ly called to the Bar. She is the third lady to be admitted in this Province, the others being `Miss Martin of To- ronto and.Miss Robinson of `St. Thomas. Mr. Plaxton has not yet been presented, - . . _ .._- _:-;-...`s.......1....11 UCCII pl \1D\vIlL\.\-I. In what was` the`closest baseball ; contest of .the year, the Bankers went down to defeat before the Crescents in a.-7-innings game on Friday even- ing. The score stood 2-! until the last innings when each team added 2 runs. ~Mr.e Kohlmeyer umpired. The players: , Bankers--Scott c, Gamble p, Soames Ib, Lennox 2b, ' Fletcher ss, `Smith 3b, King If, Wol- fenden cf, LeRoy rf. Crescents-- A. Pae c, Bond 1)`, R. Pae -Ib, Gras- ett 2b,, L. 'McNabb ss, Tyrer 3b, Grant If, R. M.cNab cf, Banting! rf. \JIIalIl& IA, A.\u avavov-vur v-, 7% 7 `I, Judge Ardagh` has handed out judgment in the Kirkpatrick Bridge matter. It will be remembered that the trial lasted six days, the *Court reserving judgment. The judgment covers sixteen pages, and is an ex-: haustive review of the whole case. His Honor nds that the bridge in question is and always has been a county bridge, and directs that the maintenance of same in the future shall be borne wholly by the County. Mr. W. A. Boys was counseb for the Township of P105, and Mr. C. VII-Iewson, K.`C., for the County. It is understood that the County will take an appeal. I '._L,__.._A. l`: _ _ _ . .~ Iuulxu all uyywu-o A case of local interest, Tiny vs- Archer, was disposed of by the Div- isional ICourt, Osgoode Hall, on an appeal from the judgment of Judge Ardagh. The action was brought to recover drainage taxes amounting to $130. For some years defendant had paid the tax, but had latterly refused to do so on the ground that the township by-law was invalid and that the work had been of no benet to his land. Judge Ardagli decided in favor of the township, and the Div- isional Court of three judges has conrmed the decision by dismissing defendant s.appeal with` costs. W, A. Boys, for Township of Tiny, .C. E. Hcwson, K.C., for defendant, Arch- er. A number of similar suits have been standing, pending the result in this case. - J J. FRANK JCKSON MAKER OF PORTRAITS . The East Ends and the C.Y.M.-C. s played an `exciting game of baseball in the Town League series on`Wed- nesday evening of last week. The supporters of both teams were out in force, and rooted hard for their fav- orites. At the end of the fourth in- nings the C.Y.M.C. s seemed to. have the game cinched, with the score 7-4 against the other fellows, but in the fth Kenny weakened, and the East Ends aided by some loose play piled up seven runs. That settled it. Score : ` . ` East End--2o127*--12 C._Y. M. C. --I03-301-8 Player.s': -C. Y.M.s C.-Kenny p, Greeneld c, Gui1foyle Ib, Coffey 2b, Belgerss, Wells 3b, Sevi-gny lf,`Mar- rin cf, Powell 1'-f. East End-Rowe 1). Clifton c, Cruz Ib, Stewart 2b, Smith ss,` Armstrong 3b, 'MLean lf, Malcomson cf, Brown-_rf.' Lo ca! Interest State of Ohio, City oT'l:`ol:do, Lucas `County, 5. s. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior `partner of the rm of F. J. Cheney`& Co., doing business in `the -City of Toledo, `County and State aforesaid, and that the firm will pay the sum of ONE` HUND- RED 'DOL'LARS` for each and every. case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of `Hall s -Catarrh -Cure. `FRANK J; .CH`.ENEY, .Q.un.-n GA `\a`t.\vA 0-Inn. aunt` 51:1-\ann:`\A,` LVIIJ-I-II l [.1 I)` V `Q-IVA` -"'L`Ul 1: I UIIVII Buyer, and way ports. have Collingwood 10 30;p/Ill . Mopday,;and ,l:'x;iday. -acat:'u"umd` tch-. tr: 1: TieX%i;:d'i:mrq1t::`txvm;i1?l { y?;$g%!xu_t 11139 I.I\IIrJ\L` IIE I III. I LULUR '11.` VI IJDIICID l Ste. Marie, and way ports,le4wo Collingwood 1.30 3 na.. Owen Sound 11.80. p.m.. Tues- day I, Thursdays und Saturdsyr. (Thursday 83!". tisrrior iimited number of passenger; on y. _ V ~ . `visit:-an-v npibuz-g uuusvonrogsv "1-I 1- .I.'1\rx.L1 us J, _\.I.L-1aL`V1'..I., (Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence. this 6th day of Dec- ember, A.vD., I886. ' -' . (Seal) ' v- A. W. GLEA`SON. g T ' _ ~Nota rye}9ublie. Ha}1 s Catarrhi Cure is taken in- ternally, and acts directly. on the blood and mucous surfaces of the [ system. C V I - ' Send fox-`testimonials free. -. I up: up .-.-:no:.. 4 - A JJJUIS l` K1`! 5 L3I.Ul.\J-LU LIL I JJJ?Vj&'Ill VUU nnd Lake Superior, luvs 3Il'nil 3 30 p.tn., May 22. 27.; J mac 1, 5, 19, 15. Sailings on Mar 22. Junta T,` 10. through to. Duluth. After June 15th uailiuqn every Monday, Wednesday and Fridav. Friday nailing through to Duluth. Freight. ailing: in addition to above. - GEORGIAN [BAY DIVISION-`For Saul G... ll.`-.2- __.I ._-.. _-_.- I--__ n-I|:.._..-_.I 1 -I\rn 0-\/A av aaaa -vnannpgu on wva ' F. CHENEY 8: CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. - Take `Ha11 s Family Pills for con- lstipation. UWUUCU;3U`_`UIj'C I `stains SAILINGS LAKE summon , DIVISION-T-For 800 And T aka B....-.'2.... JQQIIQ Q.-8. 9 DA -5 an 5`1ira,%sHosn DIVISION-`-For French .'..-_ ;..A` .`r..`__. __-...- 1---- n\_u:_`...._-.1 ' I\6"IlVqb vs-up--.-V- - 3 " 4l'MAKER _ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOO ,,,_ _ --_-~- vi 6#Hen~} NAVLGATI9_|_\_l__CO. -_.L_.-._ _- mmmn ADVANCE BASEBALL. Theank Oldenough and strong enough to afford absolute protection for your earn-- ings. ' i Savings Accounts opened and Ihtrejst al- lowed 4 times 3' `year. . Barrie & Allandalo Branches H. B. HENWOOD. WHITNEY S Goofn wonx The Whitney Gdvernment has been in oice for rather more- than three yegrs. During its term. it has abolished the num- bered ballot and has. destroyed the stuffed bfallot-box. `a . Trgins leave 'Barrie`for the under-_ mentxoned places as follows :- South. *4.go a.m.-For Newmarket, To- ronto. Montreal and points East. ,A;.L_ If'-1_-IL To, education it has given largf er grants. From the schoolbook monopoly it has `relieved the peo- plc. lic. Vdebt ha; bgcn: rVdtV1-<-:;;d l;3_Vr -_ $670,900,` and 'Aa icash surplus .f .$"1_,6oo,o'ooVh _as` heed recqrdedg` V - 5 Agriculture has received a new impetus, and the"great mining industry has been encouraged. . ' Popular rights haw}e been pro; tected by 3. Railway Commissio. appointed to conserve -them,'an3:1` laborois` oered protction from , prison competition. ' Ngyv `Ontario has been made more promising eld for settle- m ex'1t,V A11. Ontario has been bexgej`-_g T ted by Careful a`dminj,stration. .5; ---.- ` A ` The revehue `of the prc`>vinc,' has been augmented withou`t any}; increase in taxes. T -The threg yea":-_s. l;_ave? bveevn h-'uitAful` of. good `legislation of honest". "'6_r`v;,o_rl_c;_,ft_>Lr T-the pgbli. ` 7J :`**T!F?*3`1,':`? " W511 3;` wt: Whilg the `public seririces +ar ej` more liberally asisted, the pub;,. 19, 1,1; I,_ WALL PAPER Borders same price as Sidewall. Dyvuuu 1 8.00 "am.-For Newmarket, Auro- Ia and Toronto. 9.35 a.m.--For Allandale. *I.oo p.m.-For Newmarket, Au- rora and Toronto. 1'. -~----`--L "Ir- SCOTT S Bookstore BARRIE. -.INCOl'1PORA'l`ED, New Designs Artistic Effects Manager; OF 1855- STEWART an 'STEWART,VV BAR~ , risters, Solicitors, Notaries Publnc, and Conveyamcers. Money to loan in any sums `at 5 per cent. Ofce, L 13 Owen street, Barrie. H. D. Stew- _ art, LL.D., D: -M. `Stewart. - - -;;-Ivtf V . LENNOX, COWAN & BROWN, Barristers,o'So1icitors for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and general Solici- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Oifces, Hinds block, No.6 Dunlop street, Barrie. Money to loan at 41/2 and 5 per cent.` Branch ofces at'Crcemor.e and Alliston. ~Haugh- i t`on_i.enno3c,DAlex. Cowan, G. E. J. IUIILUA iuuuuuuo uuu yvuu... _..--. .*5.45 a.m.-For Toronto. (Cobalt Special.) ' 5 ~~ '- -4 79-- \TA-.....na1:A6 A11rn_ G. BE A 5,. Civil" Encnpnr V, AULT, BA'R:RISTER. SOLICI- tor. ;.,Pmc_tor, Notary; Conveyanccr, etc. Special attention in drawing and probating wills, obtaining let- ters of administration and guardian- ship, collecting accounts, etc. Of- ces,i Ross block, Barrie. Money to ` ~--- _ -_ ./ '\ DONALD ROSS, L.L.B., BARRI'S- ter, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money to loan. _.________.___.___________._. I II%\n\l, `loan. _ } H.T. ARNALL, 'M.D.-,C.M., OCFFICE [, i_{1AB,.othw_e1l -s block, _A1landa1e. On A--.--_-__ .4. ..:.-.L6 DR. A. T. LITTLE, late of Churchill.` `Ont. Oice and residence John St., : near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. I IDR. J. CURRIE SMITH. OF- ce and residence, Collier street, Barrie. Phone 61. DR. w. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN,l `Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R. C.P., London. Ofce and residence ---2 doors East of Clarkson 'House, Barrie. Tel. ,77. IUTE uuu aluluusuu 5.20 p.m.---For Newrnarket, ' To- tonto, Montrealland points East. * ` 77-- f`--J--.-1` 1'nv|n`:t\