Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 May 1908, p. 2

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Inconronarzn 1855.. BARRIE. Manager. Yeah rnos. `KENNEDY, ARCHITECT. .? 0 cc, Ont: ' :10 Block, Dunlap St. & $70,000 `FOR (ran) . R . . Surgeon in Royal London hthslmic Hospital- Initiate]-Eye Hos ital. Bristo ;and Birmingham B*;:u:'h.;z%;r$;:ai:':::Jms;:?:t";f' "m"' ' ,_OFFICE-78 DUNLOP Snucrr. BARBIE. ` 4 `Phone 5;. P. 0. Box. 96. T L.R.C.P. 5: s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8: s. Glasgow --SURGEON-- WESLEY 03-EW. PROPR l_E'l'ORS LJLAJ .D4'1l.u.Lo Company. Carpentcring, building, ;and:manufacturin'g of doors, sashes, blinds`, mouldings, etc. Planing of all kinds done promptly and satis- factorily. Hot blast `drying kiln. ~District Agenc for grained lum- ber. Factory, gayeld` street, Bar.- rie. Rodgers & Gallic, successors , to Geo, .,Ball, _ DR. ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSI- cian, `Surgeon, etc. Specia1ty--Q:'.ye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts.' (Dymentv Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. A (DR. MORTIMER LYON, 3: Cart. o ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N.Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospitgl, will be at 67 Owen St., .Barr1e, EVCTV Sflirdnv `W: eeee an - ..---_vu_aav, .Luul\'.l."l'1X & ON- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Oice, Med- ical Buildxng, S.E. corner Rich- mond and Bay Streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main,` 1336. Instruc- tions_ left with Strathy 8: Esten, Solicitors, Bank of Toronto Build- ing, `Barrie, will be promptly at- tended to. . I'D any` 9-Act :-Iguana f-"..II:-_ _ L _ . _A H.T; ARNALL, -M.D..,C;M., OCFFICE in Bothwe1l s block, Allandale. On the premises {at night. Ont. Ofce andresidence John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. [DR. A. T. LITTLE, late of Churchill.` I I ' 1 . STEWl.Lvl'IT & "STEWART; BAR~ ` .1-istrs,` Solicitors, Notaries, Public, _and_ Cbnveyancers. Money to loan in any s.ums_at 5 per Sent. Ofce, * 13 Owen street, Barrie. H.` D. Stew- art, L-L.D., D.` M. `Stewart. ";u.1oLp.m.-.-For `North Bay. (Co- balt Spciam A DONALD ROSS, L.L.B., BARRJ'S- aa Cn`l..:4-a... no- `D.;....1. -1.` '1",....... LJENNOX, cowA$i 8t BROWN, Barristers, `Solicitors for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and general Solici- tors , Notaries, -Conveyancers, etc. ~Oi'ces; Hinds block, No.6 Dunlap street,-Barrie. Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch oices at `Ci-eemore and Alliston. 'Haugh- ton Lerrno3:,DAlcx. Cowan, G. E. J. 1) .. ____.. `I G. A. RADENHURST, -Barrister`, Qnlh-itnr Nnfurv Puhr Kip Cf. STRATHY & ESTEN, BAR-RIS- `AGE 'Qn1:n.6no-z- :0. 1.1:...`-u .f`A....a. A: HEWSON & CRESWICKE, BAR- risters, `Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyanccrs, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross Block, Barrie. C. E. Hewson,K.-C. A. E. Creswicke. ' DR. J. A. C. EVANS, MEMBER OF College of" Physicians and Surg- `eons, Ont. Graduate of Medical Faculty of Toronto University. As- sociate-Coroncr of County of Sim- coe. Oice and residence, William Street, Allandale, Telephone 3021. Telephone connection with Holly, Painswick and Stroud. ,..,...~ ru'x\ uv vr.ao.1'MEl good freehold secunltev at rate of Interest. 0 money _requir.ed until end terin: H . H. Strathy, Solici 11.....- _ '_-v-a\I ` Eye, Ear. Nose Throat. .14. L\l-J- LL .1. \l. 1.291 L211, JJFIJ.\`.l\.l.uJ' ters, `Solicitors in High Court of `Justice, Notaries .Public, Convey- ancers. Offices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 ,per cent. H. H. Strathy, K.~C., G. Esten. ` _ VVIJI UV GI. U] UWCII DL, every Saturday. Dxseases Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Consultation hours II a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pointment. Tn-IE_ _NORTHERN Apvnuca ')R. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, `Surgeon, et., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R. C.P., London. Oices and night residence, Brown s Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone, 77. r;\. J. uuL\_1.\1.r:. .mvu_1-r1. ur- ce _and residence, Colller street, Barne. Phone 61. \JLVl.LJJJ J.\\JnJsJ, l.a.J.4.lJ., .l)1'\l.\1\J].s3' ter, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money to loan.` V. AUL1, Dl\`l.\.`i\1JJ.Aax\, ,uv...-...- -tor, Proctor, Notary, Convcyaneer, etc; -Special attention in drawing and probating wills, obtaining let- ters of administration and guardian- ship, collecting accounts, etc. Of- ces, Ross block, Barrie. Money to loan. __, _ , _ I. _ --:- fa l.\l`LJ.JJ.`4&IJ.A.-\J.l\sJL, JJQIAAUI-ua Solicitor, Notary Public, V&c. [Of- ce--Ist oor Bank `of Tihnto Building. Money to loan at low- est_ rates.` U9.` J.J\rIIII\IJ\, I II Brown, L.L.B. ' ` . AULT,. BARRISTER. SOLICI- _- `I3...-...on- Nnfarv Cnnvevancer. MANUFACTURERS. __f___._._.-.___.__..____-- "' 5='pT.}T-I1l*B}-"b}iIfi5, North Bay and points West. . 8.05 p.r'n.-For Orillia. V 10.35 a.m.--For Penctang. 10.45 a.m.-For Stayner, C6lling- wood and Meafo-rd. p.m.-For Stayner, 'ICo1lirv1g-v - 3-40 . . wood and. M-caford. Awclod and Mea:ord.__ 7.50 p.fn.-Fo.r Penetarrg. 8.00 p.m.-For ,S%tayner, `Coiling- -_.___..._..-...._...__.._.. ARCHITECTS. SURVEYORS. FINANCIAL. PHYSICIANS. uI|_b\L IuIII`ll . I. Strathy, Solxcxtor, c'tc., --"'-*"'T--_ d1 N VESTM EN T (Ann-36.. _L I , Lgaan. ' -" ` 4 U u _lov\_rest Drmcnpal Of the I:n:.1\- -'A _ I "Xx V?_e,I.,.!,V;.;u'u,lV)'9u: wed th % -"8 invitations g` '1 Place. Tho `***rT~%.i~s=ua :::::*"=3 of -npv vs: nu Izuvnun H per`:lnnc`n;z. in` iavanoek U$CIIUII` orderin `-_.A ndonco solicited. Omen. Bank or Toron 003 11d! 8. OK an-oat. Burn. Out. u D 1 mchuoaoongn 8 W oacavuoun 3 II unoc---9.. II ocoiouonoo 5 n gcolumn 10 n column 11! 20 u 1 column 7?. `g M V- L __-- juIll$'VI`ug 5c. `Brown or genuine Home Made Bread. CAKES. PASTRY. CREAM PUFFS, F1-ash Daily. B`k""vbT8m. Twist. Vien- '.f * .`.`i`.";"_`!*4 F"'i.*-Lee * . .....-.-. act), or drop usaP08` would like something good in a loaf of our Machine mane :- pcnon atreet. 'M"' W `N acant lot. 3 of an acre. on Penemnguishcnc Street. Apply to F0 0 ' 4 ` A , mt I M MONTGO\IhPX E11.-uh. - _-w..vus AU! LII Dwelling I roomsb. stable, drive house and neax-]y.' of acre of land in gardenanc Come; of Peel and Wellington Streets, Dwelhng-6 rooms. stable and slmd. loton Peel Street. Dnnhh: nm..n:..... o _.-i Come; \Vel1ingto;1 Strm-*VtsV, Barrio we g-6 Large Double dwelling. 6rooms in each. on Clap- perton Street. nnnnr Inc 3 -1-.. - - u.oo a.m.--ForV Orillia, Gravn- burst and North Bay. ' 3 `II `V -I K Ii MAKES%\"'($iJ'R sxm g LIKE VELVET ......-.,.....u..u nuv xuu 1h`E.\lE,\'Tg. Condensed advertisements on rst as wants of all kinda, lost and roui.d,p? for sale or to rent, s cc-ic articles. etc um must be accomvanic with the cash, an}; W31` be inserted-rst insertion 2 cents per Wm each subsequent insertion 1 cent per Wm (namesmddresses and figures counted as woydu but a. reduction of one cent per word will made when the number of insertions otsam. matter exceed four Cnu {or advertisements mm! In on can be mounted on solid metal hm: uug. 13 05311398 Of Ad\'crti8Pments dvertinm-9 II;i'iI rant 1... -11, wxu us cnargea, Advertisers W111 not be allowed space for advertising anything e own regular business. Should transient rates will be charged vertisements.. stin run nun nnunsnm and no what. we Of` 9 jar. Compare our fees. lnqthodn and general results. r.u:*i"E.i. 'e"i}.'Em. am. axons: 1! Bus!- NEs_ COLLEGE. BCUU II Krulev "53; 'i>\.:ii.'L-i~*'Z>} -?i:1}{~1"1' ' Georgetown and -`Hamilton. 'w Amen to new us A- utigo over increu. not a smuaft or usr mm IDLE W M pinned twice as man? man 10 Inseam, on IEISEWHEE? Wm boner clcse 8? The Nonhern Barrie. - `!',aI':A `Abuse: 13 pro . nu-gent circulation efaay p,.`;,e';; u... T_own. `how: _rg3_t.`hu.un.La1no by far the largest an iu'pauol:fr1f'u`;1im"`t' 3 `he .. place it with the papervfhmlr ad vertiI?1'1h"Q matruduo th ', '*`Bth "aa..,u...:::a., V home. A_ A4 . _..n IDINE Leg. K ti Auction eto.-F}ntin:x"tion :33:-rgiggvglne same maft ' mo of t ' aobituorv P Sale 10 cent: er. chmmctcr, ch oetry be per line. 5. Ann; All items Bed us . Cm _ 1' has I Wlnnma INVITATIONS` ;1r;i+11:isDAY,,MAv_ 143,, "`2.oo a.m,.-For O1-lia, `North Bay `had Soo. V Anvtimslne Dniggist, -_...v-vAAu Has a marvellous effect on rough Ikin. One or two applications will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the skin aA_3:'.ireI the smoothness and softness of 5 baby's. Glycedonia is not sticky. and gloves may be worn B few moment: after using it. MONKMAN'S GLYCEDONIA. GEO._ MONKMAN. COIHERCIAL coxonxszn ADVERTISEMENTS nnnnd n. v:.-n-t:.=........_..- , ,, - 15c and 25c. Delightful after shaving. 43.413313- TrAaiusA1ea`v Barrie for the "under- neationed places as %fo1lows:- . South. _ `V4.20 a.xri{ 1*\or Newmarket, `A To- Ionto. Montreal and. points East. &_ ._ , IX 1 In TRANBIIN '1` . ls). drive house. sheds 3 ofland gardenand zmm I \II..H:...._a-- FM ~ " ` OF THE CONTRACT ` tisements a1_lqw'ed N ired, com posmon my )8 allowed to_uaelheu mything outside the}; Should they do 5 for suchnd An 8 Pas; -118 ouI;I;` - Pnbluhed from the office. 128 Dunlap Street. Barrie. in the County of Simone. the Pro- Vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thursday Morninc. by Barrie. .1\ 1, . Bame. paig ney ards and IHc the Gov Sup 1`>V>;l't on. incr scho chm edu that ston sch lcge to t that be posi quit tend not doo Ht . ch the loca clan vwlr v ------ 8.00 am.-For Newmarket. Auro- Ia and Toronto. 9.35 a.m.-`-For Allandale. 3 " "L00 p.m.--`For' Ncwmarket, V Au- Jora and Toronto. ` ' 5.30 p;m.--For Neiwmafket, To- ` tonto, Montreal and points East. sho pen sch arti. the be pos {ion pin soxn sch wh por self wh the the the ari'e pa: I! est boa wit to tiv ins fer {he 735' {z{.1i='6{'EaFaeii Georgetown` and Hamilton. '5baTiY"{iuding Sunday. 1 _nA1uun RAILWAY` GUIDE. PRACTICAL TFORESTRY. cumun: mm. Tmnus on-, Sonscnmmox. ...__---.- v-- - `---yw- :---v \'a.m.-Fo;-H Toronto.. (Cobalt Junction, A Junction, ;A'ft'er a lingering mness of six . months` duration, -Mr. J-.o1'm `Robin-; son died at his resjdence, Elizabeth: 'St., -on Thursday, r7th"?rns't., aged. 57_; .years. It was~on,__ the night of Nov." 3 8th last that Mr- and Mars. `Rdbinson , narrowly escaped asphyxiation by j coal gas. From the effects of_ that- `: terrible experience Mr.` `Robinsonr `never -recovered, notwithstandhag the` =`best_ of cdicalr skil] _ and 'c;1reful' nursmg, en . coming as a aopy: release.` Deceased removed- to Bar-1 .rie -from `Essa about ve Years ago, and was 'h'igh1y_ reS,p9cted' by .' a large _circ_1_e. '1-I~e.1ea'fves 7a widow but A110? family: 'I`he_.fu nera1took _op1ac'e Saturday,:_aft"ernoon -,to` `Union, c_eme;% ` my, R'ev;.""_J, a. R. an Aikenhead oiciatingf The pa'11,bea`rer`s were: 'Me_ssr5.;:j James Dougall. 5.` `Grose; aSam-oTurn;' _:"":. H! Mart!` .' f53.:.ah.d .Hrr9ns2`.; "A 0113 th-Q8. a . g1`gstance.,wefea; .' ` in convention at Beeton on Thurs- day last, ,,when about 160 delegates were in attendance. Mr. Thos. Hhmmell presided, and J; Manning acted as secretargy. The chief business of .the meeting was the- selection of a candidate 1:; con- test the riding in -;the approaching Provincial elections. Four names were brougth forward, viz., .R. J. Hill, ex-Raeme ' -o'f Ilnnis, `Wm. Woods, Reeve Of. tGwi imbury, A. E. Scanloq, Reeve of -Bradford, and Alex. Ferguson, .of Dunkerron, the past member. All withdrew in Hfuvor of Mr.- Ferguson, whose.;-nom- ;~ ination thus "became `unanimous. c tlbusing addresses =wer.e ._deliverc. `la Qiliaughton Lennox,.VM.P., J.eS. _D _ , -avdvppi ;,,_`-.u~r .c:_,,-. . ...uuu.x..u. 5.r.wua_cI.V. LIVES _ met: E:-nuugnton 1.ennox,.vM.P., J. S. Du, ; candidate. The -utmoet harmony, i -to unite the federal and `provincial ~'O1'gmiza'tiqns.e of South Simcoe unglei L one constitution, +t'h'1s -step `being ex-M.P.P; for i 'Simooe, and ache prevailed. Arrangements were rmade -reniiered necessary `by the `receni change of name from -Caziweil `to? South Simcoe. * ` ' -_ ---v 31- vuvaltu Thursda'y 5 storm did heavy dam- age to the .G.TJR. ` embankment at the head -.o'f 'the bay, it being badly washed away in many _places. The crib work beyond the, carriage fact- ory was practically destroyed, and it will entail rconsiderable expense to repair the mischief. ' ' `South Si_ni.co.e ` $ .Z.ons.er.vativ.es met In conventmn no 12--. ... -.. 'I`L---- `Mr. H. G. Boag shas disposed of his interest in the Clarkson .House `to Mr. James Goodwin of Toronto, and the transfer will come before the License Board in" due course. Mr. Boag has not yet `decided upon any plans for `the future. Tt is probable he will remain here ifor the present. 'I"I,, I " uy uu, -uaua1c1 UL [[16 R610 HOUSC, New Lowell, from C. Berthelott to J. C. Reid. The :matter was laid over for further consideration`, and the Board `will likely meet inside of a. couple of weeks in New Lowell to V `dispose -of it. ` - ---.....v.-no v\.an yuullu. _The Board of License Commis- szoners .met here on-Friday to take up the transfer of the Reid House, New Lowell. `Frnrn F `Rn-01'-A1n4* `A `__ - _,--aa-or ! For the guidance of,angler_s it may be well to note that the l1m1t of the catch of speckled trout in one day is 30, and the aggregate weight must not exceed ten pounds; ` TL- 13---: J ~r Rev. J. H. Cameron has declined the sacrice in -West Sirncoe. It looks like acclamation for the peo- ple s Jimmy. ` T -n__ .1 -- - gt"o hlame:7as:`some of those "speakers ?virho7 took the} platform be him , I tindei`-stand'"th`pat towards the can ` of the campaign he endeavored to `sup,pres.s- their exc_es,sive zeal, ,' I. looked forward to a clean. political ght `next - time, and. I am` of the 7 opinion that Mr. `McCarthy would . rather have it _that way _ after the abuse he has been getting himself at Ottawa Bpt with him out some of his lieutenants will no doubt. be, _ nominated, and the same old style of campaign will be inaugurated. iiifteaele i "himself was not`. so :9n1neh ' Sneath, -O`w_en 'S`t_.,.T left qn Saturday to spend the -summer In Killam, Alta., with her sister, Mrs. S.te_war.t. , ` ' Miss Bessie Lett has gone fo New Yo:-k_whe.re she_ will enter `St. Luke s Hosp1ta1,'. to tram for a nurse. 1 in-3-:1-3-++-::-++-3-:-z-4-+-i-oz-s-e-:-:--1-3-ggg 1-I-t-i-?l--!~b-I-+-I-4-F-I-I-4-4--I-+-1-6!+1I-I--M-3 I y- --v---r...--- .. v-- -V- -----gvvi----v~-v .``Since my nomination my friends have" been busy, and it '-may surprise some of the Conservatives in C01- lingwood to know that I have re- ceived nearly all the `canvass books ,'for the first` canvass of the riding. Every part of the riding is now" well looked after. We are ready" for a ght at a "moment's notice. It looks like a win this time. I wish to thank the many McCarth,yit'e's and` Liberals who, inlthe last election, and since my nomination, offered-me their sup- port and friendship. I want to as- `sure them that when I_ go to Ottawa ,1, will. not `forget that I represent them as well as the loyal,`enthusias- tic Conservatives, who fought the. "last battle "for me, and again-_repeat- ed their _confidence in me by select- ing me as their standard bearer. As Mr. Forgie said at the Stayner Con-. vention, `The I.mperial Guards are ready and waiting for thelnext bat- tle. -I have.every condence in those I have the honor to lead. '-One man, can do very little, but I will try to do my duty, and I know my friends willdo theirs. To them will belong the glory of victory. `_I don t _wish to bear any .grudges or resentments, I_ hope my friends will do likewise. Life is .too.short for that. ` r of Local Interest ..c VVULIC-lo -'_`I:nosthea'rti1yreeommendL E.` Pinkhuws Vegetable Com _ to all J women who suitor ch female V troubles - a=Ac1's rokslcu woutu. For thirty` Lydia E. `ix-omfemllo vnnuuusavn VIIIIEBILVJII-I&`W`IIm: "Whcn lwrototoyonnometlno `0.Iwusve:-yuickwoniuuxtedng , troubles Ihadinnnmqv tion of the tezninlne organ: And could net. standorwslk :nydhtInoo.TAt lnctlwuoonnedtonybed dnetor odd I would hnveto throng anoperstion, butgthio I to v`fAt'f3lcndadviued'L dnfnkhant . egg 0 Can an .. 1- using thraehottleo otpiot, I fee{ like` 5 new WQIIIEI- ` Yes, l)ut' the ducks can swim,l rephed the old man. ' Apple trees gone? - Well, theyfsaid the crop would be a failure, was -the Cheerful re- SDOIISC. ' . ' 111* .1 ~ A as v ---`.v 'Tha["s an tight, Dave. Th'em winders. needed washin ;a:nyhow. I Some -time ago there `was a ood in Western Pennsylvania. An old fellow who had lost nearly every- thing he possessed was sitting on the roof of the house, as it oated along, when a boat approached. Hello, John." V Hiello, Dave. "`Are your fowls .a1l washed away, John? ' _r v-_--- :`I see` the ood ~s away above your wmdow. Hall s -Catarrhi Cure is taken in~ ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. - . F. J. CH-ENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. So1d'by gall Druggists, 75c. Take Hal1 s4 Family Pills `for con-' stipation. -..-... gnu uvuu uuyv Un nu "H7" controlled. A compactly settled! township is `a better thing for . Province\ and much _ preferaliie-V kfors ` the . settlers themselves. alt costs no. .morc--less as matter of I f3Ctf"t0E' build roadsthrough a good. ag1'ie1I`_lt-`-" ural.:`tVownship..th an through a-_.r' V W, . `hilly a1jd;"swafnpy `o uut'ryL' .l.'1\f\$V.l\ J. \/L1 Sworn to `beforeume and subscribed in my presence. thxs 6th day of D`ec- ember, A.D., 1886. I7 IV-r `I-RA.rIr\\'r ,T't`1 .eSday eve1)i7ng`,"-Mab.y"I9tTI`i, tv 8o clock;'in Christ `.-Churc :.the Rev. T `"0119 . 11.`... `angel: I nI:`\u- 19133:: II EIITVLINJIII IIVIIL IJIIli7VI-I la".mis"sioi1ary_ of the Reformed copal -Church, now visiting this coun- ..try. ]'will_ deliver. an...addr,es,s,_V on the give a thril ing account of his ,exp_er-` iences `and adventures ' in ghting "plague, pestilence and famine. J-Ie will speakof the insti_tut_ion of which `he has the charge,` and on the care of the Indian children and orphans ~ for whose temporal and s iritual wel- fare `he as responsible. A1 are very cordially invited. Come and hear this devoted missionary tell the story ` of his `gseat life work. work in -India, Mr. Van`-`:Ho`r`n has I fled a most consecrated life, and will: State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas - County, 5.3. A Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the rm of. `F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, `County and State aforesaid, and that the rm will pay the `sum of ONE HUND- RED DOLLARS for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of .Hal1 s -Catarrh Cure. w zszaii \IlJ ; J C V Kvlllll AVLGJ ~-fo cl ock;rin mist ~.;c`1`{urc.11,,.:1 : e"`iie`x'{ ).T. ',Va`n -Horn from Lahfpur, India, ' O'I|;I n:t\o\nocr I\: `Inc; nann- W39 III III` VI &lI$CI IV and it was a surplus that you could put. your hands down into the treasury and feel. (Applamse.) `In 1905 the surplus was $620,000; an 1906 the surplus was $429,000; in -1907 _1t_ was $606.00. In three ears the surpluses aggregated 1,655,000. We have paid A out these increased allowances and increased grants and expendi- tures on education and for other purposes--we -have done all that, ladies and gentlemen. and yet, in spite of ' "Mr. Ross words of doom, we have had -annual sur- pluses aggregatmg $1,655,000. Why, ladies and gent1emen,,the tale I am telling you to-night is almost a fairy tale. It sounds like one, but, thank, God, it is Linn` " Extract from the epeech de- livered by Premier Whitney at Hamilton: During each of those IOIQQGQ Gkgun I-nan `ugnou an `amnvn scar. &JIICII_UIIO %$II5I6 EGGS` V5 51133? years there has been a large sur- plus in the treasury of Ontario, and :6 onions on QI.DI\`IIQ AI-not coon: Major Currie,` on being interview- ed by the Collingwood ~Enterp;-ise' `re V iMc'"Carthy s withdrawal from". N0!'th S: .ASim%coe, said :' A'e`.I-am; sqrry thjate V ~M_Carthy .has'=re.ti-1_'ee>':1, ,_a__~s.'.`,I-"e.* looVk.',e'd` oryvegd` with n_1u_h T.integesti.;:t9.,gait- : " o ,- ;:t**rHE`.uon'mEnN ADVANCE 1mss1oNAnY TA -ADDRESS. ONTARId S friANcEs. AN OPTIMISVT. FRANK J. CHENEY, `kavrnno c-In- no-:11 ~u1`\nnoI: \A 'X.~"w. GLEA'SON, KT.-.L....-- 'D..L1 \Jl.4l..'4f\b.J\.I&V Notary .Pul )lic.' v5"I.}1 exp`e_ri,encedV `girl does `not want you'to lose your heart to her; what she vqants youto Jose ~is.y9u';r- head.-3 1 f L V ` N ` Ii, ,ydujr., mats -in-" ting ` " nae %aboui`If icn. la :uuu.cu.WlL ICBYS: A ' ' Never mmd._about lmeage; the "old- est blood won t circulate so readily as the newest money. A Don t look for intellect; fit is` al. ways the goose tl1a`t,laysTthe goldejn ems. V v " - The very important question oil forestry and reafforestation has been constantly before the `Whitney Gov- ernment, especially in its -practical aspects. In the -o'l"cler`-parts, -that is those given over to the timber lic- ensee and to partial -settlement, the `Government is` conionted with a condition, not a `theory, and past methods of tirriber disposal have made it very difcultefto settvleupon and put into operation a -uniform policy. In the newer -and unopened districts the way in -plain ranfdiit is possible to commence ;arig'ht. Under the new regulations, flarrd adapted only for timber growing will not'be opened for agricultural settlement, ` but set apart for its timber values 1 permanently. In this the Whitney Government seeks `-to -Iirnpmve ; predecessors, who opened "for agric- ulturail location` and gsettlemettt townships which are .splen'didly -s11it~g ed to the lumberman, gthe` .summeri_e `camper and the `l'mnte1'--,8uite'd, fact, to almost anything `but "~the,* growing of crops. When A-sue-`h `town-Q" ships ane opened, the `lots .-arelocat-l out the place is frequently -abandon-3;` ,ed, while the timber settler eeeks; "1 -not fresh "fields and pastures -.1;,ew,";; c -but more timber. And when a'town-. I ship is_ capable of only wuitisil -settle-: Inent. the burden of maintditng, roads, bridges and drains falls w'ith:' increased` weight, and the -6ill"mtllty- of educating the young is we'll nigh: insurmountable To` present tls-' kind of thing the direction of settle - Amentewill from now on be mmm,.. A nnngg..- _LI_. . -A,A-I -1` '-Jun can 1uvc.wnqn you must. Long. hair and a short tongue are rare cognpanions. _ - V A marriageable daughter is the best antiseptic for tainted money. . The girl who is` in love with her- self seldom has rivals. Life s }ittle ironies sometimes wear; petticoat_s,, p , . `_ The gu-1 who xs won with a laugh as marr;ed_with tears. 1 -' ' Tnuon-' ..'...._I -14--1 ' - ` ` .- an; 9-: VA ail All-l Gila ' ' . The wisest girl is the one who knows when to be foolish. . .You may marry when you choose "-.-you can love .whqn you must. T.nrn:r hair and on sign.` a....a...._- A..- I 'Lbve is like the W 1;1easles; the o1d;| [er theipatient the. worse the case. I vf fllifl. `Ac onAIuL:.._.. .- ._-- in us: paucut Inc. worse the I Years count for nothingwa `man is as old as his_ arteries, but a... woman is only as; old as her ar_t. " A u--nuns` --`:-` :- I?-.`(.-!_3_<>_5=e{ |_ucENs-30 Auc:TIoNEE:R. ANY [QUANTITY OF MONEY TO loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Easy ,_____, ? "terms of re-paymeqt: Lennox, karm ana Stock sacs ha at g<;:a;:tc:& Brown, `Solicitors, Barris- verv reasonable rates. ----' Farm and S-les handifd very resonahle -ates. AGO FACTS miss AND mum; TheBank Barrie & lllandale _. Branches H. 3,. Hznwooo. who new name will -be adeii 11 ; ia Jription List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. T ON 11 {O WALL PAPER Savings Acounts opened and Interest al- lowedltimesa " Old eough and strbrig enough to affdrd absolute protection for ydur earn- ings. ' Borders same price as Sidewall. SC0TT S Bookstore Artistic Effects { New Designs J. rnx Jaksou QQRTRLITS AAAAAALA

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