Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 May 1908, p. 6

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JUDGE COULDN'T SEE HIM. TFrench Pancakes.-Beat the yolks of three eggs until lemon eolord and thick, add a `cup of milk, a teaspoon- ful sugar and a half` teaspoonful of salt. Sift a half cup `flour into a third of the mixture and when smooth add the rest and beat thor- oughly. Lastly, add a half teaspoon- ful oliveoil. Bake in a hot buttered frying pan, turning wh_en brown. Take from the re,` spread with jelly roll up, dust with powdered sugar and serve. Pork -Cake.--One pound` of fat` salt pork, chopped ne, `one pint of boil- ing water, poured over_ it,-one pound of raisins, one-fourth pound of cit- 'ron, two cups sugar, one cup-molas-` ses, one teaspoonful of soda, one tablesponful each of clove and eas- sia, one nutmeg, seven cups of flour. Make three loaves. Take no eggs or butter, and it will keep indenite- ly. u Y` I -15 n 1 i it Macaroni a la Riccadonna.--Turns the contents of a [two-pound can of tomatoes into a saucepan and lets them simmer for three? hours or more, as they must be "quite thick and jelly-like. In theimeantime take half a pound of salt pork and -a large onion, cut in small pieces and fry a nice brown, taking care not to scor- ch." Pourthisiinto theetomatoes and let the whole simmer. Cover half a ,. pound or. a little more with plenty of boiling salted water and cook rap- idly fortwenty-ve minutes oreuntil tender. -Drain and put into a heated dish and pour the tomato sauce over it and add a generous sprinkling of grated" cheese and serve. L - 4 The Immigration Question. (Continued from/`Page Three; THE5 ozommzax ADVANCE Japhn 'Sy' No. !. was 'inti"o- HIV uersia is organizing a force of ten thousand trgops to punish the Kurds in Armenia. given to 1) 5 :1} my troubles, and I did not have to have the open- tiou-.` after all. The Com and also helped me to pass ate through Chinge of Life. y FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN.` `For thirty Lydia E. Pink- ham s Vegeta le Comgtsind, made from roots and herbs,-' been the standard` remedy for female and has positively cured thousands 0 women. who haye been troubled with displacements, inammation, ulcera- stion, broid tumors, ' um-inin `lamina anal-`Sn-1-n`A `- _.___ .- -,.v vwooolvnv :1 to my sister about ;t, and she advised me to take Lydia E, Pinkhsmh Vegetable Cqmpo V -- LLT- I.-- -L,--S ` :__._.-.-u AJAVJUCC .11 % wo;n;n_to wglte her She has 1;]: fit advice. ousandn to. i Mrs. Letitia Blair, Cannifton,Ont., ' writes to Mrs. ` I was sick" for ve years. One doe- tor told me it was ulceration, and an- other told me it was 3 broid tumor, and advised an operation. No one "knows what I Inated, and the bear- ing.`dovyn_pa.ins`were terrible. ' 'LLf __..._,1'_- A i > - - Humiliated and shackled.- That is the position we are in. `We are bonusing immigrants; it is the boast of this government that .we- are `endeavouring to get British immigration into this country. Brit- ish immigrants come to Canada, re- main for a year, and thenggo to the United States. a British immigrants o to thc__ United` States, remain there a year or two, and want to come to Canada. An order in council has to be passed. That order in council confronts them at the border, an_d it is said to them: You are Brit- ish subjects; you have never fore- sworn your allegiance to the British Crown; you are of us, but you can- not come in. That is what this law does. We are endeavouring to get immigrants from Holland; the Hol- lander must come by direct course or_ he cannot come at all. We are endeavouring to_ get the citizens of France; they must come direct from France or they cannot come at all- why? Because Japan says 30. Take every country from which we are seeking immigration, and we are konfronted with -.the mandate of Japan that we have had to pass this law, which will exclude British sub- jects unless they come direct, which will exclude the people of the best nations of Europe unless they come - direct, which will exclude the citi- zens of the United States unless they come direct, which will exclude everybody unless he comes direct. -or else we have to leave that-' law a dead letter. Is the hon. gentleman going to enforce that law? No. He says to the labour people of -British Col- umbia: I have passed a law which will be your protection. Isay to the Minister fo the Interior that no more humiliating condition ever ex- isted in Canada or in any other country than that which exists by reason of the attitude of this govern- ment in regard to that treaty with ,Japan. Although I desire that we should have friendly relations with that nation, yet rather than feel that we in this free country have surrend- ered our rights as a sovereign peo- ple to make our own laws with re- gard to immigration--have consented to have our laws made at Tokio-I for one would be prepared at any moment to denounce the treaty we H0117 . quit`-s `ran-|rI Illtkllll-\ollIr LU \_[\ll\I have with Japan. \.u51.Uou yycxuuuu. 1 ?'{V:s can state without fear of a s performe contradiction that there are hun- dreds, yes thousands, of operations cf upon women in our hos- pitals which are entirely unneces- sary and many have been avoided by " ` "" " """'". `"".' I The Mahmoud tribe Ir} northern; India have sent `a delegation {to the; British to negotiate terms of peace.l A I....!_- .. L-A-JI__-_ -- l'- For proof of this statemezvxtf the following letter. ' - If there is any one thing that a. yvoman dreads more than another it Is `a surgical operation. nan cl-ad-A -v:LL-..L .--_ `-2 - LYDIA . P|Nk'|iKii' vaemuzcourouun A SIJBGGAL OPERATION III LHIS luuu. a --``or any immigrants who have come to `Canada otherwise than by continuous journey from the country of which they are natives or citizens and upon through tickets purchased in such country. 1171 -9 H -2 A_L:-' troduce d. ... -..-.. ..-...---_,. a `What is the meaning of this change? The difference is this: that we had `the right to specify any country Jgnder the Act as it was. ,in- But Japan would not stand that; we dare not do it. And now the only order in council that can be passed is an order which ex- cludes everybody--which puts Aust- ralia and every other British posses- sion, which puts Great Britain it- self on the same line V of exclusion that we adopt in reference to Japan. action auu `tile acuuu 5:: In: unann- ers, we cannpt do that with regard to Japan. (The Minister of the In-` terior says this parliament is, Sti- preme, but in the same breath. he a_sks us to mutilate the statute which he .brought in, and it was passed in this form :_ we ---- -_._.:._--.- ...a... x....... reason or without reason. But, the right. hon. gentlem_an says 'by__ _his action and the `action _of his m1mst- _'_.._-A. .1- 4.l...A. ...Zbl. a-anon-It Roxy Farrell was ned fty dol- lars at Brantford for pointing a re- volver at a union moulder during a row at the Buck stove works. """"" . _ W . 4-H-I-I-I-++ -I--I-H-H-!-4--3-4--i-+-I-+-i--5------!--3-+~:-+~:-++ b`,-I"? `H-I"!-+4-I"!-I"!-'H"3` +4-I`-H"!-H . SUBSCRIBE FOR 2 _. ----J --sown-$ I J A ' 1 - They have no hoops--no seams. They will not: lepkg vygtgr-.-soljk. or rust. and they LAST LONGER! fanJl COST LESS MONEY.- B.IIVt ;-ym must askfor} ` eware Why.,do you use WOODEN Pa those made of FIBREWARE are have all t.he,npp1lsnce for the are of .!nner;lI in .trInait tllrough to surrounding country-:T Houses and W380; Morgan and Bum} Parlors, '1? torment: in all equatorial. or shipment: tosll puts of tha world, yvotkui undertaken promptly and pronorlv cl-fad 103- [Pl-ION E 82. "airrieunaenakingEsnahusnm ..-__ --.-.. v-ovnuu Governor Johnson of Minnesota urged Detroit wholesale men to work to obliterate the boundary be- tween Canada and the United States. The proof of the economy of Progress Brand Clothing is found in the clothes themselves. Progress Brand garments will wear longer, have morestyle, and keep their shape# better than clothes costing 20% to 3-01 more. \ This label is your protection. Look for it. __ THE ADVANCE has always main- tained a reputation as being in the forefront of County weeklies. Its 8 pages are all home printed. Every department carefully edited. Local and District News-the main feature. It s not what we claim~ It s wlyaz/at the goods prove Sold and Guaranteed by (ADMITTEDLY BARRIES LEADING PAPER) _I_3Vtiir`g"l_:irs attempted to rob .the Bank of Commerce branch in a west~ em suburb of Winnipeg, but the safe resisted their e'o-rts. I Collie} and Clapperton Streets R. T. TYRER Best facilities for artistic work north of Tgronto. ;. SMITH 8 CO. ALWAYS OPEN. zsuausnzb 1869 ...'l`HE... RE away ahead ? -no` seams. not and LAST LONGER. tifa99%Eddy s Mathes. Hanlon, vyho is alfeadyl serving a term in Kingston for for-. gery, was sentenced at Guelph to an additional twelve years. T`l_,,_,_I, , - T1fH.U1;sDAY, MAY =1H_:` 7th @551 12 for, as ful spcct -1\._m, Liberal nominations for the Leg- islature :--Mr. Alfred Limoges, Sturgeon Falls, and Mr. T. Marshall, Monck. Lu: .1 . Exchzmg dom mt two Selv managed Thom practical but hi< too pruc that Vvi satire. spousc her thc_ when:-we _1n co I Capit: Mrs. state Thomp - Th of Ihc 1 leaving Claphzm turned : last me She s after 11 he W11 broad Noti_ce has been givvenbf a general reductxon of wages In the cotton trade centred at Montreal. rI`hCy<' "But, mg on struck tOrtc;i with 1ike-b `(Th the po do yo I shal And, Thom pearhm carric It and suppe cours Your But the p cxpla morn im-.'_ `1 _..___.v-- . w--u-ou- South Renfrew Conservatives nom- inated Mr. T. W. McGarry, M.P.P., for the Legislature. i Wife she cide plic itrsl car life lovi "1 he I A|n.,,_1 Fhc Bole, M.P. f Winni- peg, is retirmg from politics, for business reasons. " . . I Four hotel licenses werehcut off In; Toronto by the Board of License Comtmssioners. l Mulai Had, the so-called Merce- can Sultan of the "south, has met wit`h a disastrous defeat. _ I Itjsvvstated at -Montreal that L3. Patne will hereafter support the; Conservatives. 1' THURSDAY, APRIL'"3otha cruiser Matsusliima at Makang caus- King Manuel of Portugal Opened ed the loss of about two hundred and his first Parliament at Lisbon`yester- f"y lives` A . d8} - T .'Rud_olph-`1\[I.- I-un_ter, ar'1!7Americ'an -An explosion on` Deposits of $1 and upwards received; - interest allowed at current rates and paid quarterly. The depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. -' ' - " A ` F COMMERCE Branches throughout cama. and in mg United states; an England %o.uuta; u` """""""""""'"""' """"' "' '" instead of owner with `.A-wastage: Suashine" Gun % `nun omen; "ronozrro A `GENERAL mxxtijvcwnusxnlzss TRANSACTED COMMERCIIL IND FARMERS PAPER DISCOUNTED 7 _ ifg SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Events of the Week BARRIE` BRANCH J % { A . H J GRASETT. Manager --w----,-4 :1, `and c"oa1`TTaTaL{r"e37:i-r.a::;o1: fan : . the Japanese I I Japan is seeking the support of[ Great Britain in her representations. to China to have the boycott on Japanese goods ended. I Six thousahd cotton ope:-atives er_n- \poyed by the Dommion Textile 1Company and the Montreal Cotton- `Company will strike _on _ Monday against the recent cut 1n wages. ` I Dr. E. A. A. Grange, was appointed Principal itario Veterinary College. Miss Ethel~Sk7t'Eh wa brutally beaten by an unknown m'an in the fruit store of W. B. Webbwood on Yonge strget, Toronto. - .wCVonservative nominations were :- Messrs. Aubin for Sturgeon `Falls, and Macdiarmid for West Elgln. 'I`I_- .llA,,_, !- Mr. J. S. (Robertson has retired from the Presidency of the Cana- l dian Temperance League. I Scotland Yard detectives arrested! ya man With a complete A outt for counterfeiting French rentes. I East Nipissing Liberals nominated Mr- John Loughrin for the Legis- lature. _ Dr. Nelson, Nbrwegian Ambassa- dor_to Great Britain, has resigned. Honduras is concentrating _her troops on the Guatemalan frontxer. 'Sir Fredex-icki Bridge was given the ! degree of Doctor of Music by the University of Toronto. i A Iocki-out will be put into force in all the shipbuilding yards in Great Britain to-day. Paid-up Capital, 310,000,000 Rest, - A a 5,000,000 Total Assets, - Il3,000;000 Two ,boys name`dV Dyell were dro_whed at B1ue_`Bom,1ets. Mr. Asquith s platform, as laid ,down' by himself yesterday, em- braces free tra_de, home rule, old-a.ge pensions -and the education and. lic- ensing bills. -------_ `r can A-taauong W'I_`11`_c_:V::/I`ayor of Fort de France,` Martmxqqe, was ki11ed`in.the Town Hall during election riots. fl`! 1 X I -Capt. Colin C. ~I-Iarbottle, former secretary of the Toronto Club`, was before the` Police Magistrate in To- rontoon several charges of embez- zlement. ` ' -Ottawa Liberls ~no'minated Mes- srs. May and_McDougal, the sitting members, and South Renfrew Liber- als nominated Dr. B. G. Connolly. ,t Rudolph Hunter, an_ American `scientist, clatms to have discovered a [way of transmutmg the base:-' metals into gold. Th (Continued on Page Eight.) SATURDAY, MAY and. Gas is liable to put! out of the front` door of any furnace T unprovided for gas escape. W..........:;:?::?:.2: 3 'VIjX` IT` :3 { L Bug" ' fwuace can bgtft wit:1t' doubt as to. . Vofgu. r . ` Sunshine" Furnace has Automatic Gas Damper directly connected with -smoke-pipe. {Gas pressure sways damper suiciently `for it to escape up chimney (see illustration), byt heat" doesn't escape. -av--.-.-`, -v. on... V; tl%IuI%`fO A lady s handbag was found at a! railway station at Montreal with] $25,000 worth of jewellery in it. The owner turned up. 1-` 1" A u an Gsusuvl-;a;I:r .Su_nshine' hou frai:..[>aFt.szaa;inzsVt' A 3----F..;.. oi; ;; m.ua.,.. nstnusuzn I801 t??? _v...-- -yvvy vvvno-u. , "'1hirty-ve years was made the. -age limit for teachers by the Man- agement Committee of the Board of Education, Toronto. as "Sunshine", Sunshin.;" Furnace?` New York, of the On- evil the 10 ,_ __ - -wv I r But when it came to be-, considered by this House, that would not do. That gav_e.us too much, liberty. That [enabled us to specify Japan; it en,- {abled us to say that if the labour market was congested, the Govern- `ment in Council could-`make an order inns: Japanese artisans or mechanics or. labourers. should not` come _in. [But we dare -not do that, because, [the right hon_.' leader of this `House says t at Japan is a sensitive nation,` and, is only, willing that we should I-1egis1ate;in*the same v_vay in regard -.to.Ja'pan= thatgwe do in regard to` lather` countries.` And .s_1o* what `we Lxnnst -do, fifn :.vOt(!e1}_~.1}9_t`tQ`:O`;nd - Tapajn i_c;-to- si1rrender ` ` ~` ` sf Ii 3 h` ___, , _ _ . ...r .... uvu \.,vnuyau.1C3. -' i The "hon. Minister of the Interior `says that means a certain class as iregards a country, and I think he is [right as to that. Then the govern- iment the other day introduced an yAct which was intended to prevent Japanesecominig direct. -to Canada, which` was intended to `keep the !Hin- dus from going into` British . Colum- bia, and it has been proclaimed to the people of British Columbia as hav- ing that effect. It has `not that effect; and the` right hon. `gentleman and _t.he'Mi'nister of,the Interior well know it. Here is the form` in which the `Act w 3- introduced _ - Ti- - I" - _..-..\.- mg.`- n\, \; --ayvus uJI-Clbbo Because Mrs. Gunnes had spurned his attentions, Ray Larnpher set re to her house near Laporte, Ind., burning the woman and her three. children to death. FRIDAY, MAY Ist. Toronto City Council struck the rate of tiaxatxon at 18% mills. VI`! E` v--' ---v Ivuv IIILL L \lu\-C`; ;' I A The Governor in ~Cou_t1ci1 may by proclamatgon or ordergyvheneveuj he! considers it necessary or xped:ent,' prohibit the landing in'"Canada of any; it_nm_i_grants who, being natives 01' Cltlzens Of .'lV l\9l`IIEn( nruH6-- ....,_ u_u:u_:_5|a.xu.5 wno, oemg natives or of any spec1ed'_country, country on through tickets purchasi- ' ed there.[ have cogne to Ca_nada otherwise than-4 by contmuous Journey from ,that .-vo `ya _--Ti1at was. the Act_ as it duced. . ~ low 5.nnu. a. auull. d.u}ULll'I1II1CIlI wmte [he sought a wig and gown. This was granted, and when the barristerl returned to court, after having bor-' rowed thevnecessary equipment, the `judge exclaimed, "Ah, Mr. Jones, I am happy to say that my eyesight has improved very much in the last half hour. I can see you quite well !now. (Absurd as this incident may `seem, `the judge _was acting strictly in ac- cordance` with the usages of English law. He is not a1lowed.by `law to see a barrister who enters the court improperly attired. of which. due: notice shall be g the transportation companies. "Pl... 1...... 'u':,_:_. - ,- ' _.-_- v- uvv nun jones tried to explain, but the {judge replied with the greatest gravity, I cannot see you, Mr. Jones. - V Finally the barrister in despair had to ask a colleague in court, who was properly. attired, to request the judge to grant a short adjournment v\_r'l1'ile ll-an cnnn-I-u+ n .2... ......I ....--... l J -One of the peculiarities of English law is that a judge cannot see a bar- rister in court unless he is properly gowned and wigged. A few months ago one of the judges was on circuit, which means that he was travelling from town to town, holding assizes. The barristers, of course, accompany the judge on.circuit. A leading K. C., who had been dining with the judge. the night before in the last town, slept late the next morning and in `his haste to catch the train forgot the trunk containing_ his wig and gown. _He had an important case on the calendar and he rushed to the court just in time to hear it, called. He rose to apologize for be- ing in mufti, but the judge stared straight ahead with unseeing eyes. Who it that speaking? he asked. "It sounds like'Mr. Jones s '.V`OlC8, but I cannot see him." 'I;heMS';)tt act was sustained at Frederigton, N. B., after a. hard- fought contest. !

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