Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 May 1908, p. 2

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yea; Cowan T tars, etc UN_WIN, tatio L: `etc. Es; ical Bu: mond a - Telepho: tioqs lei Solrcitar ing, Ba: tended 1 HI '_THE B! ._ Compan; and: man blinds, 1! an? kinds , factogily. I ' . _ Distrrct THE BALL PLANING -MILL omnanv. .(`m-.-....a..-:..... 1.--:-42- . Telephone, . -MUR-PI-IY 8: ESTEN,ON- Land Surveyors, Engineers, Established 1852. Office, Med- Buxlding, S.E. corner Rich- and any Streets, Toronto. Main, 1336. Instruc- tions left with Strathy & Esten, Solicitors, Bank of Toronto Build- Barne, will be promptly at- \ to. ANY QUANTITY OF MONEY TO loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Easy terms of re-payment. Lennox, Cowan.`& Brown, Solicitors, Barris- etc-r _ ___ cw:-' Having spentd years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and havin aserved as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square r. Throat 8; Nose Hospjtal, London; Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moore1ds) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; Bristl Eye Hospital, Brist o :and Birmingham Eye as its], lhrmingham zformer Member of British h ` p thalmological bociety. OFFICE-78 DUNLOP Srmazrr, BARBIE. `Phone 54. P. O. Box. 96. L.R.C.P. 8:. S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. & S. Glasgow ---SURGEON-- Rev. J. J and Mrs Redditt, of 18 Summerhill Ave, Toronto, formerly of Town, will celebrate the thirtieth- anniversary of their wedding on Saturday, "May 9th. . $70,000 FOR 1177` " stood freehold , STEWART & STEWART, BAR: . V risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Office, 13 Owen street, Bame. H. D. Stew- art, LI-;.D., D. -M. Stewart. LENNOX, & BROWN, Batriste'rs,' Solicitors _or obgazning probate_ of w_iIls, guardianship and administ1'-a.tin,- and general Solici- tors, Notarfes; Conveyancers, etc. Ofces, Hinds block, No.6'Dunlop T street, `Barrie, `Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch offices at Cremore andLAlliaton. -I-Iauglr ton Lgnnox, Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brpwn, L;L.B. ` . _______.________.._._ DR. J. A C. EVANS, MEMBER OF College of Physicians and Surg- eons, Ont. Graduate of Medical Faculty of Toronto University. As- sociate-Coroner of County of Sim- coe. Oice and residence, William Street, Allandale, Telephone 3021. Telephone connection with Holly, Painswick and Stroud. ' G. AA. RADENHURST, Barrister, `Solicitor; Notary Public, &c. Of- ce--Ist oor Bank of Tuto Building. Money to-. loan at low- est rates. DR. -ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, etc. Specialty--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N.Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be` at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Consultation hours 11 am. to 5 p.rn;, and by ap- pointment. ` FDR. MORTIMER LYON, 3: cm. ! DONALD ROSS, L.L.B., BARRI'S- 6.3- CAI:-ILn.. -5- 'I)....I- -1 "I"....-__ DR. J. CURRIE SMITH. OF- ce and residence, Collier street, Barrie. Those 61. HEWSON & CRESWICKE, BAR- risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of` Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross Block, Barrie: C. E. Hewson,K.C. A. E. H. Creswickc. ' `r- wr--wt`/I lIDI\J I.lI\v V\Jlll!JlIlI|n On the information of Chief King, George Soules appeared in the Police Court charged with using as a stable is building within 20 !eet'of a dwell- ing. He had been notied to dis- continue, but persisted. Magistrate Radenhurst ned him $3 without costs. STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS- ters, Solicitors in High Court of . Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy, K.C., G. H. Esten. ' H.T. ARNALL, M.D.-,C.M., OFFI-C :.. `I1.-.cI..'.....11 L. 1..1....I- An.....a..1.. n._ DR. A. T. LITTLE, late of Churchill. Ont. Oce and residence John St., 71099 any-nap 1711'-pnlnnol-u DI. A _ . A u- and CM] Engineer. Oice, over Bosanko Block. `Town Inspector _ pf fPlumbing.'- Company. -Carpentering, building, andunanufacturing of doors, sashes, mouldings, etc. Planing of all -kinds done promptl an-d satis- factorily. Hot blast rying kiln. .District Agenc for grained lum- ber. Factory, ayeld street, Bar- rie. Ro}dgersf& Gallic, successors to Geo. gall. Eye. Ear. Vlglovs-ew5 4Throat. ,.,,...~ xx/z\ 1nv1.`.D.lMbN'1' ON good freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No principal money required until end of the term: H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Barrie. >___ V. AULT, BA`RlRI-STER, SOLICI- tor, Proctor, Notary,` Cqnveyanccr, etc. "A Special attgntion in {having and probating wills,` obtaining let- ters of administration and guardian- ship, collecting accounts, etc. Of- -fices, Ross block, Barrie. Money to j____. 3031!; ')R. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, `Surgeon, etc-, L.R.C.S., Edin., L.-R. C.P., London. Oices and night residence, Brown s Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone, 77. H'i\To new: };..`n.I,`vI-if: IF: 'aaE2a"u} 1'L's'ub arlption List until the money in paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. r\/d.VllL.4lJ I.\\JoJJ, u.u.u., l.)1'll;\1\.1o.`) ter, Spligitor, etc: Bank of Toron- to Bmldmg, Barne. Money to loan. ;. 4;5\LVJ 1141.4 ' ..I.J-',\;.1V1., \I.L`I`4l.'\.aE in Bo:h'we11 s"iock, Allandale. On the premises at night. v--s. \.r-us. uuu |\.aIu\;u\.C JUIHI DI. near comer Elizabeth. Phone 213. lunar`- Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS. ZIj:I HONEY TO LOAN. ARCHITECTS. SURVEYORS. PHYSICIANS. FINANCIAL . .--.-_._:_____> Messrs. Roy Flesher and Ralph Brown left last Friday for. Edmon- ton,:iAlta. LEGAL. gi:`lBROWN S BAKERY ' t,NsuRkI'Ic:'A'G'rT. couvtunczn, arc. man AND PLATE cuss msumcl Private Funds to 105 rat X1105` C3300. 00rr0ltJOndoncegol013ited- MA: B-_I. AD not A , . n C`-HIV-V vvc OVGIIVHIJUIJCU BUUCJ LOU- Offlco. Bank of Toronto Building. Owl L Ban-an-A n-.9 [The Northern Bake:-'3, Cream, Twist. View na Sandwich. Fruit-Loaf. 54:. Brown or genuine HON Made Bread. CAKES. PASTRY. CREAM PUFFS. Fresh Daily. __."_-_-J --. --u- Dwelling lroomsb. stable, drive honse.sht~J and nearly} of acre of land in garden and 1m Corner of Peel and Wellington Sn-eera. Bum Dwelling-6 rooms, stable and shed. 1.1.1: loton Peel Street. rlnn}-Jo Ann.I:.... 0 _..-_,_ ,7 L --l`-- 'DHjvUR}S'DAY, MAY 7:5` wwn reel street. 4 Double dweuing. 6 rooms :11 each. on C4 perton Street. Vnnnnt Int 3 At..- ...._.. -.. hnu-.-----=~`---I 3u-++++-M-++++-r-v++++++++++++:- T pcrlun acreet. Vacant lot . 3 of an acre, on Ponetanguislit Street. Apply to M F. M. }1ONTGO.\IERY.. ` "nPV`l 'PHONE 250, or drop us 21 Postal i`1,' would like something good in a 10:110- Machinc mace :- , . _.-1 55.10. `Legal Notices, Auction S 1 _ etc.-l`ir-st insertion lo cexftgu f"1'1:'Iq1 an uentinsertlonticentspeg-Y1(`;,,, `-94 in: notices. 10 cen ' All -"` h Mines, of this chm-scter, "' ta . insertion : 5 cents per line ro,.,,i'c,`,` for insertion of the same matter-.1 N Obituarv Poetry be per Iine.c rm "5 Ii. ac rrelcrrea sjtjo _ menu in the pang: wi11nef:;]dlocal Idvm of one-thirdon above rates Matti: an adv. wcount will special positiolm 1, ." no.9. rule will bestrictly carried out 6 "Wu 4 cox'mAc'r cmxcgg Advertisers will I . notice of intention It 0ea(3She8.T1l):g,raijn. ".hd c5. mustbe handed into the office ,`*sem Saturday at 10 o'clock, and me `_' "6! '~ change must be in THE AI)\'A\g})-If f later than 12 o'clock noon on 1;} ` m*u week. otherwise the ad Vertigo,`-R atgrgday mm {Iggy not be made public until the W223` IQ nhnnona at AA........-..__ fon vvn um 12 changes of Advertisements allowed year. If more are required, composition " will be charged._ ` Advertisers wrll not be allowed . . Ions space tor advertlsxng anytlung eutaideezh` own regular buBi_ness. Should thev do transient rates W111 be charged to;-gm vert.i3exnenta._ " -..- .....-........ my . uni u-r_.ux_\"rg_ Condensed advertisements on rtpagg as wants of all kindg, lost and found p1-or for sale orto rent, specic articlee-1 -. must be accompanied with the C381]. arid: be inserted---rst insertion 2 cents per ,` each subsequent insertion 1 cent per my (namemnddresses and gures counted as wovg but a reductxon or one cent per word made when the number of insertions oz matter exceed four MAKES Y6iJ'1i' Skiff LIKE vuvm _---- v-vvv- -vua Cuts to: advertisement: mm! In .1 one be lnollnled on solid melll bug THE NORTHERN ADVANCE Barrie Property For Sale. `D.-..n:...- ADVERTISING` 2 Prefcr1-ed right: In I-`Ian us... 'wnsu mu T0 HElP.USw|_ to meet. the over Inc I in demnnd. NOT A GRIDUATE [IF MST TERM |DlE. ,,,,,;:, .::.i.,.?:; C war on T0 InnnuIn.mI3 EISEWHEE? . home. Stun ran nun uaunsgjqg cmcuun, ;.::3g;:;..,`::::.u methods and gamers! r6001- Fall term Begins Sept. 3 EXCELSIOR BUS" N1-zss coLLEGE- Tic ADVANCE human}. nCIun11nlrl 4;- . 42t.f Has 3 marvelloun e'ect onronghz akin. One or two applicstioni viilltemove the roughness,andby* its occasional nae the skin acquireu: the smoothness and softness cm baby's. I Giycedonia is not sticky. azd; gloves may be worn A few momenuo after nninip. _ __ cl Druggiat, MONKMAN S GLYCEDONIA. All 8 Page is colrlufnzlh _ Pub)-lnhod from the ethos. 128 Dunlap Street, Ban-le. in that County of Simcoe, the Pro- Vince of Ontario. Cauadamvory Thursday Morning. by WESLEY GCREW. PHOPRIITOIS Barrie. COXIIIICXAL CONTRACT j GEO. MON KMAN. cosmcxsnzn ADVERTIFEME_\'1~g nI `79FfiDI'I\nnOn ._ n TBAIBIINT 4 W--(i ;i'e 15c and `. 5c. Delightful after shaving. BARBIE- positions for .ner will in M`- %#H+% `OF THE h 1,908. Barrie. : 11.00 zvun.--For Orillia, Graven-I hurst and North Bay. `O .1 1 I nI\l Barrie. J. I-`RANK Jcxson MAKER OI PORTRAITS and .500. m ' 3}; '{.:i;fL.i~`$} '}'a'{JEii' Jtmction, Georgetown and Hamilton. "2.oo a.m.-Fo1' Orillia, North Bay and Can u-n-can r LIVIISIUIVIQ 1'] AI 31 1309- Am.Vw.u_w_2: n j'lvanoe. Trains 1'eave..Bu-tie for the "under- uentioped places _as follows, :-- - `4.2o a.m.--Fair"-"I'3ewxna1rket,' To- ronto. `Montreal and points But. 1.. __. IE C C; 5.20 p.m.-Fox-7' Newmarket, To- tonto, Montreal and points East. -545 a.'.{.-1-`ox 'r3x7onco. (Cobalt Special.) K 1'- C A A ,._ xv. vwu-v-ul 8.00 a.m.-For Newmarket, Auto- }: and Toronto. 9.35 a.m.-For Allandale. . *I.oo p.m.--For Newmarket, Au- rora and Toronto. _ _ -.v-- -v-'---- -:--- rv---v ---- 4 7.2; ,a.m.--For Cardweli `J-unction, Georgetown and Hamilton. --vw .-rvv-- `Daily inliuding Sunday. Isms munwu aumn. ` or Local Interest Tums or sonacnn-now. Part II.-- y Rgbertson, Harry Ball, Harold _I-`Iawkms, Minnie Sut- ton, Laura. F11lmgha.m,v -Wa1t_er. Palk, Eddie Sutton. ` ' Sr. Pt. L---Alex. Parliment, Char- lie `Caldwell. _ . Sr. II.--Rosamond Petersen, Here- ward Martin, Herb. Parliment, Byne Ball, Louis Caldwell, Ma_bel Rands, Rex Sutton, Ezra` Caldwell, Irvin W'ortlYa Tom Rands. SHANTY BAY. School report for April: `Sr. IV.-Maggie Simpson, Winnie Ross, Morna Magill, Hildred Mar- tin, Bertha Packard, Josie -Williams, Ernest Palk, Walter Malcolm, Willie `Packard, Lettie Hart, Henry "Cald- well, Edith Day, Russel Orr, Dou- glas Pue, Cyril Petersen, Willie- Brooks. Jr. IV.---Roy Megill,` Emily Mills, Edward Youngman, Laura Petersen, `Joe Pemberton, Norman Wortley. vvv -- - Jr. III.--Bertha Simpson, Marjorie Malcolm, Alex. McMillan, Herb. Fillingham. A Sr. 11I.-Jo1{n McMi11;n; "Nellie Fillingham. \ Those who obtained the most conduct marks are: Lizzie Camer- on, Howard Carson, Evelyn Carson, Lillian `McNeil, Earl Carson, Cassie Cgmeron, Fanny Stone, Walter Wall- wm. . Pt. II.--Walter Chappel, Maggie Brett. and! M3-s;r J. _ Craw`ford oi'3M`it- jchell `Square, was celebrated at the `residence of the-brid_e s aunt, = atche`- dasli` street,_ -Orillia,` on We nesday, April 29th. The Rev. R. N Grant, D.D, assisted by Rev -D. C; Mac- Gregor, conducted the _, ceremony; The bride `was given away by her brother, Mr. John Jackson. `The bridesmaid was Miss Lena: Meredith. Mr. Geo. N. Campbell of` Toronto was the groomsman. i Jr. I.--Harold McDonald, Ethel Pratt Sr. III.--Hjoward Carson, Leolal i]\3/IcDonald,. Lizzie Cameron, Victor rett. II. Class.--Earl Carson, Fanny Stone, Annie Dobson, Lydia. Dob- son, Hazel Dobson, Mabel Stone, Georgie McDonald; May Campbell, Andrew Wallwin, Charlie Degear, Frank Robinson. .Jr. III.-Jean Hickling, Dora Chappel, Harry Chappel, Jessie Kirkup, Wilfred Degear, Cassie Cameron, Ernie Wright. Jr. Pt. II.-Melvi1le Sutton , Earl Kenny, Harry Perkins, Willie :Barn_es, Pearl Barnes. L Sr.` Pt. II.---Evelyn Gough, David Johnston. Sr... I.--StanIey Parkhouse, `James `Gibbons, Milton` Sutton, Ida Birnie. Jr. I.--Evelyn Quihlan, Laura! Wice, LizziePerkins. I s. s. No. 5, VESPRA. `Honor Roll for April : b ;[]V.---Evelyn' Carson, Lillian ex. ` I If you think you need a tonic, ask your doctor, If you think you neefdnomething for your blood. ask your doctor. If you think 10!! would like to try Ayer n non-alcoholic Samps- riiln, ask your doctor. Con- sult him` often. Keep in eione touch vgirith him. 1 Sr. IV.-May Quinlan, Ezra Park- lhouse, Harriet Johnston, Mamie Caldwell, Mary Hewitt, Eunice Park- house, Joseph Simpson, Frank Jolm ston, Milton Peacock, James Rix, Fred Dunn. . ' Jr. IHV.-4-Lucy. Quinlan, `Ruby Parkhouse, Anna Kenny, Elsie Coates, Pearl Graliam, Rex Robin- son, Virgia Wice, Dalton"-Dunsmore, Katie Gibbs, Bert Huddleston, Oliv- er `Caldwell, Clifford Robson, ` 3}'. 1 1iii`???of2"1 2T1'{y,2ur`7i53l cock_. Elepey Partridge, ;Roy Gough, Anme Sutton. _ J. L. Linklater, Teacher. Junior Room. ` Sr. II.-Roy Johnston, 'Eunice D.unn,vLorne Bell,` Victoria Hewitt, Margery Robinson, Fred Robinson, Dorothy Peacock. V ' - Jr. IV.--Thomas Wallwin, Lucille Gossling. On Wednesday afternoon, April veptsh; the marriage of. r-Miss Bertha `May Short:-eed, eldest daugter of- _`Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Shotjtreed, and `Mr. J. D. Macneill took glace-at the residence of the brides parents, '1!-Iillsdale, the Rev. James Skene of- ficiating. Mr. and_ .-Mrs, xMacne1ll will reside in I-Iillsdale. - l * Mr. Samuel J. T.eB1-own of `Hamil-V ton, who has many friends in-Town, gwas on.Wednesday.of last weekunzdne`. riedrto Miss Jennie E; S_endnll, .a_lsp - of I-Ia.miltpn,~ 1-1 the weddmg gtakgftfag' ; j'Kl(:c,,e,+-.ina A112: :1 tliattctxtjhd %: a :13 W {h - bee - V. `Class.-JeVslsie llobinson, VMabel Caldwell, ` Vernon. Caldwell. `Sr. III.--E1ma Rdbinson, ;Tommy Kenny, Phair Simpson, Ear1AKenny. Ta Vanna:-an T nun-A IEO `Honor Roll for April: -CROWN HILL. I M. K. Morton, Teftcher. E. -Hehry, Teacher. `Wallwin, Frankie Brett, Evelyn `_wou-unions`: Id `g-n. -vv'w --333051.! IIUO Bil! Landry, who is now in Peter- boro, has signed to play third base with the Athletic Basebali Club of that city. He is considered a valu- able acquisition to the team. When Bill left here he promised to arrange `:9 bring the Peterboro Club to -Bar- '!'l' for a midsummer game. Mr. Frederic Nicholis has disposed -of Crusader, the Canada .Cup conj- eender of last, year. -He has with- drawn from the_ vice-commodoreship `o`f the R0 a! Canadian Yacht Club, and inten s to spend more of his summer here. at has countrv house. 'Parklands, on the shore of Kemp- enfeldt Bay. .._---., -.. -- uvnu vvvvn A On Friday morning, May 1st, local option goes into effect in Orillia and the hotels. will sell only soft drinks over their bars. There was some discussion amongst the hotel men J V- -r-v`uv\p wan \}IOIIl\uI Word was received by the town on Saturday that the hotel keepers had appealed to the Divisional Court from Mr. Justice Mei-edith s decision ` which held that the local option by- law passed by the town of Orillia in January last was good. The Divi- sional Court consists of three judges and the appeal will likely come up before ..them next week. _ vu The Agricultural Society has ad- opted the plans for a new, agricultur- al hall. The building is 185 feet in length` by 65 feet in width, and will be _built largely of corrugated sheet iron. The estimated cost is in the neighborhood of $4,000. Mr. H. L. Lovering has agreed to loan the society $7,000, taking a mortgage on the grounds and buildings as security for same. In addition to this amount, it is proposed to raise $2,- 000 by subscription,_ which amount is to be spent on grounds only, the track to be enlarged and graded so that horses may be speeded on same.[ 'l`lY_ I --- - v 4 5: Bus); ORILLIA.-In response to a largely signed petition of ratepayers presented by the Hospital Board asking the town council for a grant of $3,000 to the new hospital build - ing that it may be opened_ free of debt, the council has decided to sub- mit the matter to the ratepayers. A by-law for $3,000 will therefore be voted on in the near future. VVIVI, . A As a result of the delay caused by advertising for new tenders for dredging operations here, about for- ty -men were laid off by the dredge companies last week. These men will have to remain idle for probably six or eight weeks, which will mean quite a loss to the town. The dredg- ing companies will probably benet by the new regulation, for it is more than likely that they will increase prices all round.-Argus. f\`l3Y'r`l*vA 7 lnistu-`ict News.1 ' g`-OWEN SOUND.-'-The drillers at the` ..G ood`fellqw ` farrn',_ `Sarawak, struck a_ pocket of gas ' on fsaturiday; at a depth of4oo ft. from [the sup face. The showing _`of gas,` while not j very heavy,` w'a's'n`ot' expected soiinear the surface and it may be taken as a -very promising indication- In fact it is nearer the top than has been struck by any previous. -drilling in this part of the country. sAt Hep- worth no similar indication was dis- covered until the drill has reached a depth of 800 ft. No time will be lost, and drilling is being continued farther down. There is every pros- pect of striking a` large pocket of gas with a good ow without drill- ing to any great distance. The drill- ing is being done by]. -H. ~McCork- indale s staff for the Owen Sound Natural Oil and `Gas Co. The farm is owned by -Mr. John Goodfellow, and is about eight miles from town. -~Sun. ' --v-_v-,v u. I I\r&\JlllU ALGA l{\}Io MIDLAND.--The rst cargo of grain arrived at Tiin elevator on Sunday afternoon, when the Arthur Ore came in with 149,000 bushels of wheat from -Chicago. `Last year the first vessel in was the Spokane with a load of wheat from the"same port on the 18th_. _ ` _ [ VICTORIA, HARBOR. - -Victoriai Harbor is to prepared for the posi- tionof the Canadian Paci-c s chief grain port `on Georgian (Bay. flllte plans of the `company at this point provide for an elevator of a capacity of ten million bushels, the same to ' be constructed in ve units of two 1 million bushels per unit. The hand- ling capacity of the projected plant ; will be about 60,000 bushels per hour, , or ,the exact amount of one train load Over the new railway, which the = company will have completed to the waters of Georgian Bay. When the system is completed from the St. Lawrence to Victoria Harbor one locomotive will be able to haul no! less than 62 carldads of grain at the rate of about ten miles an hour, which, at 1300 bushels _ a car, will foot up a total quantity of 80,000 `bushels. There will be a double track from Montreal to Ifeterboro, and a single track for.th!e _time being from Peterboro to Victoria! Harbor. `R939 A 1-: 1` l 1 -.- ---J y -.- -J ,I:aan For creating _a disturbance at the King Edward Hotel, Wm. Hoare, a painter out of work, who hails from Oshawa, was on Saturday morning mulcted in $2 and costs, amounting to [$4.50 more, by the P. M. The proprietor laid the complaint. no. G`... :-.-....._A3~-- ,9 an! an op: Horse and Cattle Food. THE Nomnnizn ADVANCE Poultry Food; early in the week about closing up their places of business` entirely-- bars, yards, sheds and rooms, but 'it is understood that the public will re- ceive the usual service.---News-Lev _ter. The Bank Toronto name & lllamlalo ,Branc|us H. B. -HENWOOD. F Manager. --------..-, V... yynulcuvup .Lu.a5I'U_IJiIl Policeman Larnbie on Thursday night arrested Charles Grahame for sleeping in a box car, the property of the vG.T.R. Prisoner, who claims Belleville as his home. had a revol- ver and ammunition in his passes- sion at the time. He was assessed $5 and costs, or $9.50 in all, by the police magistrate. . 11:11 `I , I Old enough and strong` enough to afford absolute protection for your` earn- I ings. _ V Savings Accounts opened and Ihterest al-. lowed4 times a WALL PAPER Borders same price as Sidewall. SCOTT S Bookstore BARRIE. ' Artistic Effects New Designs `INCORPORATED 1855. Mr. Leighton McCarthy has an- nounced his retirement from politics. North Simcoe Liberals will now look for another candidate.

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