Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 May 1908, p. 1

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ELLIOTT | | F'RAsN K BESI-I % 3 from any par ` trains at all hours of 1 ;::'seV "Xso1=,-HI " T. GRAND OPERA -HOUSE `\]";hu1-_.f.l_'ay._May 14th -~ 'rHi:"c'$%iziJs"A_n1-:Rs" P~w..!9!..%!f!i!i9.!'* distinguviuhod Iictreal `R LLE KNOTT _ Supported by u 1 niuent'act.or ANDREW ROBSON an % 1-pilendid cut in J. M. Batrie'a ' htful comedy _7?7 TORONTO. ONT. ' Tma Scnnox. IS NOTED FAR A.\'D NEAR FOR THE summon nnucxrxmz `oxvm: TO THE s'rum-:x'rs andtor the remarkable success of its aduates. College open the ` entire year. gin now. OUR TRAINING `WILL MAKE YOU xunnpnxnrwr. Write` toudav for catalogue. ALIGE-sn; , FIRE A -'|'||E- per half from t Executor of_ the Estate of the late Mrs. Ja. es Kerr, I W111 on Tuesday. the 2nd ` `PUKJENT to iustruotions received by me ` ..a.- nf _ in, mm. hminnimr etthe hour of-one. Kerr, 1 W111 on Tuesuay. uw mu -do. of e. 1908. beginning at the o`c ock in e_ afternoon, on the premises, No. '78 Mulcaa _st., Barrie, offer 01-sale her late residence. elymumber 78. Mulcnter Street, Barrie. and erwiae known as arts of lots 21 and 22. on th West side of Mn caster Stree 29, on the East side of Pee id town. according to Ian e goods and chattels o the _....... ....t- 9). A... Street. all in th id town. according to um 78. together with egoods the deceased Upon V 1 _- property there is a. one-storey, d plastered dwelling, with stone toundatio ize 24:30. and kitchen. 10:21. also frame wood d. The contents con- sist of the usual househ order and condition, '1` . effects will be cash, and to purchaser may have the s of sale for the real estate. the of. paying either cash or one half cash _ balance on mortgage for three or ilve y 1- cent. The conditions of sale will be - own at time of sale. ' p ' we VAC eeots, all in stood-" ---.:_.?_. Tzhe _fV_aaforitee acfr_ess,- Miss Roselle Knott, `with Andrew Robson and -a strong cast, will be at the Grand Opera. House next Thursday even- ing, May 14th, in the charming com- ` l-- T If `left-:9 Alice-Sit-Bv mg, IVL3) Iqux, Au nu; s.-u....4..--,, --__V` edy by J, Bgrrie, Alice-Sit-By ` The Fire." This is a. comedy, that . is atlonce pleasing ancl_entertaining, full of satirical humor, and in the hangisq-:._0f the; strong and well balan- . c'ed:~j qmpany t1; at1 _s ` ' ` i . paying fmm'835 to $100 ner month by - attending the popular "i3ibIiI:s (`).p'"4_t)" v"o i6r.s Elegant `I-miner)-r. -c:o;t;t_nea. and 6631:. Prices : $1.00, 75c, 50c. Gallery 25. u, 1\,,_ __ g.____.. "I-ICKE'l"S,'_ - 35'61i:'r'ir.T ; 13.19 W`. J EZL|:|OTT PRINCIPAL. Conmm Yonam AND ALEXANDER S'rs. per half tori ExECUTOR S SALE uuvu . V--`av, pv-, V--- - Plan at Robertaon a_ DruSt(;ro. El;L|O:l'T in `tl'x`e' Cantat; VTITIUITIIU liirered at all hours to and ll` a town. Cab m-.-eta mum ighb. PHONE 321. ...3W`" .[u'u, LFUUn HEW SON 8: OREBWICKI. T Solicitors for Executor. Ohl H R TEST |ZE5i BAND GRANT -. YET IN ABEYANCE. `bets were present at Monday night's With one exception, alltthe imem-V `meeting of Council. Mayor Bennett took the chair. at 7.43. A great deal of time was consumed in disposing of the Band grant question,_and for a .musical subject considerable dis-` cord `prevailed. The. question was nally referred back to the Finance Committee. Irving aplied for the posi- tion of caretaker of one of the parks. Josepl:.mStee1e avsiced ;:o"1JeV~(iaipi)oint- ed caretaker of Queen s Park at a salary of $1.50 per day. I`, `I H. G.. Boag_ requegzd Council to `replace crossing 2011 'MuIcaster St-,, opposite his stable. I .1 I ' I `I3; vrrv-v-wv g.-v --..--... uChief King urged the advisability of the Town s passing such by-laws as would give the police jurisdiction over the storing of packing cases, waste paper, etc., in back yards;' and in regard to the style of- wagonhoxes used in carting ashes, rubbish, etc.," along the streets ' -r1 .. . 1 I P, .1 ---v~- ---,, _ Samuel I- Iac'l<'ett tendered for the removal of garbage, ashes and other refuse excepting night soil and man- ure, within the Town limits. .He outlined some of the conditions und- er which) the work should be done, and named the sum of $900 per an- num as remuneration, the service to extend throughout the entire year. "1 /V 3' /"'\_-._.I _f Deputy Reeve `Coffey (Board of Works) recommended the appoint- ment of Alonzo Knapp` and. Alex. Watt as road foremen, they to be authorized to engage meneand teams for the work,, subject to the approval of the committee, and to receive their instructions - through the chairman. Adopted. _`l)...\n..a- RT 4 /DA-in-A nf .'\Xrn1-1r:\| l['\UUpLCU. |; ;Report No. 6 (Board of .'Works) 4 dealt, among other things. with the, opening up of Jane or Frances St. . It was decidedvto engage Engineer ? -Mitchell to -furnish plans, specica- ` tions and estimates. The drain on; Gowan St. was disposed of by ad- vising the repair of the old wooden drain, work to be done under super- vision of Ald Evans. A culvert was authorized to be constructed across iDonald St., under Ald. Thompson's supervision. Hugh Lord, the street cleaner, will hereafter be subject to orders of the Mayor, who will give the necessary instructions for the] i proper performance of his work. `l\...u.4-u Danna \7-air (Market Qndi ;,:'.;;:{v;`:e.& promp y IIC` ES take enact; })I'U])Cl pCl1Ulluau\,c UL 111: wunxs. l lParks) recommended acceptance of i Deputy Reeve Vair (Market and.` tender of Ball Planing Mill Co. for ` repairs to park property, at $42 in all. W. Woods was named as care- taker for St. Vincent s Park at $1.50 per day. duringthe pleasure of Coun- cil, and Angus Currie for Quee.n s Park, at the same salary. Two :in- candescent arc lamps were _recom- mended for Queen s Park, at a cost of $52. and one incandescent indoor are light for `St. Vincent's Park, at a cost of $27.50. The tender of `Wm. Shouldice for painting, etc, in both parks, at the sum of $178.00, also was recommended. The various re- commendations were adopted. 4- .I-_f_I_.I A... A.._......-. F van *c0IuInt:uuauuua VVCIC auupnpu. It was decided to engage -C. Ern- est Wolverton, Landscape Gardener, to prepare a report on putting Queen's Park in shape. if a reason- able arrangement can be made with 1m. ' HIIIL A cement walk was ordered to be laid around the Core at P.O. Square-, for the sum of $33, 'D. J. Tuck to have the contract. .- 4 l\,-__ The Band Grant. `Council went into committee" of 1 the whole on the matter of the Band grant, with Aid. Beardsley in the 5 chair. L , 1 The question was raised as to whether-the Citizens Band was now - in existence. Ald. '_Craig' in reply 4 said: Yes. Ready and waiting. . Ald. Jackson was of opinion that the Sixth Ward Band should amalga- mate with the `Citizens Band. He wished the Town to get a better ser- vice--a. return for the money ex- pended. He favored "the P.'O- Square . as a..suitable place for concerts. -Ald. Thompson understood the. Citizens Band was being run by one f 'individual.- Certainly, the Sixth %Ward `Band provided as good` service as j the Citizens Band had done. II ____.. ...-.n at-annfnl` iffl Qil- the pmzens _D2u1u uau uuuy. The Mayor was prepared to sup- port a grant of $300 for an organiza- tion of qualied players, 25 strong, who would play alternately in St. Vincent's Park, Queen s Park, and ,Ward Six. T\.._..L-- D 455-113 `I931 `I _War(l mx. _ - 0 Deputy; Reeve Vair pointed; -`out that there was nq proper accommod- ation in Ward Six for band `con- certs. It would require a band-stand 'and electric lightfng; He suggested a grant of $100 (out of the $300) to-. `wards a band-stand. .0 _ `Kn-oA Ahfpd - wards Dana-stanu. - V Mayor Bennett doubted if we could get a Band for less than $300., `He opposed dividing the grant no. `_`Let s have one .- azood~."Band, t _ said he. The Mayor did not care what oart of- the Town the band came from. If .the Sixth Ward Band ful- lled the requxrements. hetwotaldtgs leave see it get the whole : ,"gf a;ms;'i':as,e any other band. -. ". ' A I .1 \T-...- Iv`ynArD`1`-;-gf` any Otncr uauu. Aid. Ness thought to introduce;_p1ay;m`g?:. parks. - ., , .rr . f_ ~...: A1-A - (~!';'G`0j. *;;;g:ag;a i_t'.',`1.?\.~`;:_ parks. I % 22- ,_ .2 Ald. Craig; {_.Otited .,thia_t` the Rand shouts!"-_tj0t?7b't:""asked to-play on ihr g1idays;.`. ";TheA _membe 1-ps siot` nothing 'oj,the'--grntfor themgelves, and had laggrigzht-~ rd" gjtpake a lxttte money on utli side. 2- '- ` \ . 1.: r..aa:..m. gavniiam-d amilcam the sme. V Ald. Iarmeson advocated amalgam- . ation. Ea ch~* end of` the; Town > could` not eupport a band and do itisticg to all corscex-_,ne,d. . T. 7 ~- --;-__.-...-.-.=v~-...~- ivrnuaz LU GII Ald. Evans wanted tofsee a.i good bt,=t th \p\lIlIp\vn.IIv\.|- `Aa- ought suc_ 'cotld not `he lhana. Dut tnnugm. vB|.|_\;H \..u|uu `s_e,cv.u-eVd_ on_ the tgrms oerfedi, gan .:ooo'o.oo`oo"o this Geek _ at I-TayloPsA, :5: at-ist. . If you -want your business to, ad- vance. advertise; in The Advance.` -15} good Furniture Pofish at 25c a` bpoff 'e`.` gist IV w'1"he Catholic Young Men s crubl will enter a team in_the` Town Base- ball -League. ; Mr. James Arndld of Town will L- 4.1.... DnLnn:nrv ` nmnnr `(nth #1-up Ilalnl. `J-J\-vbblvg _ Arngild Town svill be the Returning Officer for _theI `Centre `Riding of Simcoe. -Some handsome Tapesti-y, Brus- sels a. Wool S uares. All, sizes. See them af ' 4. DVID them a ' Rev. James -Chapman has resigned his charge and will leave Barrie about the middle of June. --Miss Danard will be Vivi _ , ., day and Friday of each week. All The Advance news is not on` the front page. Read the paper through and keep yoiirself informed. Dr. A. M. M'cFaul. of Collingwood is said to be the favorite in the race at _ Mrs. . for the North Simcoe Liberal nomin- 1-: gun for th ation. ubavuo `For stealing a couple of turkeys 1 from -Chas. Wice of Innisl, Wil- liam Sides is spending two months` in the Castle. Sweet Peas, Nasturtiums, Gladolil and Dahlias, in great variety and at spe ed at Bothwell s. Collingwood has arrapged an at- tractive bill of sports ptor Victoria Day. Competition is open to all athletes in the northern district of |Ontario. ' 'a11_ Bros. `-11 u- E . ` 'vO1.1-1'wl.)ig clubbing `oer (Advance. ! and Weekly Mail, one year for $1.25) has been extended to May 30th, by special arrangement. Don t miss the opportunity. 7 tr I"__.--4-_ -1. t`..Il1.....--..\.-..-II VyI:\e;r:_.I-."J.. Cameron of Collingwoodl was nominated by -West Simcoe Lib- erals at -Creemore on Monday, to contest the riding for the Legislat- ure. Mr. Cameron asked time to DIl\' LVl.l.n \/bIlll\al.\J|A \~vnnv\- v----w V- consider. Go to Wilkinsotfs for all kinds of so Slabs, iE and sold per card. not box loads. %When- you went your carpets clea ed get them done by W. No- land s leaning_ process. It is the . ,0 best ye Wall Paper! - all Paper! Spring neceS$%m ` 1; de- signs in VS/all Paper at Douga os. -I ._.__|_-._.. .. LL- `KT u-an... _..`.v_ _. The members of the UWoman s `Auxiliary of the R V. Hospital de- sire to thank all those who contri- buted, in any way, to the sale of work and refreshments, in aid of the hospital, on April 3rd and 4th. _The amount realized was $200.75 net. 1 r, 1903. . unannvunnu Aw an-a\v\o v..._. Y_V-.,u , Seeds! geeds! seed*s,MGar- den seeds and Flower seeds in great variety atl Bothwe1l s._ Ir I I` 1 n\I TKO` 7' `OD I10 { South Simcoe (formerly 'Cardwel1)l` Conservatives meet to-day (Thurs- day) in Beeton for the purpose of` nominating a candidate for the Leg-I islature. The contest for the honor will lie between Mr. Alex. Ferguson of Dunkerron, the sitting member, and Mr. A. E. Scanlon, Reeve of Bradford. .. _ n , .Z| -Xr{t;eptic sprinl'cTe'f`l'U'p'1 land, druggist. ` lQlI\I, I.|l |A66ALI\va The famous comic opera The Lit-Ii tle Trooper,_ playing this week at ` the Grand Opera -House, Toronto-, is booked at~~.the Grand Opera !House 1 here a date in the last week of May. This attraction is highly spoken of by the Toronto. press of Tuesday, 5th inst., _and the lovers of good comic opera` may be assured of _a delightful evening. ` ` --,Open for the season. Littie Lake Sum ` for hire. Lunch prov: e - ` s, also soft t drinks, ice cream, etc". Miss Law- ` rence. . tf `At the meeting of the Barrie 4Pres-` I : bytery on'Tuesday, one of the mat- Ald. Little simiy wished a grant` of $100 `to the. B_and' in his` Ward, with_out_ coming` _mto 'conict with the`_ Cit_1zens _ Band or any other or- _.L__._' 7g'1xiz3'{i'6{:T" "V " ` ' -Ald, Thompson was willing to give ~Ward Sign a. grant, provided the -money was put Into. `a t_>ar_1d~'stand. W-` .._-A.2-.... `-41 `gonna:-' IUIILJ VVGJ ya -navv. Us q:---_ __..___. . After several motions and amend- ments had been voted down, it was" finally resolved to refer the whole `matter back C9 the Finance. Commit- tee ` to.a1lo.w an opportunity of c_onf_err- ing with the musical. organizations ' interested. ` "l"L'- -4-- -2` ...:-``Lnanu|`-"D1101: 1:10: sun .-to. -0-.-. ' . iggi~Mayg-;\1gnngtt__ wnlt call a specxal .`meeting- to` `discuss the estimates just ` -'as soon` as the` work of assessing is cgmpleted. ' * - u:A,,1_-._ _.._1 n'._I-- (".............:a. HERE IN BARBIE Thzutj; of Kgrict`11tura1 Park was Lgrgnted to the Turf Club and the ,,;5_g_13aI`l;V-Club for May 25th. l`- --fI |i_-_`.;'_ ;"'l)-.'.....LL ".311" poll on ennndal ents NAJIIIIIICI-`Sh The_ Matke_ts and Parks Commit- tee wall pbptatnwcstimates oi the cost of a suitahle p\:wi1ionVto'be erected in Ward Six for a. _:hand-stand and the ps of...Qxg__AYpubli_;generally, ` carnations 25 CYOSSII -nNnuE13sz[ % 'm'e'-ax-_ug- gzc ` L. I &5s'| $1.00 Psi: Auuuui-m Aovmcz IINGLC COPIZBFIVC CINYS . 2 OOOQOOOOOQOOOODOOOQOOOOOS - - g - A Society and People. AAAAAAAAL `V . QC O$ 'Mr.1 Thomas Ross-left last Thurss day for Torqnto. - !Miss Bertha Gibson `was up from Toronto over Sunday. ' 'Mrs- C. Stewart, High St., will not receive again this season. `I 1!? `run 1 1- 1\ 1 ' .1 Mfs: \7s7{ ]3Vi;1kZ>V{i3;rham is guest of her cousin, Mrs. C. "H. sanko. J. Frank Jackson spent a few Ldays last week at his old home in Clinton. cg-.. Kent is down from Mea- ford staying with her parents, Dr. land Mrs. Ockley. 71%| l _. -.--- --___- W Mr. Donne}-1 was in Thornvton this week, attending the funeral of his sister, Miss D0rmell._ H II` I` ,,,_,,. '"b."I{1 1 ar{'"E{os 13'{1i}c higan spent a few days last week with his father, Mr, James Cross. Owen St. } ' F I` `V 1!, Drug ?oro; + wn;;a;d;g;a1g;c,?x_ w. is home from a month s vi_sit in North Bay, and the Cobalt regxon. A 1 -,_,, Miss Jessie Thompson is home `from Goderich, where she has been visiting her brother, Mr. W. C. Thompson. r-nu - ,, _r `.14, `r.`._-..1_ f..:l .- vn;-to-iv-no The marriage of Mr. Frank Guil- foyle of. Collingwood, who is well known in Town, to Miss Edith Ke1ih- er of Guelph, took place on Monday morning in Guelph. Ir 1- H1 1\ , .11 2- 3.- '1"A_.....L.. D . i Mrs_ J. T. Dougall is in Toronto `this week attending the w. F. ;M. S. convention. Miss May Dougall is 3. |c1e1egate from the Juvenile Mission `Band of St. Andrew's Church. \.---.r... ' Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Strathy are home again after an absence of two months, spent mainly in California. Los Angeles, Riverside and Santa Barbara were among the places visit- ed. Returning, they touched at Se- attle, Victoria, Banff and Winnipeg. . L'-_L LL- :_2.....,l- It was with regret that the friends of Very Rev. Dean Egan learned of his removal on Saturday to St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. The Dean's physical condition has been `far from satisfactory for some time, but it is hoped that careful nursing and skilful medical treatment will restore him to his wonted health. .. I L- Sir James Gowan returned to Town on Monday, looking extreme- ly well after his long holiday. It was on Aug. 12th last that Sir James left here for England. The greater part_of the winter was spent on the Isle of \Night, but Bournmouth. Southsea and London claimed a con- siderable portion of the ex-Senator's time. The trip has evidently greatly`. . beneted Sir` James. and he appears to be in rst-rate health and spirits _ for one of his great age. !,ters disposed of was an audit of ac- counts between Zion Church Sunday School, Angus, and Mr. C. K. Clark. The audit: extended over a number of years and showed a bal~ ance in favor of `Mr. Clark. The he-=-~ ---M ------ -ms rm am pm. 1 33432 ; Dytery. ; -On Thursday evening, May 14th. `under the auspices of the Royal lTe rs of Temperance, silver med- contests will be held 1 Church.` Some vocal and instrumental se 'ons be- tween the elocutionary 11 `Tickets can be procured from any the members of the Royal Templars. --Don't fail to hear The Crusad- ers in Barrie Presbyterian Church `next Tuesday, May Izth. as it`prom- |isPes`to be one of the musical events T A..-` 4-nlnruf 117; hi) F3 per halt ton. `XSCS to DC One OI LIIC llluDI\,cl.1 &vLI'\..v iof the season._ Local talent will be assisted by On'tar~io_'s finest tenor. Mr. Frank Bemrosegand Mr. W. R. $Marsha1l,. organist of Trinitv Meth- odist Church, Toronto. Tickets are lthe cantata will be distributed gratis. 11r'n:-._. `l'_`l ..A.I..n.-.'n.4nn .n. Pnnice- 35 cents, and thecomplete words of` I We offer the following special bar- gains this week : _ so pair Men's Striped,;Ov,qgalls`, worth Inc. for . . . . . .;.`a_ 39: ` READ ~15 Men's ` nkination 0` V worth or 100 Men s 0; Front Shuts. $1.09 to 35, for . . . . . .. WOITII . xur .... - . . . .. ,,- worth _ {qt 89 10 Men's Mex-mo Shu-ts and 053' one in can `(If QKC d 0' Men's Merino Dllla auu .,rs,.worxh.35c to 50c, for 25: ~ T : Heavy -_Sox, worth 15. `Var 40. Ken ; .Tweed Suits, worth Sgno ' .00 - DEL -- '8`..- 9 `IV ll-ilI`\ito.dV. I13 `\/UIKAIC nu} aw ..--.._ ` _-, , Baas. lligvlln svvv-can nun.-, .._.-..- ,$7 .9 _t9 $1.50. for .. =Co1q`}a,1-ly to secure the above. - -- " -._...._.a- ado up - L IaV01' U1 nu. pmux. ;..u. was approved by the Pres- u'Im Tn main: Mon. .. use gtion Overalls. thf: 79 3' per half wk` :kL,M .ASavings Account for 1908 %A B`ARRIE BRANCH. W. D. MORTON. Manager 0 LE'l"~At Shanty Bay for the summer two cottages, well furmshed. Apply at t-{1;sz:t- mm ` ` .u.vu. No.19` . WHOLE No. a ' VOL WESLEY 5 CREW. Pnonunons. ,B2..f per half tom? I1. , ."0 per 1111! ton. `A nfube nnta? froms ed. ' OR sALE-Rowanhurst. "_residen_:e of th latex. Dyment at Bax-me. Solxd brick dwelling. roux-teen rooms. Bath. open mumb- imz, cLc.. gas and water throughout. furnace, tine C4.-lln.x'1ng. pantriea. store rooms and evpry c0n\'cni.-nce, also ne stabling. oonservatones. Splendid water fountain in front of dwelli . Vegetable garden. fruit and shade trees Mig t rent to suitabls tenant. For terms apply to lmcs. N. UYMEN1`, 257 Rusholme Road. Tnrnnrn in the Union Bank of Canada-` is the start on the road to independence. _ an an Ar mnrp nnen: an -'Vl 113. `V Toronto. Llluurlv--v----- -V $LOO or xnona account, and with opehs. an A I\I\I5'\ 'tnn0u mrcs that during the session 9! Parliament he will, in addition to being in dmly communi- cation with his office, be at his office in Barrie on the fulluwin dates : Saturday. t 10 9m of May. 1908. S.-uurduy, the 23rd of May. l9Q8. He will also be at his oicc dunng the Easter and nthnn : . nnthxna Mr. Haughton Lennox, M.P., - , A -1 l'\__I:........_t it \vi1l-g.r-<;:v-r;pid-l)`I. - N V "7 JOINT ACCOUNTS may b opened by two persons. so that either may deposit or withdraw cash. 11!: W lll H.150 UU 1; 11 and other vacations. Robinson House, Manmouth Park,` Lake '8 e Big B Point, Barrie P. 0., Q _ lfisming. pleasure $13:-`Q and um-mlance. 'I`crms on applie In n.\_, I`: II 1l\I`.|1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS R. S. 0. 1897, Chap. 129. Crmlltors of the estate of Rachel Hall. late of the 'l`uwn of Barrie. in the County of Simone- Widmv, who dled on or about the 21st d-Y 0! Mun-1.. A.l)., 19 -8, are required tosend particu- lars of their claims to the undersigned on 01` be- Torn [hr 911. day of May, 1908, after which date the ex vclllol` will proceed to dlstribl ."` *9` acts of the eslam. amen the parties entitled {hurl-lo. and will not. be able for the said 08- -sct. to any person whose claim Bhil Qt halve been I'(`(fL:l\'c(1 at the time 0} distribution. . LENNOX, COWAN & BROWN. Barrie. Ont. for Executor Th! ' hr! 1 M n '7`):-1:` A .1 11 AC 501101! Dated the 22nd day of April. 1 fiWEiii:Si* ADDED 4 ___'r1MEs A. YEAR ,, 9 11-- "EEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Church or CANADA, Forty-two Years of Successful Banking % Tnmltv K _ 5"`!Y-e5;x'~.' .2 . Ila uu uyyaauu-....-.. G. H._ JORDON. Prop. `good cooking ` nuuu 18-20 Bulur. 17-19 OOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC EA Deliglht yo; _ f1,D:0OR EAST or BARBIE I-l0'l`EL'l | QOOOOOOQQOQOOOOOOOOOOOQOOO M L\i01EEcuLIunE.| Lowm L% . nd Hh Clad` e is ADAM egreabest _ Pratt. com _: MADAME COCHRANE of To- ronto has opened a studio for Voice r\,-n_.__-- -4. `IEDC T\W\f'Np Q Try TOUIO H35 .U I U a tnuutv nu Culture at `REES. DEv1NE"s,' "T7."- ronto St., Barrie, and will be there `every Thursday from 4 p.m.'till '4 pm. Friday. Madame Cochrane is a pupil of the famous Signor Garcia and Professor Fred Walker,London, England, _and of Madame Divivier of Paris. Voices TESTED FREE. .__________._._i 66060+O+O+: i_ Offices to lot with vau!t. the olces now oc mpled by G. A. Rudenhux-st.Barr1ster.over the Bank of Commerce. _ Apply to . t! A. W. WILKINSON.- lI'ANUi`ACTURER b OF Buggies, Carriages, Wagong, Sleigh: and Cutters. ` "S PRVSNAL ' .' .`3.`.`..'.: m`x. .9. T0 Horseshoenns SI M'IVib 7 ----------~ . Wm. Grassland", ;:,`- 90+6O+OOOO OFFICES TO LET - -1--_ nggunr lull `iia:M"%+aAvrEI`Ln 31.1 ` endeavor tosup ur trade ` is every piece of ch ' d ; bon bon in 9. box of 1' el -,;s -' I fections. These are t . V and daintiest a `eta p our only the best con ct oner .but at its best. yvu weat er appros.cn- es we shall V8;0\l!' candies at even more trequen _ '_rvais so as to insure this perfect ditton. E rylnew aha e in the very = latest 3 ades 80 W e is the range of styles that any nd as becoming hat without ,trouble. ` the IZqt' 3.us '1: fg Vgpackages, 25` * 7 o $2.00. - B `V -36Oc_ a pou. w-7;. ocouI_m._u.. Prop;-xezor. V o,,. om H.An.u Egwin in`;,. mmdu :5E1i{3n%. 31.50 to s2.oo. son HATS 31.00 to 39.59. -Eount and Palm` {on Now Open. Fnjnuctssf 01-.1 olus Accommodation. Roisodel Land Remrniahed Throughout. V'V Du----.. - T V n - me Inna:-$1-'3 or" name, THE couurv or smco: AND rm: oommoaror `cnluoa oun cnwanuou. . I-?f1~;prietor Te Hatter . . ` . . . A A AA _BARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, MAX 7, 1908. _HEfAR A FE-ausk %Bemr9se\ Land 30c. `St. Andrew : hurch, Barrie Thursday. May 12th ~ L Mr. J. fB-. _Ew|r;i`I; conducizbr; Mr. W. R Marshall. Toronto. Organist. 9-IC.uU9'nIIIru nu lVl1I\7lII.\ 4--- % Abisiims'rnA'rons' NOTICE TO cnznnons IN THE MATTER of the Estate oi` SAMUEL MILLER. late of the Township of Innisl. in the County of Simcoe. Retired Farmer. Deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant-to R80 1897. Chapter'129. and Amending Acts. that all persons having claims a ainst the estate of Samuel Miller. late of the ownship of Innis- l. in the County of Simcoe, deceased. who died on or about the mat day of December, 1907. are required to send lay post prepaid, or to deliver to the undersigne . solicitors for the administrators of the said estate. on or before the 23rd day of May. 1908. their names. address- . es and descriptions and afnll statement of the particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, it any. held by them. duly certied; And that- after the said data. the said .ad- duly certitled; And that, after the said date, the ministrators will_ proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled tnereto. having regard only to the claims of which the shall then have notice. as renhuired above. an the said administrators ...a ....+ 1.. linhln fnr the amid assets. or for any rechuired and wi not be liable for the said assets. or for any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been re- ceived at the time of such distribution. Dated at Barrie thls 28th day of April, 1908. LENNOX, COWAN 8: BROWN . Barrio, 0nt.. 18-20 Solicitors for administrators. |Licen;. District of " Centre I . Simcoe. ` , Public notice is hereb given that Cyril Berthelotte of New; Lowe l has made applica- tion for permission` to transfer his tavern license for the nremlses known as the Reid House. New Lowell. to J. C. Reid of New Lowell. and that said application will be con- sidered at the meeting of the Board of License Commissioners to be held in the Inspector- s Olce. in the Town of Barrie, on Friday, May 8th. 1908, at the hour of 2 p.m. All persons interested will govern themselves accordingly. THOS. DUFF. License Inspector. Barrie. April _24th, 1908. v 18-19 7M.T`a.'17a? 155; QT.;;1sE."1a.' Wwhitchreud, Mr. Chan. King and 9. p-.ov.\u\uv.- a-sun .- wvnoruis - per half tom __ V

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