Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 16 Apr 1908, p. 4

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SARJEANT 3: SMITH, EASTER MUSIC. ORO STATION. (Chas. Kig.) 'I"l`_ g_ Evensong. Something New for Easter INSPECTION EASTER GLOVES cc uououounouobou on --.-=--V. Miss :Emma Hockridge `of Barriel spent Sunday abhome. . I 3 9%oooooou Society and Peop|e. AA AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJ A "Miss Edith Wright i Penetang visited friends here last week. Mr. Archie Burton has returned` to Town from W-iarton_ { T Miszs Belle Rose of Coldwater is holidaying at her home on Owen St.` V Fjorenced Marri attended the: Campbe1l-Ayerst wedding in Thorn-I ton yesterday. A I Mr. and Mrs. W. O. McKinn0n are ;guests of the former s brother, Dr. d McKinnon. I in Glen Allen for a few days the` I wedding in Lefroy. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Bailey and children of North Bay are staying with friends here for a few days on their way to attend the Power-Grose at v 44- gr -.v v Mr.` Eas. McLai1gh1in, Mrs. w. 1.1 Peaker, Misses Mildred and Marveh and Master Cecil Peaker of Bramp-I `ton are spending a few days here the ;guests of Mrs. J. H. Neelands. ` The marriage of Miss Myna Bar- clay Grose, daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. N. Grose, to Mr. =Charles.W. Power {of Toronto, will take place quietly on Tuesday, April 21st, at Lefroy. `I 1'\ Fl` T\' I Little Jessie Bishop is improving, after she: -recent illness. I Mr. R. T. Dickey and little daught- er Beulah of Reading, Pa., spent a. :fW days during the week visiting` ?friends and relatives in Town and vicinity. They left here on Tuesday, and will visit in Toronto and Co- lbourg before returning home. Among those from out-of-town! ;who attended the funeral of the late! \F. N. VVarren were Messrs. John lWarren, L. E. Lane, John Faircloth, }.1\IIr. and Mrs. D. Alward, Mr. and Mrs. F. Alward, Mr. E. Alward, Mrs.! Leef and Miss Lizzie Alward, of Toronto; Messrs. T. McNaught,. Cookstown; Geo. Langton, Hunts- ville, and J. Cassidy, North Bay. On Saturday, April 11th, at Oril-' ha, a` pretty house wedding took place at the residence of 'Mr. and` Mrs. John Curran, West street, when their youngest daughter, Miss Edith Gwendoline, was married to Mr. Charles F. Gray of Hamilton. The ceremony was `conducted by Rev. J. J. Ferguson, M.A., D.D., pastor of the Methodist Church. The bride] lwas becomingly attired in embroid- Incubators and Brooders. Direct Importers. Horse and Cattle Femi- Poultry Food. INVITED. -THURSDAY, APRIL ,6, ;-Ro.b, Tracey _is _home :.after v1s1ting;a week in Munesmg. `:0 ered cream ' chion, Um.-r Int?` med with point lace. am} shower bouquet of ]i1:t~ .~.{ lcy and roses. The bride in were unattended. .\Ir4.' `Gray left for New XV-rk. they sailed on April :4 1 muda. On thexr return Lin; jside at Cheriton Lorin. 1 `Royal avenue, Hamiltnn. ;GIBSON-At TH-Olly. ` April, 1908, to Mr. `Gibson, :1 son. . ? MARRIED. CA .\'[_PB E LL-.~\ Y E RSI HUNT-:\t Barrie, on 811:: 12th, 1908, James Hunt. 1:: year. . WAIEREN-At Barrie. =:1 VIlL\L\L4A\ .n|. LJ(Al||\. I908, Frederiek N. \\'. 39 years. LALLY-.~\t Torontw. . April 11th, 1908. Ca-nr.:`. Whitley Lally. son uf : mund Samuel I-;111_v. -2' The funeral took p`;;=.;c 1 day, the 13th April. :1: .` gm the residence of l . I Brown, _I07 \\'omll:n.*.tt Toronto. MCDONALD -- At llvf r~; Bayeld St.. On S.'m:rl.~._\`. Ilth, 1908, Mary. relm uf ` John .McDonald. agcnl >7 .\' JOB-At Florence Street. 1-19. April 14th. 1908. L`h.=.ri-~m- beloved wife of Fr:-ll \\'. .7 of `Sheffield Englaml, an 12 3 year. :M`OORE--At the .\lm`.:1~'<'l'." l Precious Blood. l`m--~:'w~. urday, April 11th, loo->1 >3~"~ St. Michael. formerly .\l:.~.~ Moore of Barrie. RLEEMING--At his rcmlct II`. _I_. ......m...u-u. ..._. A _ Mackenzie crescent. T\ru11It>._.I'3 -Leeming, in his 70th _\'c:H'._I3`-'- of Thos. Leeming of tar mm . Gourlay Winter 8; 1.c<-mm__'. LOUNT-At Auckland, .\\"_ ' land, on March 14th, 1vx\\`.U5`,?, ; `Mercer Lount, son of Gcur_$.j` ~ Lount, barrister, Sta_vn:r. }I`- ` 37th year; formerly of Burnt" J A residence of the 'mi1c'~ Mr. Thos. Aycrst, T11-~rnt`~ Wednesday, April 1_::h, i1)( Rev. J. S. Humphrc_\'~. II Ayerst to Geo. C2nnpI.u'.'.. dale. very pair of which will be sold for this -_-_- .-u~r- -_-__~- -..------ Mr. sE. 2Howrd(,-retured on Satur- day .from Bran}p=ten.M ,. ' .'lA !_, T,-___ f`-,-,_L,.11 I--- .___,, L- I O I O I I o u t gQRN. DIED. $17 and myaixim-;`>.i)'e11LAhas gene .to vzsixt ; ft&e.nds in Edmvale. . _% T?1Tx&?a yhas` ii-;,%3{13arrae vis; zted her _-parents here over Suaay. " 1i{m.`}1h I1a"s};e:{ I f2CJE'}Iy's last week "with Mrs. J. M'cPheuon, Allamdale. 'M IV.Tr.,;vz9`.r'L;d Mrs. James .-VValtonv -left last .w.cek fie: their nncw home xkin Brampton. .; 4 .a VMr.`-Ba!-eer 1'_s improving his redi- dencc by builgiang a new. stone foun- dation under S-It. `service nexf Sunday at 2:10.30 a.m., II! 'Don`tT the special Eastger the church '-heme. Mrs. Chm-kes Hunt 6f Tecumsethl is spe ' axweek withacr parents; M3`. and -:'$. `xwilliam sward. % `M; 'ii;.-Ky". iw'}?.S_.Ee " IQ; p...ms'.a Mr. Geo. Raunigris {tum on thy: nth. -concession. - 1_ Mrs. H. J; ciell is on the sick 1st. VI'\;I:'ss Edna 21199 of Baiftis is the guest of Mrs. _;,I.`Hauth. Mr. Thos._Ka`ir of._ Elmve visit- ed friends here last week. ' _ . Eououuuuuuououuooououuoooiuuouuouuuuoouuuuououuuoo j Cut Price Sale of % Easter Suits M for Men and %Boys Boys 2-piece Norfolk Suits, Dark Imported and Domsticv Tweed, sizes 24 to 28. Reg. 2.25 and 2.50 each. _ Boys 2-piece Norfolk Suits, made fmm Imported and "Domestic Tweeds. Reg. 2.75 and 3.00 -each. _ Boys" 2-piete Norfolk Suits, made from English Worsted. Reg. 4.00.. Boys Knickefs,in all shades -oftweeds, sizes 22 to 28, at 49c and 69" Boys Knickers, in 1l4shades of Tweeds and Worsteds, sizes. :29 to 33. . Regular 85c to 1.25- . nan. :1. ;vu;Li`gar(|. U1 D0118`! A-mood spent a coupled-of `days last waeek at `Mr. H. M-03r`s. ~ I \: sunnmpmm conunns. Sale Price 75c and 95 31_ua:N'rwoOi!~ `Sc Price 1.95 Sale Price 2.45 Sale Price 3.25 31W! A Devlin 81 Murchison r Yonn Men s 3-piecedark color Imported or Canadian Tweed Suits, sing e or double breasted saeque. -style, with long trousers, sizes 34 to, 37. Reg. 7.50. ' ~ ala pandas 5 Young Men's 3-piece Suits. made -from the best_ iniported tweeds, latest cuts, 3 or 4-button sacque -coat, long trousers, sizes 33 to 37. Reg.` 10.00 ' A - ' .11: I'|0_,, (IE1! Young Men"s Dark West of England W-orsted Suits, single 61' doublefbreasted, sizes 33 to 37; -Reg. 14:00. :4. n-:.... to nn : { ;A;.;'.;us am at %c.,m....., my ._'~visited his mother there for 3 few Vadays last week. Mr. A. `McTagsa':r$ of ` COWS- aumnll noun? 9 pn|InIA.nC -Java last`: Young Men'% and Men $ Suits, made from the nest imported Worsteds, werynattytout, up-to-date in every way. Reg. 15.00. A funeral `of .the}1ajte Louis E. Dqbois irg Toronto on 4th inst. A -It is repoxzted that 'M1_'. 2G. Trott pf D_e;tro'i.tw1ll occupy hls rresidence m this village shontly. uuv ` 1 V7 A_A7_L music for a very enjoyable dancing arty held at the `home -of and rs. J no. Morby, on -.the 7th`. 111612. The many friends in this vicinity of the late Louis E. Dubois will learn with deep regret of his death, in Toronto on the and inst. The de- 4 1 `furnished thei ceased was a native of Paris, F mace... and was born 79 years ago. At an early age he marriied and -e,mi,grated to Canada, settling in Toronto, where he was engaged in the hotel busi- ness. About 1868 he moved to this village, where he received the ap- gpointment of Postmaster, and shortly -;afterwards acted as mail cl-erik, run- ming from Toronto to. Collingwood. After about ten years service he re- moved his family to Toronto again, A where he` embarked in the feather , business on King street,` wl1ich'oc-' ' cnpation he followed till his death. . The late. `Mr. Dubois always = fond of the Rod-and Gun, and wmtld sit with pleasure and tell of his hunting expeditions when this vicimty was yet mostly" forest `and 1 `largely inhabited - by wild animals. , P9hi:cally,_"Mr. Dubois was a `staunch ' Lxbezal, and in religion 3 parishioner 1 `of the Roman -Catholic Chm-ch.g-H.c , 15 survived by a widow, ve sons "and three daughters. A who has spent ythe `winter under the parental roof, ireturned to Buffalo last week. 1: . -vv-.--v\. wv ..--_-..-- __._- _The construction of Red `L,1_on is nearing completion and \ it } w11l `shortly .be ready for occupation. i "'$r$1T1E'Fs Wviti{"` " are Lfrequently s.e.e.n wendmg then` -wgy lalong the G.T.~R_, through this v11- 1...... `II\IIlE lage. __.c,__ Mr. M._ Desourdie, who has spent the winter in the employment of the Massey Mfg. Co., Toronto, returned home last_Friday. Mr. Percy Gauley, who -is taking an Arts course at Toronto Univer- sity, is spending .the Easter vacation under the parental roof- IIV I I M `f f.'Vio;cv Him is M3,: 1:; 4ix5+=s_ % _. % i-- ,,., -. Iilillts . ~ 1 L `hen: rewtsg M Mrs - 4. :W'T1$LaZ 'i':'e'a":{: Is}iC}. `. ;_Mr. Thos, Benfthelotte, last Satutday wce'k. - . 11.\r.'1;os. Smtt has rqtii ;a ; `fgrglj . r tacit Sttlynet a"nd is moving to`, If thus Ir-44 ` ` It u-f _ , , ....... -. ......,.._ . A Wedding` bells are ringing loudly and frequently here at" present; Will report more fully later. ' ' ' % I Dan. I. "'l'!`.a-.. `.`.`.l..;. .: 'n-_..:- .9- -44 5 ' ..-`lg- 1uesaay._mormng, , , 5 building that has been used 'for __a skating g-ink for a numbg. of yeafs_` h'ac wbtexi. torn"dqwu s by ' p ropnet_'or, Mr`. J. D. Sgiithg . 1 ` xo-Vfuneml of the late Jas. "Hunt, Lwh-o died-at his home in Barrio; on ____v .-r.- -us-_-canon-so lII\IIIIIII`o ! Sunday afternoon. took placdher on`- Tuesdaymorning, 5.2:-: ` .97 11.; ;,,:u.n,, `--A `~ -,,` `. .vr--- -.._v-y gun; auscl. -_~ I 3 Rev. -.W._ Timmiey of Barrie deca- piedgthe pulpit of the Methgidist. Church here mt .S,a_bb`ath mornixjg. T1-In `Inna:-9| at 1-1.. 1-4.- 1-- "lll._A' -Mr. Stewart Cochrane has taken. possession of his -butcher shop.__ .\`x1-_1_u..,_.. L AI- - - `THORNTON . XOUTHS surrs Boys 3-piece dark Tweeds, Can adia11 Tweed Suits, single. breasted sacque styles, `sizes 28 to 33. Reg. 3.75. Sale Price 2.50 and 2.75 Boys 3-piece Dark Canadian and Imported Tweed Suits, single breasted sacque coat style, sizes 28`.to_ 33. Reg. 4.50. n-I.' n-:--. '1 Al: vv `Boys `V 3-p`iece Dark or Light Grey imported tweeds Vor ne -En'gl ish Worsted Suits, made in the 3-button double breasted scque style, 28 to 33. Regular 5.._0O Suits for `V>Vr _-.y .------ _--v --vvvrC\C'C Tihe money stringency is - 19}: in-` t _di~vidtt33y 'felt` in this vicin7.`"".:. . Miss '57. Hodgins was the guetltof M-iss Maggie Davidson last Tuesday. 1:-..-~ an '1.~-:..:_ .-:..:.-.s I.`..'Vl.:..-x.1I.;..' Regular 6.00 Suits for Regular 6.75 Suits for [hope she may be fully restored to her" former good health. The Thornton Brass Band will provide the music for the 35th Batal- lion on its trip to the Quebec Ter- centenary. It will no doubt prove a grand outing for the boys and they will surely render a good account of themselves. _ ' We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. R. West on their marriage in Owen Sound on Tuesday, 14th inst. Mrs. West was formerly Miss Annie Cavelle, one of the _leading workers in the Methodist -Church of that town. The happy couple "will take -up their residence in our` village. Caaidwell is no longer either in Federal or in local politics. Its name for the future will be South Sirncoe. We will now have four Siimcoes in this county as follows :- Centre, East, W"st and South, at present represented by the following gentlemen: A. B. Thompson, J. B. Tudhope, J. S. Duff and Alex. Fer- guson. "` ', ' ' ' A'me;eting of the .-Con. delegates of S, Simcoe `will be held in Beeton on \-May 7th, for the purpose of selecting _.a candidate. No doubt the present `member, Mr, Ferguson, will-again be lha 11-I-an ulna quill no.-- I..- -._ - 3 Ana`; nnsa, nun, A \.I5uUu, Wlll ' 3531 UC ihe man who will carry the ag of the Conservativeparty to victory. Of course the township` of Albion willbe transferred to Peel so` that theformer majority will be consid- erably; reduged. ' Mr. Frank Owens, V B.A.,. recently sailed from New York [for Germany, where he-gwill take a post graduate -course.` `On his return he will as- sume the duties of Lecturer in Mod-. erns ix} Victoria College, Toronto. We wxsh the` young man` success. Anfhbr n` .nuI en-nu.-..'..`.-.. ._.L. L-- , -_-_, ..--- -- uuuvn llI+U|\pdI. CSTC. _ Miss Beatrice Jary is home for her Easier vacation from the Toronto Ladies College. 'Mrs.`J. Thompson, whose serious .illness is `alarming her friends, was reported slightly easier on --Saturday; St" . ohnfs ` and St.fAndrew s eon- L rega ions aregmakihng {preparaxions "`dor}spe`eial"' services on Eaister v_Sun- s 2 1 - _ -. 3,;-_. ..\_ . . \l -9121.4, Jas. .l`)a%vids.on tdok z Busineaq Qt-rip to Barrie last Thurcdayg 2 _ /'11.- _.-..-_- _A..__. .__..A__ - ---L --A v v.v up vv call Ell`; JUUIIE SUCCESS. Another of -our young men who has taken a place in the front-ranks, not only in Toronto University,_but also` .in Knox College, and a young man whom your correspondent has known from his boyhood, is the Rev. J. E. Thompson, B.A., who has secured the following scholarships in Knox College: Ist, Prince of Wales, $50; 2nd, Clarke s prize I'I. Lange s Com`-V mentary; 3rd. Knox Church, Toronto, scholarship, $60. We have a -right to feel proud of the remarkable stand taken by this brillant, student, who has one .mnrn vane on no.6 3.. I...:_-_- -..- we IJIIOIIU 9|v|vI\n|\vlIB VVIIU I1s6nE:_.mor_; year to put_ in before completmg h1s.thec_:1o gical education. I` Mrs. Wm. `Sheield, sr., is on the [sick list, and is under mgdicalb cg:-e. `um... n..._:.. Y - THE NORTHERN AI_)VA I\`-'CE Sale Price 13.50 Sale Price 12.00 sue Price 3.65 cRAIGHURs'r.' Sale Price 8.50 Sale Price; 5.00 4.00 4.95 5.65 last week for her home at Huntsville. [ Sugar makers were` kept busy last .week. The run `is of an excellent quality, being free from injury by rain water or too warm weather. Mr. C. Hart, while driving on the` 2nd line `of Oro on Tuesday in search iof beef cattle, encountered some| ihorses running loose on the public` highway. The horses attacked hisi horse by kicking, and when. Mr. Hart jumped out of his sleigh to protect his horse; one of the strange horses,! which was sharp shod, kicked him,l making an ugly wound on his leg. This will, in all probability, lay him` up for some time. I \ i Jas. Johnston, a native of Scot-| iland, but for many years a resident here, died on Tuesday, April 14th, in his 67th year. Interment takes place to-day (Thursday) to Craw- ford s `cemetery, Rev. -Neil Campbell officiating. Matins; Organ Prelude, Romar1ce-Mozart. Processional,- Hymn I36--.Simpli- citas. Trinity Church. ` ` rw p c 4 - Viv 0 (e'nera1 Confession and Lord's -Prayer in F. ' A .44-14...... f"'L_I..A. -__- T`!---A~-- - LAcbJ\.l all ulna Antl1em-Christ our Passover- Newby. Proper Psalms 2, 57, 111. G1oria-Tone VIII. Gregorian. Benedictus-Jacobs in A. ~. . Festal Responses according to Tal- ; 11s -`Hymn 134-Easter Hymn. Kyrie-J. C. Morgan in D b. Gloria Tibi--Arranged in B b. IHymn I35-Victory. Anthem--He is Risen--Turner. ' T Deum-Simper` in E b. . ' ` le,` . `-4ez-rhea:-~a+++++++++++++4-+++4-'3 LGRE-NFEL. V Organ Prelude--Andante in D min- ` or--~Schubert. Hymn I3I--St. George. `General Confession and Lord s Prayer in F. ' .P1-oper Psalms II3,_II4, I18. Gloria-Tonc VI`II; Gregorian. DIMagnicat--Earl ,of Mornington in :Nunc Dimittis-Turle in C. `Hymn I34-Easter Hymn.- ' Hymn 137--Lux Eoi. Anthem--I am the R'esurrection-- Simper. 1 . Hymn 477--St. Clement, _ "Vesper Hymn-Lord keep us safe this night. _ y Organ Postlude--War `March -of theehVPri ests fxjom Atl1alic--Mendel-l .sso n. . . Miss Edith Hewson, Organist. Dr. Arnall, Choirmaste`r.~ Good Friday at n a.m., Story of the Cross will be sung. Evenifi, in . ' Prelude--The Palm's-`--Faure. V I Anthem--The `King of Lov--Shee- Morning. Prefude--Grand March--McBe`th. Anthem'--Why seek ye-Simper. "Solo--The Resurrection Morn- LRodney. ` ` lI"|._- 1" \ k -u-aacvtbll $$U ? \ \ -._a avata- (w; %smi'm' fandac. -King.) V_ iolo--He. was Depisgd-_-The Mes-1 ` * V _(lC:isfs_Issi.`S:}':iih.)__- ~ ,1 UP.ostlude~-.-Gr_ande.; "' Q Holy Communion. (Hymn 316-Dee1-burst. Ter Sanctus--=Cooper. Gloria in Exce1sis--P1ain Song. Recessipnai-+-Nunc Dimittis-Tur- Anthem-.-five.-;;' li`s.6e.1:_-.1-Robe'rts,. Postlude-;-Halleluiah Cho.-.-- I . We are eredited this spring withw making the finest and best dismay Ml Millinery, Dress Goods and Cloaks. .We invite you to come and see the ggod There is no obligation to buy. J 3' p Almost everylady in Barrie will want a pew pair of Gloves for Em" and we are ready for the rush with gloves in all Vstyles m all the popular shades and all the needed sizes. . Our celelufated Ascot" and Albertine" Kid Gloves, is guaranteed, have been reducedltoold prices again and Easter trade. . : ``ALBER I`lNE, in` Tans and Black, at ....... ..e ...... .. ASCO ." in Black and all the new colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DERBY,`in Tans. Browns and Black, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WASHABLE GLOVES,'in white nly, A at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROYAL KID GLOVES, in Tans and Black. Special. . . .` Mrs. Robt. Mun` '.visitin'g in Angus. .-n -11- I -1 `,0 11_,,,.!_

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