L_.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8: S. Glasgow ---SURGEON-- DONALD ROSS, L.L.B., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc. -Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrio". Money to loan. .______________________________ DR; J. A. C. EVANS, `MEMBER OF College of Physicians and Surg- eons, Ont. Graduate of Medical Faculty of Toronto University. As- soeiate-Coroner of County of Sim- coe. Office and residence, William , Street, Allandale, Telephone 30a. Telephone connection with Holly, Painswick and Stroud. DR. `ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. H.T. ARNALL, ~M..D.-,C.M., oI`1=1~c 3.. "D.-\LL.....1`l a LI,-...I. I 'A I1.....I..`l- (W- DR. J. CURRIE SMIT-H. OF- .C.u. ....A ......2A..... f`..1I:-_ DR. VW. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, `Surgeon, etc-, LR.C.S., Edin., L.tR. C.P., London. Ofces and night residence, Brown s Block, Dunlap V street, Barrie. Telephone, .77. tun. MORTIMER LYON, 3: Carl- ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, I (N-Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Batrie, [ every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear I Nose and Throat. Consultation i hoprs I1 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap~ k pomtment. VDR. A. T. LITTLE, late of Churchill. Ont. Ofce and residence John St., V near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. V. AUL'1', HENRI-D155, D\JIJL\oL' tor, _ Proctor, ` Notary, Convcyancer, etc. ` Special attention in clrawing and probating wills, obtaining let- ters of administration and guardian- ship, collecting accounts, etc. Of- ces, Ross block, Barrie. Money to `Ag 1 5.20 Newmarket, ' To- yonto, Montreal and points East. rt- _ 1,A-_II 7--.. -;:-- `HUGH loan. ....-. .mu.x. nLA`.N1NG MILL ompany. Carpen-tering, building, andzmanufacturing of doors, sashes, blinds, mouldings, etc. Planing of all kinds done prompt! and satis- factorily; Hot blast rying kiln. District Agenc for grained 1um- ` .2: her. - Factory, _ ayeld street, Bar- rie. Rodzers * nqu------~ IN-WIN, MURPHY 8: ESTEN, ON- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Office, Med- `ical'Bu1ld1ng, S.E. corner Rich- mond and Bay Streets, Toronto. 'l_`elepho;1e, _Main, 1336. Instruc- t. \ to Geo. B1l_. ber. vFacto'ry, 'Bajreld Rodgers & Gallic, ;a1_a. 5{\Jl1.LV,.l.ll. I U!` loan at 4% and 5 per cent`. terms `of re-paymetgt. 1 Cowan & Brown, `Solicitors, I v,v\r\l 1 '\J1\ LLV V DB1 51131` 1` good freehold securit at lowest rate of interest. 0 principal money required until end of the term: H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Barrxe. - I.` L . J L.l\4V 1 31414, Ju.'.JJ- .\_.a?LVl-9 \JsI.' 1' L'\4l'a In 'Bothwg;-.ll s block, Allandalc. On the premnscs at night. 'L\u Jo \.r\JL\l\Ll'4 Q8711 1'11: ce and residence, Collier Barrie. Phone 61.. -_ n_..-4.... .\!..dm.-u Fnnvavnnver- Dr. J. Almiun ROSS. ',r,T;,},'.{.."_'1l~'"r '}EG' Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. Ndrth. '2.oo a.m.--Fot Orillia, North Bay and Soo. u.oo a.m.-For .01-illia, Graven- hnrst and North Bay. 3 `CI , "__L`_ h--- --::--: nanumcqzunhns. "`_:",'f_ f"""-""""""""""""' , Ancnyrncrs. _,_,______ &-u::- MONEY TO LOAN ."`"'""`---.----------~----.. '- BEQGS. ARCHITECT it Eliinna-or na:-- ___ SURVEYORS. PHYSICIANS. FINANCIAL. LEGAL. % in V I--- gvvpvnu jun,- `; p.m.-For Orillia, North `Bay `and points West. 8.05 p.m.-For Orillia. 10.35 a.m.-For Penetang. L 10.45 a.m.--For Stayxrer, Calling- wood and Meaford. T b 3.40 p.m.--For Stayner, Calling- wood and Meaford. 7.50 p.m.---For Penetang. 8.00 p.m.-For Stayner, Coiling- wood and Meaford. . `uao p.m.-For North Bay. (Co- balt Special) ' 13 II D (I I --- A vs` mu-nnx [U cent. Easy TC-Payment. Lennox, rnwn `Q.-.l:..:...... - _ Inspector vu QJIDI v t;cces'sors ggsaulvlg s, Barris- stxrt, I 1 a or THE The lonhern Advanca L344 A :oooia1"x-wt. not demonstrate! the (,3 13 provcn to Tau AUV _ have h 1` I _ circuuuon of any paper m the Town-; It has also by 1-1' W `3` '`*1 Wu . `Hunt, 9' in pot1':g-tn It,z`;::;l;1:::haa :yr::1f::1tl1:' ` ~ ,1. 1: , not utrnid `-0 -99 pgfmrzed a AdverdI|"` "' oc rd m,,,_. unuaac-to m `` 0 eoui Wk` Order early and Advance - make; `g Job ,'I`HURSDAY.' APRIL 16, :::.-l."1II:t uulcruu: `seven 1:11;? m!e.1ine;~;:& novices. 10 cont: 9;; 11 , insertion ; 5 cents per lino to: each su\,,' `M nlnirtiontot $111: lune a: Mer.hA11 jwmu ea, 0 ` chm , obunu-v P09"! be per une. '3 "5 um . THE NORTHERN ADVANCE i-vVIIII uNsuh7u'uc: AGENT. OONVEYANCIR. arc. mu AND rum cuss msmumcn Rrlvsto Fund I to loan on mac mon- denco solicited. on: Bank of '1` , 03%.. B`"_>.!'-olbtgthulldinc Ow ell j G'Prcferrcd poaiti 1 ments in the paper wiflnge :;ldk:ctalgn&?,Y1"` of one-tthiwrl on aihzlve rates. and on m,':&: 'r31`3?m bes'33'{'1y c 3-'iiet<:.b ``"~ This cox'r1uc'r cameras. Advertisers will please bear in notice of intention to chan c aavejif um mustbe handed into theo ce not Iatexfnum Saturday auo o clock and the co 3 ,0, II: chung mustbe in THE ADVANCE-. omcgm later n 12 9'c1ock noon on Monday in M` week. otherwise the udvertiser-'3 a.nnmxncem . guy not be made public until the week tong. F2 changes of Advertisements allow zveishrheu morgdnre required, composmo Advertisers will nnt ha ..II........a .- Wm: urn` _--.v_wJ - tn 7156! Dwelling 1 rooms). stable, drive house. shed: and nearly?! of acre of land in gard en and lawn: Corner of Peel and Wellington Streets, Barrie lDwelling--6 rooms, stable and shed. Large loton Peel Street. nnauhln Amalia-n 1---..- :~ 7 I I PHON E 250, or drop us 3 Postal if you. would like something good in a loaf or our Machine mane :- Baker s, Cream. Twist. Vien- na Sandwich, Fruit-Loaf. at 5:. Brown or genuine Home CAKES. PA.S'l`RY. CREAM PUFFS, Fresh Daily. "--u will 08 cnargeu. Advertiser: will not be allowed to uaeum space for advertlging anythin outside um, own regular busrnees. Sho d thcv do transient rates will be charged for 'such;? vert'1sement.a.. ~ town reel an-een. ' Double dwelling. Grooms in each, on Clap perton Street. Vacant lot. 2 or an acre. on Penetanguishene Street. Apply to F. M. MONTGOMERY. an In-1'11 vvr -._....-v -.r v -nnnannnlnnn I 5. Condensed advertisements on first pagan us want: of all kinda. lost. and found, prop-Q tor saleorto rent-,. specic articles. etc,, must be aooomDa.n_1ed vfith the cash, and be inserted-rat xnaertxon 2 cents per you each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word nnmeamddreases and gures counted as word ut I reduction of one cent per word win 5. made when the number of insertions otum. mutter exceed four IALELIDIUIIII I BK! vernsementa. . -;3-I`;-I 'fTr`;-d.\r'o-|:Iuol:onu hunt In on; can be mounted on solid metal bun `Er-13$ e; Qoin {vin sg aaiam the Sub ulption List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in stream for threemontha and over will be charged $1.50 per annnxn. 'I"U"U' `t'I"u"u"r`U"U"u"I"I"r`r1"I"l"l"I"l"l'1'?` i MAKES YOUR sxm {LIKE VELVET BBOWN S BAKERY 4%MH++ mu! N ticel. Anon 8:] W" nt_o.-F`irQtoinIIertiou lgnoentae" `:'fi::muq mguentinaortloncenta p2 me, ' not in: unt-An. in man: u... u__ - "mic ._'?r.v1=r!v*fr Sale- `I'\---IIl__ Fall mm nagiSh:. am. EXCELSIT R. BUSI- ` mass _ coumcz. sEi4'n run nun nannsums vlllilhodl and general rgunltu. And no what we of- . 9 hr. Compare our feel. 7 we asx mu ' to moc3't.ul|o"o;-Pinlraas`- 0 in; demand. not I am mm M; W.` .,`. .f.....I f placid tiioo umnny mi! 6070 T , R `hooves better clcse st yvuov, avav-nun `Incl u-sou rv---v- ----v. 7.25 a.m.--For Cardwell Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. .. _. _ _- 19- I`_.._l___-1I T--.._L!.`.. -gnu. vi-U UK DVD IPPIICIHOIIU1 will remove the roughness, and by 4 its oocoeiouel use the Ikin acquire: I the Imoothneu and softness of a. baby's. < Glycedonle is not sticky. and: gloves mey be Item a few moments . after neingif. _ `A- GEO. MONKMAN. Druggilt, - Barr wnnnma INVITATIONS. MONKMADTS GLYCEDONIA. : His 3 marvellous ebct. on rough: Ikin. One or two applicuionsq Ii rnlnnvn ch: n-ma}:-.-.. mu! L... -' connllacux. oonmncfr Rrgg. ooxwnxsno ADVERTISEMENTS. -__AJ _.I-A_L..__. -_4_ I! TIAIIIIKT ADYIRTISIXG. L luau LOU nun Z00 Delightful titer shaving. 1345-icE:T WCSLIY LCFIEW. PROPRIITORS i`x:i'.:e 15c and `25c.. !_'L.t_-I - 1. ply.) _ I Bum. . `IV 1 I _ Barne. When the Whitney Government came into hoice a serious situation was found to exist: in regard to the rural public schools. Many of the teachers were young; inefcient and ill-paid. The schools suffered for want of proper nancial support. While some sections did well by their schools, and others surprising- ly well, there were still many which fell far behind their ability to pay. I.w.- - _ Seeding txons of wan ` Eiai lrgt was c:m_ L`Ganam)q by Ki!` fa new Jl\,|II `died fr runaw;1_\ This enactment aroused serious opposition, but it must be,rernember- *- ed -that the measure was unanimous- ly adopted in the -Legislature. Mr. .-*MacKay himself suggested the pen~ altysxgain-st trustee boards which at- tempted to hire teachers at salaries under the xed minimum. The pen- alty was that they would lose the legislative grant. By 1907 the Gov- ernment's eective administration of the Province, together with its good fortune in the Cobalt country; had - so improved the nancial outlook that it was resolved to deal Jnore generously -with the schools. Ac- cordingly, the rural ,scho'ol apprbpri-V ation was raised._to' $38o,o_o_o._.ior -last _ year; as] compared with $r_26,ooo in 1905... This was no half measure, but; ; it was .considered that the anaemic `condition of the schools called for . Q`drasti`c_ and somewhat costly treat- :,,-ment- _.The. -Minister of Education at 4 same time madeypublic the tde-I} " `cisiomgof-' the defpartifnent`-'= radically`; ,: %1r.!"" 3i' 9* i-`?*!`?'e=s`With It View .gy. Arthu was fun WHTC. \ wound Mum. -zard of river i< of an i Italia frightct Black } ;'2`}:'1ii-(1I"("I Dane, are m mates membc Ontf). The Connn L()! d Oftc End Pcrc of mu in De .1 I `I `Provn held u -----w V- -u -1 -V`.- I1 nor Ammm (9"w."2'&vamooL The has cl pig-ir The lect_io An B to under M11 `State St. fort .THE RURAL SCHOOL PROB-. LEM. Upwto -that ti_m_'e_, tie average at-V` ,ath thg. Vindividua! schools The virtual auctioning of vacancies and the reduction of salaries through the tender system had brought la- mentable results. ` Many of the pro- fession had been attracted to West- ern Canada by the better salaries obtainable in that part of the coun- try. Others had been lured into business life. by the higher rewards. offering in commercial careers. In order to check this tendency, the Legislature in 1906 enacted a meas-L are under which rural schools were: required to pay a minimum standard. salary. It was provided that the legislative grants should be increas- ed to some extent, but the local tax-- payermwere required to `make up a- part of the extra money necessarga to pay the improved salaes. ' An 3` Page 48 (iolupn rlunpnpcl-,. Pnbllnhod from the olce. I23 Dunlap Street. Battle. in the County of Simone, the Pro- vinceot Ontario. `Canada over: . V Thursday Morning , in --w -rr-v-- `Daily in-iuding Sunday. nnmm .nA1LwA1't; cums. Tunas or Bunsomlmox. een. encu'riaged.i; -By the subs ti;tpu-_ < 7tion~of 7anotl_i`er plan. 'Dr._. Pyne`hoped_ to .'secure better-equipped and more sanitary;-`. =scl_1ool_s,'l;. higher . `teachers salariies;-'-`and . the .-femployment of the * better-qualied teachers. The ar- 1 rangement was that to [all school 1 sections whose total assessment fell below ._ $50,000 there should be a ,x-- T __e_1 grant of $20 to $3o, that larger. u appropriation going to the poorer "sections. To this was added a grant -of 40 per cent. of all salaries up `to '.$6oo in excess of the prescribed mini- , mum. Schools suiciently ambitious to employ a teacher with `a rst or 1 second-class certicate were to be `allowed `$20 extra. Inaddition spec- _ ial sums were provided for school . boards which made an effort to im- . prove the sanitary condition and general equipment of the-schools un- der their charge. The "Minister's - idea-was thus to apply a powerful stimulus to country schools `and i school boards all oven the Province. A twelve months trial has suf- ficed to vindicatethe wisdom of the effort. . -`Salaries have advanced all over the Province,` an_d a=gcneral- im- provement already is reportedin.-the schools. The Department isgshortly to furnish the boards with a book of plans for rural school buildings and grounds, prepared after the best modern designs. `The Government makes another important departure on behalf of the rural public schools by facilitating the attendance of cer- tain specied classes of rural school teachers at .the. Guelph Agricultural College, ' Special courses have been provided for them there, and the Department undertakes to pay their travelling expenses to-and fromthe College, as well as their tuition and board-at that institution. The pur- pose is to equip the country and country town schools with teachers who can impart instruction specially useful for pupils who intend to re- main on the farm or in the work- shop instead o going out into com- mercial or professional life. courses for country school teachers the Government has introduced a re- form` that is calculated to exert an enormouslyi benecial inuence on the Province as a whole. The tend- ency in our school system heretofore has been to educate the boy and girl away from the farm to the town and city. Serious injury has been wrought by the depopulation of the counties. Jnsuicient help has been left to work the land, and our agricultural progress for this reason has -been slower than .it should have been. Any instruction that will stimulate interest in thefarm from a scientic standpoint undoubtedly will benet the farmers boys, the farmers them- selves and the entire community. The introduction of primary agricul- tural and industrial training in the| schools is directly in line with the modern emphasis placed on technicall instruction in the higher depart- ments of education.--Toronto News. In ' providing for these special | ST. GEORGE S CELEBRATION. The annual Church Parade of the St. George s Society and the Sons of England of Barrie and Allandale. will he held on Sunday, April 19th. The members of both societies will as- semble in . Southampton Lodge, Bothwelrs Block, at 10.30 on Sun- day morning, and proceed to Trinity Church where the Rev. Canon Reiner, Chaplain of ;the society, will preach the sermon. in the Queen s -Hotel on Thurs -evening, April 23rd, at 9 o clock, and it is hoped that the members-of the `:St. -George s `Society, the Sons of England, and the Canadian Club will-give the dinner. `their hearty sup- por.t- . Rev. -Canon -Cody of Toronto will `be the principal speaker of the evening, and twill respond -to the toast Tim Empire and the Flag. The Annual Dinner will be hcfld 3} The `Bandvewill be in attendance. There will be short speeches `and good songs, and an _all round. pleas- -ant evening to celebrate `St. George and Merrie England." ' t Tvvw $-Tw vv XVI V out, at your doctor Iboutuk nan-nl0hollctol_Ilc'_Ind nltcnv ; e; If .110 huja batter medicine, take his, Gattheest glvnys." Thlc our advice. X Free from Alcohol " ' ~Petegbor6 "will. have a ' pet`-rVnaner_It re bngade. The volunteer system as to` be -superceded. V l'\ `R T E C "X On the initiative of Mr. J. S. Du, M-.P.-P., the -name of Cardwell con- stituency has been changed to South Simcoe. ' - . I .-__._.v-.. A case of smallpox has been re-` ported near Utopia. The Essa Board of Health has. taken _- steps to `pre- vent the spread of the disease. ` uuv 'I' --___1-_. saving a.l..dUC.Y3l majority or 30.` _ Thus, an spIte;of.thc fact: that `the popular majority of the . Conservatives ;h_ad more than trebled, -the xcault of `:19; .1tdi8tf_ib_lIt_i9n was th`3t%%Jb4=. ` Lib`- % `-.-j;g:n`1.2rA:t.,y , ;1.hthC _ gegpqiature` ys`- fcb1~"Pr T - : tr; - :.~-7 Manager Wreath `of the London (International League) baseball club has written to Bill Landry, the local third-baseman, asking him for his gures. - e. 1 7-9..` l~._-I_ l'#-'... unucuu uniquruy D1 10. wT`l1en .'Sir, Oliyer` Mowat .1-edistri-_ _buted the `Province, changing the boundaries of aBout_ 40 constituen- CICS, and in the election of i385 the. popular yote was: ` ' 'vLiber,a_l .....153,r21 Conservative ...r62,9g_o _ or a Conservative -majority of 9869; but the standing in the Legislature `in 1886 was: {,9 Liberals,` A29 Conservatives, , -k - I giving a liberal . majority__ of 30,- L -' VTHIIQ, inifcnii-g*n6 `oh. _I...`:. 41.-.. -..1'.I I -'-p--.- v-. The Agricultural Joint Stock Com-T pany will expend six" or seven hund-. red dollars on the main `building this _spring. The roof is now bcmg re-shingjlcd. . d .| .10 . 4," -Ij v *- 7ww@ _ John Barons, the thirteen.-year-old son of Mr. James H. Barons of Gra- 'venhurst, died `in the R. .V. Hospital on_ Saturday.` The remains were slupped on Monday to Gravenhurst for mterment. . `The death `occurred on Friday, April 3rd, at his home on the 7th Con., Vespra,_ of `Charles Wingrove, a respected farmer of that vicinity. He is survived by a widow," whose maiden name was Dunn, two sons and one daughter. The funeral took place on Monday, 6th ins.t., to Union _cemetery, Rev. Dr. McLeod o'1ciat- mg. A western exchange ironically hands out this bit of advice: Send your job work to a job oice or to an out-of-town printer and then come and ask the newspaper for free rates -for the church notices. Get your lodge ..stationery and letter- heads some place else and then ood the editor with beautiful thoughts and resolutions of respect and cards of thanks. The Oro Telephone Co., which purposes extending its line into Bar- rie, will, it is expected`, complete the `work in about a month from the time of commencement; "Tenders close on the 18th inst- The con- nection will result in- a mutual con- venience _for Town subscribers of the Bell and subscribers of the Town- ship system. Th-e- interchange will take place on the basis of 5c per call for the latter; and 15 per call` for the former. Out of nthislsc charge the 01-0 Co. receives me for the use of its, wires. The route of the ex- ifnsilon line lies along the - Ridge oa . ' 3;;_;,;j 46 Libefils. 36 Conservatives, . pr :1 Liberal majority of la Than `Q3. l`\I:..-..: \I4..----; . U-MAJ. s. Du s bill providin. for the election of separate councillors -in township municipalities was.with- drawn at the suggestion of Hon. Mr. Hanna. The Government thought the measure too radical. ' Trespassers on Gj T. R. still continue to nd free board and lodgings at the jail here. It is cost- `ing the County hundreds of dollars to prosecute and maintain these able-bodied nuisances. `Joe. -McDonald,alias William Rich- ardson, is in jail awaiting removal to the Central, to which he was sen- tenced by Magistrate Clark of Oril- 'lia. M.c~Donald s oence was in- decent assault, and he will. receive twenty lashes during his 18- months imprisonment. On arrival here in charge of the oicer, he was recog- nized as an old oender out on sus- pended sentence. Judge Ardagh, ac- -cordingly, gave him six months ad- ditional xpenalty. The_ pppular vote in V the Ontario election In 1883 was: Liberal .....127,_8o4` _ Conservative ..~.x3o,9g,1_ giving a ,Con'scrvat1ve majority of .-ua-2; - of` `Dr. Palling presided at the open `meeting of Southampton Lodge,_ S. 0.13., held on Wednesday nevenxng, April 8th, The Allandale quartette gave some splendid selections. Dr. Arnall sang in his usual,` excellent style. There _was a large attendance. !'V Wednesday's storm, last week, wrought havoc with the Bell Tele- phone system. The long-distance service was badly disarranged, and in one section, Collingwood to Thornbury, 18 miles of wire suffered damage. This has, been temporarily` adjusted, but it will take time to fully restore the line. Here in Bar- rie, seven poles were snapped on Bradford St., beyond Victoria `St., -and it was only on Saturday that they were replaced. It will take $250 to cover this loss. V `- Ewan A GERRYMANDER DOES. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Richard Graham of Saurin in the sad `death of his ten-year-old son. The boy was at school, and during recess another boy was amusing himself by running along a beam in the porch [hand over hand. Graham grasped him around the waist with the play- ful intention of being carried, when the latter lost his grip and fell upon his companion. `~Blood gushed from the boy s ears and mouth, and he died in a few minutes. `J . 0 o. . ' V 0 `Thns vote resulted an `the glectaon 0t%`Lbcal Imerest T;HE{NOB'1`HERN ADVANCE There will be `service in Christ Church, Collier St., at 11 o'clock in the morning of Good Friday. The service will be`o only one hour s 1 duration, f_ror'nu o'clock until noon. = All ~Clmstxans who` have no services in their own churches and the gen- eral public are cordially invited to l_>'_.e_ present. Come` and worship -for one brief __'h.our on,_this .occasion,,,when' r we celebrate the .greatest`.angi.: most ; .sglemr_r.event `in Alice, `history of-L ~th"cL ill -C .f35"LWf3l33" " J37 `. " nae mu .. ~{ I V3.1-`RANK JACKSON MAKER OF PORTRAITS _ V ofTOBONT has weathered the nan- jcial storms and panics for and through good times and bad` times it has stead- ily gained strength until its depositors are to-day `pro- tected by a surplus fund of over above all ' its liabilities to the public. A Savings Bank Accounts opened and interest allow- ed tbereon 4 times a year at highest current rates. BARRIE AND ALLANDALE BRANCHES Upon the strength of this record you are invited to become a depositor in the institution. . H. B. HENWOIID. WALL PAPER iaoon FRIDAY SERVICE.- 3110!: 901.153 Tnino have Barrie for the undett-I inentioned places as follows :- - South. "420 a`.m.-For .Newmarket', To- ronto. Montreal and points. East. ' -#,4 _ 1n-1_-1.' diaontd gyro:-y othcr. it -&n'Ial ' fin: (An 1 - Borders same price as Sidewall-v. Nlno uuauo... of % . Dollars SCOTT S Bookstore BARRIE. so YEARS New Designs Artistic Effects MANAGER. ` STEWART? & STEWART, BAR- V risters, _ Solicitors, Notaries Public, - and Conveyancers. Money to loan ` in any sums at 5 per cent. Oice, 13 Owen street, Barrie. H. D. Stew- art, L.L.D., D. M. `Stewart, __..._______.._____..._____._______..._______ "I935"`;;;.:1eo;"'-r;;;;;;:;.'22:"o...u. Special.) T 1. __ -rs, _ '|7-___._.-_I_-A A..-- LENNOX, COWAN & BR-OWN, Barristers, rSoliit_: <'>,rs ` for V obtaining probate of w_i1Is_, __r 1.:s3up and administration, a _ general !olici- tors, Notaries, r_.;Co_nve ancers, etc. Ofces, Hinds block, i 0.6. Dunlop street, Barrieg. .Money to. loan at 4% and st percent. Branch oices at -Creemore and Alli;to; ).*V ~Haugh- ton Lennox, Alex. Cowan, G. E. `J. Brown, L.L.B -, ' THOS. .KENNEDY, ARCHITECT. Oce, Ontario Block, Dunlap St * and Civil Eng . Bosanko Block of Plumbing. - G. A. RADENHURS'I',' A-Barrister, Solicitor, V. Aotar Public, &c. Of- ce-Istg.-l._ffoor' suit of V Toronto Building." ` 'Money*to loan at low- est rates. . K _l - _._________________ ANY QUANTITY OF MONEY To AI/4 Rfld I l\AcI agent `I.`..._, iEw.soN & CRESWICKE, "BAR- risters, Solicitors "of -the S`up'remeu - Court of Judicature of -Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money t loan. Oice, Ross Block, Barrie. C. E. Hvewson, K.C. A. E. H. Creswicke. T Eye. Ear, Nojs/ej Throat. Having pent4 years Post Graduate work in British ospitals and havi served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square at. Throat 8: Nose Hospgtal, London; Royal London Ophthalmic _I_Iosp1ta1_(Moo'1-elds) : for a term `ma R-chin-9 uosplml, London; Hospital (Moo!-elds) ; 3 term `as Resident Surgeon in Royal London Ofhthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital. Briato : and Birmingham Eye H _ ital. Bu-mingham ztormer Member of Britlshogkhthalmological Society. 0FFICE-78 DUNLOP Smxnr. BARRIE. Phone 54. P. 0. Box. 96. $70,000 FOR INVESTMEN-'I-:- UOOI` fl-An'nn`pI 4--......h... AA STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS- ters, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public,- Convey- ancers. Oces over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy, K.C., G. H. Esten. 8.00 am.-For Newmarket, Auro- II and Toronto. 9.35 a.m. --For Allandale. "Loo p.rn.-For Newmarket, Au- rora and Toronto.