MIDHURST. T snzoun. . . . , _ SOC Pt. ` II. Class.-M.ay -Robertson, Walter Palk, Harold I`-Iawki.ns,VEddie `Sutton, Laura Fillingham, Stanley `Marshall, Winnie `Sutton, Harry .Ball. A . T . T V V ' ,;..-}I t`.` "1jI .% Clas's.-sCharlie Caldwell} _ 5.-_ ' -VJ" -"v II. Class.---Bertha Simpson, Louis Caldwell, Ezra Caldwell, - Marjorie Malcolm, Rosamond Pqtersen, Herb Parliment, Byne Ball, Hereward vMartin,` Herb Fillingham, _A1ex Mc- \,Millan, Mabel Rands, Tom_ Rands, 3. Irving Wortley, Rex Sutton. . . .McMillah, Ne11ie_Fi1lingham-_ .. A . I Sr. IV. Class.---Maggie Simpson, Moma Magill, Hildred Martin, Edith Day, Ernest Palk, Bertha.Packard, Josie Williams, Douglas Pue, "Henry !'Caldwell, Lettie IHart, Willie Pack- lard, Cyril Petersen, Waiter Mal- lcolm, Russell Orr, Willie Brooks. I Y`? I`! . f T 1.4. 1iiI"12sZLiioy' i{iIgiii,' vfiara Youngman, Emily Mills, Laura Pet- ersen,. Norman Wortl__ey. ' ` I f`__ TT1 [VI `Messrs. R. Kerfoot and W. Young `of B.C.I. spent Sunday at their re- Fspective homes here. ! Quite a dumber from here attend- ed the Liberal-Conservative smok- |ing concert m Barrie on Monday- vvvvvvv?+?+%+%@%%%+ +%&+++&&&++&m&AAL Messrs. R. Leadlw and H. Find- lay of Barfie were guests of their friend, W. A. Wattie, over Sunday.` ~We are pleased to hear that our Minesing Orchestra, won for them- i selves a reputation that will not soon ibe forgotten, at the McCarthy ban- yquet intBarrie on Friday evening. I Mrs. Burge of Meaford is spending some time with` Minesing friends. i eMr. Joseph Orchard and Mr. Ern- {est Stokes are numbered among the isick this week. 9 Mr. George Jackman a1_1d family ;are preparing to make their home in "Alberta in the near future. E Mr. Wm.` Clubine' of Thornhill is }visiting friends here. ` We are sorry to report the illness of Miss Evelyn Kerfoot. { `pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Broley last Friday `evening. - The Stroud Methodist choir was. The following attended the Horsel Show `at Toronto last week: Jamesl Black, Sr., Wa1.te`12 Leonard, Fred' Peacock, Bob. Nelson, Will Nelson, Dee Barclay, Jno. Barclay. it is rumored that a new skating rink will be built here 190 feet by` 60 feet. This will give our hockey team [a chance to distinguish themselves.` -:;r'1dw I;Irs. John jago spent -Sunday of last week with friends at Elmgrove. ` The Citizens Band will give 3, high! class concert in the Temperance Hall on March 13th. Posters for particulars. 1 I We are sorry to repont the illness` iof _Miss Lavina Orchard._ `At time_ of 3wr1_ting, however, she xs improvmg fax/rorably. l The 'Stroud Citizens band gave an! excellent program at Churchill rink` Tuesday night. The band as usual was accompanied by a large crowd. V Mrs. English of Toronto is spend- ing a few days at the home of her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hudie. A number of friends spent a pleas- ant evening at the home of Mrs. A. ` Duncan last Wednesday. . Miss Ethel Robeftson entertained! ia number of friends from Churchill last Thursday evening. Miss Gertie Reid of Churchill is` spending a few days , with Miss Myrtle . arper. ~Miss Edna "Hughes is able to be around again after having her knee! ; dislocated. I SHAN'l`Y\ BAY. School report for February: C`- T17 (*1--- 1 , vv u.u,\; wan. `I-.--Birdie Warnica, .- No__rwoodA Qarley. _ A ' . i ' ' * ;-~.!_-_' I` ` V` as `G0OdS We are in a position to announce for this week a. ' " shown on our in qualities and designs exclusive to this store. These _ tables and include Check and Stripe Dirnities at I 5c, 18 and Best English Prints at.12%c and I 5c. " V Pongee Linens, in pink, green, blue an ~Fou1ards, in spots and figures; at 2 5c a Ginghams and Chambrays, in checks, Persian Lawns, Organdies, Delfkies ipes and plain, at ,I2%C, 14c and 153 1 d Fancy Muslims in a great variety, Work for the spring easo was resumed in this department yesterday and we feel condent of inc_rease sup ess here. All the help of last season has been retained w, h some added an , th MISS Brooks in charge, who has had seven years experience; Toronto, we anticipate a very busy season. -4 :7ls!_, This i ere quality counts and on the merit of the fabrics of this depart ment gage have " ely won our reputation for keeping the very best. Our st k of Black Dress Fabrics is particularly complete and varied, inclugi- cludingjll th `new designs which We have just received from England. 1--..-- _-.. -..__`:.....l N1'~;w,% wnnfns and COLORED WASH GOOD{L WJEANT sz smrm Dress Malvinnj Department NOWI OPEN MINESING. Bl: W" :""' Inspeqlon Invited. --r_-_.- --_ dur hockey team wended their" way to Barrie last Friday evening. and, although defeated by the B.C.I. .-team, speak in warm terms of the kind treatment meted out to them `by the Barrie contingent. Mr. William McDonald, accomp-l anied by Dr. Whealey, recently vis- ited the former s wife, who Is suer-1 ing from nervous trouble, in a pri-| [vate hospital in Toronto. i Our agent, Mr. Will Wilson, is ,again able to report for business. Mr, J. Rutherford, who relieved him. thasrreturned to Ailandale. I John 1Rovsso-fmi.':1wc-o-r11be, Altaui ihas fortunately got an extension of. `his ticket, therefork he will be able` Tto remain for a longer time. Ir 1 1 9 - | 1* at -K | Mr. and Mrs. James Sproule and? [M11 Joseph Sproule attended the ifuneral of the late Arthur Robinson` `in Cookstown last week. | U, , r,,_- .. Q... .-...~. ; A number from here attended the` great Conservative Smoker in the, Opera House, Barrie, last Mondayi evening. 11- -_. ~ I Mr. James Henry and the Rev. W'.} F. Carpenter attended the big tem-I perance meeting in Toronto last, week. ` i Mrs. Robert `Speers is improving, ? I I but _Miss Maggie 'McC1ean is very ill iat time of writing_ I We hear that Mr. Meadows has gone to work in a veneer factory in Smghampton. V .e 1 Rev. J, S. Humphreys occupied the pulpit of the Methodist Church! here last Sabbath morning. I .``\fr ,,,1 11 1- A - Mr. andmlijwrsf James A. Lennoxl and family vlsited the Rev. C. . isimpson, Brampton, last week. TL , 1 `M14; jaxoos Walton is `moving? to Brampton. Mr. Walton_ wnll be much missed by hxs many fnends here. A..-LI-_,, - ..___`.-'--, .`....a\. vv\.\.L\. . x f I Those who attended the At H0mc[ in the Orange Hall, Ivy, last Friday: evenmg, report a good time. i | A . , " Mr. and `Mrs. James Nixon, Cooks-E town, visited Mrs. `S. R. Brown last Saturday. I A new organ has been placed in` the Townline Presbyterian Church. `A large number here Tzire suffering from la grippe. Mr. G. B. Henry has hadfa new oil tank installed in his store. M11. G. H. Esten of Barrie visited Mr. James Heylands Saturday 'A large, humvbge}: -f_x_'i;:nd.s met ati 10PerCent.Disc0unt --~.. ---...--J . . - ~ a -us: |l\rI \-' Angther stormy Supday was the` cause of there not bemg any servncet in the Methodist Church here last Sabbath. . zss Goods and Silks FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY we will allow 10 per cent. off onallour line of HEATINGSTOVES THORNTON. l Prof. Hume of Toronto will lect- lure in the hall here on Friday M611: ling, March 6th. Subject, "Er:.< or Doubt and Triumphs of Faith." Mr. and .\7Ir. i13:'13{. Wm on Sunday of -Mr. and .\l[r.~. Martin. The Guthrie Ladies Aid hvin successful_social at the home of Alex, -Muir on Friday evening 1? . C. ._ -_--_-- Born on Feb. 25th. to Mr. John Brown, :1 daughter. 1 \r Ice harvesting is the- day. Quite a number from thi~ vi took in the Conservative . Barrie .\'Ionday evening and port a good time. 111. \. Arthlur Wilde, Garrett. HOLLY. Mr. Walter Kell of Allandale is. home for a couple of we_eks. `;[__ ,,,I It V Jr. III. C1ass.-E(1na Be.-tr 113 Church, VVa1ter \\'i1sm1. Sr. II. C1ass.-Fred Lu Fred Bennett. Tommy Gran ,Ir. II. C1ass.--_Ino. BcarI~ tor -Church. s. s. NO. 15,'ORO. Report for February: V. C1ass.--.-\ubrey Bertram. I\IcEachem_, DeVVitt Partridgu. IV. Class.--V. D. Bear(I_~aE`: Partridge, Eva Ford, Annie Ila 'Sr. III. C1ass.-R0y Dc: A.-+hn.- \x7;1,1.. 1,... r>:,L.. the home of Mr. Robert ;-.119. Annie Wright recently to social evening, Mr. \-\'ri:_v1:: sold his farm, also his fzmri and implements and is retiring ;active life. Their neighb~r~ ifriends to the number of lll)H'.ll ;assembled and spegt a jolly. time. Mr. V\/right was thc rm: of a handsome gold chain and Wright received a gold \w.1>`;' mementos of the kind re,r_r;ir': esteem in which they are ilL`i(i 11' u I W'e hope the rumour that Mr Miss VVright will soon bCC"H`.`.: dents of our village may pr<-'.~ TH-URSDAY. Mum 5th, LITIITIS. Pt. II, Class.--\\-'al1acc Rn- |T. Class--.\ Iilford Bertram .-...,.-. SHANTY BAY. H. .\I. Rainey. '1` l '_?.""`""`"3""l""' f "'"%f g nu-.'-.'. llk LKKIJ Jesse Bxdux-I1, ordcr h, 1968. '-Yo-to-as-M---a--z--:o~--&-+4-~:-:-~~-z--------::-:-rig ANTEN MILLS. } `ll .. _,. V.-uv Our leading politicians took in the banquet at B_arrie. on Frxday night, and the smokmg concert on Monday night, in order to hear both sides of the story. Mr. A. C. { :)`t:1g has been laid up with la grippe for the past week. The Ladies Aid meets _at the home of Mrs. W. W. Scott this week, Mrs. `Streb z1nd_ehildren of Barr_ie spent last week wlth Mrs. Jas. Mun`. Mrs. John VVi1son of Youngstown,. spent 3 week recently with re-l latxvcs here. i Miss Be1laCarson is spending a. few weeks wxth -her slster, Mrs.! xHarr1son of Toronto. I 3ooouuouuuuuuuouodouuoooogouuuoooou Queue ooouuouuuooi I i A store full of zral tempting hnrgains. Come? and make "your money do double duty at this sale; There are . many lines reduced in price that space will not permit us to mention. ' - Larlies zit! Rllbeclrlalehmere worth 35. Sale price . ..~ . . . . . . . . .T.22c Men s `Fine Cashmere Sox (black) regular 25c. Sale price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19c pair Men s Grey or Dark Brown Woollen Sox, regular 2 5c. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19c Devlin 8lMur.chiso1\'S 1 Clearing Sale ` Ladie; or ChiIdren s Heavy Ribbed Woollen Hose, worth 35 pair. Sale price. . . -22. Ve-sts--Ladies Vests and Draw: heavy weight. Sale price . . . . . . . . . Men s Soft Front Shirts, regular Saleprice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Undersk1rts--Ladies Black Satee regular $1.00. Sale price . . . . . . . .. White Cott0ns--Eng1ish White regular 9c yard. Sale price . . . . . . .. Night Dresses--Some with plain and some with tucked yokes, nished with embroidery. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . .`75c Night Dresses--Made with tucks and cluny insertion, frills trimmed with lace. Sale price va I 1.25 Night Dresses-Made from ne muslin, with yoke of embroidery, nished with beading and silk ribbon, sleeves trimmed with embroidery. Saleprice . . . . . . . . . . . . ........2.oo 1 Ribbons-:-Pure Silk Taffeta Ribbons, all colors, 4% to 6 inches wide, regular 25c and 3 5c 21 yard. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12%c Underwear--Men s heavy ribbed pure wool Red Shirts and Drawers, regular 75 each. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3c Vests--Ladies Drawers, `good . . . . ..25c 50c each. Sale price . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . 39 H II I 1\u - an I- ladies; or Gen.tlemcn's White hemtitched Handkerchiefs. either tape border or hemstitch-r ed, regular 5: each. Sale price. . . .7 for 25 v\ . . -cu I3al;y s Iinitted Woollen (.)veralls,r;gular 56. pair. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`.39c air _Ladies Ice Wool Scarfs, regular 50c. ale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Children s Mantles and Coats Half Price. Co11ars-Ladies Fancy Wash Collars, regular 50c. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . .29c Devlin . .~.wal41a_ceA' .Camerou; "'fLAVe< )'1a) GRENFEL. Hurst`, I ` Lillie Willie Edna Inter. II.-Charles Hart, Warren Cathcart, Mabel "Saunders, Ennie McCracken, Joseph Brown, Addie Sheield, Alfred Wh_ite, i .Ch`arI`_s Ellsmere, .Gert'ie Silvey, John John : [son, Edna Oades,_ V ` , _,_ - -_-v-I Jr. II:--:Audrey.Jary, George Sh_ef{__ ,eld, `Ernest Watkins, Earl Johnson; ' ,Hfa'9*%dz;Wa!`F'. T V f . ..L_ -.--.,\.' vvvona-I15" ` ,;.| Pt, II.--.-Mary. Frase_r, O , Ttymtqy i1nsr+ Q .Came% Chr1st1eV,.% ,%1*11s:% Sr. II... ---(b) Clarence Emery Ethel Darby, Gracie Greaves, Earl Waller, Zelma Johnson. , Jr. III.-Ernest 'She3e1d,` .Roy Hodgson, Marjorie Blue, Frank -Saunders, LGeorge Ellsmere, Vera Higgins, Richard Coward, -Reta Tough ' W --r ;\ _- -- s. f\;,:.Cc-ii<;ik;i1:l;;;n: `I.<`:i;;i; Caston, Bertha Darby,LPercy Saund- i ers. V - J J}. IV.-Willie "Jennett, Fred Hunter, Eva Emery, Edith-Johnson, Alice Johnson. 81'. III.-- -Jessie Hart, Rose Shef- N , V.-.......-no (`H--A - 5 @ 's}`.T"11.-(a) Ernest , Mowvfo-rth, Ernest Emery, Dqrothy Polking- Vhorne, Maggie Greaves,_ , :Wilson Greaves, ' ' ;.--; cam: nan, ie; `ltldith TYounger, Cracken, Charlie Wh_ie.j '1\/Igssrsy. -ii-<;bi'1'1son and Andy Bowman have returned from the lumber camps. V ` I ` H Warnica, Gladys Lennox, James Davey, JohnvWarni- fca, Mabel Warnica, Angus Mackay.- IT .__I-Ililidvuo 'D....---__ '.'I"l - ,1. -we .. `Miss Alic.e Hill enfertained the Church of England choir on `Thurs- i (lay evening. 1! `IV came in lion-like enough. %It is _to be hoped it may be more lamb-like going away. Honor Roll for February -: Senior Department. ~ V. Class.--Victoria Hart, Susie Hill; Clara Watkins, Sophie Jennett. C- T17 f`-_| n-n_2:. 1 _.,-.._c. 'i\/Ire.-Weaver was unable_to reach his charge here Sunday mght,e ow- ing to the storm. ' Lotton's,- . . . . 7%c Miss Mildred Leunox of Pains-i yvick is visiting friends in this local-1 ity. Messrs. VV. H. and vGeo. Davis, Inc, Coxworth and B. L. Banting at-] tended the convention in Alliston onl Saturday. I Miss Annie Prtridge visited Miss Clar_a Partridge "last week. Mr. and Mrs. `Hunter Kennedy of Elmvale visited friends here last week. i _Mr. W. J. Lenno'3< made a busihess tr1.p to. Toronto last week. I Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Banting visit- ed friends at Elm Grove this week. The At Home under the auspices of the L.O.L., was 3, grand success. I'\,_,A . Ti:"Ldies' Aid will meet at the` home of Mrs. Jas. `Brown on Wed- nesday afternoon of next week- The E. L. will give a Leap Year Box Social on Thursday evening," Jvcllarch 10th. A good time is expect- e . . V v.., ...r.- u- 5-a--u uv9\.v\.\.-J~.7' Quite a number from _here attend- ed the Smoker in Barne on Mon- day. . 1 Sateen Junie: Depaitfpent. WHITEWEAR cR6v{r HILL. Ski;'t's, CRAIIGI-IURS'l`. IV_Y. Drawers-Made with ne frill and nished with torchon lace qr rnade with tucks and em- L..-. .I-.4__ (`_l_ "MPAINSWICK. School `report for February`: Sr. IV.--Rachel Nixon, Arthur Richardson, Cliord -Leonard," `How- ard Warnicei. . ~ vv .-an uvlvaavua .IuI\.u\a LII .lll;I:\J\- broidery. Sale price. . . . .. wi8s?"}i&El 'r3einiiar"`5o2C'"sf:"iri2".'TI`1 `E Tablelinen-Unbleached linen, good width, regular 35c. `sale price ....... . .- .\ . . 24c Bleached. Tablelinen-- Extra ne quality, regular65c yard. Sale price. . . . . . . .- . . . . .47c Table N apkins-Pure_ linen, medium size, regular 1.25 `per doz. Sale price. . . . ._ .75c Table Na kins-'Pur_e linen, regular $1.7 5 per dozen. ale` price..... . . . . . ..`....$I.25 Towelling--A good strong cotton towelling. Sale price... . . . .v . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . .5c yard Towelling-Pure linen, 17% inches wide, regular Ioc yard. Sale price . . . . . . . .7%c yard . Laces-.-Pure linen Torchon Laces and in- sertions. Sale prices. . . . . . . . 3c, 5c and 8c yard Oriental Laces-Regular I2%c and 15c yd. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9%c yd _Lawn-White Victoria Lawn, regular I2%c yard. Sale price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8%c yard Quilts--White Quilts, good heavy quality. Regular $1.2 5. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98c Comforters `-- Good heavy weight, regular $1.25. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . .75c -Sheetings -+ Bleached, .9-4 wide, plain twilled, regular 3 5c. Sale `price.. . . . . . . . .29c Underskirts---Fine Cotton made with ounce of embroidery and ne tucks. Sale price. .90c Drawers--Umbrella style, nished wirh tucks and hemstitched frili. Sale price. . . - . . . . 2 5c V Night Dre.sses--Flarmelette white br pi n.1 <; regular 1.00 each. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . .69c Shee'tin,:; s-Bl;:-alnched, 9-4vrir1ie, plainorvtwtill, regular 40c and 45c. Sale price. . . . . . . . 3 3c _Lace Curtains-A few soiied curtains at half prnce. B1ouses-The daintiest and best ittng blouses will be found here. TaB1elinen..Ha1f Bleaccfra Linen, the .3.?--A. ...__I- ..-....I-_. -A- C_1- __S__ . _ Olive Mc- , uuuuag VV Booih, -.., -------vvo 1 an align, 1 lllslul $V.I.aUl\'1y-' . II.-Harry Brown, T'Hazel` Ernest Hooper, Harry Hall, `Lillie `Hayes, Gladys _Colbourne, Richardson, Dorothy Wice, "Brown. . _~ . ._ . .- Pt. II.-:-Maurice -Carley, Patricia; Blackmore, -' Dorothy Vaug ha`n, Geo. Jiooxier, ,Willi,e Carr. . y .*= .- 1. -.._ rug. .. -.... ,....\..n.su uuuu; IICIC. .Mrs} McLean entertained a few friengg *a%t her home: last Tuesday evenmg. . I Mia:-svliaud _Kne`eshaw is spending a short vacation atiher home here. -Cameron Latimex-4* of Allandale is ..vis1tin'g_.~at_` his parental` home here. `l'..:' `|l'_f ,2 1' Mrs. Elmnr Robis spntl ',IS3unc_1}a`tyI' w';h` Mr. * and Mrs. Charles! :. ,3?` _` ` .'_ > . '. :T;r'1(lw`1\I.;s-:4: j Boake of Thornton spent Sunday with relat- I ives .hexfc. . ! 1\ Ir.mz3ha_x:lvi-<:' Londhn is ;visiting his father, Mr. Geo. Martin. 1 At `Macoun, Dec. 21st, 3 daughter to/Mr. and`Mrs. Fred B.isset't.~ V , At Sasktoon, Feb. 15th, a daught- er -to Mr. and Mrs: Tom Mulholland. `If- _...I `AA , , ` 1*Iv!nu vu grout-VI uuuuav 11]- : Feb. .-29th, a son to Mr. and Mrs, Frank Mulholland. Miss Birdie `Montgomery visited friends in Barrie last week.` . Miss Johnson was the guest of Miss Etna Reynolds last Sunday. V" Win. Robing of Toronto is- re- "newing -old` cquamtances .he1_'e. 117-14, ' T` -Miss Flora Neelan Toronto. ds is visiting in T MVi;sWDOane of Thornton is visit-I ling her. sister, Mrs. Beynon. R 1.1}-.. D-n .1 fr, - _ Wglier` Patterson is spending a xew days here with his-mother. `AK- IVI `Miss Eie Shortreed returned home to Hillsdale on Sunday, ac- companied by her cousins, Miss -Pearl and Mr. .Ward Wattie, who in- tend remaining in Hillsdale for a few days, The young people of this vicinity ~were very hospitably entertained at 1 the home of Mr. and Mrs. A .A. Garvin last Thursday evening. The time was enjoyably spentin games and music. --wuo m;`lr."'I"\`./'.-Fred Hall, Dora Hooper, Wilson Wright, Frank Hall, Ken- neth Mackay. -' Q_ 'I"I 1' -rv -A - ---- ~- I 5 `Mrs. Warnica' is [visiting relatives ; an Toronto '. _ ; t13:)r`1;"t-c_:>"1\/-I-1:.m_and `Mrs. -Albert `Pratt, a daughter - ' . 111-; --~ ,__ , _ . . - - q v vs, A590 L-l\I eI\JIIn ' Miss Bell" of Barrie as visiting at` _the home of Mrs.TGalloway.A `DA-.. 4--- -1- V T.` _-.1 - -- -,._ _...J ---..u-a M I Rev. Mr. Shepherd will give a very interesting lecture on Tuesday evening, March 10th, in the Presby- terian Church, entitled, The Secret of Success in L1fe.' .,- .___ .- ~- --v-v - .v Morley _Black of Sundridge is vis- iting friends here. Missm_iZste1la _Coutts is visiting re~ latwes In Avemng at present. v A number `of young `people from `here drove out to Minesing rink last `Saturday night. `|Chris.tie, Maggie Coward, Wallace 1Little, Robbie Greaves, Minnie Ells- mere. ' I, Book.--Div,` I : Melville VVhite, Efe Thompson, Harry Brown. Div. 2: Pearl White, Bennett Silvey, Fred Oades. Div. 3: Artie Jary. _.--j --rt I-IIJ A Mr. H. O. Orok spent `Sunday with Hillsdale friends. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE -'I.I.'I'.'-:i'(.la'Hooper, Elsie` Rich-A ardson, Leslie Brown, Mabel Hurst, Burton Warnica, _ Jean" Mitchell, Dorothy Blackmoxje. 1'7? --