Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 27 Feb 1908, p. 2

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UNWIN, fan-;n T .. ANY QUANTITY OF MONEY TO loan at 41% and 5 per cent. Easv $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT ON good freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No principal money required until end of the l term: H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., ` Barrie- " ' "1 Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar. Throat. 8: Nose Hospital, London- Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moo:-elds) ; for a term as Resident Su_rgeon ix; Royal London Orhthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo ; and Birmingham Eye}-Ios ital. Bxrmingham :former Member of ritxsh hthalmological Society. OFFICE-78 DUNLOP S'mmz:'r, BARBIE. 'Phone 51. P. O. Box, 96. L.R.C.P. 8: S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8: S. Glasgow --SURGEON--- - Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS. ST_EV-VART & `STEWART, BAR- C`_1:-2L.._.. \TALnm:an DJ\`;n W. AUL'1_`, `BARRISTER. SOLICI- tor, Proctor, Notary, Conveyancer, -etc. Special attontion- in drawing and probating wills,_ obtaining let- ters of administration and: guardian- ship, collecting accounts, etc. Of- ces, Ross block, Barrie. Money to loan. '- tDR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 Carl- ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N.Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Consultation hoprs 11 am. to 5 p.m., and by ap pomtment. r.oo alum.--For Newmarket, Auro- ra and Toronto. 9.35 a.m.-'-For Allandale. "Loo p.m.---For Newmarket, Au- rora. and Toronto. DR. `ROBERT S. BR)A1?,`PH3n(:SI- . tuna-\ -Cu...-..-n.-. At- .-Company. -Cgrpentering, building, a'nd:ma`nufactunng of doors, sashes, blmds, mouldings, etc. Planing of all kinds done promptly and satis- fa_cto1.-ily. Hot blast drying kiln. `District. Agency for grained lum- b_er. fagtory, Bayeld street. Rar- IIEL [G. BEG;G_S,. ARCHITECT and Civil Engineer. Ofce, over Bosanko Block. Town -Inspector` of A_ Plumbing. ` ~ ` DR. J. CU-RRIE SMIT-H. OF- ce and residence, Collier street, Barrie. Phone 61. fDR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, `Surgeon, etc-, L.R.C.S., Edin., L.-R. I C.P., London. Oices and night 1 residence, Brown s Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone, 77. LENNOX, cow-AN 5; BROWN 3 '[)_..._:.-.L....A 'Cn`I:-:A....-n `nan 45`-\6n:on:c-`:0 DR. A. T. LITTLE, lgnte of Churchill. `. Ont. Office and residence John St., } near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. ya-ff: Ad`, .Luu1\I"1'1 X N ON` tarxo Land `Surveyors, Engmeers, etc. Established 1852. Office, Med- ical Building, S.E. corner Rich- mond and Bay Streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instruc- tions left with Strathy & Esten, olicitors, Bank of Toronto Build- ing, Barrie, will` be promptly at- `tended to. TERMS OI SUBSCRIPTION: 81 per Ammm in Advance B'No new name will be addedto the Sub arlptlon List until the money is paid. - Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. DONALD ROSS, L.L.B.,V BARRI'S- ter, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money to loan- H.T. ARNALL, =M..D.-,C.M., OCFFI-C :... 'DnoI.....-11 .. I.I....1. An.....:..1.. A- STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS- ters, `Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Offices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums ' of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy, K.C., G. H. Esten. G. A. RADENHURST, -Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Of- ce--'1st oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at low- est rates. HEWSON\' & CRESWICKE; BAR- . risters, 'Solicitors `of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, I Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, r etc. Money to loan. Ofce, Ross Block, Barrie. C. E. Hewson,K.`C. A. E. H. Creswicke. us ; \,unn 4% terms of Cowan 8: I ters, etc. Eye. Ear. N69; Throat, )R. J. A. C. EVANS, MEMBER OFI College of Physicians and Surg- eons, Ont. Graduate of Medical Faculty of Toronto University. As- sociate-Coroner of County of Sim- coe. O'ice and residence,-William Street, Allandale, Telephone 30a. Telephone connection with Holly, Painswick and Stroud. '.l4VV1'\1\.l.. W. uD.I..I.'4VVI1l.\-L, .u4;:.\- risters, Sblicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5 per` cent. Oice, I33Owen street, Barrie. H..D. Stew- art,` L;L.D., D. M. `Stewart. I:.\. L\\JLl'lJl\.l. `J. ununu, If1lD1' cian, Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Oice and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. ---- -yyv 11.00 a.m.--For Orillia, Graven-V hunt `and North Bay. I\ II' `V n. 1 4 I.L\A`4 11.4 `JI.|.`.JJ"\u.&VJ.., '\Jul' 1.` L ' hir`1'Both\vell:: block, Allandale. the premises at night. ILDLV .lV\JJ\, . \I\J"V'l'1LV \X. lJLV\J V7 5`, Barristers, `So_licitors for_ V obtaining probate of,w11ls;_guard1anshxp angl administration, and general Solici- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Oices,Iin(is pgck, N .6lDunlo1: t t, . oan ecand glee: cen(t).ne ra?1ch oicgs at Creemore and Alliston. -Haugh- ton Len-nox, Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, L.L.B. .nv::nnsn%m MANUFACTURER . _________T BALL PLANING MILL DaY.. -(`Lm-n.m+...:..... 1...:1.::..__ --_:: MONEY TO LOAN. JAIL` LLL .l KJP 1.0 t 4% Easy re-payment. Lennon Brown, `Solicitors, Barris- `Co _._-___-_._-_-.____.._. ARCHITECTS. sunvnyona Mr. Wilson, VM.P. for Lennox, who has given much attention to `immi- gration matters, has proposed a `re- solution demanding a more rigid ins- pection of immigrants and the prac- tical abolition of bonuses to s`h'ip-- ping agents sending immigrants to Canada. FINANCIAL. PHYSICIANS. `LEGAL. . u.\.v;.\1 rap .1 . k, Dunlap `St. - --- - oaralvblllihlo . ,OA!'d1'A) our wedding invitations _.31'13' and `at the: right lace. The Ad" .*_ I,0b,.~ P1-intin , epartment 9.19%? '3; specnalty` J of this `class of '!'9t1s; i`- N1 the, ~ la_t.e`s't.- samples os +:W1- ml. ea us Abefpre ' frintxnc `Mia ..- . iusunkcs AGENT. CONVEYANCEFI, ETC. ' FIRE AND PLATE GLASS INSURANC-8 Private Funds to 1 0311 on first more` ; 28808. Correspondence solicited. 1 Office. Of Tnrnno- -n-_n -. K 'Baker s, Cream, Twist, Vien- na Sandwich. Fruit-Loaf. at 54:. Brown or genuine Home Made Bread. CAKES. PASTRY. CREAM PUFF S, Fresh Daily. 'PHONE 250, or drop us a Postal if you would like something good in a loaf of our Machine mane :- _'-v- -----v -w- v--v` 5.20 Q.m.-For ' Newgnarket, To- ronto, Montreal and points East. 7.25 a.-m.-For Cardwell Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. 5.25 p.m.-For Cardwcll Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. North. T '2;oo 'a.m.-For Orillia, North Bay and S00. ____.r` vv\.\J I have now a. large stock of first class COAL on hand of all sizes. Also HARD and SOFT WOOD, and shall be pleased to receive your orders for same which will have Prompt and Careful Attention. I Qnn.-.__.._._--- BROWNS BAKERY |The Northern Advam -I-'!"!"!'l'I'i-!"l'!"l--3-1' -1"!`-I--I-'3-vi-4--H--l--I--P1 Tm: Aouxcz xs proven to 11 largest e ix-oulati t `W. Town. can b on 0 any paper in the C93; mfggihatwof Ytf: the largest suhsmwu _ 1- ac emonstr t :.*.:.'3.::'.::~...1.::.::.*.#`:h=':r`3?`5s`%n:'::*.i: r a not afrurldto pay the price, reaches, h Deon. Advertisements are charged accord- spnee-.-lalinessgste measure make one $353,)` ...,-v_...._...., nu - anus 1:11.110.` 1 B. Condensed axfvertisements on first page sugh as wants of all kmdp, lost and found, prope for sale or to rent, specic articles, ctc.. e must be accompanied with the cash, and w: be inserted-rst insertion 2 cents per word each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (namesmddresses and. figures counted as words) but a reduction of one cent per word will b. made when the number or insertions or sun. matter exceed four . -..,_ (mu {or advertisements must In 0 up case be mounted on solid metal bane. AI MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET [ 0 r CONTRACT CHANG FE. Advertisers will please bear in mind um ` notice of intention to change advertisc-menu mustbe handed into the oice not later 1 Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for mm change must be m THE ADVANCE Omrc nu later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in week. otherwise the advertiser's nnnoum-nmen may not be made public untll the week fouoy. in . f2 changes of Advertisements allovmd year. If more are required, composition mm will be charged._ Advertisers will not be allowed to usetheig space for advertising anything outside rim. vlnoe of Ontarib. Cuntdn every Thursday Morning. iyy WESLEY &CREW, PHOPRIITORS vertisements. TI-1'URsDAY, FEB-. 27:11, M ?!-eferred positions for local adv. mentain the paper will be sold at an ad of one-third on above rates, and on no account will special positions he :2` ' , E rule will be strictly carried out. 1` en an-o-- . _._. __, Legal Notices, Auction sales. Amuse etc.-Firet insertion 10 cents er 1ine,mI eu uent ineertlon 5 cents per inc. W` notices, 10 cents per line :0, insertion : 5 cents per line for each subseq 11"` insertion of the some matter. All items ug Mines, ot- this chnncter. charged ,5 H`: Obitusrv Poetry be her line. Ihlelnlnn-n-.. _ - r , - WE ASK mu In: um us A- _to meet. the ever increas- I mg demand. NUT I GMDUITE UF HST We could have placed twice as many WHY B0 T0 TORONTO, 0 HSEWHEE? ' `' ' better clc so at home. SEN!) run nun umnsnms and see what. we of- fer. Compare our fees.` methods and general results. Fall ratii1Ii}:'g'iin.':"z;:t. 3rd`. EXCELSIOR BUSI- NESS COLLEGE, . -5 g -u-u--.---- Anvmusmc mm `WEDDING INVITATIONS. 1'_I-It; _NOTHERN Aovnucr-: Druggia MONKMAIPS GLYCEDONIA. Hss a. msnollous eect. on rough skin. 1 I One or two applications< will remove the roughness, and by ` its occasionsl use the skin acquires I the smoothness snd softness of a` baby's. Glycedonia. is not sticky. and gloves msy be worn sfew momenta sfter nsin)it. rice 15c and 25c. Delightful after shaving. I 1 I 1 I I I I K _ . ' - I&lCJF|/ uuu uauzuu .'1llCn us. cusesuliilni. and Wnn `It\'t\`\nv\O- rv-u.- GEO. MONKMAN. Barrie. ' COXUIRCIAL CONTRACT RATES. CONJ ONDENSED ADVERTl8EME.`<'TS. nan` ..)......A:...._. -_A- TRANSIIN '1` ADVBZRTIBING. Published from the omce. 123 Dunlap Street. Bu-rte. in the County of Bimcoe. the Pro- vince of Ontario- nnndn- awn-I T BABIE?.IE- OF THE -_ -vvcnl uuvcru adv.-no. 3, o_n on, Dnsbe mven. 'I`Iu. Barrie. 3 . Owen nd vc-rug. -n Vlnnu All 8 Puujols il;;v;|;npor. -""I3;i1r3;"i`x-1-c'iuding Sunday. J. FRANK JAcxsox `MAKER OF -Poamurs VVOII Stat J4 imm be g ZIYTC. tiny lcck the th {hy : 86 BARRIE RA'ILWAY G_UIDE. THE Imihcnxrlon EVIL. 71101 III uw UUIIIIIY rm.m...I.. II {.'-'-'13*o}""r3$'{a}B.'ZE6bg:: Any food doctor will tellgou that 3 medi- cine Ike Ayers Cherry eetoral cannot. do its best work ilthe bowels;-are con- stipated.` .~ Ask your doctor if he knows L anything better than Aye}-. | Pills forbear- 1-eetingthie slu ggish,!|es_,e! the liver. 4 - 1 Spoon shoot, 15 birds, angles : . Wm. Crossland, at 19 yds. Ed. Williams, at I9 yds. .. R, Wolfenden, at_ 16 yds. .. M. Shanacy at 19 ds. Em. Williams at I yds. .. At the weekly practice shoot these scores were made: I TI0(cIa'); 16 yds. rise, unknown Jangles: Wm. Crossland 9, Ed. Wil- }liams 6, M, Shanacy 5, R. Wolfenden E \-{--_. --w--~-3 V--v.---~-v- V _ ` 1 , Roy Thomas refereed the Picton-1 St. Mike's game in Picton on Frida night. Bame oicials are in demang-` .f`__;_ 'l\ `[1 `ID 0 ..._vv . van`, augu--snu- The jury in the McPherson case brought in a v.erdict censuring the Dominion Government for-negligen- ce in allowing .a broken guard on the post office building to remain broken and in a dangerous condition to the travelling public -after having been `notied some three weeks previous to the accident. A recommendation was made calling the attention of" the Mayor and Council to other buildings on the main street in simi- lar condition. -"g---. -v----v up-n--an-I `unis Iu uculauuo `Capt. D. H. MacLayen, 35th Regt. ;(-Sxmcoe -Foresters), as granted` the 1b:-ev`et rank of majbr. l `__A`_`_l_| A , Isl ! ` 4- V ---I-J vs . 1 [V V .-A'r.<:'l1l;i;l.1'cf>p"()'Connor on .` day addressed a. conference Catholic clergy here on the of Modernism. A In the hope of encouraging young blood, there will be a local hockey tournament, in the near future, open to clubs, whose members are under 18 years of age. The number of clubs will be limited to 4 or 6, and these` must furnish a list of their players in advance. VV. D. MacLar- en, Jno. Dyment and F. 'C. Lett will constitute a `governing committee. Harry Riddell has been appointed `ofcial referee of the games. 'I"l- , `ll -I-\u The McNiven quartette each re- ceived : leather club bag as first prize in` the consolatioxi` series at |_Collingwood bonspiel; e 1"___-. - _v ~_----., -17 vv - -w-uvr-vow V Some of the local hockey sports who backed Lindsay against Midland are now around looking for assign- `ees. It's a. slippery gam boys, t\_.'!I1!.. ,- ,._ .1 . .0 The late Dr. John McMaster ofg Toronto, who succumbed to blood; poisoning, was born near Angus,( and spent part of his early career in the county town. He was 49 years of age and is survived by a widow and two children. -v_.. '7- u--up vv no-J-snag `Mr. James Nolan, a former resi- dent of Tecumseth, died on Sunday, Feb. 16th, after an illness of about six weeks. .Mr. Nolan latterly lived in West Gwillimbury, near Newton Robinson, and devoted his time ex- clusively to bee culture, in which he was very successful. He was seven- ty years of age. His son Dennis, with whom he resided, is. his only survivor. ..- _ .. ~--rrw-' 5-:---v, wvgv Orillia expects that the Clnadian lNorthem Raiilway will enter that town. If the necessary legislation is forthcoming the work of con- struction will egin in the spring. 'I\ Il'-\Y!-___.!.' ;:__I_ _ .1 Mr. T, edditt, M.A., gave a most instructive` and entertaining lecture on "Wordsworth in the Parish Hall of Trinity Church on Thursday night last. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnston, vocalists, and Miss Grasett, pianist, also contributed to |the success of the evening. ' '7\.-!.. 1...... 11.1, P `See the big clubbing offer, Advance and Weekly Mail, on page 3. This offer does not apply to those who now take the Weekly Mail, but Ad- vance spbscribers both new and old are velignble. ' e II , 'I'\ . A in -- .- Mr. Robert Cassidy, K..C, who is -upholding the Provincial Act in the dispute between British Columbia and the Dominion re Japanese immi- gration, is a former Barrie boy, hav- ing graduated from the old rm of McCarthy & `Co. Speaking of the Midland-Lindsay intermediate hockey game, the Mail correspondent says: Gren Cald- well is without doubt the most elli- cient referee seen in Midland this winter. He handled the game nice- ly and hadfull control at all times. D, McNiven s rink won the consol- ation nal at thc- Collingwood bon- spiel.. The other members of the quartette were H. D. Black, R. Mal- comsqn and A. D. Simon, vice-skip. `I U 'II__._.2_. -_ `I? V 7*.` _ WW-" ------ vvv -- -------va--y v-\v\v Hilf- W. Manning, W. .1. Elliott, A. W. Robinson and G. T. Tippingare the councillors-elec-t for the newly incorporated Village of Coldwater. Reeve Millard was chosen by accla- mation. ' Dangerous coughs. Extremeiy perilous coughs. Coughs that rap and tear -the throat and lungs. Coughs thetshake the whole body. You need a regu- cine, `forsueh I cough. Ask yourcdoctoru about PA"y_er s Cherry. Pe_ctoral._ * u ' lar, medicine, n doo'tor s medi- Desperate C. BEAVER GUN CLUB. ,---.-7-v--_vn nus u G : A L O I unknown Thuvts-'-V of the subject ;`SAR'JEAANT--T-At` Ba_rr.ie,, H. Tues, _dy, Feb. I8th,`I9o8 Ito Mr. and] MT8.".7. Sarieanf 9 "m....1....... v ~_.---v--; ul 1.4`-(G 9, a. .cement arch budge has been bullt at a cost of $1,314.63. Owing to there being a light fall` of snow-- in fhe winter * I906-7, not much_expend1ture -had to be_ma.de for wmter roads on the countrroad vious .-year,` for a man $1.50 and $3.25 for man and -team"p'r '-day, of ten lhburs, q li I The machinery used consists of road graders, stone crushers, rooter plows, wheel scrapers, at scrapers, _horse and steam rollers; . On the town line between the Townships of Flos and Vespra at` Edenvale a large concrete arch `bridge reinforced with steel, with Ii M,-inch gas pipe railing is at pres-I ent practically completed. The tot- al length of the bridge is about 325 feet, it has two 40 feet and two 80 feet arch spans with two abutments and three piers 20,7 inches, and`I8 feet` respectively, the aheight ' of the abutments is 14 and _15 feet, the piers are; 25, 3Ivand~ 21 feet high. The cost will be_ about $19,000. 5. IX... 4.]... lt_._L,1 ,....-. ugavvu uuxu mree-quarters of` a mile to four miles. The gravel used has been in some cases taken from pits owned by the townships, principally in the north of the coun- ty. In the southern townships it has been purchased by. the yard'an'd load at a cost from ve to ten cents, per load. ' , The magerial used for metalling has been 111 most cases unscreened gravel drawn from three-quarters of! a mile to fnm- .-:1 'm.- .------H Again Canada has undoubtedly paid bonuses on thousands of alleg- ed immigrants who never came to this country at all. Last session -Mr. Oliver ga_ve.. gures showing that in three years "from July 1903 to `July 1906, 240,537 immigrants arrivg p. ed destined for `Manitoba, Sasliat-T `Vchewan and `Alberta. _Now the `Dominion Statistician hasjust report- 'ed-- that in Canada when the census was taken _he'f,ound inlthese prov-a ages; `only 233,457, Jwhoi had -arrived ' %;l_5't $v'en;January 1st, 1901, and June. i , 'were ac_t1_x`a1lyi less sgizfnt .`Seltt1rs'l efound `whf i had 5, '3 ., `5,':53`.|'i91l f'V%I`!'1 `half . ii alias` ` fhe `I~*=t3t;ls iiihri 5 Attention has "been given to pro-' per draining by turnpiking with road! graders, digging ditches, putting in culverts, principally concrete pipes and cement `arches. I - I I The usual construction is_ to grade` ythe earth roa_dway to a width of 24 feet. Gravel is put on to a width of from 6 to 8 feet, and a. depth of `from -6 to 10 inches. , . =On repairs there was expended in 1907 the sum of $6,000. _The p_er-| manent roads constructed 111 1907 m-- cluded bridges, culverts, material and} machinery. . { The Simcoe County roads system, established in 1903, is 441 miles in. length. Of this there has been per-I manently improved under the High- ways Act 373 miles, at a cost, with bridges and culverts, of $112,862.88. In 1907, the expenditure was $44. 771.89, and 38 miles were construct~u ed. Of the expeitditure of 1907, there was spent on bridges and cul- lverts $13,990.19, leaving $30,781.70 ;for roads proper, or an average of] about $810 per mile. 1 - _ v-v---v. ---vJ ---J - Strong as has always been our personal view in favor of temper- ance, our determination to give every one -absolutely fair` treatment is just as strong. A by-law compelling the Com- missioners to cancel 34 existing "lic- enses, .railroaded through the City Council in a single night, without previous public discussion after the people had pronounced a short time before and during our term of roice, againstthe passing of such `a .by-law was manifestly a betrayal of the electorate, and, if permitted to take eect, it will grievously injure those` who have obeyed the law, and have to the best of their ability carried out the command of your department to keep hotel. -Such action on the part of the Council cannot have our approval or support, either as citi~ zens or as commissioners. I` I I U ' -We believe in giving everyone a E fsquare deal_. No true_ temperance |advocate W1, on reectxon, be con: vinced that the cause of temperance requires the sanction ofinjustice or sharp -practice for its successiul pro_p- agation, or that it will be permanent- ly advanced by trickery or bad faith. _`J , PCB. V Mr: _M:rs. W. Saneant; a daughter, Ze- Dr. R_- J.. Wilson, Mr. D. M. Defoe and `Mr: R. Millicham the Toronto Board of License lommissioners, have resigned, and it is announced that a new board has been appoint- ed, consisting of ex-Mayor Coats- worth, -ex-Ald. John -Dunn and `Com- mander F. `C. Law. The -members of the old board in resigning make it plain that their sole reason is that they cannot remain in office to con- done the recent act of the City nCou-`nciil in arbitrarily ordering a great many licenses to be cancelled l-'8l1 act which they believe to be one ofinjustice and not in -acord- ance with the interests of the city of Toronto.` They say: GL6 . , 1 '- ran Tonoxsrro LICENSE SITU- Anon. `and the country paid bonuses But the Government is increasing the payment for immigrants. In January of this year it passed an order raising from $2.50 to $5.00 the bonus on adult immigrants from the continent of Europe and doubling the bonus for children. When this change was made crowds of immi- grants were living on charity in Montreal. Toronto, VVinn'ipeg and other cities. -Many of these had come to Canada as agriculturalists on them and their families. `Mr. Wil- son has the support of the Opposi- tion in the House and of most peo- ple throughout the country when he declares that this is an outrage and that the time has come to stop pay- ing for immigrants. The cash in- ducement has caused shipping agents to persuade thousands able people to come to Canada. These crowd into the cities, ll the hospitals or scatter through the country to become a burden on the, community. They have been false-; ly told that work is plentiful and ' easy, wages high and `everything .else cheap. The system is cruel -;to them and unjust to Canada. Mr. `Wilson showed that the country had paid` in 12 years some $7,000,000 for immigration and is now. paying $925,- -000 a year. No less than 1,028 immi- grants so obtained have been treated `in the Winnipeg hospital of undesir- ~ I ; 4 i. znnable to pay. The United States . Government refuses admission to the very classes for whom we pay $5 -per, head. "rfhe consists. `mad 0'1-nrhu-c con..- -...-..|.-_-_ SIMCOE COUNTY ROADS. Your Money Vvillbe Safe] BANK 0F TOBIINTIJ BORN, Interest Paid on Savings Deposits 'C71ERNV ADVANCE ---' AT THE --. I 109011 V6131 ED11365- Double dweuing. 6 1-oolms in each, on Clap- per-ton Street. Vacant lot. 3 of an ac;e. on Penetanguishene Street. Apply to F. M. MONTGOMERY, I .42tf - RM -'*n . Traius leave Barrie for tlxe under- ucntioned places as follow; :- j8outI__. "'4.2o a.m.-For` Nev_vmarket, To- tonto. Montreal and pomts East. uh- ._ , , l I I; Dwellin 1 rooms)..amB1d:driv;home. sheds and near! of note of land in garden and lawns ` Corner of Peel and Wellington Streets, Barrie. Dwelling-6 rooms, stablc and shed. Large I loton Peel Street. . I nniuhln unurl-Inn: Auuunnng 4... ....,.L -_ nu-.. Miss 'Maol e of- Toronto is spending some'weeks at her home \ here. ` Treating of any kind is made a corrupt practice under` the new Elec- tion. Act, which -is now before the Legislature. `Several years ago, when an attempt was made.to unseat Dr. Rutledge, the member-elect for East Middlesex, the Court held that on account of Dr. Rutledge having been in the habit of treating, his_ continu- -ation of the habit after he became a candidate did not constitute an of- fence. Sub-section 3 of section 169 of the new Act is as follows: It shall not be a. suicient answer to a charge of a corrupt practice under this section that the person charged has been in the habit of treating. Mr. and Mrs. !VVill_'Hood of Yel- low Grass have, returned home after spending a couple of months with the former s father here. ! YYOULVLIJKIEJU %'ZL\I`I3L\Yo Miss Annie Brown `is home after visiting some weeks in Toronto. _ _Mr. Dan. Shaw of Toronto is vis- iting his sister, Mrs. Jas. Brown, .Mr. Gordon Moir visited friends in Barrie last week. .Miss Lake of Sutton is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Joe Spicker. unv- NO MORE TREATING: :---0 New Election Act [Especially Strict. --the lightest Cake `and Put:'y- > you ever-saw. " Order a can NOW-`so you will be sure to have ST. GEORGES for your next baking. , Wn`ll,forfra copy `Q/hourew v mu tnruga';cu`em1`"1.o.L.ot~-. ' . 9: `- '.,.1.. u.) Barrie Property For Snl_c{ WALL PAPER *4'=p.m.--FormO-r-iiva, North Bay and `points West. 8205 p.m.-For Orillia. 10.35 a.m.---For Pcnetang. r1o.45 a.m.---For Stayner, Coiling-. wood and Mcaford. 3.40 p.m.-For `Stayner, Coiling- wood. and Mcaford. 7.50 p.m.--For Penetang. 8.00 p.m.--For Slayner, Coiling- wood and Meaford. *u.1o p.m.--For North Bay. (Co- fbalt Special.) .K Borders same price as Sidewall. SUNNIDALE CORNERS; __J 'II,._ .II7!1I TY- , 1 Y New Designs Artistic Effects " fm IS IT- BARRIE. "-"'.'_t's"a'.ii{,L SIDCCIIL)

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