Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 16 Jan 1908, p. 2

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About March 15 next we w_i'l1' undertake to complete some repent- ` ing contracts, but the company is now practically out 'of the eld. ' The company has practically gone` out of business for the time being. It was tendering on some new work, _and found that it could only-hope to succeed by offering the men a reduc- tion of wages of 15 per cent., the same as that recently made in Unit- d States shipyards. A notice to this effect was posted up in the yards, and on Monday a committee of the men waifed on Manager B. 'M. Smith. The situation was explained to the committee, and they went- away ap- !parently impressed with the reason- ableness of the company's conten- tion. Yeterday morning the men did not return to work, and at 11.45 word was sent thatvthey did not pro- pose to return. A meeting of the board was held, and it was decided to shut up-the plant. We have never made a dollar, `nor has any other company in .Can- ada. made money out of shipbuild- 'ing, said -Manager Smith. We have had to contend with the free importation of British-built vessels, and with the United States scale of wages. We spent $50,000 in bringing in Scotch and United States ship- builders and in perfecting our or- anization, and it is with great re- uctance that the decision to close down was reached. r We offered to build two steamers lfor the C.P."R. at cost, plus 5 per 1 cent., in order to retain our organiz- iation intact, but they decided they "could do better in the old country and bought there. COLLINGW-OOID, Jan. 9.-With a staff of mechanics demandmg wages that it could not afford to pay," the Collingwood Shipbuilding Company has closed down 1ts plant, and 450 men, 75 per cent, of whom are lxesidents of the town, are out of wor . . Could Not Aofd to Pay the Wages ` ` Asked. - Collingwood Shipbuilding Comany` Temporarily Goes Out of Business; ms cmssn nown Barrie Loses First Round. uvu ulc mg cnwnulg oner, Advance - "Tana .-Weekly Mail, -911 page 3.. This offer `des not 'ai>p1y {to those: who- now take the 'WeekIy"Mai1,--but Ad- vance subscribers both new_ and old are eligible. , _In. tyie County Council list}. ub- _lIsh_ed.m'Iast week s'is_sue, Mr; ~. R.` I-I7arvie ,s name disglafces Mr`: H. Ellicmk fms n..m:.. _ u-_ -3.4.-31.- McCARTHY `, CUP. D.` R. Murchison Dr. M_cCarthy I . Lov_e . A. Brown1ee,sk. 15. J. G. Scott D. W. LeRoy W . E.` _odd __.. -1- __ frHos._KENN1:DY, ARCHITECT. ;. 'O.'i'c`e. Qntgrio` `Block , Dunlqp 'lV`H'Es BALL PLANING MILL Company. ,Carpentering, building, andzmanufacturing of doors, sashes, biindsymouldings, etc. Planing of . all kinds, done prompt] and satis- factorily,_ Hot blast tying kiln. District Agenc for grained lum- ..,tl9!,'}'.i a field street,` Bar- ?` rte. jpdges & allie, successors ANY QUANTITY OF MONEY TO loan at 4% and 5 `per cent. Easy terms of re-payment. 4 Lennox, " Cowan & Brown-, `Solicitors, Barris- ters, etc. w` UNWIN, MURPHY & ESTEN, ON- tario Land `Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Ofce, Med- ical Building, S.E. corner Rich- ` - 2111`! naii QC-onasbn rl` A - - - ` f STEWART 8:-`STEWART, BAR- tisters, So,licitors, Notaries Public, and Convyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5. per cent. Oice, '13 Owen street, Barrie. H. D. Stew- art, LL.D., D. -M. Stewart. `W. AULT, BA*R.=RI.STER, SOLICI- tor, Pxgoctor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Special attcntion in drawing and probating wills, `obtaining let- ters of administration and guardian- ` ship, collecting accounts, etc. Of- , `ices, Ross block,aBa1`rie.` Money to ' oan. ___________ $7o,ooo [FOR INVESTMENT crnn {I-onl-nn1A ........_:A__ . L.R.C.P. 8: S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. & S. Glasgow --SURGEON--- f s`+ c'3`1 ] LENNOX, CO-WLAN & BROWN, , Ba;-risters, Solicitors for , obyaining probate of wills, guardianslup and ' administration, and general Solici- T tors, Notaries, -Conveyancers, etc. Oices`, Hinds block, No.6 Dunlap street, Barrie. Mom: to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. ranch ofces at` Crcemore and Alliston. -Haugh- ton Lennox, Alex. Cowan, G. E. I. Brown, L.L.B. I ._.__j._:_..__._ DR. J. A. C. EVANS, `MEMBER OF College of Physicians and Surg- eons, Ont. Graduate of Medical `Faculty of Toronto University. As- sociate-Coroner of County of Sim- coe. Office and residence, William Street. Allandale, Telephone 303. Telephone connection with Holly, Painswick and Stroud. ' G A. RADENHURST, -Barrister, Solicitor, ' Notary Public, &c. Of- ce--Ist floor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at low- est rates. DR_. -RQBEIRT s. BROAD, PHYSI- ...n_. ....A.... AA. C..,.-Z..lL-- I.` STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS-I ters, `Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and ugwards, to loan at 5 csgon Ann-:6 U CL-ab`.-- V I.` I` DR. A. T. LITTLE, late of Churchill. Ont. Oice and. residence John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. ---- uyvvc u.oo a.m.--For Orillia, `Graven-l hurst and North Bay. - `Q, ,1. Q`! D5. _J. ACUR_'IE S I_vI`I1_ I`H. 011] DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 Carl- l\I'I C; Tnunnbn lab` at D_-._1..I--.. DONALD ROSS, L.L.B., BARRI'S- ter, Solicitor, etc. -Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money to loan. H._T. ARNALL, -M.D.-,C.M., OCFFI-C ... DALL--.-II - LI.-.-1- AI`l.._.I..I.. f\._ HEWSON & CRESWICKE, BAR- risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario,` -Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, .etc. Money to loan. Ofce, Ross Block, Barrie. C. E. Hewson, K.-C. A. E. H. Creswicke. .,.... u. nuuua, :uu.r11'1'1<.`U1` *and Civil Engineer. Oice, over _Bosanko Block. Town Inspector .;of-:.P1umhinx. > . u.. nvugcl 5 .to Geo; Bgll. ...... L-uuulug, 0.13. COTIICY Klch` mond and Bay, Streets, Toronto. Te1 cph'one,t Main, 1336. Instruc- tions 1_cft with Strathy 8: Eaten, Solicitors, Bank of Toronto Build- ing, Barrie,`will be promptly at- tended to. Eye, Ear, Nos; Throat, 'v,vV\-I -I.` \Jl.\ 1.1` V 1131 LVIILIV 1 good freehold securit at lowest . rate of interest. 0 principal `money required until end of the term: H. H. Strathy, Solicitor-, etc.,. TH: Nonrnznn Aowmc: cian, Surgeon, etc. Specia1ty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and -residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. r:.\. LV.l\.lL\-I-LLV11'4l.\ 1..4.l.\IJ.V, 01 van- ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N.Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, -Ear Nose and Throat. Consultation hours 11 am. to 5. p.m., and by ap- pointment. J UIGIEISV, bV\Jlll IVD J. UIIIID, @915 V V ` a'nc_ers_. Oice_s Barne. upwards, per cent. H. H, Strathy, K.C., G. H. Estcn. VI. .I.J.1n)L\/LIIJV, "gixrgeon:`Etc-:I: I{,C., Edin., L.R. C.B., London. Oices and night res1dence, Brown s Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone, 77. `:3 i3`5Ei{J{e`7 i$i&.'Z1} ,"X'f1';n&1e.% On the premxses at night. VL\o J: \4\l'L\L\L1.'4 sJ.LV.l..I. J-`L1. K11" lice "and residence, Collier street, Barrie. Phone 61. Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS. g. W. A. ROSS, 'PHYSICI{XIt\)T, &n T `D K` C CA1 MANUFACTURERS.` was I-_rvr I Qnrvruvvuuv IIIV 3IyIIlII'UV'1/I ! A-`No "new name will be added to thesnb -cr!`3ii'Lis't until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three months udlover will be charged $1.50 per annum. 1:1-.- MONEY TO L ARCHITECTS. SURVEYORE. PHYSICIANS. FINANCIAL. LEGAL. ..-- -v-v -,-uoQ03QI&C V` 1 `t tions , 3t`llev'r_ight___p1a1o1:`en. a The u.arv1c.S name aasplaces Mr.` H. _ElIiott s for Oxillia Tp. Mr. J." _`Shaw" ; the represenatiyg for Matchcdash and Mr, -J. '-T..Barton is the sccond thgrgsentative for Tecumsgth. _With C82 anal` n.lAh.:'...-` A.I-*V- -`-A |NSURAl'lCE'AGNT. The_ llo;nhern Advance Anvmc: 13 ptoven to h - t` - '8 an cmmon of any paper in the con; mi "L... ,...b' ";' 5. `"`" """"`' * :- itu patrons; It you n1v'l3.'`3'v3~`:ss?2'2`:}, 0! 9180? it with the paper that reaches he` d notstnid to pay the price, , 900:1; Advertisements are charged accord 89100-18 lineusato measure make one aagh. Elizahefh St. Phone 250 vvr -.-.-u-nu `Int v nuns; Arlnll nun I B. Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, property for sale or to rent, specific articles. etc.. etc must be accompanied with the cash, and wit} be inserted-rst insertion 2 cents per word each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names,s.ddresses and gures counted as words). but 9. reduction or one cent per word will be made when the number ot insertions or some matter exceed (our R%%+%+H __.v--- if . I hwole now a. large stock of first class COAL on hand of all sizes. Also HARD and SOFT WOOD, and shall be pleased to receive your orders for same which have Prompt and Careful Attention. ILL Ln:-:_._..____ i MAKES YOUR sxm LIKE VELVET Coal and Wood Merchant. Corner Bradford and Elizabeth Sts. Phone 158. .,- _.- `won-rovvwo " Woiod was~s.~* drug on the marke _.Saturgiay.~5.the supply` bcingvconsigexf-j .!l;{ um xce_s.a, of the_ dmand `Vi? `! Ri.$\I9t!3.-"'- h!`lJ'L - ` h " ` . LQNMV. . `:6 . " lfl HD5101; AIIUUIUH DIIOI, Amupm ow.--1Hm insertion 10 cents Yer line, e` In uentiuortlonscenta per inc. R n ticu, 10 cents per line for-11 insertion : 5 to per line for each uubscqu. Insertion of the some mutter. All items und Mines. of this chtncter, charged ass 1; Obitnsrv Poetry 5c Der line. COXXIBCIAL CONTRACT RATES. 'f:l;";I-I-V'0-r-IIIGQOBII Inns! In even can be mounted on solid metal base: ` H'Preferred positions for local advertigg mentsin the paper will be sold at an advue. of one-third on above rates. and on no ot hoe ntwill ial positio be . T z`%vmbe..-`:yc.mea 33:. ``` " CONTRACT CHANG IS. Advertisers will please bear in mind thu notice of intention to chan e advertiscmenu mnstbe handed into theo cc not later thu Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the cogy for such change mustbc in THE ADVANC 3 office not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week. otherwise the advertiser's announcement inay not be made public until the week follow. "'5 changes of Advertisements allowed pg: year. If more ' d, ' ` Wm be chargedfre Feature composmon ram Advertiarn will nnt 1.- .I1.u....1 on ....,. n._n_ wxu oe cnargea._ Advertisers Will not be allowed to use that: space for advertising anythin outside that: own regular business. She d they do an transient rates will be charged for such ad vertisements. J. .. -I-I"!-`Fl -I-l"l'-I-l"I"l-*3` 'l'I"l--!--bi-I--t-I-+-H! FOR BREAD CAKES OF ALL KINDS .`rHUR: sDX,Y, JANUARY, mm, A Trains leave Barrie for the? nder- untioned places as follmis :-F- ` Tl-`I05. SIVIITP J Len! Notices, Auction Sales, A stc.-l"h-at Tiggom m_l_)aoqtgontiu__srtlon_5_centq em. . em; Japvmmsmc RAT]-33. 4l5al|%VIe_rm saga} 8&1. EXCELSI R BUSI- NESS conuzcz. E A I-nu--..-. sfio ma nun mason: undue what. we hf- ! tor.` Compare our tic. and goocrnlbelnltn. NOT A amount: or um We could hue placed twice umany WHY 60 T0 TBHUNTD, DR When you have better. close at hmnn... wEnniNG iNvrrA'r1oNs. noNKnAN's GLYCEDONIA. Hu 3 mu-vollouu affect. on rough] akin. One or two applications will remove the roughness, and by ` its occasional use the skin acquire: ` the unoothneu and softnost of a \ baby t. Glycetionia in not sticky. and gloves any be worn a few moments Z ufter ndnait. j _ _ (320. MONKMAN. Dcnggilt, - Bnrrie. _ `zoo a.m.--For Orillia`, North Bay and S00. ` 59A-%- 3`_W00D uuu um; wxun Axtvcullull. II"A s'L"'"cusssMAnn _ nun-I \XTnAA ll.._..L__A P1- --r Barrie. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. ___-.| _ x_-,4-, rnuainnr ADYIIIPIBXNG. ""'i>'i'o 15c and 25. Delightful After chuing. .3463 23;:-.- OF THE -- --u I-v' By a majority of 81 Cdllingwood has decidgd to_abo1ish the ward sys- tem of electmg Councillors. The by-law will take effect in_Januaryl moo. ' :4-41-Qt-I3;-in:--I-1--a--1-3-1--a-on--I-5-ox-a-.-a-' ` -5--a-+;-if u;g`;:uGIl5tlVC 101' -.|.ec|ll`l_lStAh. .tAhes_eV changes and` additions the ros- te,r_Vxs.V'comp1ete.~V. ' ' . ll1.'.~- .1 ` -- a.m.%--For Newmarktt, . To-' totito. Montreal a'nd` points ` Egst. 15.45 a.m.-F_or Toronto. (Cobalt Special.) ` ,- 8.oo a.m.-For. Newman-ket, `Auto-o _ In and Toronto. . V9.35 a.m.--For Allandale. . . "Loo p.m.-For Newmarket, Au- ten and Toronto. ` ' n 5.2; p.m.-For Cardwcll . Georgetown and Hamilton. . North. Li 8 Duo 48 column Ilowupuper. Publuhgd from the olce. 123 Dunlap Street. Battle. In the County of Simooe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canadmevory` , % -.'1`hnrIda.y Mominmby uvq:s_L:v ajcnzw. PROPRIITORS `The winnings of the Dyment stable for the year 1907 amounted to $5,510`. Seagram heads the list of Canadian owners by a wide`margin. A5 DA-6: Dn.._-- '- ~ ' ` ' law 6:6` LIGBD, LKulg 2110, gm 4th heats. The best time was 2.2234 uvuwv tow`: ----v-v__- 5.20 p.m.--For Newtnarket,` To- ronto, `Montreal and points Eist. . 7.25 a.m.-For Ca:-dwell Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. 1-1*l1-+4"?-I-4-I-I-Pl4-4i'44*'ll'+4'4--I-4-9':-. I ,,--_-_- _..- an owvv \|IIJ9u Miss Margaret Culbert of the Roosevelt~I-Iospital, New York, is holidaying with her parents on Pcnctang St. v ..-.v... J u vvnuu` Jllalslllol Perry ice races last week VV. J. Gilks Honest Billy won in the 2.22 class, taking the 2nd, 3rd and 4th heats Tho L... 44...... ....... - I Miss Jessie `Woods of Toronto has been the guest of the Mises Rogerson for a few days. 111-... \1_,,- t'~ - S1 Jnnum m Adprmoo `.3-[(9- _._,, , ,, w I7 wvrruul `Daily including Sunday. %nAL11LwAvoo1nn.' of Local Interest `Tanks or Sunscnnvrxozv. Junction, I ; 'E;-._.'_":nav,i.I1'i"a;l` pmeeging 1:1; pf. the, bard _o`f;Eduea.t1on `took e.plae_e=`;*;,;;m,<>i1 . `emursday V111."8- `W, ivC., ;K=`rida=.. '. ;`re_'W,= was elected Chan-ma_my for - the e eiyear. The 3` various cdrhmxttees were` struck as` follows: -Finance--G. G. .Smith. e.Westn .._.J. C. Smith; Hinds; 'Ma_na'gement-_- lne, -lPal1ing, -West- ..-ney, :1.-ove; Property an_d Supply-- Love. 1. `C. Smith, Pallxng, -Hinds; the first named on each committee being its chairman. '4 n_ .E1=0n_i v;tl,1e';l3tcat bulletin published \ by; the 0ntar1`p ~`Department of Ages E1-1cul _turef, 1_s I; seen that .'Simc0e- fr ,0unty~-'mamt_ams its high position,'_ in. comparison with the leading 1-?c0 1`1ntijes<;0fr *t_hc>~Pr0vin'ce as "a pro-- ducer oi grain, ,1-oots an `live `stock. In wheat culture she stands first wvith a total of 1- 74,570, bushels- raised -last `year. - he -occupies a si,rnila1r place" in regardto barley with,- a total of 1,910,590 bushels, "while- her record for oats, 4,011,060 bush- els, gives her the_pre_mier. position; Sunoce grew 9545295 bushels of po-_ tgtocs and 3,410,868 hushels of tut. nxps,`-sbelng third` on the list: in each .,case. -. Horses are still extensively held in this county, 33,894 head plac- ing us second to Middlesex. We are third in sheep; and swine, with 65,849 and 97,575 respectively. `After his adventure, young" Car-J tier steered clear of politics, and he was in his sober thirties when in 1848, yielding to the pressure of friends, he first consented to enter parliament as amember for his na- tive county: He was not long ,in forcing his way to the front, his en- ergy,_ assurance, and command of language early marking him o`ut- as i a leader. ` In 1853 he was offered, but de- clined, the Commissionership of Pub- lic-_Works, and two years later he accepted his first oice, that of` Eros Two years later, his legal `career was temporarily interrupted by an incident which might have cut it short--the rebellion under Papineau, but `Cartier was never in much dan- ger, and though he ed to the United fstates, hereturned, on the assurance of the Government that he would }not be arrested. a t Sir George Cartier was born on Sept. 6, 1814, in the village of `St. Antoine, county of Vercheres. He claimed descent from the same fam- ily as Jacques Cartier, and his im- mediate ancestors` were men of note amongst the French-_Canadians, His grandfather, a prominent merchant, was one of the first membersof the county when the rConstitution_al_ Act of 1791 gave Lower Canada the right to representative institutions, and~Sir George himself, during the larger part of his political life, represented the county with which his family `had been so long identied. The Law or the Church. C ' Two careers only seemed open a century ago to FrenchCanadian boys of ambition and good family. George Etienne Cartier had to choose be- tween the law and the church, and he chose the former. Eight "years at St. `Sulpice College, Montreal, gave him his preliminary equipment, and in 1835, at the age of 21, he com- meiiced to practice at the Bar in` Montreal. Pore: Now .~Ado:`-no the Natibnal .The recent iinveiling in Montreal of a portrait of the late `Sir George Etienne -Cartier, which has -been presented to the National `Gallery by his daughter, Miss Cartier; recalls to mind the political career` of that distinguished French-Canadian states- man. The `Witness gives the follow- ing interesting sketch :- ' Last year at the Colonial `-Confier-t ence the `British people had =the graticatxon of beholding, as ` the loyal representative of a` ritish col-l may, one who a feyv years before had borne arms agamstjGreat Brit- ain, and had lain them down to be-` come .t r'im'e -Minister of the newly conquered colony. In the career of S1r`Georg_e Etienne -Cartier, `Can- adian history presents an almost parallel incident. . Sir George Etienne Cartier, Min: ister of Militia in thq rst Dominion Government, and until the advent 01 `Sir Wilfrid Laurier the greatest of brench-Canadian statesman, first came under. public notice during the rebellion of 1837, when, toescape transportation, he ed to the `United States. Lord Durham s Bill of Am- nesty permitted him to return to Canada without fear of arrest, and ten years later he commenced a po- litical career which was to repay by notable service the Empire s act of clemency. : sm atsoncm n:. CARTIER. _. V. --v Owl!` IO VUIJ, Hard. Flonce, we tunes: that you ask your doctor about your taking Aver : Inga, iquiotx_th eu Pootor. :1: c.....uu.m.:x. lconsvmzitiohl Your doctor will $1! youoothdto `Mb `air and good toad tare the real cures for consumption. But often the cough: no -|.....| `.11-...-- _.- .o`----_ The (unveiling f a nnrh-nit n"F oh. 1.... c:. r?..-;..- `-7 ujuutgliy C1 anti up each I510 VIM` 7| J Am: ` ; `His First Oce. .....,. ... uu: xaulng snow--torgotten. - A (mg the ction is an important instalment -of Mrs. Elizabeth: Stuart ,tPhelps -great` novel, Though Life ,,I_Js_ D9; Part; The Adjusted Honey- b.'\....A w ,' uuuaulc muuucr Irom ._.tne standpoint] of illustrations. ` In addition to F1agg s striking cover design, there is a full- age geproduction of W. '- Balfour . jr s pamting, Forgotten. `It represents a winter farm scene,` the house and ba'rn~ in the dista`nce,_ and the .-old family _hors,e_ standing` _dr_earil_y , by the `pasture '.oba:s,.,a nkle e eep in the falling sno_w-:-5-forgotten. th `f;nrI he an~3nnn....a.4...sx.' - The Woman's .1-Iome Companion for January begins well with a hand- some and showy .cover design by" James Montgomery,Flagg'.s Ityis a notable number from ;the standpoint 93: il]ustra_ions. A_ ..addition to. WOMAN'S I-IOMVE comL=AN%1oN.%! gln private life he dabbled in music and literature, and, ifehe had-never been a politician, he would be remem- bered as the author of the Frenh- Canadian National Anthem, Can- }ada,. rnon pays; mes amours. `Public appreciation of `Sir George Cartier s services was` shown bythe immense crowd of mourners and the imposing public funeral, when the! remains were brough back to.Can-- ada. A more lasting tribute is the bron_ze statue erected in Parliament square, Ottawa,. the first memorial to `a Canadian statesman paid for by the," national" purse of the Dominion. anvc, auu H15 IJUUHCUCSS energy. isdoubtful if he attained the sum- mit of his desires, but .he was a) strongminister in a strong ministry,i andina. weaker government would`! probably have been the dominating inuence. - - . v I Sir George Cartiei- s political suc- cess was due less to oratorical or in- tellectual brilliance than to his strong ambition, his unagging persever- ance, and his boundless It %is_.`doqbt_f}:l i_f be He played a prominent part in the negotiations for the cession of t r'n- ce Rupert Land by the Huds.;n's Bay -Lompany to the government, and also in the negotiations which preceded the entrance of British Columbia into the Confederation, and led to the building of the (Inn- adian Pacic Railway. For m:n.y years he was solicitor to the Grand Trunk Railway, with which he had been identied since its inception. Fell With the Government. The Pacic scandal and the fall in 1873, brought Sir George Carticr`s political career to a close. .He lost his seat in Montreal. East, which he had held since 186I,,and though he was afterwards elected" for Proven- cher, Manitoba, he died `a few mon- .ths later, on May 20, -1873, while on of Sir John Macdonald s governmenti a visit to England. He had been in failing health for some time, and had been overtaxed by `the worry attendant on neg otiations.with riv_ul capitalists over the projected rail- way.` ] He was a member of the -`Colonial `Conference in `London in 1866-7, which obtained the passage of the British North America Act, and he was then sworn a member of the Privy Council, created a baronet and appointed Minister of Militia in the first Dominion Government, _to take oice on July I, 1867. rineial lSecreta`ry in the Conservative ed in 1854 to enquire into the com- Cabinet of `Sir Allan McNab;_ This appointment followed his services as a member of the committee appoint- mercial` intercourse of Canada with other countries, and which recom- mended the abolition of all duties on cheap, heavy and bulky articles com- ing by the` St. Lawrence, as well as free trade between the British pos- sessions in `America. As Minister of Militia `Sir George Cartier had much to do with the re- organization of the militia force, his legal knowledge enabled him. to take a prominent part inthe codication of_ tlie civil, and improvement of_the criminal law, as well as in education- al matters and the abolition of feudal tenure. it In 1857, Cartier declined te So1i- citor-.Generalship and became- Attor- ney-General of Lower Canada. At that time thewquestion of Federation was beginning to be seriously thought of, and `shortly after his ap- pointment` he yisited England in the interests of Federal Union, but fail- ed to induce the British Government to take action. Mr- `John Mackay has been ap- xpointed police magistrate of Cree- more. `REA. 1', ' 1:) n - - Th-Cabinet resigned _in 1858, and Cartier, whovwas appointed lnspect- or-General, was entrusted, `along with the -I-Ion.'Joqhn A. Macdonald, with' the formation of a government, in which he held office as Attorney-Gem eral from Aug, 7, 1858, till May 21, 1862. WHe declined to form a second government when called upon, but held the same office under Sir Et- ienne Taehe, till the union of the British North American provinces. I % %f0odv%Resol3utioi1s m %fWiil% Hui open a $avingsA Bank Accou%m% The %Ba1`\k of -Toronto will take care of it for you and give you interest on your Deposits 4 tims 5, year at highest current rates. no :-r Afr oNce; a.n_d determine to s_;ve`your money V 1'1m NORTHERN ADVANCE The Centre Simeoe License Board met here on Friday for the purpose `of organizing for the-year. A tour of inspection of the town hotels was maqe and_ everything was found to be in satisfactory condition. f `Al- ....1 at, rw ame not sulcint to obtain results. us .;|.uc aL.a.nupOlnt .ad_d1txon vet I'nAun+:n.- nl- "'7 : nuxujaless you decide to _. -vuv-uuuo |Arm6u s% Solid The annual competition .for the McCarthy Cup between Barrie and Collingwood curlers was commenced on Friday, with four rinks` a side in- each town, the round resulting in favor of the latter by 12 shots. Here- under are the scores made at -Barrie: Collingwood Barrie W. Bell H. Telfer `C. F. `Stephens `N. Rule, sk. 13- `I R. Fisher W. C. Copeland . Capt. -Campbell Todd H. Wynes, sk. 20. D. McNiven,sk. II. ` Cooper D. M. Stewart `E. S. Brown R. H. Webb '.i"<)'tal I If the outlook improves we may re-open the plant at some time in the future, and it will not be dis- imantled. T w-wvuwv ---up --V--as java: "4 p.m.--Fox Orillia, North Bay ind points West. 8.05 p.m.--For Orlia. 10.35 a.m.--For Penetang. 10.45 %a.m.--For Stayner, Coiling- wood and Meaford. _ 3.40 p.m.-`-For Stayner, Calling- wood and Meaford. 7.50 p.m.--For Pnetang. `8.oo p.m.--For Stayner, Coiling- wood and Meaford.` "'u.Io p.m.-For North Bay. (Co- %h,lt Special.) I\ II _ o u to an n

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