Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 9 Jan 1908, p. 4

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7 ~--- vow l\II IU`IIIn Evxnniversary; services in connection .with.. the Presbyterian -C_hurch_ will be h_c*1d, on Sunday "next"; - .- visited 1,Miss Mabel Banting last. week. _.... -- .-_.__----: occur. 11 vans. i Mr.VA._ Lower of Barrie" has com! imenced his `duties as teacher here. (iii-'i`iss-'Nellie\ Banting is `visiting her aunt, `-Mrs . Cobourn of Elm- [gro.ve._ ` I :_ . . _` _ | A '%c;,;;;,;;;;";; ';.,';e13;;;` 1;;Ii be`! ;he11c1l ,in'the ,O`range -Hall on Jan. the ?1o_t . `L - '\ - % _ % Mrs. Francisne of Batteau is staying! 7:1-`vi Inna 5:54-not `an D Ua...nA..' Dg.-. BEI_.]_.E EWART. AN TEN - MILLS. ITEMS or new 4 1-`ion nAmm:'s ` RAILWAY QUARTER.` Boys or Girls Cardinnal Reefers. with black velvet collar and brass. buttons, regular` $6 oo,.~ for. . .l.$3.95 Boys . 2_;piece dark Norfolk Suits, for $1.95, $2.2 5,, $175 and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .350 Boys Buster Brown Suits, Some. of these are sample suits and will be sold at less than actual cost. ` - ' ' 8$E L- & EA V 11E F1}I()1=:*jiHERN%ADvA*NcE ANaua' | Mrs. -C; Miner has gohe the winter in Welland daughter, Mrs, Mandley. -no z17\T/IQr.i'iV\'7. E. `Todd \:vas called to Toronto last week owing to the seri;- ous illness of his baby. -- 19 - up d\ 1 V Cieo. i Vair Zai1n<'iV Mrs, Robert- son of Toronto spent a few days'1ast `week with Mrs. H. Dollery. % Mr. and -Mrs. H. `L. Esten, {Miss Freida Esten and Miss Del Tyrwhitt were New Year's guests at the Rec-* tory. ` ' Boys pure wool'Sweaters, in plain colors, Navy or `Cardinal or fancy Astripes, from . . . . . .50 `I'D $|.25 -Miss Pearl McDonald has become a pupil of the Toronto Conservatory of`.Music and left on Thursday to take up her studies. ' | The members, of the Women s Auxiliary of `St. George s Church met` on Wednesday at the. Rectory to arrange the year s work-. ` g_ Mrs. D. w. McMillan, Essa 5;} was in Locust Hill during the week attending the funeralof her grand- father, the late Lt.'`Co1._W. M. But- `lI\Q1 | , _ L The Anglican. Young People s As- sociation met on Monday evening, when `the Rev. Canon Murphy gave an address `suitable for the New Year. I Mrs. `Slade of the North West, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. `uHewson, was one of the fortunate ones in the Chapleau wreck, as- she had taken a. sleeper and therefore escaped injury. 1 I `" The engagement is announced of -Miss Minnie Whitely, eldest daughter of .Mr and Mrs. Geo. Whitely, Depot Harbor, to .Dr. J. Howard Code of Gull Lake, `Saskatchewan. ' ' ' . . i Among Canadian railway employe-[- es there were 51 killed and 26 in- jured during November, compared with 39 killed and 35 injured in the preceding month and 27 killed` and 40 injured in _,November, 1906. Twel- ve of the deaths were due to the victims being run over, 11 to ex- plosions, 11 to collisions, 5 each to derailments and being struck by! trains, _3 to being caught between cars, and 2 each to falls and falling material. Of the accidents 6 each were due to the victims being caught between cars and to collisions, 5 to explosions, 4 tofalls, 3 to" being run over and I each to a derailment and [to machinery. - K I Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Martyn of Port [Arthur spent the holidays with Mr. landMrs. Martyn here. -1f, 1'_1___l There was quite an excitemeiit in the village election day. Four new candidates were in the--eld for coun- cilmen. `Mr.'W. A, Miller was first and R. Adams next in this polling division. Mr. Miller is very popular `and should make a good member of the Township Board. Dev|in&Murchism1 l}Il\-5 `'51 U. `Iowa: -4 -- ---- -u I We were pleased to see `Mr. John {Bell of Utopia in the village on Mon- }day,, after close connement ,to his [house for someweeks. A a . 1 V Xmas and New Year's holidays are }over once more, and all the visitors to this burg have returned to their respective homes, evidently feeling yhappy after their social gatheringsl gwith relatives and friends. HUUDC Luz, :uuu._vv\.\.no. There is considerable wood coming into the station yard. Mr-.. Walkin- shaw purposes hauling in ' a large number of logs, if the sleighing con- tinues, for the Oakville Basket Co. The New Year s-tree and concerti in connectioh with Zion Presbyterianl Church, we are pleased to note, was as usual a success. The attendance ;'was good. The children of the S. 5. did their part exceedingly well and lthose" who hadlthem in training de- ;serve credit for their good taste." }Much praise is due Mr. T. A, Foster for the success of the concert. The trees were showered with `Santa -Claus gifts, and the children were made happy before going to their homes. Rev. Mr. Peacock was present and delivered a short and well thought- out address. Proceeds, fty'-ve dollars. I i `Alice B1ac_kstock has gone to Toronto for a txme. M1:s. Stewart attehded the `wedding of_ her eldest. son, Stanley, In Downs- view recently. . v---J u saw: \u_ V-Mis_ '3/Iajyc-112;: .Henry who has been v`isiti'ng.1friendS inu.Detroit , for ;se- ':vera~lIr`h.`nths.,.'.has.'?eEu.`:gd"A A56{u-i313 Inc}:";{e';'&`:ind Mi. .. TI_.La"1i1'b;`erl': :, ]`)oax11e_j:w`a9 ah_ln to` be; ` 'o1_1`t Mr. and j<':>1_1-1{v\ 7v\ est ' spent New Year s Day wxth friends ,in Barrie.A . \ . T Mrritt_ `Cline ahd daughter of Toronto -visited friends. [here recently. ' - - cut an - - THE NEW COUNCIL. 9. solo `at each service" in, the Angli- can Church. last__ Sabbath. - - 'Mis'sq'Hammell' of Tottenam sang '{ Z iss Lz;ura Thomp- son have returned to` Toronto, after spending a fev(r days;here.. V -- ` ` "|l:`__ 1:- ' r Mr. Robert West visited friends in Owen `Sound recently. - A 11' A G I '- Mr. And IV.f_rs_.~` Jam_es Nixon of Cookstown_ vxslted frxends here re- % cently. . ' ` ` I _Mios `Minnie Ayerst has retprned to Toronto to resume. her studxes in a_ business college. ' ' v I `>1-o__ -yf I . n -- -> | on} `($16 {rinli T1k4%H'wzp.V White is no better at time of writmg. It , 1 `ll 7 I cur . Dr.T v} 3J.':Spiou1e has opened an ;oice.next the__ tailor shop _in Mr. Coleman s house. - i Johnston has : -etumed to {Colhngwood Coll. Institut to fre- [sume -her. studies, . 3 . ' THORNTON`. PE_CK-I-IAYES. F to spend with her :"`SecondJ Hand E ` ` FIVE PUINT5 HAKUWAKIL DIUKI1 ' I % I ooooooooooooooooooooooooo zthe Rev, L. `Skey of Toronto who ipreached in St. Jude s Church here {last Sabbath. ' I In Innisl Harry Grose defeated R. A. Sutherland for Reeve by 31 ;votes and the `Councillors for I908 iare Messrs. Leslie, Slight and Mar- `tin. was realized at the fowl supper held on New Year s night in connection! with St. Jude s Church. Ex-Warden {Boys of Barrie was chairman. I I I VVe understand the sum of $25oi j The following are the results of` the election held here on Monday.| "Six candidates were running for the `Council in `Essa:-Banting 3'23, Mil- ler 287, Erwin 274, Jamieson 258, Adams 216, Robson 27. The first` three were elected. ... At the annual school meeting held jhe're a short time ago, Mr. Jno. R. ;Goodwin was elected trustee for this `year The teacher, Mr. R. D. `Ste- wart, was highly. complimented on his work during the past year and alsoon the appearance of the school. Mrs. Benseni is visiting Barrie. friends. I Miss `Martha Stokes left on Saltur- day for Toronto. The election passed off very quiet- lly here on Monday. 9 rr\' 1` Mr.HVarry Pliillips of Tiny is! visiting friends here. Mr. Ed. Elliott paid a ying visit. to our burg last week. i\`/Ir. Irwin Johnston called on Barrie friends this week. Very sorry to report that Mr. F.` Foyston is ill at present. vs 1 an . an I i Miss Edith Tracy has resumed her [duties as school mistress at Mattawa. Mr. .George Livingstone is home after spending the winter in Detroit.i Mr. Hindle retprned to his studies at McMaster- University on Monday; at` 1(Ir. Fred Tracy` returned to To-l ronto University on Saturday. ` an IV` Miss Stella Livingstone . has re- turned to` Business College in Toron- ` t0. Glad to know that our hockey poys reorganized on Monday even-, mg. ' i `Mrs. Kiser ` guest of `her I Grapt. l The Misses Agnes and Iza Camp-I bell returned to the Queen City on K'Monday. e K Mr. Beath and Mr. Lauder of Ed- gar called on Minesing friends on `Saturday. The orchestra v_s{ill.be at the rink on Saturday night. Come and` bring your friends. ? Miss Shepherd and Miss.S1aord of Midhurst-were guests. of Miss Mc~ Kenny last week. .Weihave a NUMBER THOROUGHLY REPAIRED. NEW PIECES` utinvgr_here necessary, REMOUNTED and RECEMEN' ED, thus making the Stove practically as good-as-NEW. ` '. : : : V : : : : We have the folldwirjg kinds: The RADIANT HOME, ART GARLAND and JEWEL BASE BURNER COAL, H-EATERS. V Prices from $10.00 to $20.00. Some _rst class wood cooks.` such as Honor Bright, Linden Wood, Etc. Prices $10.00 to $20.00. Also ainumber of Small Heating Stoves. We must clear them To MAKE ROOM. Come and get a Bargain` T before they are all gone. HAPPY THOUGHT, SOUVENIR aud IMPERIAL OXFORD RANGES at $15.00 tO $2 5.00. ' H. H. lltton & Son MINESING. FIVE POINTS HARDWARE STORE of Sunnidale is the daughter, Mrs. Wm. ST OVBS "TH\U7R`s;I)A,_ JANUARY 9th, Mr. Brooke and Miss Ke'r,foot have resumed their duties as school teach- Lers in our burg. Mr. Murray, who was the guest of VMr. A. Ronald, has returned to his ;'home in Toronto. Messrs. George `Stokes and VV:11tr:r Joh_nston have returned to resume thegr studies in Toronto. Mr, and ;Mrs. Brooke and son, who have been holidaying in Batteau, ur- rwed home on Saturday. 1_ The Misses Maude and Jane Li`.-. \mgston_e of Tor_onto are spending isome t1me at thexr home here. A series of union weekly prayer ;meet1ngs commenced on Tuesday [evening in the Methodist Church. Don t forget the Annuzgl Tea and Entert_ainment at Minesmg station on Frnday night. `Messrs. Willie Young and Roy Kerfoot and Miss Bernice Young returned to B. C. I. on Monday. Miss Mabel Teasdale and .\Ii,<< Florrie Wiggins of Toronto spent. jtheir holidays at the formers home. 9 Mr. Harold Kerfoot had the lfortune to have his ankle badly while working in the bush last urday. I beg to thank the voters of Barrie lfor electing me as First Deputy- iRceve in the Council of 1908 It i: jmost gratifying, especially because I lhad no time to canvas for votes. I hope my term in ofce will be _worthy of the condence you lmve [111 me. ' I The Allan and c. P. R. steamship lines both report that the number mi returning immigrants from Canada during the last two months is far larger than the number brought out during the same. period. I State of Ohio. City of Toledo, }_ Lucas County. I Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior gartner of the firm of F. J. Cheney 8: Co-. doinv` usiness in the City of Toledo. county 31.3 Statagforesaid. and that. said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by ` the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. - qowu w 1.--.-.-v---v SS. ; ;ucnAVAu vu \lIAl.ZA`AJ A Sworn to before mi: and subscribed in my presence. this 6th day of December, 1886. ;1vvua; . \a-rI- Ha.ll s Catarrh Cure is taken internally an;1' acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Sand for testimonials free. In C 1- - way-V. Sold b all druggists. 750. Take 311's Fannly Pills for constipation. (seal) CARD OF THANKS. -_- -v- uv-yv---nu--go-.-a nuv F. J. CHENEY 8. , CO.. 'l`n`n1 Yours faithfully. JAMES \/AIR. FRANK}. CHENEY. A. W; iiox. Notary Public. _'.. A_I____ _g_L4_______ __ _ K UU.. Toledo. 0. mis- hurt Sat- V quiri r sump om; 3%+++++++++++++++++++3 law name Yk . I ustL the tinu chm ofC. ma-ml ,0: .$""~~'""*~--' -!!'-M}-~-5: ` COLWELL. I oMr. Harry Hughson has returned `to Toronto. ' Mis Emma Hunter has returned to Orangevxlle. \ r . I-u, - ,,,_ _.2_2;_!__~ 2.- -.....,.-..-. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe are visiting in Stayner this week. __ ___-.. 2-- L`_:- -;2- 1'1 II P Galvin. av. up---` vv vvv-- `Mr. Hall of Barrie was in this vic- inity on Tuesday. A _'- ,_;_.,..,..._i f....... _IV_Irs. Jas. Cook__1ia's r_eturned from llvxsnting relatives In Ohlo. - I , `lT._Z.l--_ `VIDILIHS ICIGLIVUD any \/anus: Mr. Fred Rowe retufhed on Friday from a visit tq' Toronto frxendsg Mr. `and Mrs. Arthur Hughson of Allandale spent the holidays with |Mr. A. Hughson. ~ /11 P T`! 1 Qvpor -- -_..=--._-__. 'and Mrs. H. Chapman of H01- land Landing spent New Year s Day? [with Mr , Jas. Warsnop. - ` . Mrs; AJno. Richardson `spent last week in Toronto. - ` 'I-{vc:-1:1:_;3f Langrnan is visit- ing relatives here. A c . _M1`. Jas,,_ Cumming is conned to has room with a severe Illness. ,'T Mrs. W.` Haijghtj and Ihinxfren of Mackinak, Man,` is "visiting relatives }here. A ` V Mr. and M1-s.`Turley spent New Year's in New Lpwell; T Mi-s. ".;\lle1717,'T ffrwgore, was the guestiof Mrs,_John -Bell last week.` A Mir; _and ` Mrs. Samgael `ZC1-.os's. Huntsville, were Xmas vxsntors with the former s parents__ here. '- '-|r- , `Ir u rs .. .cu- . Miss V AnVni eq iovering after a sevcreattack of qumsy. ' `I `I7 1'? I 1 sin: n and :Mrs. -C. Fellows, Midland, visit- ed relatiyes here recently. ' ' |_. is ` - - ---A Cohraiulai<;t1Vs"'t;)` "Mil- }er who was elected to the Township Council of Esfsal on Monday. _ ` Now that the smoke of battle in- cidental to the elections has cleared away, the civic representatives will proceed to get down to the year's business. Monday-is the inaugural opening, and at 11 o clock a. m. the members will take a preliminary Canter prior to entering upon the work that may be assigned to them. `Mr. and -CE-)ok, Barrie, and `their daughtey,` Mrs. Heath, s_pn't iNew.Year"s .at_ Mr; ABeckerton s , " Th annual Xmas enterVta._ii1men`t::-fiin connection with `St, P/aT.jul_ s' S. will take place on Friday Teven1ng', ;d_th just, m,.VATemperax;ce=..H;a11. g ' Mrs. Thos. McCam1 was _in'Toron- to last week visitin`gherx'brol;h.r, Dr. McMaster, ..,who'. is still , .stiou1y fill. The D r s`., `rna'friyV fri_ex1 ,' 7110 'e?'to ` ear;-pf a~_;;sp`eedy1,rcovery.' _--..- v- in % as T rV"."?`4"' . ~ 4:wi::%%=i!1 hgm}. so; Miss: _Maley .of- `Toronto. Who; has been v1s1ting_her's:ster, Mrs. Sproule, `1ietur1'1d to -her- home on _`SaA_turVday:.i Flue - -- Menfs plain Shtland ; wool` Shirts and Drawers, "reg`u1ar 65c, for. . . .4-7c, - MenT s (Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Dfawrs. reg ular 90c each, for. .67: '3.oo and 4.50 each B`oys 4 Buster Brown Overcoats, v.vith_ belt and velvet collar, regular $5 and $6, for VFERGUSONVALE. A glance at the personnel reveals many new K. faces. Mayor Bennett, Reeve Garden, Deputy-Reeve Coffey and Aldermen Beardsley, Jac_ks_on, "Thompson and Evans will try to leaven the lump of inexperience by which they are surrounded, and -should; form the nucleus-_of a fairly" strong Council. Of the new, blood, D_eputy-Reeve Vair is; oi`-?`co'1 1rse, an old f h-and at. the municipal game, l1an{yl7.ng sat in former councils, but the others` are untried meniwith re-I _putations yet to be made, - - | 'I`I L`i1si3".`5"6 UTOPIA. oooo oooo oooooo9oo66uuooo4 %IlGl-IIDGIEIA On Jan. 1st, a`daug}A1ter to Mr. and !_M1fs. -J. N; Paul. .`,_1_-1n 1.-.. ....-..... am. A AM`r. R.,C1 1mx.n ir_1gs[ has `retufned tdl Chapleau. ' ` ' A A - 1---..LA..._ L- `III. ....\.-II _ v -..-w-- W The I16; Vfiouncil can nd plenty` of work to do in the way'of reform. Mayor Bennett was to someextent handicapped last year through his efforts to w_ipe out the overdrfaft, but this year the slate is practically clean and this should leave room for the working out of some of the pressing problems such as park extension,:re- numbering houses, bathing `facilities, garbage collection, equalization of assessment, ,_etc. The `Advance would be pleased to see the Mayor bring down a message, announcing to the Council and the citizens just What the line of municipal business I ' will be for the ensuing term. 'ixZ}."'c1 *-Mai-shall Cleveland; Ohio. w1'\4'r. ahd -Mrs}. AF. Adams have been visitig in Sehright. ' _ A ` A ' M1 :'~ James Dunn and family -are home from Midland. Mr. and `Mrs. Jas. McBride are home from Toronto. ` vain--so 3 -v- v /1 110 Miss Ethei'..S;_;)-1:<'e$r is in Calling-_ wood visiting` fnends. -' T\ , .W()'r-1TiirZ.=sday,U De, 3}st, a'soh to Mr. and Mrs. W. Cums, jr._ Brown spent New Year s_ in Meaford 0 II?` I; and. 'M.rs.,.~-Wright were fe,cent ViSltOl'S in Nxagara Falls. , 4` PI` 1 T\ I . u I This. taken up lhous`eskeeping on Caroline `St. V 911' 1 0 " '1i}1Wisf 1\ i;3,'(" l`.l"nZ<.1r1.1V)o11 of-1\?/ylizdland is visiting {friends in this Wa_rd. - `Mg. aE}dT Mrs. ad Miss Riddell ofl Tovttenham spent New Year s here. ' 7 "Mrs: Dion and cl;i1dren have been ['spending _a few days in Everett. ucv us .. A A pretty but.quiet' wedding took place early Tuesday morning, Jan. 7th, at;St. Michae1 s Cathedral, To- ronto, when Miss Catherine Hayes, daughter of the late James Hayes,vof .Barrie, was married to Mr. Frank H. Peck, of,Toronto. Theceremony vwas performed by the Rev. Father eHayes, brother of. the bride, who was , assrsted by the Rev. Father Rohled-. fer. Miss Margaret Hayes was the ,.._bridesmaid, while` -Mr. Chester Peck assisted the agroom. V After the eeere-. ~ i;:mny` breakfast. "was served` at _"the ` h0_1_"_tI.e:pf_ the Misses H'ayes,,--Gerrard p at. JI?l1_ef::h&fP'PY.._ }.0}1p,!_e 1`r:> :6`n;.. I 03 eatrmnea: 1hhNra%x8ravrs.1??%n1l. 2 _ he; hp. gee and rap Miss Ethei McMorran was a holi- day visitor in Hamilton" and Toronto. Miss Dora Murphy went on Satur- day "to Toronto for an"`extended visit. * - vi/Iiss Rubin; -i`:3r61;t; the_ `guest of her mother, Gowan I t`. - _VAAUg A AIIIIDJJU \lL JJG-LLDGIJ ID DLGJIIIE` w1.th her sister, Mrs. E. Hewson , Bay St. .. ` Mrs. `Geo. `Spearin ai1d_ child'have *returned from a .visit In Nottawa- saga. cw . - A _- `IQ/Iiss Hazlett has returned to _To- `ron_to after spending a short holxday here. Mr. aind Mrs. C. W. Johnston have` returnqd, from _ visiting Muskoka friends. `Mrs. W. J. Cannon and family` "were in Guelph and Caledon` East during the 'holid_aysI Mr. Waldbn Laivr has resumed his professional duties at Newmarket `High School. ` 1;/Ir. Jas. FTux-1o'ng is _on duty again after_ having been la1d up with a spramed ankle. .Th; W.T R. V. Hospital, meets on Friday, Jan. 10th, at Mrs.- JT. C1ark s, Essa St. % ;;.ea1,% by ..the. A W. Miss Nellie MoMaster was quietly married to Mr. Al. Harris, -Grenfel,` on Tuesday, Dec, 31st. The happy couple took the C. P. R. evening train for a short visit with friends in Dundalk. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Harris" many years of happiness and prosperity.` ' __.J.- _ ,V _ `flu -no can`: `.15., ' -[TMrs. 1 Nei1.,;='S_ha_jw{,_ r.A,_ , :__-g:qst~ Qf`~_eI@xs. Shaw. lers` round the World trip of the To-i ronto News. -Mr. .Reilly`was a form-I ;er pupil of our public school. I I -10 .qt r -..- . I , I Quitea num_be_r from here attenaed `*tI_1`e rink at Barrie last week. at v, "2- ---- 44 Mr, James. Owen of :A11anda1e1 paid us a visit recently. T Miss Ada VVhan of Buffalo visited her parents here last week. i WO1;rWs/liool7 i again opened and ~Miss King of Bradford is _in charge. Ctvq Misses ulna Whan ad Mabl CB1- gan are attending Bradford High SchooL' ' Mr. Andersoh of Torontq conduct :ed the services in the Baptist Church last -Sunday. ' pan. pa u Mr. and'Mrs, Thomas `Sawyer and Mr. and Mrs, Gilpin visited friends in Hawkestone on Wednesday. l Henry Stokes was up from Toron- ito over Sunday. . ` I -..u A. .MiSs- C1araiH'Carson is spending a! couple of months in Toronto. vv 3 A on . 17 i i V eleigh lgad of young people drove out from Allandale last Thurs- day night and spent a. few hours very `pleasantly at Mr, Wm. Wilson s. THE Busv %sIxTH E`d Khapp of Allandale sjzuent New ;Year s Day with friends where. I ; `n;1to;`s'Re;,.;a1d"gs1;; Mi-dfltand is jstaying `with his aunt, Mrs. Coffey. Miss Bell !Curtis of Edgar is stay- ing with her aunt, Mrs. Ed. Garrett. II? an HA number of y9un`g people spenti last Tuesday evenmg at John Plow- right s. N | `few da_'ys;: Vfrdm ,the fci'ty -} `-v"KYl.S.;_"-,`I;.'_` _;v .5" ~" -5 -`.. '- -` ` Mr. ` Harfy ` Clark v`w;re,-1s` home for a ` Kai; i:V1Vn 1\?I`1;Zs*. W5. -Vi1vs;n- `Si % Grenfel spent `Sunday with John L Stqkes. . _ _ . tau suns at 516111: IGBL WCCID "Mr.AJno. McDonald of ~Egbert.? has bought the old Orange Hall. 111-- A.,. , Jxv-1 n in Lgyduvitte 3 numbe} fromAhe1j'._*a'1t`tend; `dd t_he fowl supper and` anniversary ~s`et-;v:cs at -Thornton. ' - 1 ouuououuupocouuouooouuooudouocooooouqji

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