Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 2 Jan 1908, p. 2

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__._ _...4_.__..._j_, ..._.-._... -_._.__, __.._ _. _ ._ _j_ DR. J. A. c. EVAN_S, MEMBER opi f`..11....-. -2 'DI..--..Z......... _...i 0.... Having spent4 years Post Graduate work `in ` British Hospitals and lmvimz served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar. Throat 8; Nose Hospital, Lom1on- Royal London vophthalmic Hospital (Mooreids) ; for a term as Resident Suygeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo : and Birmingham Eye _Hospital, Bxrmingham : former Member of Brllxsh Ophthalmological Society. ` 0FFl CE-78 DUNLOP STREET, B RIB. Phone 51. P. 0. Bo , 96, DR; MORTIMER LYON, 3: Carl-I 4...... CA. '1"--.-...;.. 1-4.- ..v'D_....1.1 .. $70,900 FOR. INVES _1`MEN`T ON` ts-r\'r\.I :-nntnax`.-' nA...4....L-- kl , ANY QUANTITY OF M-ON `loan at 4% and 5 per cent. terms of re-payment. Cowan & Brown, Solicitors, ters, etc- THOS, KENN_ED_Y, ARCHIZ Oice, Qntgrxo Block, Dunk; UNWIN, MURPHY & ESTER tario Land `Surveyors, Engj etc. Established 1852. Ofc ical Building, S.E. corner mond and _Bay Streets, T Telephone, Main, 1336. W tions lpft with Strathy 8: `l -Solicitors, Bank of Toronto ' ing, Barrie, will be` promp tended to. E TH E' . BALL PLANING Cnrnna nu (`.2 rnnnhsoinn 1.33 MANUFACTURERS. ' ; 3 Ir`- ARCHITECTS. % NIEL `G. BEQGS. AR-CH11 .OIOIl` {"3"}! E n J A not A14 .1*.NNU2&, L`Uiw=A-N * .".' Barristers Solicitors .13 b.t3`m3 probate of wills, g113dmSh'p' and 'administration,. and '8 al Solid` A tors, Notaries, `Com Y3"5' etc Ofces, Hinds block. N'6 Dunlop street, Barrie. Mon `Q 193" at 4% and 5 per cent._ ranch oices at Creemore and All ston. ~Haugh~ ton Lennox, Alex. C W3": G} E- J-' B"" _____L-E.___;.._------ THE NORTHERN Abvnucs l.E:VVDK)LV OZ [,;j'.\LLDV_ViL\.aLxA.4, J..;LLL\ r1sters,, `Solicitors of? the Supreme Court of Judicature? of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, iConveyancers, etc. Money to loan.` Oice, Ross Block, Barrie. C. Hewson, K-C. A.,E. H. Creswicke. `L 1. L. ru.\n 11141.4, J.VL.lJ",\r.J.I`l-, v.1. L anusa in Bothwel1 s block, Allandale. On the premises at night.` IL\u UV. lIa' .I.J.LLL.IL\.4Lll&V, `Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.vR. C.P., London. Offices and night residence, Brown s Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone, 77. '.l\n Jo \.4\J1\1\J.-I.'a sJAVJ.1 1'11. \.lL ' {ice and residence, Collier. stret, Barrie. Phone 61. IL\| LVJ.\Jl\LJ.LVL.L4L\ JJL \.I&V, J1 \JQl L` ton St, Toronto, late of'Brook1yn, 4(N.Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Consultation hoprs II a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pomtment. r;\. J. 1:. \.a. Lav IILVQ, J.V1.IJiVL.lJ.C4I\ L11 I College of Physicians and Surg-I eons, Ont. Graduate of Medical Faculty of Toronto University. As- sociate-Coroner of County of Sim- coe. Office and residence, William Street.` Allandale, Telephone 30a. Telephone connection with Holly, Painswick and Stroud. fvvu ,_ u 4 \JJ\ .14` V u1.L`4JV\.l good freeh_o]d secur1ty at rate of m_terest. No ' money requxred until end term: H. H Barnc. L} LV vufest I5 nc1pa1 _ _ f the . Strathy, Solxcnt 1', etc., ULIBIJ `K1: -and -Civil En neer. Oigggg Bosanko Bloc . Town Ing `of Plumbing. 3 .111.) 1.uxA.4.I..4 .l.'l4I1L`LlV\J' `rie. Rodgers &~"Gallie', suc Company. Carpentering, b" anmmanufacturing of doors, _" blinds, mouldings, etc. Plani` all kinds done promptly and ; factorily. Hot blast drying; District Agency for graine " be:-.`. -Factory`, Baye1d`streej' toGeo.vBall. W [ : Q Dr. J. ARTHUR Ross. w- . _- _-- V V - V v - - -~ .--v WNO new name will he 'added`te Sub uiption List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. W. A.. ROSS PHYSICIAN, I ......A.. ._4.- `I D I` C CA1" '_"""1 MONEY TO 7LTOAN. PHYSICIANS. i SURVEYQR-S:.- FINANCIAL. ICKE, BAR-I LL- C4...-;..~u4s ., - - -, _ , Zqnveyancer, 3111- drawing btammg let- nda guardian- LA 44;: f\_ eers, Med- Rich- onto. truc- sten, uild- WESLEY &. CREW, PROPRIITORS _ UL atis- knln. 331'?- ;v'e} {tor IND of 1!. or` THE [The Northern jndvam Tue A Ap7ANoa 13 prov-en t_o have the 1_1a;u-gent circulation of any paper 1n the Count; own. .11; int: also by far the largest subscription oe . re'1`h latter tact demonstrates the quahty of its trons. Ifyou have any advertis' I ~ plug? it. with the paper that reaches thggpteoopq not afraid to pay the price. Avnrtrlnnmnhfa are nhnrop nnnnul.-1:-.. . j_ANUARY 2nd, 1903` ,_,.;,_...; The Fleming Aerial Ladder com pany proposition is likely to meet withithe strong approval of the vot- ers on polling day. One thing that inspires condence is the fact -that, with Ean authorized capitalization of $100,000, there has been subscribed $40,006,, of which $22,000 is paid-up stock. -.0 This looks "like business- Then, the company agrees to expend $18,000 `pm site and building and $10,- 000 on boiler and engines before asking tgae Town for a dollar, not Ixnnu w pay um pucc. . Advertisements are charged according t space-18 lines agate measure make one inch` 'etc.-F`i1-at insertion 10 cents "insertion : 5 cents per line for each Subs ' Legal Notices, Auction Sales, Amusement. . er line, ea su Igent msertlon 5 cents per ine. Ch Re Inge notices, 10 cents per line for m (`Went elm v`-nder 8.35 Jineg insertion of the same matter. All it 5 lines, of thxs character, charged Obituarv Poetry 50 per line. G'Preferred positions for local ad\'e-rtino menus in the paper W111 be sold at an ad mncg of one-thirgion above rqtes, and on no other account W111 specusl pos_1t.1ons be given. This rule will be stnctly camed out. CONTRACT CHANG ES. Advertigers will please bear in mind notice ofmtentxqn to chan c adu-rtist-m-nt:1 mustbe handedmto the oxce not Inter 1112.: Saturday at10o_'clock, and the ('()p_'.' for sucn change must be m THE ADVAN('l~.' rfc(:'n0!. later than 12 o'clock noon on Momlay in any week, otherwise the advertisers 'tI1IlO1l!`.('(-mt-r. ~ that mwr man u ucxocx noon _on Jmmlay a.d_vert1s_er's .'umoun('L-n`. - 2 gnay not be made pubhc unul the week follow- msz. :11! um. uc muue pumlc unm the week follow- ng. 12 changes of Advertisements a}`.ov.'4,-d pg: ye_ar. If more are requ11'ed.c0mpo5i11on rates wxll be charged. Advertisers: will nnf kn .H,...-,.,w .,. ..-.. .\__,-, W111 U8 CHEFKCQ. Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertlsing anythin outside their own regular business. shoud they do an transient rates will be charged for such ad vertisements. '. __....,_..- ..._., . .4...--u..u;..~ An. Condensed avertiscments on rst page such as wants of all kinds, lost and fomm, property for sale or to rent. specic arIiL'1(-S. etc.. etc.. must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted--tirst insertion :4 cents per word each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names,a.ddresses and gures counted as words). but a reduction or one cent per word will be made when the number of insem'o1.~s of same mutter exceed four ADVERTISING RATES I have now a large stock of rst class COAL on hand of all sizes. '1-!i"!"!'!'P'!"P*!*P"i--~4'+-P4-'1-*1-++!--l~+ The different lines of manufacture include `the co nst'_ruction, of `heavy drays an? delivery {wagons run by motor, fog which articles there is a large andigrowing demand _in Can- ada. Undgr its patents, the c0mp~ any is in a position to manufacture these arti es at about one-half the present-da` cost of same, thus _sec- uring the ade and leaving aywide margin of H `ot. Later, motor boats will be add to the products of the factory, and here, ag'ain,`w'e see a steadily incrasing` market in pros- pect. V 3 MAKES YOUR sxm LIKE VELVET J. MHKTIIM A\7 Q (`.1 VF`L`T\{\\TTA (mun -f:0l' a;lverusement.u must in eve )- ease be mounted on solid metal base: v.- --..--- V- - ......vu- Also Hxki) and SOFT WOOD. and shall 1.4- pleased to receive your orders for same whim; will have Prompt and Careful Attention. %COAL. 8< VVOOD Coal and Wood Merchant Corner Bradford and Elizabeth Sts. Phone 158 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ !TRv__..._ m Browrfs Bakery Elizabeth St. Phone 250 FOR BREAD CAKES OF ALL KINDS Hhe Barrie `Steam L&HlldI"}` TERMS or Svnscmpnow. 01 per Ammm in Advamm _.:g- IS,SA- AI_-!_.1_ IJOS. Kmarrz . `un.c"'"':ono"2".%"ue:'on"uno '3r.":2 `vi-"r`fx.Tas2 :5 Ir an. wutmmon. u C our fun: month. 81. all new aspen M;-,Lo,...sm3.. nemyb ""l'IVvo UUIIUDLII 03100. Bank 0!": 5 .` ;8m; 3 I syn rrH , ~."-gangs... - .5- ._ Has a marvellous effect on rough 1 skin. One or two applications n will remove the roughness, and by M its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a. baby's. Giycedonia is not sticky. and gloves may be worn afew moments after using` it. 1- In- Druggist, Tmol Mnmxa Dawns Ganvmcun Gm. , Anyone sending 3 Ikoteh and duct! tion mu uoettain our oglnion tree w other at: Van on In probably tenublo. Communloo, tlonutrlotl oonldental. Handbookon Patent: nut tree. out agency for sea: cs. 4 u taken t in mum & roceiw .141 -ithnnt. a nun; in thn \II'3Zi la. without c age, in ..4212 . 357-6? ti I Iavv the TI. 4! . T v-'-"---.v -- v--vvv-- Ahawoug mucmia "7 . Lu: 2 EL- culatlonp dllyll Ielonuo 'rerm:. $5 6 inure fan! months. 11. 1! turn!` nnuulaulen An 8 Page 48 Column Newspaper. Pubhahed from the omce. 123 Dunlap Street, Rn:-vvln, in thn nnntv nf hnnna. thn `P1-n. Barrie. *!li;'5f?f']iiT?55.i commncun coxrmcw mrrrs. is under new and efficient Manage- ment. Our staff of employees has b een increased by experienced hands and we are now prepared to do first class work, and give you satisfaction. Call, write or PHONE NO. 55. MONKMANS GLYCEDONIA. GEO. MONKMAN. CONDENSED A_D\ ERTISE.\I ENTS. u 1 mkxsrnxr ADVERTISING. '"`i >5&e 15c and 25a. Delightful after ahavine. [RAILWAY GUIDE. B5813 ---NOTICE--- I I ` i1Wk.i1Mo. 3Mo.j6Mo. 1 yr. '%"**q_--p`..,,_...____` om. Barrie. u--u v-rw--- *Daily ir_x'<': luding Sunday. VUDRBHOG IYOIII H18 011106. 126! 11111110]! GWUUI Barrie. in the County or Slmooe. the Pro- vinoe of Ontario. Canada, every . Thursday Morning. by VAS to the aria! ladder, from which . the "concern erives its name, itvis designed to di place the re '_gHting_ equipment no `in vogue in'- cities and towns. Some f thecollateral` uses of this ladder ., eeto afford `scaffold- ing for the p'nting, etc., of high spires and `the oing of interior de- -corations. in ch rches and auditori-' .:u;n_s, to serve as n elevator` or hoist pf. materials for ofty structusfes , ;t fit, `facilitate :overhea ` =wiri4'n'g,da`n'd 1'9 = answer the p).xrpo: of. an ~;ob3e;\7atioii a _ v tow'er.d, T.he"practi 7bilit;y,>dof:.',the idea`j fd;._`in-e any of its" `aieatd fcs .h_as_Aa1iev , 4 ` et VOTE FOR THIS BY-LIAVV5 'rth_ Mr; ','S A."VSA.tV.:e'\.r<.:`! son'Vlft 1ast wel for Chicago. % L ` ""0ri1Iia s' bdns`pie1~' commricgs A on` Jan. ._2_1st. Fiftyrinks are expected to it$ake`part.` " N'c:>1fm`an"` 'Morrisor':. `spent `a V_c'ou.p1'e` o:f;'d ays last` weekfat his home. `m Avenmg. . - ' '9 and..'M rs. Jdhn`I'VIa1ey and {ani- ily of Peterboro have been visiting` here for a `week. 1 - ` Mi'.~- Artht 1r`Ki1'1g of Berlin has b_e`en`spending_ a few days with his mother on- Bradfgrd -St. E Rev. Dr. Ockley opened and dedi-V `cated the new Methodist `Church. at Elmvale on Sunday. ' ` V Mr. ,W. H. Smith and__ daughter Sadie _"o_f `Sturgeon Falls were holi- day vxsntors with the formex- s par-. \ entsat 48 Mary St. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. 'Hunter and Master Harry of Newmarketwere. guesfs at Roselawn for a few days last week. ` ? Mr; Jack Little of the Standard `Bank, Markham, spent"the holiday with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Little. James Hunter, of -Minnedosa, 4Man., died at his home on Dec. 9th. -He was a, former resident of Flos. Messrs. John, Thomas and .William _ I'-Iunter `of Crossland are brothers of V and Mrs... E. G. Bingham of Hamilton have been guests of the yformefs yparents here `during the week. An old and highly respected resi- dent of Innisl died at his home on the 8th `Concessions on Tues- day, December 24th, in the person of Isaac Spring, Deceased who was in- his 86th year was born in Mark- ham Tp. Interment took place on Thursday in 6th line cemetery, -Rev. L. `McLean conducting` the services. ` jllldlllbl \Jl deceased.` -Minerva Lodge A. F. & A. M., No. 304, G. R. `C., 'Stroud, installed ofcers St. John s night, Dec-. 27th, as follows:--W. -Bro. J. F. Ardill, I. P.M.; 331-0.` J. 5. Leonard, 'W.M.; Bro. `ll... ..cI.~.g.. C A17 - Dan" \K7` A o `hJ. xavunnnnu -47;. usu- Wm., Latirrier, S.'W.; Bro`: W.` A .Cou1ter,J.W.; w. Bro. R. G. Mc-' Craw, -Chap.; Bro. C. E. Chantler, Treas.; Bro. James Black, `Sec.; Bro. R._ :H. Bowman, 'S.D.; Bro. A. Rey- nolds, J.D._; ,Bro A. Kirkpatrick, D. of C.; Bro. W. J. Leonard, S.S.; Bro. Henry .Grose, J.'S.; Bro. Samuel Gor- don, I.G.; Bro. .R. E. Whitewood, Tyler. Investigating Committee- W. Bro. W. J. Latimer, `Bro. `Samuel Maneer, Bro. Walter .Ra1ston; Fin- ance Committee--W. -Bro. A. W. Green, Bro. A, Kirkpatrick, Bro. W. H. Martin; Benevolent Committee- iW. Bro. R. G. 'McCraw, `W; Bro. E. T. Mc-Conkey, W. Bro. W. J. Lati- mer. At the conclusion of the cere- mony, a fowl supper was enjoyed by the brethren. W. Bro. E. T. Mc- Conkey presided and there were the usual toasts, speeches and songs. The following, accounts were pass- ed for payment :--Thompson Camp- bell, removing stumps off 12th Con., $2; Wilson Reynolds, rep. culvert on 2nd sideline, $3; Wm.- Robertson, gravel, $7.20;-John Boyes, Sr., gravel, $1.47; W. J. Davidson, work on 2nd sideline,` $13.50; Stafford Watt, work on 4th line, `$10; Jaines Belfry, work on 12th line, $16.40; T. D. Soules, work and .,gravel `on; 13th Con., $34.94; J. W. Jack s, work on C_ronin s Hill, 4th sideline, $50.25; Joseph Bowman, work and cedar on 8th Con., $36.25; J. H.` McQuarry, rep. grader, $12.75; Sarah Wheetman, refund statute labor, $2; A Frank Robertson, refund statute labor, $3; Jerry Ramsay, tak- ing water off 4th -Con., $10; Wm. .Cooper, ditching on 4th - Con., $3; Wm. Copeland, rep. washout on , S.' -I. drain. and cleaning. ditch, $15; John Ferrier, refund statute labor, $2; Thos. Hu, refund -labor and -work 3 on 4th `Con., $4; _ John Thompson, new tongue. for grader, $1; -Chris. Grose, work on 4th, Con., $17.40,; C, A. Bundy, refund labor, $2; George Millar, refund labor, $2; Wm; Young, refund statute labor-, ' $1.150; Wm. f _f Copeland, refund labor and stumping`: ongznd line, $450; Lot Webli refund "E labor,,$3`;, John Coulter, refund labor ' $1.50; ' John Corbett, filling washout on .9th_ -lin`e., $1 -; ~R;fM`. ,McConkey, -gravel,` .84; John __I_{ elly,' work son. 8th `Con., . $17; ` '1_7.h'os_.- 'jNigh'tingale, eiund [statute vlabor, $5: ' Wm; Wri `- -and xgravel` `o`n`~"* sidewalk .-$81.44; - J_ mes vMason,_ ,"evi_" " $' ' _ Gann_ing,. Council met at Craigvale, Dec. 16th, 1907, with members all present, the Reeve Win the chair. / Trainfs.'.?i'e'ave Bax-rie`f_or fhe.under; tnemioned places gs follows :-' . South. The several communications and` accounts were referred to their re- spcctive committees. ` ` ` '/ >_ I . ` _ l__ . _ _ . ' W L0 CA I` " v -- . 7 .' ` ' ` . 4L.ggQ :}Q: INNISFIL COUNCVIL. Black, do., $4; R. nG.`Rieve, do., $4; 1A. W. Green, do., $4; R. J. Hill, attending -Div. Court; 2 days, $4; Dr. R. W. Leader, M.H.O., $17. 'Slight--Leslie, `that the communi- cation from G. W. Webb be laid over till the first meeting of the Council for I908. ' Cl 5` ,- -p . C-m . ` Le:.`li-e-r-fl /Ic:(*o'11.key, that John Dal- es be paid $Io, balance due on Red- ` fe1;n ditch-m , II .1 . .1 ' I` `I `*1 I lblll. \.IlIy\ylI' Leslie---Todd, that this -Council do now adjourn sine die. The L. B. of 3H. met according to, notice. Present-a1l tlhe ' members of the Board and the VI. H. Officer, Dr.` Leader. 1 2 e..........: l ..l....A 2 The report of the M. -H, O. for the year gave a list of cases of conta- gious diseases during the year. There was only I death-f.rom whooping cough. The 'M. H. O.- recommend- ed the Board for 1908 to institute proceedings to have general vaccina- tion carried out throughout the muni-_ cipality. I I .Cr5nWr1;1otion of Wm. Black, second- jed by A. W. -Green, the M. H. O s x-eport was adopted. i The Board adjourned sine die. L `j R. J. HILL, Secy. \ The school concert in the hall jlast Friday evening, Dec. 20th, was j.a success in every way. The pio- *gram'was exceptionally good and {much appreciated by the large audi- yence, - I ' l ; Miss vs. s. Day of Hillsdale is home for Xmas vacation. NH. a_1(1(1m1;I-1'~s_VGeo. Obee of To-I `ronto are guests of the lattcr s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Simpson. Fl`! (`I Time (Svh_anty _Bay folk were treatedg to a moving p1cture entertainment in Bank .,s AT9t9!1t0 HEAD orn[i:~ V % tonouro SIf:If'IEM13ER 30; 1907. Total Assets, % ` - Totalv Lia`bilities,j ` - Sui-plusy A -' ` . W5, 9,102,032.00 ovnn NINE MILLIONS or no1;:LAns 9: "`4.2o a.m.-For ANe{`vma.x-ket, `To- . tonto.'Montrea1 and points `East. ' "'5.45 a.m.--For Toronto.` (Cobalt Special.) _ 8.oo a.m.-For Newmarket, Auro- ra and Toronto. - - 9.35 a.m.--For Allandale. *1.oo p.m.-For Newfnarket, `Au-`T / rota and Toronto. I v lly laasnlvuvu viaalv 53.33:: `as BARR I E and XLLA1i'i$fX'i'i:3"iA N c H ES `A130. Ta nuxbr (if `Small I-ieiating Stoves. We must Zlear -` " 1, ' t 'm'T('; MAAKEVROOM. Come and geta Bargain ` t < ~ . qre `they are all ggng. h We have 3 NUMBER THOROUGHLYWR . NEW PIECES put in where necessary, RE NTE_D and REC EMENTED, thus makin the 'stove': p callywas good`a__s [2 :` : ' :. : :" -: E 1!\"k> f -Prices 7frotri,$I'o.pQ1_ $20..` We have the following kinds: -._ The RADIANT HOM . GARLAND and A JEWEL BASE BURN `R COAL HEATERS. , **, . .` 'TE1mz` auaA1MPEAR1AL - OXFORD RA :GE at...$I5.oQ to $25;oo.i first class W0" M 3 ks. such "as I Honor Bvrighlt, L_in#denM/:Q<:;_d,_ i V Prices>$to.o`o tVo$2o"-.00. . ` ' We }_1__a_\e following kinds: rs A uI\w Adv!-I1-79/sq: Second He sTovE: ;;One of the chief aims of. the Directors of this institu- tion has been to provide the greaitest security possible for . the protection of Depositors. Savings Accounts -opened `and highest current rates of interest allowed at -- ---:'AjjjA'J1 (Toio late for last week)` Board of Health. WSHANTY BAY. 5.20 p.m.--For Newmarket, | To- ronto, Montreal and points East. _ 7.25 a.m.-For Cardwell Junction, `Georgetown and Hamilton. 5.25 p.m.-For Cardwell Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. IRE NORTHERN ADVANCE Ii. :1. THILL, Clerk. the hail `Friday evening, Dec.'27th. Court Shanfty Ba(yv,ui\T;. F., elected oFc,ers for I908 on'Thurs- `day evening, Dec. 26th. ` i\/Ir. _Arcl:i e `Ro'ss'o'f Toronto is holidaymg at his home here. , . McK-ILLOP--At her late residence on the 7th Con., Vespra, on De_c. 23rd, 1907, Mrs. Jane McKi11op, in her 75th year. lORR--At Woodlands, on Dec. 3 24th, 1907, Charlotte E. Orr, aged L 54 years. Interment at New Low- ell on Thursday, Dec. 26th. ` | . . SPRING-At Nantyr, on Dec. 24th, 1907, Isaac `Spring, in his 86th year. 1 Sold in Barrie by Wm. Cross1and,| G. Robertson, Geo. Monkman, %D: H. MacLaren and F. B. Smith, `Allandale, Druggists. ` _ CanadianAHaip_`Restor_p ' Will restore gray hair to its natural color. Stops falling hair causes to grow on bald heads. Curesdandru , itching, scalp diseases. By its use thin hair grows luxuriantiy. Contains no oily or greasy ingredients. Is entirely unlike any other hair prepara- tion ever offered for sale. A good. reliable Canadian preparation. IY...._Il-lA-.I -I-_4n_.-_n-n- CI! 999! 11.00 a.m.--For Orillia, Graveri-I hurst and North Bay. L A -110, 17--.`. 1')--- vv-' _v----- v-~.- --up rm v.-u~-u---V--u llnsollgltod '.-'l.e|Ilmonlnla. Edith _A. Burke, Missionary H. M. Church Akhimim. Egypt. and friends. greatly pleasec with results after two years` using. ` 'I' A 1j'.._.L.. 12721..-- Il`-._A..._.- `l ._ I.-!. wwnoavu sunvvo v u v J vs-av awn-I :1. Hopes. Wilncr. Montana. My hair and whiskers restored to natural colox, dark brown, by using Canadian Hair Restorer. If I\_...... Tl__..4.._...!I1- l\..A. I`_.._J!_._ TT_!_ my neau us nearly an covereu wan uucx growth black hair, original color. Sold by all wholesale and retail drugglts. Mailed to any address in the civilized world on receipt at price. 50c. Manuractured by -TIIVIIBWIN 00.. Windsor. Ont. Canada. .7, Invnnau wrnanawunwnn -Anna. nvvuuvovn .'6;'um, Bu ville. Ont. Canadian Restorer is the st 1 have ever used. ' ,0! `V W, A on uvvnvo as wall Ilvuv Q uwv U V V VI uavlln "3o1m G. Hall, New Aberdeen. Ca. Breton. Canadian Hair Restorer has work wonders. My head is nearly all covered with thick on~nurth hlnnk hair. nricrinnl rsnlnr. Iucopoanttb 1355 % 539.009.200.00 29.907,24s.0o DIED. *2.oo a.m.-For Orillia, North Bay and Soo. ' ' . -VLENNOX, C W=A-N- BROWN n...._:...-_- c-1_-:.......- r. nhtainimz G.` A. RADENHUR T., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary P .1iC, &- `Of- ce--Ist oor Banks of` Toronto Building. Money :6 loan at low- e/st rates. ` ' ` 1 ' ?=,Ws9N. 22:. cm` STRATHY & EST. , BAR-RIS-' ters, `Solicitors in H` h Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- _ancers. Ofces overithe Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strzithy, K.C., G. H.'Esten. ~ 4 DONALD ROSS, L.L.B`., BARR,I'S- ter, Solicitor, Vetc. Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money to loan. L H.T. ARNALL, -M.D.-,c.1*!., O~'FFI-Ci :_. D,.n.....,.w.. 1.1,... M1...-.A-.In n L.R.C.P. 3; s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8: s. Glasgow --SURGEON-- Eye. Ear, Nose 8 Throat, ;D.R. A. T. LITTLE, late of.Churchi11. 1 Ont. Ofce and residence John St., i near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. DR. 1. CURRIE SHIT-H. OF- .....~.l.-......-. 2`-.. an-gr` oongn DR. rROB.ERT S. BROAD, PHYSI- cian, `Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Ofce and residence, cor, Elizabetheand Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone 105. Box 456. _ IIUIEIU IIvJl\.I_ ov a n -wJ_- *4 p.m.-F\<'>r"Ori11ia, North _Bay` and points West. 8.05 p.rn.--For Orillia. 10.35 a.m.--For Penetang. 10.45 a.m.--For Stayner, Co11ing- wood and Meaford. ' 3-40` p..m.--For `Stayner, 'ICo11ing- wood and Meaford. _ 7.50 p;m.--F_or Pvntang. 8.00. p:m.-For;- Skayner, Coiling- wood and -"M.eaford. "u.1o-p`.m.-For North Bay. (Co- I:-alt Speciah) , E,.,_1-__

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