Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 26 Dec 1907, p. 5

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in the ers A Miss (`Sax`-ah 7 MCaIli1ri1 ' of :New-_ market is- s_pendii_1g;_ her Xmas. holi- days-with her parents,` Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCa1lum. . ` Mr. andAMrs. G.VAl.lan are visit- `ing in Thornbury. . V . EVIL `C. `Allan have gone to Port Arthur ` for agholiday trip to visit, Mrs. A11an s parents. Mg. Sgott is spending:Chri$tmaS at h1sT home in Seaforth._ ` Miss I --\-?V;:l.T>;)-vi-3'--`s1')ending her holidays at her home here. `I 1% -Miss Emma Liscumb_ is visiting her grandmother in`W1nchester. Bor1i-On Dc. 'I5th, 't< Mr. and Mrs. S. Reynolds, a. son._ ' ` _ SUNNIDALE CORNERS. VESPRA COUNCIL. `V .l`lVL'4 I-\J.l&`L'>J llIlL\1JYVf1L\LJ t3.l\J1\l:4 `T BIG `BAY P.OINT. CHURCHILL. Colin the w. ..,r .The cantata, Hesperus, V performance eindeed. _`v:v.vgs"rendetedV for "_Canad,a-_by the Schubert Choir, To~ Irpgxto, "la ess_.; e'v5enii)g' vw The `Wreck of the very . creditable` This cantata the rst_ time in was a_ st ,sea,s`o'n"and inet with great. The `solo _work,.on '1`hurs- ` as. `in [the - hands. of ne sqpg-__a_no Miss Gladys ,i The musical entertainment in the evening by the Barrie Choral `Society was easily the_best.of its kind ever given here. Fully seventy voices swelled the chorus which was under Grand Opera `House "on Thursday] the capable direction of Dr. Arnall. The chorus proved to be well bal- anced and of_excellent tone, while the volume was inspiring, Outside ofthe cantata, there were several numbers on the program that elicited the heartiest applause from the de- lighted audience, a part song, True . till-`De ath.," `the` sea song` -.Anchor- g `edl and Glory and Love to the Men `-ofA'Old',.'tl1e.celebrated chorus oil 1 h isioldiers-gin -,Faust,r all being par-4 gtieularly well _received._- ' ' '41-Inn uuv C ` P .1 Barrie Choral Society s Entertainment 4 Scores a Decided Success; Dear Mr. Editor.` Will you please thank all my friends in your valuable -paper who voted for me in Vickers Voting . Qff` hr;-In lnnll ....,l Y.U-bu 1.5;! 11}: In "v1cxers` Voting _C 0nt_est. I got 3rd prnze Doll, and ltS Just lovely. J`.E. Carr man_agr Tof }t_h. Helena Light and l':`._lectr1_<:'- System . lpaid his parents a. ymg -v1s1t_ rdcewnt-T-, Y. - _ 1 . .' "-'-".._ _- `- ` .. II. `v v v-_ . I 'wis[h you and all Yea:-._ Organ prelude from Stabat Mateni Hymn, Hark! the herald angels sing. Venite, Wesley in E. Gloria, Gregorian. Te Deum, V\/oodward in E at. Benedictus, Gibbons in E. Festal Responses, Tallis. Hymn, While shepherds watched theirl ocks. Kyrie, Morgan in D at.` Gloria Tibi, Holy Trinity. Hymn,. O come, all ye faithful (Adestel deles). -Anthem, "While shepherdsi watched their ocks by night, by Roland Smart, solo by Mrs. Sprott.' Communion service, Hymn, Bread' of Life. Ter `Sanctus, Cooper in D. Gloria in Excelsis, plain song in F. 'Nunc Dimittis, Turle in -C. Organ ypostlude from Messiah. s | | -n vac: AVAVD - Ozxiganist, Miss master, Dr. Arnall. ICHRISTMAS MUSIC AT TRIN- { ITY. The musical service at Trinity Church yesterday morning was 215' folows:- EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE. CARD OF THAI`E{S. The Our "tee;cher,~ Mr._ R. A. St.<'.wVa.-r_;t,'I was made the `recipient `of a.handsm1}c' Dresent by th.DPi1.9 f V Ch"7Hm Schoo],f _. . u .5 7 ...r _~- 3 -7 BUSINESS SYSTENKS Commercial V School L-IIVII I BIJ 52 SPADINA AVE , TORONTO. T- F- WRIGHT, PRINCIPAL. New Term Begins Thursday. January 2nd. Business Shorthand -.'..'1'l`3, Newest and Best [e Stabat Maten! ! 1...... r~::.L-_-- - r~| EVELYN `B OAG. He7vson. _ Choir-g a Happy New --IS PROVIDED XT-- b local epplicetons as they cannot reach the ' d portion of the ear. There is only one 1 way to cure deafness, and that isgig constitu- tional remedies. Deafness is cans by an in- . amed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube is inamed on have s rumbling sound or imperfect hear- . and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result. and. unless the inammation can be ' tbken out and this tube restored wits normal oondltiondiesring will bedestroyed forever-;nine often are caused by Ceterrh. 1%hlch is nothing but up inamed `condition of t e muo- surfsocs. _ ' ..v-..au \J\vl 9-v can. A large number from here visited the County Town _on Saturday. ' . Ir! 1 I"! - 1!. \T:__-.. _}Deafness Cannot be! Cm-:3 ?December contributions to date :-- A, "T. .Hunter,- $5.00; Sam. Lount, $10.00;` Mrs; McL. Stevenson, $3.00. All contributions will be acknow- ledged by Ina. Rogerson, Treasurer "R. V. Hospital. A I Our hospital is classed by the "Government Inspectors, in the very first rank, _both as to management and as to skilful treatment, but it cannot carry on its good work effectively without ample funds--therefore I be- speak, at this joyous season, a tang- ible evidence of ' the true -Christmas I spirit. Sold ts. 750. ' L 7"-"uxR*nsiroros>nstivt1r2v- As one who knows whereof he speaks the undersigned appeals to all citizens and their friends for a lib- eral_aChristmas contribution to the funds of this institution. I The Rdyal Victoria Hospital and [its constant needs :- The company appears here January 7th, Mr. Ambrose Small, manager of the Grand Opera House, Toronto, writes to Manager Powell as follows: I As you doubtless know. `The lWalls of Jericho was orginally pre- l sented in America by James K. Hack- ett and is still running successfully in London, Eng. If I mistake not, Laura Burt and Henry Stanford left. a ne impression in your town last year when they appeared in Dor- lothy Vernon of Haddon Hall," and their visit to Barrie should be one lof the banner engagements of the season, as their company is really a most excellent one and they are giving a great performance of `The Walls of Jericho. . came in fox: well merited praise and was a ne interpretation of this diffi- lcult passage. .-..:\.;u-J o The Classical Master of Midland High School, Mr. Wm. 0. Glass, was in our villagq rec'c_ntly.` _ ,,, _ -1 'AEA._'.. A feature of the entertainment was the ne work of the orchestra, and many encomiums were passed on this necessary part of the evening's ! performance. THE WALLS `OF JERICHO. 1;-. loamy: `a; Toledo. 0. ,-L: 0. m... hhx. AN APPEAL. LIMITED M -rj. % and M_rVs. ,'*1.6.1;4`n R ` ;~ at cs: 6% 1-` TO OUR MANY FRIENDS AND PA'l'RONS f We Wish % ' A Happy and Most Prosperous A New Year , _ "ii if 7 Miss Kit Barclay of Stroud visited Niss Gertie Hill recently, i. ...- .,-....._, -...... _--. __-w-..-,,- _ Messrs. Herb. and Charlie NIXOI3. rjf Cookstown visited fnends hereon. Sunday; ` run my - u If . ,9 `l'l'2.II_...I " "' "`:" ~.'"""""' [ ' fterl Mn W111 Gray has returned 4 _ \'is_iting Florida and. other. Amerxcgn citles. 1 _ - I 3.5. ge 1'S The pupils froin. here who have bcjen attending Barrie Co1l_e_g1ate In- smute are home for the holidays. - ' Mr.` and M1-s`. Morris As_uph"a_re- spendxng their Chhstmas h9l1_days_m Cc-okstown and__ Creemore. 4- __ 7 ; [ i acceptably. , ""'15.1a'.};; "'1e%"3}E2o}y gjt_ the Methodist Church on Sunday even-'_ ing Miss Gertie Hill sangV.a_A.`solo.vgg3g_ A II, ,,, ;__;;.-_.-.. '-'AV.I.-I: -:-:~:-:~z-:~:-:-:-:~:- THURSIA??`,- 19. A Happy and "Prosperous New Yea.r 105, he ose and beg to thank you for your most liberal patronage during 1907 and hope for a con-_ tinuance of same for the year 1908, when we shall make SPECIAL EFFORT TO. PLEASE YOU WITH FIRST QUAL- ITY GOODS AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. THORNTON. In offering a holiday .gre_eting topoiur numerous customers. `T 'we' take':'this,poppor- tunity of` returning th_anl for-the -7very liberal patronage` e-ixtencled to this. store during the past `ten .yea_rs.T~ realize that the success which has _attencled our efforts, could`. only have been attained by the continued Aconden'cb:va1nd_ support of our patrons, and by the hearty co-operation of all who have aided us in building upthis A large business. While sentimentais not a factor in business, in retiring fromiit, we A feel no little regret in dissolving the pleas- ant business relations that have so long` existed between our customers ` and our- selves. We beg again to announce, that as soon as our large stock is disposed `of, we` shall retire altogethir from the re.tail~ busi- ness in Barrie,_and for the Dlastitime we wish all our customers H. H. tton & Son FIVE_ POINTS HARDWARE ` STORE j.iTc[ "inwm 1 Respectfully yours efforts` of. Miss Mary `Henry. _Th pupils andlgachers drovejo Cooks- town nd on`; thgir, return; '._.eI1i9Yd _a very tzb8t%ntr.al`.ta? Dy U18 pupus ls U116 LU uu: uuuuug B "1?%"`,. \.`*.i"%"':A'="-" :;b~`1 . ? eThe skating rink was reopened on. `Saturday under the most pleasant auspices. Mr. Albert Adams _is the manager, The Thornton brass band was present and enlivened `the 59:04 ceedings with their very appropriate music. L `A ' V 4 - the voting-wil'l tgke place in the Tem- perance Hall, this time. Mr. A. E. Ayerst will beethe returmng oicer here. -' - . will be held ,in.`:the -Orange =Hall here on Friday evening, Dec. 27th. Cooks- town orchestra will provide the music. _ . A Another "young men s At Home| A inimber vffom here attended" the L. O. L. concert at Ivy last Friday evening. The concert `was a great success as the talent was the best lthat could be `secured, Standing [room was `at a premium. ` ` I The Sabbath: :School entertainment! in connection with _the Methodist] -Church here took. place on Monday, 23rd inst. ' Speeches` were delivered `bye Revs. Cafaw and Carpenter, The -high standard of efficiency manifested hi the pupils is"-`duei . to the unti:i,g- 55-5. `at: 'h[:>ag ` Jfnuvcr '1-"nncisi ' M Igl V JVJ.\a5III,I}\Jg9p_ ` `nu. %TL%',;.A1houg;aI fj-=m_i . x 1e:tehd fCn1f'1fV{f'I1;e'aVr5t,fe:lt % ,S'm'phi;_hy+ w =-hail G ham:VL}in..A;h=.:.1- ? un. aunuux IUA ulc cuauuig year. The following teachers are` .spend- ing their vacation with their parents here ': Miss May Morrison, of Wau- baushene; `Miss Millie Hart, Dover- c urt; _an_d _Mr. C. M. Kiel, S. S. No. 1?, North Orillia... ' 73., . o In -5 -.. *"'r11"s2;:i3{{".?{;'ng on` the c; P. R. here has been reduced to two men , Mr. James McCrackene and-Mr. Wm. Sheeld. '_I`he latter is said to have been appomted as `foreman on an~- Qther section.` - A . - 3 I I Miss Mix`1gay is pendin'_g her Vholi-` |days.at her home an =LB_arne.~ .7 ."[. 01]!` `Inc ``(:An tun" 1y:|:;4-'nA ul- `iii ; f-iic'x{1'iT;g"'J `C-`I;';;.;_l1'r;<`1' s1'>`eVnit* a ;co_up1e of. days here yvyhivhis sc >n, -Mr; W.7.i,C,':THiklih. M . 2 N51. -.nu I , '. .'1_ 7 mes urs- ; of dist Mr, %an3i1\i;:'7ii}'i:on%%pen have re- % ..;tg;Vrncda`h9r;xe aft;-'r;~spc`n,d1ng the sum- lg TM[i`s`sevs-. `Craig " and Tena Turner have both been r_e-engaged at the school for the ensuing year. T-'10 `t\"t\IIrI.rIn- I-Ann`-anon nun` annual \l\p\Io and an... - _v.:n- -aw-..-J. ....,.. _ T V . Miss` D/aisy 7Langmhn `-is thefguestl Of` her un_le, J. Dickinson. _. - , Mr. James Reedman visiteci friends` at Bracebridge last _ week. `I `I TMr;T'j;.}'Bi}y"2i' t-wo child- ren of McDonald,- Man-, are the guests of Mrs. M, Castonv. A ] %"- T" `"7 "'"."` ' 7""-'"' , E Mr. and Mrs. `Geo- Bell visued at ;Geo. Langman .s _on Sunday. ` % " -nu/o '1-" ,5? *.".1 not " _A_A., 4 son, i.'H0f}Vard,% [r turqed _ home last week._ ---v- I '- 1- n _,__`1 _,--.1 __~.'__.; _. ` Prince of Wales Lodge No. 605, Craigvale, elected the following of- cers. for the ensuing year :--.-W . `Mas- ter,-Wm. Neely; D. Master, J. W. W. Lennox Black; Fin. Sec., J. S. Leonard; Treas., James Latimer; D. of C., `Samuel Reynolds; Lect., Ed- win Johnston; Ist. Com., R. H. Bow- man;`2nd. Com., Frank. `Rich; 3rd Com., Edward ~Webb'; 4th. Com., Ilo_l:lt. Neely; .5th Com'., Rlichard e1 . ' " . Reid; -Chap.,- James Booth; Rec. `Sec.,. {bell is full of re and his voice could be distinctly heard throughout the chur,ch. He is one of the best read- ers we have had th_e pleasure of hear- ing. His text in the morning was taken from Revelations chapter 21 and the last clause of the 9th verse, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. It is un- fortunate that more of o_ur villagers did not avail themselves of the op- portunity of" hearing the reverend gentleman. In the evening he spoke from Hebrews II and part of the 27th verse. The preacher is a. man of more than ordinary scholarly attain- ments and both of the sermons were evidences of deep research. ' UUVVUn UUUIUU . . ` Common cows....... Canners Choice Stockers . Li ht Stockers, Mi ch cows. choice..... `I Vi`\l1l`l:III'i\ ' I rs. "_ Illtlllllll .- Sprmgers .. . (7a.Ives........... Sheep, ewes hnalzn nn " C(VYVl1( Hogs. select, roughs. |{,UUul.LlUll U11 1 U65! Butchers , picked..... choice medium to 1 com. to me i " cows. choice nnmrnnn nnllvu B11661), CWCS - . . . .. . bucks and Lambs, se1ect.. " common.. . `Inna nolnnt Quotatxous on" Tuesday were - }ntn_hp_r-1: . ninkp _ _ _ _ . _ . , THE 1~foRTHEm'~:j;ADvANcE Aumuwocn. CRAIG}-IURST. 7 CRAIGVALE. . ii The following accounts were pass- I 'ed:---I. Summers, cleaning cross road, i $33.25; Geo, Shaw, work on 4th line,, ; $4. 50; Robt. Poole, d0., $21; Robert - Wattie, do., $6; Duncan Wiggins, 5 work on 7th con., $50.24; J, Murphy, work on 9th con., $31; Jas. Kavan- agli, refund taxes, $10.20; R. Parr, Iwork on 11th con-, $28.65; Fred. Harris, putting in culvert 13th con., $6.50; John Walton, services- as fence viewer, $1; Wm. .H0ward, do., $1; I. -G. Scott, sewer pipe, $12.25; Thos. v Black, putting in culvert 3rd con., $12.05; J. Young, bolts for bridge on 12th con., $1.25; R. D. C11-inningham, work on same, $9; Jas. ayes, re-, pairing culvert -Flos townline, $15; Dave Dixon, lling in hole on k-12th con., $3; A. Cunningham, wor on side road 5 and 6, con. 12, $4.25; Henry Priest, inspecting streams and watercourses, $3; W. W. Boyce, _re- pairing culvert, and for material, $35.35; Jas. Middleton, road for Jas. Hughes, $5; I. Summers, d1tchi__ng on, gtlli con., hWm. J%nes,Hputtm`gN_iln- cu vert on t con., 2; enry 1- , _liams, cleaning ditch on 2nd con., 4 $2.50; Wm. Wattie, timber for bridge or. Bud's road , $12.06; A. Strath, driving spiles for budge" on 12th .( on.},i $II;, D, Ksnapp, clteagnixig ltc __ on 9t con., 12.45; . rs. . Brennan, refund taxes,_ $3.87; W. J. Bishop, tax collector, on account, go; J. GPatlt1erson, l"efund, taxes, .74; . " avi er, 1- engmeer s` ser- vices, $11.70; Wm. Tracy; work on. 12th con.,. $5; 5 Robt. Thomas,` ditch.-` ing, on 8th_ con.,: $6; Fred. Pn_est,,put- tin-gin culvert on~9t;hl- con., $4.50,; =D, Quinlan, refund ._ .st_atu_te . labor, i.$9:g A- B.-, Coutts, Half. _fyear sj sa1a`1'y,_`_$175;. "A; -B. ,Cqutts,1' ~. jp0stag'e,{ _,`stat_10nery, Jt;.-. 3271; 110s: .Ca1dwe1=l;. .;.'sevI{c. .38` *- Reev .. i.s.ews.' `as ` ;if6jtirii11or;%; $43.;,j,;~ cm, :r;;;Watt1;e.-idea 1 ea~do.e;;m-eAxex vmn.-. 4 ta. ;Awt>3}-1a'w2v":vira : passed': 7apoii1ting deputy`-re_turning oicers and. poll `ole,-rks, and haming.,`plac`es for takfng votes i'n_'t'l_1`e mu nicipalT,eletions. _ in I _ Finlay-D'owney--ThaLt .the state- Vment of the ;T1-easurer and the:ARe_eve rb:`;.acceptedL` by this ..`4Co,11!1i1~:;`an"that r:t1i`e;C1:1-1;wggyeV shee__ts time -`for, * 9 70 ` - - Wattie-.Fin1ay--That McCul- ylough `be refunded 90c.` on Swaley Creek drainage _anc_1_: that. the same` .be_ charged to East .ha11'~;_j of .West lhalf Jot 5,'con. 9. V V ` . , . The regular monthly `meeting of the Woman s Institute was held at the `home of `Mrs. R. Ross on Wed- nesday afternoon, Dec. 18th. There was a large attendance of members and a number of visitors. An excel- lent report of the recent convention at Guelph was read by Misses Moir and McLean. Miss Emily Moir fav- ored with a solo in her usual good style.,, At the close of the meeting -Mrs. Ross served lunchi. A "The following communications were received:-From Donald Ross, re taxes in arrears on the west half, `lot 23, Con. 6, from Inspector of Prisons and Charities; Ontario, re indigent patients, from Eustace Bird, re. statute labour. ' church on Sunday afternoon they were startled to find the stable be- longing to Air. Thomas Williams in ames. VVilling hands were soon at `the scene but the re had made such headway it was impossible to save it, and the contents, with horse,pigs and four cows, were soon consumed. Fortunately there was little or no wind or it'would have been impos- sible to save .his residence and black- smith shop. \ The origin of the re is unknown as Mr. Williams and `family were in church at the _time. As the people were coming out of} , , _---.--J ....rauv\.u_ I Miss Annie Brown left this week for Toronto where she intends spend- |_ing a couple of months. visiting;-ela- | tives. ' ' I T Council met on Dec. 16th, all the members present, the Reeve in the chair. TCTT u----va aaws \.. - I Mr. Jaxries -Young, who was taken to Collingwood hospital seriously ill, is, we learn, slightly improved, '!\/|'_'.... A ,7 ,3 T` ` " ` ` I vvnona LAJLJL ycu CIILD _ Mr; and Mrs. J. A. -Moi: are spend.- mg a couple of weekswith the lat- ter s parents in Toronto. - Megsrs`. Dougal,b Alex. and: < McLean have retu_rned from VVest to spend the wmter here. ` 1 A 1- 'Mr. 'vR.' N. "1\&Vi-s-s- Jessie Kee of Avening spent Saturday with friends here. `W. -G. Nloir spnt a `couple of days lastjweek with his aunt in Bar- rxe. ' . Misses Annie; and Bessie 'Wi1li_z1ms of_ Toronto are spending the hohday lwnth their parents. -\ Miss Lizzi Moir spet last week with friends in Toronto. ._ Alex. Cu1-riev of Chicago `is vlsmng `his sister, Mrs. McLean; |%ornss~ wife. * &sz;2[1e;;v;;s% .-;m;';:sane 4 week old. - ' L

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