H . EWSON & CRESWICKE, BAR-. risters, `Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyanqgrs, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross Block, Barrie. C. E. Hewson,K.~C. A. E. -H. Creswicke. " STRATHY &, ESTEN, BAR-RIS-` ters, `Solicitors in High -Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Of"ces over the Bank of T0ront0,'Barrie. Money in sums 0 of $2,000 and upwards, to {loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy, K:C., G. H. Esten. - DQNADLP ROSS, L.L.B., BARR:I'S-, -21.-.. AL-` Dnoulr n: 'rno-An- TH.T. ARNALL, M-.Du,C.M., OIFFICE in" Bothwe11 s-block, Allandale. On the premises at. night. lDR. A. T. LITTLE, late of Churchill. Ont. Office and residence John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. DR. J. CURRIE SMITH. OF-` 'A . A c u n n na {`nH;pv- cfrnnf I v.8.!1Cl~ BOHVCXBIICCIS. LV1UuC_y LU um... -111 any sums at 5 per cent. Oice, 13 Owen street, Barrie. H. D. Stew- art, L.L.D., D. M. `Stewart. .._.-. `._...__..-. -1?- IROCBERT S. BROAD, PH :51- -.- c...... ..u.. Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar. Throat 8: Nose Hospital, London- Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a. term as Resident Su_r-geon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; Bnstol Eye Hos ital, Bristo ;and Birmingham Eye Hos ital. B rmingham : former Member of British hthalmological Society. 0FFI CE-78 DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. Phone 51. _ P. O. Box. 96. DR. J. A. c. EVANS, MEMBER o1=' f'.\11n..... A8 `DI..-...1..2-.... .....I C-.. Fc)'v_,i o:'1-;:V)_cT3-fV :;.{g?;;';vh3 ;,,'.;i:e A -i16ndnder?5'e?~ f".W5=!s Vzmifv i thres N9V%?`%;`.?5,tiaA ,mmbrVs2 % L.R.'C.P. 8: S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8: S. Glasgow --SURGEON-- $70,000 FOR INVESTME T 0151 `C-nainrs`;-` nA_....:A.-- -L `DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 Carl- A-._ CA. '1" A _ _ _ A... 1.4..` ..l `I)-A;.1-1-. ANY` QUANTITY op MONEYF `nan at 41/. an ! s- . . . . -- vT-H135.` KENNEDY, 7\RCHIT`ECT. _Ot'1ce, Cmtario B lock,- Duplop- St. ..___.______:__________._ _UN._VVIN,"MUR`PHY 8: ESTEN, ON- tat-in 1.211!` 'Qm-mum.-. `I2`.....Z.......... l`op Street, . over Union. Bank. from -Inspector of P_1u1pbing.h j-:: TH E- VBALIJ` PLANING MILL (`nrnnnnu .f`..........;....:..`.. 1.-_:1 .1-,_ street, Darnc. lV1UIIc_y LU luau cu. 4%.and 5 per cent. Branch oicesi at Creemdre and Alliston. -Haugh- ton Lermox, Alex. Cowan, G. E. Ll T|---_-.. T T D LU L4ClllIUA, 4;: town, L.L.B- l'_Ul'l `auu av.-.a...-. 5.20" p.m.-For Newmarket, To; ronto, Montreal and points East. a _ 7.25 a.m.-For Cardwell Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. 5.25 p.m.--For Cardwell Junction, Georgetown and Hamilton. ' IK}lVI`\.|.4.I.J IXLJDJ, .l4..l4.1J., J.)llL\.L\u.sJ _ ter, Sohcmtor, etc.` Bank of Toron- to Building, Barrie. Money to loan. I aaunnxo--- est ratqs. -, v,vuv .1. \J'L\ LLV V DD 1 IVLELV 1 KJJN good freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No principal money required until end of the term. H. H. Strathy, Solicitor, etc., Barrie. 5 . 'J.\o Jo \./\.Jl.\L\L14 u.J;u..L ;.'.n.a.. ce and residence, Collier stxreet, Barrie. Phorre 61. n. L .L.l..l.>J.l.\rJ.1.LLV, In. W. xxuuu, `Surgeon, etc-, L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R. C.P., London. Offices and night residence, Brown s Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone, 77. IR. '1\\Jl).I2J.l\1. D. D1\\JI'\..L l, 1.111.:u. cian, `Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and residence, cor, Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore.) `Phone Ios. Box 456. . Eye. Ear. Nose'& Throat, l.L\o LVJ.\.IJ~\J-.InJVLJ-4J\ .L4L\IAV 0 ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn, (N.Y.,) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Consultation `hours II a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pointment. I1.\. J. 41. \.a. J.'4vIxL1uJ, J.VLA'4LV1.1J.l'41\ LIL` :Co11ege of Physicians and Surg- eons, Ont. Graduate of Medical Faculty of Toronto University. As- sociate-Coroner of County of Sim- coed. Oice and residence, William Street, Allandale, Telephone 30a. Telephone connection with Holly, Painswick and Stro\ud.- u ; ,`\.I.(1LV :11 1 UP .LV1'\J'1V.IL-I 1L) loan at 4`/2 and 5 per cent. Easy terms of re-payment. V Lennox, Cowan & Brown~, `Solicitors, Barris- ters, etc. *2.oo a.rn.--For Orillia, North Bay and S00. .. I1-.'oo a.m.-For Orillia, `Graven- hurst and North Bay. rs- .- n_:11:- 1\Tnc-+1-\ Raw .4:-_vv ;v, 4uus\L '11 L01. 1301 ILLV, \JlV- tario Land `Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. O 1ce`,`Med- ical Building, S.E. corner Rich- mond and. Bay Streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instruc- tions left with Strathy & Esten, Soli`cit_ors, Bank of Toronto Build- ing, Barrie,` will `be promptly at- tended-` to. ` ` . nnuu r'LA1V11VU' MILL Joampany. ,, Carpentering, building, andxmanufacturing of doors, sashes, blinds, mouldings, etc. Planing of all kinds done promptlyiand satis- factorily. -Hot blast drying kiln. ;_.Distri`ctA Agency `for grained lum- ber". Factory, Bayeld gtreet, Bar- rie. ,_Rodger.s 8:1, Gallic, successors -_"to -Geo. Ball. 'i)T3.7{ii`i`iiiIR_1iB"s s .' 1 - Ancmmcjrs. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICI;/Kg, I `Df`C L`AZn ~ MONEY TO LOAN. IN MANUFACTURERS. - sURvE}:oR_._ PHYSICIANS. aufst apu $VUl Lu lJjo *4vp.m.--For Orillia, North Bay and points West. I V 8.05 p.m.--For Orillia. 10,35 a.m.-For Penetang. 10.45" a.m---For Stayner, Colling- wood and Meaford. , - 3.40 p.m.-For `Stayncr, Coiling- wood and Meaford. V . 7.50 p.tn.--For Penetang. _ 8.00 p.m.-For -Stayner, Coiling- wood and Meaford. *II&IO p.m.-For North Bay. (Co- bait Special.)-V `Daily including Sunday, "':LEG`A.L. FINANCIAL. N onhern Advam Barrie. - Ont. 'l`-I 5 A')v.~wc'ta`; 1s proven to 1, u ` a :i. ` ; `` H. 3 1' ac emon t its patrons. If you have asr1;az:?1:;] place it with the paper that reach not afraid to pay the price. Advm-tjnementa m-o n1..........; H; qua rtnsing csthe] ~-r.1ifj tI%1?;s13AY, DEC. 5:11, not auiulu W PI) we pnce. ` Advertisements are charged ace space-13 lines agate measure make Legal Notices. Auction Sa etc.--Fix-at insertxon 10 cam - - V . . .u, 8 smhaaauent insertlnn 5 nnntn ...... Pf}. lmco EEC. -'l`ll`B|. HIHOTUOII 10 cents or 1 gm gent insertlon 5 cents per ne. ~ mg notices. 10 cents: mu. 1;- ugigguuuu suacruun 0 c ing notictcgs, l0l_ce . er m ,".3, ,` ',f5t(1}1eensarIr)1e matter. 5nl?ze1es of this character, ch 5C Der line: ems line. my nts pe e for c 2' line for ach Hubst-q All items: urged * talk of the week in political `circles. than on the `eve r ioi`the_`. session `;'ButTruro-town grvesga "Conservative i , ;;gi1a.i"c.>rit`>r. Of (279 c9x}1i>m;_d With; g ghree` years ~ago._.-, ;M5r;;-'F9st'er...,w.hb ' HUCBEIUII 3|: IEDUC, `III, QUVCIIIIIICIN has joined with the "Government of Newfoundland in an agreement to refer all matters of difference arising under said articleto the. Hague Tri- bunal. A _ G. T. P. Construction. The difficulty of obtaining labor and materials at a time of great _business activity, has -somewhat-re- tarded the construction of the Nat- ional Trans-Continental Railway.` Nevertheless, great progress has been made both on'the.eastern divi- Qzuets -chester was deferred until` it was ` ' V " - `V '(1e'exned`s`afe"tolopen; the.'_county.`..,It.` . , _~, V . - ' -. dis a t punishment that the county , h "should be lost. ,to 1' the" Gpve_rnme`tit .1 ,7 - T. I, ' A _ {after all, and lost a-t_7a `time when 918,- Q` i \ ' `feat is most di'sas.tijous. Mr. Fielditgg- :`was so anxious to v`vin; the,electi;o_n There is no longer a solid Nova Scotia delegation supporting the Government. vColchester s tLiberal majority of 190 has been turned into a Conservative majority of 250. This remarkable overturn in a county where the Government exerts a large railway inuence and in which both the Federal -and the Provincial~ad- ministrations made the fullest use of their patronage was the principal For two or three years it has been 2 shown that the Nova Scotia Supreme ' .Court was crippled because the ap- it pointment of. the member for Col- I iThis is one reason whvAyTer's - lriiherrv Pectoral is valua. hie ln1con,s*uI'nption.- with Ind: tear 31! r ,,f"._`,. . ...~ .' fjtleft hisduties at Ottawa and ;:;3> `to'conie'r- withjthe local ~managefi;s gj :'and to address a -meeting in Truth; ; A I5f,VERI`ISING` V. _..-......... ...., v .4.-snnr..ur..\l Condensed a.?v.ertisemcms on rst page such as wants of all kmds, lost und rpnnd, propeny for sgle ox-to rent,_ specic amcls-s. L-tc..etc, must be accompan_1ed vyxth thevabh. and Mix be inserted-nrst _mscrt.xon 2 (`outs per won: each subsequent mseruon 1 (cm per word, (namesmddresses and figures counted as wprdg,, but a. reduction of one cent_ per \~_'0rd W111 be made when the number of lnseruons ofsam matter exceed four can for advertisements mu:-I In ever one be mounted on solid metal bun 0!-'!"l"i"!"!*I"li'-3"!-!-'I"~i'-i -I--!'+ +++++`H'+ MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET MAKTIILI A\ .'Q (11 vrvvnnvr . I have now a. large stock of rs! : on hand of all sizes. \IIJ uuuu VA nun osuvoo Also HARD and SOFT WOOD. nn:1s1ml}_b pleased to receive your orders for s;u_m- much will have Prompt and Careful Attentzon. mg; g-n---:gnn-Al 3'--s-++-I-4-+++-1-+++-1-++++a-++++++| Brown 5 Bakery w_r.su:v acnaw. PR0!-mI:iron's com. & woop Elizabeth St. We Barrio Steam [lllllh'j'| FOR BREAD CAKES OF ALL KINDS ' '\-It ' : i. PLATEG `I "rHosJ_,i As: Has a marvellous etfecc on rough akin. One or two applications will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the skin acquire: the smoothness and softness of 9. baby's. Giycedonia is not sticky. and gloves may be worn 8 few moment: after using` it. an 1.-\- I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dr uggist, V WWVVV GOPYR -- g:":3. 13,, u"inl 2 a nketch a de::;r'|`gt10 ugglntlon Ia pg-!)%`%`]`y1' oalggon tree w 2 m-Ictl eondentlp . Hnndboo sentry-99 . est a ency for see u h Muua as CO. . .befoLr_e the el'ct_iQn; rmay wl`\Iu`Au0: u`-wk '5 lifaina-r I 7-- ' _ - -_ - -~vv-- y~,.-v vv` `sressed ,:iiectb3'Sg.1he ggjdtes with " t}1`,ee.V(1\;(i';1`i1s`tAei- ~'__of .' Finan,L- i A handsomely illm-traced culnuon of ear: frm: months. A gas I D-AQHWII. any 96 D lemma 10 81. S0 %arm':|f'r`ua?:tu'r':)`x nt31c:;.c"".'": by all n="'Yg 81 . mm & cn.s*'.i:.:.!!.%!`..@ ;V : I ` . .I. fmn 53-39, V` f_ / connnmcux. coN'r;zAcw is under new and cicicnt Manage- as ment. Our stall of employees been increased by experienced hands and we are now vrcpnred to do_rst class work. and give )`011 sat1sfa.ct.ion Call, write or PHONE NO. 55. and \Vood Merchant Corm.-1' Bradford and Elizabeth Sts. Phone 158. MONKMANS GLYCEDO.\'IA. coxonxsnn ADV`!-ZRTISEMI-1.\"I`S. .......-..I ...I--..._:...._. -- A- THE NORTHERN A vANcL;: GEO. MONKMAN, TRANSIENT AI)VER'l`ISl.\'G. ""i>Ei"{~.e 15c and 25s. Delightful after shaving. --NOTlCE-- h, 1907. Phone 250' VJ ""7 QIIIV-wt:-' v-v ---vv-v-~- B'No new name will-be addedto the Sub arlption List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. ,1` in mind Ch! 'adu-rtiscmenh e not later that no copy for such A,\'(7lz' oinn M accord_ing zke one mch RATES. IXIIJUSCI lmc. inc, .V6 Mo. 1 class co.u.| The London election conspiracy trial, before Judge -Winchester, came -to an end on Friday, the judge `nd- ing all the accused guilty; These are John O Gorman, William J. Mulloy, Daniel Wiley and George M. Reid, chief campaign managers for Mr. Hyman in the election of I9o5._ These politicians were not senten- ced, but are on bail pending the re- sult of an appealon the question of jurisdiction. The London victory of 1905 was proclaimed ` throughout Canada as a vindication of the policy of the government on the autonomy question. It is now shown to have been merely a" stolen election. juully Sin 1 mode 19 peozle} Barrie. quahty of` sjng to M Wevooh -enabl er} Snrro u 1: (1 the imp '|_ 1_` `run ....I, TO ht` `madc La rpnderm itlon of THE COLCHESTER ELECTION. JCS 41- An 8 Page 48 Column Newtpnpery Pubhshed from the 011106. 123 Dunlap Street. Barrie. inthe County at Simcoe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada, every - Thursday Morning, by - :1 war Anhum. in Advmwe ,_-- __- ._.nI- I..- ...I.1.uI&nI1nnQ11h 0.09 oIlIo" 5 \li I and Toronto. 9.35 a.m.-For '- -- ---- DA. I anu J.u; uauu. Allandale. "`I.oo p.m.-For Newmarket, Au- am and Toronto. -- - - rn_, BARBIE RAILWAY GUIDE. QSUILTY OF CONSPIRACY: Tmnus _o1r Svnscmrrxow. Ndrth. 7 -For A mn% k IN THE noumnou `SPEECH FROM THE Tniion REFERS TO REMARKABLE % GROWTH, IN TRADE . ,_ Ottawa; Nov. .28."-_-The_ fourth ses- sion of the tenth` Parliament. was opened this afernoon w1th_the cust- omary ceremonies. -The day. was favorable--clear, .rather` cold, . with" just enough wind to stir the arrayof ags which were displayed from th clock_ tower and from the agsta s on the terraces and with a thin pow.- , dering of snow upon the ground. The 5 military portion of ;the ceremonial 1 was of the stereotyped nature-an . escort of the Princess Louise Dra`~ l goon Guards_ accompanied. his Ex; cellency from Rideau _Hall, -a de- tachment of the 'Se'eond Field 'Bat- tery red the salute of 2: `guns from Nepean Point, and a guard of honor from the Governor-General s Foot Guards was drawn up to receive him on the terrace in front of the Parlia- ment Buildings. A nnnn runodan` kn: L:a .-amt: 4.1.. I`... IIABIIU J-lIllI\}III5Uu Accompanied by this staff the Gov- ernor-.Ge_neral repaired to the -Senate` Chamber, which was lled with .a "large assemblage, principally of ladies. The Gentleman Usher of the Black. Rod was despatched to sum-_ man the Commons in the manner prescribed. The Commons then trooped into the ,Senate_ -Chamber and assembled below the bar. .. The Speech Ffom the Throne. His Excellency then read the speech `from the throne as follows: Hon. Gentlemen of the Senate; Gen- ,tlemen of the House of Commons: In again meeting you at a period of the year most, convenient for the despatch of business, it gives me great pleasure to be able to congrat- ulate you on the remarkable expan- sion of thestrade of Canada with other countries, the total trade of the year far exceeding` that of any of its predecessors. A gratifying re- sult of this expansion was that the revenue of the last scal period of nine months was more than suicient to meet expenses on consolidated, fund, national transcontinental rail- way, capital and special outlays, all expenses of the Dominion `of every kind, leaving a balance of over three million dollars to be applied to the public debt. ' yuuaau \.H-_IJL. The stream of immigrants coming to Canada continues to increase in volume, the year now drawing to a close showing a larger number than any preceding year, and it is grati- fyin.g to observe the many coming from the British `Isles. The Financial Stsringency. The Dominion has been blessedby -a large series of prosperous years and, though at the present moment its business is being restricted by the nancial stringency which prevails throughout the world, I feel assured. that this unfavorable condition will be temporary and that the illimitable resources of Canada and the _world wide recognition of them give us ample guarantee of continued mater- ial progress. TL- ..........n...... Ltd!` 2.. T....J.... ` ICDJ PI\l6I D99! The conference held in London in the months of April and May last between the Government of the Unit- ed Kingdom and the Governments of the British Dominions Beyond the Seas satisfactorily dealt with many subjects in which the empire at large is interested. A copy of the minutes of the proceedings will be laid be- fore you. Two of my ministers, duly auth- orized by his Majesty` for the pur- pose and acting in conjunction with his Majesty s Ambassador at Paris, have recently negotiated a conven- tion with the Government of the French republic respecting the com- mercial relations between France and Canada, subject, however,-to the `approval of the French `Chambers and the Canadian Parilament. A copy of this convention will be subtnittegi to you immediately and you will be asked to give it` your sanction. Th- {`_t\uvnc-0-Iunnno-I6 A: Klnuuntt-nuuo1tno1tI EGl\\a\L l\J 6IV\} Ilv J`-IIIII DCEII-\aIplI.IIIo The G vernment of Newfoundland having b_ecome involved in a. contro- versy w1thi the Government of the `United States as to the true meaning of article I of the convention re- specting sheries, concluded in the year 1818 between the United King- dom and the. United States, -and -Canada also being interested in the question `at issue, `my Government with, `Government in tnder sa_id articleto the. una . This one reason why Ayer e Cherry Pectoral so value- ble in consumptiox_:. It" gtops the wear and. tear of useless coughing. But it does more: gl_tli:`e1%;8oo.'OilIfe:!'_ever. Soothe! hci ' ";o`"4 9`o"`. o"`_f7 -on-anon:-so -.-' 2 1. . 0.. ....a .-.I.'..L_. or - --it e`ontrols. the lnammatiome The Nqtional Railway. J The French Treaty. . IBEERBUILDS 3001551 IPURITYI Ontario beers ar_e pur, above all else-- far mo:-e' pure than mostf of the milk sold in itzes, _beause ' mae undgr con- -ditions pf abso- lute hygiene. room VALUE Boiled potatoes contain not near- lythe nutriment that is in pure beer; milk will not feed most folks so well, nor l digest so tho!- oughly. Inc Is or Ununo brewers. nnpm-I rnevnnqms under molt 1: cute wndmom. lrom Ontario bu.-icy (tho lutintbe worl nut. hops. and pure watt-.r. 3 sion and on the prairie section of the `Western division. A section of the latter of about 250 miles has been available for handling the traic of the present season. Contracts for` the portion of the prairie section west "of Edmonton are about to bei ulet and immediate steps will be tak- en for the commencement of work at both the Eastern and the Western ends of the Mountain division. Thus, is a_very short time the whole work from Moncton to the Pacic Ocean will be .under vigorous construction. TL` ....... ,...4....I :...d..-- l\: I......2 VVVIII IJC vllll\.ICl Vl5lJl\)U3 LUIIDLI |.{\.LlL}ll- The unexpected inux of immi- grants from Oriental countries into British Columbia aroused a strong feelingof opposition. A member of! my Government has been deputed to proceed to Japan to confer with the Japanese Government on this subject. g - -u. .. _- | $"'`" ` "`" """K"` The sudden and unexpected collap- se of the great cantilever bridge in course of construction across the `St. Lawrence, in the vicinity of Quebec, may-be regarded as a national cala- mity, and the event has evoked much sorrow for the lives which were lost on that occasion. a A committee has` been appointed to inquire into the causes which led to the disaster. When received,_ the report of the; commission will be laid before you.-' It will be necessary to devise means .for the completion of the bridge ; within a reasonable time. i it A r,1.1 {ii 2- L..- --A. ' __'A-L1f__Z._ VVIGIIIII. CD I VKIQQIICIIICS `II.-l\IO -` It is mostgratifying. to nd that,I notwithstanding the large reduc-~ tions of postal rates which have been made, the revenue of the Postoice has continued to increase rapidly- The large receipts of this branch of the Government business will enable the Department to make -still more liberal provision for ` the extension! of postal facilities . throughout the Dominion. ` l - - v--3- -`--v-- The time has arrived when the public interest, requires that tele- graph _and telephone eompanies hold- ing Federal charters should be plac- ed. under Goverximent control. A, bill will beintroduced for that pur- C\BQ e Bank or Toronto __ A_.._44-A-: ,H:Ao orncs TORONTO ~ SEI'TEMBAI`-R 30, 19o7W. Total Assets, - Total Liabilities. - s.....:.... -. { - %~ 3 9.1o2.o:52.oo OVER NINETMILLIONS or DOLLARS Ill!!! 0 term Which covers lager. nles, porter. and stunt: 1 In the pnctile of Ontario bravura. 1lnp'n.ies' hevnrsu.,'\:o'~ ` hygienic wndmom. lrom butler -u- ---b-:---- v... - BA? nmua BRANCHES osc. , Gentlemen. Qf the",-House of Com- Quebec` Bridge Collapse. Gosvm-mnent Telegraphs. One of thetchief aims of the Directors of this institu- tion has. been " to provide the greatest security possible for the protection of Depositors. Savings Accounts opened `and highest cu_rrentr_ates of interest allowed at -....-_-.--n-u.nAQIJ\II1 N01m1mN ADVANCE AZY stomachs m e 1 11 `poor digestions `- they don t work hard enough to ex- tract the good of one s food. Beef` is `a food- j_.!_.I, AI, ---nun Iulunuuu JAQIQAAUB the stomach do its work better, because it increa- ses the ow of 1 the digestive ` juices and gives 1 the stomach mus- cles more strength to do their work. XGGQ D II 3" ` dtfink {E5 mlkes Beer* is better for run - down people than 211 e di c in e ; ` andfor thin-blocd- ed people nothing else will enrich the blood so surely 1 and quickly. l Ask your own ;doctor if you hadn't better drink beer with I your meals. 1-new Faun` STORE-I 1 dot-IN"."sA50 EO Bgyeld $1.; Barrie; WHOLESALE 5 RETAIL --DEALER IN- Bananas, : -.g-g-:4 '94 an 1i3gs_ gtrresh Fruit; ;ALso 1-`mesa CANDIES; E TOBACCO and~CIGQRS. [Give Me a Trial o'mer.1 inonsz The publjgc accounts for the nine months endmg 31st` March last Ilwill be laid before you without de- I ay. "l`I.... .-..-a.Z......L..- IA- L1..- -.....:..._ 1:- `III. - } The estimates for the coming s- ?cal year will be submitted for your iapproval at an early day. } Manitoba's Boundaries. Among the measures to be sub- .mitted to you is a bill for the ex- tension of the boundaries of Mani- ltoba and of other Provinces, also a bill to provide for the issue of Gov- ernment annuities for old age, a bill respecting insurance, and bills to amend the` Election Act and the Do- minion Lands Act. 1- A__________j A. ,_,A .1 C .3 a AALIIIIUI1 Laauua nut. I comrqend to. your thoughtful consideration the several subjects to which I trust that, in your delibera- fiogs, you may be guided by divine ig t. BOOKS SBETTS Bookstore. Icoapohnrao 1355 WE HAVE A GREATER VARIETY THAN EVER Trains leave Barrie fer the under- uentioned places as follows,:-_ V South. "4:2o_ a_1.mf-F`or ' Newmarket, To- -! _-:..a.- Want oninezs, 559.009.280.00 5 29.907.243.00 NW D*\ mens- .`-._...z.~ STEWART` & `STEWART, BAR-M xistcjrs, Solicitoj-s,.Notaries Public,` gmd. Conveyancers. Money to loan -.. ....-- .........-. as 9 star porn? (TH-`app "` '1 W. AULT, BARRISTER, SOLICI- tor, Proctor, nNotary, Conveyancer, ' etc.i Special attention in drawing and probating wills, obtaining let- Kters of administration and guardian- ship, collecting accounts, etc. Of- iices, _Ross block, Barrie. Money to oan. LENNOX, COWAN is; BRIOWN, -Barristers, Solicitors fox` obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and - administration, and general Solici- tors, Notaries, L. -Conveyancers, etc. ` O,"1ces,Hinqs block, No.6 Dunlop street, Barrie. Money to loan at .v/ _...I - ...... ...-_..-.9 `Ru--nu-la n-`mp: G. A; RADENHURST, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary `Public, &c. ( Of- ce-Ist oor Bank of 9 Toronto Building. Money to loan at low- -..` --uLnn "4:2o a.rn.-For Newtnarxct, AU` tonto`. Montreal and points Ea.st._ 5.45 a.rn.-For__ Toronto. -(Cobalt Special.) 8.oo_ g._._m.--Zl:"or `Newmarket, Aurog