Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 13 Jun 1907, p. 8

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5 dozen Elastic Rib Underwear. Men's sizes, Shirts and Drawers, Special Sale Price . . . . . . . . .. 40 8 dozen Fine Black Cashmere half Hose. sizes [0, Lo}/, and. 11. regular price 2oc, Sale Price 2 for 25}? 9 doz. Black Cashmere half Hose, regular Sale Price, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 pair ne Cantab and English worth 5oc. Sale Price . . . . . \ fjrican ad 758 nad`3cv52 `slur 5` . Ca Che o ` 9h`51 dc`? d 3 . - ' ` o I d0Z,V_ go -`gttacw ffe IA boy 5, 3!} .. ...-nuuu. .l.llC Vast In `.tempera nce/ sntiment d _::nrI nu. :-----A FURNISHINGS. >f ofcers W.3S of the suffragettes ret had very great :1. and an an---- Look here, if you are for the nattiest and most up-to-date Summer Shoes ever shown to Barrie people. We have excelled ourselves this season, bigger variety, bigger assortment, and at prices that you will say are exceedingly moderate. Investigate is the invitation we extend- doesn t matter whether you buy or not. , 1 Here are a few values vou ll admit are the best vet: . s ___., ...-u.. only yuan` iaman in Australia vast improvement `lrnnnb .1`... ----r uvna W35 pl'O- : showigxg that with its pre- _Mr_s. McKee; :l.t3"-_31 1 d Vice- 'E .-: .1 5- KU an g/3')precia7 which _thY' P70? LI._A. Custo _ 01-dj mers . ar ;1nsu:.: ifly if] Eled to P Pmsnt pe.PI`eseht I Nfason and thl5 e rice of $7 2_W price, ` 3 Per ton is Ow; 3l` E t ` n .0 a d d1icu1t;,I'(3..3.t sholrtage ' "1 gettnng with. luctea Sed C ` ` lace then; as t . sub" Net to . the f `K OUow' . .m discounts: ., H` nid [ORDER NOW- ' Miss Ada VVhan H5 TM visiting with her p:1rc:`.1~' 1`-t``- .Miss Donaldson nf T:>I`t"W9 Itmg her brother. Rev. G. M. \VeIIs .5 .\'c\~.'t>I1Th" 108ical Institution, L75 .\., is the 51"` dent pastor of Bel? Fiwnrt 339; Church for the sun1mcr months. 43 The conventioti was brought W elose by singing God be with W tnll we meet again."--Cum. A_t the evening public mtI`.3; hlt`ilI1 wag \.vetl1_attended. the ll" 5. . . an texr friends cn}7 }'e `themselves fully. Bliss Fat:C': }53n8' Crossing the Bar." and .`l:. 'tI'l`1eerg::II)1l vo;ceA<\1H_ the grceltlng\.<\_ I ._ C O . ISIHH tn tte `. T. U. m a warm, concise addrea: He was _followed by Mrs. Worger Slade, Wife of the Rev. A. \\'orger- `Slade: Wh_0 said her few words of welictme ;n_ 2;. sweet, I\1v\Ti1YU3H1)' tiny. C cer am y won :1 carts. .r& worger-Slade conveyed greeting: from the -Sons of Temperance to the lYV- 'C- U. Mrs. Can1pbell.Ct>l- "`8'W00 . responded in a few grait ful well-chosen worj.~`. The W1-'-E men` of Alliston sang 3 561861103 from ` W. C. T. L . literature 351 sang It well. _ -Mr. Magee, the orator of the even- lllg, _spoke earnestly of the present condttton of temperance work 23 Ontarxo, and of the local nptioncm P3J8_`n In Midland in p.lI'tlClIl3l'.' Mrs Whtte gave a short ;tc_c0unt ot earl; d3)'3 of the W. C. T. U. when Ill movement had its rat start. M O 0 R E S n'i`-has ARE YOU PARTICULAR ABOUT YOUR SHOES ? :`&n'i:1nsnAy,; JUNE I-U ulc Iouowmg uww""_` b .500. pol.` ton dlacnunt if 0"`! `5 Jun. mu. MAKING Ir Ann can: 54-. 4-l:nntnI`fI* B \Veb Suspenders * . . . . . . . . . . . ..25c I 4 BELLE EWA RT. "$31!! ....`2 p{3:2 Dr` \ IQQ w :._c. and 25 COUNTY COUNCIL. Tnmnto ii 13th} rem Thcv is H} Iucensz _Who is the man er boy in tewn %who wanftsx;/"pevvv iaia/in:t halfvericef? vls `Then heafken eto tliishge. We heveto unfold astory of atartling values. the most remarkable money:-igaing ~elothes veit in_ Emders A A.\ Inc, ` the ht U0.| [Caz nuts. \ U1 ails. Un t . . Frolh l"e`1-ila)l'_.\ June 14, we are going. havoc tnith our Men's. Youths and lioye Clothing aid Fur; nishings--Going|to put 3 reduced price-tmahrk_ on every high-grade Suit in hour Men ; $:t"or e--goin.g to 1-eclgce stocks to the lowest limit. l t V ` ~ Pain Lem` \\/ith Mond ncxar sL1\'h_\1 W H 1-; X on- r_\ - 148 `Furnishings share the some [Afate-t'ii\"e. toggerv too--the finest products of the best mtskex-s-tl`xe styles __I_md patternsat the lowest 'prices_.on record. L Iia; 33 Boys 3 piece Suitslor boys 13, 14 and 15 year: of age. This lot is made up of last: wuon e stock,are not the mines: style but are made of all wodl matetials and make an excellent wearing suit for school. They are worth from 4.00 up to $6 00. Goingon sale 06-... .... Phon =1 an L1 --Mo J.--s. 3 .. .- App} n\Y. 5 1:6 and} 23 Boys Norfolkln. newest style for `u-Iuunf A #2: I0 nnnnn nun-0|. 9 OK 10 on'ly- `B:-vyvl"ll|;e`1&:tf1)fk'Su;:;i; for boys 7;`) '10 years. . . . . . . . . . I Y , ,,, . _ 0 _I %oys Clotl`\ing ammurnishings `Boys CLOTHING. .`!.\R9.M.N_5- u LIVIIIIIDUQ uuwvolc IIUJIU LUI 'i3'vs"or 6 co12.yem, worth 3.25 to 4.00 On Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I o`: lo cf":-5 o.o'-01 fn'r boy} 7 t -10* Tyevhirfai. Very pecial . . 2.40 Prices um .BI?!_!3l{I wilI_I a Hill. Evgryflngi i_o __Eo_ aI_ a_ B!gIco;_d % ring. `lit- 2- LL- _.-_ _-__ f`if..."Co}tn`c`iAlloi-'sV Jupmna ;we% 3Vm,)`_`c>;_Vx_1`tgc.11.V,_,a._ . _omm;ttq.: measure ggs ; tj9a3`.. add `fen-} A un;;:'.-;~ - - . . , . . . , . . ~ - - - - vvvg _vva_ auupl-CLL _ Barrie -Collegiate` Institute was al- lowed $583.20`, balance due . it for _ 1906, and Bradford High `School the ' sum_of $102.96, bal`unVce_ for 1905. ., Grants ,of- $25 ea`c_h"were made to . the Teachers- Institutes of the Coun- . ty ,=_East,.1So'uth and` North. . -Legislation; i , , The County `will no-opera`te_ with the municipalities of Alli_ston, Essa and Tosgorontio with. reference , to ' endeavormg -to secure `pine p1a_ins_ a_s=` -A cajnpxng ' gt9_4} ;1d;` ,`,':_C_V`lt`aVi;-,4.-_`. ,. 9.1 13!1. Will` *5. P V ;;the .e _` Vc'l_e1v'ea;tio1`t.::.; ,._ ' ._ _..--..---, . v|olIl\a\l~ -John%'Han1y was appointed Trus- tee of - Midland High:School in place of Peter Potvin, deceased. Chairman Jupp s .reconfmendatior1_ to pay the .acoount-. of Orangeville High School, `amounting `to. $26.97, for non-`resident pupils belonging to the -County of `Simcoe, was .a`_do_pted_.v .,.a.. niacin?` ,t`;..II....:-;.- T---A9 -:1 ~ . I -x- I I J I bor be made a `centre for the holding of, Entrance Examinations, out. ul. 1.uaul.Ul.'U. 'nlgIl DCIIOOJ of A. E. Scanlon, resngned. 1-1.- ' L1--._1_-_- - vi :1tZ...'.I......}... .._.'.`.L.' .23 Ladies should see the newest idea in Pumpsand Side Lace Low Shoes for summer. the daintiest shoe styles. evershown in Barrie, 3.50 a pair. 4., Joseph Parks-"was 'ap.pointe tee of Bradford `High School A F Ql\OI11l'\rI acne-u:o--on-1 T jos`'.1I"i>'arE an A` 'D-nu.-11,-...J % Don t wonder at these prices-come, you can believe your eyes. Values are just as remorkable as we say they are and a little oxore so. We are over- stocked, so we underprice--Come! t n The clothing is stnndard_-not often found at .`i`n`nrli-?down sales--not any cheap stuff by any means. Bot, `we have to doit, hecnuge the wenther has been so cold that light weight clothing -hasn't sold and so we are overstocked. 6 Fine Tailored Toppers, made of shower p r o o f Cravenette, worth rezuiar 12,00 to 12.50 J , 0 A 2 only Light Envliuh Whipcord' Toppers, sizes 37 to 38, regu- " lar price 3.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II, 5. n _, A an 3 only Cravenette Toppers, size 37. regular price 10 00 . . . . . . - 1 - II ,,. _ _ - $ XE Our Bectervlfoppers up to 17.00, including the newest of the season : styles, will be mark- ed away down during sale. Be sure you see them. ~- ------~--v--1 Yl."-""- For the first -half year of 1907 there were issued I ar s_ licenge and 3 auctioneVe::s e.lieen_ ,1, aggregat- ing. $21o.- '7 f Debentures ` '7-Mie` - 4 land amouh 'n ,=;g3 1 _ )1`-the - ` % _8'1'_$tefm__~_ SPECIALSIN MEN'S CLOTHING MEN'S Toppnns 5n'"i' '.'.' I '17: `i5 1-1. nv5u.In.I. PLLVU av vv Sale Price 1. . 6.75 vvvlsil l"\A'|lI- l.U VV U`! butlv Gain at . . . . 8.50 GEO. VICKERS `appointed Trus- I Cain.-`A1 1.. -1--- \o\.I & Lu` in place -vv. V. .L. U.-WUl'K.` ` _ ~ The:cot_nmittees were then ap- wpointed. _. The Plan of Work Com- mittee consisted of Mesdambs T.` R. . ;White. Stacy, Knight. Oswell Smith and Richardsoh: the Resolut.i'ot1C'o_m- it.tee`:":`o:-;'M.esda s` 'l`;r'a .6: Bavley. O. 1 2 . ,l_.: M 0 T,` ` .. ..,r.',.- . , V _ v.v--v v--v-`I-n -Iiiyl B950 I Mrs. A. - Richardson, Treasure}-,, Orillia, gave a detailed `report of the nancial condition of the `County Union, which was '3. lucid statement showing concisely, the soivent state (`F l\FffI:QlI`:t\nn '. C1...__- -(`A---l i`Tie`}'<)llowing accounts `were or-- dered to be paid:--A,lcxandra` In_d1fs_- trial School; $32.50 ; Victo1`ia.Indus- trial School, $36.78; St. John's T In- dustrial `School, $48.75; St; AM7ary. s j Industrial -School, $32.50; `T15, Flos`, .examination and conve no: of luna- tic W`. Sandrs`on,. $14. '5`..- LL- 1:--. 1,10 . ~-: A auuvvulg \;uu.:1sc}y_ IZIIC solvent State 9f the Qrgan1zat1on.~ -Sgmcoe 'Cqunty is the .banuer. county of Ontarno m IVV, C. work. 1 `f ""---'3 V-rv--gr-Irv` an-U A-llllllo . :*1_VI:rs; Tracy, _=Minm1g, was 39- pomted convention reporter. BIA"..- A no 1 . A I u;xu\.uc,\.aUull.I.y VV. La. 1.. UCS met lin annual convention at Alliston on Wednesday afternoon, June 5th, to report the work done during th! past year and to prepare for another-cam- paism. The President,- Mrs. `McKee of Barrie, occupied the chair. l'.-, 1 us pg _ `Annual County Convnt.io;1 at A11is- l% % Am 4 Voonsider the question of granting On motion,_Ga1'Ai"len--B`a`1"'x*,. the Fi- nance Commtttee was instructed to $75 to_ the 35th Regt.,_to assist in defraymg expenses to Niagara camp. (`1-\uv|An:I -nu`:---------J ` - ` . ,,,.' ,__a .._r.......... nu nvnuaula Valli`). Council. adjour-ned_ to meet again on>Wedne,'sdy, June 26th, at 7 p.m. 3J ' "*7" .- . c MotIon&s.,; . V On motion, Gardn--Crd, the Co. `-Property Committee Was` ordred to! purchase a new ag for the Court House. V aeeouxifs of Road+ Commissioners were ordered to be paid:--W. A. Trimble, $15; P. Mc- `Leo,d,-- $8.20; I. H. Mitc ell, -$3; W. Matthews, $4; Jos. Cal well, $10.30; N. McArthur, $18.70; R. Befl, $3; Geo. Hayes, $8.60; I. Mitchell, $4; A. Woodrow, $33); hos. Goodeve, $23; R. Jupp, $50.40; Jas. Moore, $30; Amos Tram, $44.40. . The special `committee re Angus bridge recommended that the Roads and Bridges Committee have same repaired at once. I I __ _- ___..__J -.-unava- C;)uncillo_rs Oldham _and- Wood `were appomted a comrr_nttee to co- operate with a committee from the. Fnccntqy l\ `T.-._I- --_In.L ..-_ ~A W .re.1u_iings. - --u-u-cw: Chairman Barr reported _in favor of a monthly audit of County ac- counts and to that end presented a by-law which passed its successive 01 . vyvnuvu vvnyu. G \.UlllllllLLCC IIVUIII Inc. County of York with reference to repair of bridge over Holland River. A grant of $100 `was made. to the Township of Matchedash in consid- eration of abnormal expenditure in- curred in the building and mainten- ance of so many bridges. r` ____ -:II-_- rxa n - `--- The matter of building a bridge at Copeland's darn was left in the hands of "Councillors Copeland, Picotte and Simpson, cost to be charged to the appropriations of Tiny and Pene- tang. D A~ Simcoe _coumy W. C; T. Uis {ne 1 vinnn-:1 nn........A.:.... -;.' An2_;_A, 4, You have never seen such excellence in Men's Tailored Suits for such low prices as will be shown here during the sale. Youmay think that you do not*l need a suit but come and see these, you may change your mind i -come and save money. These prices tell their story. 16 00 Suits 10.75 14.00 Suit: 9 75 15.50 " 10.25 11.00 7.40 15100 9.90 9 00 6.25 [Suit Selling Prices. WHITE RIBBONERS. 1 30i1THl M Ajivzmez 4.A That Mothgs V Meetings be made ya. specialty` In the geafs work :a;xgij course of pggmng; e provided: :- `*2he i'4Ioc a;t1f-;:Uniuns fet cg o 9. 2. That a more strenuous crusade than ever be -made against the ci r- ette, and that to this end Anti-Ig:r- cotic Leagues be formed in v the schools wherever possible, and fur-, ther that. more literature~ be distrib- uted . for the dissemination of know- % Vledge. V . - `(Continued from Page 2.) County Property. The following accounts were pas- sed for payment 2-]. G. Scott, -sew- er pnpe, cement, sand and lime; I aura Tlana "D...-l......... ..._.J:._ 0... 3. That we enter more heartily in- to the work. o_f- furtheringvourh mis- sionaz-y_work among lumbermen and augmenting, the funds of ' the Same, and "further that another. `missionary, be employed. - V . " -. "1-. QIIIIIIUJQ ' I Thursday morning's session open.- .ed at 9.30 by singing a hymn follow- ed by' reading ai portion. of scripture and prayer, led by Mrs. Freek, V _ Treasurer and ~ the, more expeditidus --.....-.. bu uu; \.g,uvclll;lUl13,--I I. 'I:h"at for the convenience of the settlement of nancial obligati`c'ms,7 we pay ourxfees at the first of .the, year. L --.._ _v--v III 551 JJIGIILIIIDC LIED]?- 7'Ilq1e convention then took up the `Plan of Work, and.` the`fo1_low mg re- commendations for the coming year were submitted to the c<),nvention:_--- 9 AL 14- A-`-- | After routine work, the reports of the various departments were con- tinued, including `Parlor Meetings, Flower Mission and Mother's .Meet- ings. Miss -MacKay, Orillia, gave a glowing -report of Press Work, while Mrs. Tracy followed with a report of `work done in the Franchise Dept. Tho nnnurnnl-in.` LL..- A.--L - ,____--_ ..J ....v. anus. :.'v15uaUll. Mrs. McKee gave a searching ad-'. dress on the duties of Christian.citi- `zens, emphasizing the need of recog- nition of individual responsibility, and the discharging of such respdn- sibility. ` V ' l"l-.......A..-_ ...-_:.-A i L ` * " "T". . ' I The union `prayer meeting held in` the Presbyterian Church in the even- ling was, in the absence of the pastor, `conducted by Rev. Mr. Ferguson. l M" 1ur..rr._ ..---- - --n - - IS`/i:;1_1d 'McKee,"_ Barrie, being unable to attend, her report as Sn..- perintendent of the Dept. of Unfer- mented Wine was read by Mrs. Freek and adopted. ....-`-`-.- H'f`he afternoon session closed with this report, the Rev. Mr. Slade lead- ing in prayerand pronouncing `the s benediction. rno ' Temperance Work in Sabbath Schools (Mrs. 'Secord, Orillia) was, in the Superintendent's absence, read by Mrs. Freek, Barrie. This phase of the work has very much to do with the training of youngvpeople, where pledge signing is_ concerned, and the dierence betwen the three pledges was explaind. `Il'f__ , 1 11- up -- 05; F. A. Hoar, supplies, $9.13; J. R r pipe, cement, sand an_d lime, $61.37; Thos. Rodgers, supplxes, $15.- Hambly, supplie_s, $46.95; Jno. H61 mes, painting jaxl wall, $78.00. . ' Mrs. Stacy, Creemore, gave her report on Narcotics. Systematic Giving was well presented by Mrs. Richardson, Orillia, and certainly is a matter of deep interest to all Christians, who recognize more ful- ly than did.the Jews of old that The earth is the Lord s and the fullness thereof. `Report of Lumbermen's Work was sent by the Superintendent, Mrs, Scott, Barrie, and read by Mrs. Freek. Truly the harvest is great and the laborers are few. Your choice of our com- plete stock of Summer Vests, which includes all of our best imported lines at a straight discount of I5 per cent. U 21 Rain Coats, beat English Cravenet.te,!ined and unlined, regular price 5-50 to 15.50. . . I` _ _ I _ `J 33 A UV U'IIV UV |UoUVc 33" 31e $4.25 t6 $8.25. SUMMER VESTS ZRAINCOATS. Be on the spot. election. of v ed witli, the_ result show nion is 5satIi,sd'_ ith. - .;..-,rc_a. , ts.-V T 4%.V%:D/25-31Vi:;i:e:A ' link mug me acuon of the in "England, she` yet hy for them, and 4 the situation in Women's Dong- Kid Blucher Lace Boot, toe cap, extension or light" soles, solid, all sizes. Special I 50 Men's Vici Kid Lace Boots, toe cap, extension sole, natty dressy shoe, special quality, worth 2.50. On. saleat...... ............ 2 oo `Men's Genuine Patent Coltskiri Blucher Boots, Goodyear welt sole, new toe. equal to any 4.50 Boot, sizes 6-II. Special.. 3 50 . ..-- ....ynv v culcllt mA;temperance/ sentiment also was - noted ,and the impostance of a local option campaign _ being encouraged throughout Ontano, . -Mr3_."_1`,racy s gape: was an attempt to analyze Tan present concisely what` is` `the `thought `of God where sex-equality 1s_ concerned. Not en- dorsing the acLt>ionV _the_.suffragettes ; *`PnaIn-u - - - I The Cor. Secretary's report` of all the County local ` Unions was pre- sented, and a very satisfactory one it was,showing the work done through- out th_e county. The convention was`. -much "pleased with the report, I The singing of The Lost Chord by the Rev. Arthur Worger-Slade was a very pleasing feature of the . , , , ,The_ postponed annual address was then given. It was one of the Presi- dent s best successes. Reviewing the progress made in the great world ' ` _ reference was made to the_.r9 lady members of the I;_.e gislat_ure of ='_Finl'and;..and the posi- U011 accorded to woman A'us_tr_alia and Ireland." The vast improvement These resolutions x`7elated to the following subjects:-(I) Against the opium traic. (2) Sympathy for death of Hon. `I. W. `St. John and G. F. Matter. (3) Appreciation of Whitney ,Government s course in re- fusing to grant licenses where local option by-laws quashed on technical- ities. (4) Approval of Tidings,the organ of the Union. (5) Thanks to `members of local Union for efforts to. entertain. - The afternoon session opened with Bible reading and prayer by Mrs. Hacker, Midland. After routine work the Resolution Committee re- ported. 1, -_,_ _-_ ----r-v J uuuuu vs I _ `The noontide devotions were con- [ducted by Mrs. Slade and Mrs- Knight; after which the_ noon re- freshments were partaken of. The ladies of the Alliston Union\furnish- ed a delightful lunch, to which the visitors did ample justice. FIVI, f. we call the attention of the Pub 'cation Board of Tidings to such subjects .33 Mothers Meetings, Heredity, Physlcal Culture, etc., and ask them to_ give some instruction along these lmes. . I 5."I`hat we encouroge by every! means in-our power all effort for lo-i cal option, and where the by-law; has been defezited that Commission-| ers be petitioned to. cancel `and re-I fuse to grant licenses. [ / II`! . T 'IV.`ha`t wev2;;h-"l<')_<;;).I-'Union Hold a Crusade Day for the securing of new members. tc_ the subject of Mothers Responsi- '." 6 dozen Cotton Hose, light weight, sizes IO, 10% 11, Special Sale Price . . . . . .I0c, 5 prs. for \;\1\.yvu- 350101-vva nnnpsnu J `[50 hr!` l` Here are al'ew values you'll are the best yet: Women's Vici Kid Blucher Oxford Men's Oxford Shoes, in Patent Shoe, large eyelet, exible sole,` _ Leather, vici kid, gun metal and all sizes, excellent value at 2.00. tan, Goodyear welt. Special at Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1 so 3.00, 3.50 and . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 oo 'Women s Vici Kid Blucher - Lace BOYS D"l3 Kid L356 B00tS. I`-06 -Boots, toe cap,- Goodyear welt C3? flew) 5018} Solid. 352631-5- .soles, new pointed toe, last sizes 5PCl31---- - - - - - - - - - - - - I_ 25 2% t0 5. Worth 3.00. Special ' Misses Dongola Lace Boots, toe * 3 1'5 cap,` heavy sole,` SIZES II-2.' SPel3l- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 25 light CHILDREN'S 51-{,()Es;_ i cap, turn sole, sizes 47%. Special at 75c_; sizes 3.fQ% , _ _ , _ , _-` _35 Strap Slippers, in Dong. Kid, toe` ` strap Slippers, tum, 516, Si; 5 _ .. ....... 3.5,

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