Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 3 Jan 1907, p. 5

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Appraiser. Arhitraton Etc. FARM AND sroox saws HANDLDD. FOR85 00 AND U Pw.u_u)s. -'1'-t${1.'.'.'.'.'." ..II... ID ..4_)_ .1` -_I.:-I--_ .f`? -O11II;LI.A:4`-Ocu1i:ret1e'&ha;a `In an \efi1waI ex2uen;t_ 'wdrth- brick In building openastsgonsa in Orilll-la .,dur- uzgjthep-a:at pu=nunez-.. mnae use An.-nnndun I.-.-. "-1..-_.I__ .L.|..__...__ AI._ _ Mr. Albert Compl$eiI;E`Hillside, Mnskoks, II" Yllbin nnnnninfnnnnu Barn sun} -6 (Jan... `Mary Mud Luck, asughier of M22: .\nnh..-I",nn& `:IhiH.hn nan Ollh In liar AZRFIP-4. Chris`tmas %Cl\%eer;.% m'rpHm.L SQUARE. csow COLWELL. oucnoo o u - 1 o u o an urxuy. pvt` louvuuvluovnvvcnovll dOZ.... uooovaononvouvuv otatoea. per bag utofore qr., perowt........... ovvtvolocovvonofvivvovivloo er. hind qr., per owt.. .. .... ...- $45.15 6.82 9.32 3.75 3.50 02.50 1.85 4.60 90 10 2.50 :0 1.90 5.26 L -9C'VU9W .: 1. I04 _ `$87.65 H I(:ankmun'|;:d family spent Xmu' with Mr. and My. Albert Sprihg. Hr. Thou. Bell Wliilrtied to Miss Lens Davis on Wed , Dec 2611:. Congratulations. Mr. one! Mrs. S. G Dickinson spent Xmas at Mr. George Fax-ney I. . D 01 . `V " i}. 1ic}ia.}:{& ;..;.; J 3;.:.na and Mr. Hickling of Ninesing were visitors lust {reek of our popular store keeper, Mr. Hick- ing. ` `no on n 9\hu- nun: . u -l 1Mr.ui}eo. All-gue e littleson Ray met with I 5 very painful accident recently. be" having been kicked by as horse.` fracturing hie juv and ccmixig hie fsce badly. The little fellow in doing 33 well as can be expected. , ARuMS'1VR0NG.-At Barrie, on Jan. Li .1907, -a `daughter to Mir. and Mrs. Jvaack Axwmstron-g, `Collier Sbr-ee't. -"MARRIED. `GARRETT-M~ARKLE.-0n New Ye~.aa~~.v.' Day in "the P'res`byIteria.n Ohzu:-ch, !MJ1:d'Imrst, by Rev. Dr. Ockley, `Richard F. Garrett, `sons of Mir. A. F. Gaarrevt, Barrise, to Ethel Mie- _ tlasaa. Markl. ROBSON-PARKER--0n Vvednesday, Jun. 2nd,. 1907, art rthe `home of the [bride's mother , by Rev. Dr. Ock- . ley, John Edwxard Robson, vcuf Ves- pm. to A-de-Line Amelia Parker, youngest `diaugmner of Mrs. ` A. Parker, 6th `Com, Veeapra. ' -DEARING-WALLACE-At Stroud on :T.hunsdnay, Dec. 27th, 1906, by Rev. J. Power,Vo'f_Umionv~il1e, as-I sisted by R_e_v. R. `B. Beynaon, C'n2a,s.| _uDe1a.rm-g, `at H-u.n-t:sv111e_, to Eva,| d-a.ugh'ter of Mr. And-raw Wallace. 7 MO0R.E- At the residence of his `bro- .ther-izn-`Jaw, M'r. R. Nixon, 46 Owen Street, Barrie, on Tuesday, "Jan. Lat`. 1907, mhomaxa James M`oor, in his 47ut-h year. Fauneral mnursday, 2 p. -m., to Sit. nmw cemetery, Inndiatdl. DONNELLY-At Amen Miiils, Dec. 29, 1906, `David Donnelly ,ag=:-ad 47` "years, 6 months." . -IEMMS.--At Dalaton. on Dec. 2-tth, Stei- Jn Jean, -infant dnauu-gmer of ~Mi:. Emma, aged 4 months, 19 days. I sALmn..-At 176'B1ake St., Barrie. on Dec. ,24th. the iniant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Sa;Lter. . BILLING.'1`|0N.`--At Mfxdhunat, on Dec. 22nd, 1906, Susan Blllington, aged 88 yea.rs. I-lEPBURN.-A't .Bas.rrie, on Saiburd-ay, "Dec, 29th, "Ernest "J. L., infuant son of Mir. an-d_Mrs. J. G. Hepburn, 166; -].')ui1lopdSt., aged 2 lmonmhs. iins Sunie Dickinson of Toronto in upend- Jng her holiday: Wilh her parents. An: `I out I; IIUI vutllil llllll Il&.VV'-TIIIO I"IU- be grraugcd for at I!!! ADVANCE gun V f a;.,;. {u;;.{{'2s.h;T{u;.;;.a'M.s. ...... Spring, 3- non. . `I 11 I II..I In . 1.. `~`HUNT1I\ fG'.r~ON my 1N"'noLLt..-vV',;f.;:.% HOUSE ?~t;n:s.nAy Jmuggr am: '14 '1 ALLENWOOD. BORN. DIED. LUCK.-At Crown Hill, on Dec. 24t1h, Ildlary Maud, daughter of Mr. Jos. Luck, in her 2611!: `yegr. %.W,IL8ON.-At Allvandae, .on Sunday. BALL 11000 Ill- ..._ 1,..- 'IT'|I_,- -__. ....--- ._--- --.-...-u I\a.rv`nU\4| an the `male role, will be welcome news to `the "theatre-going aanll muazc loving people. mhe date or the` prodmotmmr here -its '1`.ue=ada.y, Jan. 8th. Those who saw the performance when ' the opera. was presented here _d.n enbember were em~thus'.-a.a'tlcV in their pra/isess or -the perxtormamce and the press gener- ally througwhouat the Dominion ',W3`3 loud in its favoraible sit-amements re- g.a.rdln-g the cleverness of the com- pany and the excellence of nine peru'>orrnaa.noe. In the coming proclux:*t- ion, the awme company, in-chudmg all the p_r.inc1pa.lss who appeared early in the tall, will she with the qrg~amiiza~tion, and the same lavish investure of cos- tumes and scenery will mark the f paixforvrriance. There ins. every in- dication t`-halt `the prodluaction of `the op- era will be an event of considerable l-mpor-tuance in the social and music circles out the uwwuu. sprung. per 10.. .... . . . urkcys. per .nm~ dmz..H , illedeeming G.'T. R. Tickets. I A circulsar has been issued by the passenger department of the Grand Trunk relative to the regula-tiohs aa- to redemption of railway passenger tlcketis sold.in Canada. The circular takes effect on January lat and reads -as follows- Any wholly unused passenger -tickets sold in Canada and .- pre- sented for redemption at the ticket otice where sold within 30 days Ifnom date or expiration of such hick- et, shall be redeemed irnmed~ia:tc~ly by the agent in charge of said ticket or- ztice at the price paid for said ticket. frhe word "void must be wrltxten by agent in ink heavily across the race or the ticket at the `time or the redemption." ` Passengers presenting such tickets at the (mice where they were not sold will. lxave"aome_ elay in having them honored. II p _h-ted at hhe office where it was sold the 'n;cket wdlfl he -immed-iately honored. .'1\he abject ox: . the `new reg-gibatlsonxs in to expedite the |ieet:tiemen`t or claims {or guano tickets. [AGENTS mm. HAVE POWER TO 1- MAKE REFUND. return of the epnlendid comic opsra, with Muss IJ1l1la.~n Spam 1- in 1.9.; LLLLI- _.1_ __nl L- , , _ n -, v , Return of Dolly Varden. --v --- --u-mu, uvnn -auanuug . Eotn. 190E5',"M|a.ry Jane Wilson. beloved wjzfe of Mir. -J. W. Wilson. dun her 22nd year. buouuouoooooouno The Will give more Heat with less fuel than any other stovemade. ` We have 1 `of `them left to clear t_ is month. If you want a bargain- vsvvvnmlvcuncvlvioilIIIICI noowvv-nvuouucfvnvoovou &y._,T1l'IIOthy....non- Hon! tmw . . . . . . T uuuouubouuouu AAA--A------__ >_o' Most Powerful Double . Heater t- Five Points Hardware. Store... Mdst Economical Radiant ....Hnme OI'7:I;I:II'IOvlVI`l:l`lV:;;;;;;:; uuooovo-I009... '.IlIIII- vu uauucu. JDISUUIIBIID water. MEG. HJVOI.` es comer of farm. Good. navel` Baarn ggxloo fczcguviilnio ft. an 0 prone, _ ~ V -Yom,u:;1r.* ` A` ` '8'- Vhest. tall.` larley .. .. .. h`e&`;cIooo-mu: tn _ , _ _ _ , , , ,, JAN. ` sea, 190%, __j_.:._,_%_ ' J. C. Irwin Toronto 3'armers`- Marlzots. THE MARKETS For the County ot Simooe. K P4 Y For the Startling Announcement that willannear in This Space Next Week Toaowro Dec. 81. 1906 E nuoIuo'uuU. '- ax" ...OPEN... 3 V j A . : OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0000000000 IOOOOOOOOOOOO9000OOOOOOO50 \ `III UV 13 L... 19 K0 I9 Wtuvv 12 GOIIID` 8 75-: In 27IU'I 10.... 14 22.... 37.... Q`) 030' 0 `III I VIR W 00 3| Choice buiiding lots in-t-I; nentrs of the town on Owen. aophia and .013 rton streets. I For particulars apply to 0.11. L ON. 3-tt . u iuiiri l d and uan(!i:*1I1vexIdnh an, n e . Barents. BRIT! (J; nwe1msg411 room)` ub1g,ar1v} non : and neaslby. orgore of k" , " ;, ' , _m 1e~and _fg1;9cL% .1; 13- FARMS won SALE;-V ` The undersiqnedloifers for sale the S. Lot. `:4 in the 14th_ Lon. of Teoumseth, so acres more or less. rich clay loam -well ads ted. for all reins. On the premieee are 8 g wells and good cisterns. about 8 acres hardwood bush. and about 2 acres or orchard. good winter trui fall ploughin all done. 15 acres in wheat. el ' o-1 fences. so d brick house. 12 large rooms. 3 balls. bath and vpter supply. beautiful lawns and all cement walks. 2 barns. one is 86:56. the other is 30:60. driving house 183$. implement, house 1836!). and other , outside `conveniences; Only i mile from Cookstown -`schools. churches, railroad. etc. . `. ., `~A.u.so '* `f.:`..t'. f?"`.?. ..a..*..$ ..e $ .-...*. bury. Rand claw Innm- urn inlnnhul our mnain |Alex. Brown|ee,1 uz uuu-nu. 1 In maum-luau.` 0!` went 'G'W1ll1m* R}%3 as"r'-" `33 '%`$`a.%';~`i:2f`xf& m.m' "`3 well fences; W1: farm is only 11 a mile the rs: mentioned. . M ~ wuu wncea; nus mrm 15 only no.1: mile tire: mentioned. ' For further particulars apxly {33 K GEO. . " an-view." 60-1 L Cookstown. We want tollelp you economige your time. Malta out alieteof your wants from the good-`wince quoted below and let us have the'order_. We will be pleased to till it. 'V_u&O""l\Il IIUW ;. VV IIIIUIH, UT.n* oble, I:ouud,20c: AlmoudI,Tanjona. upoun 20a : Filbu-tn. 3 pound 150, `D ATQIXYJ I-..` LL- ;._|_I_ 1- I iuxslnst - o court: ID. in yvuuu JUV, or the able, in bunches, a pound 200. 300 and 400. DATES-Extra mice for um, . pound 10. - ~ V CHOOOLATES-7-Thuo are :1! of 1 very ohoioeut quulny, as ouod 200. % 25c. 30c, 40c and 50:: 0 buy from 10 dieronu confection ho'useI~ and select the but from nob. .I|lI\v D cc :0- BARBIE, ONT.` Licensed Auctioneen ORANGES--Nio me, sweet % axjd inlay, a dozen. _25c; smaller ones. cheaper ; larger ozm dearer; ` l'\v\ A vs--. L GRAPES-_-Spanish, _very[ choice, a : pmind 250. ` - ~ I OELERY-A-California, crisp, aoodj Flo:-ona. ahead 10. . . - 7 .FIGS-F_;r Vtvh-e 1 pound. V 150 , 200 snd.30o. V _ \ { ` H-(V)I'."I:Y'-:1'W;;;.|1:<'i".;run. lots of borrjes. a. pound 200 ' .2 M`IS;.I'LiT!Tv()i2-: lb ! Hum! One. 3 must of` beuiel. I pound 60.` I-l%ob_l`e_y Bros. NU1`S--Au nwn;. Ho 1 vumnal on... Al. We Are All Busy. ` Tu and Oozo Merchants. ..'I'..'3.T5.`` `:5 The Prices Runny an the Barrie aim Toronto Markets Duxflnir the Week - BARBIE. JAN. 3. 1907. . Walnuts, T Grow [nan-no`-n 'I`n-`Sn..- `O Dual); 7 . " ' Cookstown.` Ont - Caoiailnwvu rs oy- ,'110'1"1`EN_HAM.-'1'he electric 1-ght commwbee at ourhown,` sbetng com`- prlled or Remove Potiuar 1-and Connoll- um Brett and. Mie_Oabe.r have achiev- ed a "area.-t uuoceu wnth their work this` year.` From im_`o.'ugu'ratlon of the sysfhom 11:`. has *be_em a heavy dra-w on` the `town sometimes ruenmins a. thousand `dollars !bdh1nd.- but In 1906 '1tha.s.been eel:-suastanlnlng. the revenue hem`: `equal to ~the e:niendt- tum. including -the yearly -desbenlbwre ddbt. `Vnhllae. we sometimes have a slight 'g_r-lovramce Ibo amnomnce in con- uecti.on- wih who Mghtlng. it bwl given `good service 'amrd, with who experience or `this year`: work. in: should In wt- -ure, `:1 managed well, be a source of rovehue -`to vhhe tow~n.-Se.n1:in.e1. _'Mlowa:t. _*He' Wa'l Wa.l`l_{i.ng along more o|f_ Stmoke about 4 o'clock uammmn.--:w.u1.mn `Jelfrreyy who moved from the tit-t'hA!ime or Tecum- waoth about six ' years ago to "Minute Juaw, Satsk., we; loaftn a ratorm 9. month ago and was `frozen tho dealbb, his `body -beiim-g round on the 15:th mart. Mr. J elftrey lived on the tifttih Line for a.- wumber at `years , coming trom awooodjbrld-go. *H.`2:s wdtte d-1ed., ` ome- um previous 't.o`u1s,d:epa.rture to the West. _.'nwodIazugubera .- living _ kin W.oodIbr1dge- and `one son survive.- {Worl-d. _ ~_ . - - BRACEBBIDGE-NVolves are report- -`ed to be very ntumerouus 111 the north country this winter. amid the `lumber-men -amid ,:`eat'tler are urging thaw greater` eltortlo -dhoul-d be made to ezmhmlzx-arhe them. A BraJceIbr_idge._ main `1:n_ag1e!Uber home tells of the try- _1n'g -experwwe ion an employee in one of the wtcklae-Dyamemtt camps -the an `the aztaermoon arm!` was overtaken by ulna wolves. WI-Ie clmibeld a `tree: and shot We of them with a revolver. All the `laws 'b.'.tt;erly cd1'dtn1g:nt~ he won ltorced `to remain `shin `uncomn'ortn1b1e.pIo- .czo1m~`nd 1`waa V"-not umm 8 o c,l0k . the next"`mori!ng= that he was j _g.`b`.9 sourm: * "near _ e}.'"""mumes'7 f".'.'_!i`v1xe"';-'e'rr:-a:i'n";"` vi;-re" a.ken\ Id Mlounlt Sat. L'ouins for rinrtr- mmt.-Or{l1{a Puckett. ' ovvvuuwn ' vwvw ---. vwvu M~ID1':Al`l'D:-`Uwllevss `ft-avor_a'ble' omens are ~altogel:her*-m_islea'dlng the long expected a boom. will soon be knocking at our doors, It seems to `be 3. certaintv that the connecting Link of railroad between Old Font and' Wyeabrldge will be lmllt early in the "summer. It seems no less certain that building operations will be commenced on .-another big 'ele-vattor`, and that the G. '1`.-R. will begin in earnest. There is material ln rthese.'lJbems for _a `boom of ta : `proportion even it 't-lmerze are no new developments across the -bay, and the C.P.R. -still -maintain its atti- tude of ssphlnxy-like silence. - Free `\_-.. moned an-d antidotes a;dmm3at:ore'd," soy that the evil attacks or the dose swan: wm-dad) MIL! `ea-glue is n_ecovr- ;i:ng. and will soon be able to be around ag1:n'.' = ~ -~. - ' ` ` COLLINGMOOD.-_'m1e sy.mpa.1:hy of the 1I60p`.e will go out `tin Gou'nty-.Coun- - ctlldr VD. C. Barr, in the 1083 of his later`. Jean, V who died on` Saturday ight hast. Ebb funeral taking place on Christmas `Day to Weat" Chm-ch cemetery. Domt.-h is sad at anl times. but is parlhlcwlarly . (distressing at this season` of dune year. The late Jean I-lixmter Barr was a. 'devout Chtrtata-n, a conalstamt member of the Presby- terl-a.n* church` camrd ad na;'Jth-tul teavdher in the Swnidnay School. Her mother survives her. and is probably now. the mt or `the first settlers of Ndt twwa- saga.-Enterpr-ls e. ` 0 c` =. 1". = ' -nu-.--ounce A ll n- _1--J._h. irullnu. `CUT! GnA~'ENHURsT.-.A;`n om-ci-a.1 `letteri from I-ion." A_d~am `Beck, cha.1rma.n__or the Hydx-o-Electric Commission, ; re celved this mor`n1.n8`. ilmally settles the dispute `between vthl town and Emce- -brldge re the SouJt tLEa.11s. - Mr. Be-ck" advise Gravenhurst `want they may now continue the work they have um- dertaken, and a. leoalee will be for- warded at once, least-nag us the F`.a.l.ls.- on` `the 'barmS\det1ned in the resol-u:t:o':i of the -`Down -Coun~c1l.-I-1ena.1~d. ---n.;-- . __ .-__A._ VVUUU, BID v,0IIIIuQ0IO0IOIIIOIOII OUUI-o. OW ym 400.... 500 llrownleo. the Auctioneer". Barrio. undies nreduuulen of farm stock and Inplememu promptly and _uuuuoor- ly tor 85.00 and u wards. Data: can Il'I'IlIl!l'.d I'll)` nl. III! I IIITANBII dill. VICTJOBIA. I-lA'RBOR.-The re-mIa.1~'n~a 0`! `the hate Mr; Patrick Lan-iglan ear- rhfed heme -.o_n_`1`:r_:e Met.` He vsna.a'16re- man in a. lumber camp _up `north. _ Not Iealmg. well. `he arose from` bed 'to_#t'ake a dose of medicine and made the ilalha. mlrsake ' of "dvnLnkd-n'g.~ out or .a `buutie cowba-inning canbolic acid. `He died ma 5-...` .__ 2____L,A.-. J`. _ _ _ , __.-_ ommn.-u..% ,1, Ag, w,u2;aama, - oz Oohgum`, hm purchhaedi the " `stbdnzn-rt lan_rn,L._!n`fWeIst Gwillilmbury. .c9m- polod at `-200 ~a.cres,\amd '9;-t preaenit e - cupled thy B.e11.B,ms., ifor the sum or $18,650, cash. Mr. fW:11-1-immis" -wtilll iget possession In Ma.rch.-Beeton World: V .-_- -_ n0:1\nu .u ll v-<-...--'-- uvu --..-v--- -_.---- 'a19aonN:r.oN.-Mr. CVV-.-111!,a_m .. %?'i5a~;+ae* mile the vldlfrm` at "a Beriidus mi~s1ta.ke wlsut week. He took a\dose or cannon: acid in uwatake tor `dimer .mesdic1.ne. *siasoa;sa} nistricu -_.._.._.. )3. -W.'SO:M;"ER_,..'PrinoiiWl . %B,D1niXljiV01l;[8h%0l ?i:iuf;Mlalagraphy Telegravhyl Oiars youna. tangible` oppor- `tunitywo better yonrdelt. T If you desire to engage in more -pleuaant, interesting, hatter. _ Suoooqs. paying work this in van: chum.-e . Merely clip "this.nd- vvertioomevnnmuil it to us. and .. keaeiva free our handsome _ tele- A graph bqoif}-`Th? Highway, to ` THE NORTHERN ADVANCE --..--, vvuu--c-, vv 1 at V71 lvb CHM. Palk, `Richard Powell, John `Benm-zrt, M. J. Fnawley. -Michael 'StrLIt.ch, John `Rab-inison, R*1.ch"a.rd _Ouu1- die, `Alex. Covmam, G. B. S.':mmdn`B, Viv- ian Simamormsi,-. .W. Snr'Jea.nt, Alex. Milne & Son,` D. C.-' Mzurch-i'aon, -S. Dyvmemt, N. Dymenlt, D. W. -LeRoy. Donald Ross, Isaac -Broley, Bobt. Mlalcollmson, J. H. N'aelanda, W. C. .Thompson, E. D. King, Ch=a_a. Brown, -I-liarry Miarr, Thus. Turner. Imc Woolrmam, Dougall Bms., W. A. Lowe, J. MicCam1d-1e33,. Mrs. R. Mc- Don-alad, Rolbt. `Pamton. S1-.. A. W. Beardsley. W. V. ' Brown. Money Duf. J. F. Palrlfg, J.: Curry Smith, :W. J. Culft. John Brytson, .W.. F. Satane. Geo. Himggartt, J." F. Jack-son, '1`.'hos. Rogers, '1\h'os. Liolwe. Jats. Mt:-A Kama.-n, C. Sbeawarrt, W. A. x'1`n_u~ne:, John" Coffey,` Rdbt. M1a.n`u:es1, N. :W. King, H. B. Myers, Thou. Beecrot, -W. _J. ompwxond, R. Wolltendem, 1).. M. stevvzarrr, `H. 13. -Hemvood, Cecil Lefat, Albert Sarjeantt, I-Iobley B-ro-3., Dr. Brre!t:on', H`. G. Raberrrhaon. W. P. Soules, David L-aw-1, `W. -H. NIa-t- -tress, A-dJa.m Smiath, H. Ball, VIW. A. Boyms,-.Gna.nt Havnmer-. Wsalmer Scotti, Geo. Vlc_ke.r=s, W. G1-a.set*t', James Pat- Jwas. Guest, Wrm. !Boit;'n:we`-l, A_,.,.\IsT.,_-M18-1.c9l'm'son, `T. H. Baker, -Geo. Qeorsgws; Ha:-ry} Boas, .Atudu~e.4w. Oar-' aon-.- Joseph -. Wemme, '1-Iiwughton ~ Lien- nom,~ -Ed.` 'By1-ne, ' Geo. Miorbon, S'_tmIth.y .& `Eaten, Jo-hn,Ro`geraon, R.- `Kiwis, E. D0njne11,;I'~`.'_.'M!. ,-WBMJGOII, E. ` 8.. ~R-o'w._'e, 'M_;r.`"Hbwu:a_.rd', G:efo.L'over1n=g, .1`. - Crew, John ~Hu-oms, _D. W. BoI. ao~n, Mir. G. ~.Wa1.son, Rorut. Black, Dr. .Bo`e- akiko, P. E. Scazrlbn, Johan. Nam. .'r.he mollowinrg is a. mat or-we conn- t!'.i:b*\b0!'8, ILA. Smephen-3, S. W. -Mlaley. B. Miller, - -E. A. Catt, D. Jamie- son, Frank Caasehs, John F. Craig, Fr-ank Wd.aema.n, A. G. M1cN-atbb, ,Wm. Johnson, Roy Keaberr, Jaoihn Bow- mia.n', Uh'annenn 8; Armstrong, John Fraser, 8. 7 E. `Burner, `Daniel Brown, Alex, VN-ens, Rdbt. Mia:-shall, .W. D. M`onton,- 1-I. Omen &' Son, A. C. Gand- en,' w-m. Barry, L. 'De1bo,, W. H. Ken- nedy, Joseph Rogers, John Staee, W. J`.'G1llua. Mira. Stephens, W. A. Rae, Wm. Cr0se1am3d,, -Hunter Bron, Alex. I-lmbbluck, Robt. Paltmon, Iroqu~&a -no.1-1, F. c. wanna, W.` J. Fowler,` 'Ben'nerUt, |lIL_n.L- $6.000 FARM FOR SALE Lot 19. Con. 1. Sunnida.le.comprlalng 200 acres which 125 are under cultivation. (0 `acres. d loam. balance clay and clay vloavmr 1!, tea in tall wheat. 9 acre: in rye. and all `fall lug wulbedone for the mm-.; N1t`1)1elmtxMId>le% 4_uht:ld." _ , 3 aornann A. in ' 1'? ml: at `chickevms, ............ 8 ha.rrels at apples ................ .. 50 lbs. of candy ................... .. one box of onanges . ............ .. Paper sacks .......... .. ` ............. .. an 1.1.... \_,_1n_ -- v-.-vu wv--vac-- - - - - - u q_ - u u u v u c - u - - u - - u . - . -- 23 ms. butter ................... .. 18:1-Us. 3`-nan`u1art'ed sugar .... .. One Ida ! Of brend~....;. ....... Oman "to sick lady"... ........... 8 Dan. `tea mn~d one plmg mobacco Oaaqh to `uwo wid_ows_..._... uuuniwury uu vllso-sauna ya], `out: "b.v,:,imr; 3 mad hv mu: Human`: luhri ;l!_~:a ` .-an 4;-UL: u uuuuyucu In AAIIIHIIIV, IILILUKUISI, 18" renewing acquaintances here and at G'ren~ fol. ; ' I ' T ' ' Mr. H. J. Bughaon of Toronto spent New Year's day with Mr. A. Hnghlonwho has been uerioualyrill. A But we are planned to re- port. that he is improving T ` `l_ (1,, I\ O -- ----`v-- v ---E ` vlloweand bride of Toronto who In-we -been visiting the_former s parents have returned home. = V V 1 Hlkr, John Dnvmn of Angus was in Uolwell on business last Mondav. IIIIHU INK! HI (I JJUUB IJCIJKIIBUI VI 90; Jslseph-Luck. diec? n Deo. 24:h in her 23:5; yen.i~ '.l`;hc_;fnner .;took~=placfevtd St. James; Gill: Chfhllll h:0`7.-' `!`P.V3':` inn -urllets, -ami the good-cheer` thus pro- vided broughzt com`-fort tid not `a. V few homes mhe money was diabunaed an !ol1ow.s- / V I_i0' ge:e1se ....... ......... ..`, .......... .. $4.; ME. and `M1-aT._B'. Marshall of Ivy_ spent Ifevv, Y_egr n dgy with Mrs. Rowe`. . Mr Bert Rowe of Tomato spent the heli- day It bin home here. o.t;`f~V We ,2 * 8&3 - _._ --v-~--wv -u-av co-vcvlu Dr. add Wait. ;nd Rev. J. J. and Mn Whently of Angus were the guelts of Mn` R9w9~'on Monday. T v _ _ Roy Merrioknof. 111$: Brillia Collegiate is sg9ndlng_his holiday: no home._ V - _ _____ . -__ -----__ - ..- ..-...-. r, _ j- J M "is_s A.` Patterson of Edgai visifed hef d'_tezf, Mrs. W. Bent. last. week.` ` 7?ia }.' if '13.'$ie}ii'}eI.Tdi;}i{m.. with rglatives st. Newton Robuuon. ~ -'a'I:` Don- Qld Ross. of _. Leicb, are renewing old ao- quoinuancas here. ' Mr. A. -P<~.auaH who his beexi teaching Echool near Cobalt. is spending his holidays ere.-~ " ' 2 T A Midaea` Mar'y and Sarah Currie qf Torontd"; vbited 9. : *their_home recently. ' ` \ ' v |[_ I an r CIC 4`. I ' O I `V'- u...-nu-au av u-cu: U Luv Luluvuunn uqucu E s,'*o4'1*. on Wadi, D 4:. 26th, before the]: removilfxom our midst. Q_ui,te"IL nur'nbe:_-_ vicfe. in attendance and an anjoysble evqning was open. Mr. cum and fqsmily are gqing to. Ifeoide in Barrie. "By A the ltihou-gmfulzmas, or 9.; com- miwae at cimizemss, headed by Aihd.-Ste. phems, 'I".`J.'urn<-sr, `A; MJa.1co1mson,S. `W. Haley and R.M1llr. 73 mm`-Llaes of the` -deaervlncgpoor orthe mwmx were en- abled to have a. Mbrry Omiatrrnala. A subscription Mat. wma itnken around `and `the sum of $8'. .65 coll-ectted. This -aamountt was `judiciously. expanded in. purchasing some oz!-the seazson s1ux- good-cue-e1*~ __ 3.; u_,_ _I_L _- :4: a;.&f3n?LI'3f '{f"c'i;}k Ema, V:.'...m,{.% we`:-e thggnests uf honor at an oyster suppex: tendred to them by the Mitchell Square` ~`n`'i\ .. 'm...x. Ln-.. nan. L1....c..-.... 4-5-1.. ---g ---_ _ fvvv-V ufocoaav I concrete has. hazready. th;;;r'n ands at rstonemasona ma cutters out or york . throughout _ the coum-ry.. -V Nevvs-!I.et1tIer. HEW vo-v-v:9uuuvnno'n;;;;;; ;; 8 uonuvnoouocvunvuovoo con:--c-1-vvouuogoot lbw! Io.;oIuIo urkeva. ner lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 7 ._

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